THE FALLS Cl'lY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , JULY i2 , 190/ THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Entered as second-class matter a Falls Clly , Nebraska , post onicc , Jann u y 12,1904 , under tile Act of Congrca of March 3 , 1879. Published every I-Viday at Kails City Nebraska , by The Tribune ruMlshinjf Company E. F. Snarls , Manager One year $1.0 Six months ( V Three months .3 , TELEPHONE 226. Weeds ! Weeds ! ! It is now only a few clays unti our chautauqua begins and ai this is an enterprise that even citizen should be proud of , it ii our duty to put forth every efforl within our power to make thii occasion one of the most import ant events ever held in our city This can be done by making i pleasant for our visitors durinf their stay with us , and in ordei that they may get a good impres sion of our city and be in a posi tiou to talk it up to their neigh bors on returning home , wi should have our streets and lawn ; looking their best on this occa sion. Tins can only be done bj a united effort of all the people Now lets get busy and cut tin weeds and clean up around am about our homes and I assun you it will be greatly appreciate ! by this administration. G. M. BAKKHTT , Mayor. If you want to take a vacatioi that sure enough vacates go ti Sycamore Springs and drinl plenty of the water. The Hiawatha World urges its subscribers to be neighborlj and attend our chautauqua This is the right spirit. Every man must settle tin bond question on his own re sponsibility , but to settle i right means a great deal to tliii dty- * _ = Have you ordered your ten for chautauqua ? A weeks out ing will do you a world ofgood. Live in the open air twent ] four hours a day for a week an ( see what it does ior you. Before another issue of tin paper the fate of the bonds wil be known. If you desire you town to progress vote for iti progress. To defeat thes bonds is to seal the fate of Fall City. After wo vote the lionds lo park and make it the beautih : place it is destined to be , wh not name it Valleyview Park The stretch of green valley froi the summit of the park hill i one of the prettiest bits c scenery in the coun ry. The Tribune management i seriously considering increas ing its subscription price to dollar and a half a year. Ever thing we buy from white , papc to labor has increased froi tifty to one hundred per cen and we are almost forced to it i crease the subscription prici This announcement is not oflich but do not be surprised if in tli near future we raise the "ante. Falls Oity seems to be in fc another town row. The deba able question is "whos administration is the better , A writer in last week's Neu suggests the appointment of committee to settle it. Why n < ha\fe a special election to sett such an important controversy It isn't a question as to ho you voted on the bond questic last year how are you going vote now ? The water and light bon < mean labor for every Falls Ct workingman. It meaus fi : protection and sutliciei lights. It means encourag inent to the men who are wor ing for the city's improvemen It means a city united in desire for better things.r. defeat them means a gener abandonment of effort ai many discouraged citizens as ing the question,1'oh , whal the use , " The Farmer and Feeder ! Frequently finds it both profitable and necessary to secure accommodations from the bank , This Bank is prepared to grant its customers every accommodation in keeping1 with good banking. Open an account with us NOW and when you wish the accommodation don't hesitate to ask for it. FALLS CITY STATE BANK Capital and Surplus $65,000.00. Annouucement. I licrcby announce myself a * a ca ml Male to the nomination for county ntscssor of till county , subject to the action of tlia Primary. II. A. 1'KNCn. The last two administrations have called the deplorable con dition of our water plant to the attention of the public. Mr , Leyda in public print and fron ; the rostrum was the first to urge action. What he ther stated would not be strong enough to describe the present condition of the plant. Mayoi Barrett has been and is doing all in his power to bring UK true situation to the attention of the public. The duty of the voters is clear. Do your duty Died. DUCAN 1873 1907. Mrs. F. E. Duncan died at her home in Barada July 9tl 1907 aged 84 years 1 month anc 20 days. She was born in Hol ! county Mo. May 19th 1873 nnc has lived at Barada severa years. She leaves of her im mediate family her husband ant six children , and many other re latives to whom many friends extend sympathy through th < Tribune. The funeral was licit in Rule July 10th nnd she was laid at rest in the Rule cemetery Revivals Closed. The Oliver meetings at tin tabernacle closed Monday nigh after a three weeks session. The meetings have been ver successful and those having tin work in charge feel highl ] gratified at the results. Then has been fully three hundra converts and we feel safe ii saying that is alow estimate. Rev. Olliver and his wif < have gone to Colorado ior i vacation and will return t Nebraska City later where Rev Oliver will conduct the chau tauqua. The other visitors who wer assisting during the meeting have returned to their home for the summer. Chautauqua Notice. There will be no charge at th gate for the admission of team and the chautaiujua associatio is putting up'a generous lot c hitching posts for the accommc dation of those who may desir to use them. A mistake wa made in the chautauqua program in quoting the rate for childrc from 7 to 13 years ; the seaso ticket is only $1 instead of ยง 1.2 : " "SoficT Next Sunday , July 14th , at tli M. E. church. Special da ] Baptismal service at 10:45 : a. n A welcome to those who desit to enter the church , also an person who may desire to giv his heart to God should do so ne : Sunday. At 7:30 p. m. the sul ject of the sermon will be "Hel its nature and duration. " All are invited to attend thes services. W. T. GUNK. One of several this week. "When the butcher's boy of tl : City Meat Market was greasin his wagon Monday morning 1 : took the cupling pin out of tl doubletrees and a movement ( the team let the doubletree down on their heels and awa they went. They tore down tl t alley between Stone and Harli streets to the Catholic Churc where they turned east at north for three blocks wlu they turned west and in the sic street west of John Martin they ran into a post and bol horses were thrown. Bol horses were pretty badly brus < up but no serious damage dot and it is thought they will 1 alright in a few days. Tl harness was torn to pieces. OHIO Chester Stump and family spent th first of the week In Falls City. Edith Peck was a guest of Mrs. P. S Llcbty Monday afternoon , Henry Uaesch and family spent Sur day with Herman Schriober and wife Albert Faller and wife entertaine a great many of their relatlvesSunday Mrs. O. A. Burk spent a portion c las week In Falls City , the guest of he daughter , Mrs. Fred Chcsley. The farmers are very busy In thl locality as the wheat , bay making an and corn plowing all come at one time Mrs. Meyer * of Pennsylvania sper Sunday at E. Pock's. Mrs. Clay Peck spent Friday of las week with her sister , Mrs , E T. Pect Mrs. Noah Peck and daughters wor guest of Mrs. F. S. Llchty Tuesday. \Vm. Hutchlnson Is visiting with h ! grandmother In Falls City. Geo. Prltchurd and family spent sut day In Falls City the euests of frlendi Blanche Lewis of Western Nebr. , ! visiting her grandmother Mrs. Cully. Mrs. H. A. Burk spent Tuesday wit the family of O. A. Burk. Emma Blase was a guest of Katl Wolck Sunday night. John Hutchison was a guest of Gu ; Stump Saturday night. George Johnston and family spot Sunday with Phlneas Fisher an family , II. A. Burk was in Rule Tuesday. S. H. KnUely and wife visited at Ep Peck's Sunday. Grandpa and grandma Dowty too dinner with their son Alllo Sunday. John Llchty and son. F. S. , shlppc two car loads of cattle to Kansas Cit Monday from which they realized good price. Vera ShatTer returned homo fro Nebraska Citv Monday. P. E. Snuffer and wife and Earl Shafer for and wife were Uu'.o visitors , Tue day. The Park Co. purchased tl : lumber in the tabernacle used fc the Oliver meetings , and are no building a permanent pavilion c the park grounds. The buildin will be 'JO feet by 120 feet with first class rubberoid roof and sul stantial in every partscular. Tli lloor will have a pitch of two at : one-half feet from the entrant to the platform. The side wal are to be a continuous lot < doors , hinged above , 6 feet hig and can be raised so as to for an awning on the sides tht providing splendid ventilatic and in case of a storm may 1 closed and make the pavillic storm proof. The comfortab canvas folding benches us3d du ing the Oliver meetings are no used instead of the usual roug ' 'backless' * seats. A pair of traveling bicyc riders made their appearance < the streets Wednesday and pr ceeded to give exhibitions but tl rain stopped them and on Tluu day they were out in lull fore They were not particularly cley though they managed to get good sized crowd , The financi receipts were not the best aft two collections were taken they hit the high places for town where the people are mo easily worked. Misses Grace Martin and Ha2 Dunn came down from Barada < Wednesday to take the train f Forest City , Mo. , where they w visit friends a week. Misses Lela Meyers and Bess Erwin of Merrill , Kans. , are t guests of Mrs. Homer Jinki this week. Society News. The tea given by St. Martha' Guild at the home of Georgi Cleveland on Wednesday evetiini was greatly interferred with b ; the hard rain that came up lat in the afternoon. However , some thing over eight dollars wa realized which was not so bai considering the weather. The members of the L. B. T club gave a picnic for their fam ilies in the Holland park th Fourth and a jolly good tim was the result. An elegant din ner and supper such as thesi ladies have the reputation of pre paring , was seryed , consisting o all the delicacies possible for < picnic dinner. All kinds of game were indulged in and in the eve ning there was a large display o fireworks. The day was en joved by all present. Among those camping at tin lissouri lakes this week are : Mrs Wilson Korner , Mr. and Mrs. Hai y Morrow and Mr. and Mrs. Wil Uhlig and children. After ; short visit at Mound City , MI and Mrs , Marrow will returi to their home in Hutchison. Kans The Married Ladies Kensingto ; gave a picnic supper to their fami ies at the home of Mr. and Mrs ? red Keller the evening of th fourth. All assembled witi Baskets filled with all the tempt ng things that make a picni ( upper most inviting and th able was laid out in the larg ihad } ' yard. The excellent suppe was done full justice by thos present and after a general socia good time the company adjourne o attend the band concert an ire works. All those present re port a royal good time. Mrs. B. I. Reavis entertaine the Married Ladies Kensingto and a few friends for her sistei Miss Stites who is visiting hei The afternoon was spent wit needle work and social conversz ion. During the afternoon MH Reavis served excellent refresl nents. The afternoon was mad most enjoyable for all the guest ! Mr. and Mrs. George Jenning entertained a few friends at dii ner on Monday evening for Mr ! eorge Crum and daughter , Mi * Floss. The evening was sper in playing whist and all tli guests enjoyed themselves. Mrs. Frank Landis entertaine a number of young people on la ; Wednesday evening with whis in honor of her sister , Miss Ra Miller of Nebraska City. Cues : for four tables were present an the evening proved a jolly ont After excellent refreshment were seryed by Mrs. Landis sou of the young people had the fortunes told , greatly to tl : amusement of all. It was wit general regret that the gues departed and each wishes for a early return to this city < Miss Miller. A Double Smash up. While Willis Yoder was ui hitching his team Monday or of the young horses becatr frightened and started to rui Its course took it past Wn Ruegge's implement store whei Jim DeWald was loading pump to start for Barada. When tl Yoder horse passed Dewald team started and on reachiu Stone street ran south to U Christian church where the turned and were frightened in1 the hitching rack just befoi they reached an old gentlema who was watering his horse ; th e city trough and could n < possibly have gotten out < their way. The wagon w ; torn from the running gears i the collission with the rack an the streets were pretty we littered with pump fixture The horses got off withnothic more than a bad scare. The Yoder horse was steppe on Stone street near tl Nation Hotel. Mrs. Rose Schlearch can home Saturday from Burcha where she went to visit frieni over the Fourth , Will H. Wylie made his custo mary visit here Monday. A. M. Smith of Nebraska Citj was here on business Friday. S. Zimmerman and wife cam * over from Sabctha to celebrati here. Ray Catlet and wife of Pawnei City were here to celebrate tin Fourth. F. W. Blumer did a whole lo of cheering for Humboldt hen the Fourth. Mrs. R. A. Munson of Oneida Kans. , is visiting her daughter Mrs. Elliott. Rudolph Voegle returned Tues day from a six weeks visit witl liis sister in Homestead Okl. John Lacher has returned fron Nebraska City and resumed hii work with Putnam & Son here. The Misses Beach of Lincoli are the guests of Mrs. Sidne : Spence at the National this week Mrs. George Crocker and littli daughter of Pawnee Cit } * weri the guests of Mrs. W. S. Fas Thursday. Harry Hughes was up fron Padonia to spend the Fourtl with the family of his uncle , Gee Cleveland. Miss Edna Brown is at home having finished the course in tin normal at Peru. She returnei last Weenesday. Chas. Humphrey and wife o Verdon visited Mrs. Humphrey' parents , George Abbott and wif over the Fourth. Mrs. Carl Reuthenger of Par sons , Kans. . and Mrs E. B. Elli of Waurika , Ok , , are the guest of their sister , Mrs. T. C. Bur chard. Stanley Russell and wife o Hurnar , la. , who have been vis iting Mrs. Russell's sister , Mrs Elliott , returned to their horn Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Kobbins of Geneva 111. , who has been yisiting he parents , Mr. and Mrs. Georg Abbott returned ta her home 01 Friday. The glorious rained that coolei the air Wednesday evening was little tough on the tartners wit cut grain and hay that was no stacked. Miss Mae Gagnon is assisting her father in the county judge' ' office during.the absence of Mis Knickerbocker who is visiting i Seattle , Wash. James Jaquet came home fron Peru Wednesday to celebratf He returned on Monday havini yet two weeks of the stnnme school to finish. Miss Oddie Lapp entertained houseparty over the Fourth iti eluding Misses Ella Meyer , Cai rie Steele and Pauline Gebhai of Hiawatha , Kans. Mrs.GeorgeLippold and daugl ter , Beatrice , left for Buffalo , > Y.Saturday. After a visit ther and in Chicago they will go t their new home in Portland , On Injured in Runaway. Ed Voegle , a young man nea Fargo , was driving a team c colts on the Fourth and not fa from his home they becam frightened and ran away. The ran into a mail box post in sue ! a way as to throw the youn man against it tearing his kne cap entirely loose. About tw years ago he had all th muscles and flesh of the sain leg shot away and was bedfas for almost a year and a half. 1 has only been the last fei months that he has been able t get around much and the ace dent of the Fourth will crippl him indefinitely if not perms nently. _ _ Notice. Those having bottles belong ing to the Gehling Brewing C < will please return same atonct C. GEHLING. Mrs. AI Speer has been on the sick list this week. Uncle Joe Gla.sser of Humboldt was in town Tuesday. J. R. Cain , jr.i came down / from Stella to spend the Fourth. Miss Nan Ilutchi-u's returned Saturday from Omaha where she had been visiting a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reavis and their sister , Miss Stites returned Tuesday from Excelsior Springs. D. W. Reid went to bionx City Friday to resume his newspaper work after two weeks vacation at home. Will Crook and daughter , Miss Edna , returned this week from their trip to Oklahoma and Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Will Uhlig and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morrow spent the. Fourth fishing at the Muddy mill. Mrs. Williams of Hebron , with her children , is visiting at the home of her parents , J. A. Me- Cormick and wife. , , , . f ii i - - - Misses Gertrude and Grace Lyford and Messrs. Fred Graham and Lloyd Shaffer spent the Fourth at the Missouri Lakes. Jim Jellison came home frotu Chester , where he has work with Simon Davies , to spend the Fourth. He returned Friday. Mrs. P. S. Heacock returned last Saturday from a visit to her uncle in Minnesota and her daughter , Mrs. Gould in Omaha. Miss Fay Hughes of Perry , Oklahoma , who had spent some time in this city as a guest of friends returned home Friday ' last. The household goods ot Oscar Maddox were shipped this week to Missoula. Mont , , and Mrs. Maddox and children will leave for the new home in about a week. Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson of Cleveland and Mrs. Edwin Bootn of Albequerque , N. M. , re turned to the home of Chas. Wilson - _ _ son Sunday after a short visit with relatives in Tecumseh. The work of tearing down the tabernacle began in earnest on Tuesday morning and by night all the lumber had been moved to the park where the work on the auditorium will be rushed. Ralph Jenne has not yet been fortunate enough to find his fra- 'ernity pin which he lost about , vo weeks ago. It is very unfor tunate for aside from being valu able , it has associations which made it doubly prized. Mrs. Sherdeman of Lincoln , who has been so ill at the home of her mother , Mrs. Jellison , is improving and it is believed she will be able to be taken to Syca more Springs this week where she hopes to regain her health. Poultry Wanted ! fe % 3 W. E. Kenney will re ceive Poultry near the old Armour Poultry House , Falls City , Neb. , each Tuesday , , until 2 p. m. Our prices for next Tues day , July i6th , are as fol lows , craws to be empty : Hens per pound - 9 l-2c Spring Chickens - 130 AH Roosters - 5c Do not forget the date , each Tuesday until 2 p. m. one day only. CURINDA POULT1Y , BUITEE ANI ESS COMPANY