THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , JULY 19 , 1907 24o Acre Farm Southeast of Hiawatha. C. Smith Th farra is li mile * of a cooj town of about 33) population ona raitr.uJ Land consist * nf .cvtitly rolling up Ininl uitli Henry a nai. crn-lc flow , ng through theeausOacresenterm ? near the uorthwe t c > rn < rrand emu * out about ( A rodft north of . Uis. nth line. Tin-re i * oni > timt r . . along this creek. Mr as forni'h.n.water for i > a > tnre which never lia been I . Unonrn torandr > . A boat uacre are in cultivation now. About + " > acre * ar * m clover and tim > < thy meadow. ll.'acrrt ar \ n cattle and hot : pactore fenced with I'asre fence , ISacre * cow jviMnre for railchcow . with hadc ami water. 4 acre * In rrhard. 1 acre .n ? rap < * . ra pberne * . blackbcrnet and strawberries. Ralanceof land in building site and rn.iilH , Tim fence * are nearly all as geol a * new In vine been rebuilt within the past two year . Good grove on west anil norlll of ! < Bildmc * famishing hade fnr poultr > in snmmer and storm protection in winter. Brit-nivos : O l 6 room house with cemented cellar tinder hoase. IJirnfor 10hor es and bcowi with hay loft holdlilir aboatStonsof hay . and an implement shed ad joining- . Cattle and hay hed 2 xl feet with board roof and room fur Jft tint LANDS & LOANS nfh.1 % Hnfrlinn .J2TiOf > board r f Corn crib 1202 ft. . board roof and shed adjoining also Imard roof. 1 lien b ? . Sb p for null tools and work bench. Cemented water re evoir about 1 < feel in diameter and 12 feel itr-cp with urjer ground pipe to tank In feoj lot. Tno wells and w.nd mills sappljing the re-erroir with water. 5-ton waifon Hcati'i , l.ool term , nn.hl take SO acres a part par- Ions tim- ' OHIO " > Vt. . McOowan win a Barada visitor Wclck spent .suaday at her home- near Bnrnda. Guy and John Stump wore gucUs of Ralph Ncdrow Sunday Guy Llchty and wife tpent Sunday with Chti . Stump and wife. K < ] Hnrtlntt wno n guest of his cousin , H. A. Burk and wife Sunday. EUlu Uticttner spent n few days with her uncle , Ed Xx > rn and wife , Maude McCann and her friend spent Sunday with the former's sister , Ed Kiramel and family were guests of relatives in Falls City Sunday , Rev. Mohlcr and family spent Sun day with Clcon Peck and mother. Wee. Nedrow and wife wore gunsts of relatives in Falls city Sunday. P. E. Shaffer , wife and daughter epcnt Sunday with their son , Earl. Cbas. Stump and family are guests of Will Burtlett and wife this week. Wm. Halderaan and Edna and Vcra Shaffer * pnnt Monday with Grace Ncd row. row.Geo. Geo. Prlchard and family visited in Falls City tbo guest of the former's parents. Hansy and Sadie Peck spent sunday - day with their uncle , S. H. Knlsely and family. Elrna Cook of Verdon visited with friends and relatives in this vicinity last week , John Zentner and family were guests of Chas. Zentner and family Monday uftcrnoon , Mrs. N. Peck and two youngest chlldrcd were guests at 0. A. Burk's ' Bundny afternoon. Messrs. Haldeman and Blcchy and Misses Shaffer and Ncdrow spent Mon day evening at Barada. Mrs. Oscar Maddox and son of Falls City spent the hitter part of last week with Mrs Geo. Prlchard. A great many in this vicinity drove down near the Muddy river Monday to ECC the sights of the high water as it Is all over the bottom land. Mrs. Sam'l Llchty of Falls City ac companlcd by a sister , Mrs. Cuulo of Waterloo , Iowa , and a cousin of Omaha ppcnt Sunday with Mrs. Eph Peck. The rain last Sunday night was the hardest we have ever witnessed , wo do believe , and it did a great deal of damage along the various stream ? , washing out bridges , culverts , fences anil a great many people having stock along the streams have lost consider able by being drowned and porno being badly cut with barb wire. FARGO. Charley Nitzschc was at Rule Thursday. Jacob wlMtiaii hnd business in Rule Thursday. C. J. Thomas had business in Rule Wednesday. Ed Uaiinian and wife were shoppers here Saturday. II , G. Derate anil family were here Saturday even'mf , Mrs. H. Dorfatc and Mrs. KiHlamnan lintl business here Monday. Albert Castcn anil wife were here Monday to do some trailing1. Walter Maker and wife hail business at the County Scat Thursday , Farmers have been very buisy the past ten days than they have been for many years. Gco.SchmhU and wife had their little daughter baptized Sunday quite a number of friends and relatives were present. Jiui Sells anil wife went to Craitf Tuesday to sec their daughter who is quite sick. Mrs. Sells remaining with her for the week. W. D , Dorstc lost a valuable horse Sunday evening by drowning. The Wincbago was 12 inches higher of the recent rain than it has ever known to been. John Futschcr got his cider mill this week and will have it ready for next summer. The mill weighs 6000 pounds and a capisity of 10 to l : barrels per hour. One of the worst electric rain storms that was ever known in this part of the country Sunday evening July 14th , taking out all fences along the creeks. The most damage was done along the Wlnebago taking out bridges anil fences the water riming In barns des troying grain and hay and also drowned some stock. - HUA1BOLDT. Mr * . Ida Beem i visiting Beatrice friends this week , Mark Williamson spent Sunday with friends ID Tecumseh. Rudolph Vi-rtlska recently pur chased Ed Kltif'i automobile. Lulu Boss returned .Monday from a visit with friends InTeeumteb. DRalph Phllpot and wife visited Lin coln friends n part of the week. Nina Snow left Friday for a visit with relatives at Forren City , Mo. Mrs. II. E. Boyd and children were guests of friends in Salem this week. Mrs. Dora Shields Is up from Falls City tbla week visiting friends and rel atives. Jessie Lydlck Is now emplojed HB night operator at the telephone cen tral ollice. Wm. Calvin and family have made arrangements to move to Missouri in the near future. Estolla Wllllumsou is enjoying a visit with her sister , Mrs. Otla Hunter , at Utlca , this state. David Taj lor and wife are the par ents of n little eon , born to them on Friday , July 12 , 1007. Mrs. C , M. Linn visited friends and attended the In Tecumseh the last of the week. Mrs. Fred Hummel was called to Oatavla , 111. , : ho past week by the ser-1 loud illness of her mother. The Wra. Leo property In the southwest - west part of town wa sold the past week to Rudolph Vertlska. Helen Reber. who has been visiting friends in this vicinity returned Thurs day to her home in Kansas City. L. 12. Cooper and family of St.Josoph were hero Sundoy visiting the former's brother , O. A. Cooper and wife. Mrs. Emma Wilson and Jake Ycdele returned Friday from a business trip to the western part of the state. Mrs. A. D , Glse , who has been visit ing the Buttcrflcld families , returned Sunday to her homo tn Table Hock. The farm of Win. Tjndcn was $ old ' .ho past week to parties residing north of town for the consideration of $12000. Mrs. Lon Davis and children of Ton- Icawo , Okla. , are bore on a visit to the former's parents , J. II. Smith and wife. E. S. Norton and wife came up from Falls City Monday whcro they hud been visiting their daughter , Mrs. A. K. Wolfe. Ethel Uroekway and Jennie Leech came down from Lincoln the last of the week and spent several days with friends hero. Chicken thieves arc at work In the vicinity of Humboldt , several parties reporting quite heavy losses as a result of the Intruders. Mrs. Oliver Hall returned the lust of the week from Murysvlllc , Kas. , where she had bccu summoned by the sudden death of an aunt. IJco Vopat , who had been visiting at the homo of Jas , Kozel and wife for some time , left the last of the week for her homo at Ord , Nob. Rev. Hamilton , pastor of the Baptist church , is suffering from a severely sprained ankle , and was unable to fill 1 the pulpit Sunday morning. Uumboldt is agitating tbo advisa bility of holding a base ball tourna ment this fall. Nothing definite , however - over , hat been decided upon , Mrs. Howard Jones , who has been visiting her parents , Win. Veils and wife , in Humboldt , returned tbo last of the week to her homo in Hiawatha , Ks , The Baptist church is being re- shingled this week , a furnace Is being placed In the basement , and other re pair work on the church and surround ings is soon to bo made. Mrs. Laura Campbell left the middle of the week fora visit with her son , , Oliver Campbell and wife , at Denver , Colo. She will vUU at other points in that state before returning home. A half way station is soon to bo placed between HumboliU and Table Hock. The B. & M , has purchased about thneo acres from Ed Klnsey and Mrs. Hcuryotta Reichcrs , southwest of ' town , and the station will bo located on this site. Mcidamcs C. M. Linn and A. A , Tanner entertained a party of friends at the home of the former ono after noon the past week , complimentary to Mrs. Minnie Grlnstead'lllmes , who was the guest of Humboldt friends sev eral days this week. Rev. E. E. Smith and wife , who have ' been visiting the latter's father. E. M. Harding in this city , left Saturday for their future home at El Monte , Cal. | They were accompanied by Mrs. Smith's sUter , Hazel Harding , who will make her horns with them. Ab Muy has sold his deliver- wagon to Nolton Carpenter of Kansas City , who will be In possession of the busi ness after the hrn of the month. Mr. Carpenter was compelled to soil out his stock of drus In the above city on account of poor health. The family will occupy the cottage in which Dr. Wittwer and wife reside. Humboldt was visited Sunday even ing bv one of tbo most severe rain storms ever known in this " -nation. The Ncmaba and Long Branch rivers rose rapidly and before morning residents of the lowlands were compelled to aban don their homes. Cooper & Linn lost ' their entire wheat crop , which wa ? to ' have been threshed the following day. the loss amounting to over ? 2,000. The dam at Mulony's lake broke , devasting the crops In the valley below , and lay ing In ruins the nearby ice houses , de- strcylng hundreds of tons of Ice , the I los ! to the Sprint : Luke ice Cu. , being near 3,000. The railroad track near the depot was washed out the water extending- up Neraaha street. The stock yards were completely covered j ! by the floods , animals were swimming , about in the water the following morn- i Ing , and were rescued with consider able dllllculty. The electric light I plant was compelled to shut down tor 1 a week , a part of the machinery belne 1 so badly injured that it was necessary to send it to Chicago for repairs. RULO. Mrs. John Burk , sr , , is on the sick list. William smith visited In Craig Sun day. John Cheney of Missouri was in town last week. F. E. Kulp of Wyraore was in Hulo Friday lost. Dave Finch of Missouri was in our city Sunday. Edmond Bryant of Missouri was in Rule Sunday. Mrs. S. Smith of Napier was n Rule vlstor Monday. Clyde Hart was on . .he sick list a few days this week. Sherman Hays was a Falls City visi tor last Saturday. Prof. Witman went to Kansas City one day last week. Ira Porrof Rushbottom was a visi tor hero Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Pope have a very sick baby nt this writing. Llllie Phlnnoy returned Tuesday to her home in Adams , Harry Hubcr departed for St. Joseph the first of the week. Harry Bradford was a St. Joseph visitor Sunday night. Rev. Maze of Salem spent several days in Rule this week. Mrs. Erra Welch of White Clou d was a Rule visitor Tuesday. Hiram Kissel of the Big lake was a Rule visitor Saturday night. F. F. Darrow of Lincoln was a bust nets visitor In Rule Friday. Mr. Fulton of Humboldt was visiting friends the first of tbo week. H. A. Scott repaired the bridge west of Planter's place last week. Mrs. D. Vanvalkinburg has been on the sick list for the past week. Lulu Larando has been assisting in the postofiice for the past week. All passenger trains were severa hours late Monday and Tuesday. Mary Anderson of Kansas Is spend ing the week with Rule friends. Dan Radlkin made a business trip to Kansas City the first of the week. Fanny Zelgler of Severence , Kans. visited with home folks recently. Dan Fickle is firing the engine for the air pump in Churllo Hall's place. James Cronln and Curl Leeds o I Falls City were Rule visitors Sunday - Dodo Anderson and two daughter spent Sunday last with Kansas friends j Talbut Hinkle came over from For tescuo and spent Sunday with homi ' folks. John Mann of White Cloud , wa looking up old friends in Rule re cently. Mrs. Harry Mann and daughter Irene , departed for Plymouth , Nebr. Thursday. Edith Kern departed for Kansas Citj Sunday afternoon for a weeks visit a that place. Harry Ocamb of Kansas City is visit ing with his parents here this week. Judd Meriam of Lincoln was in Rule last week running a center line on the river bridge. Murj and Jessie Johnson of Nebras- { a city have been visiting friend * here he past week. Mr = . D. E. Ander-on and three chil dren retcrned to their home In Hum- loldt Tuesday. o Smith and wife of Albany , Mo. , visited friends in this city Satur- lay and Sunday. May Edcecombe departed Tuesday or York , after a three weeks visit with Rule friend ; , E. C. Walbndge of Falls City was ooklng after the Burlington's Interest n this city last week. Martin Kanaly and wife of Falls City islted last week with the latter's par ents , Geo. Taylor and wife. Since the high water , Mr. Brinegar , one of the mail carriers , can drive , hrough no farther than the Y. A card wrs received by Mr. Edge- comb Tuesday from York , saying that Ir. Plumb Is gradually sinking. C. M. Hall has been promoted from fireman for tne air pump to Rlyerton on the bridge at an increase of pay. During the storm Sunday niqht , John Randolph had two horses killed > y lightning on his farm north of town. Mattie Hays returned to her work n Falls Cly Tuesday after spending a ew days with home folks In this city. Mr. and Mrs. MeK'ever ' of Omaha moved into Mrs. Kanaly'p house this week , better known as the Ryan place. The three little girls of Gus Keobrlck and wife of Atchirou visited last week with their grandparents , Georye Toy- or and wife. The band gave their usual open air concert Saturday evening , but the threatening rain caused them to close curlier than usual. Henry Belpier , who was so seriously ,11 a lew weeks ago , has been taken to the mountains , by the. doctor's lidvice , unn Is slowly improving. Mrs. .1. W. Cunningham returned borne Monday from a visit to Lincoln and Greenwood , this state. She ? ays things looked pretty scary along the railroad track at that time. The I. O. O. F. lodge of this city held an installation of ofllocrs at their regular meeting last Wednesday night after which they enjoyed a social time with their families at the hotel. Re freshments were served and all report a tine time Sometime last Saturday night , the way car belonging to the Atchison freight , was opcne'l in some manner and a pair of pants taken which bn longed to Brukemun Adams , and a four dollar pair of shoes belonging to Con ductor Hopkins. Nothing else was missing. Charlie Ocamb , wife and daughter of Verdon spent a few days this week visiting his parents and other friends. He intended to return home Tuesday but got a phone message that the water bad put both railroads out of business so he was compelled to pro long his stay. Mrs. Brinegar invited about twenty of the young people of Rule to her home last Friday to get acquainted with the Misses Johnson , and spend the evening. The time passed BO pleasantly that It was far gone before they realized It , and at a late hour the company bid each other good night with the wish that all might again meet at some future time. A very severe storm visited this section last Saturday night , rain , wind , thunder and lightning which did a great deal of damage. Some stock was drowned , some washed away and some struck by lightning and crops in many places. It is reported that Rus sell Durfee , a farmer living northwest of town , lost everything except his house and barn , another furmer near him lost forty head of bogs. Several parties in town lost chickens , gardens were washed out and cellars filled with water and mud. Farmers in the bet torn s lost all their crops , but all sue ceeded in getting their stock to a place of safety , several families have left their homes until the river goes down. Al. E. Church. Sunday , July 21st. At the morning : service a welcome to those who may desire to enter the M. E. church. Cordial invi tation to all. W. T. CUXE , Pastor. STELLA. Queen Chlsm is the guest * of friends at Osceou ! this week Dr. Callison and wife spent the first of the wf-ek at Excelsior Springs. J. A. Nutter wa ? here from Kansas City the first of the week , looklnt ; lifter his farms. Frances Kelly , from south of Shu- bert , will teach the Hedge school the coming term. The Standard Bearers met in the country { last Friday afternoon with Gertrude Robinson. Oscar Hollann of St. Louis arrived here Sunday for a week's visit with bis parents south of town. Rice McNulty and family are moving to Table Rock this week , where Mr. McNulty will tend bar in a saloon. Norm Shrauger and wife went to Denver last Thursday where the form er expects to work at the barber trade. M. N. Davis and daughter , Allie , ex pect to leave next week for a month's rip through the east , Including James- own. Mrs. Deskin and little daughter of LaPlatte , Mo. , arrived here last week 'or an extended visit with the family of H. T. Wilson. Mrs. Mary Jones , Charles Mason and S. B. Griffith' three early pioneers of , bis vicinity , are quite sick. It is 'eared ' that the latter's condition is atal a ? he has suffered a stroke of paralysis. While returning from Lincoln one day last week , Willis Lytle , a young armer living east of town , was put off of the train by Conductor Buckley near Avoca. Mr. Lytle has put In a claimer or S200 damages. John Snyder returned to his home at Chickasah , OKla. , Tuesday after a week's visit at this place. His wife who accompanied him here , remained 'or ' an extended visit with her parents , Henry Snyers and wife. VERDON Charlie McCool was over from Salem Sunday. Scott Saylors was up from the county seat Wednesday. Bruce Nedrow and wife drove to Shubert Sunday. Mrs. M. D. Lum returned home Sat urday from her visit at Auburn. Mrs. D. G. Griffith went to Wymore Saturday to visit relatives. Clare Coleraan and wife visit Sunday with Will Dragoo and family. Wlllc Veal and wife of Stella visited relatives here the first of the week. Mrs. w. C. Sloan and son returned borne from Clay Center , Neb. , Satur day. Geo. Lum , wife hnd daughter , Ger trude , visited friends at Stella Tues day. Goldie Cook was up from the county seat the first of the week visiting home folks. Mr. Plumb and wife of Falls City speat Wednesday with C. w. Ocamb and family. Clyde Gates and Verne Taylor were over from Dawson Sunday to attend the ball game. Ethel Cook returned homo from Straussville Sunday and will remain here for awhile. Mrs. C. W. Ocamb and son , Howard , went to the county seat for a short visit with friends. Tom Qulgglo and Will Mesingalo were over from Dawson Sunday to at tend the ball gamp. Mr ? . Art Harris and children re turned to tnelr home at Falls City on Tuesday after visiting relatives hero. Florence Hull went to Sbubert on Thursday and remained until Satur day night the guest of her sister , Mrs. Brlcker. The Preston Indians played ball , here Sunday. The score was 22 to 0 in favor of Verdon. As they were unable to get homo Sunday they remained over nlgnt and started to walk borne the next day. Wo hope they reached their destination all right. A heavy rain storm passed over this community Sunday erening and about 10 o'clock the creek began to rise. The wuter was so strong It swept over the B. & M. crrado and washed the greater part of the grade away. The track was torn up and ties and rails stood on end. The water run into the Missouri Pacific depot and crossed the switch. Wrecking crews have been working on both roads and trains are now running on the Missouri Pacific , but It will be some time before trains will be able to run on the B. & M. Several head of horses and cattle were drowned. BARADA. Jesse Prosscr is visiting in Corning , Mo. Rev Dunn wt - h Fall ? City visitor on Fridm. A \V. Nixon and wife were at'"the county seal Sunday | Jnke Arnold spent Sunday with W. F. Butler and family. James Stephenson and wife were Shubert visitors Monday. Grandma Butler is visitins : with her daughter , Mrs. C. H. Martin. 71 * Herman Beech , Wm. Haldeman and ladles visited here Monday evenlnff. Joe Johnson and wife spent Sunday with the family of Ottosharinehausen. Mrs. Mary Shubert spent Monday with her parents Rhinehart Aukrom and wife. The cyclone cellar on T. C. Roe's property caved in during the recent storm. Guy Wheeler and Theodore Hill with their ladies visited Barada on Sunday. Owinr to the high water on the Muddy , the mail carrier , J. F. Lively , could not cover his route and Barade had no mail until Wednesday. Fou n d : A child's shoe , near the school house between Harada and the celebration grounds on July 6 , owner please call for same at postofiice. Mrs. vVra. Oslin who has suffered greatly from rheumatism which re sulted from her accident of July 4th , Is now the victim of blood poisoning : re ceived while caring for Mrs. F. M. Duncan during her recent illness. Np fatal results ure anticipated. Mrs. Chus Halth was surprised by R visit from her father , Mr. Burch of Dawson county. He came upon hear ing of her accident. We are glad to note that Mrs. Haith is improving and has been able to be taken home. Mr. Burch returned home on Friday. Qiwr'oi'lv Conference of the Evan- L'el'fHl fhurch was held here Saturday unri Suml % v. Owing to the ijclement weittber the attendance was not us good as .vus hoped for and the Satur day and Sunday evening services could not be held as had been annouced. T. F. Burgess this week purchased the blacksmlthing business and com plete set of tools from John Rumbaugh. He has moved the tools , etc , to the shop that ho recently rented of J. H. Morehead. Mr. Rumbaugh hits not yet decided upon his next venture. It is ruraorsd that his plans are for mov ing westward. Barada hopes however that he will remain with us. Several of our farmers were ulTerere from the Sunday night ruin. Jesse and Rhinehart Aukrom with their families left the house when the water began to raise in the buildings and took refuge in the barn loft for the night. Their tences were washed away and other damage resulted. Louie George , with his family spent the night on the hillside. He lost most of hie grain and his fences were washed away. . John Boyd of Hillsdale had about one hundred forty acres of corn washed out and considerable quantity of wheat ruined. Notice for Bids for Coal. The Falls Clly Hoard of Education will receive bids up lo 8 p. m. , August S , 1007 , for Ihe furnishing of from ten totwelve carsf soft coal , delivered on track at Falls City , Xebr. Six cars to l > c delivered in August. 1(07 , ball- ancc at option of board. Didders must quote ' prices on mine run and screened lump coal and designate kind and grade of coal. This coal is for heating furnaces. lioard reserves the right to reject any or all bids , Ilids to bo filed with the secretary. Ily order of Hoard of Education. W. W. Aniiiv. : Sec'y. First publication July 19 3 times Baptist Cburcb. On next Sunday July 21st the regularSunday school and preach ing : service will be followed by a' service for the reception of mem bers and the administration of the ordinance of baptism. Any others who wish to unite with the Bap tist church are requested to be present. All are cordially in vited to be present. There will be no service at the church next Sunday night and during chau- tauqua week. EII. . JACKSON. Abe Yoderi who has been employed - . * ployed by the Kelly Shoe Co. , has accepted a position wjith the H. M. Jenne Shoe Store since the removal of the Kelley stock. He will begin work with Mr , Jenne at once.