The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 05, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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. Taft , Next President.
Secretary Tnft visited Leaven-
vrorth Wednesday and ho im
( " pressed the ninny ICnnsiuis who
if- hnd the pleasure of meeting him
and liilklng with him us a line
mnn thu very best presidential
timber the natural successor ol
Roosevelt , whose policies lit
fnvors. lie is as kindly in man
ner ns McKinley. ITc looks like
Cleveland which menus that he
will plense Cleveland sound monej
Democrats who disl ko Bryan ,
He has a rare smile and twinkling
eye : His smile doesn't come olV ,
He has a pleasing voice and i
kindly hnmUshnke. Above all lit
has the merit of modesty which if
always marked in genuinely bit
men. We heard a veteran say U
him thai he hoped to vote lor hin
for president. "Well , " said Mr
Taft , "I have merely dreamed ol
being president there are othei
candidates and I may bo only i
100-to-l shot. " And then thej
both laughed as if they were ok
friends. Tnft is a big inai
physically ns well as mentally
If he doesn't weigh JJ50 ponndi
then we can't guess very close
But his weight is so well di
tributcd that ho isn't like the mat
who enid that when ho wns sicl
nt the stomach , he wns sick al
over. Tnft hns broad shoulders am
back and legs and head tint an
large nnd in keeping with his bif
length nnd breadth. Some vorj
gront nnd big men have filled tin
office with greatness. Taft wil
rank well with nny nspirnnt nnt
if chosen will become n populni
idol on account of his grent ubilit' ,
his rare good humor nnd hn
sweetness of mnnner that suggesti
Mclunloy. Ho in a great bif
helpful , hopofnl American. Kan
enns can well niTord to help boos
Tnft over the line to victory. /
writer in the Kansas City Sta
enys : Ho is big and robust am
gives physical assurnnce of hi
ability to cnrry things before him
Ho is nt once keen nnd whole
some. He is such n blcssei
change nnd relief from the old
time "four ilnshers" who got the !
arms nronnd yon nnd bnzx nm
sputter into your ears. lie look
you in the eye , clear nnd strnight
ho puts his feet down , when h
walks , firm and square , nnd hi
line the kind of n smile and th
sort of n laugh that you don'
find in men who nro devious am
underhanded. He is as far re
moved from the solemn and owl
like , frock-coat polilican Ilia
exists by ironical sulTernnce ii
Knnsns , ns the earth is from th
dog star. Ex.
I will mall jou frco. to prove morll
samples of my Dr. Snoop's Restorative
nnd my book on either Dyspepsia , th
Heart or the Kidneys. Troubled of th
Stomach , Heart and Kidneys are more
Iv symptons of a deeper ailment. Don1
make the common error of trcutln ,
t-ymptons only. Symplon treatment 1
treating the result of yourallmout , am
oot the cause. Weak stomach nerve
the Inside nerves moan storauc !
weakness , always. And the heart , am
kidneys as well , have their controllln
or Inside nerves. Wealcon th < ? " 0 nerve
and you Inevitably havu weak vita
organs. Hero U where Dr. Snoop1
Restorative has made Its fame. Nether
other remedy even claims to treat th
"Inside nerves. " Also for bloutlnj
biliousness , bad breath or comploxlor
use Dr. Snoop's Bcstoratlyo. Writ
mo today for sample and free boot
Dr. Shoop. Racine , Wls. The Roston
tlvelssold by all dealers.
The weekly band concerts nr
enjoynble not alone to tow
people but to our friends froi
the country ns well. On bnn
concert night the street presenl
a very holidny nppenrnnce wit
its crowd of bnrehended youn
ladies in white nnd the Imppi
cnre free throng listening to tl :
music nnd visiting between nun
bers. A reporter circulate
among the crowd Inst Thursdn
evening nnd wns astonished i
its well ns delighted nt the larf
umuibpr of persons in from tl
country. The bnnd boys nt
the citizens in geuernl extend
hearty invitation < to the fnnnii
community nnd hope that ne
Thursday evening even more
you will drive in and spend i
hour or two listening to n real
good band.
The Unwritten Law.
An old booze lighter down in
Virginia is being tried for
murder and he is lighting lor
Ins neck under the "unwritten
law. " The result of the case
will be known before this is
published but we hope he'll get
stuck. His daughter went rid
ing with a young fellow one
evening and got good and
drunlc. Sim was twenty years
of age and knew what she was
doing , so don't waste ' your
sympathy. The girl tried tc
square herself with the old man
by saying she was drugged and
assaulted. Then the old man
filled up and went gunning ,
Ue found the young man at
work and , without giving him
a chance to deny or explain , lit
killed him. The father , God
save the mark , ever lastingly
disgraced the girl to save his
own neck by testifying that the
girl told him she had beer
ruined , that he imediately wenl
crazy and stayed cra/.y long
enough to kill the boy then he
became sane again. The boy's
defenders wanted to show that
the girl's story could not be
true but the court wouldn't lei
them. The unwritten law , you
know , is just a law that will lei
any story be told that is strong
enough to set some fool crazy
long enough to take a human
life. It doesn't make any clif.
fercnce whether the story is
hear say , incompetent or just a
lie. if it makes the man crassj
and keeps him craxy lonj
enough to take a drink , load
his gun and kill some fellow il
accomplishes all the purposes ol
the unwritten law. This law is
'oolish enough to have beer
> assed a Kansas legislature.
Got u free sample of Dr. Shoop'i
Health ColTee" ua our store. If rca
olToo disturbs your atomuch , youi
cart or kidneys , then try this clove ,
olToo imitation. Dr. Sheep has close
Y matched old Java and Mocha coflci
n llavor and taste , yet U has not i
ltijlo ( grain of real colTco In it. Dr
Slump's Health ColTee Imitation 1
nadu from pure toasted grains o
nri > aU. with mult , nnt , etc. Made li
, minute. No tedious wait. You wil
uroly llko It. Sold by Fred K. Sohmlt
Bought A Buzz Coat.
Ewing Herbert , editor o
liawatha world , ex candidat *
'or congress and past master ii
he art of judging Falls Citj
peaches , has bought an auto
nobileand will no longer pat
oimc the stub train fron
liawatha to Falls City. Then
s nothing more pleasing to ;
nan with good blood and nervi
han to own and operate a bu/ :
tvagon , " modestly says Mr
lerbert in his paper. We re
nig1. On the boulevards it i ;
'just grand , " as Annabel ! ;
ays of the two step , but on ;
ountry road , ugh , may tin
good Lord deliver us. We'vi
ried it and have scared ever ;
earn on the high way. It isn'i
30 bad when the men talk meai
and say rude things , but whei
torses driven by ladies am
ittle children get up on thei
lincl legs and take notice w <
jet scared. So , no buzz wagoi
or us. Ouroldllee bitten sell
ng plater , like the old tune re
egeon , is good enough for us
He doesn't slcid 'much in goin
round the corners , but he chug ,
ike the devil going up nil
He has no high speed lever an
can't get far enough from horn
to make it inconvenient to wal
back if the gas gives oxit. H
is sate and same and beats
thing of levers and guide wheel
to death when a lellow's 01
riding with his steady and hn
something to do that is fa
more important than tooting ;
horn and looking for a sol
place to light.
I'll stop your pain free. To she
you first before you spend n penny
what my Pink 1'atn Tablets can do ,
will mall you free , a trial package
them Lr. ) Shoop's Headache Tab'.et
Neuralgia , headache , toothache , peril
pains , etc. , arc duo atone to blood cc
gestlon. Dr. Shoop's Headache Ta
lets simply kill pain by coaxing awi
the unnatural blood pressure. That
all Address Dr. Sheep , Racine , W
Sold by all dealers.
Crop Conditions in Nebraska.
Ilumboltlt , Nebr. , July 1 ,
Perhaps no other state is so
vholy interested in the crop con
itions as is Nebraska. We arc
trictly speaking an agricultural
people and any thing pertaining
o crop statistics is not dry read-
tig but vitally interesting.
April and May according to the
vcathcr sharps at Washington ,
iiid everybody will agree with
hemwere the coldest , ever re-
ordcd by the weather bureau.
But June has been a perfectly
lonnal month and has gone far
o redeem the discredit of the
wo months proceeding it.
Winter wheat was reported at
82 per cent of a normal condition
) ti May 1st , and this declined to
" 7 per cent report by the first of
'line. '
Prices began to soar and Si.00
vheat was right on hand , but the
armer was able to see little pros-
> ects for it to help him as the
est years crop was out of his
land and the failure of the new
crop was imminent.
Late favorable reports have
ovvcred the prices and for once
he farmer was glad that condi
tions were such as to bring them
Spring wheat localities have a
ittle better showing and report
in 88 per cent condition , but that
s a big decline from the condi-
ion that existed at that date
ast year for it was nearly ( J3 per
cent at that date.
Oats were also reported at 81
per cent against an 85 per cent
report at the corresponding date
ast year. Where the ground
was the least it hard or conditi
ons were in any way below the
iverage , the oats promise to be
exccedingl } ' short , but in other
cases arc better than for several
years , in fact the crop varies ex-
; reincly.
Fruit crops from Georgia to the
northern limits of our land , have
suffered an unusual amount. The
Kith and 17th of April a cold
wave passed over the southern
states and caught most of the
truit that had so tar escaped.
Exactly a month from that date
another wave caught the states
farther north and the fruit men
were very much discouraged , but
have been able to rescue half a
crop of strawberries and will have
some raspberries and blackberries
as many of those of the later
sorts were hurt but little.
Cotton has suffered worse than
corn and wheat and is reported
at a 70 per cent condition , which
is 14 below the last years rating
and 13 below the average rating
for the past decate.
The entire report from Nebras
ka seems a little too high , for in
stance , apples are reported at 4
per cent of a normal crop and we
would be safe in writing down a
25 per cent crop and probably a
15 per cent report would come
nearer the truth.
Clover was reported in a condi
tion of 80 per cent of a norma
crop and 50 per cent would come
nearer the right thing as mucli
seed was sown that will ncvei
make a stand and the old field ;
have only come up to half the
usual showing.
From Europe the same report ;
are coming , cereal frozen out
ground re-plowed and other crops
put in , a lack of genial weathei
and discouragements all alonj
the line of agriculture.
The wine growers of southen
France are using mob violence t <
show their discouragement , witl
them it is not lack of crops , bu
lack of a paying market that i
bringing poverty to their doors
Substitutes are taking the plao
of wines and as these people knov
of no other line of agriculture
they are starving.
From a monetary standpoin
the wheat grower of the Unitei
States can congratulate himsel
for several things point to up
ward tendency of prices that wil
offset the shortage. Some ai :
thorities estimate that we wi !
produce 150,000)000 bushels mor
than home demands require , thu
leaving that amount for exporl
But statistics show a vast declin
BEST- ' -
y = = i5o
, o
Before Investing Investigate ! ! !
We Invite Investigation.
B , P , S. is a pure Lead Zinc and Linseed Oil
Purity , Perfect Formula , Fine Grinding Means
Economy in Covering , Spreading and Wear
Ask for B. P. S. Sealed Evidence , Paint costs , I
color card and plates of colored houses , Free. 5
in the per cent of wheat exported ,
falling from 40 per cent in 1902
to H per cent of our bumper crop
of last year. Taking- this for a
basis , it would not be at all sur
prising to find that our home de-
nand is equal to the supply , then
the shortage in European coun
tries will boost the price. The
Society of Equity is working
; iard to establish a union of the
wheat growers and its success in
other lines presages remarkable
In some states where this soci
ety is working rapidly , the banks
nave refused to recognize the as
sociation and the farmers have
withdrawn their deposits and
.mited in establishing : a strong
institution of their own and find
thousands of capital ready to es
pouse their cause.
Tobacco growers have a very
strong : society and cover a vast
territory with their influence , se
curing : high prices and doing :
away with the middle men.
Southern agriculture is waking
up and calling : for more laborers
of a greater strenuosity than the
negro and now the government
is proposing : to establish new im
migrant stations at various south
ern ports and carrying : the Euro
pean worker directly to the fields
where his labor is needed.
Alfalfa is showing : a stronger
lead towards becoming : the favor
ite crop , for after cooking in
March , freezing : in April , more
freezing : and drouth in May , it
has come out with a yield of a
ton per acre for the first cutting :
and a couple more to hear from.
The Missouri penitentiary man
ufactures twine and sells it to the
farmers of the state , ihis year
they had 800,000 pounds on hand
and were able to dispose of all
of it in ten days after offering : it
at eight and three-fouths cents a
pound. We pay 12 cents here in
Nebraska for twine. Surely the
great factories cau make twine
cheaper than the small peniteir
tiary plant does. Three cents a
pound is quite a good profit foi
twine maker.
Glenview Farm.
A fine solid Mahogany case up
right piano for sale or trade. A
bargain if taken at once.
Pineules uru for the ICidneys and
Bladder. They brinp quick relief to
backache , rheumatism , lumbago , tired
worn out feelln < r. They p reduce
natural action of the kidneys In filter
ing waste matter out of the Dlood ! 50
days treatment31.00. Money refunded
If Pineules are not satisfactory Sold
by A G Wanner.
Kansas City is spending1 $2 ,
000 , a month for advertising1
the city. Palls City will be
well advertised as a dead one
it you defeat the bonds , aud
it won't cost a cent.
Phones : No ? . 177 , 217
Manuf't of
and Dealer In
We are in the front rank with a
neat line of both single and double
Bnpgy Harness. We Invite Inspec
tion and comparison.
Fly Nets , Lap Dusters and Whips
Direct from the Factory. That Is
the reason that the prices are right.
We are It on repairing. Call and
eee us. East Richardson County
Satisfaction guaranteed
or money refunded.
K * * A dose at bed time usu-
w ally relieves the most
severe case before morning.
CHICAGO , U. 4. A.
The Union House |
Recently re-decorated and < J >
re-furnished t h r o u { jhout. < |
Eveo'tliing- class. Special - < | >
ial attention given to tran-
sient. Rate , $2.00 per daj * . 4 >
Win. McPherson , Prop , i
'Phone 59 Palls City , Neb.
) r. Hannah C. Moran
'formerly Ur. ricmlnif )
Physician and Surgeon
s now loo.ited one block \Vest of the
J.itional hotel , where she will be
leased to see her old f rietuls and
oils. CalK promptly answered night
r day.
'PHONE 102
Phone 24S Over Richardson County
5 link.
, j Residence 100
ho .
-J once ,
DR. H. T. HftHN
Office at Metts' Barn. Office
Phone 139. Residence Phone
> G3.
; ' For Good Sales , flood Sen Ice , Prompt < * >
> Returns Ship Your Stock to w
\ Geo. R. Barse f
National Stock Yards , III.
Kansas City , Mo. ,
237 Acres f'ood land three if ic
miles east of Verdon. X
Will sell 157 ncres where
house stands nnd K
, remaining i <
80 ncres , sepnrntely or ns n n
For father particulars see
Joseph Strohmeyer
Verdon - - Neb
f *
it if It's Your Own Fault
If you don't get your i
money's worth. Come t
H to my Shop and buy
your Mens and Boys ll
Rlchirdion County Bank Building
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
1 l V
Farm Loans !
if if
if if-
if if
if Five cent $
i ! per money
if $ yon :
i ! Farm t
on long time on
Security , with privilege - |
lege to pay on any |
interest day. If you i
ll are in need of a Farm
Loan see me.
I Falls City , = Neb. I
f Phone No. 230 i
if #
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
SYRUP cures coughs and colds.