The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 23, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Ktttcrcil an secoml-class matter a
Falls City , Nebraska , \ > est ollico , Jatitt
nry 12 , 1904 , uiulcr tlic Act of Centres
of March 3 , 1870.
Published every Kriilay at Kails City
The Tribune Publishing Comptvny
E. F. Shtvrls ,
One year . . $1.0
Six months . ( V
Three months 3.
I hereby announce myself as a candidate to
the nomination for county assessor of thi
count- , subject to the action of the Repuhllcai
Primary. H. A. PBNCK.
I desire to say to the readers of the Trlbuni
that 1 am .1 candidate for rctiomlnatlon to tin
office of county treasurer , subject to the will o
the Democratic voters at the primary electloi
which will occur Sept. 3rd , I W7.
I wish also to state that If I am reitomlnated
1 t-oticlt the support at the November electioi
til all w ho feel that the service of this office fo
the rust two years merits a re-election.
Very Respectfully
I hrrcby announce myself a candidate for tin
> dice of County Judge subject to the decision o
the Republican voters at the primaries to b
icld Sept , 3rd , 1X37. HOSCOK ANDP.HSON.
T hereby announce myself a candidate fur th
.ifticr of sheriff , subject to the action nf III
Pcmncatlc voters at the primary election to b
held .Sept. Unl , lt" > 7. W. T. I'KNTON.
I hereby announce myself as a candidate fo
Iheofticeof County Clerk , subject to the decl
K I mi of the Republican Primaries to be hel <
SeptemWra. 1"07. U. S. NOKTOS.
I hereby announce that I will lxa
for renominatlon for the office of County Cler
at the hands of the democratic electors at th
primary to l > e held Sept llrd.
If nominated at the primary 1 will appreclat
the support of all the voter * , al the Niiveml1
flection. vho deem my services for the pant tw
years worthy of endorsement.
Vours Respt.
Jens H. IIi'TCIllNUs.
I heieby ileslro ( o announce myself as a cai
Uulate for the Republican nomination f.
County Sii | : rlnteiident of school * , subject t
the decision of the Primary Convention to I
ht Id Sept. 3rd , t"OT.
JOHN W. WATSON. Verdon. Nebr.
I hereby announce myself n candidate for th
nlYu-i-of Superintendent of Public In tructlo
nbjecl to thn decision of the Republic. !
Voters at the Primaries to bo held Sept. 3n
1 hereby announce myself a candidate fi
re-mimlnatlon for the office of County Supern
tenrtenl subject to the will of the Uemocrali
primaries to be held September ! l , 19(17.
If nominalist I pledge myself to support tl
platform and principals of my party and ai
the totes and assistance of all those who ha\
I.Uth In and approve the method by which
.ite condticled the office durinir my tenure.
Respectfully > ours.
I hereby announce mjsclf as a candidate" ? !
She u.T.coof C unl > Assessor subject to the alien
lion of the Republican voters at the prlmarli
to l > held SeptemK-r 3.1WT.
WM. UK vxnovv
1 am a candidate for the nomination of Cou
tv Judge of Klchardson county , subject to t
republican primaries to t > o held September
I hereby announce myself as , \ candidate f
theotlice of County Clerk , subject to the d
elsloit of the Republican Primaries to K he
September3. 1907. Cio. : It. HOLT.
Kwing Herbert of Iliawath
spent Sunday in Falls City , t
Better commence to think c
the coal bin. The day of the ic
man is almost as a tale that
Falls City has grown chautai
qua hungry again and will prol
ably be found wandering u
towards Salem again as she hr
for many years past.
Stocks and bonds are goin
down but corn and hogs are g (
ing up Wall street isn't tli
whole cheese any longer and tli
west seems amply able to care fc
Those who want to start Tl
Tribune at a dollar a year wi
have to get busy. Those wli
want to pay in advance at tl
above rate will have to get in I
January 1st.
Pawnee City has three pape
each one of which carries moi
advertising than do the thr <
Falls City papers combined. Fal
City has many enterprising , wit
awake business men , nit.
By common consent Jud <
Raper and L. M. Pemberton see
the choice for district judge
Both these gentlemen arc en
nently qualified and deservit
and both will be chosen at tl
ensuing primary.
The Salem chautauqua h
learned the value of newspap
advertising from experience ,
detailed program of the excelle
attractions offered by this insl
Jntion will be found on anoth
j geof this paper.
The Bank that Wants Your Business !
Is the one that comes right out and says so. This
Hank wants your business and that is what \ve are try
ing to impress upon you.
\Ve have a long list of well satisfied customers , but
we would like to make the list much longer and if you
are not a patron of the
Please consider this a personal invitation to make
this "vour bank" in the future. The officials of this
bank have the happy faculty of making their patrons
'feel at home" when transacting business with them.
Falls City has no more worthy
nstitution than the business col-
egc conducted by our worthy
navor. Many of the neighbor-
ng cities have endeavored to
ake this school away from us
ind at one time it seemed that
\ansas City was going to succeed
n such an effort. However , the
justness element of Falls City
> rcvailed on Prof. Barrett to con
tinue his school here and the
next term will soon open with a
arger attendance than ever be
fore. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Man ) * a man is today working
"or ordinary wages that has suf
ficient intelligence to command a
good salary had he received a
business education. Many Falls
ity young men * are today com
manding good salaries who would
have been working for ordinary
wages had it not been for a good
business education. Take it
either way and the proof is over
whelming that a business cduca
tipn is the best investment a par
ents can make. The advertise
ment of the Falls City business
college appears on another page
of this paper and if the testimonials
menials there printed do not con
vince you the subject may a ;
well be dropped.
In these days when the chain
pions of several candidates fo ;
supreme judge are promising S (
much it might be well for tin
voters to stop and think it over
A judge who promises more thai
exact justice between corpora
tions and the people is unworthj
the confidence of any party. /
judge cannot be just and gencr
oils. A judge has nothing o
his own to give. If he is tin
friend of one litigant he is un
friendly to the other. If he give ;
generously to one party he mus
take unjustly from the other. I
may suit the purposes of Mr
Rose , who wants to succeei
Harry Lindsay as clerk of tin
supreme court , to announce tha
Judge Reese will be friendly t <
the people , but the average citi
zcn who knows of the fairnesi
displayed by Judge Sedgwicl
during his first term will doubt
less feel inclined to support hiti
for a second term.
The public schools of Falli
City will open Monday , Sept. 2
High school students must regis
tcr on Friday , August 30 , from i
a. m. , to ( > p. m. There will b
a meeting for all the teachers 01
Saturday , August 31. at 'J a. m.
at the high school building.
E. L. TOHIH , Supt.
I'ctc Frcdorlck of Preston wiuio oui
city Tuesday.
The rhcrry-co.iour.d wunt to Whiti
Cloud Monday.
Curl Henry of Kansas City visited It
Hulo lust week.
Ultras Cotton of Kansas was a Huh
visitor lust w-ek.
Gertrude Kiirwly is uttcndlns ; Instl
Into at Falls City.
Alfie Kanuly visited with his uncle' :
family Krldaj ln-,1.
Win. Antlereon of Denver is visltlni
its father this week.
Iku Hurk visited with friends at
this place lu-t week.
John Smith of Ditwson played In th (
liund durinir the picnic.
Miss Hall of Whim Cloud Is visiting
relatives hero this week
Vea Hunker of Mi-sourl was u Hull
vlbitor uuring the vicnlc.
Marion Noble * of Osboni , i
vifitinji in Rule this week.
John Hutchincs , county clerk , vlsltei
in Hulo ono day last week.
Prof.VItmtin departed Saturda ;
morning for Kansas City.
Harry Mann was a business vlslto
to Lincoln Saturday nleht.
Ike Lttmford and family visited n
Napier the flrs of the week.
Floyd Lone of Kansas attended th
picnic here one day lust week.
Hurry Pence of Fulh City was
Hulo visitor during the picnic.
John Grlzer and family visited wit
Rule friends during the picnic.
Ira Johnson returned Friday fret
a three weeks visit in Hutnboldt.
Mr. and Mr < > . Brlnegar of F.irsjo al
tended the picnic hero last week.
niaine Anderson visited friends an
took In the picnic hero Isst week.
John Dunn of Missouri was a bus
ness visitor the first of the week.
The Ladles Aid coeiety will mec
Friday at ttm home of Mrs. Jeffries.
The base ball team erec.ed a gran
stand on their ball groutfd last week.
Mrs. Tony Hutchison has been quit
sick the past week but is improving.
Our genial ferryman done a rushln
business during the three days picnic
Fannie Zeigler of Severencf , Kuas
visited with friends In Rule last weel
Fred Marsh assisted Frank VanVa
kluburg In his stand during the plcnii
George Phinney of Wytnore we
looking up old friends In Rule Wedne ;
John Anderson and wife of Kansc
spent Wednesday of last week picnlcln
Mrs. Mark Durfee and chlldre
visited Rule friends several days la ;
Kdith Kern and Bessie Miller at
attending institute at Falls City thi
Mr * . Rundolph of Verdon who
visiting here Is very sick at th
writing ,
Cecil , Mamie , Florence and Margan
Kanaly drove to Fulls City Wednesdu
Mrs. Joseph McDonald returned Fr
day from a two weeks visit to Colur
bus. Neb.
! s
: e
J ; I have moved to the HOLT
f Building and invite your atten =
ls t * tion to increased stock.
t ,
Mr Snnlh tmtl fnmhy of
visited ( fl.-nilH in this viunlty la-
D.IVP French of Rushbottom I * work
Inir fr Tom Huya on the main lln
r > ctlon.
C' B. SehnfTer ? appo'ntc'l ' chief o
polioo at the council meeting Tiicsdn
M. C. Mitt-ion of Fnll. * City took ir
Ht'tlvc part in the picnic proceedlns
liist wnek
.Tcf-lf nnd Winnie Watts of Dli
wiitliu vMtod with friends In this clt
Dolly uott visited over Sun-Jay n
thli. i. HCI the guest of Mrs. Kmtn
Elwood Kaufman and family vlsltc
with the family of Prank Brown o.i
iluy IKS" ! week.
Al Doerner and wife of Falls Clt
visited friends and took in , he picni
here la t week.
Mrs. Hcsaio Brinnegar and Agnc
Schrader attended institute at Fall
City this week
Milton Raster , wife and baby vislte
his parents and other friends at thi
ilace last week.
Mrs Emma Kcarn and Mr * . Maggi
loyle drove to the county seat Tuei
day afternoon.
Mrs. LJodo Anderson and two daugi
ters spent a few days in Kansas th
irst of the week.
Charlie Caverzagie acd wife hav
been the proud parents of a baby bo
since Monday last.
John Uoyd , freight agent at Tabl
3ock , was looking up old friiinds 1
Rule last Monday.
A. Walters shipped his househol
effects to Brownsville Mondav whcr
they will reside in the luture.
A fine gasoline boat with a fort
'oot ' barge passed up the river la :
Thursday enroute for - - > maha.
Mrs. Wm. Glenn of Table Rock wi
rcnewlntr acquaintance with old frient
here on Thursday of the picnic.
Roy Hart and family departed Sui
ilay evening lor their home in St. Jc
after a week spent In this city.
Mr. Ink * and son , Ira , of Salem vis
ted with Rule friends and took in th
picnic a couple of days last week.
Jnke Boudrie , the village blacksmitl
of Atchlson was circulating among ol
friends In Rule Thursday of last wee !
Rev. Maze of Salem pave an Into
estlng lecture Thursday evening , a
companied by stereoplc views of tt
Holy land.
Edward , Leond and Carl Leeds wl
have been visiting their grandparen
hero for the past two weeks returnt
home Saturday.
The Ladles Aid society served dinni
and supper in Carpenter's hall durir
the three days picnic and cleared
neat sum toward the new church.
Ed Parrot , deputy grand raaste
Workman of Peril , spent last week
our little city , lie departed for hon
Monday night to attend the funeral
a friend.
Elmer Liberty fell off the high trc
sle on Thursday of last week and si
tained some severe bruise ? , but , mn
velous as it seems no bones we
The steamboat , James D. McPhei
son arrived In Rule Saturday aftercoi
where it waited until Tuesday inornii
for the arrival of u pilot when thi
journeyed on to Omaha.
While splitting a stick of wood la
Tuesday morning. Ray Celey had tl
misfortune to strike hU toot with tl
ax. striking between the toes cuttii
a gash which required two stitches
close , also severing some of the cord
The cut will lay him up for sever
The Rule picnic came off as a
nounced and'the weather was all th
could be a ked for picnic purpose
Every feature on the program w
carried out on skedule time. Mn
street was Tilled with attractions
various kinds , but the merrj-go-rour
and electrical theatre seemed to ha
greater attractions for the crowd thi
any other feature. The restaurar.
and eating houses had all they cou
do to handle the crowds. The balloi
made two ascensions , one on Tbursd ;
evening and one Friday evening. Cc
tests of different kinds , also races of ;
descriptions , from a pony race to t !
potato race- Each day was closed wi
a ball at Miles' opera house in t
Presbyterian Church Notice.
There will be the regul ;
Church services at the Presb
terian Church on next Sund :
morning and evening , at whi <
time the pulpit will be occupii
by the Rev. D. T. Davis
' Pawnee City
All the other regular servic
will also be observed , and y <
are very cordially invited
attend all services. There w
also be a congrigational met
ing following the morning se
vice and each member is ear
estly requested to come ai
take part.
J. C. Tanner spent Sumlaj
vith his brother , Albert , in Hum
Mr. and Mrs. George Wahl re *
urncd Friday from an outing a
Missouri lakes.
An entirely new line of Pal
Millinery just recieved.
T. L. Hitmnelreich came dowi
rom Lincoln Saturday night ti
spend Sunday at home.
We have just received our nev
stock of Millinery and invite yoi
to come in and inspect it.
Misses Whittrock & Patnaude
Mrs. Rieger returned Sunda ;
iiorning from a two weeks tri
n Colorado where she spent he
vacation sightseeing and visitini
Mrs. Fred Cain and daughter
Miss Meeker. Miss Mary Paxto
Bob Neitzel and Max Werner re
turned Sunday from a week
camping at Missouri Lakes.
A splendid 25c supper will b
served by St.Martha's Guild this
Friday , afternoon in the vacati
Building north of Harlow's groc
cry. You are cordiall ) * invitee
Miss Minnie McDonald n
: urned last Friday from Chicag
where she attended a summe
school taking a post gradual
couase in Kindergarten work.
A little daughter was born t
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stewart c
Okmulgee , I. T. Both the bab
and Mrs. Stewart , who wa
Miss Maude Jussen are very wel !
Go to Colorado , South Dakoti
the Pacific Coast and many othe
points at reduced rates via th
Burlington Route. " Ask th
local Agent for rates , train sei
vice etc.
ES. . Norton , a candidate f (
nomination for county clerk w ;
in the city a few days this wee
visiting his daughter. Mrs. D
Wolfe , and looking after polit
cal matters.
Prof. Dehell who came to t
instructor in pedagog3' , geoj
raphy and civics during the ii
stitute was very ill the first (
of the week and his classes wei
heard by Supt. Oliver.
Mrs. W. L. White has retunu
from a short visit with Lincol
friends. While in Lincoln si
made arrangements for apar
ments for Miss Dorothea wl
will attend the University th
Miss Xell Cain , who has bee
visiting her sister Mrs. Juliai
and other relatives in Californ
for the past six weeks will in
return in October as expecte
but remain in Long Beach at :
Los Angeles until the holidays.
Mrs. G. J. Crook and hersiste
in-law , Mrs. Bell Weaver of L <
Angeles , are at home after
visit of ten days in the vicinil
of Salem and Dawson. The
made the trip with their her :
andlcarriage.enjoying the counti
drives as well as the visit.
A number of improvement we :
made on Norh Stone street , durir
the past week. P. S. Heocock pi
in a cement curbing around h
residence property and Cha
Wilson had a fine cement wa
and curbing put in around tl
property he recently purchase
from Dr. Parsell.
At the regular meeting of tl
Masonic Lodge Monday evenin
Clem Bohrer was enlightened :
the 3rd , Degree after \vhic
light refreshments were sem
in the banquet hall. The ha
has lately been repapered ai :
painted and is at present one i
the finest Lodge rooms in Fal
Prof. W. X. Delzell of Per
who was selected as one of tl
instructors at the institute he
in this city this week was take
seriously ill at the National hote
Mondav. He is a brother-in-la
of Dr. M. L. Wilson , who wi
called and the profressor move
to his home as soon as conditioi
would permit , where he is ir
proving but still confined to h
Miss Wilma Cline is visiting-
friends in Columbus , Nebr. , this
Miss Allie McCray was down
from Stella Friday visiting
Rev. George Ncide was a Rule
visitor last Thursday calling on
Herbert Hays of Stella was a
guest of Falls City friends Wed
Chas. Stump one ot Strauss-
ville's leading citizens was in our
city Monday.
John Gilligan came home
Saturday from a trip to Lincoln
and Tecumseh.
George Holt made a trip to
Dawson Thursday in the interest
of matters political.
J. C. Lord is having a cement
curbing put in across his proper-
to on North Stone street.
Mrs. Emma Sawyer of
Wheaton , 111. , who has been the
guests of Mrs T. L. Himmel-
reich returned to her home Tues
"Come thou with us and we
will do thee good. ' ' Come and
help a special meeting for
young people at the Baptist
Church next Monday evening.
Prayer meeting Wednesday
evening. The regular Sunday
school and preaching service
Sunday. Come and worship
with us.
M. E. Church.
I expect to deliver a serie >
of sermons on the church , its
origin and development from
Apostolic days. I trust out-
members will be present and
especially all those who lately
united with the M. E. Church.
The Christian should care
fully study the origin and
growth of our Christian system.
All cordially invited.
Resolutions of Respect.
Whereas : Ciod has called the beautiful spirit
of our sister. Haute A. Mettz , to that home not
made by hands eternal In the heavens , be It
Kesolved : That the K. & L. of S. No. 010 has
lo t a u efnl member , one whose life showed
forth In her works be It further
ResolvedThat : v\e asan order extend oursym-
pathy to the bereaved husband , the parents and
other relatives In this their timeof great sorrow
admonishing them to look unto Him uhodoeth
all thing- , well , further bo It
Resolved : That these resolutions be printed
In each of the local papers , a. copy handed to
the bjreave.1 husband , a copy placed on the
minute and that our charter be draped in
mourning for a period of thirty days.
I Mr- , lien Nicholson ,
Committ L-e < Mrs. C H. Marlon.
I Mrs. S. U. Harvey.
Whereas ; It has pleased our loving rather
to call from our midst to his heavenly home
our beloved brother , Isaac I. . Heaston , be it
Resolved : We the members of the Kit iirlils .t
Ladies ofSecunty. No. lilO , ti-el deeply our loss ,
he will be missed from among us , be it further
Resolved : That our order as a whole , extend
to the sorrow ing wife and children , tit- aged
motlier and other relatives our s-incerest sym
pathy. May we realize that Cod in His Wisdom
does all things for tlic best , further be it
Resolved : That these resolutions be printed
In each of the local paper * , a copy placed on our
minutes and a copy lie handed to the bereaved
family and that our charter be draped in
mourning for thirty dar .
I Mr . lien Nicholson.
Commute e < Mr , C. II. Marion.
I Mrs. S. H. i Harvej.
Poultry Wanted
For which we will pay the
following prices in
Hens lOc Ib Springs lie Ib
Old Roosters 4clb Ducks f > c Ib
Turkeys ' ) c Ib Geese 5c Ib
Eggs 11 cents per dozen
Above prices are good un
til Friday , Aug. 23 , 1907.
First door west of Lyford's
store. Phone 35.