The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 21, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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Fou SALI : JJ20 nerps nbout miles of Salem , upland. All fenced , new house 4 rooms ,
well mid windmill , 150 acres cultivated , 20 acres meadow , 8 neres timber , balance pasture
Henry C. Smith $10 per acre. Small payment down balance 10 years time 5 per cent. A btirgain.
. 110 to 120 iiwe near Salem * , bottom land , Good terms. Alight rent for 1907. Handy
to.lepoland fo\v n.
1 GO acres 2 miles of'Falls City. 1(50 ( acres 2 miles of Stella. 1GO ncres Nuc'kolle Co. ,
Neb. About 50 acres winter wheat , $ -10 per acre. 80 acres Brown county , Kas. , 7 miles
LANDS & LOANS eontlieast of Lfiawatha. Will take small house in Palls City as part pay. Good terms.
200 acres 8 miles Falls City , good , fair house. 100 acres Johnson county , good terms.
Ill Quaki'iibush and wlfo were ovei
from Dn Bol * Friday afternoon
Frank Hniwln and family left Wed
nc dny for tholr future homo at Irving
C. B. Wilson was attending to luisi
ness at Central City the fore part of tlu
U. K. Boyd attended the Sunduj
school convention In Hastings thli
Otto Kotouck came down from Lin
coin this week to spend his vacation It
thi * city.
Ray Cassldy and family of IlnvolocV
visited over Sunday with Humboldi
L. 0. Edwards of Falls City spon
several hours with Humboldt frlendi
Art Cochrau and family were dowi
from Wymoro this week vlsltltif
friend ? .
H. L. Gaudy of La Gralno , Indiana
ppcnt the past week with t datives ii
Florence Wright was down fron
Lincoln Sunday visiting II. P. Marble
and family.
Curt Marshall is now in charge o
the candy kitchen on the north side o
the sejuarc.
Lou Howe and Jennie Fellers re
turned Saturday from a pleasant vlsl
with Lincoln friends.
Carl Mann and Henry Ilasness won
looking after land interests near Mid
land , S. D. , this week.
Dr. Mary Bowers was over fron
Pawnee City on professional busincs
the middle of the week.
Mrs. Fred Buttorflcld Is taking mcd
leal treatment in one of the hospital
in St. Joseph this week.
Meed nines A A. Tanner and Ralpl
Philpot returned Sunday uftornoo
from a visit with Falls City friends.
Prof. R. L. Holland family left Sal
unlay for Lincoln , whore they oxpcc
to remain a greater part of the sun :
County Attorney R.C.James wn
up from Falls City Tuesday attcndln
to business matters connected with hi
Mrs. I. Shirley and children an
Mrs. J. G. Segrlst are In Nelson. Neb
this week enjoying a visit at the horn
of the hitter's sister.
Mrs. Gco. W. Scgrlst wus mimbcre
| ! among the delegates at the state Sin :
day school convention , which convene
in Hastings this week.
; i A largo delegation from the loci
f I. O , O. F. lodge drove over to Tab !
Rock Sunday to attend the mcmorli
services at that place.
Mlnnlo Potra&hek arrived In the ell
Friday from Missouri Valley , lowi
where she has boon employed for so
cral years past as teacher.
Will Lydlck is taking a couple <
weeks vacation from his duties In tt
Cooper & Linn mill and ia enjoying
visit v\ith relatives In Missouri.
Mrs. J , J. Stone and llttlo daughU
came down from Lincoln Tuesday ai
will spend some time .vlth her parent
| II Frank Porak and wife , in this city.
Guy Boost , a former Humboldt bo ,
was in Humboldt several days the hi
of the weekgreeting numerous friend
He now holds a position with the B ,
M. railroad in Lincoln.
jjj Wayne Coons , who has been superl
Iff tcndcnt of the schools ut May woo
this state , for the past year , vlslti
several days the last of the week wl
Humboldt friends and relatives.
J. E. Buell and A. H. Fellers t
turned Friday from Omaha , whore th
had been in attendance at the stn
undertaker's association. The latt
gentleman was made president of t
Rudolph Porak and sister , Anna , i
cently entertained the Gorman M.
choir and n few other friends at thi
home in the north part of town , an t
joyablo occasion Is reported by all
Mrs. Bertha Tlbbotts ol Sidney , O
was entertained the past week at theme
homo of her friend , Mrs. Lute Skali
Mrs. Tlbbetts will be remembered
Humboldt residents as Mljs Bert
Edwards , who at one time made t
place her home.
George Lee of Spokane , Wash. , o
sister , Miss Dessle , who has recen
completed a course in the state univ
IJ § Uy , came down from Lincoln Mend ;
| t the former to visit with his parec
I ? John Lee and wife , while the lat
| f will remain here during the surnrn
O. A. Cooper , well known in R'ch- '
urdpon county and southeastern Ne
braska , wont up to Council Blulls , In. ,
the llrst of the week , and was united
in marriage to Mrs. Minnie Akors , ol
that . " o'clock Tuesday , June IS.
Mr. and Mrs. Cooper loft the same
afternoon for Denver , for a vl lt with
the foiiiu'r's sister , anil from there will
visit dllToront points of Interest In
Colorado. They expect to return to
Humboldt In u few weeks and will
make thin place their home.
Dr. Patterson , n veterinary doctor
formerly of Salem , has located here.
George Slooum and wlfo spent Sun
day with the hitter's relatives In
Nevada Hays loft last Friday for n
visit with friends in Omaha and dlfler-
ent points In Iowa.
Rice McNulty ha ? gone to Table
Rock whore ho expects to tnncl bar In
a Miloon the coming year.
H/ra and Silas Stlno have gone to
Anna , Illinois , where they expect to
work during the summer.
A ball team has been organized here
and will piny their first game with
Dawson Sunday at this place.
Leonard Klnsoy and wife of Omaha
have been visiting the former's aunt ,
Mra. J. II. Bateman , for the past twc
A daughter was born to Charley Hall
nd wife at Homo , Kans , last Wcdncs-
, ay. Mrs. Mac Weddlo Is staying
vlth her.
W. I. Harris left Tuesday morning
or an extended tilp through Canada ,
HB daughter Lucilo accompanied hlir
as far as Omaha.
Mrs M. L. Hays went to Omaha lasl
< Yldny to attend the closing exercise ;
of the high school , hnr nn , Herbert
being one of the students.
The Stella band and the Music clul
, vlll give a musical In the opera house
tomorrow evening. Tim proceeds wil :
bo used for the benefit of the band.
A daughter was born to Prln. Wil
son and wlfo at Woodbine , Iowa , las
Thursday. Mrs. Wilson has been stay
inir there with her parents for sonn
Mrs. II. D. Woller and .lunette won
to West Point the first of the week ti
be present on Wednesday at the mar
rlago of the former's son , Ambros
Wollor , to Ella Shearer. The coupl
will make their homo at West Poln
where the groom is engaged In th
lumber business.
Sid Tlmerman has sold his stock o
hardware and furniture to J. W
Vaught and J. C. Rcimcrs , and thl
stock will uo consolidated with Mt
Vaught's stock of hardware aud furn
turo. Mr. Tlmermnn and lamlly o >
pcct to move to the western part c
the state to make their ftuuro home.
Herbert Burk ontortrlned Elmo M <
Cann Saturday night.
Rebecca Dodds of Humboldt Is vlsl
Ing with friends in this vicinity.
Mrs. Christ Zorn visited with Mr
Will Huottnor Friday of last week.
John Llchty of rails city was a guei
of his son , Frank , Thursday of la :
Mrs. Whotstlno of Falls City onto
talncd Mrs. Geo. Pritchard Thursdn
of last week.
Mrs. Geo. Prlchard and son visit *
with Mrs. Gco. Shouso Wednesday
of last week.
George Shouso and family wci
guests of Francis Stump and family 01
day last week. .
Claude Yocam and wlfo of Du Bo
Nobr. , attended the funeral of No :
1'cck Tuesday.
c Little Roy Peck spout Wednesday
last week In Falls City with his sist <
Mrs. W. K. Knight.
Delia Knlsolv arrived homo Wediu
day of last week after a pleasant vi
with friends In Marshall county Kai
n A number of friends and relatives
Brown county , Kans. , were hero to t
tend the funeral of Noah Peck Tin
Goldlo and Myrtle Yocam were call
homo from Peru , Neb. , on account
the death of their brother-in-law , No
Mr. and Mrs. Just and Mr * . Moyc
ot Meyersdale , Pa , are visiting wl
Eph Peck and family and other r
Mrs Annie Flko of Myersdale , P
came last Friday for a visit with h
father , Ellas Peck , sr. , and other re
Charley Shou e returned home fron
Jctso Spangler near Morrlll Kansas
one day last week and Is now vlsltlni
with his uncle , Francis Stump
Elmer Peck and wife , Charley Peel
and wife and Mahlon Peck catno uj
from Morrlll , Kans' to attend thi
funeral of their father , Noah Peck.
Mrs Sam Fisher and daughter , Misi
Cora , of Falrbury , Neb , arrived Mon
day evening to attend the funeral o
the former's brother , Noah Peck. The
will visit for a few days while hen
with relatives.
Died , at the home of John Yociuni
In Falls City , June li ( , 1007. of ulcer
atlon of the stomach. Ago 50 years
1 month and 20 days , . Noan Peck hns
been iisiifTorer more or les ? of stomnct
ttronblo for several years but was able
to be about until Juno Sth when he wa <
taken seriously sick with hemorrhage
of th ( > stomach from which he .viu
bedfast only one week when deatl :
eamu to relieve him of his sufferings.
Roy Dasigett was in Dawson Sunday ,
Dude Corn was over from Verdon or
Eugene Meredith drove to Falls Cltj
Mrs. John Moore went to Dawson or
M. L. Dowoll and wife drove to tht
Springs Sunday.
Ada Corn returned home from Falli
City Wednesday.
Mrs. Bert and Frank McCool went t (
Omaha Saturday.
Gee iiansell and John Pelrson drov <
to Verdon Tuesday.
Mrs. G. D Knapp of Verdon spen
Vrcdhe day in Salem.
Dr. and Mrs. Greene drove to thi
ounty seat Tuesday.
Walter Barrett and wlfo went t <
Central City Tuesday.
McrloMett/ came up from the count ;
eat Tucd.iy for n visit.
Mrs. Charlie Ayers returned horni
rom Falrbury Thursday.
Mrs. Roy Dyggott and children spen
unday at Ralph Mooao's
F.dwln Falloon of Falls City was li
own on business Tuesday.
Al Docrncr of Falls City was In towi
n legal business Tuesday.
Prof. IIolV of Humboldt spent ln
L'eck visiting In this city
John McCool and Clarence Mayfleli
rovu to Falls City Sunday.
Mrs Lllah A. Jennings and daugh
cr returned to Lincoln Monday.
Mrs. Cuss Moore and daughter.Ruth
rove to the county sent Tuesday.
Mrs. J. A. Tyncr returned Weilne ;
ay from an extended visit at Kansa
Jlty ,
Mesdames Ralph Moore and S. 1-
Smith spent Tuesday at Uharlls Stew
[ rt's.
Pat Casey and wife of Oaks , N. D
visited at the home of John Moore lat
Deaa Windell and Lloyd Barrel
drove to the county seat Thursda
Mrs. Frank McCool and daughtei
Lucilo , visit friends at the county set
"ast week.
Mrs. M. F. Smith left Wednesday fc
a visit at her childhood home at M
Ayr , Iowa.
Mrs. Cora Meredith and daughter
Iva and Ruby drove to the county sei
Mrs. Delia Simmons and children i
Keystone , Wyoming , arrived Monda
for a visit here.
Mrs. Allan May and son , Edgi
Wylle , returned home Tuesday from
visit at the county seat.
Claude Whitney and wife and Mt
O. B. Lesley and daughter , Mlna , wei
in Falls City Monday.
Mrs. Clark Jennings of Sapulupa ,
T. , arrived Thursday for a visit wl
friend , and relatives here.
M. L. L. Barnes and children
Falrbury arrived Sunday for a vis
with friends and relatives.
Sarah Thompson Is visiting th
week at Chris Morris * . Ura Mobley
attending central during her abseuc
Rev. W. C. GarbUon went to Ha :
Ings , Neb. , the first of the week to i
tend the state Sunday school conve
Frank Shrlmpton. wife and liu
daughter , who have been \\lsltlng \
Salem left Wednesday for Red On
Iowa , and after a visit there will pi
ceed to their horns in Greenwoc
Wis. Llla Spurlock accompanied the
as far as Red Oak.
Lyle Ncft is visiting tit his uncle' ? ,
Sam VanOsdol.
Frank Huston and wlfo were callers
In Bar.ida Sunday.
Jpc Stout of Auburn was u business
visitor hero Monday.
Jessie Presser was the guest of John
Lungdou on Sunday.
Mrs. I. A. Dunn was shopping at the
county seat Tuesday.
Cornelius ShelTer has gone to Craig ,
1 Mo. , for a few months.
Mrs J. \Vileman was shopping in
Falls City Wednesday
Herbert Stokes and wife of Stella
were in Barada on Monday.
Hnnry and Coney Gerdes were visi
tors at the county beat Saturday.
Our hubert editor , J. Lee Dalby ,
wab u Uarnda visitor on Saturday
Hugh Pritchard and wile spent Sun
day with D. E Spickler and wife.
Mrs. Chiu. Suthmcr of St. Deroln
was shopping In Barada Tuesday.
1 Ll//.le Zubrick Is spending the week
with her aunt , Mr ? . 10. E Butlor.
Mrs. Shorticdge visited one day
last week with Mrs Frank Butler.
Leo Pond ana wife were cuests of
John Wulkpr nn'l fiimlly Saturday.
A. C. Stelnbrink and family visited
Sunday with John Goolsby and family.
II. J Kclley has returned from his
extended trip to spend a few weeks at
Loon Vasscr.Nlo and Delia William
son and Dora Cox spent Sunday at the
Indian cave.
Otis Splckler and lady took In the
Ice-cream festival at Shubcrt on Satur
day evening.
Jus. Stephcnson and wife spent Sun
day in Falls City with Mrs. Stephen-
son's parents
Walt Morehead made a trip to Falls
City Monday to procure repairs for his
well machine.
John Rumbuugh and family spent
Sunday near Shubert with the fiunll-
of Earnest Dagel.
Rex Oliver of Fulls City spent the
past week visiting with his sister , Mrs.
Lillian .
sslephensju. i
Chas Goddard , representing the
Auburn Music Co , spent a couple of
days here lust week.
Rev. S. S. Orr of Thnrman , Iowa ,
spent a couple of days recently visiting
friends in this vicinity.
Mrs. Cliff Hurgcr came over from
Nemaha Monday to join her husband
who Is in business at this place.
Earl Butler , Byron Dunn and Lela
and Kittle Butler were the guests of
Grace Bennct of Verdon Sunday.
Joseph Johnson and wife entertained
Henry Parchon and Willie Ludwig
and families at dinner on Sunday.
Mrs. J. E. Thomas arrived from Ohio
last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas have
rented the Roe cottage on Main street.
The ten year old son of Will Percl-
val fell from an apple tree and run a
large piece of wood Into his foot. The
doctor was called and the Intruder re
Louis Schulenburg came near losing
a finger one day this week by getting
it caught in the machinery of u cream
separator ; as tt is the finger was badly
Mrs. Josie Aue U visiting with her
father Wm. Aue of Auburn. During
her absence the children are staying
with their grandmother , Mrs. Wrn ,
Mrs. R. J. Dunn has been annoyed
for a loner time with an unnatural
growth of the back of her hand. Or
Tuesday she went to Falls City tc
mulerco an operation.
Frank Burgess formerly ot Mound
City. Mo. , has put In a new blacksmltl :
shop at this place. Mr. Burgess has i
fine set of tools and Is a smith of con
siderable experience.
C. A. Hunna of the J. W. Jenkins
Music Co. , has been busy here during
the past week. Anthony Buckholx
A. W. Nixon and Jas E. Stephensor
have each secured a piano through
Twenty-four volumes of literary sub
juct tastefully bound have been placet
on the shelves. Dr. of Van Osdel'
library recently a six volume editloi
I of "Half hours with best authors , " i
among the number.
R. S Abbott and wlfo have been en
joying a visit from their daughter
Mrs. Bert Cole , and her husband. Mr
Cole returned to his home at Gravity
lowo. on Monday. Mrs. Cole will re
main to visit awhile longer.
The Flag Day picnic Friday last was
celebrated InFredrlck's grove one mile
north of town In honor of the anniver
sary of the birth of the Nation's ling ,
The Shuhert Sunday school could nol
llnd coim'iimces enough so that many
were obliged to be nhpiii. The busj
season kept many of the farmers ul
home while others spent only a null
; lay in celebrating. The program was
Sjtven In the afternoon. Tno speakers
were J. Leo Dalby and others. There
were recitations and music by the girls
chorus from Barada. Considering the
busy times the alTalr was well attended
iind the management Is to be congratu
On Sunday evening , June ICth the
Chlldrcn'sDiiy propram was presented
lo a crowded house , even the doors ,
windows and yard were crowded with
those who came to listen but found the
church already filled. The children
[ lid not disappoint the expectant crowd
each and every number was well ren
dered The exercise given by the
Infant class consisting of sentence reci
tation and a song was u credit to the
little ones. "The magic charm"glver
by representatives from each class In
the school has received many favorable
ivords of commendation and these were
justly due the performers. "Victory
through Christ , " by thirteen boys
showed that boys can do a great deal
In the musical as well as literary line
If they have help ana encouragement ,
"Some Boys of the Bible , " by a. class
of younger ones was also worthy ol
. "The Flower Girls "
praise. , , giver
by the girls from ten to twelve year ;
if ) age met with perhaps the greatesl
approbation ; the songs and speeches it
this exercise were very pretty and
most excellently rendered. The music
furnished by the older classes was gooi
and showed that much time had beer
spent in Its preparation. TnVen al
In all the eent was a success and E
credit to the Sunday school and church ,
Gamma Hall was a Falls City visltoi
Tuesday ,
Mr. Boyd of Salem was a Verdot
visitor Tuesday.
Will Hall and son were county sea
visitor Tuesday.
O. E. Stout was In town Monday ot
> rofes ional business.
Mrs Daisy Goolsby was a county
seat visitor Monday.
Guy Shcely and Boyd Moore wen
Verdon visitors Sunday.
Wm Mowcry of Stella was a bus !
ness visitor here Monday.
B. F. Veach and wife , Mr. Davis am
wife visited at Falls City Monday.
Wm. Corn and wife of Salem visitet
with relatived here Monday evening
Mrs. Houtz and son visited with rel
atlves ut Straussvlllo part of last week
O. P. Veal and wife were count ;
seat visitors the fore part of the week
Mrs. Llllle Wilkinson and daughter
Verna , were Shubcrt visitors Satur
Mrs. Stump returned home Thursda ;
after an extended visit at Long Island
Walter Veach and wife returnei
home Friday after a few days visit a
Omaha. '
Verne Taylor and wife of Dawsoi
visited with J. A. Ayers and wife Sun
Warren Douglas returned to Llncoli
Monday , after spending Sunday at hi
Verna Wilkinson returned home las
Thursday after spending a few days a
Mr. Tlraraerman and wife vlsltei
with relatives at Stella the latter par
of the week.
Miss Hart returned home Frlda
from Omaha where she has been visil
ing the past week.
Martha King returned to her horn
In Peru last Saturday after vlsltln
friendi1 at this place.
Lorcn Corn and Grace Bennett r <
turned Friday from Lincoln wher
they have been visiting.
Henry Smith is rebuilding his bous <
Mark Wetzel was a Falls Cityi vis :
tor Monday.
Mr. Swain of Margrave's ranch wt
in town Friday.
John Flerbaugh and wile visited 1
Missouri Sunday.
Robert Dunn of Missouri moved t
Rule last Wednesday.
Leslie Inks was a county capital vli
itor the last of the week.
Ella Carpenter was a Falls City vie
tor the latter part of last week.
The old Missouri river Is pretty high
and still rising.
Phil Horan made a business trip to
St. Joe Tuesday.
James Tangney fired on the Atchlson
work train Sunday.
Charlie Scott of Kauris paid Rule a
visit last Saturday.
Tom ( Jronm and Lawrence Whaling
went to St. Joseph Friday.
Char'es Tangney and Julia Cronln
were at the big Lake Sunday.
Mrs. Boles went to Falls City to at
tend the tabernacle meeting.
Earl Godfrey of Kansas City Is visi
ting friends In Rule this week.
Mr. Stanley of Atchlson was train
acting business In Rule Tuesday.
Charlie Hargrnve and family of Falls
City spent Sunday with Rule friend' .
Will Davis and Earl Dicks have
opened up n shooting gallery in town.
Mrs. Belpier and son , Charlie , tie-
parted for Colorado Wednesday morn
Bob Dunn and wife Missouri . visi
ted friends in Rule Saturday and , Sun
Mrs. Emma Wallace and Ilvn True
were Falls city passengers last iJalur-
E. Heniger , candy salesman of Chase
& Son , of St. Joe , was in Rule lust Fri
Mr. Boker had iho screens painted
on Grant Ocamb's store building re
George Jnrrott of St. Joseph spent
several days with hie parents here this
Mr. Pettie of St. Joseph was looking
after the cigar trade in Rule the lust
of the week.
Mrs. Boker is making some changes
ind improvements on her home place
south of town.
J. A. Illnkle and daughter , Mildred ,
and little Gladys Hart drove to He-
strve Tne-day.
.1 W.Iooney. . sr. , shipped two car-
u.ids of c.Utle to Kansas City Wednes-
d.iy night List
Rob. Cecil nndRuth Kanaly attended
the convent entertainment at Falls
Ity Friday evening.
Mrs. John Pearson and children of
Salem are visiting with Ellas Martin
and family this week.
Mamie Kanaly returned home Tue ?
da3 * morning from Peru where she- hat
been attending school.
Mrs. Ed Taylor and two children of
Atchlson visited her sister , Mrs. Whal
ing several days this week.
Mrs. Anderson and daughters de
parted for Kansas Saturday ( or a
week's stay with relatives
O. A. Sandusky of St. Joseph and E.
L. Sandusky of Falls City were tran
sacting business in Rule Tuesday.
Mrs. George Boerner of St. Joseph
who has been visiting here for some
time , departed for home this week.
Mrs. Wltman and little son came
down from Falls City Monday after
spending several days with relatives at
that place.
Mr. Plumb sent In his resignation .IK
city treasurer , Thomas Boker was ap
pointed to fill the vacancy for the rest
of the term.
Mr ? . Harry Splcer of Bellvue , Neb. ,
departed for her home last Wednes
day after several days spent with rela
tives In this elty.
Mrs. Plumb came home from York ,
Neb. , Thursday of last week and re
turned to that place Saturday. Mr.
Plumb's conditlonwas not Improved.
Sam Ward departed for Hastings on
Monday where no went as a delegate
to the state Sunday school convention ,
which convcnedat that place this week
Henry Still , formerly of this city ,
but now of Wymore , passed through
hero Saturday on his way to weston.
Mo. , where ho will spend some time
visiting friends.
A crowd of about fifty people went
from this place to the big lake Sunday
and rcpoat a good time. A fine anil
much needed rain visited this section
Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. cam from near Palls
City visited with her father and mother
Sunday. Iva Johnson accompanied
them home ; sher will also visit at Hum-
boldt before returning to her home at
this place.
A handsome little house boat passed
through Rule Sunday afternoon en-
route for Kansas City. The owner was
a fanatic , who told all he could reach
that the main street of Rule would be
strewn with duadjfour years from that
day , Juno ICth.
Word some way came to Rule last
week that George Phiney , formerly of
this place but now living in Wymore.
was killed in a wreck east of here. All
were glad to learn later that it was a
mistake , that it was a K. C. engine
that had been wrecked and that no
one ' "as hurt.