The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 21, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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    I 1
4 V
The chfiutauqua soon to be
held in Falls City will present the
most attractive program as well as
the largest and most divcrselicd
list of entertainment ever before
given in Southeastern Nebraska.
The opportunity of hearing such
speakers as Gov. Cummins of
Iowa docs not often come to our
people , and no doubt a great
f crowd will assemble to hear this
talented gentleman. The Kilties
f band played at the world's fair
at St Louis and was considered
next toSousa'sband by those who
were in attendance. This band
plays in the largest auditoriums
in Chicago , Cincinnati and New
York and has a reputation ex
tending from ocean to ocean ,
Not to hear it during the Falls
City engagement is to miss a
wonderful opportunity.
* *
It is to the credit of Falls City
that one hears practically no op
position to the bonds. It seems
that everybody has taken hold
in the right spirit and is deter
mined to sec that Falls City goes
ahead. To defeat any one of the
three bond propositions is to do
the wrong thing at the very time
when so much is dependent upon
the doing of the right thing.
Our people are just emerging
from a despondent condition that
has been present several years.
Through the influence of a few
tireless men things began to look
up and the discouraged citizen be
gan to take notice. A commercial
club meeting was a rousing suc
cess the citizens subscribed stock
generously and cheerfully. An
excellent chautauqua program
was arranged. A celebration for
the 4th was agreed upon. A
band was organised and put on a
firm financial foundation through
the determination of a growing
FallsCity spirit. To listen to the
man who has caught hold of the
shirt tail of progress and is hol
lering his head off crying"whoa. "
to permit a few men , a very few
men , to discourage and retard
our progress by defeating any
one of the three bond proposi
tions is to commit civic suicide.
To vote against the bond proposi
tions is to do more to kill Falls
City than any other one thing
imaginable. This is the phycho-
logical moment , seisce it and do
your part.
* *
Did you ever stop to think what
a line lot of young men have gone
out of Falls City to take their
place in the world of larger affairs
and how they have made good ?
We loose track of them until
they return for a short visit to
talk of things that were and to
wander about the old places and
view familiar scenes. It would
be impossible to speak of all of
them , for though I once knew
them , the years that separate are
so many and I have forgotten.
I But there are many whose names
H I recall and whose success has
reached me across the distance.
Chas. Newcomer , just a farmer
boy , by his unaided effort and
without a dollar save what he
earned by manuel labor , educa
ted himself in bur greatest uni
versities and spent years in
Europe pursuing his studies. To
day he is at the head of the fa
culty of Columbia university.
Scip Dundy was the greatest
amusement manager in the world
and accomplished what all men
in his life considered impossible
when he built the New York Hip
podrome. George Ewalt , now
Tisiting his mother in this city ,
went to Galveston , Texas , and is
now the principle officer and lar
h gest stock holder in the Galves
ton electric light company ant
owns half of the largest and mosl
exclusive hotel in the south. Jno
W. Towle of Omaha is the heat
push of one of the largest con
tracting and wholesale lumbe
companies in the west which hi
formed and built up himself
And so we might jo on enumer
ating "our boj rs" who havi
quietly gone away from us am
entered upon larger duties ant
responsibilities with success. Thi
boysjat home are also doing well ,
but of this success we know. We
have followed their struggles
and have rejoiced in their tri
umphs. Hut we lose sight of
such men as Chas. Abbey , mana
ger of the Washington Post ; Dr.
Davis , the most eminent surgeon
in Omaha , and the host of young
men who lived with or near us ,
but who are of us no longer save
inthe memory of other days.
Ursuline Convent Exercises.
The closing exercises of Ursu-
line Convent Hall were held on
the evening of Friday June 14th
the graduates being Helen A.
Murphy , Nellie V. Coupe and
May J. Gagnon.
The large assembly room a't
the convent was filled to over
flowing with an appreciative au
dience and the exercises were such
as to confer great credit upon the
Sisters in charge of the school.The
essays and orations by the gradu
ates showed earnest thought and
careful preparations. They were
well delivered.
Several very pretty drills and
songs by the day pupils of the
various grades were given and
were very entertaining.
The music throughout was ex
ceptionally good ; the opening
selection , "Kest Marsch,1' with
Grace DeMcrs and Nellie Coupe
at first piano , May Gagnon and
Helen Kanaly at second , was
particularly well executed. It
would be difficult to select the
best nuembers as each selection
was so well rendered.
Arthur V. Coupe , of New York
who is visiting her sang two songs
and his fine voice made these two
numbers particularly pleasing.
A drama illustrating the life
of St Angeline , the founder of
the Ursuline order , was given in
splendid style by young ladies of
the school. The story and the
example as shown by the play are
beautiful and several parts were
illusstrated by beautiful tableaux
which were very effective.
In presenting the diplomas
Father Bex made a short but very
appropriate address to the gradu
The program was a good one
and well rendered giving great
pleasure to those who attended
and doing honor to theSisters who
drilled and prepared for it.
A number of the Sisters left on
Saturday for the retreet at York ,
Neb. , where they will rest during
the summer.
IIenduohe ami constipation disappear
when Dudes Little Liver Tills are
used. They keep the system olciin , the
btomuuh sweet. Taken occasionally
they keep you well. They uro for the
entire family. Sold by A.O. Wanner.
Miss Burling Weds June 15.
Miss FruneoH Burling , who for
pevernl years has been instructor
of English at the hi li school ,
mid who during her Sioux City
residence luis been prominently
identified with the literary clubs ,
in tn be married in Des Moinee
June 12 to Stephen E. Dnvies ,
etnto agent in Nebraska for May-
unrd , Merrill & Co.
The ceremony will be per
formed ut the homo of the bride'f
brother , Rev. J. P. Burling , pns.
tor of the Greenwood Avenue
church , Dee Moiues ,
Mr. Daviea and hie bride wil
divide the summer months between
tweon Kansas City , St. Joaepl
and Langdon , Mo. , and nbou
October let will go to hoiiBokeepinj :
in Lincoln , Neb.
Miss Loretta Carey , who will b <
graduated from the university 01
Wisconsin , nt Madison , Wis.
this yenr , will succeed Miss Burl
ing nt the high school. Sioiu
Oity Journal.
I'll stop your pain free. To shot
you first before you bpend a penny-
what my Pink Pain Tablets can do ,
will rauil you free , a trial package c
them Lr. Snoop's Headache Tablets
Neuralgia , headache , toothache , perloi
pains , etc. , are due alone to blood con
gestion. Or. Snoop's Headache Tali
lota simply kill pain by coaxing awu ;
the unnatural blood pressure. That i
all Address Dr. Snoop , Racine , Wis
Sold by all dealers.
M tt % f " THE
Iwl | C 1 \ / I" WORK OFF A COll
c i i 'n Mail Order Houses are small , low arm machines to bo run by hand For
e ol i y American woman , t' v arc not worth the money asked.
M'-.u No. ice Hail Bearing I3ar..ct h the finest sowing machine you ever saw andil
t''ift r. i ( cost anv mcro money than ninny cheap
5 .a " . varms.iod m.ichincT ofTered by agents.
The lira i of a plea-iinfj des'gn and beauti-
f ilily linhhed in colors , The mec'.ianism is made
on . entj"'v now and
pu. ; vj prmuilc so
thi nil
clot ! ) { .on !
the thiiine-t
to : ' . llifrlf-t
cm I" ! easily scv/cd. Hard
ened tool t.'ul is used
tiirruwhout so that it will
pra > iiCidly wear { orever.
All the bright exposed parts
are hsnvlly nickel plated over
coppj- , tin MO.U durable finish
kaon. . The nickel is given a bigh
mirror finhli.
The liirtlstt makes the celebrated
lock stitch whct ! ) absolutely cannot
become unraveled and will never give
away. It hai positi\'c takeup ,
disc tension , capped needle bar , C
automatic tension release , four motion
feed aud automatic bobbin winder ,
Tli woodwork li of a itrlklni : new deilcn i
with rolled veneer ctlcci which mke It look ' -
like i ? ! " ! of parlor fiirnlltira Tim wend 1.1 ( lie tine" n'JartT tawed on ! ; and ill * finlj'i U hand rub-
buii , jiiat IlkoU non a < u" > piano. Tliu drawers arj cninplelely enciocml nnd .iro Ion ; and roomy.
The UaiiJ his full tool nt eel lull hearings which m4k It run hU n wnirh li liai > an tutiimattc belt
rcplaocr inil oil r. ipJ M prevent unillns thscirpFre Nickel t'laieil Steal . \ -liiTnms us follows
u - 'urt ; iliiclwili i mil tinrhino : ru'llor , lurV < Jer , l-raidiT , fuoi sriiirltimniltiiilii * , four assorted
Ljnini , r , uulllur , f.i..t liemtncr aiirl fell.-r .Nctvllisrii'W driver ml , liolibins. tic. , nrc Included.
o Dn > huyainachlno until you ECO tliit No. iw llarilett ou will save mouoy unJ m the Imett
niACli lie uiadj , *
Laughter in Advertisements.
Curiously-worded advertise ,
menls , which are funny without
intent , are more common in the
London papers , it would seem ,
than they are in New York pub
lications. An English periodi
cal offered a prixe the other day
for the best collection of such
announcements and the follow ,
ing is the result.
"A lady wants to sell piano ,
as she is going abroad in a
strong iron frame. " "Wanted ,
experienced nurse for bottled
baby.Furnished apartments
suitable for gentleman with
olding doors. " "Wanted , a
room by two gentlemen about
thirty feet long and twenty feet
broad. " "Lost , a collie dog by
a man on Saturday answering
to Jim with a brass color around
lis neck and a muzzle. , '
"Wanted , by a respectable
girl , her passage to New York ,
to New York- will take care
of children and a good sailor. "
"Mr. Brown , furrier begs to an-
: iounce that he will make up
gowns , capes , etc. , for ladies
out of their own skin. " "A boy
wanted who can open oysters
with reference. " "Bulldog for
ale ; will eat any thing ; very
fond ol children. " "Wanted , an
organist and a boy to blow the
same. ' ' "Wanted , a boy to be
partly outside and partly be
hind the counter. " "Wanted for
the summer a cottage for a
small family with good drain
age. " "Lost , near Highgate
archway , an umbrella belong
ing to a gentleman with a bent
riband a bone handle. " "Widow
in comfortable circumstances
wishes to marry to sons. "
"Wanted , good boys for punch
. " "To be of
ing. disposed , a
mail phaeton , the property of a
gentleman with movable head ,
piece as good as new. "
The last is the copy of an in
scription painted on a board
which adorns a fence in Kent.
"Notis : If any man's or wo
man's cows gets into these otes
bis or her tail will be cut off as
the case may be. ' , New York
Summer coughs and colds yield at
once to Bees Laxative Cough Syrup.
Contains honey and tar but no opiates.
Children like It. Pleasant to take. Its
laxative qualities recommend it tc
mothers. Hoarseness , coughs , crour :
yield quickly. Sold by A. G. Wanner.
Christian Church.
Services next Sunday as fol
lows :
9:45 : a. in. Bible School.
11:00 : a. in. Preaching
7:00 : p. m. Y. P. S. C E. Meeting ,
8:00 p.m. Preaching.
Bro. T. J. Oliver will preacli
at both morning and evening
You are invited to attend.
Pineules for the kidneys strcngther
these organs and assist in drawing
poison from the blood. Try them foi
rheumatism , kidney , bladder trouble
for lumbago and tired worn out feeling ,
They bring quick relief , Satisfactior
Guaranteed. Sold by A. G. Wanner.
St. Thomas Episcopal Church.
Services :
Holy Bucharest , 7:30 : a in.
Morning1 prayer and sermon ,
10:45 : a in.
Evening1 service aud sermon ,
7:45 : p m.
Sunday school , 9:45 : a m.
Evensong , Fridays , 7:45 : p m.
Choir rehearsal every Friday
nifi-ht after the service.
Rev. Geo. Neide. Rector at St.
Thomas Episcopal church.
M. E. Church.
The following services next
Sabbath :
9:45 : Sunday school.
10:45 : preaching : .
2:00 p. in. Junior league.
7:00 : p. in. Epworth league.
8:00 p. in. , Preaching1.
Prayer meeting 8:00 : p. mon
Wednesday evening.
All cordially invited.
W. T. GUNK. Pastor.
Opening of
Huntley Lands :
5J3,000 acres government irri
gated land nenr Billings , Mon
tana , opened by lottery system
Juno 20th ; uhenpexcursion rates
to register for these rich irrigated -
ed Iniuls. Finest pri'/es yet of
fered by the government. Cost
approximately $150.00 nn ncro ,
divided into ten yearly pay
ments. Get details.
To Pacific
Coast :
Specially low round trip Cali
fornia rates June 8th to 15th ;
June 22nd to July 5th. Also to
Portland , Seattle and Spokane.
June 20th to July 12th. Daily
low rate Coast tours commenc
ing Juno 1st. Slightly higher
via Shasta route.
Good Chances
Eastward :
Daily low Jamestown Exposi
tion rates with side trips avail
able for New York , Philadelphia ,
Boston , Atlantic Const resorts.
Also July Urd to Oth very cheap
to Saratoga with side trips to
New York , also July llth to
13th to Philadelphia.
Big Horn
Basin :
We run personally conducted
homeseekers' excursions June
4th and iSth , under guidance of
D. Clem Deaver , General Agent
Landseekers' Information Bu
Local Ticket Agent.
L. W. WArtELCY , G. P. R. ,
Omaha , Neb.
The Falls City Roller Mills
Docs a general milling' business , and manufactures the
following brands of flour
The above brands arc guiirantcod to be of the highest pos
sible quality. We also manufacture all mill products . , nd
conduct a general
Grain , Live Stock and Coal Business
and solicit a share of your patronage
P. S. Heacock & Son , FallsCity , Neb.
The Great Paper of the Great West
The Kansas Citv Star
Everywhere recognized as the strongest aud most r ° -lle
newspaper in the most prosperous region of the United States.
Wherein It Leads.
ItS Unexcelled NeWSSerVlCe embraces the continuous report
of the Associated Press , with dispatches every hour : the general and
special service of the New York Herald ; the Heurst transcontinental
leased wire service and special correspondence from THE STAli'S own
representatives in Washington , D. C. ; Jefferson City , Mo ; Topeka , Ks. ,
and Guthrie , Ok. , in addition to the large grist of news that comes
daily from several hundred other ulert representatives.
ItS Market Reports and Comments have an authoritative
value that causes them to be telegrapher ! to all parts of the United
States the moment THE STAR comes from the press. No western man
even indirectly interested In the value of food product ? , sto s and
securities can afford to be without THE STAR'S dally record 01 prices
and conditions.
ItS Special Features include The Chaperon's column , in whicb
are answered questions pertaining to beauty aids and social customs and
affairs , a department for inqulrtrs on other subjects and a wide range
of miscellaneous articles throwing side lights upon the world's most In
teresting people and events these In addition to n vigorous editorial
page , absolutely independent politically , and a Sunday Issue that 1 *
full of live special matter and h jman Interest.
13 Papers Each week for 10 cents
The Kansas City Star was the first and is still the only
newspaper to deliver a complete morning paper , THE KAN
SAS CITY TIMES , to its subscribers without increase in the
subscription price.
For Backache ,
and the Kid
ney sandBladder
11111111 ii i ii i ii M i mill
D. S. HcCarthy f
Prompt attention given
to the removal of house
hold goods.
n 11111 M M 1111111111 n i
For anything in the
> and your order will
j ; receive prompt atten-
! tion.
| Nicholas Meat Market 3
* j. j j. j j } j <
. . . $1.00 a Year. . .
Stop That Cold
To check early colds or Qrlppo with "Preventlca"
means sura defeat ( or Pneumonia. To ( top a cold
with Preventlcs U ( afar than to let It run and bo
obliged to euro it nltenrnrds. To be sure , Pre
ventlcs will euro oven a decplr seated cold , but
taken early at the uieezo stage they break , or
heftdoa tbcM early colds. That's surely better.
That's why thor are called Frevcntics.
PreventIcs are llttlo Candy Cold Cures. No Quln.
Ine , no physic , nothing sickening. Nlco for the
children and thoroughly safe too. If you feel
chilly. If yoi < snecio.Kyou ache all over , think of
Proventlcs , Promptness may also save half your
usual sickness. And don't forget your child , if
there U fevcrlshncss , night or day. Herein prob >
ably lies Prsventlcs * greatest efficiency. Bold In
fa boxes for the pocket , also ln'23c boxes of IS
Prevention. Insist on four druggists giving you
Rohs th * noi.
Stop * Mln. tt\
ManZanRohs R m.
dy. Put up In
tub > witH rct l
noxtl * . 30 c nt * .
. F * .
Ofllce over Kerr's Pharmacy
Office Phone 260 Residence Phone 271
Dr. M. L. Wilson
Physician and Surgeon
Calls promptly attended day or
night. Office over State Bank ,
Falls City , Nebraska.
Office 'Phone House 'Phone
329 330
1 C. H. flARION |
Sales conducted in |
scientific and businesslike -
nesslike manner 1
i mziz i z < * *
i Falls City , Nebraska |
If you are in this condition ,
your nerve force is weak the
power is giving out , the or
gans of your body have
"slowed up , " and do their work
imperfectly. This failure to
do the work required , clogs
the system and brings distress
and disease. "When the nerves
are weak the heart ; is unable
to force the life-giving blood
through your veins ; x the stomach
ach fails to digest food ; the
kidneys lack power to filter
impurities from the blood , and
the poisonous waste remains in
the system to breed disease.
Nerve energy must be restored.
Dr. Miles' Nervine will do it ,
because it strengthens the
nerves ; it is a nerve medicine
and tonic , that rebuilds the
entire nervous system.
"Several years ugo I was all broken
down. I was nervous , worn-out , could
not Bleep , and was in constant pain.
I doctored Tor months , and finally the
doctor said he could do nothing for
me. I bcfran taking Dr. Mllesi'
Nervine , and used altogether eight
bottles , and I became strong and
healthy , and now -weigh 170 pounds. "
10S Ellsworth Ave. . Allegheny , Pa. ,
Dr. Miles' Nervine U sold by your'
druggist , who will guarantee that th
first bottle will benefit. If It falls , ha
will refund your nv ney.
Miles Medical Co. , Elkhart , Ind