The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 28, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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ff sJ > | l J l J * ( lf
* * We are glad to place at your service every
$ f facility that a careful , conservative bank can $
f1 * offer , either in the way of a Commercial Ac- * *
J count subject to check , or in the way of time * f [
certificates bearing 3 per cent interest.
4 * We are here to serve the PUBLIC as best $
* &
we know how. Let us serve YOU.
4 * We do a general banking business. * $ ?
± * ± * * * ± * * * * it ± * * * ; * * * *
' rS * * * - * -
Never in your life have you seen a more complete
and up-to-date stock of Fine Buggies , Surries and Driv
ing Wagon as you will find on our Sample Floor today.
We have just received another carload of Moon Bros. ,
Buggies. We can fit you out-in Moon Bros. , Henney
and Keys. Don't fail to see our Line , and our Prices
are from $35.00 up.
Remember we carry a big stock of Implements and
can fit you out in anything you need in our line , such as
Gasoline Engines We lead them all. See us when in
need of Windmills or Lightning Rods. We handle the
Pure Soft Copper Cable only.
And Don't forget us when in need of anything in
the Implement Line. (
Yours Truly
Werner , Mosiman Co ,
< W * ' * ' * * ' * ' ' * * ' * * * -
| f CHAS. WILSON . |
4 Will move his stock to the 4
4 Holt Shoe room about July 20th. 4
4 Special prices on China and 4
4 Queensware until moving day4
Roosevelt's Kind.
President Roosevelt can find no
fault with the town of Charlotte ,
Tenn. , and its surrounding terri-
; ary in the matter of race suicide.
The family of J. N. Parrotts
} ere numbers sixteen sons and
t , vo daughters. The family of
Alexander Cunningham has four-
5 : en members , the sexes being
venly divided. Pitts Powers
IMS thirteen children. There is
i ot a family in the whole coun-
iry surrounding Charlotte that
Las less than eight members.
Recently an Indiana man , John
Nabb , removed from Mount Vernon -
non , Iml.i to this place. He had
only one child , a little girl. The
Nabbs were made to feel their
unpopularity to such an extent
that they only remained in Char
lotte for two weeks , moving from
here to Milan , where race suicide
feeling is not so extreme.
Satisfaction guaranteed
or money refunded.
ta A dose at bed time usu-
W ally relieves the most
severe case before morning.
CHICAGO , U. 4. A.
Buys big Ranch.
W. H. Stringfield hns disposed
of his Fillmore county property ,
onBisting of a residence in Gene-
n and a quarter section west of
own two niilee , and has purchased
n Holt county , near the town of
wing , R ranch of 1040 acres.
The new property ie especially
adapted for stock and Mr. String-
ield will remove there in a short
ime with his eons , E. P. and W ,
S. ; C. 0. Stringfield will nleo go
here some time in thefntnre , per-
laps in the fall. They have an
excellent proposition for the cat-
le business and will push it.
In the transaction the String.
ield residence property adjoining
: he Gazette was secured by D. A ,
Huston of Ewing. Geneva Ga
Man Zsin Pile Remedy comes put uj
n u collapsible tube with a nozzle
Easy to apply right where soreness ant
ntlammstion exists. It relieve ? a
once blind bleeding , Itching or protrud
ing piles. Guaranteed. Price oOc
Get it today. Sold by A. G. Wanner
Boy Loses Finger.
Franklin , the nine-year-old eoi
of Miles Jones wns playing with i
bone grinder Monday when IK
caught the index finger of the lef
hand in the cog wheels. The fin
ger was BO badly crushed that i
was necessary to amputate it a
the first joint. The little fellos
went through the ordeal bravel
and is now getting along all righl
Salem Sentinel.
Little Liver Pills
Taf t's biff lilt in Kansas.
IB Kansas for Taft ? Well ,
nit her 1 Tt took only part of two
diiys for the Secretary of Win10
iii'ikt1 a oil-mi y\\vt > p of the state ,
nndoinch it for 1SIOS And iiotlj-
ing was over done with more ease
and IOPB trouble. It is the happy
way Unit Tnft hus of walking into
the favor of the people that in
dicales hie power. By being
nothing but just himself he can
make more head-way with a crowd
in an hour's time than a calculat
ing , main chance politician could
HIOW ! in a whole compuign.
[ n Taft all of the Kansas fel
lows sqtinri' dealers and ' 'mach
inists'1 are kt'en enough to re-
cogni'/e a winner. He has fol
lowers who understand w e 1 1
enough that they need him and
couldn't get onithoul him ; but ,
all considerations of Helf-intorest
aside hypothetic-ally speaking , of
course Taft would be bound to
make a great hit in K'msas. Tie
is smart and "able" to begin , or ,
to give preference to the Kansas
vernacular "brainy. " Tie is big
ami rabust and gives physical ae-
surance of his ability to carry
things before him. He is at once
keen and wholesome , lie. is
such a blessed change and relief
from the old-time , "four llushers"
who get their arms around you
and bura and sputter into your
ears. Ho looks you in the eye ,
clear and straight ; he puts his
feet down , when he walks , lirm
and square , and he has the kind
of a smile and the eott of a langh
that you don't find in men who
are devious and underhanded.
He is as far removed from the
solemn and owllike , frock-coiit
polilican that exist * by ironical
sull'erance in Kansas , as the earth
is from the dog star.
In short , Taft is the real tiling ,
and that Kansas has been so
quick to find it out makes people
really hopeful of that state who
hardly knew what to think of it
when the railroad senate was run
ning things at Topeka last winter.
Kansas City Star.
Pinculcs urc for the Kidneys tuul
Hlwldcr. They bring quick relief to
backache , rheumiitisin , lumbago , tired
worn out feeling. They produce
natural action of the kidneys In filter-
in ! : waste mutter out of the olood IiO
diiyfa treatment$1.00. Money refunded
if Pineules are not satisfactory. Sold
by A. G Wanner.
Bad Run-Away.
A team , belonging to Jack
Frnlces and hitched to a harrow ,
ran away Tuesday. One horse
was so crippled up that it was
found necessary to kill it and the
other was badly damaged.
This is a severe loss to Mr.
Frakes in which his friends heart
ily sympathize. Salem Index.
A devoted couple lived in
North Missouri near the Iowa
line. The husband violated a
criminal statute and was sen
tenced to the penitentiary. Two
or three months after the hus
band had been taken to the pen-
ileniary the wife appeared at
the county seat and called upon
the sheriff to inquire about how
her husband was getting along.
The latter had not received any
word from him since leaving
him in the custody of the war
den of the penitentiary. This
information distressed the wife.
After an outburst of tears she
declared that she was going tc
Jefferson City to see her hus *
band. Her means were scant ,
but she declared she would walli
the distance. * 'I love my hus
band , " she the wite , "and the
long journey is nothing in com
parison to the joy it will giv <
me to see him. I know al
about the trip , too , for 1 walkec
it several years ago when mj
first husband was in the peni
tentiary at Jrfferson City. H <
is still there , i > ut he is not rrn
husband any more , for I got \
divorce from him to marry tin
one 1 am now going to see. "
Man's Character.
According to an old French eay
ing1 "A man'fc character is like hi
shadow , which sometimes follow
and sometimes precedes him am
which is occasionally longer , oc
cneionally shorter , than he is.
. - - - - UT * Vl I
We are Headquarters for the Full and Complete line of f
i St. Joseph Implements
This line needs no introduction in this community as these goods are
conceded the best on the market. When in need of a Lister , Cultiva
tor , Harrow or anything in the line of Implements , call on us and get
prices before buying. We also carry a fine line of Wagons , Carriages
and Buggies.
In addition , we carry a full line of Flour and Feed from the following
mills : Preston , Falls City and White Cloud. When in town call on us
and look over our stock whether you want to buy or not , we will treat
you right.
Worth While.
Envy is the sorrow of fools.
The best remedy for worry is
To a small soul a dollar always
looks big.
Hope is the twin brother of
We cannot sow bad seed and
reap a good harvest.
There is no deception so dan
gerous as self-deception.
It isn't the biggest tree that
always bears the best fruit.
The man who 'lives only to
please himself has a hard master.
It is a great mistake to suppose
money can buy happiness.
There are men who help the
world a great deal when they get
out of it.
Malice and hatred are very
fretting and make our own minds
sore and uneasy.
All the knowledge in the world
can't make a wicked man feel at
home in a prayer meeting.
Treasure laid up in heaven
don't stop drawing interest when
the bank down here breaks.
If the bass drum could think ,
it would probably wonder why it
has to keep still so much.
It isn't always the man who
prays the loudest at prayer meet
ing that people believe in most.
From the body of one guilty
deed a thousand ghostly fears
and haunting thoughts proced.
A town may not grow very
fast , but there is always about
the same amount of work for the
A sound head , an honest heart
and an humble spirit are the
three best guides through time
to eternity.
No life is successful until it is
radiant. A man has no more
right to go about unhappy than
he has to go about ill-bred.
Worry rnd fret are fatal to the
integrity of nerve and brain.
Fear can sting like a scorpion
and torment like a scourge.
Clock Installed.
The magnificent clock , which
was a present to the high school
by the graduating class of ' 07
arrived several weeks ago and ,
after being thoroughly tested
at the store of the Auburn
Music & Jewelry Co. , has been
The beautiful timepiece stands
84 inches high and is 2-1 inches
broad. It has a sweep-second
regulator with second hand ,
making circuit of the twelve-
inch dial.
Its compensating pendulum
weighing 25 pounds , makes at
mospheric changes of no consequence
quence , so far as accurate time
is concerned. This is a most
beautiful and practical gift and
will keep in remembrance of
future classes the glories of that
of ' 07 , the names of whose mem
bers appear on a neat panel in.
side the clock case. Auburn
Clothes for
Hot Weather
Nothing to equal our two-piece Outing Suits
for comfort and style. A half dozen different
cuts to select from , in sacks , and scores of
handsome patterns. Shape retaining too , and
extremely stylish.
Hats , Neckwear , Gloves , Shirts , Un
derwear and Hosiery to match.
You needn't look further if you want values.
These garments equal the finest output of ex
ceptionally good tailors , and our prices for Out
ing Suits range from $9,00 to $12.50.
Lightning Does Damage.
During the severe electric storm
ast Thursday night St. Francis
Roman Catholic church was
5truck by lightning. The light
ning seems to have struck the
east end of the chnrch in the
ewer , splitting some of the
weather boarding and taking a
oed deal of the plastering. The
electric bell and most of the plas
tering on the north side of the
confessional was destroyed ,
though the bells in the priest's' '
iiousc , which are operated by the
same battery , were uninjured.
At the north corner of the sac
risty a great deal of the plaster
ing was tprn off the ceiling
and walls while at the south cor
ner the baseboard is ripped off
almost clear across the chancel
and a little of the plastering
taken with it. The sacristy is in
the west end of the church , far
removed from the tower. In the
priest's house the electric light in
the dining room was torn out
taking the plaster with it. No
other damage was done and
nobody in the house felt the
A pole in front of the National
hotel was struck and the lights
burned out. At Al Restorer's
also , the lights were damaged , as
was the case in several other res
idences in town. Several electric
light poles in the south of town
were split and splintered.
The home of John Ramsey in
the Crook addition , north end ,
was struck by lightning the
same night. The family felt the
schock but slightly and damage
to the house was in having the
shingles and the plaster torn off.
The bites und stings of Insects , tun ,
sunburn , cuts , burns und bruUus urc
relieved ut once with Plnesulvo Cur-
bolizcd * Acts like u poultice and draw *
out Inlhunniutlon. Try It. Price 2.1c.
Sold by A. G. Wunnar.
One of the large barns on Will
Holt's farm was struck by light
ning during the storm Thursday
night and considerable damage
was done. The stroke hit the
cttpalo in the center and passed
'down ' through the hay and ran
( to each end of the building where
I the doors were splintered and
some of the siding torn off. One
of Billy's fine calves was pretty
well stunned but recovered short
ly. Fortunately there was no
fire in the stroke or it is likely
all the bams on the place would
have gone. It was a pretty close
call as it was.
I'll stop your pulii free. To show
you first before you spend u penny
whut my Pink Pain Tablets can do , I
will mall you free , u trial package ot
them Lr. Snoop's Headache Tablets.
Neuralgia , headache , toothache , period
pains , etc. , are due ulono to blood con
gestion. Dr. Snoop's Headache Tab
lets simply kill pain by coaxing away
the unnatural blood pressure. That is
all Address Dr. Sheep , Racine , Wis.
Sold by all dealers.