, THE FALLS Cl I Y TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , NOVEHBER 1 , 1907 It Sincerity carries meening for you in the Clothes you buy V In Quality and Service then remember that this is the home of Sincerity Clothes. * * f i There is a vast difference in Clothes- greater than most people have any idea of. because we realize this fact from exact knowledge , is the reason we ask you to buy Sincerity Clothes for their superior needle work their permanent style their splendid fitting qualities and their worth in long ser = vice and continued satisfaction enjoyed by the wearer. Let us show yo our Smart Suits for Business suits in dark colors or Young iVten Fancy Effects A splendid showing of Fall Weight Nifty Neckwear Novelties Overcoats for Fall \ 5 Men's Union Suits from $ i to $3.50 per suit. In our Shirt Department , nobby effects SOc , Men's fleeced lined suits from 5c ( ) to si. 75c , $ i , $ i.5 ( ) . The best $ i.50sto $2.50 Mat values in town. Flannel Shirts $1 , i.SO , i.75 to $2.50. Alen's and Boy's Caps 3sc , sOc , 6sc , ? 5C , $ i All Wool , White Cat Underwear $2.50 to and $1.25. $3 per suit. R nrn' * High Scliool Athletics The uirls of the Dawsou school beat the uirls of the local liitfh scltool at basket ball last Saturday by the score of K * to 12- The local hitfh school boys beat the Dawson team at the same time by the score of 2J to 7. A crowd of about 50 witnessed the games. The Tribune publishes these facts as a premise to .t kick. There is not a town in the coun try not one , so indifferent , so dis loyal , to the various atheletic teams of its hi h school as is Falls City. Humboldt , Auburn , Nebraska City , and all other towns with a shade of red blood swear by the prowess of their boys and { jirls. Not so in Falls City. Our track team wont to Au burn last fall and swept every thing before it. livery team there Pawnee City , Auburn , Ilumboldt , Nebraska City and the otheis had bi { : delegations to encourage and stimulate their boys. Our youngsters lined up for the vari ous contests with hardly a friend- Iv voice to cheer them. That they won was due to the courage of young hearts that refused to be discouraged. A Card This Is to certify Itml nil ars authorized to refund your money if Foloy's Honey mill Tur full * to euro your cmmh or cold. U stops llio couch , hunts the limes uiul pruventsi eorloin results Irom u cold. Cure * la i-rlppe , cough unti prevent * pncnmonlu uiul consumption. Contains no oplnto * . Thu cenulne is In n yellow puckajjo. Refuse s > ub3tlie ? . ICerr's IMiiirmucy. The time is nearly here when the subscription price of this paper goes to $1.50 per year. If you want in at the old rate 3ou will have to hurry. Moth ors with llttlo chlldrcd need u longer ( our-croup , colds br whooping couRh. Bees Laxative Cough Syrup tustes 0od. It works oil the cold through thu bow els , cuts the phlegm , clcurs the head. I'orjouni ; and old. Guaranteed. Secure u bottle ut ouco. Sold by A. G. Wanner , druggist. "When We Were Friends" "When We Were Friends" is devoid of the usual traveled path ot comedy dramas , The simple way and naturalness of the characters in the play , helped along by a clever company make this production one that will lin ger long and pleasntly in your memory. In looking over the press reports where this at traction has appeared through this part of the State we fail to find one adverse criticism. Man ager John Gehling announces this attraction for Friday Nov ember 1st. Ilumboldt has a great basket ball team , one of the best high school teams in the country. Our boys play there Saturday. Why not arrange a return game , say about Thanksgiving , and then ] show our loyalty to home folks. ' even though home folks are noth ing more than a lot of clear eyed , courageous young high school boys. Basket ball is a clean , ex citing sport. It is not difficult to understand and you will enjoy it. Hut whether the game is basket ball or marbles let's encourage our high scliool athletes and at tend their games. To cure u cold llrst move iliu bowel- , llcea Laxative Cough Syrup nets nent- ly on the bowels , drives out the cold , eleursi the head. It's pica-ant to take and mothers highly recommend it for olds , croup and whooping cough. Guaranteed to glvo t-atUfactlon or uonoy refunded. Kquully good for oung and old. Sold liy A. G. Wunm-r , Iruggi8t. - * The Tribune will coft you $1,50 i year after January 1st , 1'JOS. Fol'iyV Kiiliuiy Cute will umiiuny case of kidney trouble that I * not be yond medical aid. Kerr's Phanuao.v. Man is a little cuse and hasn't to stay , tie Hies around and makes a fuss and then he hikes away. Some in on im- ajfine they are great and try to tear up .lack , but each one meets the same old fate , and trots the same old track. Great Oaesar's dead and turned to clay and so is Cicero. Alex ander has gone the way the rest of us must go. The sages , poets , heroes , all the men of worth , into an open grave must fall and crumble back to earth. Then let's not join the mad af fray and struggle like the deuce and agonized- our lives away for really what's the use ? Let's live and love and sing the while and work some one now and then , and give to everyone a smile that cheers the hearts oi men. And - whether we are crowned with Jlowers chilled with winter snows , with hap piness let's till the hours ere we turn up our toes. Ex. Henry U.Jones of TampaFla.write * : "I can thank God for my present health , duo to Foloy's Kidney Cure. I tried doctors and all klnda of kidno cure ? , but nothing done me much gooy till I took Foloy's Kidney Cure. Four bottles cured mo , and I have no more pain in my back und shoulders. I am G2 years old , und suffered long , but thanks to Foloy's Kidney Cure. I am well und can walk and enjoy mysoU. It Is a pleasure to recommend it to those needing a kidney medicine. " Kerr's Pharmacy. That's whet we will prove to you if vou give us a cell and look through our immense stock Every day brings something new in FALL AND WINTER GOODS from the eastern markets. We don't claim to give anything away or sell below cost , but we do claim to have a most complete line of Blankets , Heavy Underwear Ladies' Cloaks , Dress Skirts A Pal ! and Winter Dress Goods which we are offering cheaper than any other merchant in Southeastern Nebraska. Our GROCERY DEPARTMENT is always com plete. If you are hungry we can satisfy the most fastidious. Give us a call. Shoes We are exclusive agents in this city for the famous Peters Shoe , one of the best made , and we carry a most complete line in Men's , Women's and Children's. Yours for -x share of the business , GEO. S. CLEVELAND DEPARTMENT STORE KEEP AN ACCOUNT ! A farmer does not need a book-keeper , but lie does need to keep books. A Careful Account of money received and paid out. Your liii.sincxs demands it as much as the Merchant's. Our tlusincxs is just suited to help you in this matter. When YOU get money deposit it with us. Pay your bills with checks , when cancelled we return to yon as receipts. Your pass book which we make up is a good business record Try us and be convinced. FARMERS STATE BftNK * * PRESTON , NEBRASKA * Directors .C. Margrave H.C.Herman L. Ihuckcr W. A Grecnwald II.C.Zocllcr f The Falls City Roller Mills 1 Docs a general milting business , and manufactures the 2 following brands of flour SUNFLOWER MAGNOLIA CROWN The above brands arc gnnrantccd to be of the highest pos sible quality. We also manufacture all mill products and conduct a general Grain , Live Stock and Coal Business and solicit a share of your patronage P. S. Heacock & Son , Falls City , Neb. ooe Read The Tribune Cussed and Discussed by Everybody. Add your name to the list. $1.00 per year. Ever Lade W In this sllo ) of Steve equals the Three-Flucd Riverside Base Burner It has the largest hot air circulating flue , largest fire pots and greatest radiating surface. It is carefully made and fitted. These points make it superior and insure most heat for least fuel. All nickel parts easily removed as they fasten securely without bolts. Every stove a double heater. It is a fuel saver. Call and sec it at oar store and secure one of our attractive booklets on "Base Burner Goodness" J. Palls City , Nebraska M. E. Church. The following services next Sabbath : 9:45 Sunday school. 10:45 : preaching. 2:00 p. m. Junior lujguc. 7:00 p. m. Epworth league. 8:00 : p. in. , Preaching. Prayer meeting 8:01) : p. in. on Wednesday evening. All cordially invited. W. T. CI.IXK. Pastor. hi inn-t ci-t- cori-mnj.tioii ro-ult- roni a neglected n impMijierlj tivatid cold. Folo.vV UoiH-y und Tar cures Iho .nost ob-iimite cuii.'ri- uiul piwenii. serlouu'iilr - . li m-iti you no miuv than th > unknown prrpiuv.liona und , \uu hould in-i t upon having the genuine in the jt-l ow pm'kii'"iKerr's Phar macy. Evangelical Lutheran Church. Services at 2:30 : p. in on alter nate Sundays. RKV. O. II. EXGEUIKKCHT. A weak ftimuich , emi-ins.1 d > t- | ) Osia [ , a w i > a k Heart nith D.il- pitatlon or iutormlttont pu'-i ' , always means weak Stomauh nervf.or weak Heart nerves. Strenghtcn the e in- frldo or controlling nt-rvi with Dr. Snoops Kcatorattve ami ! how quick ly these ailments disappear. Dr Snoop will nitill samples free. Write for them. A test will tell. Your health i * certainly worth this simple trial. Sold by all dealers. i u i li 1111 M 111111 it 11 m D. S. HcCarthy ; ; Prompt attention given to the removal of house hold goods. PHONE NO. 211 t M t n 1 1 nun i n i u SWIFT & CO. We have opened a branch office in Falls City and will pay the highest market price for Poultry , Butter and Eggs. Office a't O. P. Heck's feed store. Bring us your Produce. Yours Respectfully , SWIFT & CO. Phone 101 FOR TOUMO OR OLD THE SE3T FILL I OLD Rings Little Liver Pills AUTUMN Special Rotes CHEAP ONE-WAY COLONIST KATES : Daily during September and Oc tober to Pacific Coast and far west points at about half rates. TO THE EAST : The low rate Jamestown Exposi tion tickets can be used for your Autumn trip to New York , Bos ton and other Eastern cities. These arc the last cheap rates of the season. HOMESEEKEHS EXCURSIONS Cheap rate excursions the first und third Tuesduys of e a c li month this Autumn to Kansas , Oklahoma , t h e Gulf country , Colorado , Utah , Wyoming , Big Horn Uasin , Montana und the Northwest Ask your nearest agent or write the undersigned. I BIG HORN -BASIN AND BILLINGS DISTRICT : We run personally conducted cheap rate homereekers excur sions to help you locate on irri gated lands at the lowest prices they will double in value in five years. Join me on these excur sions. No charge for services. Write D. Clem Deaver , Agent , Burlington Landscekcrs Bureau , Omaha. E. G. WHITPORD , Local Ticket Agent. L. W. WAKELEY , G. P. A. , Omaha , Neb. Dr. M. L. Wilson Physician and Surgeon Calls promptly attended day or night. 'Office over State Bank , Falls City , Nebraska. Office 'Phone House 'Phone 329 330 C. H. flARION AUCTIONEER , Sales conducted in scientific and busi nesslike manner C. H. MARION I % Falls City , Nebraska f i For Backache , Pineules Rheumatism neysinaBbidder and the Kid-