The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 01, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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. Eat Sowles' candy.
Stewart Stone spent Sunday in
St. Joseph.
Mr. Hansen o f Stella spent
Sunday in our city.
Dr. Burchard made a profes
sional trip to Stella Monday.
Wilma Meyers paid a short
visit to friends in Hiawatha the
first of the week.
Ralph VanCleye of Crete ,
Nebr. , was the guest of friends
in this city Sunday.
Don't go where the signs lead
you this morning. You are
liable to get into trouble.
The young people enjoyed a
very pleasajit social dance at
Wahl's hall Wednesday evening.
Remember the Tribune will
cost you $1.50 a year after Jan
uary 1st. Now is the time to
The dinners served at the
National on Sunday from 12:30 :
-IS till 2:15 : are unsurpassed in quality
and service.
Mrs. Will Green left Wednes
day for her home in Dodge City ,
Kans. . after a visit in this city
with Miss Nell Snyder.
Mr. Neydler of Sioux City ,
Iowa , spent a few days of the
past week in this city the guest
sister , Mrs Dr. Kerr.
Miss Ethelyn Glasser , who
had been the guest of Mrs. John
Gilligan for the past week , re
turned Saturday to her home in
Mrs. Parker of Omaha , mister
of Mrs. Dr. Moran was in the
city this week. She came to at
tend the funeral of W. J. Moran
on Tuesday.
Mrs. Sue Julian left Tuesday
for her home in Long Beach ,
Cali. , after an extended visit
with her parents and many
friends in this city.
J. L. Starks was the guest of
J. R. Wilhite and family yester
daHe was on his way to his
home in Kansas City , after a
western business trip.
A most timely and beneficial
'rain fell here Tuesday , putting
the pasture in excellent condition.
Things were getting prettv dry
but we nevqr get discouraged
i- here in God's country.
Mrs. Ben Morgan was called
to Lincoln , Sunday , by the
ierious illness of her sister , Mrs.
Robert Wills , who is in a critical
condition at the home of her
daughter , Mrs Chas. Shugart.
Let every republican do his
duty next Tuesday and get out
and vote. Don't be fooled with
the idea that "one vote doesn't
amount to much. " Perhaps that
one vote will elect your man.
Geo. A. Abbott went to Omaha
last Thursday returning Monday
with his wife who has been visiting -
ing her children there for the
past two months. Mrs. Abbott
has been quite ill for some time ,
but is now much better.
The Omaha packing houses
have reduced the prices of all
kinds of meats 10 per cent , and
expect a still further reduction.
Hope it will soon have effect on
prices here , so we can afford just
one more real juicy steak.
Mrs. A. F. Hollebaugh and
daughter , Mary , passed through
this city Tuesday enroute from
Monnd City , Mo. , to their home
in Alcova , Wyo. Mrs. Holle
baugh has been quite sick for
some time , haying undergone a
serious operation in Sioux City ,
la. , hospital , but her many
friends here will be pleased to
know that she is now improving.
Next Tuesday evening there
will be a regular meeting of the
Royal Highlanders , and it is
earnestly requested that there be
a large attendance as much business -
ness is to come before the meet
ing. Don't let the election keep
A\ jou away as the returns will be
received at the lodge room. The
usual social time will be had
after the lodge work. Every
body be there.
Don't Worrvj
© M S
and cat our candy
and you will be happy.
Now is the time to subscribe.
Mrs. A. Nettlebeck went to
Shubert Saturday to visit for a
short time with her son Will.
Mrs. Jas , Moss left Saturday
o visit for a short time with
relatives in Forest City , Mo.
Mr. Mosiman , the genial clerk
'or Chas. M. Wilson , is taking a
much needed rest from his store
Mrs. A. E. Hill returned last
Thursday from a visit with old
riends in Nemaha City and
Ralph Jenne came down from
incoln. Friday and remained
over Sunday to attend the funeral
of Mr. Bull.
Mrs. Frank Norris came down
rom Wymore last Friday and
spent a few days in this city
vith friends and relatives.
Charley Lamb , who has been
isiting in Johnstown , South
arolina , for the past few weeks
will return soon , and rumor has
t that he will bring a little
with him.
It's not always to a man's
credit when he says he never
worries. Ten to one if he wor
ried a little more , there are
others who perhaps would not
lave to worry quite so much as
hey do.
The Club Ladies of Falls City
wish to thank the public for the
nterest shown in the Eames re
cital. The proceeds over and
above expenses were twenty five
dollars which will be applied enL
L future entertainment fund or
iome benevolent purpose.
Emmet Satterwhite and wife
returned last week from a two
weeks stay in Oklahoma where
they had been visiting a brother
of the tormer who is seriouslv ill
with asthma aud consirmption ,
and whom Mr. Satterwhite had
not seen for twenty one years.
News arrived in this city the
ast of the week of a baby girl
which was born to Mr. and Mrs.
uy Spencer , of Omaha , on last
Thursday. Mother and baby are
doing nicely , but we are afraid
uy will be unable to come up to
liis usual standard as cartoonist
on the World Herald for some
M. L. Durfee and wife , former
residents of this county , left
Monday night for their home in
Herrick , S. D. , alter a few weeks
pleasant visit with their many
friends in this vicinity. Mr.
Durfee called before leaving
town and arranged for a weekly
visit of the Tribune to their
home for the next two years.
We are pleased to note the
promptness with which the
editor of the Hiawatha World
complied with the Tribune's re
quest for that valuable paper in
our city library. It , together
with Herbert's Magazine , were
sent to our librarian last week
and hereafter will be found on
the tables of the library re
gularly , where all can keep
themselves posted on the weekly
doings of our sister city. Thanks.
Miss Mabel Whitaker , who has
been teaching in the government
school at Kickapoo , Kas. . came
up Thursday and remained over
Sunday with her father in this
city. She left Monday for
White Cloud , Kas. , where she
will visit with a sister a few
days. Miss Mable has been
transfered from Kickapoo to a
like position in New Mexico , and 1
will leave the last of the week
for her new field. The change
is made for the benefit of her
health , and she will also receive
a material increase in salary.
J. R Wilhite was a business
isitor to Stella , Monday.
Fritz Himberg of Denver , visit-
id with friends in this city this
Grace Hoppe and Verna Story
were in Stella a portion of last
of last week.
George Slocum of Stella was in
town Monday , looking after his
brother Jim.
Mrs. Allen May and little son.
of Auburn , visited relatives in
this city this week.
Guy Crook , a student at the
State University , spent Sunday
with home folks in this city.
Mrs. Ed Nesley of Kansas City
! s in the city visiting at the home
of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Josephine Gchling left yester-
lay for Leeds , S. D. , to resume
ier duties as teacher in the pub
lic schools.
Will Iloppe of Stella advised
lis folks in this city that a little
jirl arrived at his home on Mon-
lay morning.
Ray Stewart of Independence ,
Kan. , bpent a few days of the
past week in this city the guest
of Miss Grace Iloppe.
The many anxious friends of
Miss L-ah Poteot will be pleased
to learn that she is rapidly recov
ering from her serious illness.
Mrs. Dr. Tucker , a former resi-
ilent of this citv , but now of Se
lalia , MO. , was the guest of
J. L. Slocum and family this
Everything that you forgot to
nail last night was carried away
this morning. Of course this
! sin't stealing when it happens on
If the Tribune isn't up to its
usual standard this week just
blatre it to Wilson Shock who
insists upon filling our manager
up on buttermilk.
It is an awful shame to have
so many miles of nice concrete
walks in our city , when the boys
could have so much fun with the
old board ones on Hallowe'en.
J. R. Jones , who now lives on
: he Uhlig farm , has rented the
fine home of Henry Meyers one
mile north of town , and will take
possession the first of the year.
The Christian Endeavor society
of the Christian church were en
tertained at the home of Mrs. Ben
Nicholson last evening , the affair
being a very enjoyable Hallowe'en
Gertrude Hays and Olive Har
ris of Stella , were among the out
of town people who attended the
Eames recital Friday evening.
They were the guests of Miss
Sallie Schoenheit.
Misses Martha Stockman ,
Beulah Greenwald , Edna Spencer
Lillian Oswald and Elta Boose ,
spent a very pleasant day Mon
day in the woods , taking kodak
fictures of the beautiful scenes
now to be found there.
Mrs. W. H. Hay and daughter ,
Miss Minnie , of Auburn , came
down to attend the Eames recital
Friday evening. They remained
here a few days the guest of the
Keitn family , north of town.
Miss Agnes Moran , who is
teaching school at Sheldon , Neb. ,
and Miss Mollie Moran of
Kansas City , were called to the
city the first of the week by the
death of their brother W. J.
Bruno Hansen and wife came
up from Kansas City last Friday.
Mr. Hansen remained in the city
until Monday , when he resumed
his duties on the road , while his
wife will remain in the city for
some time at the home of her pa
rents , Dr. and Mrs. W. II. Kerr.
Ray and Wilma Meyers left
yesterday for their new home in
Los Angeles. Mrs. Meyers will 1
follow in a couple of weeks. Mrs.
M. informs us that she does not
say she is going to stay , but will I
try it for a year , then if she is
not satisfied will return to old 1
Falls City.
Toasted |
Marshmallows |
IScperlb. $
Hot Drinks 5c each
Tomato Bouillon
Clam Bouillon
Hot Coffee
Hot Chocolate
Beef Tea
P. G. Bacakos.
Mrs. Ed May of Salem was in
the city Wednesday.
As master of ceremonies Peter
Kaiser is hard to beat.
W. D. Easley of Kansas City ,
was in the city Wednesday.
Special sale of trimmed hats.
Mrs. II. C. Raker's Millinery
Otto Poor and Chas. Huffman
of Humboldt were in the city
C. D. Nixon came down from
Auburn , Tuesday hnd remained
in the city a few days.
Mrs. II. C. Raker has some
good things to olTcr in trimmed
hats. See her ad in this issue.
Subscribe now while you can
get this family paper for $1 a
year. It will cost you $1.50
after January 1st. 1908.
Don't fail to take advantage
of the bargains offered at the
Corner Millinery Store , begin
ning November 2nd. Patzman
Mrs. B. EDilts returned
Thursday from a six weeks visit
with relatives at Canton , 111.
She reports a fine time but glad
to get home.
John Germaine and wife and
Curtis and Perry Germaine of
Humboldt , were in the city Wed
nesday transacting' business at
tiie court house.
The city was in holiday attire
Wednesday in honor of the Ger
man day celebration. The busi
ness men did themselves proud
the way of decorations.
Considering the weather there
was a big crowd in town Wednes
day for German Day. If Peter
Kaiser had only fixed things with
the weather clerk what a time
they would have had.
The chautauqua association at
Tecumseh has been reorganized ,
and talent will be secured at
once for their next year's pro
gram. Rev. Lincoln McConnell
will be the platform manager.
Miss Mamie Eustis of Auburn ,
returned to her home Monday
after a few days visit in this city
the guest of Miss Helen Martin.
Miss Eustis was one of the out of
town guests at the Eames re
Rev. Neule of the Episcopal
church will leave Uie first of the
week for Columbus where he
has been asked to deliver an ad
dress at the annual convocation
ni the diocese of Nebraska , on
Wednesday evening.
II. C. Smith , this week closed
the sale of the , Rodewald prop
erty of about eight acres , directly
west of town to Mr. and Mrs.
Cornford of Sherman Co. , who
with their family will move here
in the near future and take
possession of their new home.
We welcome this estimable family
to our midst.
Miss Snidow had a Japanese
Day , Friday , Oct. 25 , in her
room at the Central School.
The children had carefully dec
orated the room with Japanese
lanterns , of their own make.
After recess they discussed Japan
its manners and customs and
peoples. When school had been
dismissed , five little girls served
a two course luncheon , including
hot tea , to all the teachers al
Chas. Slagle of Shubcrt , was
i pleasant visitor Saturday.
Mrs. T. L. Ilummclrcich went
o Lincoln Saturday to visit a
ew days with her husband.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cain , jr. ,
of Stella spent Sunday in this
ity at the home of their parents.
Harry Guilliams of Corning ,
Mo. , was a business visitor to our
ity the latter part of last week.
J. L. Dalby came down from
Shubert Saturday , just to see
vhat a real live town looks like.
Our list is growing every day.
Now is the time to subscribe if
fou wish to take advantage of
he dollar rate.
Louis Trcfxer came in from
? oute 3 , Saturday , and put him-
elf several years to the good on
our subscription list.
' 'Jack , the Hugger" has again
nit in an appearance in St. Joe ,
nnd now the male portion of that
city are all up in arms.
Blanche Bourquin of Horton ,
vas. , spent a few days the past
vcek in this city the guest of
icr cousin Miss Alice Jaquct.
The Patziunn Sisters announce
i 20 per cent discount on all
rimmed hats for the next two
vccks beginning Saturday , Nov-
mber 2nd.
About twenty members of the
ocal order of I. O. O. R yisitcd
he lodge in Shubert Thursday
light. They were entertained
oyally by their brothers and re
port a good time.
J. R. Wilhite spent a day or
wo of this week in Stella with
lis old time friend , Jesse Havs ,
vho has been quite ill but is
low improving under the care of
Dr. Burchard of this city.
II. Sandrock of Salem was in
own Saturday. He called and
cnewcd his subscription to this
amily necessity. He also orders
he Tribune sent to his son at
Enterprise , Kas.
Charley Scott and wife and
ess Scott of Mound City. Mo. ,
pent Sunday in this city with
heir brother , Everett Scott.
Ahey came via the auto route ,
laking the trip in little more
han an hour.
Bob Rule came home Friday ,
fter a months recreation in the
icinity of Gordon. Neb. lie
vas the guest of Jim Powell ,
o of course he had a fine time.
Bob is much benefitted by the
rip , and really gained a little
The llncst CnlTco Snbstitue ever
wdc , lias reucnlly bcun produced by
Dr. Sheep of Uiielne. Wle. You don't
irivo to boll It twenty or thirty mlnu-
CB. "Mudu In it minute" tays the
loetor. "Health Colloo" IB ruully the
loscst eolTuo Imitation over yet. pro-
luccd. Not a uruln of real eolTeo In It
ilther. Health ColTeo Imitation Is
nude from pure toasted cereals or
grains , with mult , map , etc. Really It
voulu fool an expert wuro he to un-
cnowliiffly drink It lor colTco' Fred 10.
Florence Bcauchamp was on
the sick list a few days this week.
"How the Lord Opened a Heart ,
or the First Convert in all Eu
rope , " at the Christian church
next Sunday evening at 7:30.Come :
Good Oak barrels , while they
last , 50 to 75 cents each.
Near B. & M. Depot , Falls City.
196 2-t.
WANTED Local representa
tive for city and vicinity to look
after renewals and increase
subscription list of a prominent
monthly magazine , on a salary
and commission basis. Ex
perience desirable , but not
necessary. Good opportunity
for right person. Address Pub
lisher , Box 59 , Station O , New
York. 198-2-t.
All Saints Day.
All Saint's Day will be obser
ved in the Episcopal church in
this city this morning at 11:45. :
There will be morning service
with a sermon and the Holy
Communion will he administered.
All arc invited.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to tender our thanks
to friends and neighbors who
were so kind during the illness
and at the death of our dear old
friend Win. Bull.
Lots & Acres.
"In a few days a choice tract
of land , most desirably located ,
will be offered for sale in lots ,
blocks , and acres. Anyone
wishing to purchase a choice
location please call. Only a few
blocks from business.
Falls City , Nebraska. 196 2-t.
When the Stomach , Flonrt , or Kid
ney nerves pet weak , then these or-
ns always fall. Uon't drug the
Stomaoh , nor stimulate the Heart or
Kltlno > t ) . This \s \ simply u makeshift.
Got a prescription known to druggists
every where as Dr. Snoop's Rottoratlvo.
The rtostoratlvo IB prepared expressly
for those weak Inside norves. Strengthen -
on these nerves , build them up with
Dr. Snoop's Restorative tablets or
liquid and feco how quickly help will
come. Free sample tent sent on ro.
quest by Dr. Sheep , Haelne. WIs.
Your health Is surely worth Ibis slm-
pin test. Sold by all dealers.
The first opportunity of
the season to buy hats
cheap. Elegant trimmed ;
hats at the followng ! prices : jr
$4.BO So , and $0 hats at $8 ; ! ;
$4 , § 3.50 and $8 hats at S2 ;
$2.75 , $2.50 , § 2 hats at $1
* ! *
Our stock is , complete
and early buyers will get a
choice selection. *
Now is your Chance
Like this cut.
We have just received our Christmas stock of Machines.
It is impossible to get these on time unless you are early.
When our stock is gone we cannot count for sure on getting
We sell them on easy payments. $1.00 down will get one
and yet our price is the same as everywhere.
We ask you to call early and secure this greatest of in
structors and entertainers.