THE FALLS ClTtf TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , JULY 12 , 1907. * * A VOIDING THE RISKS * * * If you wish to avoid the risks and anoyances of loaning1 money , and are satisfied with a moderate 4 * rate of interest , place your funds in this bank. 4 COMPARISON OF DEPOSITS January 5th , 1903. - - $ 7,403.83 January 4th , 1904 , - - - 10-480.12 January 4th , 1905 , - - 22,542.4' ! January 4th , 1905 , - - - ' 27,044.12 Januarv 4th , 1907 , - 34,322.09 FARMERS STATE BANK 4 , 4 , PRESTON , - NEBRASKA. .J * * p * * * * < d Look ! Look ! Look ! Never in your life have you seen a more complete and up-to-date stock of Fine Buggies , Surries and Driv ing Wagon as you will find on our Sample Floor today. We have just received another carload of Moon Bros. , Buggies. We can fit you out in Moon Bros. , Henney and Keys. Don't fail to see our Line , and our Prices are from $35.00 up. Remember we carry a big stock of Implements and can fit you out in anything you need in our line , such as Gasoline Engines We lead them all. See us when in need of Windmills or Lightning Rods. We handle the Pure Soft Copper Cable only. And Don t forget us when in need of anything in the Implement Line. Yours Truly Werner , Mosiman & Co. CHAS. WILSON . * SPECIAL OFFER ON CHINA DINNERWARE One 100 piece set Haviland China $25 and a season Chau- tauqua ticket and a $2.50 Berry Set FREE. Two 100 piece sets Austrian China $20 each , and a $2.50 Berry Set and season ticket FREE- One set German China $17.50 and a season ticket and a $2.25 water set FREE. S * & Hall Shoe Room after the 20th. * I * CHAS. M. WILSON Correct Spelling. The importance of correct spelling is not likely to be over estimated. How best to teach -pelling in the public schools s a question which has been very much discussed , and about bich there is a variety of tpinions. It is taught differ- itly now from what it was in the old days , and the question ; whether the rising generation ran spell better than its an- cestors. If children could only be made to appreciate how es- .sential the ability to spell cor rectly is , and how much it would be worth to them in future life , they would all strive for excellence in this branch. It is worth while to stimulate interest in it wherever possible , and no better way is found than through the old-fashioned spell ing bee and spelling down in school. Return has been made to that ancient practice in tne public schools of Cleveland , and the authorities there are quoted as saying that the children in the elementary grades spell six times better than the } ' did be. fore. If it has worked as well as that in Cleveland , it will work well elsewhere and de serves to be added to the cur riculum. The value of the spell ing bee is simply that it makes a contest and a competition of it , in which children are anxious to excell , and will study more for that than tor the mere purpose - pose ot learning their lessons. Statement from Committee. Following is statement of the total amount of money received for Fourth of July celebration , and how expended : Total amount subscribed and paid in $286.00 Paid for band 100.00 Paid for balloon 75.00 Paid for printing 36.25 Paid for fireworks 40.80 Paid for purse 100 yd race 10.00 Paid for purse sack race. . 5.00 Paid for potato race 5.00 Paid for greased pig 5.00 Paid for telephone and telegraph 1.50 Paid for postage 1.25 Paid for posting , bills and help 6.20 Total 286.00 G. H. FALLSTUAD , Secretary. Piles get quick and certain rellel from Dr. Snoop's Magic Ointment. Please note It is made nlono for pile ; , and its action is postlvc and certain. Itching , painful , protruding or blind piles disappear like magic by its use. Large nickel-capped glass jars 50 cents. Sold by ull dealers. Secret of the Happy Life. Keep true to your best faith and dot the days with deeds which love and kindness prompt. Be just in your dealings , and keep from stain of sin in thought nnd word , and yon shall wear the crown of nn approving conscience and know the secret of the hnppy life. I Mench Chambers. For Backache , Pineules Rheumatisn neysandBladdei and the Kid- DAINTY SALAD DISH COMBINATION OF TOMATO AND PINEAPPLE. Something New to Serve at the Next Luncheon Proper Mixture of In gredients for the Ap petizer. For tonuvto and iiiucniiplo salnd , peel medium sized tomatoes. He- move a thin slice from top or each ami take out seeds nnd pulp. Sprinkle with a llttlo salt anil place lu the refrigerator for an hour , .hist before serving 1111 the tomatoes with fresh pineapple , thoiouRhly chilled , cut In small pieces or shieddod , and nut meats , using two thirds pineapple and one-third nuts. Mix with mayonnaise ? dressing ; garnish with a llttlo of the dressing , and halves of nut meats. Serve on a bed of lottuoo leaves or wator-cicsH. Most salads should be dressed just before serving , whether French dress ing or mayonnaise is used. Celery or lettuce wilt if left In oil and vinegar. Celery should not oven bo washed long before serving , as It becomes rusty. Potato salad takes up largo quantities of oil , and need to bo very well mixed with whatever dressing is used. Salads made of greens should al ways be served crisp and cold. Can ned or cold cooked left-over vege tables are well utilized In salads , but are best mixed with French dressing , and should bo placed In the refrigerator ' tor an hour or so before serving. Meats for salads should be freed from skin and gristle , cut into small pieces , and allowed to stand with French dressing before combining with veg etables. A dinner set usually consists of from 100 to 150 pieces. All large houses carry a number of stock pat- teins , so that one may replace at any time a half-dozen or dozen plates or cups and saucers. These stock patterns arc not confined to the cheaper grades , but many of them are artistic In design and of the best quality of domestic and impoited china. Dluo and white Is particular ly attractive for breakfast. It Is no economy to buy a cheap ware , and the simpler the color and design , the better. Gold Is expensive. It Is well to choose china which has the name of the maker on the bottom. If one lives in a large city , where spe cial sales are held once or twice a year , great bargains may be picked up. Shabby Carpets. To clean and brighten a shabby carpet , cut an ounce of yellow soap Into small squares , and make Into a lather with a pint of boiling water. Add to this a quart of water and one ounce of borax. Place the mixture on the range and bring It to a boll ; then remove It , and when qulto cold add an ounce each of alcohol and ammonia and half an ounce of gly cerin. Wlpo over a small portion of the carpet at a time , and rub vigor ously with a clean flannel ( which should bo repeatedly turned as It gets soiled ) dipped In the mixture , until all the spots arc removed and the color revived. . When you have fin ished you will bo delighted to find how nice your once shabby carpet looks. Lavender Linen. Lavender linen when combined with white linen and lace Is very be coming to those who can wear this delicate color. A pretty dress of this color was made In a jumper suit with all edges piped with whlto linen. The front and back part of the waist , in stead of being closed with straps run ning from side to sldo , was fastened together with plain panels , the front one being joined at the bust line and buttoned to the jumper straps with three whlto pearl buttons on each Bide. The back was of a similar de sign. This was worn over a whlto gulmpe , the full , short lace alcoves be ing capped with whlto piped Chinese sleoves. The skirt was nine-gored with no trimming. Porch Furnishing. For a cottage on the lake or sea shore the deep porch may bo made a picture in deep blues and the brilliant scarlet of Turkey reds. This scarlet tone may always ho used effectively in porch furnishings , especially when the scarlet and whlto East India cot tons are in combination. Delft blue gives a lovely porchroom also ; the hammock in blue and white cord ; denim cover In blue worked with whlto for the table ; blue denim cush ions for the chairs , as well as piled in the hammock ; a big wicker armchair pettlcoated and cushioned In blue and whlto Japanese cotton crepe , and on the floor a blue and white "hit or miss" rug in cotton. Braiding Thin Goods. The best way to In aid thin materi als Is to have the pattern stamped on heavy paper or cardboard and baste the material over the stamped pat tern. Follow the outline of the pat tern , sewing by hand or with the ma chine. It takes > omo skill nnd experi ence , however , o use the machine for this work. 1 the hi aid is put on by machlno ti < stitching is done through the pa r and the paper is afterward cut av uy from the back. Save on Sugar Bills. During the fruit season , when your sugar bill is lae. . and you feel you can't afford to make moro Jolly or jam because of the sugar needed , try cooking down the fruit juice. Healing it up well , and putting away until win ter. Then make your jell > or Jam as needed. ? NEW FIRM ! NEW GOODS ! HAEFFLE , RIEGER & CO. * We are Headquarters for the Full and Complete line of fe St. Joseph Implements This line needs no introduction in this community as these goods are conceded the best on the market. When in need of a Lister , Cultiva tor , Harrow or anything in the line of Implements , call on us and get prices before buying. We also carry a fine line of Wagons , Carriages and Buggies. In addition , we carry a full line of Flour and Feed from the following mills : Preston , Falls City and White Cloud. When in town call on us and look over our stock whether you want to buy or not , we will treat you right. l PRESTON , NEB. HAEFFLE , RIEGER & CO. > THE VERY BEST THE VERY CHEAPEST Social Intercourse as an Educator. it is astonishing how much you can learn from people in social intercourse when you know how to look at them rightly. But it is a fact that you can only get a great deal out ol them by giving them a great deal of yourself. The more you radiate yourself , the more magnanimous you are , tne more generous ot yourself , the the more you lling yourself out to them without reserve , the more you will get back. You must give much in order to get much. The current will not set toward you until it goes out from you. About all you get from others is a rellex of tne currents from yourself. The more generously you give , the more you get in return. You will not receive if you give out stingily , narrowly , meanly. You must give of yonrselt in a whole-hearted , generous way , or you will receive only stingy rivulets , when you might have had great dyers and torrents of blessings , v A man who might have been symmetrical , well-rounded , had he availed himself of every op portunity of touching life along all sides , remains a pygmy in everything except his own little specialty , because he did not cultivate his social side. It is always a mistake to miss an opportunity of meeting with our kind , and especially of mix ing with those about us , he cause we can always carry away something of value. It is through social intercourse that our rough corners are rubbed off , that we become polished and attractive. It is possible to get a benefit out of social life which cannot be gotten elsewhere. If you go into it with a determination to give it something , to make it a school for self-improvement , for calling out your best social qualities , for developing the latent brain cells , which have remained dormant for the lack of exercise , you will not find society either a bore or unprofit able. But you must give it something , or you will not get anything. When you learn to look upon every one you meet as holding a treasure , something which will enrich your own life , which will enlarge and broaden your own experience , and make you more of a man. you will not think the time in the drawing- room wasted. The man who is determind tc get on will look upon every ex. perience as an educator , as a culture chisel , winch will make his liie a little more shapely and attractive. Success. Ed Morgan of Falls City , Nebr. , who passes through the St. Joseph yards in coming tc the Kansas City market had in today a car load of 1,199 pound steers of his own feeders thai brought $6.05. Why do you go ? The Rev , Dr. Cobb , pastor of St. Ethelburger's c h u r c h , Bishopsgate , England , is re sponsible for a discussion now making the rounds of the news papers. Dr. Cobb inquired , in a London cable dispatch , into the reasons responsible for church going , saying that most of his parishoners went to church on Sunday because of habit , others through fear of public opiuion , some to show their cloths , hut none seemed to go to hear the sermon. _ A number of Chicago preach ers have been getting reasons from the members of their con gregation for church going , and the Chicago Tribune gives a concrete reply from the Rev. R. Keene , pastor ot the Garfield - field Boulevard Presbyterian church , in Chicago , who has been conducting an investiga tion. Dr. Kcene says that out of 100 men questioned fifteen said that they attend church in order to hear the music. Fif teen because they wanted to set a good examgle to their child ren. Fifteen through force of habit. Fifteen because they wanted to please their wives. Fifteen because it helped their business. Ten because they had promised dying parents to do so. Ten because they were not sure as to the future and did not want to run any risk of going to hell , although they did not believe in such a place. Five because they believed in the teachings of the bible and enjoyed the sermons. Dead in a Nebraska Storm. Plnttsmouth , Neb. , July 7. A severe wind , rain and Imil storm struck Plattemouth last night nnd resulted in at least one death nnd much loss of property. The rain fall amounted to n cloudburst. It caved in foundations nnd cnrried nwny suinll buildings ami board sidewalks. Several Italians camp ing on the banks of the Missouri river were surrounded by water nnd were reported drowned , but later nssurances were given that they had been rescued except one hey , whose name is unknown. Long Pine , Neb. , .Inly 7. Lotm Pinu was visited by a heavy wind last night nnd much damage done. With few exceptions all the fronts of store building were blown in. The Methodist church was tie- molished nnd the roof of the round house wna blown off. Three per sons were injured , but in only cue case are the injuries severe. Those Wright was standing in n meat market when the front was blown in and Mr. Wrtght was cut badly by the glass. Polk , Neb. , July 7 , This little town , founded only last Septem ber , was badly wrecked by n wind and hail storm which cleuended shortly after midnight this morn , rng. The best business buildings in the town were demolished or damaged , and crops over a considerable - siderable distance ruined. TUc Unwritten Law. From the Now York World. Southern newspaper comment upon the Loving trial shows that in no part of the country does public opinion fail to appreciate the menace of the "unwritten law" to the hard-won fruits of law and order in civilisation. The Columbia State says that the unwritten law is a , "terrible strain upon civilisation" and that "where the courts practically give warrant to procedure that * * * makes it easy fora weaker or vicious woman to have one man sacrificed to save another , then it becomes a monstrous evil. " In ' Judge Loving's own state , the Richmond News-Leader sayu that "life in unsafe , the law against murder is almost nul lified and the state is in the ig- nominous position of being un able to protect her own citizens.1 These are considerations not for a section but for a nation. New York may not plume her self over Virginia so long as Harry Thaw's case remaines undecided decided- The trouble with the unwritten law is that it is unwritten. It proves too much. There arc no limits set to its vagaries. In the Loving case it justified a father in shooting a man who gave a drink of whiskey to his daughter , the jury having assured Judge Loving that no assault was com mitted. In the Thaw case un written law is cited to justify Thaw in shooting the alleged se ducer of his wife , who had also been his mistress , although the offence was committed years be fore the marriage and was known to Thaw at that time , In the Strothers case it sets free a man who killed his sister's husband for the suspected intention to de sert her after marriage. In the Birdsong case it is invoked to free a woman who shot a man because she desired to have him shot a demand so monstrous that 200 southern women of the vicinity conquered their repug nance to such publicity to ask that he be not released. The southern newspapers which the World has quoted are right. There is no law but the written law. The unwritten law is an archy. The bites and stints of insects , tan , sunburn , cuts , burns and bruises are relieved at onee with Plnesalvo Gar- bollzcd' Aets like a poultice and draws out Inlhirnmatlon. Try It. Price 25c. Sold by A. G. Wanner. Evangelical Lutheran Churca. Services at 2:30 : p. mon alter nate Sundays. R v. O. II. If you suffer from bloating , belching , eour btoraach , Indigestion or Dyspep sia , take a Rings Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal , and overcome the dis agreeable trouble. It will improve thu appetite , and aid digestion. Sold at A. G. Wannor's Drug Store. "SoticeT Parties having wigs , costumes and other property of mine will please return same at once. SIGMUND SPAKTH. a