The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 27, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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3aBHHr 23aMHw
. . Bun-hard Sun-
.l-.tiimilnlMif spent
tiny here.
Paul Burgess and wife moved to
Firth this week.
Mrs. Fred Rlst had a tumor removed
from her eye this week.
Mra. Ed Davis of Denver I * here
visiting the Cooper families
Tout Smith and family are visiting
friends at Washington , Kan.
Edna AkerH went to Council BlulTb
Tuesday for a visit with friends.
The quarantine sign was removed
Irom the Bohrcr homo Tuesday.
E. S. Norton and wife were hero
from Dawfoti Sunday visiting friends.
Ben HoldlHchka and wife of Lincoln
visited his father north ot town recent
Mrs. George Sutton of Table Rock
was entertained by friends here this
Col. Harding has sold his property
to Walter Legg , possession to bo given
Oft. 1.
A. L. Drake and wife went to Boa
trlco Monday for a weeks visit with
Mrs. Will Johnson returned Sunday
from a visit with E. Whitney and wife
In Omaha ,
Humboldt Is to hold a speclul elec
tion to vote on $0000 bonds for a sewerage -
ago system.
Ernest Rial entertained the twelvlh
urndo at his homo south of town Tues
day evening.
W. A. Volts and wife visited their
daughter Mrs. R. J. llnlxdn In Table
Rock this week.
Herb Dot-hind came down from Mid
land , South Dakota , Monday , fora visit
with relatives and friends
Mrs. Belle Corn has proved upon
her claims near Midland , S. D. , and re
turn ud Monday to this place.
Mrs. Austin Martin of Tccumseh was
entertained this week at the homo ol
her sister Mrs. Roscoe Anderson.
Lou Walzku was In Beatrice thlt
week assisting the band at that place
in furnishing miislo for a carnival.
Fred Scoutln , wife and mother have
moved hero from Topeka , Kan. , and
will reside on a farm north of town
John Power returned Tuesday from
Eldorado , Kan. , where ho ha * bcei
looking after farm Interests for several
Mrs. Freeman Lynch who has Doer
hero from Yunkton , S. D. , visiting hoi
r sister Mrs. Win. Brandow returned ti
her homo Saturday.
Mrs. John Dvorak and baby caiiu
down from Omaha Friday to spend i
few days with friends. She will bo n <
membercd as Miss Rosa Novak.
JoSpruguo has sold his residenci
property on Ncmuhu street to Guorgi
Newton for S700. Mr. Sprague am
family moved this week to Marysvlllo
Kan .
The Pawnee City and Humbold
Men schools huso bull teams crossoc
bats on the homo diamond Friday
afternoon. Score 12 to 18 in favor o
the locals.
Mrs. R , L. HolThas returned to hoi
homo in this city after an absence o
several weeks in St. Joe and Salem
While In the former city she underwent
wont an operation but is now consider
ably improved in health.
Friends of Mrs. Lovl Davis won
shocked Saturday to learn of her sud
den death. She was found lying in tin
barnyard in an unconscious state , * h <
was removed to the house , but succum
ei' before the arrival of a physician
Death was evidently duo to appoplexy
The decoared is survived by six ohH
dren , Mrs. Frank Reynolds of Peacock
Canada ; Ruby , Haxel and Elslo Davl
of this city : Royal Davis of Illinoisjani
Kverott Davis of Lincoln. Funeru
services were hold from the horn
Tuesday afternoon.
Chas. Stump and wife were guests c
his parents Sunday.
\'Iola LlppolU was a guest of Mr :
F. S. Llchty Sunday.
Wra. Bowman and Otto Ruegpo lei
fur California last week.
A. McCann and family spent Sunda
with H. A. Burk and wife.
Llojd Pock and family of near Rt
Bcrve , Kan.wore visiting hero Sunda )
Bennett Cook and Lora Cauibli
spent Sunday with Frank Cook an
The rhililri n of Torn Irnnlcon visit
I'd with tln-ir mit-lr ( ion. Simnse
Philip IJoutK of Dickinson coun'y ,
Kan. , la IIPVP vl illug with Frank
Iloutz and family.
H. J. Prlchard and family and Goo.
Prlrhard and family spout Sunday at
Ed Auxlors near Verdon.
The surprise party given at the
homo of F. S Llchty and wlfo last Sat"
urday evening was quite well attended
and a good timereported. . Refresh
ments wore sorvcd.
Ttiero will bo a box supper given at
the Silver Creek school house Friday
evening , October I. Everybody Is In
vited to attend and the ladles are re
quested to bring boxes.
Miss Grace lionnott and her puplh
will give a free musical recital at the
Maple Grove church Friday evening ,
Oct. 27 Everybody Is cordially Invit
ed to attend thisentertainment. .
The quarterly meeting held Sunday
at the Mnplu Grove church was quite
well attended. Elder Snoop was pres
ent and delivered -omo line sermon1 * .
At the noon hour a dinner was given
In the grove near the church which all
seemed to enjoy.
Tom Qulggle drove toShubcrt Wed
John Mark loft for Crulghtun , Nob. ,
O. P. Veal and wlfo drove to Stella
Bcsslo Stump came up from Fall !
City Saturday
Jake and Sarah Cook spent Sunday
with friends at Maple Grovo.
Walter Veach and wile made a trl |
to the county scat Wednesday.
floury Corn and J. S. Cospor drovi
to Morrlll , Kans. , Wednesday.
Lorena Sloan of Wyoming Is vlsltln ;
her tirolhcr W. C. Sloan and wife.
Mary llaiiloy and Mrs. Maggl
Schafer wore in Auburn Saturday.
John Lecfers anil wife visited he
parents at Xohra.skn City last week.
Arnott Hart. Florence- Hull urn
Chloc Wilkinson drove to Salem Sun
Mrs. Lllllu Wilkinson and daughte
Vernii went to Liberty Sunday for :
short visit.
Blanche Armbruster and Heloi
Dlckmau came up from Falls City Sat
day on a visit.
John Fryburgcr and wtfo of Hum
boldt spout several days hero last wei-1
visiting relatives.
Ada Corn returned to hop homo a
Salem Monday after a visit with ho
grandmother Mrs. Amanda Corn.
Marie Fastaneau returned to ho
homo at Nebraska City Tuesday afte
vihltlng her si-tor Mrs. Leefers fo
Real Estate Transfers.
Wm. and Etta Khoatls to Clinton 1
Baker wil 1 52-100 a of no qr of MV < |
IM-IS $900.
M J. Byrne ot al to the Philpot ,
Tanner Covd lot 8 blk 25 Dawso
$ : too.
Isabelle McPherson to O. A. Bur
wtl lots 19 , :0 lilk 160 Falls City HUH
S. 1 ? . Neb. Building , t Loan Asso. t
Elvira M. Goldman \vil lots 7 , 8 blk IE
F.ills City SlfiO.
S. E. Neb. Building .t Loan Asso. t
James Goldman wd lot 7 blk 170 Full
City ? 275.
Anna and Emma Rentier to Adeli
Curtih lots 1 , 2 blk 7 Stella f-'SSO.
Mary Plumb to John Young wdv 1
of ne qr 14-1-17 $1200.
M. and B M. Kiloy to M. B. Nntt.
wil to lot 3 blk 10 Dawson 5500.
L. L. and Jessie Kinsey to Dial-
8 Mnhcr wd 20 ft of e side lot 22 blk 1 :
Lincoln Land Co. to Carrie May q <
lots 15 , 1C oil ; 00 Knlo $20.
Frank Ulakency and wife to Mrs. 1
U. Njms wtl o hf of so qr 17-1-14 $650
Ben Vaughn and wife to S. E. Nc
Uuilding1 \ Loan Asso. wcl lots 7 , S b :
IS'J Falls City J27S.
Sam Sear.- , and wife to S. K. Xc
Building A Loan Co. wd to lot 7 , b
I'.H ) 5275.
Clarence Wiltse and wife to Georj
Schock wd strip of land in Stcele's :
to Falls City sec. 10-MO J1COO.
Lincoln Land Co. to Mrs. C. (
Fickle qcd to lot 3 blk 43 Rule $15.
John Kanaly and wife to Mr . L. (
Fickle qcd lot 1 blk13 Kulo 85.
Herman Gagnon wil to L , C , Fick
qcd lot 2 bill 4.1 Kill.i Md
Sam Scars to .lames Goldman qcd
lot N blk I'M ! Falls City $275
Marriage Record.
I'M win Mllii-r , HiHikwaUor.Nobr
C'litrit O Fitrnnw , Hn'ikwHlter , Nabr.
Dan tvi-ll > of Vi-rdon was in town
Wednesday. '
t W. Fra/.ec at-d wlfo were Falls
Cltj visitors Sunday.
.1. K Stephenson iiii < l wife spent Sun
day visiting In FallCity. . ;
.lake Peters ami Llo.ul Mitchell were
Fall-City v'ltorFriday. .
Anthoin Huchhol/ and Albnn Kelly
went to Fail- City Saturday.
Homer Sailors and wife of Stella
wore vlpltlnu reltttlvos here.
Clyde Va .sai * and Roy Williamson
wore Stella vNltur-s Simirdnv.
.1. T. Sailiirttint to Mdi-t-lipad's Is
land Friday l trun ii'l hu-inet-S.
Sam Vassar from B.uiei-oft , . Neb. , is
renewinir old acquaintance- .
W. O. KuUfr , wifu ami daughter
went to Brownvlllo to visit relatives.
Mrs. A W. Nixon spent a few days
last week In Omaha visiting her cousin.
Walter Vanliminghii.n and wife of
Falls City vi.sltcd at Everett Rowell's
m Sunday.
Fred Fiene is building an addition to
ills house thereby Improving its ap
pearance greatly.
T. F. Burgess went to Mound City
Monday on bu-lness. Herman Ivellcy
toi.ding shop In his absence.
The Gospci * Hill tiitie and the Shu-
bert nine crossed bats Sunday , the
score standing 0 to 2 in favor of Shu-
W. C. Brldgeman hauled a load of
lumber from Shubert on Friday to be
used in the addition lie is building to
his home.
Supt. Oliver was up from Falls City
Wednesday and Thursday visiting the
school and his daughter Mrs. Lillian
Stephen * ! ! ! ! .
1 A. C. and C. U. Stolnbrlnk went to
Utlca , NVb. , to vis-it their brother Fred
and from there tlu-y wont to Buffalo
county to look at the country with a
view to Inventing.
Clias. Allan shipped a car load of
cnttlo to St. .loo last week. Mrs.Allan
and grand-daughter Dollle joined him
tlioro and they visited a few ilavs with
their son Mitunlo.
LouU Siomorlng and wlfo returned
Thursday from St. lee whore they had
boon vibltlnir relative ! . . They now go
to Craig , Mo. , where Louis has a posi
tion on the railroad.
Mrs. Klixn nulVeo of Civil Bend , Mo. ,
and her brother Hd Thompson of Ot-
tumwa , Iowa , accompanied bv Mr. and
Mrs. Robt. Thompson of Falls City
vlslu-d Friday with their cousin Mrs.
Susie Williamson
Joy Morgan of Upland , N'eb. , accom
panied Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Butler to
this phio * * and spent Sunday here. On
Mo ml u > ho conllnueil his journey to
Peru whore he is attending school. Ho
Is a brother of Mrs. Butler.
Otis and D. K. Spickler came In from
Chicago by rail last Frldaj. They un
dertook to make the journey in the
auto but the fall rains prevented so
they oourded the train and left the
automobile to follow In like manner.
On Wednesday , Sept. 18 , Asa Earl
Butler of this place and Miss Pear ]
Morgan of Upland , Neb. , wore married
at Mlnden , Neb. This event Is the
I outcome of a friendship formed while
r ! both were attending school at Peru ,
[ Earl has gro.Mi to manhood in this * , and Is most well and favor'
; r I ably knov n. Mrs Butler has been en
| gaged in teaching in this state. Shi
: c comes to us a stranger but wo welcome
! o her most heartily. Wo are glad to ex
tend to this estimable couple our heart
lost congratulations for a bright am'
prosperous journey through life. The
young couple returned to Barada 01
Saturday and will soon be at home t <
their many friends in their plcasan
( arm homo east of Barada. On Sun
day moro than thirty Immediate rela
tives jfathtroil to do justice to a inagnl
llcent dinner given In their honor b * ,
Mr. and Nr * . W. F. Butler parents o
the groom. About 5 o clock the guesti
dlsporseu wishing the . ioung couplt
the greatest possible happiness In tholi
Marshal Beaslcy and wife re
turned Sunday from a visit tc
their daughter , Mrs. Beyette o |
Nebraska City.
10 acre farm upland , 2 mile ? of Rulo. for sale.
205 acres well Improved , Rlehnrdsou county , I.-- ! than forty live dollar * < ? l"i.00i per acre
. . Best ol terms. M'cht ' consider
240 acres , Juckstin county Kansas Well improved. Fine spring.
sider an eighty as purl pay. One and one-half miles of depot.
Good homo. 0 ronm1 lots , well locafd , $2,500
Five-room house , 2 lots , close In , $1,500.
Five-room house , 4 lots , cooil condition , 81,750 ; pantry , collar , wood and coal house.
The Jilon City property near Central school and 2 lots. Receiver's sale.
1210-ncre ranch , Phillips county , Kansas. Will take 310.000 to 815,000 of property In exchange
as part pay.
Private money to loan on lands.
Cicorco HiK.ket of Wymore WHS- hero
Jlin Ilnlns of llarllti , Kan. , was hero
this vvceV.
Leslie Inks was a Falls City visitor
last Friday.
Nell Thornton spent Sunday with
friends hero.
Btilda Danncoker was a St. Joe vial-
tor this weuk.
Win. Tmu was a county capital visi
tor last week.
Hen Culp and wife -vcro St. Joe visi
tors Tuesday.
A. T. Sherman of Table Rock was
hero Tuesday.
Mrs. Emma Wallace was a Fall ? City
visitor last week.
Sain Bryant of Fortcfcue was hero
the first of the week.
Lena Caver/aplo attended the circus
at Atchlson last week.
Win. True visited his parents at
Union , Neb. , last week.
Dave Green of Forteseue was a busi
ness visitor hero. Monday.
Iva Johnson went to Ilumholdt Mon
day to remain for sometime.
Rov. Maze of Salem preached here
Sunday mornln < r and evening.
Lueile Santo has been quite sick with
malaria fever , but h Improved.
II. M. Ueunen who filled Agent
Popes place , left for GralY , Neb
John Anderson of Kansas spent one
I dav last .veek with friends here.
Bert Anderson came down from Lin
coln to spend Sunday with his family.
Joe Bruza and family left Monday for
McCook where they will visit friends.
Al Kent went to Missouri Monday
whore lie will have charge of a saw
Frank Brown went to While Cloud
Monday to clerk In tne store for Kelly
Ruth Kanaly returned to Falls Cltj
after spending Sunday with home
Win. Waggoner of Fortescue visited
last Sunday with Ills sister Mrs. Ton ;
Nays. v
J. D. IJInkle and wife of Fortescue
vislU-d with their son * family here
The Burlington freight agent of Liiv
coin was looking after buslues-i hurt
Sherman hays has resinned his du
| tics as auction foreman after a month :
I vacation.
' Mrs. Ft'o of Chicago who has beet
visiting her daughter returned hem <
j Saturday.
John Gurleo and Annie Illll o
White Cloud were calling on friendi
here Sunday.
Dallas Jones and wife of White Cloud
, vero guestiof Robert Mullins it IK
wife Sunday.
Mr. Pope and family returned fron
their vacation last week and report i
a good time.
Charlie Plfer of Atchlson came hen
Sunday and will take Clyde Adam'
place on the freight.
Mr. and Mrs. John Winterbotton
and daughter Molllo left Wednesday
for Los Anceles , Calif.
Knoeh Zolgler has been sullcrlni
with neuralgia in the face for semi
time , but Is much better.
I Glen Martin was Kicked by a hors
I one day last week and rendered un
I conscious for a short time.
Jim Waggoner and family of Mar
grave's ranch visited with relative
here a few days this week
Mrs. Bessie Itrlnegar purchased Mr
' . property and expects t
i move Into her new home soon.
I Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith drove t
their farm near Barada Monday. The ,
1 j report a few peaches on their place.
1 Bell Ilolliday who has been vlsitln
1 ! at the home of John Kanaly departe
' i for Peru Monday where she will attcn
Mrs. W. Wltman and son Oram lol
Tuesday for Kansas City to join he
. husband who has been in business thor
I f jr tome time.
> Mrs. SohatYer of this place an
i daughter Mrs. Green from wester
1 Nebraska are visiting relatives in Tai
klo , Mo. , this week.
Clyde Adams left for Lincoln Suuda
and will brake from Lincoln to St. Jo <
\ We are sorry to lose Clyde , He he
been on the AtchUon run for a Ion
Mrs.Vlll Craig and children who
have spent the past two weeks with
friends In this vicinity returned to
their homo In North Burrow , Iowa ,
Friday evening.
Mrs. Clyde AdaiiH left lat week for
Nebratka City to visit friends. Mr.
and Mrs. Adams expect to move to
Lincoln teen and she will remain in
Nebraska City -.111111 he pets located.
Win. True returned Thursday from
ten days trip through Missouri and
irkansas. He reports Missouri pretty
ry with fair crops , but through Ar-
ansas crops are completely dried up.
Quite a crowd of Workmen went to
Vhlte Cloud Friday night and were
given a hearty welcome. After lodge
it which several candidates were initia-
cd , refreshments were served and a
oclal time was enjoyed until a late
Mrs. Pierce gave a party at her home
n Tuesday evening in honor of her
aughtcr Francis. Quite a number of
ittle folks were present and all cnjoy-
d themselves with gtimes of various
duds. At a late hour the little guests
ought their homes after thanking
heir small hostess for a very pleasant
Anyone wishing to contribute any-
hlng toward the fund for cleaning olT
he cemetery can leave the same with
harlle Huvcr at the postollice Money
s badly needed for this work as the
undsare low , and the living certainly
Might to wish that the last resting
) lace of loved ones bo kept clean , and
his takes money , which a few should
lot be compelled to furnished , when it
vlll be a benefit to all. A well kept
cemetery shows a progressive spirit in
tnv commulty where it is found , so let
is be ghtd to donate our mite to help
his work along.
Gertrude Hays has been the guest ol
rleuds In St. Joe this week.
C. C. Fankell has been visiting Dan
Weller at West Point this week.
lone Shick went to Peru Monday to
iittend the normal the coming term.
Mrs. A. W. Montgomery went to
Omaha last Friday to take medica
Graces Raines ol Omaha spent a few
dajs hero this week with her sister
Mrs. Joe Elchert.
Howard Miller and wife of Kansas
City are spending the week with hci
father Andy Uelmock.
Mr ? . Noah and daughter have been
visiting the former's * sister in Sun riders
county i-ince last Friday.
Seven members of the Mur-onio lodge
went to Oiimlm Sunday to attnnd tin
( eml-eontenial festivities.
Mrs. Hohlorf of Kcokuk , lowu , arrlv
cd Thursday to spend the winter will1
her daughter Mrs. Irvo Ueimers
Lawrence Mllingcr has purchased ai
eighty acre farm in Waubunseo coun
ty , Kansas , and expects to move there
In the jprlnc.
H. D. Weller left Wednesday fort
three months visit with relatives h
Pennsylvania. He will also vlsl
Washington and Jamestown before re
diet Clark will have a public sal
next Friday then ho and his family am
J. R. Curry will move to Emerson
Okla. , where Mr. Clark recently tool
a homestead.
Mrs. A. H. Calllson of Winnemauce
Nov. , but who has been in Lincoln fo
some time taking medical treatment , !
spending the week with her parent
Dan Hlgclns and wtfo.
J. W. Farmer and wife of Per
spent Sunday here with his parents
Ills sister and her children who ar
virltlng hero from San Francisco at
companlcd them home.
A furnace Is bolus ; put in at th
Christian church. New seats hnv
been ordered , and ths church Is other
wise being improved. The ladle
aid society are pavln f'tr the work
Talbot Curtis , n prosperous fitrme
living north of town , has purchase
the Relmors residence at the north en
of Main street , and Is making arrange
ments to move to town soon. Tnc tw
Reimers sisters , who have been Hvln
there , have moved into the Hall house
Prof. J. L. Richardson \va
here a few days this week 01
business. lie is holding : tnusica
convention in the neiuhborhooi
of Beatrice and has been quit
If you would enjoy a delight-
til evening of fun , Irivolity and
harming' ' music , you cannot af-
ord to miss the merry musical
omedy , "Are You Crazy ? " by
' 'rank Damsel , which comes to
rhe Gehling Tuesday , Oct. 1st.
Miis charming entertainment of
wo and a half hours duration
las left a most favorable iin-
> ression wherever presented ,
'he extremely witty lines , the
ixcrutiatingly funny situations ,
he clever specialties and the
lew and original musical num.
jers all combine to make this
one of the most enjoyable even-
ng's entertainment.
Babtist Churcli.
Services next Sunday as follows
* J:45 : a. m. Sunday school.
11:00 : a. in. Sermon.
f > :30 : p. in. Young : peoples meet-
n ff.
7:30 : p. m. Sermon.
Rev. Hamilton of Iltunboldt
will preach morning and evening
cordial invitation to all-
Alodern Preaching.
Next Sunday evening Rev. R.
K. Teeter will preach at the
Jrethern Church upon the sub-
ect : "Modern Preaching : , Its
Weakness and Its Strength. "
The morning ; subject will be ,
'The Fruit of the Spirit. " A
cordial invitation is extended to
Notice of Referee's Sale
Notice is hereby Kiveii.tlmt in pursuance to an
inli-r issued out of the District Court in and for
ilclianlson County. XebrasUn.on tin-fill day of
September , 1907 , in ail action in partition pcmU
HIT therein , in which Kmtnett I . James is
ilaintiff and I.lzzio James anil Matrifle I.eurand
ire defendants , ordering the iinderslirned icfer-
i-es to sell the following described lands and
.CIICIIIUIIIM , lowlt : Thee t half ( ' 3) ) of the
southwest quarter Hi ) of section number twen
ty-seven (27) ( ) and the east half (54) ( ) of the .south
east quarter ( } ) of section number tuenty-eiirUt
) , all in tounship nunitier three (3) ( ) , raniru
number fifteen (15) ( ) . east of ( J I' . M. Richardson
County. Nebraska.o will , on the 31st day of
October , 1WT. at u\o o'clock 1 * . M. of said day.
U the west front door of the court house of said
county , In Tails City , sell said real estate at
public auction to the highest bidder for cash.
Possession of said premises to be given Yardi
1st. IWS.
Dated this 21th day of September. 1 ° 07.
I'aul II.Veaei. .
Conrad Kase.
Uliner Hay.
02-15 Ifrftnvrn.
Notice of Ki-feree'o Sale
'Xico Is herebv arivn. that by virtue i tan
ordi i1. . f sali1. Issi.rd oiuof the district court , in
and i Kichardsiiii r.uiiuy. Nebraska , on the
15th day of Sepi.-nibi-r , A. D. tl 7. in a suit for
partition \\lieri-ui IVrrj , rvf. Cermain , Kllen C.
( ifrmain , Sainui-1 12. ( .i-rmain. Homer 1) . tier-
main , Arthur L. Cermaiu , CXiiier A. ( lermai , ! ,
Jennie Yiiung. Ida M. Ne sbaum. Noah Ney-
battni , Jennie I < au.Villl.ini I < au , AHiii l' :
main , John ( lermain and Cortlond 12. ( ' , crfliainr
an- plaintiff- . Clarence Carter , Charjcs. A.
Carter , Cyril E. Carter , a minor over 14 yuarb of
aire. Prank Carter , a minor over 14 jcars of aee.
Samuel Carter , a minor o\er 14 years of qfe ,
Auirubto Carter , Ernest I' . Carter and < ! oldiu
Carter , a minor under II years , Frank Carter ,
the husband of Millie M.Carter. deceased. Cecil
Caffen , and Wllber Caffen , her husband , Into
Branson , a minor , under the aire of 14 years.
Ellen Caffen , ami I'mnk Caffen , her husband ,
and Mrs. Mary Whcatlev. and Kduard Wjat' | (
ley , her husband. Abe Ilranson , husband of
Eliza Ilranson , deceased , and Willie Uraiisoii.
minor under the ago of 14 years.are defendant- * ,
directed to us as referees , in said suit for parti
tion , we will as such referees , on tile 30tli day
of Octolwr , 1W , at one o'clock p. m. at the west
frontdoor of the court house in I'alls l'it .
Kichardson County , Nebraska , sell for cas | > thu
following descril > ed premises tow it : The south
one half of the north east quarter and the north
half of the south east quarter of section No.
twenty (20) ( ) excepting three acres of land wlncl
is located in the south east corner of the north
east quarter of the south east quarter of saul
section 20 , and which Is more particularly de
scribed as follows : Commencing at the south
east corner of thu north east quarter of the
north east quarter of the south east quarter ot
said section twent ) , running thencenorth. .
twenty-four rods , thence due west twenty rods ,
thence duo south twenty-four rds , tnencudue
east twenty rods to place of beginning. And in
lieu of t.aid three acres so cxceined. are to bo In
cluded in said sale three acres of _ land located
in the north west corner of the south wet
quarter of section twenty one (21) ( ) and which u
more particularly described as follows , to wit :
Commencing at the north west corner of the
south wckt quarter of said section twcnu one
running thence duo east luonty-fotir rod * .
tliirnce due south twenty rcxls , tlionco due west
twenty four rods , tnence due aonh to place of
begtnuing. All of said land lying In towntbip
one (1) ( ) range thirteen ( IdJitt'RIcuardsau County ,
Terms of sale caalt.
Dated Tails City. Nebraska , this 21st. day of
SepU'inl r. 1C07.
J. R. Wilblt * .
Otto Jo Parr.