The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 16, 1907, Image 1

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- . JBc HL.
Vol. IV FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , AUGUST 16,1907. Whole No. 186
Prater's Smithy Sold.
Last \veclc Carl Lippold whc
lias been street commissioner
bought Sam Prater's smithy
and took posession immead.
iately. He is a man who under
stands blacksmithing and we
predict for him a successful
business. Mr. Prater lias had
a great deal of trouble with his
hand since having his little
linger amputated and is unable
to handle heavy work , lie has
not yet decided what he will
At Presbyterian Church.
Rev. .lohn Boose of Rockford ,
Ills. , who is visiting1 his parents ,
Mr. and Mrs.Wm. Boose , preach'
ed to a very large congregation
at the Presbyterian church las !
Sunday night. Rev. Boose has
a fine delivery and his sermon
was an able one. Those whc
heard him consider it a great
privilege to have been able tc
do so. lie has been pastor oi
the First Presbyterian churcli
at Rockford lor a number ol
years and is extremely popular
with his congregation. His old
friends in his old home town are
always glad of an opportunity
to hear him in a sermon when
he returns here.
With the City Council.
The council met in regular
session Monday night. The
question of the city park which
had been tabled at a previous
meeting was the only business
of importance taken up. The
park management having asked
a higher price for their grounds
than the city was prepared tc
pay , submitted a proposition tc
accept 85.000 cash payment and
and give the city live years time
to pay the remaining S3,000 ,
This proposition had been duly
discussed and its merits weighed
and at the meeting Monday
night it was decided to accept
the park board's proposition
and the city will in a short
time become owner of the pros.
ent park.
Mrs. George BooneDead.
The many friends of Mrs.
George Boone in this city and
vicinity were grieved to learn
of her death in St. Joseph last
Saturday August , 10th , at
eight p. m.
She has been in miserable
health for several years but her
uieerful , sunny disposition hid
trom others her suffering. It
> as found necessary to perform
.HI operation last Thursday and
N nile she rallied afterward she
u id not the strength to carry
i"-r through anything so serious
. nd Saturday morning saw the
ud of a life that has been lived
t. r the good and pleasure of all
who were around her. She was
charitable to all , generous tc
those she loved and was hap.
piest when bringing pleasure
and happiness to others.
Mrs. Boone has visited her
relatives in this city so fre.
quently during the past year
that she has made a very large
circle of close friends here and
her death conies very near tc
The sincere sympathy of the
many friends here extended tc
the husband and other relatives ,
The brother- , and sisters oi
Mrs Boone residing in our city
are Mr. Al Restorer , Mr. Peter
Mrs D. W. Sowles and Mrs ,
" Mary Mett/ .
h" .
B. 1C. Schlater who has beet :
visiting relatives here for tlu
past ten days , returned yebterelaj
to his home in Lawrenceburg
Dick James went to Hurnbolel
to attend the base ball tourna
ment this week.
llarry W. Grinstead was bon
March 8 , 18S1 at Ilumboidt.Neb
and on Aug. S , 1U7 ! ) his life
ended in Oklahoma City , Ok.
at the age of 2(5 ( years and i
Most of his life was spent ii
his native town until the deatl
of his mother in 1890 when lit
went to Lincoln to finish schoo
making hi's home with his sister
Mrs. Ilitnes , who resided there
at that time. After a year 01
two on the old home farm In
returned to Lincoln and gradu
ated from the Lincoln business
In a short time he was em
ployed by the Gilligan Bridg <
Co. , and sent to Oklahoma. B }
steady application and diligen
work he has risen step by stei
from a minor position to tha
of state contractor , one of tin
best and most responsible posi
tion the company offers am
command a high a salary. Ir
this position he has travelec
over the state cent i n u a 11 }
making friends wherever h <
went by his hearty , cheerful dis
position and friendly manner.
lie was a young man of ex.
arnplary habits , capable , honest
and industrious , numbering his
friends by scores for his man }
upright , manly qualities.
His illness caused from an ab
scess on the liver lasted only r
few clays and his death came as
a shock to his friends in Okla
homa City and in his native
lie was a member of the Benev
olent Order of Eagles and hi ;
body was taken to the Eagle ;
lodgerooms where it was viewec
by his many friends and when
services were held before bring
ing the remains back to lovinj.
relatives and friends who were
grief str'.cken by the loss of om
so dear to them , cut off in early
manhood irom the life he lovec
so well.
The remains were brought tc
this city Friday and Saturday
morning at 10 o'clock funera
services were held at the home
of his sister , Mrs. John Gilligan
conducted by Rev. D. L. Dunkle
burger of the First Christiai
church assisted by Rev. Clint
of the M. E , church. The bed }
was taken toHumboldt for buria
in the family lot , the service ;
being conducted by Rev. Ber
Wilson in the presence of i
large congregation of friends.
To the father , brothers am
sisters whom he leaves is offeree
the heartfelt sympathy of scores
of friends.
The following was taken fron
the Oklahoma City ( Ok. ) Times
Journal , under date of Augus
B , 1907 :
H. W. Grinstead , aged 2Gcon
tracting agent for the John Gil
ligan Bridge company of Fall ;
City , Neb. , died at Beth an }
hospital early today from acorn
plication oi diseases. Mr. Grin
stead was taken seriously ill
Sunday afternoon. The deceased
came to Oklahoma City three
years ago , ancl enjoyed an ex
tensive acquaintance in Okla
homa City and throughout th (
territory. During his residence
here he had resided at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Dechman
133 West Fifth street.
Funeral arrangements have
not been completed , but it is
quite likely the remains wil
be sent to his former home ir
Nebraska. He is survived b }
an aged father , a brother ane
three sisters , all of whom were
unable to be present at the bed
side at the time of his demise
Harry Grinstead was a mode
young man , was always thepict
ure of health , and his scores o
friends who will be shocked ane
grieved to learn of his sad ane
sudden death.
A Bold Horse Thief.
While the Boose family were
attending services at the Pres
byterian church last Sunday
night they loll their horse tiee
to the rack north of the church
During the se > rvice Win. l.oose
sr. , who sat next to a window
saw a man untying his horst
and immediately left tlu
church but by the time he reach
ed the rack the man. horse ane
buggy were disappearing aroune
the corner one block east ane
were headed north. That i ;
the last seen or heard ol tin
horse. The ollicers were noti
tied immediately but not a clue
or trace of the missing anima
has been found.
Abraham Elwell was born ii
Indiana , May 19 , 1820 , and dice
in Falls City , Neb. , August 9
1907 , aged 81 years , 2 month ;
and 20 days. He belonged to ;
family of nine children , all o
whom are gone except twe
brothers in Kansa- .
lie was united in marriage te
Miss Martha Elwell February
28 , 1850 , in Ohio. They locatee
in Indiana for a few years ane
thence to Illinois till 1808 , a
which time they came to Rich
ardson county. Neb. , where tin
home has been for nearly fort }
Four children were born tc
this union as follows : Charles
Wesley , deceased ; Jerry E. , whe
resides at Chester , Neb. ; Mrs
Alice Pittock , Falls City ; Mrs
Elizabeth Stetler , Salem , Neb
There are twelve grandchil
dren and seven great grand chil
dren. Mr. Elwell was convertec
early in lite and united with UK
M. E. church of which he ha :
been a faithlul member all thesi
years. He was one of the lion
ored veterans.
Funeral services were helc
last Saturday , August 10 , fron
the M. E church in this cit
and in charge of the pastor , Rev
W. T. Cline. The children wen
all present at the luneral. The
interment took place in UK
Steele cemetery.
To the aged wife and the chil
dren of this good man when
they mourn a large circle o
friends both old and new joit
in extending sincere sympathy
Dog Goes Mad.
Last Sunday Dr. Halm's eloj
was bitten and his shouldei
badly torn by another dog whicl
got away before a good view o
him could be obtained. Tuesday
evening Dr. Hahn thought hi ;
dog acted strangely and lockee
him up. He was watched close
ly and Wednesday morning th <
doctor was convinced beyond f
doubt that the dog was suffer
ing from rabies. He sent foi
policeman Beasley and the doj
was shot. Later a post morten
examination was held and froir
the condition of brain and al
other organs it could not have
been doubted that the anima
suffered from hydrophobia
There was not the slightest in
dication that the dog was poi
soned. Other dogs that were ir
the same neighborhood have
been locked up for further de
velopments and it has beei
ordered that all dogs be mux/.led
All precautions are being taker
and there is Hi tie fear of an }
more trouble along this line.
John Hossack Street Com-
John llos&i k has been ap
pointedcity si eet commissionei
to succeed Carl Lippold win
resigned when he bough
Prater's blacl smith shop. Mr
Hossack is experienced in tin ;
line of work and we may expec
to see the streets kept up ir
their customary good order.
Society News.
Mrs. Maude Wilton entertains
the Married Ladie Kcnsingtoi
at her home last Thursday after
noon. A large number of th
club were in attendance and dm
ing the afternoon a temptini
luncheon was served. The after
noon was one of the most enjoy
able companies of the week.
On Thursday of this week Mis
Mary Steele entertained t h
Junior Endeavor society of th
Presbyterian church with a law ;
party at her beautiful home on
mile east of this city. All kind
of games were played and th
young folks enjoyed thetnselve
to their hearts content. Duriiij
the afternoon Mrs. Steele scrvei
a bountiful lunch , assisted by th
Misses Cleaver , Boose and Mob
ler. To all those present th
afternoon was a source of grca
Misses Mable and Carri
Grcenwalel entertained with
Kensington On Friday of thi
week complementary to thei
friends Misses Grace and Ann
Everett of Homier Springs , Ivans
About thirty-five voting ladic
assembled with their needle worl
which was willingly put asiel
shortly after all the guests hae
arrived for some very interest
ing games. Among the after
noon pleasures was a very unique
guessing game , a love story ans
\vered by the names of the dif
ferent parts of a shirt-waist. I
occasioned great merrimet
What is found on a penny and
Si. bill were also features of th
guessing games.
The young ladies served de
licious ices and cakes during th
The guests who had the ple.i
sure of meeting the Misse
Kverclt at the Kensington spea !
of the party as one of the mos
pleasant of the summer enter
Mrs. Will Crook jr. gave a pore !
party Tuesday morning for he
little sisters , Ruth Kachelries
and Eliza Crook. About thirt ;
little folks were present and al
kinds of games were enjoyed
At twelve o'clock Mrs. Creel
served a delightful luncheon t <
the little folks on small tables
She was assisted by her mother
Mrs. Kachelriese and Mrs. Join
Crook. That each one cnjoyci
them selves thoroughly and tha
the morning was a happy orn
was shown by the reluctance witl
which the little folks took thci
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eversol
were given a very pleasant sur
prise by the members of th
Babtist Church last Tuesela ;
evening. The surprise wa
planed by some of the ladies am
very successfully carried out
Refreshments had been preparei
by the cornpan } ' and taken witl
them to the Eversole home.
Mr. and Mrs. Eversole hav
been faithful workers in th
Babtist church since it was firs
organized here and the congrega
tion wished to show their appreciation
ciation of their work before the ;
left for their nev home in Hold
rige. The evening was a delight
fill one though a tone of regrc
prevaled at the thought of loosing
ing such earnest workers fron
their midst. It was at a ver ;
hour the guests departed wishing
the Eversole family happines
and prosperity in their new home
The M. K. Kensington wa
entertained by Mrs. F. K. Far
ington Wednesday afternoon
This being the regular busines
session few guests were invite
and business of the society too
up the entire session. Light re
freshments were served.
* - Mrs. George Holt eiitertainct
i the members of the II. T. C. whc
are still in Falls City last Fridaj
afternoon for Mrs. John N'ulk o
Mtiskogee , Oklahoma. T h <
entertainment was in form of :
Kensington and busy linger ane
merry conversation made tin
afternoon pass all to quickly
At 5 , o'clock Mrs. Holt served . -
very dainty supper. Those
present spent a delightful after
The Presbyterian Kensingtot
was delightfully entertaince
Thursday afternoon at the Win
Boose residence by Mrs Boosi
assisted by Mrs. 'Judith Green
wald anel Mrs. Bohrcr. The
afternoon being such a pleasan
one a large number were prcs
cut. Splendcd refreshments wen
served and a goodly sum adelee
to their treasury.
Phil Hermes in 'Frisco.
Phil Hermes who left abou
ten days ago with his second ca
load of poultry for San Francis
co u rites that he arrived all 0
K. and found the market good
This is the second car load o
poultry Hermes Bros , have ship
ed to 'FrKr.o in the last twc
months and the success of tin
venture is wonderful. There ii
not a firm in this county which n
noted for its big poultry busi
ness , that has done a large
business than that of Ilennei
Bros. T icy have shipped fo
the past year to New York cit ]
and several other large market :
on the eastern coast '
It would hardly be believed i
the figures of the average yea
in the poultry business in thii
section were cuoted. |
Little Babe Dies Suddenly.
When Mr. anel Mrs. Willare
Brooks av.-okc Thursday mornin ;
they found their little baby , agee
two months , eleael. They callee
their neighbors at once and llu
mane Officer Ilershey notifiee
Coroner Renekcr.
The Coroneriminediately drove
to the home of the Brooks famih
across from the park anel the fact :
as he learned them are these
That the little one cried abou
2 o'clok in the morning but as i
had not been sick they did no
think anything out of the oreli
nary the matter ; supposed tht
child went to sleep again as the
parents themselves did. Thej
awoke this morning to find tlu
baby eleael. Coroner Renekcr die
not think the circumstances war
ranted an inquest and believing
the baby came to its death b :
natural causes , passed his opinior
as such which is his prerogative
It is quite likely the little oni
smothered itself with its clothing
The family is in destitute cir
cumstances anel the funeral ex
penses were met by the county
The little one was taken to Rule
Thursday afternoon for buria
where the parents have relatives
The little baby of Mr. and Mrs
II. Daeschner. living about eigh
miles east of town was taken ver
sick while the mother had it ii
town Wednesday. While ir
Cleveland's store the baby wen
into a spasm anel fora short tim <
seemed as though it could no
live. Dr. Reneker who was pass
ing was called in and after :
while succeeded in relieving tin
little one who was later takci
home by the parents.
Miss Davich who has taugh
history in the high school fo
the past three years accepted ;
position in a school in New Jer
sey where she visited this sum
mer anel will not return to Fall
City. In loosing her we loosi
one of the most capable teacher
anel pleasing young ladies of ou
Goinir to Stella.
Pi'of. llarnack's Band has
been engaged to play at the
Stella Fraternal picnic next
week on the > 2H-29. Our band
is the most popular as well as
the best band in the county , anel
we leel proud of the compliment
paid them by our neighboring
towns- There is not a finer di
rector in the state than Prof.
Ilarnack anel his service to bur
banel have produced sprlendid
Will Alexander was down from
Dawson Tuesday.
James Lunelby of Salem was
in town last Saturday.
John Oswald made a business
trip to Stella Wednesday.
Fred Wittwer was elown from
Salem Monday on business.
Lloyd Herman was over from
Hiawatha last Thursday.
II. B. Glenn of Sabetha. Kans.
was a Falls City visitor Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will JIM wards of
Dawson spent Sunday in our city.
W. A. Slitxer was elown from
Salem the fore part of the week.
Warren Ilutchings attended
the picnic at Verelon Thursday.
Elmer Pryor anel Howard Jones
were up from Preston last Mon
Win. Pickett was a visitor
from Auburn to Falls City last
Miss Ruth Lewis went to Hum-
bolelt Thursday to spend a .few
with friends.
Mrs. Will Harding anel Mrs-
Clary were elown from Salem
last Thursday.
Uncle George Grinstead went
to Ilumbolelt Thursday for a few
days with relatives.
Fred Brecht is back from a
trip tu Kansas where lie went to
look after land matters.
Herman Beachy was among
the number who went to Verelon
to the Pioneer picnic.
Judge and Mrs. Gagnon anel
children drove to Kulo to the
Fartenal picnic Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Slocum
went to Verelon Thursday after
noon to attend the Pioneer
School opens September 2nd. ,
anel the children are having all
the good times possible for the
last two weeks.
Fred Winelle and wife of Wy-
more who came to attend the
funeral of Mrs. Jirn Mettsc went
to Salem last Friday.
There is only a short portion
of the vacation left anel on Mon
day Sept. 2nd. , the schools will
open. The pupils arc making the
best of the remaining days.
* * * -
The telegraph service is not
crippled in Falls City owing to
the big strike. Our Western
Union operator , Miss Gillman
positively refuses to walk out.
It is too bael three of our
neighbor towns had their cele
brations the same week and the
same days. Falls City is trying
to do her1 best but its hard
work dividing up between Rule ,
Verelan anel Ilumbolelt.
Mr. Peter Kaiser sang at the
Verelon Picnic on Thuursday.
He is always a favorite when
ever he sings and his numbers on
Thursday were met with the
usual manifest pleasure and ap
preciation as shown by numerous
1 encors.