Remember the Falls City Chautauqua , July 21 to 31 inclusive. Arrange to be with us the entire Session. THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE. Vol. IV FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , JULY 5 , 1907. Whole No. 180 Dedication Services. The dedication services of Emmanuel church of the Evan gelical association were held Sunday , June 2Jth , and were in charge of Bishop Thomas Bow man. On Saturday evening the bishop preached a fine sermon to a large congregation and a line musical program was also rendered. Sunday morning the dedication sermon was preached and Bishop Bowman chose his text from the second chapter of Ephesians , the 20-21-22 verses. He is a splendid orator and his sermon was a very able one ) meeting with apprecia tion and hearty approval by all who heard him. It was simple , but eloquent , appealing strongly to the heart and conscience of his congregation. At this service holy communion was administered to over four hundred persons. At the noon hour a dinner was served in Mosiman's carriage display room to almost five hun dred persons , It had been pre pared by the ladies of the con gregation both in town and the country. A great many visitors from Hreston and the country were present to attend these ser- yices. Bishop Bowman also preached a sermon in the afternoon and in the evening at 7 o'clock the dedi cation services were held. They were simple and beautiful. At all services Rev. Naninga and Rev. Mansharclt , the resident pastor assisted. After the even ing service , which was compara tively short , the congregation was dismissed and most of them attended the tabernacle services- The music was one of the special features of the dedication services , haying received a great deal of time and practice for this occasion. Emmanuel church has recently been rebuilt and enlarged , owing to the growth of the congrega tion. Since being rebuilt it has been refurnished. It is now one of the largest , best furnished and most comfortable churches in our city. It is a great credit to the city , it does honor and credit to the denomination and the glory of our Maker. About eight hundred dollars were raised at the morning ser- -ice which clears the church of indebtedness. Had Finger Crushed. Harvey Stump met with an . ccident Sunday that may cost im his finger. While working i ith his bicycle he caught his r-nger in the cog chain and it as so badly mashed it may ; et have to be amputated. What Rumor Says. A rumor has been at large foi some time that the job depart ment of the Palls City Journal will soon be moved to Council Bluffs , Iowa , and that Franfc Martin , jr. , and John Martin , as soon as his term as court re porter expires , will manage it. The newspaper will probabl ) continue here until a purchase ! can be found for it. This maj not be authentic but such a rumoi has been current for sometime and the Tribune has been mon or less reliably informed withir the last day or so that the moy < would be made within a slier time. Allies Case Soon to End. Judge Raper notified the law yers that he will be in Falls Git ] the morning of July 12th t < decide the Miles case. As th < case was tried to Judge Raper ot its merits it is thought hi ; decision will probably be the be gining of the end oi this loni and bitterly fought law suit. Married. ' MosniAx-McMAiiAN. ' On Sunday evening at 8:30 : i o'clock. June 30th , 17 at the , ionic of the bride's parents , Mr. ' and Mrs. Robert McMahan , oc curred the marriage of Miss , Maggie McMahan and Mr- Fred \Iosiman- the ceremony being | performed by Rev. Manshardt of the Evangelical church. Only he near relatives and a few riends witnessed the ceremony. As the wedding march was ) layed by Mrs. Earnest Vincent : he bride and bridegroom entered jreceded by Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Fohnston who were their atten- lants. The marriage ceremony as read by Rev. Manshardt was very impressive and beautiful. After the happy couple had re ceived the congratulations of the friends , the guests were served with excellent refreshments. Mrs. Mosiman is a very popular young lady here , having spent most of her life in this citv. She las worked in the compositing rooms of the different pa'per in : his city with success and enjoys the approval of her employers and the esteem of a great many riends. Mr. Mosiman Iws been identi fied with several amusement companies and in his line has been quite successful. During the summer season he wlil represent one of the companies and his wife will travel with him. They left Sunday night fora visit to friends n Marion , la. The Tribune extends best wish es for happiness and prosperity. Died. MULLIGAN. 1877-1907. Cornelius Mulligan was born in this city July 3rd 1877 and died Jutie 28lh 1007 at his home n Clay Center , Neb. , aged 20 years 11 months and 2u days. He was married January 10th 1900 to Miss Belle Hossack of this city and to them one child was born , Glenwen Neal , aged three months. Neal Mulligan has spent most ot his life here and is well known to the entire community. He was a printer by profession and has been very successful at at his trade. He was a young man of good habits , of happy , amiable disposition and made friends readily at home and among strangers. After his marriage in 1006 he and his wife lived for some time in Superior , Nebr. , and from there moved to Clay Center where he held a good position in his trade. Quite recently he came to this city with his wife and baby for a visit and bad only been'back to his home a lew days when on Friday June 21st he was taken ill and his wife left here on Saturday for her home to care for him. During the week that followed his suf fering was intense , in many ways resembling spinal meningitis. Death came June 28th at 3:80 : a. m. , as the result of cerebral hemmorhaye. The remains were brought to this city Friday evening and the funeral services were held from St. Francis Roman Catholic Church Saturday June 29th at 10 o.clock a m. The interment was made in the Catholic cemetery east of town. To the wife and other re latives who survive him many friends join us in extending sincere sympathy. FRITZ. Grandma Fritz died at the home of L. L Aldrich Sunday June 30th and was burried from St. Frances Roman Catholic church Monday , July 1st , the OUR PRIDE , FALLS CITY BAND The above is the picture of Prof. I larnnck's Military band that will furnish the music for the coming1 chautauqua. This is strictly a Falls City organization and one of which our citizens are justly proud. They will do much to con tribute to the pleasure of the patrons of the chavitauqua. interment being made in the Roman Catholic cemetery east of this city. Crezantha Webber was born in Eleasus Marine , Germany , June 10th 1824 , and was tlK-re- fore 83 years and 21 days old at the time of her death. She came to America with her parents , members of a German colony , about 1838 and settled in Ohio where she was married to Martin Fritz. To them ten children were born but it is only known that one is living , Mrs. Sam Prater of this city. It i's believed that one son lost iiis life among the Spanish- American war as nothing has been heard of him since he was ordered into service. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz came to Nebraska about 18GJ and settled on a farm east of this city which he bought from the Half- breeds. For many years grand ma Fritz has made her home with Mrs. L. L. Aldrich who has cared for her with kindness und consideration. She was a good , kindhearted woman until enteebled with age , was always industrious and a hard worker. She has always borne the love and respect of her friends for her kindness and help to those in need. Her death was due to her age. She has been failing for some time though her last illness was of only a week dura tion. She has lived a good life and bore her sufferings uncom plainingly , To those who miss and mourn her we extend our sympathy. District Court. Judge Kelligar was down Mon day to close up the business for the summer. He overrulled the motion for new trials in the cases of Hinton against the B. and M ; Strawn against the Humboldt bank and Bleuer against the bank. It is understood that all these cases will go to the Supreme court. The case of Dr. Day of Salem to enjoin Dr. Heskett of the same place from practicing medicine was tried and determined in favor of the plain tiff. Real Estate Transfers. Johanna Ilnizda and Frank J. Henzda to Joseph A. Williamson wd to lots 1 , 2. 3 and 4 block 13 Tinkers addition , Humboldt $4.000. George Scott and wife to Henry Jordon # acre more or less in the southeast corner of neX 9-13- 17. $100. J. A. Cook and wife to A. N. Cook lots 13-14-15-16 block 15 Crook & Towle addition to Falls City , SCOO , With the City Council. The council met in regular session on Monday evening. The matter of the resignation of Mayor Barrett was taken up. It was decided not to accept the mayor's resignation as those familiar with the city's affairs and the mayor's method and plans for conducting the same are sat isfied and believe he is doing the greatest good possible under ex isting circumstances and have confidence in his ability to carry out the plans now in operation for the city regardless of the knockers. By refusing to accept his resignation the council have indorsed his plans and will work with him to the further good of the city. The regular business of the first of the month was taken up , and the claims against the city for the month ot June allowed. A committee was appointed tote to meet the park committee and arrange for the water and lights in the park during the chautau qua. The committeemen are , Fast , Gehling and Hahn. The judges and clerks for the special election to be held July Kith , when the light , water and park bonds are to be voted , were named. They are : First ward , judges , J. R. Reid , John Cox , A. W. Southard ; Clerks , Geo. Holtj J.W.Powell. Second wardjudges , Jake Messier , Geo. Goff , L. L. Aldrich ; clerks , Fred Sebold , H. P. Custer. Third ward , judges , Con Horan , H Lynscum , F. Me- Farland ; clerks. Frank Smith , Wm. Moran. The council then adjourned to meet Monday evening , July 8th. - - Pacific Express Office. Our office is now located at the Morsman Drug Store first door south of Richardson Connty Bank. We shall be pleased to handle your packages ; give us a trial. J. B. VAKXKK , Agent. WANTJJD : Man to buy com plete Moving Picture outfit , ready for business. Inquire for Mr. Kinkead. National hotel , Thursdaj- Friday , a. in. - Walter Boyle of Omaha came down Tuesday to spend a couple of weeks in this citv. He was called to Omaha Wednesday to attend the funeral of a friend , and will return after the inter ment and feast on mother's viands for a few days. Humboldt people were loyal tote to their ball team and rooters were on the ground in goodly numbers. Oliver Hall and Frank Power of Humboldt were callers at this office Thursday. Society News. Master Lloyd Wahl entertained a large party of his little friends on Monday of this week , the oc casion being the celebration of hisjsixth birthday anniversary. All kinds of interesting games were played on the beautiful lawn and the time passed all too quickly for the little folks. During the afternoon Mrs. Wahl served very templing refreshments , such as always delights the little folks. Lloyd received many gifts from his friends as tokens of friendly remembrance. It was a very happy gathering and the little folks enjoyed them selves thoroughly. A jolly party of young people spent Sunday at the Missouri lakes. It was an ideal day and all report a splendid time. The party consisted of Miss Ray Mil ler of Nebraska City , Misses Florence Wylie , Ethel Cade and Leah Potcet ; Messrs. Alex Leo , George Martin , Guy Crook and Earl Carruthers. Among the picnic parties that went to the Lakes last Sunday was one composed of Miss Aoleen Filkin of Chicago , Miss Floy Grinstcad , Messrs. Fred a n d Ralph Jenne. They drove over early in the morning , returning the same evening. All report a fine time. Misses Hazel and Chloe Prater entertained a number of friends on Tuesday evening for their guest , Miss Angle Glenn of Sa- betha , and their cousin , Chelcie Starks of St. Joe. The evening was given to music and games upon the lawn which was lighted with Japanese lanterns. Refresh ments were served by Mrs. Prater during the evening. The enter tainment proved a very success ful one as all present report an enjoyable time. Mrs. Frank Landis will enter tain a company ot young ladies and gentlemen tonight at whist for her sister , Miss Ray Miller of Nebraska City. St. Matrha's Guild will give a 15c supper at the residence of George Cleveland on Wednesday , July 10th , from 5:30 : to 8 p. m. An unusually good supper has been planned and being so close to the business center , a special invitation is extended to the bus iness men and to the general public. A marriage of interest to a large circle of Falls City friends is that of Miss Anna Bovle who will be married on July 10th , to Mr. Herold Douglas. The mar riage will take place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marvin in Oklahoma City and will be very quiet , owing to the recent sorrow in the family. Only relatives and a few very close friends will be present. Miss Boyle has a host of friends who extend to her their hearty good wishes , and to Mr. Douglas , who is a stranger to us , sincere congratulations. The Married Ladies Kensing ton gave a picnic in the Dorring- ton yard the Fourth for their families. A splendid dinner was served and a royal good time is reported. The L. B. T. art club , with families , held a picnic in Hol land's park the Fourth. The program was published in last week's issue. The ladies prepared - pared a splendid picnic dinner. All present enjoyed the day thor oughly. Marriage Record Fredrick Mosiman , Falls City..38 Maggie McMahan Falls City..23 Emil Lippold , Forest City 23 Pearl Dickerson , Forest City. . 17 Married by Judge Gagnon. Notice it ! * Lyford's big ad on lage 3. Sam Bayne made a business isit to Salem Thursday. Mrs. T. 0. Roe spent last Fri- lay in Barada with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Stump isited friends at Stella Sunday. R. J. Dunn of Barada made a nisincss trip to the city last LMiursday. Xola McCool returned to Salem Sunday after a'week's visit with Mrs. Robt. Rule. Miss Ida Witt who was oper- ited upon last week is reported omewhat better. John Wilson of Cleveland , Ohio is the guest of his brother Charles this week. Mrs. R. J. Dunn and daughter nine down from Barada 'to visit Mrs. Fast last Friday. Joe Windlc of Salem was at he home of his daughter , Mrs. ames Mettz last Thursday. Mesdames McCool and Sim- nons attended the tabernacle scr- ices here last Friday afternoon. Mrs. II. C. Marion and daugh- er returned last Friday from a 'isit of several weeks in Oberline , Cans. ' Mrs. George Holt and son , ohn W. , jr. , went to Excelsior Springs Tuesday for a couple of weeks. Miss Catherine Seibel returned rom Geneva Tuesday where she spent a couple of weeks with a sister. Miss Nesledak * of Hiawatha who visited Miss Senner went to Bennett , Neb. , Monday to visit friends. Ruth Southard who has been visiting relatives at this place eft Tuesday for her home at ) cnver. Miss Maude Graham returned ionic Tuesday night after a hree weeks visit in St. Louis and Chillicotha , Mo. Born : To Thomas Jameson ind wife on Sunday June 30th , twins , a boy and a girl. W. S. Past was in atttendance. Mrs. Lawrence and daughter , Pearl , left Thursday afternoon for a month's visit with relatives in Seattle , Washington. Miss Josephine Gehling wen to Excelsior Springs Saturday to see her mother who is there for the benefit of her health. Francis Stump made us a pleasant call Wednesday and will have this family necessity sent to his daughter Mrs. Spang- ler of Merrill in the future. Among those from Salem who attended the tabernacle services here last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Windle , Dr. and Mrs. Day and Mr. and Mrs. James French. LOST : A pair of gold filled spectacles and a black case with the name of W. II. Halderman , Merrill , Kans. , on case , June 23. Finder please leave at Tribune offce. Reward will be given. Mrs. Jennie Wcntworth and daughters , Gertrude and Edna , returned the first of the week to their home at Nortonville , Kan sas , after a two weeks visit with Mrs. Wm. Cade and daughter , Ethel. Harry Morrow and family of Pittsburg , Kas. , are spending a few "days with her parents , Mr , and Mrs. W. S. Korner. Harry is much improved in health and pleased with the change of territory assigned him by the firm he represents.