The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 21, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Boyle was bom it
Edenborouffh. Scotland , Fcbru
ary 8th , 1825 , and came lo Amer
ica when he was twenty yean
of age. lie was married in Nev
York to Julia IlelTerman. The :
lived in Chicago for some linn
and from there went to Musca
tine , la. , where they lived unti
I 1857 , when Mr. Boyle moved hi :
In It family to a farm in Otoe county
Nebraska. They remained then
until 18f > 5 , when they moved t <
Salem , in this county , where In
lived until 1S < )3.
To Kugcne 15ovlc and his wifi
were born ten children , seven o
whom arc living. Mrs. Boyli
preceded her husband a goot
many years , having died in 1870
The oldest and the youngcs
children died in infancy whili
Mrs. George Strong died in thi :
city eleven years ago.
Since 1803 Mr. Uoyle made hi
home with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
the last few years having beei
spent in Oklahoma City. II <
has been in failing health fortwi
years past though his last illncs
was of short duration , lie hac
been ailing for some two week
when on Sunday , June 10th , In
was taken seriously ill and tin
end came Tuesday June 12th.
The body was brought on fron
Oklahoma City that the inter
incut might he made in the fain
ily lot in Steele's cemetery , when
the remains were taken dircctl ;
from the train and the service
conducted by Rev. Neide of St
Thomas Episcopal church.
In the years of his long rcsi
dcnce in this city and county Mr
Boyle made many sincere , life
long friends who deeply regre
his death. lie was a kind am
loving father , a true , loyal friein
and to those who mourn him i
extended the sympathy of score
of friends.
Those of his family who wen
here to attend the funeral were
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marvin ain
Mrs. J. A. Johnston , Oklahom
City ; John Boylef wife and son
Rufcsi , of Mitchell , Neb. ; Charli
Boyle and wife , Sabctha , Kans.
Eugene Boyle , Salem , Neb. ; an
S. B , Hcyser , Omaha.
Of the children unable to at
tend were Mrs. Sam Ileyser , o
Omaha and Msis Anna Boyle
Oklahoma City.
August Ncitzeli sr. , was bor
in Frazfeldti Germany , Octobe
7 , 1834. and died in Falls City
June 12 , 1)07 , aged 72 years ,
months and 25 days. He cam
to the United States with hi
parents in 1848 when fourtee
years of age. They lived in Mi !
waukee , Wis. , for one year an
from there went to Manitowac
one hundred miles north of Wu
consin. In 1856 Mr , Neitzel wa
married to Miss Susan Miller ante
to them eight children were bor
three of whom are deceased. Fov
sons and one daughter are livinf
They are August Neitrel jr. , c
this city , Mrs , Henry Farmei
William A. ami Carl N. , of Cot
cordia , Kans. , and Henry c
British Columbia.
In June 1861 Mr. Neitze
brought his family to Richardso
county but later moved to Cot
cordia , Kansas , where he live
until about ten years ago whe
he re-located in this county.
He is well known throughot
this community and has borne tli
good will and confidence of a
who knew him , enjoying the e
teem and respect of all his neigl
bors and friends at all time
Most of his life he has been
farmer and in this he was ve
For many months he has be <
in very poor health and recent
he had a fall which proved ve
serious and from that time ' .
failed rapidly until on Saturd ;
last death released him from 1 :
suffering an he passed on to jo
the wife and children who ha
preceded him. Mrs. Neitze
death occurred in 1902.
Besides the children named
those of his immediate family
who live to mourn his death are
the following brothers and sis
ters : William , of Concordia , Kas. ,
John , of Preston. Neb. , August ,
of Wisconsin , Mary , of Denver ,
and r < ena whose address is un
Mr. Ncitx.el was brought up in
Germany in the Lutheran church.
The funeral services were held
Friday , June 14 , l'J07 , at 1C
o'clock a , m. from the residence
of August Ncitxel , jr. in the
presence of u large assembly oi
friends and were conducted by
Rev. W. T. Clinc , I'll. D. of the
M. 12. church , interment was
made in Steele's cemetery. Tc
the family and relatives whc
mourn for his death is extended
sincere sympathy of the entire
Noah Peck died at the home of
his father-in-law. John Yocam ,
Sunday , June 10 , 1'JO" at 3 p. in.
of the hemorrhage of the stomach
after an illness of a little more
than a week. He has been a
sufferer from stomach trouble for
years but a week before his death
when he came to town he seemed
in as good health and spirits as
usual but in the afternoon at the
sale lie was seized by a violent
hemorrhage and in his weakened
condition was removed to the
home'of Mr. Yocam where he
continued to fail until death
claimed him Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Peck has been for a great
many years a well known and
honored resident of this commu
nity , lie was a farmer and stock-
raiser and lived on a fine farm
lortheast of this city. He hat
been particularly successful in
lis undertakings though in many
ascs hampered by his ill health ,
Since early manhood he has been
in earnest and consistent mem
ber of the German Baptist Brcth-
en church.
He was charitable , honest and
ust in his dealings with hU
'riends and neighbors , ever stru
ng for the right and the up
building of the community in
vhich he lived. He was held ii :
he esteem of all who knew ant ;
lad dealings with him.
In his home he was a kind am'
oving husband , an affectionate ,
mlulgent parent. In his deatl
lis family and friends lose r
lear one , a counselor and Irictu
vhose place cannot be filled.
Noah Peck was born in Sum
nerset county , Pa. , April 20
848 and at the time of his deatl
vas 59 years , 1 month and 2 (
lays old. He came to Richardsoi
county in 1871. lie was marriec
Dec. 15,1S7S to Mary E. Pattoi
, vho died Dec. 20 , 1S95 , to then
even children were born- The
are E. C. Peck and C. E. Peck o
Merrill , Kans. , ; H. E. Peck-
Daisy and Sadie of Falls City
On April 7 , 1895 Mr. Peck am
larn J. Hutchison were marrie <
and ro them two children wen
jorn : Clarence S. , and Ethel Y
Beside the wife and abov <
lamed children , Mr. Peck leave
i father 91 years old. His brothe
and sisters living are Ephrain
Peck and Mrs. Knisely living nea
this city. Mrs. Anna Fribee , Sum
merset county , Pa. ; Mrs. San
Fisher , Fairbury , Nebr. ; also hi
two stepsons , J. D. and W. M
These besides many other rel
atives and hosts of friends ar
left to mourn him and to thei
we extend deepest sympathy.
After short services at th
home the funeral services wer
held at the German Baptit
church five miles north of thi
city and the "burial took place i
the Silver Creek cemetery. A
emmense congregation of friend
from the town and vicinity 5
which Mr. Peck lived assemble
to pay the last tribute of respei
and esteem to their departs
Litfli Livtr Pills
A Worthy Effort.
The special attention of our
carters is called to the home
Kitronnge supplement which
orms a part oi this issue of the
Daily Freeman Tribune. The
upplement , consisting of lour
) nges , is devoted to a power-
ul exposure of the mail order
louses and their methods. It
hrows upon tlu'in the lime
ight in which they appear to
heir disadvantage and points
out clearly the many reasons
vhy the home merchantsshou.d
ecuivr the patronage of home
) Liople.
D. \ \ REID.
'ho matter in the supplement
s of a highly interesting char ,
icter and should be read and
ligested thoroughly by every
itixen. On the baclc page of
he supplement appear adver-
isements of 28 leading Webster
City business houses. They
igree to duplicate any * price
mule by any mail order house
intl ask consumers for a square
leal. They ask that before
he purchaser gives his order to
in out-ol-to\vn firm he gives
hem an opportunity to duplic-
ite the commodity he in-
ends to purchase. The sup-
ilement is copyrighted by D.
W. Reid , of Falls City , Neb. ,
vho should be given due credit
or the convincing argument he
nits up on this moat important
ssue , which is free from abuse
ind ridicule and he should be
given the support of local mer
chants everywhere. Webster
CityIa. ( ) Daily Freeman-Trib.
If you sutler from bloating , belching ,
our stomach , Indigestion or Dyspop-
In , tukc u lllnjrs Dyspepsia Tablet
iftor cuch meul , and overcome the dls-
igrccublo trouble. It will Improve
hu appetite , and aid digestion. Sold
it A. G. Wnnnor's Drug Store.
Don't Worry.
It will come out all right.
There has always been some
thing wrong , but it is rarely the
ame thing next year that it
was last year. As soon as one
lay's work is done , the dawn of
the next appears , wilh a big
lay's work ahead. But every
day's work brings its own re.
ward , and no one is so happy as
the man who is able to work.
The miserable are they who are
out of the stress of life. For
instance , here are our indust
rial problems. Slavery w a s
settled a dozen times before it
was settled right. Every com
promise narrowed the scope oi
the question , until it came down
to a question of slaves or nc
slaves. We are going through
exactly that kind of a stage in
the settlement of the question.
Harriman represent some side ,
Roosevelt represents the othei
side. Perhaps each is a little
wrong , and each a little right ,
But the question will not be
settled until it is settled right
But it will be settled. Don'
worry about that. There an
bigger questions beyond tin
horizon than the industrial pro
blem , and when the contest o
today is done other problem :
will rise. Always it is a fight
if the millenium were to come i
wouldn't be here six weeks un
til the people would be too laz ;
to be worthy ot it. It is th
struggle that makes us fit t
live. And now , young man
looking bock over this histor
of your country for a genera
Entirely a question of compensation of how
much value you get for your money. B. P. S.
Purity , Perfect Formula , Fine Grinding Means
Economy in Covering , Spreading and
MMM B > n > > * * * * * > * l > * * * M * * * B B-M * * * MBWMMWM > MMM WH iaHMMMa M M M * a HB HBaB > M
W. H. CROOK it SH.
Ask for B. P. S. Sealed Evidence , Paint costs ,
I color card and plates of colored houses , Free.
tion , don't you think you should
inc up with the party that has
settled all the big and little
questions in the past tifty years ,
and settled them right ? Don't
you think it is worth while to
: rus tthe judgement of that party
n this struggle , knowing that
vhile it may be wrong in de
tails , there are men in the
> arty big enough and strong
enough to straighten out the
crooked places ? A party is a
temperament. The Republican
party is the sanguine tempera ,
nent of this nation. It sees
.he door and opens it , and
sn't discouraged about the
teyhole. It is the party of
lope , the party with its face
'orward , and not the party of
despair. Join it , young man ,
and stay joined. Fight inside
the party , and make your pri
vate opinion public sentiment.
But stay with the ship. It's a
"ong walk back. White.
I will mall jou free , to prove merit ,
samples of my Dr. Shoop's Restorative ,
and my book on cither Dyspepsia , the
Heart or the Kldnevs. Troubles of the
Stomach , Heart and Kidneys arc mere-
y symptons ot a deeper ailment. Don't
make the common error of treating
symptons only. Symplon treatment is
treating the result of your ailment , and
not the cause. Weak stomach nerves
the inside nerves mean stomach
weakness , alwajs. And the heart , and
ddneys as well , have their controlling
or Inside nerves. Weaken these nerves
and you Inevitably have weak vital
organs. Hero is where Dr. Shoop's
Restorative has made its fame. No
other remedy even claims to treat the
"inside uerves. " Also for bloating ,
biliousness , bad breath or complexion ,
use Dr. Shoop's Bestoratiye. Write
me today for sample and free book.
Dr. Shoop. Racine , WIs. The Restora
tive Is sold by all dealers.
Evangelical Lutheran Churcn ,
Services at 2:30 : p. mon alter
nate Sundays.
Man Zan Pile Remedy comes put uj
in a collapsible tube with a nozzle
Easy to apply right where soreness anc
Inflammation exists. It relieves a
once blind bleeding , Itching or protrud
Ing piles. Guaranteed. Price 50c
Get it today. Sold by A. G. Wanner
The consummate daring of It ! Wh
the rascal ought to have been In con
inand of an army. On the Board c
Strategy he would have been Incon
parable !
There followed a tableau that
shall not soon forget. Wo all stare
at the real Haggcrty much after th
fashion of Medusa's victims. Presen
ly the tension relaxed , and we a
sighed. I sighed because the thougl
of jail for the night In a dress-su
dwindled in perspective ; the gl
sighed for the same reason and one c
two other things ; the chief of the vl
lage police and his otllcers sighed b
cause darkness had suddenly swoopc
down on them ; and Hamilton slghe
because there were no gems. Ha ;
gerty was the one among us wh
didn't sigh. He scowled blackly.
This big athlete looked like a d
tectlve , and the abrupt authorlly i
his tones convinced me that he wa
Haggerty was celebraled In the anna
of police affairs ; he had handled a
sorts of criminals , from titled Ir
posters down to petty thieves. E
was not a man to trifle with , mental !
or physically , and for this reason
were all shaking In our boots , K
'owned to a keen but brutal wit ; i
him there was no such thing as EC
among criminals , and he had the t
nacity ot purpose that has given tl
bulldog considerable note in the pi
But it was quite plain that for on <
he had met his match.
"I don't see how you can blame me
mumbled the chief. "None of us w :
familiar with your looks , and 1
showed us his star of authority , ai
went to work in a business-like way-
By George ! and he has run away wil
my horse and carriage ! " starth
from his chair.
"Never mind the horse. You'll fir
it safe at the railway station , " snarh
Haggerty. "Now , then , tell me ever
thing that has happened , from b
ginning tb end. "
And the chief recounted the adve
ture briefly. Haggerty looked cold
at me and shrugged his broad shot
ders. As for the girl , he never ga1
her so much as a single glance. I
knew a gentlewoman without lookli
at her twice.
"Humph ! Isn't he a clever or
though ? " cried Haggerty , in a bur
of admiration. "Clever Is no nan
for it. I'd give a year of my life
come face to face with him. It would 1
an Interesting encounter. Hunted hi
for weeks , and today laid eyes on hi
' , for the first time. Had my clumi
jpaws on him this very afternoon. I
eeemed so willing to be locked i
'that I grew careless. Biff ! and he ai
his accomplice , an erstwhile valet , h :
ton trussed like a. chicken and bundli
UivioiY House
< *
Recently re-decorated and < ;
< | re-furnished t h r o u gliout. < g
Everything first class. SpecT
| > ial attention given to trail- | >
| sient. Rate , $2.00 per day. < |
& w
I Wm. McPherson , Prop. |
" : Theme 59 - palls City , Neb. | l
Dr. Hannah C , Moran
( formerly Dr. 1'lumliin )
Physician and Surgeon
Is now located one block West of the
National hotel , where she will be
> leascd to see her old friends and pat-
ons. Calls promptly answered night
or day.
Phone 24S Over Richardson County
ione-Plesldence , 10 °
( omc (
DR. H. T. HftHN
Office at Metts1 Barn. Office
Phone 189. Residence Phone
-J , For Good Sales , ( Jood Service , Prompt < v >
f Returns Ship Your Stock to < ; >
I Qeo. R. Barse |
y National Stock Yards , III. < J
Kansas City , Mo. , 1) )
\ 237 AcresKood Innd three
| miles enst of "Verdun. jj |
Will sell 157 iieres where
house stands , and remaining J.
SO ncres , separately or an a *
For futher particulars see
Joseph Strohmeyer
Verdon - - Neb 5
It's Your Own Fault
* If you don't get your
if *
U money's worth. Come ?
\ \ to my Shop and buy
* your Mens and Boys \ \
I Shoes. $
* _ H
| " - $
J Richardson County Bank Building *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Farm Loans !
Five per cent money 1
on long time on Farm 1
| Security , with privit
I lege to pay on any 1
I interest day. If you ;
I *
* are in need of a Farm I
* Loan see me. i
| Falls City , - Neb. I
1 Phone No. 230 J
SYRUP cures coughs And colds.