The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 02, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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The Haywood Trial.
The most nninsting story of
murder and general villainy
that has appeared in print for
many a year is that of the al
leged confession of Orchard at
the trial of Moyerand Haywood
in Boise , Idaho. According to
Orchard's story the Western
Federation of Miners , under
the inspiration of Flay wood ,
maintained a veritable murder
bureau. Orchard and his con
federates were hired to blow up
men and mines and machinery
for very reasonable sums. The
average mind on reading this
confession is turned into con
fusion. On the one side , such
villainy is incredible ; on the
otherside Orchard's statements
at the time of writing have not
been shaken by cross-examina
tion.Ve have known that
Colorado has been the victim of
disturbed conditions for the last
few years , but we should receive
with somethihg like apprehen
sion the establishment of the
truthfulness of Orchard's state-
menl. Per what should be
thought of a great movement
that would countenance , much
less originate , villainies like
these Orchard retails ?
Got u free siunplo of Dr. Shoop's
"Health ColTec" an our storu If real
cotjeo disturbs your stomach , your
heart or kidneys , then try thU clover
colToo Imitation. Dr. Sheep has close
ly matched old Java and Mocha colTco
In flavor and tasle , yet It has not a
single grain of real colTeo In It. Dr.
Shoop's Health ColTco Imitation la
niado from pure toasted grains or
cereals , with malt , nuts , otc. Made In
n minute. No tedious wait. You will
surely llko It. Sold by Fred E. Schmlt
Baseball Delirium.
The nation is baseball mad.
Both the professional and the
amateur game is being played
to-day as never before. That
pre-eminence ot baseball which
men affected to think a lew
years since was threatened by
tennis , football , if not by golf ,
has been more than re
established. Even college base
n ball seems to be assuming some
thing likcits ( old-time position
This is as it should be. Taker
all in all there is no game quili
like baseball. Either as a sur
reptitious excitement on tin
back lot or as machine like busi
ness of the metropolitan chain
pious the game is brimful o
skill and science and energy
The two great professiona
leagues have started out when
they closed playing , with tin
Chicago teams in the lead , thi
position of last year's nationa
champion being possibly tin
I more secure. The only cloud ii
: | the sky seems to be the ten
| dency for some of the players ti
lapse into Hooliganism , bn
! 1 even this seems likely to b
checked by the attitude of th
lords of the baseball world.
I'll stop your pain free. To shot
you first before you spend u ponny-
what my Pink Pain Tablets can do ,
will mail you free , a trial package c
them Ur. Shoop's Headache Tablets
Neuralgia , headache , toothache , porlo
pains , etc. , arc duo alone to blood cot
Ccstlon. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tal
lets simply kill pain by coaxing nwu
the unnatural blood pressure. That i
all Address Dr. Sheep , Racine , W :
Sold by all dealers.
She "Advertised > rand Received A
The Credit.
'Here is a fable that is we
worth perusing :
There was once a duck , whic
faithfully stuck to business a
summer and laid many do/.ei
of large lawn colored eggs
She finally became convince
that her work was not appn
ciated. "She hasn't laid r
many eggs as 1 have , nor a
big , but she has books writtc
about her and verses compose
in her honor , while nobody saj
a word about poor m'e. "
, "Now listen , " said a wii
rooster , "the trouble -with yc
is that you don't tell the publ
what you have done. You Ir
an egg and waddle off witho1
saying a word , but that wife
mine never lays one witho
letting the neighbors kno
about it. If you want to c
any ice in this community y <
must learn to advertise. "
Wheat 51 Bushel per Acre.
Fred Shell living one mile
north of town has a remarkable
yield of wheat this- year One
Held of HO acres averaged 51
bushel per. acre. Now that'a
not so bad for old Richardson
is it ? Mr. Shell is justly proud
of his wheat crop this year.
If you suffer from bloating * belching ,
eour ftonmcb , Indigestion or Dispop-
Ma , take a Kings Ihspepsla Tablet
after each meal , and overcome the dls-
ngn-i-able trouble. It will Improve
the appetite , am ! aid digestion. Sold
at A. 0. Wannor's Drug Store.
Parties having wins , costumes
and other property of mine will
please return same at once.
Alleged Forger Brought Back.
FromTecumsehSimeon : Find-
son , alleged forger , who wns
brought to Tecumseh from Kins
ley , Kan. , Tuefaday , has been in a
very talkative mood since his re
turn , lie tells of his escape from
the timber south of the city when
a gang of armed men from Tecumseh -
seh and one from Pawnee City
were looking for him. Fludson
declares he saw the men find IIIB
pony and saddle and that ho wns
within sixty or seventy feet of n
parly of them at ono time. He
left the timber and secreted him
self in the tall weeds which bor
dered the same. When the men
had gone by he took to the road
and walked to Pawnee City and
boarded a train for Kansas. Qutl
son was sharp enough to take pro.
cautions from blood houndswhicl , :
he expected would be put on hif
trail and which were. He snyf
ho waded the length of a little
stream which llowa through tin
woods there to ruin the scent foi
the dogs.
It iHBitid the accused man admit
ted to the ollicers while enroute t <
this city that he forged ami utiuhet
thn checks here and that he eho
Sheriff H. U. Minor.
Uis preliminary examination 01
the charge of forgery will bo hel <
in the county court tomorrov
morning at fl o'clock. The com
plninant will bo Cashier 0. .T
Canon of the Oiti'/cns' Nationa
Bank of Tecumseh from which in
sti'.ution ' ho secured $22.
Man /an Pile Remedy comes put u
in a collapsible tube with a no//.k
Kasy to apply right where soreness an
inllammstion exists. It relieves u
once blind blooding , Itching or protriu
Ing piles. Guaranteed. Price f > 0 <
Get It today. Sold by A. G. U'nnnci
A Good Place for Reform.
The Auburn Granger invites
friendly discussion of the subjet
of funerals nnd how they shoul
bo conducted. This is equivnlon
to the admission that a reforn
ntion in the present man nor c
burying the dead IP necessnry an
in this Brother Dnndns , ns usun
is on the right track. If wo wei
asked what reformation were mof
urgently demanded in the cot
duct of funerals wo should unties
tatingly recommend cutting 01
the mawkish custom of cougregi
tion filing pnst the bier ami ga :
ing with vacant stare on n mass (
cold , tennntless clay that inn
hnvo been denied n cheerful loc
or a kind word that would help 1
win the battle of life. When tl
wayside reporter pusses from tl
Btnge of usefulness ho reques
that nfter the farewell look of it
mediate friends the casket be senli
nnd not made n peep show togrnl
fy n miudlin sentiment. Daws (
* Plnoules are for the Kidneys a
Bladder. They bring quick relief
backache , rheumatism , lumbago , tir
worn out feeling. They produi
natural action of the kidneys in lllti
Ing waste matter out of the blood
days treatment$1.00. Money refund
if Plnoules are not satisfactory. Sc
by A. G. Wanner.
Alfalfa Land.
Write for description and pri
of two of the best alfalfa fan
y in the Prairie Dog River Vallc
Long Island , Ivans.
A fine solid Mahogany caseu
right piano for sale or trade.
u bargain if taken at once.
STATo/.1 .
Sculptor Tells of Qjeer Orders Given
Him by His Patrons.
A ficulptor wns talking about freak
statuary. "I turn out a lot of It , " ho
said. "Not that I like to. I have to.
So many of our millionaires have un
couth tastes. 1 made last fall portrait
busts of a western millionaire nnd his
wife. The wife wears spectacles , and
nothing would do but I must put spec-
tncles on her bust. I argued , but in
vain. Tlmt bust stands In the million
aire's spacious library to-day nnd spec
tacles rest on Its nose. 1 'lid last
month a bust in colors , a bust of a
voting girl. The marble hah t glided ,
the marble I'yos I painted blue , and
the marble lips and cheeks 1 llccked
with red. A hldt-ctis thing , yet the
family was linim-n 'lv pleased. The
fnmklcBl of my ficak statues stands
in n llriRtnn fnmleii It Is the statue
of the owner's ( tvnndfathor. an old
Preabyteilnn , dl\l IP. The aged man
stands In the center of a bed of jon
quils , and out of the top of his ping
hat a jet of water spurts , falling Into
n mnrblo Imsin that la < holds In his
hands , a basin wherein swim half : i
dozen goldlish. The Idea of treating
one's grandfather llko that ! "
Christening Rehearsal Struck Clergyman -
man a * New Idea.
"These college girls , " said a clergy
man , as ho gazed at the white and
superb ranks of beautiful graduates ,
"aro a boon to the race. They intro
duce now Ideas. I christened the other
day the first baby of a married col
lege girl. Now , babies usually cry
while they arc being christened , but
this one was as quiet nu a lamb.
Throughout the ceremony it smiled
up beautifully into my face.STell ,
madam , ' said I to the young wife at
the christening's end , 'I must congrat
ulate you on your little one's behavior.
I have christened more than 2,000
babies , but I never before christened
one that behaved so well as yours. '
The young mother smiled demurely.
'No wonder ho behaved well , " she said.
'His father r.nd I , with a pall of water ,
have been practicing christening on
him for the last ten days. ' The idea
of rehearsing n baby for a christen
ing ! Who but a college girl would
think of such a thing ? "
Irreverent Yankee.
Adam Engel , a few days before he
closed bis histoilc chop house In Her
ald square , lunched with a Denver
correspondent. "Tho loss of this chop
house will be a great loss to Now
York , " said the conespomlent. "It
will bo like , " ho went on eloquently ,
"tho obliteration of some historic
light" "I hope , " said the modest
Cngi.'l , "that It won't ho so bad as that ,
Speaking of lights , by the way , I hope
that my chop house's departure won t
indict any such loss as a certain Van
kce , by an uncontiollablo Impulse
once inflicted on a huddhlst temple In
Japan. They say , you know , that .1
priest , showing this Yankee over an
ancient shrine , led the man roverentlj
to a small silver lamp. 'This lamp
sir , " ho said , 'has not been extln
gulbhed for seven contuik's. ' The
Yankee puffed out his checks am
blow.Vell , ' ho said , 'I guess she's
out now , anyway. ' "
Provocation Enough.
A deaf old gentleman dined with i
family wheio grace was always said
When the guests wore seated the hos
bowed his head and began to rcpea
the accustomed verse In a subdued
lovercnt tone. "Kh ? What's that ?
demanded the deaf old gentleman , win
i > at beside him. The host smiled pa
tlently and began again , In a loudei
moro deprecatory voice. "Speak a 111
tie louder. I don't catch what yo
say , " the old gentleman persisted. . ,
low rlpplo of.lnughter went round th
table. The host , his face crimso :
with embarrassment , raised his vole
and repeated the verse. The dea
gentleman did his best to hear , bn
failed. lie placed ono hand upon hi
host's arm. "What did you say ? " h
demanded Irascibly. The host cast hit
an angry glance. "D n it , I'm buyln
grace/ ' lie snapped. Ltpplncott's Mat
"Beauty Doctors" Copy Old Rome. "
Juvenal , the Roman satirist , write
Indignantly of the absurd waste c
time given to the care of the comple :
Ion , of the lotions and jellies and pov
ders for the preservation of the skii
"Hut anything overlaid with so mnn
oft-changed cosmetics , nnd a poultlc
with Hour , both baked and boiled , sha
we call It n face or a sore ? This thlni
swollen nnd ridiculous , the unfortunal
husband has to contemplate only f (
her lovers does she wash her ski
clean. " The modern beauty doctor
writes Mrs. H. W. Novlnson In tl :
frortnlghtly Kc\Iew , have plagiarize
their methods from ancient Home-
: " the massage , the stroking , the olllr
and would bo willing to admit tin
some of the most valuable secrets , 1
eluding the "Homan mask , " whk
eradicated wrinkles , are lost to them
Easily Adjusted.
Chairman Knapp of the intersta
commerce commission , told in Xe
; e York the other day a I-Veneh rallwf
story. "A trallic manager , " ho sal
"came to the president of the line ni
exclaimed dlsconsolatelj : 'Wo a
having no end of trouble with the pu
lie , sir , about those old dark blue cai
Ever > body sajs they bump so frlgl
fully in comparison with the nc
light blue ones , which , of course , n
> ery smooth. ' 'Humph , ' said the pn
ident ; 'we must attend to this matt
at once. Have all the old cars paint
light blue immediately. ' "
L. E. LEED , Proprietor
All Popular Brands of
Wet Goods with an ex =
perienced Mixer at your
service. Foreign and do
mestic Cigars.
General Hardware
All who are indebted to W. H.
Crook & Co please call and settle
as soon as possible
Pay your old account and
start fresh with a big order.
Courtesy at Home.
We nrc all creatures of Imbit ,
men and women alike , and the
Imbit nnd surroundings of daily
life have a powerful influence on
the character of both. The root
of nil bnd manners is selfishness ;
when self ever conies firstnnd fore
most , consideration for others
always Ings much in the renr , and
drops so far behind in time that
it disappears altogether. "One
cannot keep up the ceremony nnd
etiquette of society when at home. "
True , for between friends these
can be laid aside. They merely
are the rivets that keep society to
gether , but not courtesy and con-
sideration. The latter ought to
be so much the habit with each
of us that it will become our
second nature , and therefore can
be no more laid aside than can an
arm or a leg.
I will mall jou free , to prove merit ,
samples of my Dr. Shoop's Restorative ,
and my book on either Dyspepsia , the
Heart or the Kidneys. Troubles of the
Stomach , Heart and Kidneys are mere
ly symptons of a deeper ailment. Don't
make the common error of treating
symptons only. Symplon treatment is
treating the result of your ailment , and
not the cause. Weak stomach nerves
the inside nerves mean stomach
weakness , alwajs. And the heart , and
kidneys ns well , have their controlling
or inside nerves. Weaken these nerves
and you inevitably have weak vital
organs. Hero is whcro Dr. Shoop's
b- Hcstoratlvo has made its fame. No
bs. . other remedy even claims to treat the
it "Inside nerves. " Also for bloating ,
itW biliousness , bad breath or complexion ,
in use Dr. Shoop's Bestoratlve. Write
'Ser ' mo today for sample and free book.
er Dr. Shoop. Racine , Wis. The Restora
tive is sold by all dealers.
Remember that scissors and tht
cuticle of the fiuuernails are dead
ly enemies. Scibsors shoul.
never bf used unless absolutel ;
Remember to shape the nail
after every particle of superfluoti
skin has been removed from them
Remember that the nicest shop
for the nails is oval or slightl ;
pointed and the almoned shapei
nail is indicative of good birth.
Remember after filing the nail
to the proper shape to use a tin ;
emery board to smooth the edgee
The bites and stings of insect , tar
sunburn , cuts , burns and bruises nr
relieved at once with Ploesalve Cai
bollzed. Acts like apoultlce and draw
out inflammation. Try it. Price 25i
sold by A. G. Wanner.
One dollar circulated in a com
nuinity is worth to it $50 circt :
latcd in some other place , t
dittrict is made wealthy only b
retaining in it the dollars tha
are earned within it , or whic
may be brought to it throng
Piles get quick and certain relit
from Dr. Shoop's Magic Olntraen
Please note it is tniule ulone for pile
and its action is postivc and certali
Itching , painful , protruding or blin
piles disappear like magic by its us <
( Large nickel-capped glass jars oO cent
j Sold by all dealers.
Evangelical Lutheran Cburcl
Services at 2:30 : p. in. on altc
nate Sundays.
HKeUiuoiv House !
Recently re-decorated and
$ re-furnished t h r o u ghout.
S Everything first class. Spec
< y ial attention given to trati-
$ sient. Rate , $2.00 per day.
1 Wm. McPherson , Prop.
: > Thoi\e 59 Falls Cily , Neb.
3D JB1 S T
Phone 21s ? OvrrUlehardffon County
l.uik. !
- - -
Office at Metts' Barn. Office
Phone 139. Residence Phone
> 63.
Phones : No177 , 217
. ; , Per Quod Soles , Good 5cr\lce , ' Jill < < > >
Returns Ship Your Stock to < j >
| Qeo. R. Barse |
National Stock Yards , III.
Kansas City , Mo. ,
237 Acres good laud three *
miles east of Verdun. *
Will sell Iu7 ncres whore !
Itnnpf M'inds. and rpmninitii ;
SO " - , pepanitely or ltd a *
lid . *
U <
Fni hither purliciilarB bee
Joseph Strohmeyer
Verdon - - Neb
It's Your Own Fault
If you don't get your t
I money's worth. Come *
* . *
U to my Shop and buy I
your Mens and Boys *
$ Shoes. i
Richardson County Bank Hulldlnz I
Manuf't of
and Dealer in
We arc in the front rank with a
neat line of both single and double
Bupgy Harness. We invite inspec
tion nnd comparison.
Fly Nets , Lap Dusters nnd Whip *
Direct from the Factory. That is
the reason that the prices arc rlpht.
We are It on repairing. Call and
see us. East. Richardson County
Satisfaction guaranteed
or money refunded.
3 " A dose at bed time usually -
ally relieves the mos"t
severe case before morning.
CHICAGO , U. g. A.
For sale byA.