The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 05, 1907, Image 8

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    T' < nr
24o Acre Farm Southeast of Hiawatha.
Si Tin- farm Isl'j nulM of a K > MM | town of about 350 pumil.itloii on a railroad. I.aiul consists of irenlly rolllnir up land with
SiHenry C. Smith a small rrook HouliiK throuirli the east W ) acres uiitorliiir near the tuirtliwcit corner and uolnir out about M ) rods north of
Henry the south line. There I * mime limber alonir this creek , mr nir uprlnif fiiriilshlntr water for pasture which never has been
. known to run dry. About Ml acre * are In cultivation now. About 40 acres are In clover and timothy meadow. 115 acres arc
In cattle and hoif pasture fenced with Pane fence , IS acres cow pasture for milch cows , with shade and water. 4 acres In
orchard. 1 acre In crapes , raspberries , blackberries and strawberries. Ilalance of land In bmldinir site and roads. The
fi-nciM are nearly all a KIMXI as new havlnir been rebuilt within the past two years. Good crnic on west and north of
buUdlnirs ( urnlslilnir shade for poultry In summer and Htorm protection In winter.
F llriuiiw.HICJoml 6 room house with cemcnti-il collar under house. Itarn for 10 horses and 0 cows with hay loft hnldlnir
about S tons of hay and an Implement shed ad jolnlntr. Cattle and hay shed 25x130 feet with board roof and room for l"i ton
of hay. Unit house 12x10 feet board roof. Corn crib 12x02 feet , board roof and shed adjoining also board roof. 2 hen
LANDS & LOANS | IOII H , Shop for small tools and work bench. Cemented water rc-evolr about 14 feet In diameter and 12 feet deep with
Miiiler ground pipe to tank In feed lot. Two wi'lls and wind mills supjilylnir the reservoir with water. S'ton wairon scales ,
( lood term * , mlirht take 80 acres as part pay lone time.
L. i . l.ilwunlwiii up from FallsClty
ovi-r s.niiliiy
, JH * ill ml ley 11 Vend Inv' bar In
llynek' * 'iiloon.
CliMim Uou-eK it home from a plens-
tint visit with St Josuph friends
Urn Mnbley of Salem U the guuct of
her friend , Lucy Frybcrgur , this week
Helen Kcber of Kan tis City Is hero
visiting relatives and former acquain
Grace Logan of York , this state , Is
l.crc visiting her sister , Mrs. I' . W.
Arthur Freeman is once more to bo
been behind the counters at Iluckoit's
Irug store.
Fred Arnold drove over to Auburn
Sunday and occupied the Baptist pul
pit at that place.
Mrs. O. 1. Hall was u guest of her
Inend , Mrs. L. M. Billings , In Table
Rock , this week.
J. K. Liggett went down to Scotts-
ville , Kans. , the first of the week for
a visit with relatives'
Elton Nlms and Ralph Hummel re
turned Saturday from a two ' "eoks
pleasure trip in Colorado.
Mrs. John Cope arrived In the city
Friday from Ohio , for a visit with her
eon , E. S. Cope and family.
J. J. Prey and wife wont down to St.
Joseph the last of the week for a visit
Arlth their sons , Al and Will Prey.
Jcnnlo Loach went up to Lincoln the
last of the week and will attend ono of
the medical schools in the capital city.
Mrs. Sue Miller and daughter , Nadine -
dine , were over from Pawnee City
Sunday visiting J. H. Smith and wife.
Mrs. Pat Thompson and children re
turned home Sunday from a short visit
with Mrs. Walter Purrls In Tcoumsoh.
Mrs. A. D. Glsc and little daughter
were down from Table Rock over Sun
day the guests of the Buttcrflold fami
Corwin Fergus and sister , Miss Sue ,
of Columbus , Ohio , are guests of thulr
cousins , the Fergus boys , cast of town ,
this week ,
Daisy Morris returned Friday from a
visit with friends in Daweon ; she was
accompanied by her sister , Mrs W. B.
Mesdamcs N. C. Campbell and A. II.
Fellers returned homo the last of the
week from a visit with Mrs. Britten-
bam In Lincoln.
Mrs. Lou Lynch who had been visi
ting friends and relatives In this com
munity returned to her home In Lin
coln , the lust of the week.
Mrs. Fred Buttcrflold has returned
from St. Joseph whore she has been
for several weeks taking medical treat-
men * , from a specialist In that city.
O. A. Cooper and wife , who were en
joying a pleasure trip in Colorado ,
were called home the last of the week
by the sudden death of Henry Davis.
Will Fox and J. H. Klein , formnrlj
o * Auburn have recently opened up u
butcher shop in u building located ul
the northeast corner of the square.
Fred Clift , who has been enjoying a
month's visit with relatives and frlondi
In this yiclnlty left the middle of the
week , for his home a Salt Lake Cltr
f. J. L. Gandy anddaughtorMarj
left Thursday evening last for an extended
tended vUltwlth the former's daughter
Mrs. Nellie Timmerman , at Seattle
The Cooper & Linn mill shut dowi
the last of tbe week , so that some re
pair work mlg'ht be done. They wll
probably not be in operation for i
couple of weeks.
Rev. E. E , Smith and wife arrive
In the city the last of the week fror
Bethany , and alter a short visit wit'
the latter's father , E. M. Harding , wll
leave for their future homo at !
Monte , Call.
A number of the young friends c
Nina Snow were pleasantly entertalnc
at her home on First street Monda
evening. The affair was a surprk
and was given in honor of her cigt
teenth birthday anniversary.
Will J. Davis , who has been eu
ployed for several months past in
lumber camp near Armstrong , B. C
arrived In this city Saturday mornln
to attend the funeral of his fathc
Henry Davis , which occurred Sundti
Chas. Snyder , who has been einplo ;
ed by the Humboldt Brick company i
Euperintendent , since the plant con
menced operations , resigned his pos
tioo the last of the week , and will moi
tollavonsvillo Kans , In tin * near future.
Tht- vacancy bus not yet been filled.
In honor of her slxteunth birthday a
numbarof the friends of Mary Hays
u * ! < t'iiib > d at her hoiiiiIn the north
part ol town Siturduv uvcnhii.- and
t-urprlsi'il this .Minim ht'ly ' , Miss Uay
was presented with a vcr.v pretty gold
The ball games between Sterling
and Uumboldt Thursday and Friday
last were both very interesting games.
Thursday's game resulting In u decisive
victory for Humboldt with a score of
Otol. Friday's game was very close ,
the score at the fourteenth Inning be
ing 2 to II in favor of Sterling.
Irinu Penzes , a Humboldt
girl and a daughter of Valentino Penzes
of this place , was united in marriage
one day last week to Chas. Walte , at
Leavcnworth , Kans. The young couple
will reside at Los Angeles , Cull. ,
where thn groom has recently accepted
a position us street cur conductor.
The following young people from
this vicinity attended the district Ep-
worth League convention In Table
Rock Thursday and Friday last : Don
Grldloy and Misses Rona Gorgens ,
Florence Hummol , Nellie Holmau ,
Mary Phillips and Glenue Wilson. Mr.
Urldlov was made president of the as
sociation for the next year , and Miss
Gcrgcne corresponding ; seetictury.
Roy Daggctt was in Stella Friday.
Ed May wont to Falls City Tuesday.
( ! . Hard spent Sunday in Falls city.
Vorgll Grinstcad was in Fails City
Bert Foracker wont to Table Rock
L , L. Barnes and wife spent Sunday
n Verdon.
Sam Bayno came up from Falls
City Thursday.
Cnarloy Miller returned Wednesday
from St. Jopoph.
Joe Wlndoll was In Falls City on
business Thursday
Nolo McCool roturnud homo from
Fulls City Sunday. j
CURS Moore and wife went to Hlg'h-
land Kansas Friday.
Mrs. C. W. Roberts went to Fulls
City Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Fred Schmttt returned to home
from Micky Texas Friday.
Mrs. Rodgers returned to her home
in Bollvllle Kansas Friday.
Mra. Gco , Forackor , came dowr
from Table Rock Wednesday.
Mosdamns Zet McCool and Dolh
Simmons visited In Falls City Friday ,
Mrs. Myrtle Vouch of Humboldt Is
in town at the homo of Will Kershuw ,
Cecil Shcoly wont to Lincoln Satur
day evening returning Monday even
Mrs. Gortlo Robb , Magglo Lesloj
and Feral Barker spent Saturday It
Fulls City.
Miss Ethel Klnslow and Mrs. S , P
Gist were passnngcrs to Hutnboldi
NpU McCool , Ruth Moore , Nollli
and Elbol Barrett dravo to Falls Clt ]
Sadyo Jonns and Ruby Staufle :
visited a few days at the country home
ot John Lclhn's.
Miss Sarah Cranoblll of Born , Kans
and Wlldti Wlttwer visited Friday n
C. B. Emmerts.
Rev. Garborfon wont to Verdon Sun
day afternoon to deliver an address a
temperance meeting.
Gco. Knapp and wife of Verde
were guests at the homo ot W. 13
Davis and wife Sunday
Florence Wheeler of Stella and Flo
Grinstcad of Falls City visited , wit !
Zulu McCool over Sunday
Zula Mct'ool intertalnod Frlda
evening In honor of Florence Wheelc
Stella. Ice and cake were served.
Will Clark and wife of Los Anpeh
Cal , spent several days last wcc
visiting at the home of C. B. Emmcrt
Mrs. Jim Ireland and daughter , tic
Mrs. E , Peterson and daughter i
Pawnee City visited at the homo i
Andy Ogdeu last week.
Joe Wlndoll and wife , Al Barre
and wife , Dr. Day wlfo and son Dwlgt
Jim French wlfo and Jim were amoc
those who visited in FallsClty Sunda
Headache and constipation dlsappei
when Dadcs Little Liver Pills in
used. They keep the system clean , tl
stomach sweet. Taken occasional
they keep you -well. They are for tl
; ! entire family. Sold by A. G. Wanne
Miss Ida Hatter spent itiulay at
I. S. Prosscr was a Falls City visitor
on Thursday.
C. K. Burgess and family visited R.
J. Dunn on Sunday.
L. C. Mitchell was a county scat
visitor on Thursday.
Gco. Lewis and son from Shubert
were in town Monday.
R. J Dunn took a load of produce to
Falls City Thursday
Dr. Strong and wife drove down to
the Missouri recently.
Joseph Spicklcr of Shubert was a
business caller on Friday.
Mrs. Elmer Rowcll visited Wednes
day at Mrs. Jeff Kilgore's.
Chas. Kukcr took a lotul of hogs to
Shubert one day last week. .
Walt Morehcad has jttsl finished a
new well for'W. F. Butler.
Chas. Stcinbrink was in Falls City
on business one day this week.
Jesse Cox is now Barada's correspondent
pendent for the Shubert Citizen.
Emmet Delong from Marshall , Kas. ,
is visiting relatives hereabouts.
Mesdamcs Schutz and Wcssengcr
were shopping in Barada Monday.
Grandma Dunn is visiting in the
country with her son , I A. Dunn.
Pat Casey and J. H. Morehcad with
their wives visited here Wednesday.
John Walker is enjoying a visit from
his mother who lives in Nelson , Neb.
H. J. Kelley , Walt. Morcheacl , and
John Walker spent Sunday in Verdon.
w. A. Cox and family visited Sunday
with their daughter , Mrs. Jesse Auk-
rom ,
Ernest Kuhlman entertained Wm ,
Kuhltnan and family otic day this
Grandpa Hanika of Falls City was n
ilcasant caller on Wednesday of last
ivcck ,
H , II. Woodrinjf has hired toAnthonj
Buchholz for the remainder of the
Chas Martin and wife entertained
Ar. F. Butler and family at dinner last
Nic Williamson and lady attendee'
ervices at the tabernacle on Sunday
Mrs , R. J. Dunn and daughter , Haze !
ivcrc callers at Dr. Fast's at thecottntj
cat Friday.
Priscilla Woodring visited with her
istor , Mrs Chas. Schulenberg of Shu
bert , last week.
Jesse Presser has severed his con-
lection wih the medical cstablishtnen
of Dr. S. A. VanOsdcl.
Bessie Surman and the Misses Warns
cy visited Sunday near Shubert wit !
he family of J. C. McClain.
J. \Vileman has secured the scr
vices of Roy Rumbaug for the cominj.
wo mouths for work on the fruit farm
Austin Delong is much better at thi :
writing and they expect to bring hin
lorae from Falls City on Wednesday
, Dclos Spicklcr and wife , and Floyc
Mitchell and wife took their diiine
ivith them and spent Sunday at tin
Owing to the illness of Nic William
son , the regular carrier , J. II. Lang
don carried the mail on route 1 , las
J. C. Wileman after disposing of :
load of hogs in Shubert last Thursda ;
brought home with him a new carriag
spring wagon and cultivator.
Among the number from this plac
who attended services in Falls Cit ;
were : J. S Spicklcr and wife , Cha
Kuker and family and Mrs. Ilenr
C. R. Suthmer came over from SI
Dcroin on Thursday with a line suj
ply of raspberries. These were readil
disposed of as they were the first o
the season seen in our burg.
Mesdames T. C. Roe and Robei
Thompson visited here Friday. The
were accompanied home by their sistc
Mrs. Susie Williamson and childrc
who will visit with them for a week.
Presiding Elder Shoup of the Evai
gclical church will hold quartcrl
meeting here on July 12 , 13 , and Utl
Ho will preach oti the evening of Jul
12th and continue services throng
the next two days.
Grandma Slagle came over from S
Dcroin Saturday with Mrs. Charlt
Suthmer and while here had her picttu
taken. Grandma Slagle , althoug
over ninety years of age , is active an
has the appearance of being muc
younger. She is at the present tin
an active Sunday school worker.
Mrs. John Thomas lias u now Muthews
Herbert. Hayes Is thu guest of friends
in Omahii.
T. L. Williams iind little daughter
Gladys are visiting his brother tit Onl
this weuir.
Florence Wheeler bus been visiting
friends nt Salem and Ilumbuldt the
past week.
Quite u crowd of young people went
to Duwson lust Thursduy evening to
attend u dunce ,
lid Luokart , wife and baby arrived
here Monday for it week's visit with
relatives at this place.
% Key. Rhode , paster of the Lutheran
church , Is spending the Fourth with
relatives in Kansas City.
A number of young people have
made a tenins court at the end of a
street in north part of town.
John Nichols , an curly settler here
bui now of Ainsworth. was the guest
of Frank Wlthee over Sunday.
Bert Harris returned to his home at
North Yakoma , Wash. , Monday after a
month's visit with his parents.
Mrs. Ol Jennings of Sulem is spend
ing the week with her daughters , Mrs.
George Slocum and Mrs. A. J.
Edith Clark of Convlngton , Ky. , and
Mrs. Cora Andrews and little son ol
Kansas City have been visiting this
week with their brother , R A. Clark ,
There are not enough children of
school age in the Witheo district
northwest of town to have school this
fall , so what pupils are there will be
sent to Stella.
Mrs. Andrews of Cordell , Oklahoma ,
arrived here last week for an extended
ylslt with her son , Dr. Andrews. Her
husband is expected here to accom
pany her home.
Clarence Swihart , a former Stellt
boy , preached at the Lutheran church
Sunday morning. Ho is on his way
to his home In Denver from the James
town exposition.
Trade Barker of Uoekport , Mo , re
turned home Saturday after a vlsli
with her aunt. Mrs. John Jenkins. OE
las : Thursday evening Mrs. Jenkin
gave u party In her honor.
A son was born to Cloydo Steele ani
wife on Wednesday , June 27th. Thes <
young people live In Nebraska Cit }
but she has been staying with hei
parent ? , A. It. Klnton and wife , foi
some time.
Ed Kroh of this place and Clan
Cowell of Auburn were married ir
Omaha Wednesday of last week , anc
returned to this place Sunday nigh
after spending a few days' with hei
relatives at Red Oak , Iowa. The :
expect to go to housekeeping in thi
Harris house the first of the week
On Monday evening the people livln <
In the north part of town chivararlei
htm and his bride. He responded by in
vitlug all in and treating them t (
J. C. Wallraff was a Fargo shoppe
F. E. Mtschc and wife were hi Rul <
Wm. Hellmann had business her
Philip Zimmerman was at Falls Cit.
A. F. Randolph had ousiness at Rul <
John Futcher and wife were Rul
shoppers Tuesday.
John Futcher and wife were visitiiij
with Ed Huuzckcr.
Louisa Thomas took the train fo
Falls City Saturday.
W. F. Dorste and wife were count
seat visitors this week.
Mrs. Tailor of Fort Hazel was a
the county seat Saturday.
H. G. Dorste and wife had busines
at the county scat recently.
Conrad Schmidt and wife were tli
guests of F. E. Nitsche Sunday.
J. C. Wallraffand family were visi
ing with John Helfenbine sr. , Sundaj
John Kloepfel sr. , and wife of Fall
City were out on their farm visitin
their son Henry over Sunday.
Man Zan Pile Remedy comes put u
in a collapsible tube with u nozzh
Easy to apply right where soreness an
inflammation exists. It relieves i
once blind bleeding , Itching or protru <
ing piles. Guaranteed. Price 50' '
Get it today. Sold by A. G.Vanne
Sadie I'eck bus been on the sick list
the past-week.
Wallace Cully was a irueftt of Minnie
Alll'on Sunday.
Win , tiartlett and-wife wcru g'uuats
of cha * . P. Stump.
Guy Stump was a guest of John
Stumu Saturday night.
Mrs. Lutz was a guest of Mrs. John
Relschick Monday afternoon.
chus. Zentuer and family spent Sun
day with John Zentner and family
Mrs. Chris Zorn spent Monday with
her daughter , Mrs. Win. Huettner.
Geqrge Shouse and family spent Sun
day with Frances Stump and family.
H. A. Burk and wife were visitors at
the home of the hitter's parents Sun
Rev. Wm. Mohler and family were
guests of Eph. Peck and family , Sun
Frank Brecht and wife were guests
ot relatives in Falls City the first of the
Chas. and Lloyd Shouse spent Tues
day wl.h Wm , Hutchison and clarence
chas. Whetstlne and family were
guests of G. W. Pritcnard and family
Mrs. O. A. Burk and son , Seymour ,
pent Monday night with H. A. Burk
and wife.
H. J. Prichard and wife spent Sun
day near Verdon the guests of Jake
Jloom and wife.
Mrs. Geo. Peck and daughter , Edith ,
spent last Thursday afternoon with
Mrs. J. W. Maust.
Frank Llchty and family spent last
Sunday in Falls City the guest of Dr ,
Mathers and family.
Miss Hampton who has been visiting
vlth Mrs. Guy Llchty left last week for
icr home In Kansas City.
Mrs. P. E. Shaffer and daughter ,
Donald , were guests of Mrs. Earl Shuf-
er Thursday of last week.
Earl Brim , sister and lady friend
rom near Hamlln , Kans. , spent Sunday -
day with Anson Knisely and wife.
Mrs. Thos. Heckler left for her home
Monday after a week's visit with her
daughter , Mrs. Earl Shaffer.
Guy Llchty. wife and friend , Mis-
Hampton spent last Friday evenlnj
with the former's brother , Frank ami
Claude Phillip ! and wife left Tuesday
for Horton , Kans. , where Mr. Phillip !
s accepted a position in a dry-goods
Btorc at thai place.
Messrs. William Haldeman and H ,
Beechy and Misses Edna Shaffer and
Grace Nedrow spent one day recently
fishing , they report catching some ol
the finny tribe.
Mrs. Wes Stump of Verdon came
down Monday and visited with Chester
Stump and family and on Tuesday ac-
CDmpanled by her daughter , Georgie
she returned to her home. Georgia
spent last week with her uncle and
Mr. Kesley was n Falls City visitor
N. B. Judd was over from Dawsot
Thursday last.
Mrs. Mose Veach came home fron
Falls City Tuesday.
Mabel Nusbaiimn came home fron
Falls City , Monday.
W. E. Boyd was over from Salem , i
short time Monday.
cumrnu Hall made a business trip ti
Falls city Thursday.
Rev. J. T. Rowman has been on tbi
sick list the past week.
Amelia Nusbaumn cume home fron
Falls City , Wednesday.
O. P. Veal and family spent Sunda :
with relatives at Stella.
Dude Corn made a business trip t <
Salem Monday evening.
Rue Gates returned to her home a
Falls City last Tuesday.
Mrs. Jake Bloom and daughter wer
Falls City visitors Tuesday.
D. A.Ramsey and wife were Fall
City visitors last Wednesday.
Lon Goolsby and wife of Falls Clt ,
visited relatives here Sunday.
Dave Davles came up from th
county seat Tuesday on business.
Dr. Hall came In from out west las1
weak for a visit to relatives here.
The I. O. O. F. lodge gave a suppe
at their lodge room , Monday night.
Herman Kelly and John Walke
were over from Barada , last Sunday.
Mrs. George Luin returned home
fhursdny from her visit nt Hcrnard ,
Mesdtunes U'lll Cook and Will Ned-
row were Falls viators one day last
Mhlurd Gooilloeund Iiunlly ol Stellji
Islted relatives hen ! the lust ot the
Messors 11111 and Brlsdy of Shube'rt '
vltnessed the Indlan-Verdon ball game
Mrs. Conner of Auburn spent a fe K
lays here visiting her sister Mrs. M.
3. Lum.
Mrs Frank Adams of Falls City ,
spent Thursday with Mrs. W. E.
Maude Clark came home from Lin
coln , Wednesday night , to spend her
Mrs. Raper , and son visited re-
atlves at Shubert the latter part oJ
ihe week.
Mrs. Charles Robins of Chicago is
icre visiting her sister. Mrs. Charles
Mrs. Dowell of Sulem spent hiRt
Wednesday here , with her sister , Mrs.
3. D. Knapp.
Josh Lord and wife of Falls City at-
.ended the IO. . O. F. supper , here
Monday night. '
Mr. McDermcnt and family of
Salem visited with her mother , Mrs.
Goolsby , Sunday.
Ada , Ruth and Clyford Corn of
Salem spent Friday with their grand
mother , Mrs. Amanda Corn.
Guy Pennington and wife of BHllngs
Montana , spent lust week hero visiting
its father , H. S. Peunington.
Mrs. MeHenry and daughters re
turned home Friday from sevuraj
weeks visit at coffeevllle , Kant
Miss Fastanean arrived here TUCS-
day from Nebraska City , for a visit to
her sister , Mrs. John Leefers.
James Tingley came down from
Lincoln. Monday. He will remain all
iumtnur and work for Beecher Cornell.
Mr ? . Hooper and grand daughter ,
Hazel Douglas , spent last week with
her daughter , Mrs. Newt Cox'of Elke
Mrs. Rogers accompaincd by Heath
Gryfith returned to her home at
wymore , Monday after visiting her
sister , Mrs.Grlfllth.
Mr. and Mrs. Skinner and ton of
St. Joseph returned home Tuesday
after several days visit with her sister
Mrs. C. W. Ocamb
Mr. McMann and family came down
from Auburn Thursday , uud visited O.
P. Veal and family. They went from
here to their new home at Falls city.
Of our Grandmother's t
Days ran largely t o j ,
Lockets. T h e fashion
< | centers of the modern x $
'I world have revived the f.i
> ( i )
$ idea and todav Lockets f.
' s
v reign supreme. We have |
| them in SOLID GOLD jj
if fy
I Prices from $ I.oo up. |
$ ?
i *
< e >