The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 19, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Market Letter.
Kansas City Stock Yards
July 15 , 1907. There was ,1
fine cattle market last week
receipts -17,000 head. Prices
closed the week stronger on al
kinds except stockers ane
feeders , cows and heifers shoving
ing the greatest strength
The supply today isd5,000
but the heavy rain last nighl
has crippled railroads and de
livery of stock is dilatory , am
only two thirds of the estimate
in the pens by noon. The gen
cral market on natives is stead }
today , top beef steers $0.5)0 ) ,
equal to the best price las
week , cows and heifers agaii
insufficient for the demand foi
them , while .stockers and feed
ers have had a complete re
vcrsal of form and are up 10 te
ir > cents today. General rain !
in the last week , and the ver\
favorable corn weather latel )
is reviving interest in country
grades , and season for heavy
trade in that class is about tc
open. The receipts of grass
steers from native territory
has been small so far , accounted
for by the good condition oi
pastures and the fact that cat'
tie are thriving better now
than at any time heretofore
The usual discrimination is
made against green cattle , bill
it is noticed less this seasor
than usual both because 6f the
strong demand for cattle , ane'
the very good condition of grass
steers coming , Heavy grasi
steers are bringing 35.2 , * ) te
$5.75 , and medium weights
$ -1.75 fo $5.25 , dry lot cattle
$0.25 to $0.90 , steers fed con
on the grass § 5.50 to $0.50
Settlement of the cow ejuestioi
with the packers ' has no
greatly increased receipts o
she stuff , but has enlarged tin
demand , cows selling at $2.5 (
to $1,75 , heifers § 1.00 to $5.75
heifers and steer $ niixeel up te
$0.85 , bulls i ? , OP to § 1.75
calves 2u to , 50 cents above ;
week ago at $1.50 to $7.00
stockers $3.00 to § 1.05 , feeder :
$ iJ.75 to1.90. .
With the exception of Friday
hog markets last week tendee
downward net decline 115 cent
for this week. Supply is G00 (
today , market 5 lower , top $5,91
bulk $5.7ti to $5.85. Spread be
tween lights and heavies ii
greater than a weelc ago , ane
tendency is toward still gaeatei
difference between them. Pack
ers are putting meat away al
the time , and receipts an
liberal and likely to contiiun
so , two facts favoring lowe
prices for the future.
A break in mutton pricei
early last week at Easten
points was not noticed here til
late In the week , when Iambi
declined 10 to 15 cents , bu
sheep remained steady through
out. Receipts were very light
18,000 for the weelc , run 500 <
today , market strong , toj
lambs today $7.00 , wethers am
yearlings $5.50 to $0,00 , ewe
$5.50. No goats are comini
now , and receipts of sheep am
lambs from the range will b
small for a month yet.
I will mall jou free , to prove inorli
samples of my Dr. Shoop's Restorative
und my book on either Dyspepsia , th
Heart or the Kidneys. Troubles ot th
Stomach , Heart and Kfdnbys are mor <
ly Symplons of a deeper ailment. Don
make the common error of trcatln
symptons only. Symplon treatment
treating the result of your ailment , an
not the cause. Weak stomauh ncrvi
the Inside nerves mean stomuc
weakness , always. And the .heart , an
kidneys as well , have their controllln
or Inside nerves. Weaken these nerv <
and you inevitably have weak vlti
organs. Here Is where Dr. Sheep
Restorative has made its fame , is
other remedy even claims to treat tl
"inside nerves. " Also for bloatln
biliousness , bad breath or complo.xlo
use Dr. Shoop's Bestoratlye. Wrl
me today for sample and free boo
Dr. Sboop. Racine , \Vi $ . The Restor
live Is sold by all dealers.
It has been hard to convitv
the editor of the Hiawatha Wor
that there was anything good
Falls City , but since his conve
sion he is not slow in acknowleel
ing it.
Struck by Liphtninp ; .
During the storm last Tluirs-
ay night the house occupied by
he family of J. R. McClenry was
truck by lightning. The bolt
lit the chimnev and took off con-
ielcrablei plaster and lath. None
f the family were injured to any
xtcnt though they felt the shock.
The damage to the house amount-
(1 to about SlOO anil was covered
) y insurance.
are for the Itdmam1
{ ladder. They urlntf quick relief ti
nukucho , rheumatism , lumbago , tired
yorii out feeling. They produce
alural action of thu kldtmys in filter
n wnsto matter out of tholood ! . ' ! (
ays trcHtinunlSl.OO Money rcfundnc
1 I'lnotiles are not satisfactory. Sold
) y A. CI. Wan nor.
A Close Call.
Henry Urecht , son of Charlie
irccht , northeast of town , came
ear loosing his life while trying
0 cross Muddy Sunday nighl
ftcr the rain. Being very darl <
ic could not see how swift the
urrent was and until lie was it :
lie water did no realise how the
ivcr had risen during the rain ,
le found he could not turn round
nd his horse began kicking , Bj
ome means he extricated the
nimal hoping it would swim tc
afety. He then crawled to the
uggy top and about 4 o'clock in
lie morning farmers came to his
cscue in a boat. The horse was
> adly cut with barbed wire and it
s thought now that it is so badly
ntrt as to be useless. The young
lan had a close call and is thank-
nl to haye escaped with his life.
I'll stop your pain free. To show
on llrst before you spend a penny
vhat my Pink Pain Tablets can do , I
vlll mall you free , a trial package o
hem Lr. ) Shoop'a Headache Tablets ,
Neuralgia , headache , toothache , period
mlns , etc. , arc due alone to blood con
jcstion. Or. Shoop's llcadacho Tab
eta simply kill pain by coaxlnp awaj
, h unnatural blood pressure. That li
all Address Dr. Sheep , Kactne , Wis
Sold by all dealers.
A Something Doing Town.
Have you ever stopped tc
hmk how much more fun we're
having this summer than we
lad last. We had a good cele
bration the .Jth , chautauqun
comes next week , a band con
cert every Thursday evening
ind little social events throwi
n for { jood measure. Falls
City is a pretty good old towr
ind it's going to grow bettei
ill the time. Just get into , the
spirit of the thing and keej
ilong. Do your part of tin
boosting. Speak a good wore
or your home city. Be ;
iclper , you will feel better ane
your town will be better.
Get a free sample of Dr. Shoop1 !
"Health ColTee" aa our store. If rea
colTeo disturbs your stomach , youi
heart or kidneys , then try this clevci
cotTco imitation. Dr. Sheep has close
ly matched old Java and Mocha colTci
n flavor nnd taste , yet It has not i
ingle grain of real collco in It. Dr
Snoop's Health Coffee Imitation i
made from pure toasted grains 01
cereals , with malt , nuts , etc , Made ii
1 minute. No tedious wait. You wll
uroly Hko it. Sold by Fred E. Schmlt
Hiawatha Wants Harnack.
Hiawatha is going to stea
our band leader if she can
The "World started a boom for ;
new billiard hall with Ilarnacl
is manager. The city counci
agreed to refund the license re
quired by ordinance. Then th
ninisters get. busy and insistei
that another billiard hall ii
Hiawatha was not wanted
Last weeks issue of the Worli
devoted a page to the subject
there were letters f r o i :
preachers suggesting other in
duceinents to offer Ilarnack
suggestions from laymen am
observations from the editor
lu the meantme Prot. llarnac' '
is very comfortably and cor
tentedly abiding in his horn
city , rejoicing in the good wi !
and best wishes ot the man
people who teel g r e a 1 1
obliged to him for the enjoj
nient he has given our musi
loving population.
A fine solid Mahogany caseti ]
right piano for sale or trade. .
bargain if taken at once.
Then and Now.
Jncob Riie is to marry his sten-
oirrnpher , Miss Mny Phillips.
When the first Mrs. Kiis died , her
wrote the editor ef a
" So nmny friends have
written to me and mini' words of
love find sympathy and of tender
appreciation of her , whom every
one loved , as truly she tave ; of her
full heart to all God't ) children ,
that I mil constrained to ask you
for spaeito thank them litremind' '
to write to them all in reply is not
possible I do thank them from
the bottom of my heart , for myself
and for my children , ltdoes help
to feel that wo are kin , and that
orotherly love IB not a plmi&e , but
a warm and throbbing'fact. They
aslr , many of them , what I am o-
\i\if \ \ to do now Hint she who was tin
inspiration of it alj is KO | ' ? But
fihe is not none. If in my soul ]
believed that , I should be disolatf
indeed. It is only that the rivet
separates us once more as when
we were children. I know as well
as I knew then that she was in the
Balden just beyond where all hei
suimnets are beautiful now , nncl
that she is waiting for me there.
So 1 shall seek the path to the
garden until I find it. I am once
mora where I dreamed as a boy ,
and I know that I shall wake , ns
1 did then , and find the truth tin.
speakably fairer than my dream.
Nor do I fear to miss the way , foi
our Lord himself has charted it so
that 1 cannot go wrong. ' 1 am
the way , ' HP Raid. She went
trustfully across the river with
Him who is not afraid. So , whj
should I be ? I shall be lonesome
yes ! God knows how lonesome
But I have the sweet memories ol
the thirty happy years we walked
together here , and what are a. fe\\
years of loneliness to the eternity
of joy ahead where hearts arc
never wrung in parting ? And 1
shall not bo idle. I shall bedoitifj
what she would have me to do ,
and in it all , as you see , she will
yet be the inspiration , as she was
all the years that ire gone. "
Mini /MII Pile Remedy comes put \ \ \
In u collapsible tube with a nozzle
Easy to apply right where soreness ant
Intlamnmion exists. It relieves in
once blind bleeding , Itching or protrud
ln piles. Guaranteed. Price oOc
Get U todny. Sold by A. G. Wanner
Isn'fiTthe Truth.
Not long ago we heard a mini's
little daughter say to him : "Papa
can't I have a nickel to buy some
gum ? " He was a good , kind man
and he didn't refuse her roughly ,
He patted her on the head and said
"Daughter , your old dad can't af.
ford such things. It takes all oui
money to buy bread and meat and
keep you and mamma in shoes.1
She looked disappointed and
walked away. Presently ho start
ed home. He felt as if a hot one
would help his appetite uul pul
him in a more cheerful frame ol
mind in which to greet his family
so he walked in and put his righl
shoo upon foot rail. "What wil
you have boys ? " he asked. "I'l
take n Tom and Jerry myself. '
Some of them took 'er straight
some took it diluted with seltzer ,
Nobody condescended to take beer
Our friend plauded down n dollar
When the bar keeper rang up the
register it showed sixty-live cents
Thus it is that a family man oftei
denies himself for the benefit o
"her and the children. " Lamai
Headache und constipation dlsnppea
when Dados Ltttlo Liver Pills ari
used. They keep the system clean , tin
stomach sweet. Taken occaslonall ;
they keep you well. They arc for llv
entire family. Sold by A. G. Wanner
White Elephant Party.
At Preston wheie everything i
up-to-date and people are alwayi
planning some new scheme , i
shocking thing happened. Om
of the popular society women an
nounced a 'White Elephant Party ,
Every guest was to bring some
thing that she could not find an ;
use for , and yet too goo'l to i\\vo\ \
away. The party would have beei
a great success but for the mi
lookeel-for development whicl
broke it up. Eleven of the nine
teen women brought their hiu
Before ! ! !
Investing = -Investigate
We Invite Investigation.
B , P , S. is a pure Lead Zinc and Linseed Oil
Purity , Perfect Formula , Fine Grinding Means
Economy in Covering , Spreading and Wear
Ask for B. P. 5. Sealed Evidence , Paint costs ,
color card and plates of colored houses , Free.
v :
$2,000-Was it Worth it ?
How man ) ' times have you
heard the question asked , "Was
the revival worth the price ? "
Let me tell you a true story.
One Sundav evening a young
Irienel came to niv home as I sat
in the yard reading. His face
was white and troubled and I
knew before he spoke that some
thing was wrong.
"I am in trouble , " he said , and
his lip trembled and his voice
1 thought I knew , for other
young men have come to tell me
of wrongs done to innocence ami
virtue a lawi'cr hears much of
that. But I was wrong , very
wrong. It was a trivial little
wrong the young man had done
me several years before and he
wanted me to know and to make
restitution. I did not even know
the wrong had been committed , I
never would have known had not
a still small voice troubled my
young friend. "It is the hardest
thing I have ever done but 1 must
tell you , " he said , and tell me he
did and asked my forgiveness and
got it , quick. The boy had been
a Jittle wild , he had thought it
smart to be so. He had talked
probably as many young men
talk of things coarse and ungen-
tlemanly. I was astonished that
he came to me and I asked him
why. It was the revival he said ,
he wanted to be a good , clean ,
decent young man and become a
good and useful member of the
church , but not until he had done
the hardest thing he ever did in
his life.
I met the boy again yesterday
for the first time. I caught my
selt raising my hand to inv hat ,
but of course I stopped before 1
made myself rieliculous. I spoke
to him and he looked me square
in the eye as he returned my sal
utation. I thought of what his
life might have been , and I alsc
thought of the years of life
ahead. If nothing else has beer
accomplished by the meetings , ii
the words of the speaker and the
songs of singers fell dull am
lifeless on the ears of all other :
save this young man , still ]
would think the meetings had beei
worth the price. Many thing :
were said and done 03' Rev-
Oliver that I didn't like and :
never hesitated to say so , but tin
meetings were a success and tin
money was well spent.
Hundreds of people yearly go througl
Duinful operations needlessly , bceiuis
they nev'i- tried Man Zun Pile Remedy
It is put , up in such 11 form that it cai
be applied ripht whore the trouble lies
It relieves the pain and inflammation
It is for liny form of piles. Price 50ct =
Sold by A. G. Wanner.
Right Kind of Advertising.
News comes of a great religion
awakening at Falls City. For i
month the city has been greatlj
stirred by a tabernncle revival
Nearly ! JOO have started on a bet
ter life. At some of the meeting
the attendance was several thou
snnel. Many prominent citizen
have professed relig on. The won
of. a well known Nebraskan i
given that the moral tone of th
community has been greatly raised
The people interested in the revi
val have contributed more thai
two thousand dollars for the ex
pense of the campaign. It is in
deed gratifying to receive information
mation of such ai\ uplift in a live
American community like Fall
City , a town with an acknowledge *
social leadership in the southeast
ern corner of the state. Bixby ii
State Journal.
Did you ever notice the fini
class ot horses we are getting1 ii
this section ? The country no
only has an exceptional lot o
draft horses but many fine road
sters as well. Jim Nauslar'
Col. Weaver is a beautiful , wel
bred stallion that has man ;
fine colts in Falls City an <
vicinity. John R. Smith has i
five year old Col. Weaver col
that went a mile over the Salen
track a few weeks ago in 2.1
which is going some for a greei
colt. There is no better prop
erty either for money or pleas
ure than a good horse , and th
east end of Richardson Count ;
has its full share.
I The Ui\ioa House |
< j > <
Recently rc-eK'coratcd and < y
rc-turiiisheel throughout. $
< > < >
< > Everything first e'lass. Spec > j >
j > ial attention given to trail- | >
sient. Rate , S2.00 per day. 4
I Win. McPherson , Prop. |
< > >
, S 'Phone 59 - Falls City , Neb. 2
E > JEL Nt TIP © T
Phone i-l * Over Richm-dron County
, . ( Residence 100
PhnnB. 1 , - , -
Olct ( )
DR. H. T. HftHN
Office at Metts' Barn. Office
Phone 139. Residence Phone
1s I'S '
Phones : No177 , 217
Jf , For flood Sales , flood Sen Ice , Prom
$ Returns Ship Your Stock to
i Geo. R. Barse
National Stock Yard * , III.
Kansas City , Mo. ,
J < - >
K ? * xSx vVx ? ' < 'i x w * vwv N vjfxJy x7 „ 5 >
* > . *
* 237 Acres need land three *
miles enst of Verelon. *
Will tell 157 acres whoi.- jj
* linn- i-iiiiul.- mid *
- - ' - , reiiiHiniiii ;
J WJ MI ifo , sepnititely or HH n
For fulhor particulnie Pee *
Joseph Strohmeyer *
* Verdon - - Neb *
i K
w -X * 'A' * * N
It's Your Own Fault
* If you don't get your |
H money's worth. Come *
to my Shop and buy x
your Mens and Boys *
* Shoes.
Richardson County Dank Building
aHi iidfcmnoniKmiKiK * * * ) * * * * * * *
Manuf't of
nnd Dealer in
We are in the front rank with a
neat line of both single and double
Buppy Harness. We invite inspec
tion and comparison.
Ply Nets , Lap Dusters and Whip *
Direct from the Factory. That is
the reason that the prices are riprht.
We are it on repairing. Call aud
see us. East Richardson County
Bank. '
Satisfaction guaranteed
or money refunded.
fa f * A dose at bed time usu-
B ally relieves the most
severe case before morning.