The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 13, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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10 acre farm upland , 2 miles of Rulo. for sale.
200 acres well improved , Richardson county , less than forty-five dollars ( SIo.OO ) pep acre.
C. Smith 240 acres Jackson county Kansas. Well Improved. Fine spring. Best of terms. Mlaht con
Henry . sider an eighty as part pay. One and one-half miles of depot. /
Good home , I ) rooms. 4 lots , well located , S2f > 00
Five-room house. 2 lots , close In , SI,500.
Five-room house lots , good condition , 81,750 ; pantry , cellar , wood and coal house.
The Zlon CUy property Central school and 2 lots. Receiver's sale.
LANDS & LOANS 1240-nere ranch , Phillips county , Kansas. Will take $10.000 to $ lf ,000 , of property in exchange
as part pay.
Pplvato moupy in loan on lands.
Al J'yle drove to Falls City Satur
0. H. But-h was ti Falls City vUltor
Elinor Uu'olton went to Omaha Sat-
day evening.
Win. Margraves returned from Oma
ha Thursday.
Miss Marie Morris went to Hulo
Tuesday evening.
. Hva Frldley returned to her work In
Soldier , Ivans. , Friday.
Mr ? . C. F. 1'rlbbeno returned from a
visit In tlu- west Tuesday.
Hugh Wilson returned to his homo
In Forest City Wednesday.
Wlrt Ilaler and family were visitors
to the county seat Saturday.
Elmer Hosolton and wife attended
the fair at Hiawatha Thursday.
Mrs. Schuldor roturnid homo from
a visit In Pawnee City Tuesday.
Oscar Vurvol af Fortcscue , Mo. , was
transacting business hero Friday.
Arthur Dolainoy and wlfo returned
to their homo In Lincoln Monday.
Mrs. John Ni'Hjfol and Mrs. Charles
Gbr/o drove to Falls City Wednesday.
John Hutchison was a guest of Guy
Stumb Sunday.
Frank Xorn and wlfo returned from
Lincoln last Friday.
Blytho ShatTer visited with May
Hour/ Monday night.
Ucnry Zimmerman was a guest of
Win. Uuottnor Sunday.
Otto Ruoggu was a guest of his sister
Mr ? . Kd , Klmmel , Sunday.
II. A. Burk and wlfo were guests of
the formers parents Sunday ,
Win. Huottnor shipped a car load of
hogs to KanPuH City Monday.
Ltttlo Mabel ShalTor Ib spending the
week with her grandparents.
Mrs. Claude Plnlllpl went to hop
homo ut Ilorlon , Kns. , Monday.
Otto Huottner and two sons spent
Sunday with the formers father.
Dora and EUIc Horstmnn spent cat-
urday afternoon at , F. S. LlohtyV.
Martin Nolle and family spent Sun
day with Win. lluottnur and family.
Klmer and Charles Pock of Morrlll ,
Kus. , were guests ot relatives Sumluy.
Mr. and Mrs. Glass were guests at
the homo of Otto Huottnor's hist Sun
P. E. ShulTer and wlfo were guest of
thu formers fatlior In Falls City Sun
Grandpa and Grandma Hurkof Hulo ,
are enjoying n visit with relatives this
Mrs. N. Puck and children were
guests of George Shouso and family
George Johnston and family were
guot > ts of George Stur.ns and family
Mrs. George Prlehard visited at Stel
la Sunday , the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Claude Phllllpl and Edna Shaf
fer were guests ot Mre. Ncttlo Spang-
ler last Thursday.
Mrs. Frank Llchly , children and
Katie Wolek spent lust Thursday with
Mrs. Chester Stump.
Ed. Klmmel and family returned
homo Saturday from their pleasure
trip through Colorado.
Mrs. George Prlehard enjoyed a visit
from her aunt , Mrs. John Hrockman ,
of Humboldt , last week.
Tom Montgomery of nultmun , Mo. ,
visited with Ed. Kimmel and Frank
Llchty a few days recently.
Earl Shatter and wife left Sunday lor
Hastings , Neb. , to enjoy a week's out
ing at the campmeetlng there.
Annie Shaller of Falls City and Miss
Shatter of Pennsylvania , wore guests
at the homo of the formers brothci
Chester Stump and family left Sun
day utturnoon to attend the confrenei
at Hastings , which Is In session thl
week at that place.
Frauk Lichty nmd family , CheHei
Stump and family and (5uy Lichty am
vlfo were guests of John Lichty am
wlfo in Falls City last Sunday.
Alarnage Record.
Benjamin Freeman , Biirlow , Mo. . . 2'
Ruth Jackson , Blglow , Mo 2i
Harry C. Darner , Columbus , 0 2 ;
Jennie E. Leister , Falls City 2 :
Taylor Sylvan , Humboldt 3
Edna M. Northup , Hurabolt 1'
Sermlpher , came with her to spend
two months.
Miss Florence Reynolds Is clerking
in Marstlor's store.
Hurry Gongwor and family are vis
iting In Oklahoma.
A baby girl was , born to Mr. and Mrs
Mao Weddlo Saturday' .
The Reno & Alvord tent show ex
hibited at Stella Wednesday.
Miss Mary Dempsey Is attending
school at the convent In York.
Mrs. Dick Curtis is the guest of a
brother and sister at Hrokcn How.
Sid Tlmmurman and family are vis
iting relatives In weetern Nebraska.
Joe Mourcr and Roy Grilllth arc at
tending business college at Lincoln ,
Miss Hazel Hogrefo Is attending
school ( it Midland college , Atchlson.
Miss Jessie WIthoo Is homo from
Washington. Her aunt Mrs. Rachel
Miss Lambert of North Plate Is the
trimmer at the Jones millinery store.
Mrs. M. L. Hays and son II. M , Hays
were visiting In Kansas City the past
F. M. Clark the cabinet maker , will
move to Cedar Rapids , Iowa , in about
ten days.
M. Barstlor returned to Hurr Satur
day after spending several days with
Is sons Arthur and Arnold at the store
Dora Allen and family arrived hero
rom Omaha lust week and expect to
gain take up their residence at this
J. R. Cain , jr. , and wifeuro expected
nine from Jamestown this week , and
G. McBrldo and family from the
1aclfie coast.
Charles W. Tllllny , whoso wlfo was
rought hero and hurried Wednesday
f the past week , returned to Kansas
Illy last Thursday.
Miss Pearl Miller Is visiting her
iiother , Mrs. Meysor. The young Indy
las recently finished a COUPHO as a
rained nurse In an Illinois hospital.
Mike Shafer has bought the Mrs .1.
' . Wlxon farm where Chester Clark-
* living , and sold the farm occupied
iy Lawrence Elllnger to Charles John-
on. Jloth farms contain eighty acres ,
ml the selling prlco of each was $70
\ \ acre.
Luuy Gregory went to Full City Wed-
Mr . M. L. Porter loft Thursday for
C. L. Ayers went to Falls City
Will Uhllg and family spent Sunday
n Salem.
Lena Stavor left Monday for Scotts-
, 'Hlo , Runs.
John Feleht came down from Dawson
Allan I ) . May made a business tripe
o Fulls City Monday.
Mrs Fnnnlo linkup loft Wednesday
; lay for Iniivale , Ncbr.
Ed May Jand wlfo drove to Falls
City Thursday evening.
Louie Davlson and Jean Cain visited
.n Salem Friday evening.
\V. B. Boyd went to Hiawatha Wed
losihiy to attend the races.
Mrs. Cora Meredith and children
drove to Falls City Saturday.
Gertie Robb and Maggie Lesley
drove to Falls City Wednesday.
Sarah Thompson and Perry Morrl
were Daweon visitors Wednesday.
\V. D. Easluy of Kansas City was
looking after business interests in
Salem Tuesday.
Eugene Meredith , Virgil Grinstoiu
and Dean Wlndlo drove to Falls Cltj
Sunday evening.
Conlth and Madgo Down of Portland
Ore. , and Dora FUhborn of Shubor
visited in Salem last week.
Henry StlUop and wlfo loft lust wee !
for Reading , Pa. ; while gone they ox
pcct also to visit the Jamestown ex
Mrs. Chii ! > . Cooper and children o
Pawnee City and Mrs. Jess Bunker o
Dawson spent Sunday at the homo o
James Purson.
Miss Hazel Btirrutt entertained
few friends at her homo Wcdnosda
evening in honor of her aunt , Mis
Violet Noxvlow. Everybody reports
good time.
Peter Kaiser and wife cam
home from Omaha Monday even
ing , haying tfotic there to visi
relatives after a few days visi
7 in Nebraska City.
.T E. Thomas was. a Shubcrt visitor
D.V. . Kyan of Stella was a business
aller Thursday.
Mrs.i Dr. Elder was the guest of Mr * .
C. F. KukerSunday.
Frank Williamson lost n v&ry line
nllch cow last week.
.1. .1. Shruder of Vcrdon WIIH visiting
n our village Thursday.
Mrs. Clara Wagner visiting Mr- .
Martha Frazeo Saturday. .
Wesley Maddox of Falls City was
ecu on our streets Friday.
C. E. Simmons of near Verdon visit-
d E. E. llolejaok Thursday.
Louts Sehulonbnrg and wife attended
io fair at Lincoln last week.
Mrs. Ollle Hanlka was the guest of
Ihs Ethel Goolsby Sunday.
Miss Mlnnto MeMahan of Falls City
Islted at Delongtsthis week.
R. J. Dunn & Son -old Je-slo Bueh-
lolz a line new buugy Saturday
A. C. Stelnbrlnk and family visited
. A. Uauor ami family Sunday.
Otto Lit/ and family visited Mr.
. .Itz'fl brother , Charlie , In Falls ( Jlty
u n day.
Dr. Strong reports n fine new boy at
kip. and Mrs. Ralph Wheeler's born
cpt. 5th.
Coonoy Gordes and wlfo attended the
late fair Wednesday and Thursday of
i t week.
Thomas Murphy and wife ol Dawson
vero visiting their daughter , Mrs. E.
j. Bolej'iok.
The two Mrs. Reugge's and Mrs.
lenry Fchr were vIsltltiL' In our vil-
igo Monday.
Henry Langdon and Miss Lettlo took
harge of Lloyd Mitchell's store dur-
111 : his absence.
Frank Zimmerman from Albion. .
Jebr. , is visiting his uncle and aunt ,
Mr. and Mrs. John Shortledge.
C. H. Martin went to Oregon , Mo. ,
Wednesday to visit his dauchtor , Mrs
Jhlllp Markt returning Friday.
C. W. Allen went to Blackbird to
ook at the country , ho Is thinking of
novlng his family out there in the
icar future.
Ml.8 Mable Sailors went to Beatrice
Ylday as a delegate from the young |
icoples" association. She will return
n about a week.
Llojd Mitchell , Jake Peter and
Vllon Franklin and wives spent several
lays at the state fair last week coming
lomo by way of Omaha
Louis Sflmerlng and Wanda Richoy
vero united in marriage Wednesday ,
Sept. 1th , by Justice Gordes. Wo ex-
end congratulations and best wishes
o this newly wedded couple.
Miss Hattlo Lilly of Shubert eamc
over Sunday evening and tpok up her
ibodo at Mrs. Henry Seimerings where
ho will board this winter while she
oaches in the Barada school which bo-
; un Monday morning.
Gotlieb Vlcglo from just over the
ixansas line was in our town Saturday
md purchased twenty head of hogs of
Wm. Cox and on his return , when in
ibout oue mlle of homo his team be
came frightened and ran away throw-
ng Mr. Vlogic out of the wagon and
bruising him up pretty bad , fortunately
no bones were broken. The team went
on home taking the hogs with them
On Saturday afternoon and evening
Mr. and Mrs. Ira A. Dunn celebrated
their ollver wedding at their homo
four miles south east , of town. Quito
a few Invited guests were present
among these being the bride's parents ,
the mother of the groom and all the
children born to the unionAt 5:30 : a
sumptuous dinner was served. The
table fairlj groaned under the good
things prepared by the hostess. The
bride received m a n y bcautilul
pieces of silver. It was with ardent
wishes for the return of many moro
anniversaries all departed voting Mr.
and Miv. Dunn a most loyal host and
Dave Davies is looking after
business in the western part of
the state this week.
John Work and wife of Adair ,
Iowa , are visiting relatives and
friends here this week. Mr.
"Work is a leading farmer and
stockman in his home county but
cannot help admitting that old
Richardson county and surround
ings look good to him.
Mrn. Wolf o was a Stella visitor last
Amret Hart was a Fulls City visitor
Walter Vciich wn ? a Lincoln visitor
last week
John Allenbiuigh was up from Falls
City Saturday.
Mr. Johnson drove to the county
seat Saturday.
Wm. Mowery of Stella was in town
Monday on business.
Roy Watson returned to his school
duties at Lincoln Monday.
Lou Heinemat ) and wife returned
home from Lincoln Friday.
Mrs. J W. Stump returned homo
from Sabctha , Kans , Monday.
Henry Corn made a business trip to
Sabctha , Kans. , last Thursday.
Florence Hull returned home Wed
nesday from her Falls City v'slt. '
II. N. Timmerman and wlfo attended
the state fair at Lincoln last week.
Rev. Strahl and wife of Straussville
were business visitors hero Monday.
Mrs. Fred Gibbon and son visited
Mrs. Al Kroh the latter purt of the
Rev. Whiston Is holding a series of
meetings at the Christian church this
, veek.
O. E. Stout of Auburn was looking
after business Interests here the first of
the week.
Clarence Smith and wife of Falls
City were in town a short time last
Mesdames Will Gib = on and Warren
Douglas" attended the state fair at Lin
coln last week.
Ben Clements and daughter of "Holla
spent Wednesday at the home of Joe
Estesand wife.
Edna Wolfe went to Stella Thursday
and remained until Sunday vlsltlntr
her friend , Pearl Clements.
Mesdames Clark andGoolsby left last
Wednesday for a yls'i ' Io relatives at
Burlwell , Nebr. The former will go
to Oklahoma before her return.
A little -on wa- born Saturday , Sep
tember 7. to Joseph llodapp and Hfo.
Campbell Bros. Clrous drew an
enormous crowd to Humboldt Friday.
The advisability of placing a smvor-
age system In Humboldt Is liRinir ngl
Mrs. E. D. Wood of Elk Creek spent
a part of the week with Fumboldt
John Mann and wife were over trom
DuBoh Friday visiting L. C. Mnnn
and family.
Mrs. Fred Noble of Lincoln Is hereon
on a visit to her parents , Dr. J. L.
Gandy and wlfo.
Edward Hodapp wont to Peru the
middle of the week , where he will enter
the stale normal.
Mrs Will Lydlck and children have
returned from an extended visit with
relatives in Missouri.
Elmer Rousek left the first of the
week to resume his studies In the col
lege at St. Mary's , Kansas.
Ethel Brockway Is homo from her
visit to her brother , Paul Brockway ,
and wife at Topekn , Kansu ? .
Lelund Shroyer returned this week
to his studies at Highland Park college
lego near DCS Molnes , Town.
Fred Arnold und Herbert Ford loft
Monday for Grand Island , where thej
will attend school this winter.
Bessie Leo left Monday for Lyons ,
Nebr. , where she has accepted em
ployment Io the city schools.
C. L. Hummel recently sold his fine
farm of 100 acres north of town to
George Kors. Consideration 817,000.
Frank Porter and wife moved their
household elTccts to Dawson Tuesday ,
where they will rnsldo In the future.
Lulu Hummel left Saturday for Lin
coln , where she will remain this winter
and attend the conservatory of music.
, Mrs. E. E. Emmett and daughter ,
Dorothy , were down from Lincoln this
week , visiting R. R. Pbllpot and wife.
Anna Porak. who has employment in
Pawnee City , spent several days the
'last of the week with friends In this
The ladles of the Presbyterian
church were pleasantly entertained at
the home of Mrs. Minnie Unkefor
Mrs. L. M. Sterns is reported ser
iously ill at her home on Nemahn
street , suffering from an attack of tpph-
old fever.
Col. M. W. Harding returned Thurs
day last from Walker. Minn. , where
ho has spent the greater part ot the
Mrs. A. D. GUe and little daughter
were down from Table Rock the lust
of the week visiting the Buttcrfield
Carrie Hasness , who has been spend
ing a short vacation with her parents ,
Henry Hnsness and wife , returned
Sunday to Omaha.
John Williamson , Rudolph Vcrtisku ,
A. J. Buerstctta and N. C. Campbell
were called to Falls City Monday as
witnesses in district court.
Hugh Philpot returned homo the |
last of the week from St. Joseph , |
where ho had been receiving medical
treatment. His condition is slightlj'
The Butterfield and Power Bros ,
elevators are beine moved this week.
Humboldt's now depot will be placed i
on the site upon which the latter
building stood.
Elmer Smith is asrain at his accust
omed place in Scott's hardware store ,
having returned Sunday from n week's
vacation spent with his parents at
Pleasant Hill , Nebraska.
Edith Drake , who has been spending
the summer with her parents , A , L.
Drake and wife , left the latter part of
the week for Beatrice , whern she will
take a course in a business college.
The B Y. P. U. of the Baptist
church gave a farewell reception Mon
day evening to Herbert Ford and Fred
Arnold , two of their active members
who arosoon to leave to attend college.
Grandma Zulok , one of the aged res-
dents of Humboldt , died at two o'clock
Tuesday afternoon after a lingering
lllnesi which had rendered her help-
les * for many months. Funeral ar
rangements have not been made at
thi * writing.
The following young men of Hum
boldt , who are graduates of the city
schools and contemplate attending col
lege this year , organized "The Hum
boldt College Students Club" Friday
evenincr : Lois Hummel , O , W. James ,
Herbert Ford , Fred Arnold , Milton
King , Otto Kotouc and Edward Ho
dapp. The boys attended the circus
in a body in the afternoon and In the
evt-ninc held a "pow wow" around a
camp lire on the banks of the Long
Tony Huchisun was a Missouri vis
itor Sunday.
Frank Brown was a Falls City visitor
Thomas Hays has had a new well put
down recently.
Ves. Bunker of FortUcuc was a
Rule visitor Monday.
Clyde Ashbury's father is visiting
with him this week.
John Lewis was a Missouri visitor
ths first of the week.
Rob Kanaly returned from St. Joe
Thursday of last week.
John Anderson of Kansas was a
Rule visitor last Friday.
Mr. Noys a traveling man from Troy
visited Rule Wednesday.
A Lvtlo made a trip to his farm on
the islana Sunday forenoon
Robert and Eran Dunn visited in
Missouri Sunday afternoon.
Frank Chanoy and two daughters
were Rule visitors last Saturday.
Mrs. Bowker hud a well put down
where grandma Shepherd lives.
JelT Graves of Oklahoma was called
home by the death of his mother.
The ladles aid society will meet at
the home of Mrs. Plumb this week.
Win. Dorsto shipped a car load of
hogs to St. Joe one night lust week.
H. M. Reuuery , relief agent , is filling
agent Hopes' place during his absence.
Mrs. Fee of Chicago , is visiting her
daughter Mrs. Frank VanValkcnburs.
Mr. Edgcomb returned last week
from a visit with his son Frank , at Ge
Emmet Gleason went homo Sunday
morning to spend the day with homo
Pete Anderson of Wyola , Montana ,
arrived in Rule Tuesday to visit
J. H. Merialn of Lincoln was a Rule
visitor for u short time Tuesday
Wash Graves of Humboldt attended
the funeral of his mother at this place
John Mooney shipped a car load of
hogs to St. Joe Wednesday night of
last week.
Frank Brown and wife attended the
Brinegar-Noltzseho wedding last
John Kanaly drove to Falls City
Monday accompanied by one of his
daughters. ,
Juke. Miller and olster Mrs. Anna
Davis departed Tuesday for Boise
City , Idaho.
Fred Malche , departed for Superior
Monduy where he is engagecd In the
cigar business.
Charlie Graves and family of St.
Joseph came up Sunday to attend his
mothers funeral.
Wm. Graves and f amity of Verdon
were here to attend the funeral of his
mother Monday.
Grandma Ocombe returned homo
Sunday from a six week's visit with
Kansas City friends.
John Anderson of Sherdon , Wyom
ing visited the past week with Bert
Anderson anil wife.
Mr. and Mrs. Huber were guests at
the marrlageof MlssNettche and Mr.
Briucgar , last week.
John Mann of white Cloud , was
visiting with old acquaintances the
later part of the week.
The band failed to give the open air
concert Saturday night on account of
the threatening weather.
Bob Mulllns has moved hie family
here from Kansas and will work for
Tom Nays on the section.
John Lorando returned from Cert
land Sunday evening , where he has
been working for some time.
Roy Morris of Wymore Is running
the engine on the Atchieon freight
during Will Truo's absence.
Mrs. Susan Boles has been on the
sick list for a few days past , but is
slightly Improved at this writing1.
Mrs. Susie Hays of Shubert carce
down Sunday evening to attend the
funeral of her grandmother , Mrs.
Ruth Kanaly came home Saturday
evening to spend Sunday with home
folks , returning to her duties in Falls
City Monday.
Mrs. Wm. Craig and children of
North Burrow , Iowa arrived in Rule
last Friday to visit friends in this
vicinity and Kansas.
Edgar Bryant of Rush Bottom was in
this oltv Monday and while here pur
chased u team of S. N. Cunnlt.gham
which he took home with hlm-
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Anderson
drove to Hiawatha Thursday. Mr. An
derson returned Frldey out the latter
will remain for a week or more.
Wm. True and mother departed Mon
day evening for an extended trip
Through MteMiuri Mrs. True ex
pects io purehii-e und In tnat. state.
Verna Vastlne departed lor Lincoln
last week for a few days visit with
friends a'ter ' which she expscts to take
up her school work for another year.
John M. Pope , station agent has a
ten days vacation and has taken his
family to Troy , Kansas , where they
will visit his parents and other friends.
Bert Anderson , Henry Scott. Edd
Smith , Big Jack ana John Anderson ,
went Iishlng Sunday , with the usual
result ; the fish are all in thu Nemaha.
Last Sunday being quarterly meetIng -
Ing services were held Saturday eve
ning , also Sunday at 11 o'clock. The
presiding elder was present , also the
regular pastor , Rev. Malxe. At 3
o'clock Sunday afternoon a cradle roll
service was held , but owing to the
threatening weather a small crowd was
in attendance.
On Tuesday afternoon at three
o'clock a very pretty weddinc occured
at the home of Fred Ncitzsche. At that
hour Miss Annie Neltzsche and Henry
Brlnegar were united In murrlngo.
Two couples attendee' them. The bride
wore a oeautlful 'Iressof white silktho
groom wore the conventional black.
The ceremony was witnessed by about
two hundred invited guests. A bounti
ful dinner was eervcd to which ample
justice was done. The prc ° ents were
numerous and beautiful. The young
couple have a host of friends who wish
them happiness and success through
life. They will reside on the George
Phinney place , west of Rulo.
Mrs. Graves died at her home in this
city at six o'clock , sundav morning
September the Sth , 1007. Mrs. Graves
has been sick for several year ? and
bed fast for many Ions : months. She
welcomed the call which brought re
lease her utYerin rs. She leaves he.
hind a husband , who is also in feeble
healthalso several sons , William , of
Verdon , Nebr. . Charles of st. Joseph ,
and Wash of Humboldt , Jeff of Okla
homa , and Frank of Rule a number of
grand children and many other rel-
atlves. Rev. Maize of Salem preached
the funeral at the Methodist Church at
lO.oclock Monday morning after which
the remains were laid to rest in the
Rule cemetery.