The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 30, 1907, Page 5, Image 6

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Eat Sowles' candy.
Mason fruit jars at Heck's feed
store. 85-3t.
G. H. Beard of Humboldt spent
Sunday in our city.
Elmer Marts was down from
Stella last Sunday.
Ever more popular , ThoMj 25c
lunches at the National.
Walter Spaeth was quite sick
the fore part of the week.
Peter Resterer has been on the
sick list for several days.
B. F. Bridgeman was down
from Verdon last Saturday.
J. F. Anderson of Rule was in
our city Monday of this week.
W. T. Clark and L Nelson
were down from Auburn last Fri
Dr. I. N. Houston was called to
Verdon professionally last Mon
day morning.
Mrs. L. C. Mauger drove to
Salem Tuesday afternoon to at
tend chautauqua.
Mrs. Geo. Hoffman and daugh
ters returned home Monday after
a yisit with Omaha friends.
Miss Maude Maddox returned
Tuesday from a month's visit
and sight seeing in Colorado.
Mrs. Graham and daughter ,
Maude , attended the Stella picnic
and visited friends Thursday.
James Williams of Auburn vis
ited 'his ' friend , Homer Fisher ,
last Friday and attended the ball
Mrs. W. L. Fast was called to
Corning , Mo. , the latter part of
last week by the serious illness
of her father.
Mrs- Jessie Sears and Miss
Freda Senner drove to Reserve
Sunday and spent the day with
Mrs. Scars' parents.
Ed Davis of Peru was in our
city the latter part of last week
the guest of his brother-in-law ,
Emmett Satterwhite.
Clyde and Roy Lum of Verdon
were in Falls City Thursday and
witnessed the ball game between
Tecumseh and Humboldt.
Occasionally we find a fellow
working by the day who toils
harder trying to kill time than he
would if he did an honest day's
Mrs. Cecil Graham and little
daughter , Dorothy , returned to
their home in St. Louis Tuesday
after a few days visit with Mr-
and Mrs. A. Graham in this city.
Miss Josephine Graves left on
Tuesday for Waynei Neb. , where
she will teach during the coining
year , after spending her summer
vacation with Mrs. B. F. Morgan.
Mrs. Dr. Keller returned Mon
day night from a three weeks
sojourn at Excelsior Springs. She
visited friends in Kansas City
and St. Joseph on her way home.
While in the city last Tuesday
H. L. Kloepfel of Rule not only
advanced his own subscription tc
this weekly journal , but had the
paper sent to his friend , Denver
Tidball in Gotebo , Okla.
Mrs. I. C. Maust returned lasl
Monday from a two month's visil
with her parents , B. F. Norri ;
and .wife at Ft. Custer , Mont
She was accompanied by hei
nephew , Leon Norris , who wil
attend school here.
The W. C. T. U. will meet a
the home of Mrs. Laura Saylo
on Wednesday , September 4th
Those who were not present a
the last meeting please brinj
your contributions for the quar
terly free-will offering.
V. G. Lyford returned Monda ;
from the east where he has spen
the past three weeks buyini
goods in New York and wit tl !
Mrs. Lyford and Miss Mable vis
iting many places of interest in
eluding Atlantic City , Washing
ton and the Jamestown expositior
Mrs. Lyford returned with him
while Miss Mable stopped to visi
relatives in Remana , Ills. , for
RED SEAL Flour at Heck's
eed store.
Arn't you glad vacation is
about over ?
\ -
To err is human ; 'to lay it on
the other fellow is natural-
J Wait for the grand opening at
Mrs. Raker's millinery Sept. 14.
John Wiltse was called to Hutn-
joldt on legal business Wednes
Ed Rieger of Preston was up
on legal business the first ol the
W. H. Crews was a Vcrdou vis-
tor to our city the latter part of
: he week.
Mrs. H. C. Raker will hold her
opening Saturday , Sept. 14th.
Wait for it.
Bert Baker and Miss Slocum
drove to Saletn Sunday to attend
The coal man and the candi
date are becomeing very obliging
and friendly.
Apprentice girls wanted at
once at Bon Ton millinery. Must
bring references.
Mr. and Mrs , Peter Resterer
drove to Salem last Sunday to
attend chautauqua.
Miss Kate Heacock returned
last week from an extended visit
with her sister , Mrs. Ray Gould ,
in Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Zook
came up from Hope , Ivans. , on
Tuesday for a visit with relatives
and old friends.
Mrs. Chas. Maddox of Omaha
is the guest of Mrs. L. Knicker
becker this week , having arrivei
Monday evening.
Mrs. Ray Gould came down
from Omaha Monday to visit at
the home of her parents , Mr. and
Mrs : . P. S. Heacock.
Miss Elizabeth Giegax of Lin
coln arrived in the city Sunday
She will be employed as trimmer
at Mrs. Raker's millinery store.
H. J. Kloepfel w'as up fron
Rule Tuesday and took off
enough time to pay a visit to this
office which we were glad to re
Mrs. A. Graham and daughter
Miss Maude , spent Tuesday ii
Kansas City , having accompaniec
Mrs- Cecil Graham that far 01
er return to St. Louis.
"Abe Yoder returned from Ex
elsior Springs Monday nigh
here he has spent the last three
veek in the interest of his healtl
le is very much improved.
The German camp meeting i
n session this week at the old
amp grounds east of this city
ind an unusually large crowd is
n attendance and camping also.
At the way cement sidewalks
are going down in Falls City we
will soon have the reputation of
laving more miles of good walk
. han any similar city in the state.
Rosa Wolff returned Monday
night from a visit to St. Joseph
riends and is again in her old
place at the Bon Ton millinery
store. Her brother , Willie , re-
: urned with her.
J. C. Tanner left Tuesday for
Arapahoe , where he joins his fam-
. \y \ who have been spending sev
eral weeks with his brother , Will
and family. He will return the
latter part of the week' Mrs.
Tanner and Helen accompanying
r Mrs. H. C. Raker and her sis
i. ter , Miss Grace Overholts , returned
it turned home Saturday from a
g visit to their parents at Mil ford ,
r- Neb. While absent Mrs. Rakei
attended the big millinery open
ing in Omaha , also visitir/g the
wholesale house.
ig Humane Officer Hershev wishes
us to state that he has a large
supply of girls sailor hats , shirt'
waists and waists of differem
styles that he will giye to th <
poor children who will need thes <
things to begin school. Call it
the humane office any time nex
Saturday and he will'attend t to <
your wants.
I Satisfied ? if
jl Well 1 Should Say So ! jj
Try our Ice Cream and
Ices , Nut Sundaes and
Sodas , and you will be
"The Taste Tells" j
J. L. blocum and wife attended
chautauqua at Salem Sunday.
Clarence May fie Id was down
from Verdon Friday of last week.
Robert Steele is spending the
week at the Salem chautauqua.
Frank Martin came down from
Council Bluffs to spend Sunday
with his parents.
L. E. Evans and two sons
are visiting this week with Kan
sas City relatives.
Mrs. M. A. Frank was very ill
the latter part of last but is some
what better at this time.
Miss Ethel Parchen is at home
after a two weeks visit with rela
tives and friends in Reserve.
Mrs. Ernest Vincent of Coun
cil Bluffs , la. , is visiting her
parents. Win. Sears and wife.
Reavis Gist and Dorrington
Wigton are visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Fischer atLeavenworth.
Ned Towle has been waging a
somewhat unequal contest with
grip and malaria for the past
Mrs. T. J. Gist and little daugh
ters are spending the week with
Mrs. Minnie Long on the farm
north of Dawson.
Rev. and Mrs. Englebrecht are
in Chicago visiting relatives.
The ; will visit several places be
fore returning the latter part of
When you are thirsty you
* will find NUT SUNDAES ,
Everything in Fresh
fruits and handmade Can-
| > dies.
Electric fans for your
< s > comfort.
< J > Yours to Please ,
I P. G. Bacakos.
Ferd Friedly is making a tour
through Iowa this week , visiting
the best Poland China herds look
ing for a herd-header for his own
fine stock farm near Verdon.
Stanley Wicks of Marion , Neb. ,
arrived in this city last Friday to
visit his mother and other rela
tives. He will return to Lincoln
where he has excepted a good
position. *
When a druggist dies and goes
to heaven and is held up for a
pass by St. Peter , will he ac
knowledge he hasn't one , but ,
instead , "brings something just
as < jood ? "
Rev. Dunkleberger , who re
cently accepted the call of the
First Christian church moved his
family here this week and they
are now at home in the property
recently vacated by Mr. Wai-
dridge's family on Lane street ,
two blocks east of the postofiice.
An auto party composed o ]
Mr. and Mrs. George Abbott ant
Mr. and Mrs. June Abbott am
daughters came down Sundaj
evening from Omaha for a litth
visit with their parents , George
A. Abbott and wife. The rait
of Monday evening delayed thei ir
return somewhat. George , jr.
has a fine machine and with hi :
friends takes many pleasant trii
of this nature , although this i
fhe first time they have made tin
trip to our city.
Geo. Holt went to Stella on
Thursday to the picnic.
Attorney James attended the
Salem Chautauqua Wednesday.
Harry Hughes of Padonia , Ks.i
spent Sunday with relatives here.
4 '
Norman Mussel man took in the
Chatauquaat Salem. Wednesday
G. .1. Crook and family at
tended the Salem chautauqua
II. C. Smith went to Brown-
ville Thursday to attend the
Call and inspect our elegant
line of fall and winter millinery.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Davics drove
to Saletn Wednesday afternoon to
the Chautauqua.
Mrs. Breithaupt returned on
Tuesday from a visit with rela
tives in Kansas.
E. A. Maust is in Atwood ,
Ivans. , this week looking after
his land interests.
Earl Cline left Thursday for
Sidney , Neb. , where he will teach
in the schools for the ensuing
Miss Stevens of Chicago ar
rived Tuesday to visit at the
home of her uncle , P. S. llea-
Col. Marion , wife and daugh
ter and Mrs. Bert Parish drove
to Salem Thursday to the chau
Paul B. Weaver returned Tues
day morning from a trip to the
Lawrence Weaver ranch in Box
Butte county.
Miss Gertrude Daeschner of
Hiawatha is the guest of her
cousins , Misses May and Kate
Maddox this week.
We have the most up-to-date
line of fall and winter millinery
in the city. Call and see us.
Mr. and Mrs. George Segrist
of Humboldt visited Dr. and
Mrs. Wilson during the Hum-
boldt-Tecumseh ball games last
Misses May and Kate Maddo >
and their cousin , Gertrude
Daeschner , and Myrtle Rame
drove to Salem to the choutauqur
Ed Bell is in the city shaking
hands with old friends. He has-
been traveling in Iowa and ha ?
been absent from this city man }
Misses Carrie Slocum and Sara !
Ilutchens with Messrs Bert Bak
er and Ike Lyons jr. , drove to
Sabetha Wednesday to attend tin
street fair and races.
Misses Mabel and Minni <
Macomber returned from Cowe
ta , I. T. , Wednesday night to
make preparations for the open
ing of their schools next week
Daniel Rieger of Fairview ,
Kans. , has been 'in the city vis
iting his brother , Will Rieger ,
and other relatives. We were
pleased to receive a friendly visit
from him.
A baby daughter was born to
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Maust Mon
day evening , but did not live to
bless the home into which it en
tered , the little life being claimed
by Him who gave it.
Geo. Prater , wife and daugh
ters , Chloe and Hazel , left Sun
day for Sebetha , where they will
attend the street fair. Before
returning they will visit Lincoln
friends and probably attend the
Dr. W. II. Kerr went to Omaha
Sunday to see his daughter , Mrs.
Ilansen. She has gained suffi
cient strength to make it possible
to operate upon her this week
and will undergo the operation
e for appendicitis Thursday.
n Raymond Hanna returned Wed
nesday morning after spending
four months with his uncle , W ,
s II. Shafer , in Beaver City. He
was accompanied home by his
is cousin , Miss May Shafer , whe
will visit in Falls City for severa
ceived. Elegant Pattern Hats and Nobby
Fall Styles , Children's Hats , Caps and Hoods.
You are invited to attend my
Do not fail to goyith us on this excursion to Morris County ,
Kansas , whore land is noted for the great production of corn ,
cattle and hogs.Ve spend , hundreds of dollars for railroad fare
and other expenses looking up good reliable agricultural lands
for our customers as we will not talk and try to influence our
friends and customers to buy land that we would not be willing
to buy ourselves. We say without fear of successful contradic
tion that we have better land , that will produce more corn and
other products per acre , for the smallest amount of money of
any land agents in this or adjoining counties. We can sell you
good farms pretty well and well improved in Morris County
from $20 to $50 per acre that will produce from ' 10 to 50 bushels
of corn. Good neighbors , line roads and bridges , telephone and
rural deliver } ' , and as line water as there is in Richardson
County. If you doubt this statement , write or call and see the
following parties to whom we have sold land in Morris County :
J. , T. Schrader , one of the best judges of land in Richardson
County'of Verdon , Neb. , to whom we sold GOO acres at § 28 per
acre ; J. A. Dietrich of Dawson , to whom we sold 100 acres at
? ? > per acre ; "Wilber Henderson of Verdon , a nice farm of 120
acres at SUGOO ; R. E. Rockwell , llumboldt , a 180 acres at
§ 4,200 ; Geo.V. . Johnson , of Falls City , 240 acres at § 8,250. All
of these farms are pretty well improved except three quarters
sold to ) . Schrader. Come and go with us on this excursion , as
the round trip will cost you but § 9.00 , and we will show you a
solid mass of line farms covered with good corn , , large houses
and barns as far as you can see. Now if you haven't but a § 1,000
or § 1,500 we can n't you out with a good farm with this small
amount down. Do not hesitate as land is rapidly advancing in
price. Call us at once over phone 108 , at our expense , so we
can arrange for your tickets.
Wants Name Changed Back.
Mrs. Jennie B. Davis , whose
first husband's name was Levy , ,
asks the circuit court to change
her name to that of her former
husband , as she is again a sin
gle woman. She has a daugh
ter , Enid Esther Levy , and she
wishes to have.the same name
as that of her child.
Parties having wigs , costumes
and other property of mine will
please return same at once.
Miss llerberger of Omaha is
visiting Mrs. W. T. Fenton.
Hundreds of people yearly go through
outnful operations needlessly , because
they nevr tried Man Zan Pile Hemedy.
It IB put up In such a form that It can
bo applied rljrht whore the trouble lies.
It relieves the pain and inflammation.
It Is for any form of piles. Price SOcts
Sold by A. G. Wanner.
Horseshoeing done at 25c per shoe
for resetting and 7. " > c per pair for new
shoes. Give u a trial.
Poultry Wanted
. For which we will pay the
following prices in
Hens lOc Ib Springs lie Ib
Old Roosters 4clb Ducks f > c Ib
Turkeys Me Ib Geese 5c Ib
Eggs 11 cents per doijen
Above prices are good un
til Friday , Aug. 23 , 1907.
First door west of Lyford's
store. Phone 35.
To Start
School Right
you will need
a dependable timepiece
As a teacher , the cor
rect time is indispensable
to you. J A Q U E T is
we'll provided to meet
your needs along these
Good timekeepers from
$5 UP-
Alarm |
can be carried to and
from school in the pocket.
neatly mounted on ebony
base and inexpensive.
A. E. Jaqnet
"The Old Reliable"
Jeweler &