The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 14, 1907, Tribune Supplement, Image 7

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    Vol4 Pails City , Neb. , June 14 , 1907 No. 177
Ted Callapp and son , were
down from Humboldt Tuesday.
T. L. Himmelrich will be at
home from Lincoln over Sunda3' .
Miss Florence Wylte is assist
ing : at Samuel Wahl's store this
* *
Mrs. J. Vandevort of Salem , is
at the hom.e of Willis Yoder this
t *
Isham Reavis and Ed Faloon
were in Lincoln on business this
H. F. Guile of Humboldt , was
a business visitor here the first
of the week. ' *
Mrs. Elliott returned Tuesday
from a two weeks vacation with
Barada friends.
Mrs. M. D. Lum of Verdon
yisited her mother , Mrs. Sue
Dcwald this week.
Lee Marts of Wymore , was at
the home of his parents a short
time between trains Monda3r.
Dr. Minor purchased the
residence property in which he
is living : of George Hall this
Mrs. Lee Marts returned to
her home in Wvmore Friday
after a two weeks visit with Mr.
Sam Marts and wife of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Sear and Miss
Winnie Hill , sister of Mrs. Sear ,
ot Hiawatha attended the Ken
nedy Jessen wedding ; Wednes
day night. /
Mesdames Lydia Speery and
Ada Wells are visiting : thair sis
ter , Mrs. Rebecca Gribblings , and
'other relatives at White Cloud ,
Kans. , this week.
Judge William Mast of Goff ,
Kans. , for many years a'resident
of this place , was in town this
week renewing acquaintcnce
with old friends.
Mrs. Sam Marts was up town
Wednesday" for the first time
since she was injured several
weeks ago by her fall. She is
getting her strength back slowly.
Elmer Arnold was up from
Rule Wednesday. We were
pleased to receive a pleasant call
from him. He took the opportu
nity of renewing faith with The
Baby Neal Gaininni had the
misfortune to fall down stairs last
Monday. Eortunately the little
fellow got off with nothing more
serious than a few bruises and a
bad fright.
Guy Houston returned Friday
from a few days visit with Ver
don friends.
Dan and Logan Reavis of Kan
sas City and Redding , Cal. , spent
a few days in the city this week
looking after business matters.
The library has purchased and
put on the shelves this wetfk a
set of the New .International En
cyclopedia. This is a very desir
able addition to the reference de
partment. * ,
John Faulkner of East St.
Louis visited friends and relatives
here Thursday while en route to
his home from South Dakota. Mr.
Faulkner is employed with , the
American Book Company and was
recently elected President of the
Elks lodge for Illinois.
Dr. C. T. Burchard entertained
the city medical association with
a smoker in his office Wednesday
evening. The time was spent in
discussing some important medi
cal questions , cards and socia-
conversation. Those in atten
dance report a good time-
Rachel Jane Grouse , aged 3
year and 8 months died June 12th
1907 of membranous croup. She
was ill only a few hours though
her suffering was .great till the
Death Angel came to carry the
little soul back to Him who gave
The funeral was held from the
home of the parents Wednesday
afternoon in charge of Rev. W.
'T ' : Cline Ph. D. and interment
was made in Steele's cemetery.
We extend our sincere sym
pathy to the bereaved parents.
The following .list of maga
zines have been ordered for the
library for the year :
Atlantic Monthly HealtlfCulture
Century N. Anier. Review
Dial Outing
Everybody's Review of Reviews
Harper's Monthly Success
Little Folks Cosmopolitan
Munsey Birds and Nature
N Y Times Re
view of Books Pacific Monthly
Outlook Amer. Magazine
Public Librabries Keramic Studio
St. Nicholas Worlds Work
Scientific Amer. Delineator
Scribner's McClure's
Youth's Cotnpan. Ladies' Home Jour.
Life ( Sat Evening Post
Etude Good Houbekeep'y.
A member ot the W. C. T. U.
has donated a year's subscrip
tion to the Union Signal and
each of the churches see that
one of their publications is on
the readingtable. . With the
county papers , this means plen
ty of up to date reading.
W. E. Dorrington and wife re
turned Tuesday from a several
months trip on the Pacific .coast.
Most of the tune has been
spent in Yakoma.yash. . where
Mr. Dorrington has large busi
ness interests.
Annual Sunday School Convention
The Richardson County Sun
day School association was held
m Salem Thursday and Friday ,
June Gth and 7th. Tbli meeting-
was not so large as had been
anticipated , owingto the con-
tirued rains , but was in every
way interesting and instructive.
The original program was very
much modified because ol the
absence of a uuinbef of deli-
The devotional exercises on
the opening mbrning were con
ducted by. Prof. Steidly In the
absence of Rev. Teeter , of this
city. This was "followed by the
address of 'welcome by Rev. W.
0. Garbisqn ot Salem which )
with the registration and assign
ment of delegates , took up the
morning session.
At the afternoon session Rev.
W. T. Cline , Ph.'o. , of this city ,
gave a very fine taHc on the relation -
lation of Sunday school and
missionary work. The discus ,
sion was open to the entire
assembly and was generally in
teresting. Prof. Steidley's talk
on the Sunday school as the
place for children was particu
larly good , and the discussion
full of interesting points.
The Friday morning session
was opened by RevvW. L. Dil-
low of Dawson. Rev. Calvert ot
Humboldt gave a very instruc
tive talk on how to put the Sun
day school to work. The teach
ers meeting , conducted"by Rev.
Smith of Hijmboldt was a won.
derful help to teachers.
Miss Haines conducted the
round table , and in her talk on
primary work she used question
slips and answered any question
asked during1 her talk which
proved agreat help to those list
ening to her.
One feature of her instruction
was an illustrated song"Jeru -
salem. " She had prepared a
picture representing , almost , a
maj and followed it in the song
with a discripton or story of
each place.
Friday was election of officers
and with the exception of pres
ident , little change was made.
Mr. Maze was elected president
and as Richardson county is the
banner county in regard to being
first in the payment of all dues
and Sunday school obligations ,
the new president was presented
with the gavel which he holds
as long as the county holds its
place ot honor.
' At the 'afternoon session a
consecration meeting was held ,
followed by a talk on Sunday
school amusements by Rev.
Garbison which was both in
teresting and helpful.
Unfinished business was then
taken up and before the adjourn
ment Verdon was selected for
the next meeting1. Those who
attended the convention from
this place were : Mrs. C. N.
Allison , Misses Beulah Green-
wald , Ethel Parchen and Alice
Yoder , of the Presbyterian
church ; Mesdames Teeter and
Mathers and Miss Shaffer , of
the Brethren church ; and Rev.
Cline , of the M. E. church.
A number of Falls City nitn-
rods , including John Powell and
H. C. Davis , have been spending
ten days at the Minnesota lakes.
They returned Tuesday and to
prove beyond a doubt to their
numerous friends that they had
enjoyed a great haul a beautiful
supply'of Pike , Perch , Pickeral
and croppy were distributed.
The Tribune management was
kindly remembered by Mr.1 Powell
for which we extended ouf thanks.
I The gents certainly had a great
, catch or expended a considerable
'amount of their surplus cash iri
I making the showing t h e y
brought home , but we did not
have the nerve to ask John to
put us next to the real situation.
Burk C.ase Reversed.
The case against Sim Burk of
Rule wherein the defendant was
convicted several months ago ,
was reversed and the conviction
set aside by the supreme court
last week. The friends of Mr.
Burk are delighted over his vin
dication by the highest court in
the state. The case of Plant
against the Burlington was de
cided by the court in Mr.
Plant's tavor at the same time.
District Court.
Judge Kelliger convened count
Monday morning and has been
busily engaged in trying cases all
week. The injunction case of
Tiehen vs. Stewart relating to a
levy on the Nemaha river en
gaged the attention of the court
until Tuesday morning , at which
time the hearing was deferred to
make way for the case of George
b. Hinton against the Burlington
for damages done to an ice house
by flood water , The case was
gfven , to the jury late Wednesday
night and returned a yerdict for
Hinton for $6,300.
Mrs. Courtright of Preston was
granted a divorce from her hus
band for habitual drunkeness.
Court is today hearing two
liquor cases from Stella.
The jury was discharged until
Tuesday at which time the bank
cases against the First National
bank of Humboldt arising out of
the Samuelson failure will be
taken up.