THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , OCTOBER u , 1907 ORCHID3 GROW IN NUMBER By Mating Different Species Growers Have Added Thousands to the f Known Specimens. r"v- -The ordinary individual , to whom the 7iiore name "orchid" suggests something rare and extraordinary , is not exactly prepared for the in formation that there are 12,000 known species of the flower. That the number will soon bo very much greater will bo duo to the mania which orchid growers linvo developed for producing hybrids by mating different species. It is es timated that there are now 2,500 species under cultivation. "If any and all of those could be induced to pair , says ft writer in the Cornhill Magazine , "the number of hybridizations possible would be reckoned in millions. J suppose. That cannot be , though some crosses seem almost to suggest that there is no limit. " The catalogue of orchid hybrids lately issued by Messrs. Sander is the first compilation of its sort of- ' fercd for public sale. Mr. 1'olfo , editor of the Orchid Ifaview , is preparing a "stud book" t which will give not only the list of hybrids and their parentage , but also the names of the gentlemen who raised them , the date of their first appearance and n reference to publications whore each is described or figured. Hut meantime the Messrs. Sander catalogue is inval uable. SAVING FIFTY A DAY. Samuel Untcrmeyer , the insur ance expert , once said of a certain proposed retrenchment : "It would bo a good tiling , an ex cellent thing , all around. But on some it would bear harder than on others. Hence discontent and growling , flic usual accompaniment of economics. "It is like the case of the hus band who , looking at his wife , re proachfully said : " 'My love , in view of the approaching preaching holidays , I thought we were going to practice economy for a time ? ' " ' 0 , so we are , dear , ' the lady answered. 'I went downtown and countermanded the order you had given your tailor for a $250 fur- lined overcoat , and got instead an ermine stole that only cost $200. A clean saving , yon see , of $50. Not bad for one day , was it ? ' " VANISHING OLD LONDON. After the end of this month the ' 'Old Curiosity Shop , " in Ports mouth street , and other contiguous property leading into Lincoln's Inn Fields , will be demolished , the free hold having been sold , and a block of business premises will be erected. The quaint-looking building , which has had a great fascination for American tourists , is said to bo more than 1500 years old , dating back to the carl ) ' days of James I. , but the fact has never been estab lished that this was the "Old Curi osity Shop" immortalized by Charles Dickens. The lucrative attraction of the name of the great humorist will , therefore , come to an end , but the tenants of the shop have re ceived compensation , and will carry on their printing business in Great Queen street. INHUMANITY. Tired Tim Ah , It's a cruel , heart less world , Jimmy. What d'yer think a woman done the other day when I asked her to give me something to keep body and soul together ? Jimmy Dunno. Tired Tim She gimme a safety pin. LIKE PAINTING THE LILY. "When I was in Chicago , " re marked the artistic New Yorker , "I was going through the Field collec tion and missed a few of the Old Masters. I inquired where they were. * ' 'They are down in the base ment , ' they informed me. 'Some of our artists are retouching them. ' "Retouching the Old Masters ! And Chicago artist * 1" - N. Y. Preaa. LONG PERIOD OF THIRST Tramp's Logical Reasoning That Surely Should Have Satis fied Philanthropist. Allen Updegraff , Ynlo pool and ex-jtmitor of Upton Sinclair's Heli con Hull Colony , urns talking in Baltimore about his long tramping expedition to the Fiji islands. "Crossing the continent , " snid Mr. UpdegrafT , " 1 shall fraternize with the tramps I meet on the way. 1 find tramps interesting. In many things they are learned , and they are often intelligent and witty. "I once hud the acquaintance of a witty tramp in New Haven. He told me one day of n passage at arms he had just had with au old philanthropist. "Stopping the old man , the ( ramp said piteously : " 'Kind friend , will you give mi' the price of a loaf of broad ? I have not tasted food for two days. ' "Tho old man at once gave the tramp a nickel. Then ho proceed ed on his way. But at the next corner he saw the tramp come fortli from a saloon wiping his lips on his coat sleeve , and ho said , indig nantly : " 'You're a pretty fellow ! Yon told mo you hadn't tasted food for two days , and when 1 gave you a nickel you go and spend it on beer. ' " " 'But , boss , ' said the tramp , 'I hadn't tasted beer for two days and a half. ' " FEAST OF THE SIMPLE LIFE. Blessed and simple above all con jugations is this of berries and milk" . Have you ever eaten a big bowl of fresh milk ? Jl should be warm from the cow , then filled just one- third full of dead ripe blackberries , and another third of farm-made bread. What a terrible thing it is to live away from the farm. The besi city loaf has a conventional smell , and then it looks just like every other city loaf. But in the farmer's kitchen the dough is kneaded by Glady's inspiring arms , and I tell you that into that dough she puts something beside oxygen ; it is her own healthy soul sick souls and folk heartsore ought never to touch our food. And the milk , it is not 'that white liquid which you pour out of big tin cans , and label milk ! but it is that which bubbles in the pail , and in which the cream conies rushing to the top. Outing. WHAT'S THE USE OF LEGS ? The trolley and the automobile threaten to put plain walking out of commission. A walking feat oc cupies scant space in the sporting columns in these days , and may bo easily missed. Fears have been ex pressed that mechanical locomotion will reduce the legs to more rudi mentary organs. Ifarcly now do we find a fine , robust old fellow who can walk five miles without collapse. There is a small saving remnant of old-timers who make it a practice to walk to the ollice. We are be coming a nation of sitters. We move with breathless speed , but our flight is mechanical and artificial , Wo cannot stop to look at things. \Vc are only intent on getting there on time. DURING THE FIRST ACT. Slowly , imperceptibly , almost sneakingly , irs the lights were turned down and the play began , he slid his hand along the back of the seat in which she sat. Then he leaned toward her and whispered : "Laura , " he said , between his set teeth , "I'll button up that gap in the back of your waist this time , hut when you want anything of this kind done again you'll ask me to do it before we leave the house , or , ginger , you'll reach around and but ton it yourself. " Whereat Mrs. Ferguson merely glared at her husband and said nothing. COLLECTED STRANGE OATHS. The death has occurred in his sixty-first } car of John liomilly Al len , editor of the Heliqunry and the Arclmeologia Cambrensis. His tastes were Catholic and his knowledge of subjects remarkable for its variety. He wrote books on the construction of dock walls , Christian symbolism and Celtic art. In "Who's Who" he described his recreation as "collecting strange oaths on golf links wherewith to ad dress scorching cyclists in a suit able manner when occasion re quires. " INSTRUMENT OF GREAT VALUE The "Telemeter , " Invention of Frenchman - man , Enables User Accurately to Judge Distances. Commander Gerard of the French navy has invented an instrument which he has named "telemeter , " and which is expected to bo of spe cial service to the army and on ship board , us well as of great value in civil engineering. Heretofore mechanical science has devised numerous pieces of appa ratus for the purpose of ascertain ing the distance of any visible ob ject of which the height is known , but they have been so complicated as to be difficult to use. Commander Gerard's device seems to be free from this objection. It consists of a cylindrical case three inches long , whose two parts may turn upon each other through a semicireumferenco. In the center of each of the two portions is n prismatic ring , whose angle of re fraction is of such a value that at a'distance of 1,000 meters the pro longation of the incident ray and the refracted ray are fp-c meters apart. When the coincidence of the axes is opposite , the refractive pow ers of the two prisms balance , but in the other case they are doubled. Thus by tbo combination of the two prismatic rings , what amounts to a prism with a variable refractive angle is a Herded , making possible the measurement of all angles be tween degrees and twice the angle of each prism , by means of the rota tory movement of the two halves of the box. TIME IS MONEY. Ho Dearest ! Will you bo mlno ? She Oh , how sudden ! Do give mo a little time to think. He I cannot wait another minute , I have n taximeter cab at the door. London Opinion. CHERRY AND PEACH ORIENTAL. The peaceful cherry-eater does not realize the debt lie owes to the aggressive militarism of ancient Homo. But the cherry tree in Ku- rope , whither it was brought by Lucullus after his astern campaigns in the century before Christ , is one of the permanent heritages of Roman jingoism. The very name of the fruit comes from Cerasus , in 1'onlus , the old Asiatic kingdom south of the Black sea. The peach , which is "Pcrsieum malum" ( the Persian apple , ) the pheasant ( from the River I'hasis , ) and jet ( from Gnzas , in Asia Minor , ) are similar instances of things named by the Romans from their oriental origin , and entirely unrecognized as prien- tal to-day. CLAIMS RATTLESNAKE RECORD. Former County Clerk W. If. Adams claims to hold the record for killing more rattlesnakes in Weld county this spring and summer than any other one man , he having destroyed 29 on his farm , four miles west of here. All the snakes were killed on a tract of high uncultivaetd prairie land. For years this particular field has been infested with rattlers , and three years ago Tobias Mattox in one day killed 30 reptiles. The last snake killed by Mr. Adams was three feet long and the largest of all. Greeley Correspondence Den ver Itcpuhlicun. PAINT IN ITS TRUE COLORS. Of all those products with which America has taken the lead in the struggle of nations for indiiblrial supremacy , says Popular Mcchinics , paint is one of the least known , so far ab its making is concerned , and almost without knowing it , the people ple of this country have had de veloped under their very eyes an in dustry which had the honor of be ing spoken of in congress recently as "a rival of the steel industry so far as rapid growth is concerned , an industry which is of incalculable value to this country and one which should be protected and encouraged by every manner of means. HISTORIC OAK IN TEXAS Under Its Doughs Gen. Zachary Tay lor Camped on His Way to the Mexican War. When Gen , Zachary Taylor came to Texas on his way to Mexico dur ing the Mexican war he landed at Jtockport on n point adjacent to the Bayview hotel , says the San Antonio Express. Ho then marched his forces up to where Fulton now stands and halted there before go ing on to Corpus Christi. When Taylor's army halted Gen. Taylor camped beneath the shady boughs of an oak that is still standing senti nel there. This oak is over eight feel in diameter and is probably the largest oak in Texas. It is gnarled and battered. Vandals have built fires against it tliat have almost eaten its lioart out , but "still the leaves are groou upon its branches and its friendly shndo is sought by the hundreds who frequent the lo cality. It is king of a grove of largo and stately oaks. One peculiarity about thosb and dhor trees in this locality is that the prevailing wind has been ( heir branches PO that they lean toward the northwest. While I was there 1 found chil dren sealing the old oak mid perched upon its long and waving limbs. They made a playground of the lo cality and their merry laughter was mingled with the music wafted through the trees from the old Hall house , where women were playing on a violin and piano the old-time southern melodies so in harmony with the scene. A PRAYER. Purge out of every heart the lurk ing gnulgo. Give us grace and strength to forbear and to persevere. Offenders , give us the graoo to ac cept and to forgive offenders. For getful ourselves , help us to bear cheerfully the forgetfulness of others. Give us courage and gaiety and the quiet mind. Spare us to our friomls , soften us to our ene mies. Bless us , if it may be , in all our innocent endeavors. If it may not , give us the strength to encoun ter that which is to come , that we may bo brave in peril , constant in tribulation , temperate in wrath , and in all changes of fortune , and down by the gates of death , loyal and lov ing one to another Robert Louis Stevenson. "SALARY" AND "WAGES. " In deciding that the Winter Ger man opera singers received "salary or wages , " Mr. Justice Warrington observed that he preferred the old English word "wages , " and pointed out that a judge's pay was so called. The distinction between "salary" and "wages" is a very nice point. Etymological ! } ' , their origins are very diverse. "Wages" arc really rewards of labor stipulated to be paid , the idea being that the sum is pledged , or "engaged , " put under pledge the same "gage" appearing also in "mortgage" and "wager. " "Salary" is simply "salarium , " salt money , the allowance for salt given to llomnn soldiers , which afterward came to mean a pension , stipend , or "salarv" in the modern sense. A CASE OF NECESSITY. Doctor Now , you will bo a perfect ly well man If you can bo persuaded to diet yourself for a couple of weeks. Patient ( paying bill ) Persuaded to diet inyscf ! Lord , doctor , I'll have to ! Scraps. THINGS UNDER LOCK AND KEY. "Tho e are dairies , " said the smith , "that I am going to put locks and keys on. They belong to a rich old maid. She fills two volumes of that size annually , and along in No vember the- two volumes for thu coming year arc sent to me. I have made all her diaries lock fast since ' 8' . ' . "That cedarwood eldest is a cigar box. It holds 1,000 cigars. I am going to put a lock on it for a club man. He mistrusts his valet. "I have put locks on tea caddies , on cosmetic boxfs , on whisky flasks , oa roulette wheels , on Biblca. " SNAKE FOND OF CHICKENS Rattler Had Taken Up Residence Near Coop and Came Regu larly to Meals. Uccently I lost seven of a brood of choice Plymouth lock ? chicks , says n correspondent of the Nashville - villo Banner. I was confident thai neither cats nor other four-legged1 thieves could roach the brood , so I kept a close watch over the coop. One day recently I reached the place just in time to find u big rat- tlcKtiako stretched out on top of the screen in which the chickens were kept. The snake had a foot or more of his length pushed down through one of the pcgmonts of the screen , and already another chick had fallen prey to his appetite. The snake was dispatched and measured more than four feet. It had evidently taken up a resi dence in nn old stone fence- near tin chicken yard , and' every day or ho crawled to the coop and selected n plump specimen of chick ami crawled away with it. SCRYMGEOUR'S SCHEME. Scryingeonr is a Scottish town councillor , who , like many anothot of less forbidding patronymic , has become disgusted with the frivols of a sensational daily press. Ho de sires to reform it. llis scheme is to establish a municipal printing oM fice , which would not only do the town printing , but issue a daily pa per. per.As As pot forth in the councillor's resolution , the publication would be all that a clean family paper should be , but the really portentous sugges tion is that the municipally-ownod shoot would sell advertising space for much loss than the corporation owned and properly trustified pa pers charge. Alluring and all as this is , the scheme will probably bo rejected by the canny Scots , after which the Laird of Skibo should prevail upon the proposer to have his name "sim plified. " CHINESE JADE. Replying to an inquiry as to light green uncut judo , Consul General George Amos P. Wilder , formerly of Wisconsin , now of Hong-Kong , says it is impossible to get this gem in uncut form except from the Chi nese. nese.Canton Canton is the center of the trade in southern China , and buyers must work through the Chinese- secure it. Even the two leading jewelers of Hong-Kong buy it in cut form. Jade is sometimes secured in masse ? of one or two pounds , of varying quality , and bometimes n rich China man's estate will consist in part of a lump of jade. One New York- firm t-eiil a representative1 to China some time ago , who reported that he bought jade to the extent of $15,000 gold. Ho reported it cheaper in Poking than in the south. Of the coveted light green there are two shades. PROOF OF HIS INNOCENCE. A southern negro was brought into the courtroom , accused of setaling a neighbor's chickens. "Mister George Washington Shin- topp , did you sfoal those chickens ? " asked the judge , pointedly. "No , sab , jcdge ; Ah is toe 'spec- table fo' dnt. " "But it is stated on good author ity that a bundle of feathers was found in your back yard the day before Christmas. " "Dnt 'sinncration , jedgo , dos proves mah innocence , coz' how could do fodders be found in mah back yard de day befo' Chris'mus , when mah wife didn't pluck dose chickens until de day after Chris'- JHUB ? " The Circle. A WISE PHOTOGRAPHER. A photographer who was obliged to move from his old quarters se lected a site between n millinery es tablishment and a beauty parlor. "A place of that kind is the most profitable location in the world for a photographic studio , " ho said. "Most women leave the milliner and the hairdresser looking particu larly well groomed. While in that state of physical perfection it seems a particularly propitious time to be photographed , and if there is an art its near they step right in and give him n sitting. " IN THE INTEREST OF SCIENCE. "A Chicago man recently gel along for several weeks without tast ing food. " "Was he a poet or merely eocperi moiiiinir ? " Political , At no time have nominations of the Republican party been more representative of the wishes of the voters than now. The nominations were made by no faction and there is no reason why every Republican should not vote the entire ticket. In nominating Holt , Scott , Coons , Arnold and Renckcr the primaries made a wise choice. Two years ago enough , voters stayed away-from the polls and failed to vote to defeat the Re publican ticket. Let every re publican set aside one half day or less on election day and do his duty as a of a free state. With Prof , Coons as super intendent of our public schools. Richardson county schools will stand high among the public schools of the state. He is a young man of energy , and is well qualified in every way for the duties of the bflicc. He is a graduate of the Fremont Normal college , and has had several years work at the state university of Nebraska. He holds a state life certificate and has .seven years experience as a teacher. lie is amiable , cpmpcten t , and pleasant to do business with , He is a product of our county and deserves an endorsement at the hands of its citixcns. George Holt has a host of friends wherever known. His business interests are all in Richardson county. With him as a county clerk after Jan. 1st. the public will have an obliging and competent oflical. With A. R. Scott as county judge * the public will be able to enter the county court , knowing that they have an experienced and conscientious Judge. In his court every man will have a fair hearing , and the scales of justice will be evenly balanced. Elect A. R. Scott as county Judge for the next two years. Richardson county has no bet ter citizen than Mr. Arnold , the Republican candidate for As sessor. He is a man of splendid judgment. He is familiar with the value of property and has liad several years cxrcricncc as precinct a s s c s s o r. Remember Arnold. Notice to Our Customers Wo are pleased to announce Unit Foloy's Honey and Tur for coughs , eoldtt mid limn troubles la not ulTcutcd jy the National Pure Food utul Drug aw as It contains no opiates or other iiarmful driitftyiiHl wore commend It us i safe remedy for children and adults. ICerr'a Pharmacy. Kins of tue Cattle Ring The above company arrived in our city on scheduled time last Thursday , but instead of a tent show as advertised , the weather conditions compelled them to go to the Gohling to put on their performance , which wns witnessed by a fair sized house. While it , was not up to the usual standard of shows given us by Minnger * ' $ j Gehling , a majority of the people , J seemed to enjoy it. Their bnnd * * | was exceptionally good and their . ' 3 concerts both afternoon uud even- * 1 | ing were greatly enjoyed. , IS Foloy'a Kidney Cure will cure any . JJ caee of kidney trouble that la not be- , , j | yond medical aid. Kerr'a Pharmacy , ' , a Some people are of the opinion * * there is nothing warmer thin the J handshake of a true Yankee. Oth- < iy | ers declare the same salutation -iSi ofl'ered by a warm-blooded south- .M " * * ' v fll erner is altogether the most cor&E dial. Well , we don't know that m we are competent to pass on this 4 < | S question , but we would just like m to ask what is the matter with the , \J handshake of a Nebraska politician - | cian ? Tecumseh Chieftain. ' ' * * "In the natural order of things , H all men being equal their common Jffy vocation is manhood and whoever < J ; | | IB well trained for that cannot ful 4 > till badly any vocation connected . ' AI with it. Whether my pupil be * ! i 3 destined for the army , the church " -JS or the bar , concerns me but little. YJ Regardless of the vocation of his > J parents , nature summons him to r jn ( he duties of human life. To live . " $1 $ is the trade I wish to teach him. " v | Jean Jacques Rousseau. , &