The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 23, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Some Neglected History.
A many of the voters of
this state will recollect when
their attention is culled to itthat
Judge Reese has had his vindica
tion at the hands of the republi
can party , in this state. The
studied effort of those antagonist-
ing Judge Scdgwick , to keep this
fact of Judge Reese's nomination
and defeat , ten years after the
Hastings convention , out of sight
and out of inindsiinply illustrates
their unfairness and their desire
to mislead the public.
At the state convention held in
Hastings in 1889 Judge Reese
was refused a rcnomination. This
fact stirred the state from one
end to the other and from that
time there was a great wave of
public sympathy for Judge Reese
and bitterness toward those who
deprived him of his rcnomination.
There were many active and in-
llucntial republicans who kept
this sentiment for Judge Reese
and against those who deprived
him of a rcnomination alive and
burning , and these republicans
insisted so strenuously that Judge
Reese be given a vindication at
the hands of the party , and an
opportunity to vindicate himself ,
that this vindication was brought
about ten years later. At the
republican state convention in
Omaha in 1899 a judge of the
supreme court was to be nomi
nated and the friends of Judge
Reese felt and believed that the
time had come for his vindica
tion. When the convention took
a ballot , M. U. Reese , S. II.
Sedgwick , S. P. Davidson , 13. C.
Calkins and Lorenzo Crounse
Avcre candidates and balloted for.
Judge Reese led all the list and
immediately the supporters of
Judge Scdgwick in that conven
tion moved to make his nomina
tion unanimous.
So ten ycu"s after his turning
down at Hastings Judge Reese
was made with great enthusiasm ,
the republican candidate for
judge of the supreme court again.
The condition of affairs it
republican state pol i t i c s at
this time was this : In the elec
tion one year previous in 189
Judge M. L. Hayward of Ne
braska City , the republican can
didate for governor , came withii
2,721 votes of being elected am' '
the republican party carried the
legislature of the state. This
legislature laterelectcd Mr. Hayward -
ward , U. S. senator. The repub
lican party was back in power ii
many places and the oppositioi
was rapidly being overcome. So
when Judge Reese was noniL
nated in 189' ) the feeling was
universal that he would prove so
strong that his election woul <
be certain and that the party am'
himself would be vindicated.
In the campaign that follower
there was a unanimity of supper
on the part of republicans tha
added to the feeling that Judge
Reese would be surely elected
The fact wasi however , that or
the official vote of that yeai
Silas A. Ilolcomb defeated Judg <
Reese by a majority of 15,107
votes , while the fusion candidate
or regent on the same ticket
-vith Holcomk , only carried th <
state by 1,791 votes. To thos
who recall that campaign th
reason for Judge Reese's defca
is remembered. He was nom
inated and announced before th
people as a candidate who could
aot be criticized and yet in no
campaign in recent years has
there been a candidate that was
more strongly criticized than he
was. The opposition papers
developed the fact through the
publication of fac similes of war
rants , that a member of his
family had drawn a salary as
stenographer of the court and
the charge was made and never
denied that no service w a s
rendered for this compensation.
It was a charge that cut wide
and deep ; that discouraged republicans -
publicans , and was made use of
all over this state by the opposite
party. Further the record of the
jotc of that year discloses that
5 in some of the strongest ag-
p yicultural counties , Judge Reese
made his poorest showing ; that
in some of these counties his
vote was greatly reduced through
the fact , which was an iiisuc in
the campaign , that years before
as a railroad attorney , farmers
held much bitterness against
him from cases that were tried
against their interests.
This is all a part of the unas
sailable political history of less
than ten years ago in this state.
It is remarkable , to say the least ,
that" the supporters of Judge
Reese today seek to cover and
keep from sight this record when
the republican party vindicated
him , and when he himself failed
to secure a vindication at the
hands of the voters of this state
in 1899. From the nearly com
plete republican success in this
state in 1898 , when Judge Hayward -
ward came so near an election as
governor , and the republicans se
cured the legislature , the repub
lican party took a long step back
ward , when Judge Reese was
defeated by over 15,000 votes in
1899. In the year 1900 the re
publicans again commenced their
return to power by carrying the
state and electing a governor who
was not more popular in his own
party than Judge Reese was the
year before.
In 1901 Judge Scdgwick was
nominated for judge of the su
preme court and he was elected
by a majority of 12,659 , a vote
when compared with Ilolcomb's
majority gives a difference of
27,706 votes in the two years
from the Reese campaign in 1899
to the Sedgwick campaign in
Women's Weed of Sleep.
Women need far more sleep
than the average man. Many
icn can get along with four or
ve hours sleep , arise and are
erfectly refreshed. Not so
rith the average woman. She
eeds at the very least seven
ours of good uninterrupted
leep , and if she is a nervous ,
igh-strung women she needs at
cast ten. Just as soon as you
cgin to steel the hours that
ou should be sleeping , you
, vill age with about twice the
apidity that you would were
, 'ou giving the allotted time to
est that your phyical being
: raves. Sleep reduces fever , it
elieves pain , it helps nutrition ,
t courts beauty the loss of it
caves you a wreck that noth-
ng can repair.
I will mull i on free , to prove merit ,
amples of my Dr. Shoop's Uostorativo ,
nil my book on either Dyspepsia , the
leiirt or the KIdnovs. Troubles of the
tonmeh , Heart a ml Kidneys uru mere
V symplons of 11 deeper ailment. Don't
iiako the common error of treating
lymptoits only. Symplon treatment Is
reatins * the result of your ailment , and
ot the cause. Weak stomach nerves
the Inside nerves mean stomach
veakness , always. And the heart , and
Sidneys as well , have their controlling
ir Inside nerves. Weaken these nerves
nd you Inevitably have weak vital
rgans. Hero is where Dr. Shoop'
{ estorativo has made Its fame. Nether
thor remedy oven claims to treat the
'Inside ' nerves. " Also for bloating ,
biliousness , bad breath or complexion ,
isc Dr. Shoop's Bestoratlyo. Write
ne today for sample and free book.
Dr. Shoop. Racine , WIs. The Restora-
Ivu is sold by all dealers.
A Definition of Success.
How have the hypothetical
scientists and the exponents of
.inbelief benefited themselves or
: iutnanity at large by sowing
the seeds of doubt broadcast in
the world ? The real scientists
do not tall in this category for
they are believers in the real
sense of the word : they know
too much they have seen many
mysterious manifestations of
the diyine creative power.
Now , those who have disposed
of the Bible and all evidences of
inspiration , have written a
great many books and some of
them have won what the world
at large lightly calls fame.
According to the ordinary
measures that are applied in
such cases , they have been ex
tremely successful , but real suc
cess means the benefit of human
ity in some form or other. If
no such benefit can be shown as
the result of their labors , their
success is not equal to that
achieved by the direst poverty
and the deepest ignorance.
The "Piusbwg Perfect Fence"
Alost Durable
It is in a
Class of its
G uarantccd to be
adjustable to uneven
ground , easy to erect
and easy to splice.
No slack wires. No
wraps to get loose or
hold moisture and
rust. No wire can
rub against another so as to injure the galvanizing.
If you arc looking for fence , be sure to call and see that it is all we claim for
it. Don't be deceived by a substitute.
Early Morning Blaze.
The Burlington depoe in this
city was completely destoyed by
lire shortly after four o'clock this
( Friday ) morning , the blaxe sup
posedly originated from live coals
thrown on the roof by a passing
engine on No. 11. The fire was
of the spectacular sort and was
witnessed by the major portion
of our people who were awak
ened by the mill whistle and the
fire alarm. By the time the com
pany reached the scene the fire
had practically destroyed the
depot , and the two streams from
the hose were immediately turned
on the Butterfield elevator across
the tracks in an effort to saye
that structure which was already
on fire in one or two places. Two
lengths of hose burst under the
ressure which caused some delay
nd for a time it looked like the
levator would go too. Fortu-
ately there was no wind and
vhen once the water started little
ifiiculty was experienced in con-
rolling the flames-
Passenger train No. 42 and a
reight , both east bound , passed
hrough while the structure was
till ablaze , going through on
he passing track.
Practically ever } ' thing con-
aincd in the building was de-
troycd , the fire being under such
icadway before discovered by
Operator Rosling that he was
imply able to notify headquar-
ers , take the typewriter and
; scape. The mail from night
rains 11 and41 was stored in
he depot and the greater portion
if it was destroyed , that which
vas saved being in a badly dam
iged condition. Fortunately The
deader is printed a clay late and
herefore escaped a general de-
Those who took time to look
it the reflection of the blaze
against the trees and house tops
of the cit } ' in the darkness were
repaid by a view of the beautiful ,
which no artist's brush can re
produce. It is too early to know
what steps the company will take
toward rebuilding , and just wha (
their plans will be no one knows
at present. In the meantime it
is quite probable that some box
car will be pressed into duty as
temporary quarters for the agent
and his helpers.
Numerous records , the office
furniture and equipment were
totally destroyed but as the com
pany records are all in duplicate
no financial loss will result along
this line. Much of the baggage
and paraphernalia of the carniva
performers was stored in the
freight room awaiting shipmcn
and was practically all consumed
together with several -grips be
longing to home citizens and thei
guests. Hutnboldt Leader.
Plneules for the kidneys strcngthe
these organs and assist in druwin
poUon from the blood. Try them fo
rheumatism , kidney , bladder trouble
for lumbago and tired worn out feeling
They bring quick relief , Satlsfactio
Guaranteed. Sold by A. G. Wanner.
Floy Grinstead of Falls City
and Worth Yancey of Lexington
Kentucky were guests at th
home of V. C. McCool tin
week. Salem Sentenal.
Why Lose the Buoyancy of Youth ?
Whether Young or Old Every
Woman Nay be Healthy.
To look well and feel well , you must
bo well. To do this , you must keep
tie mechanism of your body in perfect
unning order.
A woman's constitution if far more
ntricate and delicate more easily in-
.ired and disarranged than the mech-
nlsm of the finest watch. Yet no one
ronld think of allowing a watch to get
11 out of order before repairing or
leaning It.
How many young ladies there arc ,
ho \ > ny no attetlon to the first symp-
ems of diseased organs. Pains in the
aek , head , abdomen , right or left
idc , and sometimes in the hips and
ewer limbs. Tired and languid feeling
n the morning ; worn out or distracted
crves , leading to a cross and petulant
isposltlon. Natural color fading from
he check , the light and lustre from
he eye , the once pleasant smile from
he lace all these going or gone.
Vbat does it mean ? Simply that
ome 0113 or more ot the delicate organs
re not performing their work as they
Nature needs some assistance. These
aches and pain althought slight at
first are danger slcnals , and you
ought to heed their warnings before
ho trouble becomes chronic and di-
iease gets a firm hold on your system.
A nerve-tonic and strength-builder
, ho best you can got is what you need
at such times. Xoa-Pnora Is jus ; that ;
adles lots of them who used It , say
io. Wo know It Is so because Zoa-
Dhora Is made for women all women
old ami young , and has a successful
record for thirty years. We want you
o know this too by a thorough trial
of Zoa-Phora in your own case. Whether
you are sllgUy ailing from periodical
lekness , or suffering from some form
of womanly weakness in a more serious
legree , Zoa-Phora will help yon.
Thousands similarly atllicted have
been cured b } ' its aid , why not you ?
1'he record of what Xoa-Phora has
done for women Is proof of Us virtue.
The Zoa-Phora Co. , Kalamaxoo , Mich. ,
can send yon books of testimonials'
containing the names of hundreds of
women who are glad to recommend
oa-Phora to their Buffering sisters.
If the delicate organs are congested ,
relaxed , displaced , or In any way di
seased , and do not perform their duties
properly and regularly. Zoa-Phora
will restore them to their normal ac
tivity. The vital force known only to
n healthy woman will return and there
will be joy in living.
Thousands of women not hundreds
iny sister , attest tha fact of the restor
ation of their health by the use of Zoa
Phora. Ask some of your lady friends
about Zoa-Phora. Hotter still , go to a
reliable druggist and get a bottle ,
begin Its use according to full and comv
plete instruction in each package.
You will receive Zoa-Phora from the
druggist already prepared , compound
ed In just the right proportions , and
put up in sealed , steurlllzed , one dollar
bottles. Just ask for Zoa-Phora no
other explanation will be needed and
no mistake will be made
In each package will be found a copy
of "Dr. ' '
Pengelly's Advise to women.
a medical book giving Interesting and
instructive information about all dls
eases of women , and the way to suc
cessfully treat them in the privacy o
your own home. You need not tel
your troubles to any one.
Hundreds of people yearly go through
uainful operations needlessly , because
they never tried Man Zan Pile Remedy.
It is put up in such a form that it can
be applied right whore the trouble lies.
It relieves the pain and inflammation.
It Is for any form of piles. Price SOcts
Sold by A. G. Wanner.
For Backache ,
and neysmaBladder the Kid-
The Falls City Roller Mills |
Docs a general milling business , and manufactures the O
following brands of flour ,
r *
3 The above brands are guiirantccd to be of the highest pos- < ? >
5 siblc ( iiiality. We also manufacture all mill products and C
? conduct a general S
g Grain , Live Stock and Coal Business g
6 and solicit a share of your patronage jf
§ P. S , Heacock & Son , Falls City , Neb.
The Great Paper of the Great West
The Kansas Citv Star
Everywhere recognized ne the strongest and most re inbltl
newspaper in the most prosperous region of the United States.
Wherein It Leads.
Its Unexcelled NeWSService embraces the continuous report
of the Associated Press , with dispatches every hour : the general and
special service of the New York Herald ; the Hearst transcontinental
leased wire service and special correspondence from THE STAR'S own
representatives In Washington , D. C. ; Jefferson City , Mo. ; Topeka , Ks. ,
and Guturle , Ok. , in addition to the largo grist of news that comes
dally from several hundred other alert representatives.
Its Market Reports and Comments have an authoritative
value that causes them to be telegraphed to all part ? of the United
States the moment THE STAR comes from the press. No western man
even indirectly Interested in the value of food products , stocks and
securities can afford to bo without THE STAR'S dally record ol prices
and conditions.
ItS Special Features include The Chaperon's ' column. In which
are answered questions pertaining to beauty aids and social customs and
affairs , a department for inquirers on other subjects and a wide range
of miscellaneous articles throwing side lights upon the world's moat in
teresting people and events these In addition to a vigorous editorial
page , absolutely independent politically , and a Sunday Issue that is
full of live special matter and h jmun interest.
13 Papers Each week for 10 cents
The Kansas City Star was the first and io still the only
newspaper to deliver n complete morning paper , THE KAN
SAS CITY TIMES , to its subscribers without increase in the
subscription price.
To the East : Dftiy ] iow rate
excursion tickets to Jnmestowu
Exposition , enstern cities iiud re
sorts , northern Michigan , Canndn
and New Enelnncl.
To the West : Attractive low
excursion rates to the Pacific
Const , Yellowstone Pnrk , Utah ,
Colorado. Bier Horn Mountains ,
Black Hills.
Biff Horn Basin and Billings -
lings District : Pereonally
conducted , cheap rate homeseekers
excursiuiiB firat wud third Tueb-
clays ; we assist you in locating
irrigated lands at the low , origi
nal price. Write D. Clem Deaver ,
Lnndscekers1 Information Bureau ,
One-way Daily m
Colonist Rates September
and Octo-
To the Coast
; .
fornin , Washington , Oregon , Mon
tana , Wyoming , Big Horn Basin.
Call or write for details ,
Local Ticket Agent.
L. W. WAKELCY , G. P. A. ,
Omaha , Neb.
St. Tliomas Episcopal Cliurcli.
Services :
Holy Bucharest , 7:30 : a m ,
Morning prayer and sermon ,
10:45 : a m.
Evening service and sermon ,
7:45 : p in.
Sunday school , 0:45 : a in.
Evensong , Fridays , 7:45 : p m.
Choir rehearsal every Friday
night after the service.
Rev. Geo. Neide , Rector at St ,
Thomas Episcopal church.
R. P.
Ollice over Kerr's Pharmacy
Ofllce Phone 260 Residence Phone 271
Dr. M. L. Wilson
Physician and Surgeon
Calls promptly attended day or
night. Office over State Bank ,
Fajls City , Nebraska.
Office 'Phone House 'Phone
329 330
Sales conducted in
scientific and busi
nesslike manner
| Falls City , Nebraska
i D. S. ricCarthy
Prompt attention given
to the removal of house
hold goods.
11 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I H I
. . . $1.00 a Year. . .
We have opened a branch
office in Falls City and will
pay the highest market price
for Poultry , Butter and Eggs.
Office at O. P. Heck's feed
Bring us your Produce ,
Yours Respectfully ,
Phone 101
Reaches Stops pain. the s TKo/
ManZan Great Pile RernA
edy. Put vip 1ft'
tubes wlt \ rectal
noxile , 50 cent * .