The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 02, 1907, Page 8, Image 9

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s CTzsEHKHisraa : uujjMviiaawajgMMKriSBaMB
Mrs. J. G.Simmons was tiilto | sick
the tirst of the wcrk.
RU-.I Brockmun is enjoying a visit
with Lincoln frifiuls this week.
Rev. L. It. Smith Is In attendance at
the General Assembly in Lincoln this
A L. Drake , who wan critically 111
last week with brain fever , Is slowly
Rev. Bert Wilson IB attending the
Christian church convention at Beth
any this week.
T. J. Fra/er and wlfo of Joplln. Mo , ,
Fra'/.er's sister Mrs.
arc guzsts of Mr. / ,
J. A. Murphy.
Mrs. Will Crawford of Kearney Is
here visiting her mother-in-law , Mrs.
Tina Crawford.
Linn , the little son of Otis I'nkefor
and wlfo , was reported seriously ill the
middle of the week.
Bessie Little visited friends and attended -
tended the chautauqua In Pawncu City
the last of the week.
S. M. Phllpot and wlfo are expected
home this week from an e.\tended tour
of the eastern states.
John Gergens has recently purchased
the Young farm near Stella , possession
tn bo given next spring.
Emma Frank of ( Julney , 111. , Is being
entertained this week at the homo of
her sister , Mrs. A. A. Tanner.
Dulfay Morris left Friday for a short
visit with her brother , Joe , who has
employment at Ness City , Mo.
J. K. Liggett and wife went over to
Pawnee City Friday and spent several
days with a sister of Mr. Llggott's.
Harry Phllpot , who has been em
ployed near St. Joseph for several
weeks , returned to Huinboldt Thmv
Ollio Wilson loft the last of the wceli
for Lincoln , having secured employ
ment in ono of the stores of the cupltol
Waynn Coons is a guest of Humboldi
friends. Ho has been attending sum
mur school In Lincoln for sovera
Ollvo Petrushek roturiu'd homo Fri
day from Lincoln , where she has beci
attending summer school for the pus
six weeks.
Mrs. L. M. Hillings was down fron
Table Roelc the fore part ol the wcoic ,
vUlting at the homo of Chris Itlstam
wife , south of town.
Viva Cook , who had been visiting lo
several weeks with her cousin , Mrs. M
C. ShurtlctY. left Thursday for he
homo at Edgar , Nob.
Mrs. Martin Paulson and baby ai
rived In the city Tuesday from Ft
Crook , Nob. , for a visit with her moth
er , Mrs. J. A. Murphy.
Mrs. Laura Moncsmlth and daugh
* ter , Minnie , moved their househol
s ellcct to Pawnee City Tuesday , whcr
they wll reside In the future.
' Victor Barugrovcr and sister , Mai
| guerlte , arc hero from Lincoln , vUll
i ing at the homo of their grandparent *
f J. Rock Williamson and wife.
Mrs. Lon Davis and children wh
have been here tor some time vlsltln
J. H. Smith and wife , left Tuesday fo
their homo at Tonkawa , Okla.
Bertha Frank returned homo Sut :
day evening from a two weeks vUl
with Mrs. Doll Wood at Elk Creek , an
Mrs. R. J. Hnizda in Table Rock.
Sarah Edle , who is teachlni : a sun
mcr class In the business departmcn
of the Pawnee City academy , spen
Sunday with homo folks In Humboldi
E. A. Tucker , a former well know
resident of this city now located at Lc
Angeles , Cal. , arrived hero Thursda
for a visit with his daughter , Mrs. Ra
Mabel Carncs is taking a two week
vacation f i om her duties as clerk I
the Boyd .V : Lyford general mcrchai
disc store , and Is spending the tire
with friends in Lincoln.
Al Hales resigned his position i
city water commissioner at a recei
meeting of the city council , and W. .
Davis was appointed in his place , at
salary of 500 per month.
Estella Williamson h a s returuc
home from u two weeks visit wit
friends at York and I'tlca , this slat
and Is again employed as hello girl i
thb telephone central oillcc.
Hattle Dorland , Lillian Thompso
Ethel Shultz and Ruby Bash compo ;
a party , who are camping at the Ch'rl
tian church convention , which is belr
held in Bethany , this week.
. . .
- - & i * .jV * j * *
Fred Fisher N making preparations
to move his barber shop to the Fra/.lor
building , on the north sldo of thu
square. Mr. Fisher and wife will oc >
ciipy the1 upper rooniii a * a rcsldnnco.
Mrs. (1. ( F. Gullo li-ft , Monday for a
visit with friend' * and relatives in Lin
coln. She was accompanied by her
sister-in-law , Mabol Gullo , who had
been visiting In Huinboldt for u coupk
of weeks.
F. W. Gut/mor bus sold his line farm
north of town to John Silor for thu
consideration of $18,000 , possession to
be g'ven ' next spring. Mr Gnt/.mer
and family are making plans to move
to their farm In Kansas ,
Otis Hunter and wife arrived In the
city Monday for a visit with the hit
ter's ' parents , F. M. Williamson and
wife. Both Mr. Hunter and his wife
have accoptetl employment with the II.
1 * . Hillman theatrical company.
U. L. Holland wife , who have boon
spending a greater part of the summer
in Lincoln , returned to their homo in
this city Friday. Mr. HolT has been
taking a special course in laboratory
work at the state university , while
Mrs. HolT has been taking advanced
lessons In oil painting.
The town was Illleil Tuesday with a
crowd of base bull enthusiasts , from
this and neighboring towns , the nttrac <
tlon being the big ball game betweei ;
Huinboldt and Tccumsch , a purse o
J.'OO being advertised for the winning
team. Hotting was forbidden on tin
grounds by the mayor , but , It Is said
nevertheless- , considerable money
changed hands on the side. The bam ;
boys met the two ti'iims at the Purl
lotol and escorted them to the bal
) ark. The players wore ovcnlj
Hatched and an exciting game was tin
result , but the score card at the closi
stood 1 to 0 In favor of Tccumseh. Tin
band gave an open air concert in tin
city park In the evening.
Edith Kerns of Uulo will touch tin
Oak Grove school the coming year.
eslie Davidson , residing north o
town , baa purchased a now threshlni
Charley and Surah Gates of Nolsoi
huvo been the guests of II. C. Fankol
and family this week.
Sam John-on has purchased a rosl
donee Ih Kansas City and ho and hi
wife expects to move there the cotnln ;
Leo Gentry , wlfo anc. children ar
hero from Maple , Kansas , for an CN
tended visit at the ho.uo of his parent
south of town.
Thomas & Martin have sold thol
stock of general merchandise to M
Burstler Ar Sons of Burr who have bee
hero this week Invoicing. /
Gladys Young was eight years ol
Monday and the event was celebrate
at the homo of her aunt , Mrs. Mom
poinery , by a surprise party.
Verne Darts has gold his barber shoat
at this place to Ell Knapp who hn
already taken possession , Mr. Dav !
expects to go west and seek a locatlot
S. Wlthcraft has sold a half interci
in his restaurant business to h !
brother-in-law , E. E. Whitney , <
Summcrllold , Kans.who hits been her
for some time.
At a mooting of the business men 1
the Utes club rooms last Tuesday ovci
ing It was decided to hold a fraterni
picnic again this year. No date wi
decided upon but will probably be tli
last of August.
Lydla Marts and F. W. Eaton wet
married at the homo of her parent
F. G. Marts and wife , on Wedncsda ;
July 21th. They will make their hon :
at Edgemont , S. D. , where ho is
master mechanic for the Burlington.
John Tbnmas sold his farm north i
town last Friday to Arthur Wllllan
for $77.00 per acre. Mr. Thomas e :
pecta to 1 ocate in Holt county. H
father , the lute Davlo Thomas , can
from Wisconsin nnd settled on th
farm In 1S.W.
( Julnton Stump and wlfo of Verdi
have moved tu Tom Cunningham
farm south of town whore they w
t reside. Pcarle Cunningham , who h
been keeping house for her father f
some time expects to go to Lincoln
i take a two years' coin-to in the Grot
j 1 Gables sanitarium for a nurse.
St. Martha's Guild of tl
Episcopal Church will give 01
of their delightful teas at tl
residence of P. II. Jussen , Wei
nesday Aug. 7th , from 5:30 : unt
S o'clock. You are cordial
Cap Snylors was on the slek list last
Tom Qulgglo wn a county scat , vlsl-
I tor Monday.
j Mrs. Will Cook spent , Friday at the
county sea' .
Vincent Arnold v'slted ' Pulls City on
Friday lust.
Mr. Bruhn and son were county scat
visitors Tuesday.
J. W. Stump was a county seat visi
tor Wednesday.
Ralph Miller was a Dawson visitor
Saturday night.
George K'jsloy was a county scat
visitor Saturday.
Florence Hull was on the sick list
the llrst of the week.
Mr. Knupp ot Ncmahii was hero a
short time Wednesday.
Ethel Cook attended the chautauquu
at Fulls City Thursday.
Fred Gibson was on the sick list the
hitter nurt of the week.
Will Batterul of St. Joe visited O. P.
Veal and family lust week.
Dr. Grilllth and wife were Falls City
visitors Wednesday night.
/ . McNulty came up from Horton
Tuesday to visit relatives.
Will Fisher and wife made a busi
ness trip to Falls City Friday.
II. N. Tlmmcrman and wife wore
Falls City visitors last Friday.
Clara Mascngalo and Sylvia Cur-
mack went to Fulls City Saturday.
John Allenbaugh of Falls City visited
his mother , Mrs. Boatman Monday.
Cora Fastunoaii of Nebraska City Is
j visiting her sister , Mrs. John Leefers.
| Juku Nelfert returned to Atchlson
] Sunday after a short visit to relatives
Mr * . L. A. Kinsoy of University
I IMuce is visiting friends here this
| Mr ? . Lucy Cornell went to Fulls Cltv
. Monday to visit her ( laughter , Mrs. Me
! Maims.
Scott Saviors wis ; no from Falls City
Wednesday looking after his business
Edna Whcatloyof Lincoln is visiting
I EJna I'ursons and other friends here
thU wcok.
Miss Chamberlain cuino In from oul
west on a visit to her grandmother
Mrs. Zook.
i Mrs. Dave Duvlcs and children o
i Fulls City visited relutlvos hero u purl
1 of lust week
Florence Doughtory and Mnrio
, Stewart attended the Falls City chau
' Saturday.
Mrs. Kate Burrls of Fulls ; Clty ar
rived Friday on a visit to her sister
Mrs. Hosa Allison.
Mrs. Verne Taylor and ton of Dawson
son spent the llrst of the week will
Mrs. James Ayers.
Henry McNulty and daughter.Sudle
of Axtell , Kans. , visited Will Goolsbj
and family last week.
Mrs. Roy Swisegood and little daugh
ter went to Falls City Monday evenlnf
to attend the chautauqua.
Mr. Boatman and wlfo were callei
to Auburn Sunday by the serious ill
ness of the former's brother.
Mrs. Alllo Watson and son , Otho , o
Falls City spent Sunday at the honn
of her sister , Mrs. M. D. Lum.
Julia Fraunf elder and Alice Hassen
yager attended chautauqua at Fall
City the latter part of the week.
Fay Simmons shipped cattle to Kan
sas City Tuesday evening. He wii
accompanied by Earnest Overtoil.
O. I' . Veal and G. D. Knapp am
wife were entertained ut the countr ;
home of H. J. Kiel und wlfo Sunday ,
Mlnnto Allison went to Fulls Clt ,
last week to visit her sister , Mrs. A
It. Goolsby and to attend chautauqun
s i Uaura Honzelmau and Anna Frauer
| folder returned homo Friday , aftc
n j spending several days at the Falls Clt
s chautauqmi.
II' J. S. Vatos and son , Ralph drove ovc
s | from Dawson Wednesday night to nice
r his son , Aubrey who has been atteni ;
o injj school at Peru.
II W. S. Byerly and son , Re.W. . t
Sloan , W. D. Corn , George Uoolsbj
Clyde Lum. George Kesley , Hour
C Corn and Fred Gibson attended th
e ball game at HumboldtTuesdav.
c Charley Morao , Arthur Gardnei
. Dick smith , Fred Doughu , Gle
. , Doughtery , Evrett Curouen. Dav
Clark. Gorman Helneraan , Geo.Keslej
> * Lou Parsons , Norman and John Hole
' zelman were Falls City visitors Friday
Mrs. C. F. Kukcr drove to Fulls City
on Tueedity.
Jessie Wolf took a loud of berries to
Fulls City Tu.-diiy.
Mr Tilmerof St. Heroin AH- seen
on our streets Monday
C. HfeMarlln und wife visited the
county scat 0.1 Thursday.
Mesdiimes Lola and J. D. Mitchell
drove down to the city Monday.
Mrs. Wm. Hulncs visited friends in
Fulls City several days last waek.
George Foglo of Vi'rdon .vas a busl-
ess caller In Burada on Tuesday.
Mrs. Wm Ebclund daughter. Bertha ,
Islted the county seat on Friday.
Guy Wheeler of Shnbert hauled over
loud of Ice for J. D. Walker Friday.
Homer Sailors and family of Stella
Islted his parents Saturday and Sun
Otto Git/ , wife , and Mrs. Goolsby
vere visiting Henry Summery's on
Mrs. J. D. Mitchell and children ol
Detroit , Kansas , are visiting relatives
it this place.
Mrs. J. F. Stong Is enjoying a visit
rom her mother , Mrs. W. A. Burket
of Ml..Ion , la.
Willie McGowun and HuV-cl Dnni :
Irovo to Falls City Monday to attend
the chautauqua.
John Lungdon and wlfo loft on Fri
lay for a short visit with relatives h
Cansus City , Mo.
W. C. Fahr from Verdon wus oyei
ind purchased a fine horse of Win
Ivuker on Monday.
Jessie Cox and Ray Williams wen :
to Falls City Saturday to the chuutuu
inn , returning Sunday.
Dr. Van Osdel was In Falls Citj
Thursday 10 attend the Uichardsot
caunty medical society.
L. ll. Moreheiid und C. H. Mui'tlt
went to Shubi'rt on Monday to contrite
for the lumber for the now schoo
Mrs James Gruhan who hus lieci
111 with appendicitis is now Improvini
steadily under thcotllcionl euro of Dr
-I. - F. dtong.
It. J. Dunn , wife und daughter
Lottie , and Frank Butler und wifi
went to Fulls Citv on Monday to uUoni
the chautuuquu ,
WA. . Cox went to Bancroft , NOD.
Thui-sdaj und returned Suturduy ue
compunlcd by his , daughter. Doru
who has been visiting at that place.
J'curl Van Osdel returned this weel
from her visit ut Kockport , Mo. Sh
was accompanied by Miss Johunni
Fahsler who will visit friends hero fo
some time.
D. E. Spickler took a loud of hogs V
Kansas City on Monday , Mrs. Spick
lor went down on Tuesday and togethe
they will take In the sights of the ( ill ;
for a few days.
George Furst had the misfortune V
fall from a load of hay the latter part c
the week and break three ribs. Dt
Van Osdol is the attending pnyslcia
and reports that Mr. Furst Is gettlni
along as nicely as could be expected.
Mrs. EtTa Kramer went to Hluwath
J. R. Shelly was a Fulls City vlslto
E. Dowty was a county seat vlslto
Ethel Jackson returned from Hit
watha Monday.
Maurice McMahon was a county seji
visitor Sunday.
L. D. MeCumber wus a county sec
visitor Friday.
Mrs. John Morris was a passengc
to Fulls City Tuesday.
Mrs. H. I' . Relger and children wcr
passengers to Rule Sunday.
C. T. Gluzo and family attended th
chautauquu at Falls City Tuesday.
Misses Ella Anderson and MyraBus
were Hiawatha visitors Saturday an
Miss Mablo Veaob of Champloi
Nob. , Is visiting with relatives her
at this writing ,
Mrs. Tracy Courtrlght returne
homo Wednesday from a few days vis
with relatives In Missouri.
Llna and May Wilson returned I
their home in Wymore Friday jrom
visit with relatives and friends here.
CiuM Simons wus a Fulls City visitor
Ted Mi-Leulun was in Falls City
Delia Murtin Is uistnnt telephone
girl at this time.
Mrs. Gruham hue been poorly for
several days pust.
lluth Leeds of Fulls City Is visiting
in this city this week.
Grandpa Kcrnad has been very sick
for the pust few days
Ruth Knnaly is clerking in J" . , W.
Brown's grocery store.
John Darve.ui was a Falls City visi
tor the last of the week
Sam and Hope Ward attended chau-
tituqua Tuesday evening.
Pearl Anderson is visiting In Kansas
neur Hiawatha this week.
Jerry Horun is working with the
joncrcte gang west of town.
Mary Stroud of Fulls City is visiting
relatives in Rule this week.
F. E. Kulp of Wymore spent several
lours in this city Thursday.
Charlie Scott of Kansas was a Rule
isitor the first of the week.
Chas. Gri/.er of Fortescue was a Itulo
isitor Monday of this week.
E. C. Walbridgo of Falls City was a
justness visitor nt this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Dorsto were chautau-
quu visitors Tuesday evening.
Geoesrc King was a business visitor
n Rule last Saturday afternoon.
Mr. Celcy moved his family into
lohn Kunuly's house Thursday.
J. E. Lellvc of Brenner was a Rule
visitor several days lust week.
Dallas Jones of White Cloud. Kan * . ,
wus : i Hulo visitor last Sunday.
Will and John Cornell of GolT * , Ka . ,
were Hulo visitors last Saturday.
Jerry McCowan of Fortc cue was a
isinosx visitor in Rule Tupsduy.
Tom White of Seneca. , Knns. , wus u
Uulo visitor the first of the week.
W. J. Cunningham finished stacking
seventy acres of wheat last week.
Joh.i Dunn of Rushbotlom was shop-
phi' ' In Itulo the last oi the week.
John Anderson and family of Kansas
visited with Rule friends Tuesday.
Julia Cronin spent several days last
week visiting relative * In Fulls City.
Lena Cuver/.ugle and Pearl Murtir
> vero shoppers in Fulls City Tuesday.
Charlie Scott and family of Kansii ;
spent Friday with friends in this city ,
Uncle George Harris I * dangerously
sick , he Is paralizod Irom the walsl
Buttle Hart of St. Joseph arrived ir
Rule Monday to spend her two weeks
Floyd Spicer of Belview , Neb. , ar
rived In Rnlo lust Thursday to spent
some time.
S. W. Cunningham took a bunch o
line young mules to his farm in Mis
sourl last Friday.
Chester Clement of Wymore was
pleasant visitor in Rule between trains
Tuesday morning.
Prof. Witman returned from Kansas
City last week very sick but is now
able to be around.
Mrs. Willis Carpenter has been very
sick for the past week but Is much
better at this time.
Mr. Walters and family returned or
Tuesday from a visit with his daugh
ter In White Cloud.
The Missouri river has fallen s (
much that Mr. Graham has rcsumce
business at the ferry.
James Hosford wus very sick thi
latter part of last week but is mucl
improved at this time.
The city is putting in a substantia
arched rock culvert eight feet In lengtl
north of the livery barn.
J. A. McDonald shipped a car loai
of hogs and two of cuttle to Kansa
City one night last week.
Mas. Dan Rutlkin and little daughter
tor , Hazel , were visiting with Fall
City friends ono day last week.
J. H. Merrlam of Lincoln was InRul
last Friday testing and adjusting thi
water eauge on the river bridge.
Mrs. Francis Witman has been 01
the sick list for several days , but 1 :
slightly Improved at this writing.
Carl Leeds who hns been visiting hi
grandparents at this place for the pas
ten days returned recently to his homi
in Fulls City.
J. B. Gllanda came in Sunday will
his concre'.e gang and will put in t
concrete culvert for the Uurllngtor
west of town.
Mrs. Adallno Scott of Kan-u * ar
rived In town the first of the week for
u several weeks visit with relatives
and old friends.
Worth Anderson of Kansas vi itcd
lo Hulo Friday. Ill * daughter who
ha ? boon visiting IHMV for the pu.-t 'wo
wei'k * accompanied him home.
Mr. Unof Horton , Ka * . visit
ing old friends in liulo last week Mr.
HUBS' health is failing fust , his son-in-
law , Charles Folu. accompanied him.
John Dunn has moved the1 scales
from Plante's corner , cleaned up the
scattered brick and greatly Improved
the looks of things around the place
Mrs. Sherman Hays has purchased
the restaurant of Mrs. Sweinfurth ,
which she owned on Main street , and
is now prepared to cater to the public.
Ella Carpenter and Anna Mahoii
drove to Kunsas Friday night. They
took in the Hiawatha street fair Satur
day and visited friends in the country
a few days.
Mr , and Mrs. Pete Frederick and
baby returned to their home in Pres
ton Wednesday of hist week. They
came down to attend tbe funeral of
their little ; nelce.
Dr. Houston of F.tlls City was called
to Hulo Tuesday in consultation with
Dr. Henderson for Herman Kleopfel's
two children who have been very -iek
for some time.
Wm..Johnson of this city has in his
possession a National fourth reader ,
published by A. S. Barnes \ Co , of
Now Nork and Cnicugo , 1873. The
book is in perfect condition.
Paul McDonald fell out of a ham
mock one day lust week and sustained
some painful bruises on his arm and
shoulder ; but no bones were broken
and he has almost recovered.
Mrs. Theodore Anderson who has
been in Kansas taking treatment from
Hiawatha specialist reterned homo
Tuesday much improved , and hopeto
be strong U''uin in a few months
At thi-ir regular meeting lust Friday
ttit- Degree of Honor lodge in-
itiuti'il 1'iiiu ' new members into the
mysteries uf this orguul/.ution. A
short intermission was given to wel
come the members. Ledge closed in
duo form , after which ice cream mid
cuke were served and a short time
spent in a social way.
On Wednesday of hist wccii while a
large herd of cuttle were lu-iiii ! driven
to the stock pens from the bottoms
north of town , between the strange
herders and the heat the cattle became
uncontroliiblo and u general stampede
wns the result. Fences were broken ,
yards and gurdens trampled and sev
eral people hud narrow ercupcs from
Injury. Mrs. Henry Sjott was knocked
down but fortunately i nt b.ully injured (
At leust , two cattle were killed and
utter getting out the > o that were ready
for market it took several days to col
lect the rest of the herd.
- * -
Marriage Record
Edwin O. Recd , Falls City 31
Addle Evangellne Clark , Stella : u
Langford Whlttnoy , Shubert 21
Ina Chandler , Shubert ' . . . 18
Married by Judge Gairnon , July 29.
Verne T. Fee , White Cloud , Kas..2l
Bessie R. Banks , White Cloud , Ks..l8
Married by Judge Gagnon , July 29.
Clarence Hicks , Mound City , Mo. . . 23
Maude Boyd , BlgloMo 19
Married by Judge Gagnon , July 31.
Real Estate Transfers.
Wm T Nutter and wf to W W
Nutter wd to 35a nw | of nw } 21-
3-17 ; llja in nw | of nwof 21-3-
17 ; eof net of 20-3-17r eA of
net ot 20-3-17 , $5,000.
Edward Ege and wf to C W
.Allen qcd to Ja in 13-3-10 , $1.
Belle C Draper to William I
Draper wd to cof net of 1'- * - '
1-1 , $1,000.
Presbyterian Churn.
On next Sunday morning and
evening- , August 4th , the Preb-
byterian church pulpit will be
filled by the Rev. Albert B. Judson -
son of Kearney , Neb. The morn-
ins : theme will be "Loving Ser
vice" and that of the evening :
will be "Heaven's Great Event. "
You will be made welcome to
botli services , Come and \ \ or-
ship with us.
John Allenbatitfh went to Ver-
don Monday for a short visit
with his mother. ,