The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 20, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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10 acre farm upland , 2 m\\ct \ \ of Rulo. for sale.
205 acres well Improved , Rlchnrdsou county , less than forty live dollar15.00) ( ) per aero.
Henry C. Smith 240 acres , Jackson county Kansas Well Improved. Fine sprint ; . Must of terms. Mlcht con
. sider an eighty as part pay. One and one-half miles of depot.
Good homo , 0 moms. 4 lot , well located , $2,500
Five-room house , 1 ! lot" , close In , $1,500.
Five-room house lots , peed condition , 81,7uO ; pantry , cellar , wood and coal house.
The Xlon CUy property nuur Central school and 2 lots. Receiver's sale.
LANDS & LOANS 1-IO-acro ranch , Phillips county , Kansas Will take $10.000 to Slo.OOO of property In exchange
as part pay.
iiioiiov to loan on lands.
HafiSSB !
Tom Mann is now employed as hol
er at the depot.
Rattle Cooper vlsltod relatives 1
Table Rock Wednesday.
Mrs. S. M. Phllpot wan under th
can1 of a physician this week
Ed Rosllng has resigned hi * pnitlui
us night operator at the depot.
Mrs. L. C. Mnnn was reported on th
Mck list the middle of the week.
L. C. Edwards of Falls City spoil
Sunday with llumboldt friends.
Dr. A. E. Wolfe of Falls City made i
professional visit hero Tuesday.
,1. M. Ford has been employed thl
week In treating the school house to i
fresh coal of paint.
Rev. W. H. Hamilton occupied th
pulpit in the Baptist church at Fall
City Sunday evening.
Dr. Howard Marsh and wife .iro. th
'f parents of a llttlo cluughter born V
them Thursday , Sept. 15 ! .
' Charlton Hall returned homo Tune
| l dny from u visit with his duughte
t Mrs. John Gird , In Lincoln.
I Mrs. M. E. Linn went to Grandln
' Mo. , Tuesday , where her son , Frci
I j. Linn and family now reside.
Ih Mis. W. F. Garvor left the last o
the week fora visit with her iluughtei
Mrs. Grace Boycrj in Minnesota.
George Sehmolzel und wife wore ui
from Fulls City the latter part of tin
Ii week visiting relatives and friends.
\l \ Hugh Phllpot la seriously 111 ut tin
homo of his brother S. M. Phllnot , snf
fcring from n complication of diseases
\ \ Mrs. Mary Hluvuty was down fron
Lincoln the middle of the week visit
\ < ing friends and attending to some bus !
| t lUhel Broekway returned Thurbdin
last to Lincoln , whcro she holds tin
u position of head nurse in Dr.Wllmoth'
\ hospital.
5 < Two trained nursea were called Iron
; St. Joseph the lust of the week to car
for L. M , StornH and wife , who are suf
fcring with typhoid fover.
s Harry B , Shollenbargor and famil ;
' who had been here from Stamford
t Neb , vlsltlni ! John Shraugerund wife
returned Friday to their homo.
Albert Boutlor and llttlo son Vernoi
returned Monday from St. Joseph
where the latter had undergone ai
I operation for appendicitis. His condl
thin Is gveuily Improved.
i Onus. Snyder and family , who huv <
bct-n residents of llumboldt for n yea
past , have moved to Chorryvlllu , KB.
where ho will bo employed as supcrln
tendent of the brlrk yards.
The following young people loft thl
week to attend the State Unlvorslt ;
this fullMO : Niius , Ollvo Petrusheli
Muhullc Davis and George and Lol
i Hummel and Lloyd Stuldcr.
Scott Flnloy of Los Angeles , Cull ,
who hiul been hero visiting his slsto
Mrs. C. S. Williams , departed Tuee
day for Philadelphia , where ho wil
complete u course In u dental college
S. E. Davlc and family are now locu
ted in the resldonco property whlcl
they purchusod last spring , loeatei
south of the Presbyterian church. Dt
E. S. Cooper and wife will occupy th
Stcmler cottage vacated by the Duvl
A mass meeting of the citizens a
Humboldt was held in the city hal
Wednesday evening to discuss the mat
tcr of placing u sewerngu system 1
this city. M. N. Hair of Fulls City wn
present to lay the contemplated plan
before the meeting.
Paul W. Burgess , who bus been en :
ployed as book-keeper for Cooper i
Linn the past summer , has reslgne
his position , uud ho und his wife e.\
pect to soon return to their forme
home ut Firth , Neb. , whore lie bus in
cepted the managership of the Flrt
Word was recently received in Hun
boldt thut Mrs. George P. Monuguu ,
former resident of this plnceund who *
husband was publisher of the Standar
ut onu time , had died tit her home 1
Washington , D. C. , death being duo t
an operation. The body wus taken 1
West VIrelnlufor interment.
E. A. Tucker and wife , who huv
been making their daughter Mrs. Ra
Gist un extended visit , departed Fr
day for their homo. Their return tri
was delayed several weeks on uecout
of Mrs. Tucker's serious sickness , M
Tucker is ut present interested in n
insurance company of Los Angeles.
A prolty wedding was solemnize
Thursday evening last at the home (
J. J. Thompson and wife , when thcli
eldest daughter ( tlnettle , was united It
marriage to Pearl C. Colon } * , son o
August Colony and wife , formerly o
Pawnee City but now resident * of Cole
rado. Rev. Mort Wilson performed
the marriage ceremony , In the prcscnci
of a few of the immediate relative * o
the contracting parties. The coupli
left Tuesday for Colorado Springs
where wo understand the groom I cm
ployed us electrician ot alighting plant
Del Calvin and Edna Xorthrup wen
united In marriage Thursday after
noon at 3 o'clock at the homo of Ruv
John Culvert , who performed the cere
mony. The brldo Is a daughter of Mrs
Laura Northrup , who has been a red
dent of this city for the past year. Thi
groom holds a position with the firm o
Buttorileld & Gergens.
- *
Henry Lemon of St. Derolnvns here
Illram Wolf of Fargo visited Jessk
Wolf the first of the week.
Paul Smith of Nebraska City was r
biifincbfl caller on Monday.
Mat Schulcnherg mnde a business
trip to Falls City Thursday.
Joseph Surmun and family were
Falls City visitors Saturday.
W. A. Cox and wife went to Stella tt
visit their nephew Wrn. Cox.
Mrs. Ida Suthner of Howe visited
Mrs. Herbert Stokes Sunday.
Bessie Surman Is visiting her brother
or Arthur Surman at Armour.
A. C. Stclnbrlnk went to Shuberi
Monday to visit his brother Fred.
Rev. Hutts will preach Sunday at tin
Christian church morning and ovcnlng
M. F and Kuhn Clark wont to Lang
don , Mo. , whcro they have secured
job" .
Dr. Elder and wife and Mrs. Ollli
Kuker were Falls City visitors THUS
R H. Dunn took a load of product
to Falls City Thursday for R. J. Dunt
Oscar Gibson from near Vordon was
visiting hltt aunt Mrs. D. 12. Splcklei
Charles Martin and wife and MUi
Grace were shopping In Pulls Citj
W. U. Wells of Palisade , Nob. , visited
od 12. 12. Bolejiiuk and family severa
days last week.
Wilson Wamslov made a trip to Lin
coin , Omaha , Sioux City and othei
points hist week.
J.L.Clark and wife spent Wedncs
day and Thursday of last week in Falls
City visiting friends.
Galen Klder started Tuesday foi
Mead county , Kansas , whore he wll
] possibly buy some land.
Allen Franklin and wife started foi
Wesslngton , S. D. , for u two weeks
visit with his brother.
Mrs. 12thel Ludwlg with her slstci
Miss Lulu Harris spent Saturday am
Sunday with cousins In Fulls City.
Honr > Laugdon purchased the Eldoi
property this week and will move there
to as soon as vacated by Mr. Burgess
J. 12. Thomas wont to Omaha Sundaj
to visit his brother who la truvellnf
with u show and intends to be then
W. II. Sailors and wife have return
ed from Hitchcock county where the- ,
wont to attend the funeral of his slstei
Mrs. Allison.
Misses Kllen Ilendrleks and Mlldrei
Anderson and Messrs Smith und Nei
Sanford were up from Falls City Sat
urday evening to attend the dance.
Juke Peters und wife returned Frl
day after taking In the state fair will
a side trip to Slou.x City , Iowa , am
later u visit with relatives at Huucroft
Mrs. Muttle Allen and children wh <
have been visiting her mother Mrs
Sarah Williamson for u few weeks let
Saturday for their home at Cambridge
1 Nob.
The cunning factory has boon ii
operation everal afternoons ulread'
the tomatoes although late In rlponlnj
are extra largo und tine. The factor
will bo running In full blast soon.
D. E. Splckler went to Chicago las
week to purchase a new automobile
Ho will return with his brother Oti
who has been taking a course In motor
ing. They will make
the trip in a nev
automobile that Otis recently purchu *
George Hun en spent last week will
relatives in Madison county.
Herbert Bailey him gone to Kelituekj
for a short visit with hU mother.
Mrs. Duvo Hlgglns left for u vlsl
with relatives In Ohio the first of th <
Mllltird Goodloc and family luf
Tuesday for a visit with relatives Ii
Mrs. Fred Fnnkell went to Llncalt
Wednesday for an extended visit will
a daughter.
Will Ryan ha * purchased u farn
south of Shubert and will move thereU
in the spring.
Will lligglns and Will Grllllth speni
a few days at Table Rock last week at
tending the carnival.
R. A. Clark and wife and Ollvo Hur
rls left 1 ist Thursday for a MX weeks
trip through the east.
Herbert Hays left for Hamilton , N ,
V. , Monday where ho will attend i
Baptist college the coming year.
Leo Vuder , a former Stella cltl/.en
but now of Poeohontus , Iowawas visit
Ing relatives hero the first of the week
Mrs. Sims and daughter Tina o
Nuckolls county were the guests 01
John Curtis and family the past week ,
Sherm Suycr- , went to South Dukoti
Tuesday with the Intention of buying
some land If any can be found thai
121mer Rcimers has gone to St. Paul
Minn. , where he has u position as i
telegrapher with the Great Northerr
Mrp. John Hanlln of Holdrego and
Carrlo Voung of Omaha spent last wcoV
ut the homo of their mother Mrs. Caroline
line Young.
Mr ? . Ella Sargent and three chlldrei
of San Francisco arrived here last wccl
for an extended visit with her parent !
A. M. Farmer and wife.
Hugh Thompson has sold his eighty
acre farm u mile east of town to Join
Snyder for 35,075. Mr. Thompson ant
family will probably go to Seattle tc
John Holland went to Russell county
Kansas Tuesday. The Holland film
lly have a section of land there and he
went there for the purpose of renting
the land.
Mrs. Clay Peck is on the sick list.
Mrs. Juke Glbblo spent Monday wltt :
Mrs Francis Stump.
Ida Utirk was u yuest of her slstei
Mr ? . Chcsloy Sunday.
D. Kellur went to Pennsylviinia re
cently for an extended visit.
Chester Stump and family returnci
homo Monday from Hastings.
Francis Stump and Jake Glbblc
were Morrlll visitors Monday.
Martin Nolto and family were guest :
of A Ketterer and wife Sunday.
Wm. Iluettner and family spent Sun
day with John Nolle und fumlly.
D. D. Hcavis und wife spent Mondaj
with her sister Mrs. Frank Uhlig.
F. M. ShatTer loft Sunduy for Cull
fornlu.for u visit with his brothers.
O. A. Burk und wife spent Sunday
afternoon with their son nnd wife.
Edith Peek left Mondiiy for Beatrice
and other points for u few weeks visit
Mrs. W. K. Knight of Fulls City Is i
guest of relatives a few days this week
Lawrence Ellinger nnd wife of Stelli
spent Monday with George Johnstoi
und wife.
Mr. and Mns. Elarkendorf of Fall
City spent Monday with Mrs. F. \\T
Goldlo Yocuin returned to her horai
Tuesduy ufter several days stay will
her sister.
P. 12. Shatter and wife nnd Lei
Shuler und wife were guests of Wm
Huottner's Sunday evening.
Mrs. Annlo Flke , Mrs. S. H. KnUe
lyund Mrs Eph Peck left Saturday fo
Falrbury to vUlt Sum Fisher und fum
Card of Tbanks.
We wish to thank our man }
kind friends , also the lo < res , W
O. W and K. and L. of S. No
< > 10 for all their kindness am
care during the illness of tin
husband and brother and tak <
this means of showing ou
gratitude and appreciation foi
their services.
Jim Mooney was a St. Joe visito
Mrs. Jim D.ivis is visitingin St. Jo <
this week.
Mrs KadcUin left for Ohio lastwcel
on a visit.
Frank Brown was a county scat visi
tor last week.
Rob Kanuly went to Falls City om
night last week.
Frank Drown was a White Clew
visitor Monday.
Eel Parrot of Peru spent several day :
here this week.
Harlaml Jones was u Kulo visito
Monday night.
John Chancy visited with Missour
friends Sunday.
Supt. Oliver of Falls City visited ou
school Thursday.
Will Cunningham was a Falls Citj
visitor this week.
Harry Munu departed for Wilbe
Friday for u visit.
Jim Rhodes of Fortcscuo was a vUlt
or here this week.
Ed Davis and wife visited In St. Joi
the first of the week.
Dr. Henderson went to SVliite Cloiu
Monday on business.
Several from here attended the circus
at Atchison Tuesday.
J. H. Gllbright spent Sunday taking
in the sights in St. Joe.
Miss Holliduy of Burr. Neb , is tht
guest of Gertrude Kunulv.
Frank Vanvaulkinbur } * : spent a fcv
days in St Joe this week.
D. W. French visited witli liom <
folks in Missouri Sunday.
Mrs. Charles Hopkins and chiklrci
visited in Atchison Tuesday.
Ed Gllbart departed for St. Josepl
Saturday to sp 'nd u few days.
Ella Goolsby of Missouri visitce
witli J. S. Muthew.s this week.
Mrs. Frank Brown and children visi
ted Falls City friends last week.
Mrs. J. A. Hinklc and Helen Hout :
were Falls City visitors Monday.
E. Snook of Wymore had charge o
J. B. Gilbright's gang this week.
Edgar Bryant of Rushbottoin wa
transacting buslncas here Tuesday.
Mrs. Langdon Jackbon visited will
her daughter in Atchison this week.
Bert Anderson and Henry Scott wen
to St.Jou to spend the day lust Sunday
Mrs. James Tangncy and Emm ;
Dannccker spent Friday in Falls City
John McClelland and Wayne Rich
unison were Fulls City visitors Thur =
Uuttio Hart came up from St. Joi
Saturday to spend Sunday With homi
Henderson Alexander of Rushbotton
visited with friends here the first o
the week.
An uutomoDllo load from Falls Cit ;
crossed the river Sunday enroute ti
the big lake.
John Malian ami sister Maggie am
Essie Marsh attended the play at Fall
City lust week.
J. B. Gilbright bridge foreman lef
Monday for Burlington , lowe , on i
visit to relatives.
Mrs. JeiT Gilbert and daughter Lc
nore are visiting relatives in Soutl
Dakota this week.
Mr. Graves returned Monday fron
a few days visit with his son Will am
family ut Vcrdon.
P. E. Foley of Chicago now ha
charge of the iron workers on the Mis
souri river bridge.
Huth Kunuly came down from Full
City Saturday to spend Sunday at horn
returning Monday.
Allie Tilton of Unioutown Pa. , arri
veil Wednesday on a visit to her grand
mother , Mrs. Boles.
The band omitted the weekly con
cert Saturday night as the boy.s wen
to St. Joe to see the circu-s.
Will Hiiiton of Omaha with two as
sistanU placed a new boiler in th
pumping station last week.
Mrs. King and daughter .Mrs. Brut
lln of Falls Cltj , and Neil Thornto
visited with Hulo friends last Suturduj
Mrs. Theodore Anderson returuei
home Wednesday from a two week
.stay in Kansas , which improved he
On Monday night the member * o
Hart lodge assisted by Ed Parrott dc
puty , initiated five new members mak
ing eighteen this month with foil
more to hear from.
Miss Beatrice Fee and friend of Chicago
cage spent lust week witli the former'-
sister Mr.s. Frank Vunvaulkinburg it
this city.
Mrs. Crulc und children cume fron :
KuiisiiH Wednesday where she had
been visiting the past ten days to visit
Kulo friends.
Kulo Is to have a new grocery store ,
operated by Fred und Harry Marsh ,
They will locate where the Helpierc
shoo store was.
Iva Johnson had the misfortune tc
lot ono of the large windows in tht
tchool house full on her hand Fridaj
the result is a badly mushed hiind.
John Young who lias been visiting
here the past two weeks left for his
home in Jackson , Miss. , Sunday. He
will return here to live in January.
Bert Anderson went to Lincoln Mon
day night where he will take charge
of the construction of the now round
house which is being built for the Bur
lington at thut place.
F. 12. Gulp of Wyinoru wus u visitor
hero Mouduy. He dcptirtcd for Can-
uda Tuesday to visit his brother Ephen
und fumlly who moved from Rule to
that place iv few years ago ,
Mr. and Mr.s. Gotleib Dictscb cele
brated their golden wedding last Fri
clay. The out of town guests were Mr.
and Mrs. George Dictsch , anil
daughter Margaret of Hastings , Mr.
and James Mcndenliall and son of Be
Grandma True returned Friday from
her Missouri tri ) ) and ufter spending
the night with her sous family wont
Saturday to her home in Union. Sht
was favorably impressed with the pop
tlou of Missouri which she examined
und thinks seriously of purcbusinjj land
and making thut her future home.
On last Thursday evening while several >
oral loads were going out to serinudt
Mr.and Mrs. Brlntgar one of the teams
became frightened throwing out Larj
Letlenbaugh and Mark Whitselbreak' !
ing the former's collar bone and stun
ning the latter , he was unconscious for
an hour or more , but , has recovered
Lury is getting along nicely alo.
Dave Clark drove to Siileni vVedno ? '
day night.
Win. Mowery of Stella was u visitoi
here Monday.
Warren Douglas I'umu down fro.i :
Lincoln Saturday.
Quintine Stump returned home fron :
Sabetha , Kans , Sunday.
Mesdames Jim Ayers and O. P. Veal
drove to the county seat Friday.
Dr. Houston was up from the countj
scut Tuesday on professional visit.
Bob Ljman and wife of Stella visit
cd E. A. Harden and wife Sunday.
Charley Henderson nnd wife went U
Dawson Thursduy to visit relutive ? .
Ralph Walker went to Denver Tues
day and will be gone several weeks.
Mr. Wilkinson of Dawson visited
Charley Henderson nnd wife Thursday ,
Mrs. Georsre Fogl-j returned home
Sunday from u pleasant visit at Firth ,
Lizzie Nedrow and Dick Smith drove
to Salem Thursday night to attend tht
Lizzie Conover and Fred Douglas at
tended the play a t Sulem Thursday
Henry Corn nnd Charley Shoeraukei
uttended the play at Falln City Thurs
day night.
Earl Ramsey and wife were up fron :
Pulls City Sunday visiting Wm.Dragoi
and ftunily.
Born to George Hull und wife Thurs
duy nltrht , a baby girl. All concerned
doing nicely.
Mrs. Elvira Hull returned home froir
Liberty Monday after u two week :
visit to her son und fumily.
Rev. Whiston baptised the following
ut Harpen's pond Sunday : Ida unt
Viola JohnsonRuth Pennington.Susat
Hurt , Jake Cook , Rex and Mamie By
Jim Parker while trying to re
ndjust some defective vnlve nboul
his threshing engine iienr Verdon
Tuesday , met with a n nccidenl
that he is grateful did not resull
more disastrously. Ho wns tam
per ! I\K with some steam pipe thai
wns not working properly , when
the vnlve exploded iind the broken
fruyments hit Mr. Parker nbove
i he eyeaHe wns brought home
nnd treated by Dr. Burger nnd
will soon be nble to resume hit
work , tlmnkfnl that umtters nro nc
worse. Dfiwson Newsboy.
Cuss Jones had business iu Rule
U. G. Dorstehad business ut the
county scat Frlda- .
W. F. Dorste returned from Gordon ,
Neb. , Fiiclay evening.
F. E. Nitzache and family had busi
ness in Rule Wednesday.
Our mall currier Mr. Wlltse had
business ut F.ills City Friday.
John Futschcr shelled corn Thurs
day which he delivered to Rulo.
Henry Brinlckcr und wife went to
housekeeping In Rule Wednesday.
Fred Ruegge and family were visit
ing with Henry Hcrschberger Sunday.
Len Walters and wife of Corning
were visiting ut their store here Mon
George Peobody und family of Rule
were visiting with J. C. Wuldrofl Sun
Miss Carrie Buckminstor and broth
er Will bought 80 acres , of land trora
Henry Hersohberger for $34 per acre.
This land was sold a short tlmr > ago at
public auction , part of the Uereohber-
ger estate.
Jim Randall's line team of duns hud
u narrow escape of beins : stolen Sunday
night. George King who is working
for Mr. Randall came home lute und as
the robbers heard him they let the
horses go and made their escape. They
had the ropes cut and the bridles on
ready to start.
Same Offer of Bargains , Put In Dif
ferent Form , Quickly Cleared
Store of Stock.
A merchant in a western city was
desirous of reducing his stock with
out delay , and was willing to make a
liberal pacrifice of profits to do so.
lie announced a x'O to 23 per cent ,
reduction sale. It was bona-Hdc
and the prices had been cut , but the
public had seen such announce
ments before and was slow to come
in. The merchant was discouraged.
Then he had an idea. The newspa
pers next day carried big "ads" an
nouncing that at this store every
fourth yard or every fourth article
of the same price would be sold for
nine cents , no matter whether it
was worth ten cents or $ oO. A wom
an came in to buy an article which
cost five dollars. She bought two
others which cost the same amount ,
and then a fourth , for which she
paid only nine cents. The fourth ,
eighth and twelfth yards of every
kind of cloth went for nine cunts.
The store was packed and jammed
and the stock cleared up in a hurry.
Yet it was practically the same 23
per cent , reduction pale which had
been advertised so unsuccessfully.
The proposition was merely put in a
more convincing way.
Bridget had been going out a
great deal , and her husband. Hike ,
wns displeased. "Bridget , where do
yc spend ycr toimc nights ? Ye're
out iv'ry avenin' fur two weeks , ' ' he
"Shut up , Mike ! I'm gettin' an
edication , " she answered.
"An' phwat are ye lenrnin' ? " said
her indignant husband.
"Why , to-night we learned about
the laws of compensation. "
"Compensation , " said Michael.
"What's that ? "
"Why , I can't explain ; but fur in
stance , if the sense of smell is poor ,
the sense of thasto is all the sharper ,
and if ycz are blind , yo can hear all
( he better. "
"Ah , yes , " said Mike thoughtful
ly. "I see it's loike this. Fur in
stance , if n man is born wid wan leg
-hortor than the other , the other is
longer. " Sunday Magazine.
" 1 told that poor young widow. "
began Mrs. Xuritch , "that you'd
give her hey work if "
"Well , I won't" interrupted Xu-
ritch. "She sent him jo-day with a
note that said : T must find employ-
mcnt for my son , oven if ho works
for a mere pittance. ' The nerve o
he'r callin' me 'a more pittance ! ' "