The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 01, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Now is the time for you to look for your
Garland Base Burners
the stove that has no equal.
Garland Oak Stoves
the best on earth. . , l
Coles' Mot Blast
Best air tight coal heater made. , . .
German Gem Heater
one that burns hard coal , soft coal , wood ,
1 and does it well. This stove is a base heater.
Gem Oaks
the best oldijreliable Oak for thcT money in
use today.
Come in and pick yourself a range. We can give you
a Garland Malleable Range , Garland Cast Range ,
Quick Meal Malleable Range , Quick Meal Steel Range.
Gem City Cast Stoves of all kinds. Our prices are right.
W ft General
, 0 Hardware
All Popular Brands of Wet Goods
with an experienced mixer at your
service. Foreign and Domestic Cigars.
FALLS CITY a-s : = xx = E2-e NEBRASKA
* ff / * 1st ? / ( ? / * \ t9 *
All kinds , all sixes. Waste baskets ,
* ing- baskets , handkerchief baskets , glove
* baskets.
f Baskets of ail Kinds as\d all Sizes ill
See the 150 and 200 Basket Window.
< b
If yon want to get in on low priced Lumber
Remember we can save you money on our way
one because we bought them before the advance
, eo be sure and see us before you buy. We enr-
ry in stock the Weber , Newton , Matult and
Avery. Our prices are the lowest , see us be
fore you buy.
Our stoek ofSurries ; and Buggies is the
best , most complete and up-to-dnle in ihe city
nnd n close inspection will prove our statement.
We also have n .stock of. the best Gasoline
Engines on the market and would be'lad to
tinure- with you on nn engine.
Don't fail to see us when in need of a Manure
Spreader for we have them in stock at all
times. We have everything in the Imple
ment line. Don't fail to have one of those
Dempster Steel Wind Mills put up on your
farm. We sell them. See us before yon buy.
Doi\'t Neglect to Read
v >
I The Ui\ioi\ House
> V * *
Keccntly re-decorated and
< re-fimiislied throughout. <
< > Everything first class. Spec '
& ial attention given to Iran- < |
& .sicnt. Katts $2.00 per day. < | .
{ o { *
s t
$ Win. McPlierson , Prop. | < *
$ 'I'honc 5 ! ) - Palls Cily , Neb. < f >
BX N 1s ! ' S T
lS Ovrrlllehtmlgon County
OlHci1 inul rt'tmlt'tict' first door
nurtli of city purl ; . Phone 2M.
Phones : No ? . Ill , 217
Per Good Sales , Quad Service'n
Return * Ship Vour Stock to
Qeo. R. Barse $
National Stock Yards , III.
Kansas City , Mo. ,
It's Your Own Fault
I If you don't get your |
* money's worth. Come *
i * *
to my Shop and buy |
| your Mens and Boys |
% Shoes. ' t
J Klchurdson County Uanl : I'.ulIJhif : *
Clarinda Poultry Co ,
Wt li ivi > npMitid it branch oflice
in Falls Citj , une block west of
llie PiiHt NiMuiini Bunk , mill will
pay i In * liL'hrgl marled pni-t * for
Ponltrj , Buitt-r inul E -nt the
We HMI ! waulmn Cn-aii ) at the
liiuhcbl Him ki-l | ii n > ' .
Qiill and . ' t "iiipiifi'ri on Pro
duct' . \Vi < lll.\ . -J fj I'llr. Hlt.
Clarimla 1'ouHry , Duller and Egg Co.
Polls Citv , Neb.
Pliuuc 205
Stomarli trouble Is but n symptom of , nnd not
In Itscll u true disease. Wo tlilnk of Dyspepsia.
Heartburn , ami Indigestion as rial discuses , rtt
they ere i > ymptonn only of a certain specific
Ncrvo sickness nothlnir elfo.
It was this fact that lint correctly led Dr Sheep
in the creation of thru now \cry popular fctomatn
Ilimrdy Dr Shoop's Itnstoratlvo. Going direct
to tlm stomnch nerves , nlone brought that merest
nml favor to Dr Hhoopnnd his Hc oratlvi > . With ,
out thr.t orjglmil und highly \ltal principle , no
Eidi lasting accomplishment1 * were t \ cr to bo had ,
rcrbtonacli distress , bloating , bfllouim-ss , bad
breath and wllow complexion , try Dr. Shoop' !
li ! tonulvc Tablets or Liquid and tee for your-
K.If what It c n and t > 111 do. Wo tell nnd cheer-
lully rucommuid
The Rcpufjlscan toty Keeps
Faiih WHh tfu
The roinibllcnn pitrly In Nobrnska
lircsonts n romnrknblo roconl of
uclilovcmont under thu ublo Icndor-
ship of Uonntoro Hiirkett and Hrown ,
our Rovcrnur nnd stnto ollloors , the
live republican coiiRroBBinen , the tnoin-
bors of tlio leglnlnturo nnd loyal reimli-
Means throughout the state.
An oxninlimtlon of the pint form In
l f in Jhla column IB proof positive
of thu ubdoluto good faith l < opt with
o people ,
The votcr.i of Nebraska who bellovo
In'proRrnas HhouKl > ; o to the polls nnd
trlumplmntly oltjot JudKo Iteoso nnd
the atnto ticket lost n backward top
bo taken.
The Plntform
An the roprobi'iitutlras of the iv-
Dtibllr-ipH of Nobrnakn , in Stnto Con
vention assembled , wo again roinmoml
the iiistplrhiK chnrneter and undatiulod
icadc-shlp of Theodore Uoosovolt.
\ Vespoclully endorse what ho has
'icccmpllshod , with the support of a
loptthllcan congresn , toward subjectIng -
Ing the overweenlnt ; ittIIroads engaged
In Interstate comnn'rco ( o the regu
lating arm of the government nnd In
curbing the rapacity of the lawless
trusts by forcing them to deslnt from
their ciimlnal pincllcua These poli
cies have our unqualified approval nml
In oriier that no backward step ho
taken , we will Insist that his successor
bo u man whoso recor-1 pledges a
coiil'iiuianco of the dlstlnctlvo policies
of the Hoosovelt admlnlstiatlon.
While not presuming to forestall the
notion of any future convention wo
express the belief that the lepnhllcans
of Nebraska recognlKo in the Honor
able William II. Tnft of Ohio one
wlioso personal character nnd whoao
long public sorvlco mark him as pre
eminently tlie innu under wlioso leadership -
ship those policies would be porpotu-
a ted.
We endorse the present state admin
istration State nlfnlrs are being conducted -
ducted with integrity and business
sagacity. Our public Institutions arc
being neither Injured by parsimony
nor scandalized by prolllgucy. The
State's credit Is high , nnd Its long
fatmullng ( h > bt IH being rapidly exting
uished and will soon bo paid. Its pub
lic tichool funds arc growing enormous ,
ly an-l being wisely Invested In Inter
est-hearing securities.
Wo commend our republican dole- '
gallon In congress for their faithful
representation of the Interests of the
people of Nebraska. We especially
mnifiul the last legislature for faith
fully fulfilling repullcnil pledges made
to the people. It was a record of legis
lative fidelity without precedent In
The platform pledges of political
parties mean something only when
rend in the light of the record of
achievement. It Is oar rare privilege
call attention anew to ( ho pint-
form promulgated by Nebraska repub
licans u year ago , whoso every prom
> hai been carried out In scrupulous
good faith. The republicans piomlsed
the people of this state the following
reforms :
1. A state-wide direct primary.
2. Abolition of the free pass vvll.
3. Comprehensive powers for the
State Hallway Commission.
1. More equitable rates for transpor
tation of passengers and freight.
G. Kqutil taxation of railroad prop
erty for city purposes.
G. Abolition of follow servant law
and full employer's liability.
7. A pure food and dairy law.
8. lilgld economy In nppioprlatlons.
Every one of those pledges have
been fulfilled.
Wo oxpiess our satisfaction with
the operation of the new primary law.
It gives ( o the individual the same
equal voice In the selection of all can
didates that Is given In the election
that follows. Its llrst experiment waa
to obtain a freer and fuller expression
of sentiment than has hitherto been
possible to obtain under the caucus
system. We pledge such amendments
to the law ns experience demonstrates
are necessary to make It a more per
fect system of choosing candidates.
Wo endorse the work of the Stnto
Railway Commission nnd expect It to
continue to be a serviceable Instru
ment In enforcing the laws without
fear or favor nnd to deal speedily , Im
partially and justly with all complaints
against the roads. And wo especially
on-lorso the present efforts of the coin-
mission to. effect a reasonable addi
tional reduction in grain rates. Wo
call upon the Hallway Commission to
Investigate If only those giving Uio
railways "tho major portion of their
time" are on 'ho list of pass-holders ,
and wo Insist upon a rigid enforcement
ol the anU-pifc3 ;
We bellovo the Federal Judiciary
Act should be amended to define the
citizenship of interstate corporations
for the purpose of jurisdiction of Fed-
fral Courts by piovldlng that for the
purposes of original Jurisdiction nnd
jurisdiction on removal from State
f'ourts , or Federal Courts , n corpora-
lion hhall be deemed a clll/.en of every
State whoic It 'nas tiled or Is required
by the law of that State to file in the
nanner required by the law of that
State to Illo in th < - manner required
of domestic corporations , Its Articles
of Incorporations. And in addition
thereto that everj foreign corporation
or Us successors , assigns , or lessees ,
I'XurclBing or claiming the right to i-.v
crclse the right of eminent domain
under a State law , shall bo deemed a
citron of that State for the purposes
( if jurisdiction of Federal Courts.
Wo favor the enactment of n fed
eral law and If necoHsary an amend
ment to the federal constitution which
will forbid the federal courts from i.i
suing wrltH of Injunction against Stau
officers oliargod by law with the en
f'irreinent of State statutes
V/c regard with high fnvor the ncr. .
necs on our State ticket and invite _
voters who believe in official pro *
and efficiency to join In electing t1 '
cjj pi J > lft , healthful. craDe . cream
* % .J A
of tartar powder , the only
kind that can be used with
out impairing the healthfullness of
the food. % Makes the biscuit ,
cake and pastry more digestible
and wholesome. Absolutely free
from alum and phosphate of lime.
Chemical analyses show the low priced powders made
of alum to contain large quantities of sulphuric acid ,
nnd that a portion of the alum from nlum baking pow
ders remains unchanged in the food 1 You cannot afford
to take alum nnd sulphuric ncidn into your stomach.
The Harvest Is Over -The Sum
mer Is Ended.
The. financial Hurry in Now
York need not concern the great
west so long as we are blessed
with good crops , and grain , hay
and stock are quoted at their
prices. The labor of the year is
over , that is so far a * the labor
on the farm is ever over. Of
course tht : corn has to be gather
ed and the hundred and one little
details necessary to be done to
clear up the 3'ears work are still
waiting , but so far as the crops
are concerned the work is over
and the summer ended.
Not long now before the wind
will blow out of the north and the
Hurries of snow will rattle the
guant branches o f the trees.
Then is the time of all times when
home is home. The realisation
that the stock is snugly housedi
and that all creatures dependent
on you are warm and comforta
ble , enhances the comfort of a
warm home on a winters night.
Jiy the way have you ever stop
ped to think how many are the
farm pleasures that were unknown
25 years ago. Just the other
night I stayed at a farm house ,
and after they cleared away and
the house put in order everybody ,
the father , the mother , the boys
and girls and the visitors lis
tened to the phonograph rcpro-
duci : the singing and playing of
great artists that our city broth
ers pay a good price to hear each
night. It is astonishing how
many country homes have phonographs
graphs and how much this mar'
vclous little machine is doing
to keep the boys on the farm.
The telephone and rural delivery
have done much for the formers
convenience , while t h e phonograph
graph is doing fully as much for
his entertainment.
This isjnot an advertisement for
the phonograph , but our word for
it , you can make no investment
in the days of 50 cent corn , 'JO
cent wheat and $10 hay , that will
make your home brighter and
more home like during the long
winter nights so near than to buy
a phonograph and provide some
entertainment for those who
have labored during the summer
now ended.
WANTHD names and addres
ses of Printing Pressman for
Gordon and Cylinder presses ;
also Press Feeders , Book Bind ,
ers , Finishers , Rulers and For
warders who desire smploy-
tnent in open s h o p. Good
wages , steady employment , 5) )
hours per day. Adruss Beau
mont , 317 Karbach Block ,
Omaha , Neb. 10U.2-T
Youri-kin Bhoulil he ulmtrnud bright
if your llvur U In normal condition ,
air.-- Little Liver 1'ilS uct on the
li\eianil ; heaci < : he , conntlimtioii anil
biMlousnet > 4 dliupppa. ' . IJrlc-c Wi
Sold by A G. Witnnir , i > , ; ; - < l.
Roaches the spot.
Stops pain , 'trie
Great I'llo Kern-
oily. Put up In
tubes wltl\ rectal
nozzle , 50 cents *
New Walks
At the rate cement walks are
being laid Falls City will soon be
at the head of the procession so far
a good and enduring side walks
are concerned. The walks to the
two depots arc now about com
plete and the angel who records
the swear words will be able to
take a lay off so far as this town
is concerned.
It Ifi a well known fnct that puixiiiH
living In the pine furoreio ! not sulTur
from kiilnuy ( lUeiifUH Quo ilosu of
Plmmlt's ut nit : hi usually rcllevoo Iwi'lt-
iioho. . ' 10 cluvii nvutmi'Mt $100 , Your
money refunded if not i-utlnfled. Sold
by A. O. Wnnii'
Run Them Out
This ( own seems to be filling
up with tough characters. A
number o f villanous looking
strangers have been dropping in
here for several weeks. They
have no visible means of support
and should be put on the rock
pile or run out-of town. While
Burt Rcavis was walking home
last Saturday night two little
girls came running to him terribly
frightened. Two of these ugl3'
mugs were standing under the
shadow of a tree and took to their
heels as soon as the children
reached safety. Some of these
days 'i terrible crime will be com
mitted here and w.1 will be try
ing to catch the criminal. Run
them out now ! Make Falls City
too hot to hold them.
It comes put up in colltthtiulu tube
with u no//.lc. cany to apply to tho.
eorcnesb anil inllainnmilon , for anv
form of Pllebj it motlicn and relieved
piiln , itching am ) burnliiL' . Man /MK
Pile Remedy. Prlco f.O cents. Guar
anteed. Sold by A. G. Wanner , drnc-
Some Records
Some of the young men about
town were telling 'the other day
of the snipe and ducks bagged
this fall , and the conversation led
to the establishment of a few
records , among which are the
There is a young man in Falls
City , and a mighty fine young ,
business man he is , who in the
34 years of his life has never shot
a gun , has never killed a living
creature , has never tasted tobac
co in any form nor ever drank a
drop of intoxicants. Guess who
he is !
Another Falls City man more
than 70 years of age has never
tasted either intoxicants or coffee.
If yon can beat these records
we would be glad to hoar from
It U clitlmed tnuif-tfrthw is lltu N -
tlonnl disuse. Tti.itV why tht * dcm < < > il
for Uintt * Dyf > i > iui.i ) Tdblou keep *
crt'HHlciL' boiui-o ; they do the u-n * .
Stomach trouble , dyipupsU , Indi * -
tion , bloating , etc , yield quickly. T < >
days treatment frttJ. AsV : your d
gl t abou. them. Sold by A.G.Wiu r
- > -
. . . . $1.00 a Year .