The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 12, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Second Table.
Some bo } * uro road wlion comp'ny
comes to stay for munis. They hnto
To have tlio other people cut , whllo
boy * must wait anil wait :
But 1'vo about miulc up my mini ! I'm
illlTcront from the rest ,
For , us forme , I b'Hovo 1 like the HOC
oml table bust ,
To eat along with comp'ny Is so trying ,
for its touph
To sit anil watch the victual * when you
dnssont touuh the sttilT ;
You sco father serving out the dark
meat anil thu 1'ght ' ,
Until u boy Is Mire he'll starve before
he gels a bite.
Anil when he asks you what jou'll have
you've heard it all before
Yon know you'll get just what jou get ,
and won't get nothing more :
For , when you want another piece ,
your mother winks her c\c ,
And M > jou MIJ : "I've pluuty , please ! "
and tell a whooping He.
When eomp'ny Is a-watohlng you ,
you've- ' got to bo polite ,
And eat your victuals with a fork , and
take u little bite ;
You can't have nothing till you're
asked , and 'cause a boy Is email
Folk's think he isn't hungry , and ho' *
never asked at all.
Since lean first remember I've been
told that when the cake
Is passed around , the proper thine IB
for a boy to take
The piece that's nearest to him , and so
all I over got ,
When comp'ny's been to our house ,
was the smallest In the lot.
It worries boys like everything to have
the comp'ny slay
A-totting round the table , likn they
couldn't got away ;
But when they've gone and loft the
whole big shooting-match to mo ,
Say , ain't it fun to just wade In and
help myself ? Oh , gee !
With no ono round to notice what
you "re doing bet your life !
Boys don't use forks to eat with when
they'd rather use a knife ;
Nor take such Httlo bites as when
they're ' catlni ; with the reef , >
And so , { for lots of things , I like the second
end table best.
Worth While.
Bo ns good evcry'dny in the week
RB you want people to think yon
are on Suudny.
Live , laugh and love. Thoro'll
como n time when yon cnn't.
Happiness io what many single
people think'nmrringe ! B find what
nil marriedjpeoplo know a single
life is.
A mini always with his eyes on
the ground bum pa his head ; a
man with his nose always in the air
stubs his too.
The victor is ho who can go it
alone. Saxo.
It is necessary to become ac
quainted with most people to find
how impolite they are ; only a few
are rude to strangeis.
The fact that thoughts are forces
and that through them wo have
creative power , is one of the most
vital facts of the universe , the
most vital fact of man's being.
The object of the superior man
is truth.
Success is merely a matter of
doing the right thing at the right
There are times when the still ,
email voice of conscience scorns to
come from the big end of a mega-
Opportunity rarely comes to the
man who spends all his time wait
ing for it.
Calumny will soil virtue itself.
Shakespeare ,
A bundle of conceit is a woman
who is wrapped up in herself.
Occasionly there is a good man
who is also so stupid that he will
not know heaven when ho sees it.
Men with long heads are capable
of using them on short notice.
Damascus is the first city in the
Turkish empire to be lighted with
electricity and to have electric
street cars.
Get u free sample of Dr. Shoop's
"Health Coffee" aa our store. If real
coffee disturbs your stomach , your
heart or kidneys , then try this clover
coffee imitation. Dr. Snoop 1ms close
ly matched old Java and Mocha coffee
in ilavor and taste , yet it has not n
single grain of real coffee In It. Dr ,
Shoop's Health Coffee Imitation Is
made from pure toasted grains ot
cereals , with malt , nuts , etc. Made in
a minute. No tedious wait. You will
eurely like It. Sold by Fred E. Schmlt
We Have Them Too.
It is said of a wealthy citizen
of ono of Nebraska's inland vil
lages that ho moved to a great
city because he wasn't appreciated.
It isn't recorded that this man
ever did anything for the com
munity where he lived. He never
helped a brother in distress. Fie
gave nothing to the widows and
the fatherless. To be sure he
has done nothing that would jus
tify a conviction and penitentiary
sentence for highway robbery ,
but he luiri sat there and absorbed
like a sponge for more than a
quarter of a century until he has
more than would satisfy the needs
of a modest man for a hundred
years. And now he wants people
to "appreciate" him ; not for what
he is , but what he has ; not for the
benefit he IIIIH been to the com
munity , but for the benefits the
community has bestowed upon
him. A jiiHl and upright man
need never worry for the lack of
recognition. If ho is a lover of
his kind : if he obeys the generous
impulses of his heart and helps to
lend cheer and comfort to the
world about him , he will at least
have the approval of his own con
science , and may feel reasonable
cortnin that after ho is dead his
worst enemies will reluctantly
admit that he was a "bully boy
with a glass oyo. "
Still on the Map.
Our former citizen , Joseph Geiger -
ger , has not forgotten the old time
friends in Falls City and his long ,
ing to once more drink from the
Neuinha is shown from the following -
ing :
Canton , 0. , July 2 , 1007.
The Falls Oity Tribune ,
Falls City , Neb.
Dear Editor : This letter con-
ains no dollar on subscription ,
ilthough it is from a far off sub-
Once a week the Tribune calls
it my shop and then I have the
) leasuro of reading of old friends
and of late events that are taking
place in your city. You may rest
issured that my goggle eyes find
every article , "yes , oven the ads are
lows to mo. " I take notice the
street commissioner has ordered
property owners to mow their
weeds , with three days tune to do
tin. This reminds me of the
lime the butter weeds grow up in
; ho street , in front of my shop , six
'eel in height in a single night
.ho wore draped in black as though
nourning for their lost fellow vie-
, imp. If they would grow wheat
.11 Falls City where they do weeds
.ho place would surely be n Garden
of Eden.
1 find Canton a very desirable
location , have built upon excellent
trade in the Violin business , alone ,
which suits mo much better than
I often wish I was back in Falls
Dity long enough to have a good
talk with my old friends and
Wishing you all a prosperous
'uture , I remain ,
Very respectfully ,
307 S. Market St.
I'll stop your pain free. To show
you first before you spend u penny
what my Pink Pain Tablets can do , I
will mall you free , u trial package of
thorn Lr. Shoop's Headache Tablets.
Neuralgia , headache , toothache , period
pains , etc. , are duo alone to blood con-
estlon. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets -
lots simply kill pain by coaxing away
the unnatural blood pressure. That is
all Address Dr. Sheep , Raclno , Wis
Sold by all dealers.
First American Stenographer.
Rev. Oliver Dyer , the first per
son to master stenography in the
United States , an associate editor
with Robert Banner in publish
ing the Now York Ledger , and in.
timato of many prominent statesmen -
men , and a well known author ,
has just died in Boston at the age
of 72. He learned stengoraphy
in England personally from Isaac
Pitman , and was the first stenographer <
grapher in the United Statet
senate. His protege , Murphy ,
formerly his office boy , became the
fastest stenographer in the world ,
Publishers Aux.
SYRUP cures coughs and colds.
A Gasoline Explosion. |
Just about the dinner hourwhile j
the immenee rrowd in town was .
onjoj ttig itself to ilie ulimj8lThun < i
day B. Mellott'ri home in the
south part of town war ) utteily de
stroyed by tire.
Mnj. Mellott and her ( laughter ,
Elsie , had left the ground * and
gone home to prepare dinner for
he rest of the family. They had
ised the gimoline Htuvv that morn-
f and everything wan alright.
One of the ladies storied the gen
tater of the gasoline Move and
hen applied the torch to light it.
blir/e leaped up and burned
iercely for a moment and then
he gasoline reservoir exploded
hrowing the burning liquid all
jver the kitchen. Fn a moiueiit
he drench woodwork was a nnim
if bluish flames which suddenly
timed livid oright. Elsie Mel-
ott's drebs caught lire bevoral
lined but t > he put it out with her
The alarm was given by Mrs.
. M. Burress , and the first to get
o the scene was T. 0. Hundley ,
f Nebraska City , who was a guest
f the Burress home. HoxieHowe ,
. M. Burress and James Taylor
rrivsd on his heels. They at
nee set to work to remove articles
f furniture from the blazing
tructure. A few articles inclini
ng a heavy piano were saved , but
he lire made such rapid headway
hat almost everything was a total
ass. A heavy wind was blowing
t the time and carried burning
hingleB and ember for blocks.
The house was burned to the
ground in a short timo. Theresi-
,01100 , and contents were partially
nsured. It is estimated that the
oss will reach S3,500. Mr. Mel-
ott had just completed some
ubstautial and costly improve-
nents on the place , making it one
f the most attractive cottages in
he city. Auburn Kebublicau.
t will mail jou free , to prove merit ,
amplcs of my Dr. Shoop's Restorative ,
ind my book on cither Dyspepsia , the
leart or the Kidnevs. Troubles of the
Stomach , Heart and Kidneys are mere-
y symptons of a deeper ailment. Don't
make the common error of treating
yuiptoiis only. Symplon treatment is
rcatinj , ' the result of jour ailment , and
not the cause. Weak etomach nerves
the inside nerves moan stomuch
veakncss , alwajs. And the heart , nnd
nidnoys as well , have their controlling
jr inside nerves. Weaken these nerves
ind you Inevitably have weak vital
irgans. Hero U where Dr. Shoop's
\estoratlve has made Us fame. No
other remedy oven claims to treat the
Inside nerves. " Also for bloating ,
biliousness , bad breath or complexion ,
ise Dr. Shoop's Bestoratlye. Write
no today for sample and free book.
Dr. Shoop. Racine , Wls. The Rcstora-
Ive Is sold by all dealers.
What an ESS is Made of.
In an egg of 1,000 grains , GOO
belongs to the white , 300 to the
yolk and 100 to the shell. In 100
lartsof the white of an egg , about
per cent is water , 12J per ceut
albumen , 1 per cent mineral and
2A per cent sugar , &c. In 100
parts of the yolk , 52 per cent , is
water , 45 per cent is oil and fat ,
and 1 per cent each of albumoids ,
coloring and mineral.
i n
Man Zan Pile Remedy comes put up
n a collapsible tube with a nozzle.
Easy to apply right where soreness and
nflammstion exists. It relieves at
once blind bleeding , Itching or protrud
ing piles. Guaranteed. Price 50c.
Get It today. Sold \ > y A. G. Wanner.
FOR RKNT : A new nine room
house with bath ; three blocks
from main street. Inquire at
Oswald's photo studio.
We extend the glad hand and
hearty congratulations to our
esteemed friend , Chas. Davis of
the Falls City News , who has
recently taken unto himself a wife.
Mr. Davis Is one of the brightest
young newspaper men of southeast
Nebraska , and the entire frater
nity will wish for him an abun
dance of happiness and prosperity
in the new relation. Huuiboldt
Headache nnd constipation disappear
when Dades Little Liver Pills arc
used. They keep the system clean , the
stomach sweot. Taken occasionally
they keep you well. They arc for the
entire family , Sold by A. G. Wanner ,
CURES catarrh of the stomach.
- fjDEADT -
PDAINT- I 11 -
KOLD-lr -
Before Investing = = Investigate ! ! !
We Invite Investigation.
B , P , S. is a pure Lead Zinc and Linseed Oil
Purity , Perfect Formula , Fine Grinding Means
Economy in Covering , Spreading and Wear
Ask for B. P. S. Sealed Evidence , Paint costs ,
color card and plates of colored houses , Free.
Finding Joy in Failure.
To be able to extract the
flower of happiness from the
weed of failure which grows in
the garden of every heart is
most desirable. For happiness
is the chief end of human life
not pleasure , but happiness.
And if the millions of the world
were shut out ot an } ' hope of
iiappiness , any jot of joy , this
jlobe would be shodowed in
Egyptian darkness rather than
be full of sunshine. But they
are not so shut out. No life is
so full of failure that it may
not be a joyful one. This is
not a mere preachment , this is
a tact demonstrable , an ex
perience attainable.
If failure is a common lot ,
humanity need not associate
failure with misery. If success
is to the average man beyond
his reach he need not regrad
success and happiness as
synonymous. Neither state
ment is true , however much the
clamor of the self-seeking
world may preach it. There
was an ancient prophet who
cried , borne from a battle
sorely wounded , "Rejoice !
again I say , Rejoice ! " Thus
may the failures of life , at
wounds resulting from struggle
for humanity's upliftment , be
come successes. Tne joy comes
not always or merely to the
camp of the conqueror , but to
the lleeing , failure , vanquished ,
conscious of his loss of all but
An Arabic Prover. Men
are four : He who knows not ,
and knows not he knows not.
He is a fool ; shun him. He
who knows not , and knows he
knows not. He is simple ; teach
him. He who knows , and
knows not he knows. He is
asleep ; wake him. He who
knows , and knows that he
knows. He is wise ; follow him.
Plneules are for the Kidneys nnd
Bladder. They bring quick relief to
backache , rheumatism , lumbago , tired
worn out feeling. They produce
natural action of the kidneys In filter
ing waste matter out of the Dlood IK )
days treatment $1.00. Money refunded
if Plneules are not satisfactory. Sold
by A.G. Wanner.
Both Good.
A well-known physician
points out the beneficial effects
sure to result from walking to
work. But no doubt the
majority will continue to look
forward to the pleasure of
walking the other way. Wash
ington Post.
A Texas newspaper says that
there is no end of fun in minding -
ing your own business , and it
makes people like you better.
It is better to have others
stuck on you than to be stuck on
yourself. Don't knock ; don't
get stubborn ; don't roast-r-just
jolly. Everybody likes to be
jollied. Be a good fellow it's
dead easy. Help yourself
along ; push your friends with
you. No man ever helped him
self by knocking other people.
You can't climb the ladder to
fame by stepping on people's
corns and they are their corns
not yours and they are tender.
Help everybody ; get hold with
both hands where there is a
chance to help your town.
Bury your hatchet ; drop your
tomahawk ; hide your little ham
mer. Be a booster.
Hundreds of peoployearly go through
painful operations needlessly , because
they never tried Man Zan Pile Remedy
It is put up in such a form that it can
bo applied right whore the trouble lies
It relieves the pain and inflammation
It Is for uny form of piles. Price SOcts
Sold by A. G. Wanner.
A fine solid Mahogany case up
right piano for sale or trade. A
bargain if taken at once.
© T
Manuf't of
and Dealer in
We are In the front rank with a
neat line of both single and double
Buggy Harness. Wo Invite Inspec
tion and comparison.
Fly Nets , Lap Dusters and Whips
Direct from the Factory. That Is
the reason that the prices are right.
We are It on repairing. Call and
see us. East Richardson County
The Union House
j Recently re-decorated and < f >
| > re-furnished t h r o u ghout. < |
j > Everything first class. Spec J >
j > ial attention given to trail- $
f sient. Rate , $2.00 per day. | >
Wni. McPherson , Prop. |
r w
j > 'Phone 59 - Falls City , Nch. &
> < >
Dr. Hannah C. Moran
( rormcrly Dr. ricnilnir )
Physician and Surgeon
s now located one block West of the
National hotel , where she will be
lased to see her old friends and pat
rons. Calls promptly answered ni ht
or day.
Phone 248 Over Richard son County
Office at Metts' Barn. Office
Phone 139. Residence Phone
Phones : Nos. 177 , 217
| > For Good Snlc5 , Good Service , I'romp A
j Returns Ship Your Stock to 4
Qeo. R. Barse I
National Stock Yards , III. <
Kansas City , Mo. ,
fr *
| 237 Acres oed land three |
H miles enst of Verdun. *
\l \ Will sell 157 acres where |
\l \ house stands , and remaining I.
H 80 acres , separately or as a * 1
whole. p
jf For futher particulftis f.e J
] [ Joseph Strohmeyer *
\ \ Verdon - - Neb *
It's Your Own Fault
If you don't get your II
II money's worth. Come II
to my Shop and buy "
II your Mens and Boys |
II Shoes. I
Richardson County Bank Building
* * * * * * * - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Reaches the spot.
Stops pain. The
ManZan Great Pile Rem-
edy. Put up In
tubes with rectal
nozzle , 50 cents *
Satisfaction guaranteed
or money refunded.
* A dose at bed time usu-
1 ally relieves the moSfc
severe case before morning.
CHICAGO , U. 4. A.