The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 12, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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American Head as Bin as Ever ,
British medical authorities
arc responsible for the state
ment that the average size ol
hats worn by Englishmen hat
diminished a lull she in the last
iilty years. This led to an
investigation of cotiditons on
this side of the Atlantic. It is
gratifying- state , in the words
of one of the largest manufac
turers , that the American head
is as big as ever.
The average American wears
what is known in the trade as a
No. 7 , and has for many years.
It has been noticed that heads
in the south do not average as
large in the cast , while there is
more call for larger sizes in the
west than in any other section
of the country. Mr. Bryan lives
in the west , but that may not
explain the difference.
One manufacturer advanced
the novel theory that the shrink
age in the size of the English-
man's head might not be due
to any excess of modesty , butte
to the decline of the drink habit ,
It is said to be no mere figure
of speech to say that drinking
swell a man's head ; Intem
perance is decreasing in Eng
land , as well as in other coun
tries , and it is possible that this
ingenious explanation covers
the case.
It is more than fair to slate
that the size of the hat docs not
govern the brain power of the
wearer , as any man who wears
a small-sized hat knows. Wm.
M. Evarts wore a 05 hat and he
was never accused of any lack
ol brains. On the other hand
Daniel Webster had a very large
head. Even if it is true , therefore -
fore , that the average English
man wears a smaller hat today
than he did half a century ago ,
it docs not indicate that Ins
mental capacity is decreasing.
Some of the young men who havt
just left college are probablj
wearing a larger hat now than
they will ten years hence , bul
the shrinking process will noi
all'cct their brain power.
Rochester Democrat and Ohron
Live Stock War Over.
The trouble between the cattl *
men and the packers has finally
been settled and the proposec
million dollar packing : house t (
be erected by the packers hai
been given up. Only dairy am
native canncrs will be subject t (
post-mortem examination , a 1
range cattle passing under tin
same inspection as was impose *
before the ruling of the packer :
a few weeks ago. This is a grea
victory for the cattle men. Tin
agreement was reached at a con
fercnce between packers an *
commission men in Chicago re
cently. It demonstrates the fac
that the packers are far fron
having things ; all their own waj
and that the cattle men are some
what stronger than the packers
The ruling has already gone int *
effect and the conditions are nov
practically the same as befor
I I the packers decided to buy sub
jecl to post-mortem only.
L. Thomas had business In Rule Sal
r J. E. Wallrall and family , Georgi
Schmidt and wife spent the Fourt
with the latters mother , Mrs. Flshoi
Ed Huzkcr und family had buslnos
In Rule Wcdposday.
Gust and Emma Frlck ol Morrll
Kans. , spent the Fourth with Henr
and Carrie Hlrschberger.
F. E. Nltzscho was In Rule Monday
Mrs. Ida Homer of St. Joe is vlsltlc
with relatives at Fort Hazel.
Ed Bauman and family spent Simile
with Win Baumun.
Cass Jones und wlfo uro visiting re
atlvcs at Oregon , Mo.
J. R. Crusor and wife spen * . the j
beleo at Fargo.
A. F. Randolph was in RuloTucsda
Jim Soils was a Fargo visitor Sunda
Martin Futcher was hero Sunday.
Ed Bauman was in town Saturday.
Alma Dorsto is visiting in St. J
this week.
Jacob Wisman and wife were in Ri
George Nltzscho , Sam Gleafon a
Qrover Dartey spent the Fourth In i
Kind Words.
The Nebraska City Tribune
has these kind words and notes
the ability of our towns man ,
C. F. Kcavis in the following :
0 F. Heavis of Falls City was
a pleasant caller at the Tribune
office Monday afternoon. Mr.
Reavis was in town on business
and took the opportunity tc
cross palms with his host oi
friends in this city. Franh
Reavis is one of the ablest of
Nebraska's younger generation
of attorneys and in his personal
characteristics a prince among
men. Were it not for his
superior ability and accomplish
ments , which have , through unreasoning -
reasoning jealousy ranged
against him in his home county
the anvile chorus of small fry
lawyers and disgruntled politi-
cans , Frank Reavis long before
this date would have received
high honors from the people of
Nebraska and would have dis
charged them with signal fidel
ity and success. Unfortunately
he is located within the ter-
ritor of a political feud , where
the knockers would rather see
mediocrity thrive or would
rather see all their principles ( ? )
fail of success than to see a
man of Frank Reavis' ability
and manhood take a well de
served prominence in the affairs
of men. No living person ever
heard Frank Reavis give voice
to such a statement but it is
the opinion of unprejudiced
observers who look on trom the
outside and judge a situation
on its merits.
Lady Somerset's Work.
It was mainly due to Lady
Henry Somerset , who has
earned world-wide iame as a
temperance advocate , and whc
has announced her intention ol
retiring into private life , thai
the homes for inebriates wen
established to which magist
rates now send habitual drunk ,
ards , instead of sentencing
them to a town of imprison
ment. Lady Henry Somersel
has always looked upon drunk
enness as a disease , and not i
crime. Hence the reason whj
she founded her farm foi
women inebriates at Duxhurst
where habitual female drunk
ards live amid charming sur
roundings in delightful cottage ;
and occupy their time am
thought with interesting out
occupations. Something like 8 (
per cent of the women who have
undergone Lady Henry Somer
set's treatment for intemper
ance afterward led sober anc
respectable lives a splendic
tribute , to the efficacy of hei
ladyship's methods. Ex.
Entitled to a Pension.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Methne :
have had twenty-four children
seventeen of whom are alive
Mr. Methner by a former wifi
was the father of six , two o
whom are alive. The presen
family of twenty-one live on j
farm six miles from Coleman
Midland county , Mich. , happ ;
and prosperous. Methner is i
German , 08 years old , his wif
is 45. Only three of thes
children have been girls , am
the ages of the survivors rang
from 1 to 88 years. The fathe
buys stock , the eldest son run
a meat market in Coleman ,
second son does the slaughter
ing , and another son runs
milk wagon. The eldest daugl :
ter attends to the housewor
and cooking , with the assisi
tance of some of the younge
boys , while the mother work
out of doors all the time an
makes all the sausages an
pressed meat for the marke
The family consumes more tha
a bucketful of potatoes a da
and all other edibles of cours
in proportion.
Pacific Express Office.
Our office is now located at ti
Morsman Drug Store first doc
south of Richardson Conn !
Bank. We shall be pleased 1
handle your packages ; give us
J. B. VAKNHR , Agent.
All Paint Looks Alike
in the can nnd to the man who knows little. When you have tried
it for five or ten years you know thu didercnco between prdinary
paint or "Lead nnd Oil" and good paint that is
High Standard Liquid Paint.
i. There is nothing put into it because it is cheap.
a. There is nothing put into it to make it poor.
3. There is only material in it to make it the best.
4. It , therefore , spreads best , wears best , looks best , and
consequently COStS the least.
5. Its guaranty is broad and good.
With "High Standard" use Interior Enamel for finishing the woodwork of the inside
of the house. It Is beautiful , durable and healthful far more satisfactory than plain
Ask for "How to Paint , " "Attractive Homes and How to Make Their"
and Color Cards.
Market Letter.
Kansas City Stock Yards ,
July 8 , 1907. The liberal supply
of 15,000 , cattle today is partly
due to the opening of the season
for grass cattle , large numbers of
which are included today and
partly to the good market last
week. The best cattle are steady
today , but medium grades , which
includes about all the grassers ,
arc weak to 10 lower. Top beef
steers today reached $6.80 , but
relatively a small proportion of
the receipts are dry lot steers ,
prices on which run from $6.25
Steers fed corn on the grass sell
up to $6 , and straight grass steers
from Kansas pasturss bring as
high as $5.20. The settlement
between salesmen and packers re
garding the sale of she stuff will
probably be ratified by the vari
ous exchanges today , and trade
practically on the basis of before
the recent controversy will be
resumed tomorrow. Market on
she stuff is a shade lower today ,
cows selling at $2.50 to $4.65 ,
heifers $3.50 to $5.25 , bulls $2.75
to $4.85 , calves $4 to $6.25.
Stockers and feeders sold higher
last week , but there is a good
supply of that class included
today , and prices are 10 lower ,
stockers selling : at $3.25 to $4.65 ,
feeders $4.50 to $5.10. Some
choice feeders brought $5.40 last
week , favorable corn weather and
the good market on beef steers
acting as incentives to the pur
chase of country grades of cattle.
Half the cattle supply today is in
the Quarantine division , as usual
on Monday. Balance of the week
will likely see moderate supplies
of Southerns , but a good run of
Natives is expected. Shippers
are urged to go slow on cows
for awhile , as packers will snrely
break the market if they can , and
heavy receipts of she stuff will
give them a chance.
Hog supplies have been moder
ate for a week or more , but prices
do make any material advance.
Today , with a run of 6,000 head ,
stronger prices looked logical ,
but Chicago had a big- run and
proved to be too much to over
come , prices here weak to i
. lower , top $6 , bulk $5.90 to $5,95 ,
L Local buyers anticipate libcra
supplies tomorrow , and shoult
they be disappointed the markci
may advance. Indications poim
to a good many hogs in the coun
try , and lower prices seem inevi
table balance of July.
Mutton markets held up las
\ week on moderate receipts , an *
1 prices are steady today , run S.OOl
held. Native lambs sold at $7.6 ;
today , wethers a n d yearling
worth $5.50 to $6 , ewes $5 ti
$5 15 , goats $3.25 to $3.65. Ari
zonas make up bulk of receipts
as Texas offering : are falling off
and Utah had only one shiptnen
here last week , and that wa
Littit Llvir Pills
St. Thomas Episcopal Church.
Services :
Holy Bucharest , 7:30 : a m.
Morning : prayer and sermon ,
10:45 : a m.
Evening : service and sermon ,
7:45 : p m.
Sunday school , 9:45 : a m.
Evensong : , Fridays , 7:45 : p in.
Choir rehearsal every Friday
night after the service.
Rev. Geo. Neide. Rector at St.
Thomas Episcopal church.
M. E. Church.
The following services next
Sabbath :
9:45 Sunday school.
10:45 preaching : .
2:00 : p. in. Junior league.
7:00 : p. in. Epworth league.
8:00 : p. m. , Preaching.
Prayer meeting 8:00 : p. m. on
Wednesday evening.
All cordially invited.
W. T. CUNE. Pastor.
Good Chances
Eastward :
Many low round trip rates to
enstern resorts during J ti 1 y.
Jnmestown Eaposition tickets
including New York ned Bea
shore resorts with variable routes
excursions to Saratoga , Philndel-
phin , northern Michigan , Cana
da and St. Lawrence River resorts -
sorts , Niagria Fulls tnd Boston.
Consult agent as to making use
of these excursion rates for your
eastern trip.
Low Rates
Westward :
During July , low round trip
rates to Pacific CoostSau , Fran
cisco , Seattle , etc. , Yellowstone
Park , Salt Lake , Colorado re.
sorts , Big Horn Basin , Black
Hills , .Sheridan and Spokane.
Consult agent.
Big Horn Basin and
Billings District :
We personally conduct home-
seekers' excursions on the first
and th i rd Tuesdays of eacli
month to these localities to as
sist you to secure fine irrigalec
lands at low cost. Write D
Clem Diiaver , General Agen
Land Seekers' luformatioi
Bureau. Half rates with max
iuniin of $20 from Nebraska
hoineseekers' excursions west
northwest and southwest.
Call or write for details ,
Local Ticket Agent.
L. W. WArtELCY , G. P. A. ,
Omaha , Neb.
The Falls City Roller Mills C
Docs a general milling business , and manufactures the
following brands of flour
The above brands are gtuirantced to be of the highest pos
sible quality. We also manufacture all mill products . .tid
conduct a general
Grain , Live Stock and Coal Business
atid solicit a share of your patronage
P. S. Heacock & Son , Falls City , Neb.
The Great Paper of the Great West
The Kansas Citv Star
Everywhere recognized as the strongest and most rp bile
newspaper in the most prosperous region of the United States.
Wherein It Leads.
Its Unexcelled NeWSSerVice nmhraces the continuous report
of the Associated Press , with dispatches every hour : the general anj
special service of the New York Herald ; the Hearst transcontinental
leased wire service and special correspondence from THE STAR'S own
representatives In Washington , D. 0 , ; Jefferson City , Mo ; Topeka , Ks. ,
and Guthrie , Ok. , in addition to the largo grist of news that comes
daily from several hundred other alert representatives.
Its Market Reports and Comments have an authoritative
value that causes them to be telegraphed to all parts of the United
States the moment THE STAR comes from the press. No western man
even Indirectly Interested in the value of food products , storks and
securities can afford to be without THE STAR'S dally record ol prices
and conditions.
Its Special Features include The Chaperon's column , la which
uro answered questions pertaining to beauty aids and social customs and
affairs , a department for Inquirers on other subjects and a wide range
of miscellaneous articles throwing side lights upon the world's most in
teresting people and events these in addition to a vigorous editorial
page , absolutely independent politically , and a Sunday issue that is
full of live special matter and h jman interest.
13 Papers Each week for 10 cents
The Kansas City Star was the first nnd is still the only
newspaper to deliver n complete morning paper , THE KAN
SAS CITY TIMES , to its subscribers without increase in the
subscription price.
Summer coughs and colds yield a
once to Bees Laxative Cough Syrup.
Contains honey and tar but no opiates.
Children like it. Pleasant to take. Its
uxatlve qualities recommend it to
mothers. Hoarseness , coughs , croup
yield quickly. Sold by A. G. Wanner.
Christian Church.
Services next Sunday as fol
lows :
9:45 : a. m. Bible School.
11:00 a. m. Preaching
7:00 : p. m. Y. P. S C E. Meeting.
8:00 : p.m. Preaching.
Bro. T. J. Oliver will preach
at both morning and evening
You are invited to attend.
Plneules for the kidneys strengthen
these organs and n iet in dr.iwiu , .
poison from the blood. Try them for
rheumatism , kidney , bladder trouble ,
for lumbago and tired worn out feeling.
They bring quick relief , Satisfaction
Guaranteed. Sold by A. G. Wanner.
I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Illl
D. S. HcCarthy !
Prompt attention given
to the removal of house
hold goods.
III I I I III Mil Illlllll III
. . . $1.00 a Year. . .
. I . * h ve 1 , found M _ _ a trjed . _ * , t. and \ , teiUd * will cure troJffntAn for Bheu. f m *
. . .
rrowini Daojt 10 ne n worn. * UBI jut -.v ;
But I can now lurelr W tha pains and panis ol
this deslorable disease. .
In Germanr-wlth a ChemUt In the City of
Darmstadt I found the la Ingredient with
which Dr. Shoop'l Rheumatic Remedy was made
a perfected , dependable prescription. JUtbout
successfully treated jnany.
formly cures all curable cas ol U > U h
ttuch dreaded disease. Those laad.llke
wastes , found InBheuaaUoBlood. sjem to dtawl re
and POM war . under the action ol this wmedy as
fretlratdoes sufar when addtd to pun water.
And tow. whenafioVTed. these poisonous wasfcs
freely past from th srstwa. and the cause ot
HheufflSMsin U jone fortrer. There Is mow no
real n d-flp actual excuse to suffer loom wlta-
oulVelpT We MU , and in modem * r comin a
Dr. Stioop's
Rheumatic Remedy
R. 1 ° .
Office over Kerr's Pharmacy
Office Phone 260 Residence Phone 271
Dr. M. L. Wilson
Physician and Surgeon
Calls promptly attended day or
night. Office over State Bank ,
Falls City , Nebraska.
Office 'Phone House 'Phone
329 330
Sales conducted in
scientific and busi
nesslike manner
Falls City , Nebraska
If you are in this condition ,
your nerve force is weak the
power is giving out , the or
gans of your body have
"slowed up , " and do their work'
imperfectly. [ This failure to
do the work required , clogs
the system and brings distress
and disease. .When the nerves
are weak the heart is unable
to force the life-giving blood
through your veins ; the stomach
ach fails to digest food ; tlie
kidneys lack power to filter
impurities from the blood , and
the poisonous waste remains in
the system to breed disease.
Nerve energy must be restored.
Dr. Miles' Nervine will do it ,
because it strengthens the
nerves ; it is a nerve medicine
and tonic , that rebuilds the
entire nervous system.
"Several years ago I was all broken
down. I was nervous , worn-out , could
not sleep , and -was In constant pain.
I doctored for months , and finally the
doctor said he could do nothing for
me. I began taklnsr Dr. Miles'
Nervine , and used altogether eight
bottles , and I became strong and
healthy , and now weigh 170 pounds. "
108 Ellsworth Ave. . Allegheny , Pa.
Dr. Miles' Nervine Is told by your
druggist , who will guarantee that th
Tint bottle will benefit. If It falls , h
will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co. , Elkhart , lad