The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 28, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE FALLS Cl'l V TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , JUNE 28 , 190 ? ll
Now And Then.
The Fourth of July should be
a great day in Falls Oity. So
far as we know no other town in
the vicinity is intending to cele-
brute and there is , consequently
no good excuse why all roads
should not lead toFullsCityonln-
dependence day. With this op.
portunity to play to a full house
the committee should leave
nothing undone to make it the
best ever. It will be a mis
cellaneous crowd and the program -
gram should be as varied as the
likes and dislikes of the au
dience. Two corking good ball
games will be played which is
good enough as far as it goes ,
but there will be many here
who do not care for base ball.
To those we promise other attractions -
tractions that will be as pleas
ing as base ball is to those who
love the great game. Just ar
range your affairs that you may
spend this holiday in Falls City
and Falls Oity will make good.
After the dth then what ? The
chautauqua ol course. Have you
seen the program , offering as
itdoes eleven days of the best at
tractions to be secured for love
or money ? Don't think because
this is the initial year of our
chautauqua that it won't be
worth while. The truth is it
will be worth while because this
is the first year. Falls City
hasn't been very sociable for
some time ; we haven't been in
viting you to our house as
much as we should for several
years. We are getting a little
more hospitable of late , how
ever , and we want to do the
right thing by those to whom
TVC owe so much. Consequently
ive have contracted with some
great preachers to visit us and
we want you to hear their mes.
sages. The Kilties band , out
of the greatest musical or
ganizations in the world , wil !
bring its host of musicans t (
play for you. The best o
American's lectures have beet
engaged. The moving pictun
man will be here , male quar
tettes , colored jubilee singers
A ladies musical organization
in fact every thing necessar
to a high grade chautauqua ii
included , and you will regret i
if you don't ' arrange your worl
to spend a few days at the nev
city park during chautauqu ;
* *
The union meeting under Kev
Oliver are continuing witl
marked success. The taber
nacle is none too large to ac
comodate the vast crowds tha
congregate. Every night UK
hitch racks are crowded witl
teams Irom the country and tin
' walks to the house of service
are lined with the faithful
That the meetings shall prov <
successful is the hope ot even
man who loves his home city
The trouble between the evangi
list and the band is regretted
and we feel is more to result o
misunderstanding than an ]
thing else. The evangilist ha !
been criticised , and justly wi
think , for his harsh languagi
about Prof. Haruack. Tin
people of Falls City owe Wil
liam Harnack a great deal. HI
contributed much to th
'asure of the music levin )
know him to be a cul
msican , a quiet , unasuni
ing tletnan and one wh
merit the unkin' '
'things saa of himli is no
'known IS tllne how lon
a * ffc
' 'e held but fr01
services wvllj \ ,
Ons the ' wil
present fart' . * . >
' nue seven
Just keep in miudlii'e 8peci
election on the bond
tion to be held ne * < r\
Just bear 'in mind the din
owe as a'chisen.of
an ambrtx ,
struggling -little .city.
forsret that a town is w'tafc it-
people make itr be at goodj OT |
bad We need improved water e
aad light service and w , wljL ,
lave them if thecitizene wfc \ \ \
get out and vote. We need a
ity park , a place where public
Mthcrings can be accomodated ,
i place that can be beau tilled
ntil it is the pride and plea.
ure of the entire community.
\ few men actuated by public
pirit purchased this beautiful
He and immediately offered it
.o the city for just what they
jaid for it. There is no desiree
o make a dollar on the proposi-
ion. but just a hope that Falls
City will do those things which
nake lor a better , a prettier
ind a progressive town. Let the
roice of the obstructionist be
ileuced and the croak of the
irds of the night be heard no
move in the land.
Sentiment and Sentimentality.
afford Pyko In the Now York Com
mercial Advertiser.
Three words in our language
re confused , misunderstood and
lisapplicd. . These words are
Sentiment. Sentimentality and
Romance. Of these , the two
hat arc most often confounded
re Sentiment and Sentimental
Sentiment in itself is one of
lie very finest of all human at-
ributes. It is the instinctive
eeling and appreciation for what-
vcr is noble or tender or exquis-
te touching in human life , in
iitman thought or in human
ction. It is almost identical
vith sympathy , and the posses-
ion of it enables one to enter
nto the feelings of another and
o understand them. A man of
cntimcnt is one who recognizes
lot only that which is superficial
n what happens , but who can
ook deeper down and perceive
he true impulses and the genu-
tie emotion that lie back of what
s done or said.
To be devoid of sentiment is tc
ese everything that is most beau
tiful in every situation , to pass
through life emotionally color
blind and to be tone-deaf to all
the exquisite harmonies that pul
sate through the daily life ol
every one of us. Without senti
ment we are hard without mean
ing it ; we are unkind withqul
ever knowing it ; and we an
guilty of a thousand crudities
that grate and jar without oui
ever being conscious of them
Sentiment looks far ahead. Ii
feels instinctively what is com
ing. It molds our speech ant
modifies our manner through its
perfect feeling for the feeling o :
another. It is , therefore , tlu
oul of tact , of gentleness , o :
On the other hand , sentimen
tality is the perversion and tlu
abuse of sentiment , for it is senti
ment run wild and uncontrolled
until it degenerates into mawk
ishness. It illustrates the etcrna
truth that every virtue and everj
good quality , unless balanced
and controlled by others , will al
est infallibly become a vice
Sentiment , for instance , needs tc
be controlled and balanced bj
strength of will , by firmness , fy
humor and by taste. It is prob
ably humor more than anything
else that acts as a barrier to pre
vent sentiment from becoming
sentimentality , because a sensi
of humor is a perpetual preven
tive of absurdity. It searchei
out the false note in everything
It bids one pause in doing or say
ing anything which trembles 01
the verge of the ridiculous. I
recognizes what is incongruous
or ill-timed or out of keeping
Moreover , humor is itself a par
of sentiment , and sentiment al
ways recognizes and enjoys tin
humorous touch and the littl
whimsicalities in any incident o
situation. Hence it is by thi
that one can with the greates
ease ; discern the difference be
tween the man of sentiment am
the sentimentalist. The former i
keenly alive to fun ; the latte
abhors it.
Sentiment is not loud spoken
It does not proclaim its own ex
istence. It is seen in act fa
more than in mere words. I
\ists foreverbut it is not alway
displayed. It comes on
at the psychological momen
nil Mail Order Houses are small , low arm machines to bo run by hand For
t . a iv American womni , tare not worth the money ashed.
'Lm iJ , oo J3all Bearing tt is the finest sewing machine you ever saw and it
3 n non money thanaanycheap
i il ri.iri.incs offered by agents ,
'i hu heari is ct n. plea-ing design and beauti
ful ! v ft ilsht ' me' lors 'I he mcchnnisni ismado
on in entirp'y newand
{ * > i > a.mcipe ; ! so
that nil
U ! < if
cloih Irom
the thimiot
to in" thickest
can LHJ uusily snvcJ. Hard
en 'd tool stuul is used
throughout so that it will
pnv tlcalty wear forever.
All the bright exposed parts
are heavily nickel plated over
contwr the moit durable finish
knosMi. The nickel is given a high
mirror finish.
Ilia Bartlctt makes the celebrated
lock stitch which absolutely cannot
become unraveled and will never give
away. It haj positive takeup ,
disc tension , capped needle bar ,
automatic tension release , four motion
feed ? nd automatic bobbin winder.
Til5 woodwoi It of n ilrlktnc ni > w de lrn
with rolled veneer cilre wlilrli tu.ika II Iwok
like t plrea of pirlor turnlttirn. The woa.l It the linen nuarlffr sivrpd oik nnd thi finish Is hand rub-
l > -d , jtut ll' < 9 U n-ifil on a f fi plsno , The drawei s are cuinplelelr rticlojed atid are lonir and roDmy.
The timl his full lixil Jioel liall buarlngi which nuke it run lll.n \vji.-ii it lui an automatic belt
replirer anil oil r-pi tn ptcvmt snlllnif thecarp-t I'ree Nickel I'Uted Sterl Attielitnems as follows
air furMliliudttltii uaciitn.ichii.u. ru'Ilcr ' , iuc < . r iler. l > < l > ir , f in' ihlrrii tid platu , four assorted
li-"iinr ( iinlliiir , f nt hammer itnri falhr .S tp I icrn.v ilrive oil run , bubbini , etc. . are included.
i J 'i t nu auji aint ! uutil you * .i. t-u.'io , ioj uardcu you nill uvo money anJ get the bnest
vhcn it is fitting-and harmonious ,
iiid when it will surely 'strike a
responsive chord in the heart of
another. Never by any possibil-
ty can it be ridiculous. Senti-
ncutality , however , is just the
icvcrse. It is forever telling of
tself. It is excited by the most
rifling causes. It has no control
over its own manifestations , and.
nstead of winning , it repels , and
sometimes sickens. Sentiment
oes with the truest manliness
and strength. Sentimentality is
the inevitable concomitant of
weakness. Sentinent is to senti
mentality what caution is to
cowardice , what prudence is to
stinginess , what economy is to
avarice and what love is to lust.
The manifestations of each
may be the same , and whether it
is sentiment or sentimentality
that is shown depends wholly
upon the time and the occasion
in other words , upon the control
which good taste exercises over
the individual. Nor is the man
ner of the manifestation of any
importance in itself. There may
be more meaning in the tremor of
a voice or in the deepening of a
tone than in strenuous protesta
tions of a passion of tears. The
time and the moment are every
thing. When two Frenchmen
have been separated for a week
and , on meeting once again , rush
into each other's arms , with all
the evidences of intense emotion ,
this is sentimentality. When
Nelson lay dying on the blood
stained deck at the moment when
Talfalgar's victory was won , and
when he said to the devoted-com
mander who bent over him , "Kiss
me , Hardy , " that was sentiment.
One of the newspaper of Pekin ,
China , line lately celebrated the
five hundredth anniversary of its
establishment. During its long
period of publication the editorial
stall hits several times been be
headed , either in front of the office
or in it , for printing news which
displeased the court. The expres
sion , "he has severed his connec
tion , " may be Chinese newspaper
English. Youth's Companion.
Summer coughs and colds yield at
once to Bees Laxative Cough Syrup.
Contains honey and tar but no opiates.
Children llko it. Pleasant to take. Tta
laxative qualities recommend it tc
mothers. Hoarseness , coughs , crou\ \ ]
yield quickly. Sold by A. G. Wanner.
Christian Church.
Services next Sunday as fol
lows :
J:45 : a. m. Bible School.
11:00 : a. m. Preaching
7:00 : p. m. Y. P. S. C E. Meeting.
8:00 p.m. Preaching.
Bro. T. J. Oliver will preach
at both morning and evening
You are invited to attend.
Plneules for the kidneys strengther.
these organs and assist in drawing
poison from the blood. Try them foi
rheumatism , kidney , bladder trouble ,
for lumbago and tired worn out feeling ,
They bring quick relief , Satisfactiot
Guaranteed. Sold by A. G. Wanner ,
St. Thomas Episcopal Church.
Services :
Holy Bucharest , 7:30 : a m.
Morning prayer and sermon ,
10:45 : a m.
Evening service and sermon ,
7:45 : p m.
Sunday school , 9:45 a m.
Evensong , Fridays , 7:45 : p m.
Choir rehearsal every Friday
night after the service.
Rev. Geo. Neide. Rector at St.
Thomas Episcopal church.
M. E. Church.
The following services next
Sabbath :
9:45 : Sunday school.
10:45 : preaching.
2:00 : p. m. Junior league.
7:00 : p. in. Epworth league.
8:00 : p. m. , Preaching.
Prayer meeting 8:00 : p. m. on
Wednesday evening.
All cordially invited.
W. T. CLINK , Pastor.
Opening of
Huntley Lands :
& } ,000 ncres government irri
gated Innd near Billings , Mon-
tnnn , opened by lottery system
June 2b'lhclienpexcursioi ; rates
to register for these rich irrigat
ed lands. Finest prizes yet of
fered by the government. Cost
approximately $30.00 nn acre ,
divided into ten yearly pay-
ments. Get .details.
To Pacific
Coast :
Specially low round trip Cali
fornia rates June 8th to loth ;
June 22nd to July 5th. Also to
Portland , Seattle and Spokane.
June 20th to July 12th. Daily
low rate Coast tours commenc
ing June 1st. Slightly higher
via Shasta route.
Good Chances
Eastward :
Daily low Jamestown Exposition -
tion rates with side trips ( avail
able for New York , Philadelphia ,
Boston , Atlantic Coast resorts.
Also July Jlrd to Gth very cheap
to Saratoga with side trips to
New York , also July llth to
18th to Philadelphia.
Big Horn
Basin :
We run personally conducted
homeseekers' excursions June
4th and iSth , under guidance of
D. Clem Deaver , General Agent
Landseekers' Information Bu
Local Ticket Agent.
L. w. WAKCLCY' , c. p. A. ,
Omaha , Neb.
The Falls City Roller Mills
Docs a general milling business , and manufactures the
I following brands of flour
3 The above brands are gunrantcedto be of the highest pos
sible quality. We also manufacture all mill products . - nd
conduct a general
Grain , Live Stock and Coal Business
and solicit a share of your patronage
P. S. Heacock & Son , Falls City , Neb. |
The Great Paper of the Great West
The Kansas Citv Star
Everywhere recognized as the strongest and most re ille
newspaper in the most prosperous region of the United States.
Wherein It Leads.
ItS Unexcelled NeWS SerVJCe Ibe continuous report
of the Associated Press , with dispatches every hour : the general and
special service of the New York Herald ; the Hearst transcontinental
leased wire service and special correspondence from THE STAR'S own
representatives in Washington , D. C. ; Jefferson City , Mo ; Topeka , Ks. ,
and Guthrle , Ok. , in addition to the largo grist of news that comes
dully from several hundred other alert representatives.
Its Market Reports and Comments have an authoritative
value that causes them to be telegraphed to all parts of the United
States the moment THE STAR comes from the press. No western man
even Indirectly interested In the value of food products , stocks and
securities can afford to be without THE STAR'S dally record 01 prices
and conditions.
ItS Special Features include The Chaperon's column. In which
are answered questions pertaining to beauty aids and social customs and
affairs , a department for inquirers on other subjects and a wide range
of miscellaneous articles throwing side lights upon the world's most in
teresting people and events these In addition to a vigorous editorial
page , absolutely Independent politically , and a Sunday Issue that U
full of live special matter and h.iman interest.
13 Papers Each week for JO cents
The Kansas City Star was the first and is still the only
newspaper to deliver n complete morning paper , THE KAN
SAS CITY TIMES , to its subscribers without increase in the
subscription price.
For Backache ,
Pineules Rheumatism
and the Kid
ney sandBladder
: : D. S. ncCarthyi !
Prompt attention Driven
to the removal of house
hold roe < 35.
i u MI
jFor anything in the
? and your order will
j * receive prompt atten-
? tion.
X Nicholas Meat Market
Ij. C. M. NICHOLAS , Prop
. . . . $1.00 a Year. . . .
Stop That Cold
To check early colds or Grlppo with 'Treventlcs"
means sura defeat for rncumonla. To stop a cold
with Provemlcs u safer than to let It run and bo
obliged to euro it aftcrwnrds. To bo euro. 1're-
TenUcs will euro oven a deeply seated cold , bat
taken early ot the snecio stage they break , or
head oil these early colds. That's surely better.
That's why they are called Proventlcs.
Provcntlcs are MtloCandr Cold Cures. Ko Quln.
Ine. no physic , nothing sickening. Nlco for the
children and thoroughly rate too. It you feel
chilly , it you sneeie.1t you ache all over , think of
rrovcntlcs. Promptness may also save half your
usual sickness. And don't forget your child , if
there Is fcrcrishnoss. nlghtordny. Heroin prob
ably lies Prcvcntlcs' greatest efficiency. Bold in
to boxes for the pocket , also in 25c boxes of 48
Frevcntlcs. Insist on your druggists giving you
Reaches the poU
Stops pain. The
Great Pile Rem
edy. Put up In
tubes wllh rectal
nozzle. 50 cent * .
Office over Kerr's Pharmacy
Ofllce Phone 2GO Residence Phone 271
Dr. M. L. Wilson
Physician and Surgeon
Calls promptly attended day or
night. Office over State Bank , *
Falls City , Nebraska.
Office 'Phone House 'Phone
329 330
Sales conducted in |
scientific and businesslike - |
nesslike manner %
i. < &
' " > Falls City , Nebraska |
If you are in this condition ,
your nerve force is weak the
power is giving out , the or
gans of your body have
"slowed up , " and do their work
imperfectly. This failure to
do the work required , clogs
the system and brings distress
and disease. IWhen the nerves
are weak the heart is unable
to force the life-giving blood
through your veins ; the stomach
ach fails to digest food ; the
kidneys lack power to filter
impurities from the blood , and
the poisonous waste remains in
the system to breed disease.
Nerve energy must be restored.
Dr. Miles' Nervine will do it ,
because it strengthens the
nerves ; it is a nerve medicine
and tonic , that rebuilds the
entire nervous system.
"Several years ago Iwas all broken
down. I was nervous , worn-out , could
not Bleep , nnd was In constant pain.
I doctored for months , and nr.nlly the
doctor said he could do nothlnp ( or
me. I began taking Dr. Miles'
Nervine , and used altogether eight
bottles , and I became strong and
healthy , and now weigh 170 pounds. "
IDS Ellsworth Ave. , Allegheny , Pa
Dr. Miles' Nervine U sold by your
druQglst , who will guarantee that th *
Tint bottle will benefit. If It falls , he
will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co. , Elkhart , Ind