The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 04, 1907, Page 7, Image 9

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    1 I lira- . - -
SO by all means ; for it wSSE
give you an idea of com
parative values , style and work
manship. But in'that event don't
fail to see our new Fall Styles , and
give therh the consideration that
quality tailoring should be given.
St } ' e or design counts for mighty
little unless there's real quality
behind it under it '
= = or = = where3'our
eye fails you. Better place your
confidence in a make that stands
for quality-SiNCERITY Clothes.
We are Sole Agents for this line.
We also have our Fall Line of Sh'irts
and Gents' Furnishing complete and we
cannot fail to please you , both in qual
ity and price. Call and examine our
stock before inakingyour Fall purchases.
e :
t The Falls City Roller Mills t f.
Joon a general milling business , ami manufacture-
br.uicN of flour
3 Tlio .ibovp brands are unranteed to be of the highest po- > -
3 -il > le ( jitali'.y.Vealboinannfactureall mill product > and ,
ciinditcia 'l
'lC 'lf
Grain , Live Stock and Coal Business C
.mil soHcit a share of your patronage
i P. S. iicacnck & Son , Falls City , Neb. \
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiinimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiHiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiitiiL ]
A Pure , Wholesome , Reliable
Cream of Tartar Baking Powder
- 4 e cream ° f tartar used in Dr. Price's Baking Powder tt
is derived from grapes in the exact form and composiB -
tion in which it occurs in that luscious , healthful fruit 1 r "
Improves the Flavor and Adds JEE
Its Use a. Protection and
3k. Guarantee Against
Alum Food
any time you come and price them
Duroc-Jersey Hales
for --ilc at M , M. HemlrickX nil
iml"s northe. kt of Falls i-ity , Nebr
and two and one-quarter wileb sout
i f IJarada , Nebr They are got *
tf rowthy pig * of good length and tl
, easy feeding kind , ju t the KII ;
| that iiutke- . big hoys quick > a
( and look them over before buj inj < - ;
3 I will be j'lud to ihow them to \ c
o . > u to sell. .M. M HEN'DRJ i\i
The October Circle
The Circle for October speaks
for itself. With list of contribu
tors consisting of Edward Everett.
Hale , flamlm Garland , Elbt'rt
Hubbard , Anne Wai nor. William
MacLeod Haine , William Hamil
ton Osborne , Lyman Baocher
Stowe , Dan Beard , Henry George ,
Jr.iuul others , the maga/ino ranks
with the very best of the month's
Once again the cry , "Wolf ,
wolf , " is nbrond in the laud , "lo
the \\olf really at our door ? "No , "
says lu lues W. Van Oloavo , Presi-
dt'iit of the National Association
of Manufaclurets. II i H article
"Why Prosperity Will Continue"
i.- a comprehensive leview of in-
duslrial conditions from the pen
of a man ot affaire , not a mere
theorist , la there a dual Wall
Street ? as Air. Van Oloavo sug
gests. Elbort Hubbard pays tri-
bnto to a man who might have
been poet laureate of England
when he writes of "William Alorris
As He Seemed to Ale.1 It IH a
heartielt acknowledgment of the
splendid abilities of that many-
sided man , poet , artist and arti'/an.
Other , articles1 ot importance are
"The Silver Lining to the Immi
gration Cloud1 by Lyman Beeeh-
er Stowe ; " 'The Rise of the Japan-
e&e Women , " by Henry George ,
Jr. , who has long been known as
a close student of social conditions
in the Far East. William Mac
Leod Kttiue tolls us "Tho Truth
About Womaii-Sull'rago in Cole
rado1' the wnole truth and noth
ing but the truth. He says that
more books on political economy
wore sold in Denver six months
( after woman-suU'rage was granted
j than during the previous twenty
j years. Then there is an article
| on "The Brighter Side of Life at
I LJannma" by Gertrude Beeks , and
Eli/'ibeth M. S. Fite writes inti
mately of "American Artists Who
Paint American Subjects. "
The fiction is exceptionally at-
tractive. Hamlim Garland has
the first installment of a splendid
two-part story entitled "In Th t
Far Land. " Anne Warner , Will
iam Hamilton Osborue , Porter
Emerson Browne , and William P.
Cheney are other well-known
! names.
I There are the usnsl twenty-two
departments of The Circle. Ed
ward Hale , whose Lend-a-Hitiul
Circle will lirst appear in the No
vember number , uy way of inlro-
tells in the October Circle
I the history of the Lend-a-Hand
Society. Dun'Beard hus his usual
; department for boys. Tliis mantn
lif tolls thorn "IIo\v to Get At-
, cpiainted with the Birds. " The
Puzzle Circle has been regularly
instituted , and will be conducted
by Sam Loyd.
* Don't worry about your kidneys
when you can obtain 'M days' treatment
li'of ' 1-Mneules for $1.00. Thcto little
5 'lobu'cs ' bring relief In the first do-e.
; Bnckucliu , Lumbago and IihcumatUin
- jlclcl quickly. If not fatlfelicd iour
money refunded. This is a fair oiler
. \uu can't , lose. Sold by A. G. Wanner ,
John Groshong was releavcd
ot a twenty dollar bill , while he
slept one night the first of the
week. Mr. Groshong had been
assisting in the erection of a
Z house north of town , and during -
- ing the night occupied a room
; with several other employes ,
1 , and upon arising in the morn-
'ing the money was discovered
mining , indications pointed
very strongly to one of the
number , although nothing
dt Unite could be learned at that
tune. Mr. Groshong played a
little detective work and
shadowed the suspected person ,
.John Wilson , and caught him
in the act of handing out a
twenty dollar bill to the agenl
at the depot , stating that lit
wished to buy a ticket to St.
Joe , but upon seeing Mr ,
< roshong took flight and rat
up town , with the bill still in
his hand , and was successful
in making his escape and so fai
'el ' nothing has been learned as tc
til ! hi-s whereabouts.Ilumbold1
Little Liver Pills
Market Letter.
Kansas City Stock Yards ,
Sept. 30. VJ07. A reduction in
the cattle supply last \\xck to 7 > l-
000 head , including 10,000 calves ,
liad the clTcct of sharpening com
petition on all kimly. resulting in
a general advance of 15 to 2n
cents ( luring1 the week. The sup
ply today is fairly liberal at 21-
000 head , including 2500 calves ,
market on everything. Fed stock
is scarce , especially dry lot offer.
ings , top last week $7 , nothing in
that class here todav , top today
paid for some fair to good steers
it $ ( > . -0. } Grass steers bring S4
S5.25 , short fed steers $5.25 to
"ru.25 , grass cows $2.75 to $ -1 ,
heifers $3 to $4.50. bulls $2.25 to
$3.75 , veals up to $0.25. heavy
calves $3.50 to $4.50. Buyers
from the country are still making
heavy purchases , shipments o f
stackers and feeders last week
1100 cars , a big wcck ( though not
up to the record of the previous
week. Prices made a moderate
advance during the week , and arc
steady to strong today , feeders at
$3.75 to $5.25 , stackers $3 to
$4.50. Only a small percentage
of the feeders bring above $4.75.
Total cattle receipts for this
month will amount to 315,000
head , besides 48,000 calves , al
most a record for September , and
an increase over September last
year of 75,000 cattle and 15,000
calves. Prices are somewhat
lower than a month ago on every
thing except dry lot stuff , but the
demand is first class , and the sit
uation amply able to hold up the
market on pretty liberal receipts.
The trend on the hog market
is upward , although receipts are
gradually increasing , a n d now
exceed this period a year ago
Run today is 5000 , market 5 to
10 higher , top $ f > .50 , bulk $6.25
to $ f > .45 , heavy hogs up to $0.35.
Shippers still buy quite a.number
of light hogs , and there has bcei
stronger bidding on heavies re
cently than a short time ago.
Total receipts for September
amount to 149,000 head , against
140,000 head in September last
year , prices 15 to 25 cents higher
than a month ago.
Last week was a record breaker
on sheep supplies at this market ,
total 61,140 head. The market
gradually declined , although
there was no decided break. Conn
try demand was the sustaining
feature , this trade absorbing
nearly 50 per cent of the total
supply. Run is 6000 today , mar
ket steady , killing lambs worth
$6.50 to $7.15 , \\eathers and ycar-
liugs $ . ? 5 to $573. f\v < " . up to
$5.50. Feeding leinbs sell around
$6.65 , yearlings $5-40 to $5.60 ,
ewes $5.25 to $6.50. There is a
heavy call all over the country
for breeding ewes , and limited
numbers available.
To cure a cold lirBt , inovu ilio bowels.
Bees Luxatlvu Cough Syrup aot-i gent
ly on the bowelo , drives out the eold ,
clears the head. It's | > leauut to take
and mothers highly recommend It for
eoldsi , croup and whooping cough.
Guaranteed to give butisfuetion or
money refunded. Equally good for
voung and old. Sold by A. G. Wanner ,
A Lesson From Indiana
Be it called Kismet , Nemesis.
The Fall of Fairbanks , or what
not , the battle of Columbus , In
diana , it must go down to history
as one of the most tragic moral
triumphs of the time. Mr. Fair
banks has been running for presi
dent , lie has not run opposed.
It was charged and proof adduc
ed that he has been most of his
life a political stool pigeon for
corporation interests. By ma
nipulating a railroad receivership
I he is said to have euchercd a lot
of sweaty workingmen out of
part of their pay. Still he ran.
It seemed nothing could stop him.
A mighty element of his strength
was the confidence apparently re
posed in him by the religious and
moral forces of the country. lie
had invitations to address religi
ous conferences and chautauquas
when other aspiring statesmen
had to stay mum at home. Then
came the fatal day when Presi
dent Roosevelt visited Imlianapol-
is and the vice president , so it is
charged , served a cocktail , what
ever that may be , at the family
'table. ' Whatever it was , it ro-
vealcd his true character as an
eiK-my to morality and sobriety ,
and the conference of his church
in his own state r.cfused to make
lim a delegate to its general con
ference , giving him on the last
bnllot b u t thirty-eight measly
votes when ninety-seven were re-
inircd to elect. His enemies \vcre
pleaded withbut proved implaca
ble. They meant they said , to
teach-e\ery Methodist to abstain
from intoxicating liquorsand they
did it though it cost a presidency.
The moral is not necessarily that
it is safer for a statesman to
wreck a railroad than to put a
"stick" in his lemonade. This is
a case where every man is cntitl-l
ctl to his own moral. State Jour
It Is claimed Indigestion Is the Na
tional dlsoaso. That's why tlnnlomaiul
for UbiL' ? Uyepopalu Tablets Iteopa In-
creasinir because tlioy do the work.
Stomach troublu , dyspepsia , Indiges
tion , bloating , etc. , yield quickly. Two
days treatment , freu. Aslc your drug
gist iiboiu them , Sold l > y A. G. Wanner
A Clever Move.
A new turn has been develop ,
ed in the famous Cohoe case
from this county. An argu
ment of the case was heard be.
lore the supreme court the lat
ter part of last week , and a
newt , dirtpatcli from Lincoln ,
says :
When Judge I ? . Cohoe rented
the house of Joseph Ulbrich in
Auburn , he was told by E. C.
Boyd , guardian for Ulbrich , to
be on the lookout for buried
gold. For Ulbrich was insane
and it was whispered that he
had his gold galore about his
dwelling. The sharp eyes of
the guardian had , not been able
to discover the hidden lucre
and after he had sent his ward
to the asylum he thriltfully
rented the house , warning
Cohoe to look for money and
when he found it to come and
Colioe soon -found $ lROO and
turned it over to Boyd. Con.
tinning his examination of the
premises , he discovered $1,000 ,
in gold in a pickle jau. He
knocked the top off the jar and
poured the glittering eagles out
on an old coat in the cellar and
sat down to think the matter
over. The question a ruse
whether he should take the
money to Boyd or use it him
self. The geitlust overcame'
him. Hastening to the depot ,
he took thu Buillntf'iuii train
for Nebraska City and by (5 (
o'clock that evening was so
drunk that a bartender in that
( own would'nt sell him another
The man lound his way into
Trimble's gambling house and
threw his money about so reck
lessly that the proprietor was
frightened and closed up his
place before midnight to - getaway
away from the prodigal spender.
Cohoemixed his gold pieces
with his poker chips and push
ed all into the game with reckless -
less regularity. He held hi&
cards down so that all could see
the spots and only laughed when
he lost. He was such an easy
mark that several bystanders
tried to get into the game but
Trimble closed the place and
put them all out after winning
considerable of the money.
Failing to get rid of all his
gold in Nebraska City , Cohoe
boarded the train and went to
Omaha to get rid of his de
bauch. After sobering up in
that moral town , he had
Sl-lo in his possession. He im
mediately repaired to Auburn ,
turned the $145 over to Boyd and
recited his story. Boyd un
gratefully had him arrested and
charged with larceny. He was
convicted and sent to the pen
Representative E. H. ( Juack-
enbush of Auburn is defending
Cohoe and he has advanced the
clever plea to the supreme court
that this wascmbe/.jclement and
not larceny that his client com.
Initled. He asked the supreme
court to reverse the decision of
the Nemahi'i county court on
this ground. He advances the
argument that when Boyd
placed Cohoe iu charge of the
house and cautioned him to look
for money , lie made him his
agent and after Cohoe had
found the money , he embe//.lcd
it ratner than stole It. Auburn
ll comus put" up in colhihdhlo tubu
with ti mmlu , ousy to apply to the
sotvnosM mid Inllummatlon , for any
fotm of Pile ; It teethes and rolinvcn
imlii , itching and burning. Man /an
PH Uumi'd.v. IMeo o ( ) cents. Guur-
tuitied.Sol.l by V. CJ Wannur , drug-
A Boy or Girl can Earn as ftluch
as a Alan.
\Vewunt boy . and girls who
want to earn money to solicit
subscriptions to The Kansas
City Weekly Star. Don't hesi
tate because you are young , as
you can do the work as readily
a 4 older persons and we will
pay you just the same. The
Kansas City Weekly Star is the
best known weekly newspaper
in the west and your spare time
spent working for it will pay
you handsomely , not in toys ,
watches or other .small wares ,
but in Cash. Write to day tor
terms and full information. Ad
Kansas Ciry. Mo.
Your skin should he oli'iiraiid bright
If your liver U In normal condition.
Kings Mulii Liver Pills act on the
live ! ; and headache , constipation and
blMloiiHiii'r.s disappear. 1'rlce Hii
Sold by A , G. U'anntT , iir
WANTKD : At Heck's feed
store , 1,000 bushels walnuts , 500
bushels cane seed.
< JO-4t O. P. HKCK.
The dinners served at the
National on Sunday from 12:30 :
till 2:15 : are unsurpassed in quality
and service.
" * * * * ,
Spcclnl Election Notice
Notice IH tiurohy irlvrn tti.ii on tliu 15th day of
Octci1 > or , It'll" ' , : \ Hpoclnl I'ti'Otioii u 111 In ! lu'ld In
tlludtvnf liiiln for the purpose ofotlntr for or
nunhiHt tliu iHnnlnt : uf Hthcuis.uM | ( 'XX ' KI ) ilollnr
IB ji'.ir tioiulK optloiiBil Inyi'.UH , 1 > firltiir In-
Ic'icHt mil 10 rxcoril'iit | iur annum
Silil : lioinU In l > u for tlui purpose of p.nymir off
Imk'liiiMlni-nt nlro.iib InciirriHl , itrnillnif HtrwlH ,
piittlnir In croKilnirN anil ouhi il . i-HUIillnliliuf
curb llin'N , fie.
Ily outer of tin' Major niut Council of tla
City of Uulo.
II. I. . KiuKPir.u City Ulcrk.
[ HI : \il UlimiHScpt. 20
Le/fnl / Notice.
YOII.AIIIKI Doliry/I'iiiiy Dntiry. JnniiM Dolny ,
iHcph Viivrn. sou of I'rault Va\ra. ili'd-nxi-il ;
All'ort V.ivrn , JnniUH Vavr.i , Jiwcpli Va\ra.
him ot J.imu * Va\nii iluoium-il ; Joilu Vaxrn ,
Jamt'K Cnjka. Jo npli CVjlcami minors ,
1'r.iiilt Cojl < a , aiH > u.tiht Allhiit CojU.i ,
o.irHi AnnaCujUa.\L'i'l ; I ir.irs ; Johanna
nuti 10 yuan * ! JJIIIH-H Vnvra , uiri1 Vl
> pan , aitit Jonepliliin Vnvra , aw 14 yitirn. unn-
rok 1 < 1 jut ilufonit.iiilH , will liUr nntliM M.irv
Vavra , plaintiff lieii-in , tllfil lnr pi-lltlon on tin-
I'Jlli ilny of SepU-mbur , 1W7 , In tlifi DlMnct
court nf KlclianlMiii county , . ' hrnnita , mrnlimt
you , tliu K > II | tiuii-reKliluiit ilufeiitlnnlK , and
Joei > U Vavra , a ri'Mdmt of lUN ilatitlunil )
ji'ctan prnyc'r of which ar tn li.uo i-tnhllHlicil
n n-sultlni ; trim ! In f.tvor of tinalil plaintiff In
and to lols nlnuaiid ten t'Janil ID ) In ISIocU II\e
(5) ( ) In Slc-i'li' ' * Addition to the city of I'allu I'lty ,
NuliiaNlwt , on tliu irroiniil thun-ln allcu-'d that
at the time said propert > "as purchased plaintiff -
tiff p.iM tin ; untlri' consideration thcri-of ulili
her nun anil separate meaiiu , and that the
\endor conveyed'tlu1 h.uni by deed to Albert
Vavra. plalntHt' husband , now decease , ! , anil
canned the lecr.l tllle. to lie placed In him III'
Htcml of In plaintiff , ax It should li.ivo IKMMI.
I'elltiouer prajH thi.-rt.-ln Al-
| H > rl Vavra. deceased , held Ihu li-iml title to
said property in trust for plaintiff and that nhe.
IH tlm ouner absolnlely , In feu Mimple , of the
said premise * , and that > ou , tliu said defend
ants , a tliu hrlrn at lau uf the said Altiort
V.ura , ili-ci-.iseil , have no Interest In nor tltlu to
K.iiil properti , and for Midi other or further re
lief as may l < jiut ami i-iultatilt | .
You are reijulrc'd to ansuer tliu Kali ) petition
on or before the Hh il.iy of NovcinlHT. 1W7.
9l-t4 MAKV VAVKA , 1'lalntllT.
civor KBIT'S ljharmacy
OIJIuo I'hcni-'JIiO Ki'Bldencu Phone 271
Having located at ARAUO anil
placed .it your < U- > poitl a nice ,
clean stock of
Dry Goods
Shoes , Etc.
v/e would invite a share of the
trade in this community. Call
and ! examine our stock and
price * Jlriiifj 'ts your produce
and # et the highest market price.