The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 14, 1907, Page 8, Image 10

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Fen SALC 320 acri'a about miles of Salem , uplnncl. All fenced , new house 4 rooms , *
well mid wuidinill , 150 acres cultivated , 20 aires meadow , 8 acres timber , balance pusum * -t
Henry C. Smith $10 per ncre. Small piiytnetit down balance 10 years time 5 per cent. A bargain.
. 110 to 120 acres n * > ur Salem , bottom laud. Good terms. Might rent for 1J07. Handy
tmlepotand tow n.
iiores 2 miles of Falls City. 100 acres 2i miles of Stella. 100 acres Nuckolls Co. ,
Neb. About 50 acres winter wheat , $ -10 per acre. SO acres Brown county , Kas. , 7 miles
LANDS & LOANS southeast of Hiawatha. Will take small house in Falls City as part pay. Good terms.
200 acres J ? miles Falls City , yood , fair house. 1(50 ( acres Johnson county , jjood terms.
Grandma Gnm-r win reported crlt
cal ill the fore P rt of the week
Mrs. E. I ) . Woods of Elk Creek spot
the week with HumboItU friends.
Sheriff W. T Ponton and fnmil
pent Sunday with friends In this cltj
Dr. Mary Bowers was over froi
Pawnee City on professional buslncs
Arthur McMurrny and family Icav
this week for their future homo 1
Charles Norton was down from Lli
coin the middle of the week vlsitln
former friends.
Mrs. U. L. IlolT and daughter , Lucll
spent the week with relatives an
friends In Salem.
Kd Vaneo came down from Omah
Sunday for a visit with his inothci
Mrs. Ellen Vance.
Lulu Harding is attending the coir
mcnecment exercises at Coiner un
verslty this week.
Mrs. Lute Skalak is home from
visit with the family of John Frynci
ger in Pawnee City.
Mrs. M. K. Linn IB enjoying a vis !
at the homo of her daughter , Mrs. \ \
S. Pcrrln , In Lincoln.
1. E. Smith and little daughter !
: Marie and Helen , were visitors In Lti
* coin the last of the week.
I Mrs. Frank Snethen and children n
| tunica homo Monday from a pleasar
\ visit with relatives la Kansas.
t Will Johnson and family roturne
Sunday from a couple of weeks vis
with Lincoln and Omaha friends.
Mrs. Ralph Phllpot entertained In
parents , K. J. VInek and wife of Ar
I pahoo , this state , the past week.
W E. Duell and A II. Fellers a
tended the states meeting of the unde
takers , which convened In Omaha th
| Frank LUchfleld of Kansas City w
It entertained at the homo of his brothc
| | Mayor Lltchlleld , several days the fir
\f \ of thu week ,
h George MeConnoll has purchased tl
I ! barber shop of Rlloy Roberts on tl
I : cast side of the square , and is now
I charge of the business.
Fred Rlst was a St. Joseph vlslti
I this week , where ho went to eonau
1 specialists In regard to his hcalt
I which has been very poor of late.
I The following young ladies attend
I ; the Sunday school convention at Sale
I ) Thursday and Friday : IsMim Sno
j' Ethel ShuUz , Glcntio Wilson and Vic
I Draper.
I Miss Zoo Kims and Messrs. Go err
r and Lois Hummel and Lloyd Stale
If returned the fore part of the we
| t from Lincoln , where they have bq
attending school for the past year.
Ruth Linn , who has been at tend I
tchool In Lincoln for a year pn
Mopped oil In HuinbohU Friday for
visit with the family of C. M. Lli
while onrouto to her homo at Grand
It Missouri.
\f \ Mrs. Grace Beyers and baby , w
| , had been visiting nt the homo o [ I
I and Mrs. Garver. loft Monday for
I several days visit with friends In L
I ; coin , and from there will go to 1 :
I' ' \QtnQ ) in Minnesota ,
I Mrs. Henry Dracelen and chlldi
I came down from Lincoln Monday
I a visit with friends In this city. Th
I expect to leave soon for their futi
I home in Canada , where Mr. Brace
I has recently taken a claim.
I' A pre-nuptlal shower was given
li the home of Estclla Williamson Thu
If day evening , in honor of MUs L
I Harding , who is soon to become '
I' bride of Rev. E. I. Smith of Botha
I Nebr. Miss Harding , vas prcsen
I with a handsome cut-glass water sel
I * S. E. Davis has purchased the FIT
I Shurtlell property of Nemaha str <
I adjoining the Presbyterian church
I the EOuth. Consideration Sl,700. ;
I Davis1 family will arrive hero fr
I Wilbur , this state , In a few days , i
! will occupy the property.
l < The following young people fr
It this place are attending summer sch
I. at Peru. Misses Ro.xio Wells , Di
I and Lilllo Oberly , Esther Maxw
I ! Emma Staus , Jessie Draper and I
li' rlckWnlsh , Charles Wutsek , Edw
| i' class ' 07 and Oakley James. Seven
| Hodappumber were members of
I of this n.
I E. S. Norton left Monday for Dot
I , eon , Texas , where he will remain d
| ing the summer , and if prospects i
| good will probably locate in that i
| tiou. He has accepted an agency w
I a stoneware company of Monmoi
| 111. , and the above territory has bi
| assigned him , Mrs. Norton contc
r plates spending a greater part of
I' . summer with relatives at Colon
I ; Springs , Colo. , and expects to lei
I ; tbia week for that place.
I , '
Mrs. Wert/ went to Alma laturday
Mrs. Ed May went to Omaha Wed
Hazel ( Jrinstcad went to Fall ? Citi
Merle Mottz came up from Falls Clt ;
Ada Corn was a county ecat vlslto
Will Korshaw and wife went to Hum
boldt Friday.
Cass Moore ami wife drove to Fall
City Friday.
CUBS Moore a ml wife drove to Vcr
don Sunday.
Aunt Llbblo Roberts Is on the slcli
list this week.
Benson Jones came home from Lin
coin Thursday.
Floyd Bafcer made a business trip U
Dawson Tuesday.
John Moore was a county seat visitoi
Veilncsday evening.
Mrs. W. Wort'/ went to Falls Citi
'cdnesday morning.
D. G. Simmons and wife Jrovo to thi
ounty scat Saturday.
Roy Daggott and family spent Sun
lay at Charlie Stowart's.
Mrs. IlolT and Lucile came ilowt
om Humboldt Saturday.
Bert and Harry Pennlngton were ii
ills City one day this week.
Ralph Moore and Roy Thornburj
cut to Kansas City Tuesday.
County Treasurer Lord and Shcrll
'cnton ' were in Salem Wednesday.
Ura Moblcy and Mrs. Will Kershav
ore county scat visitors Tuesday.
Vera Lord and Florence Wyllc drovi
p from the county capltol Wednesday
Eii Ilodnpp of Humboldt was In towi
'ucsday morning on Ills way to Peru
Ben Jones returned to Lincoln Sun
ay , accompanied by his sister , Floi
Glen Curtis of St. Joseph visited i
: own'a few days , the latter part of th
Joe Hiiro arrived from Sidney , lowt
Wednesday for a visit with Salei
Mrs. Frank French and ehildre
jaiiio down from llumboldt Weilnesda
Mrs Glen Campbellaiurilttle daugl
, er returned to their home in Omah
Mrs. Allan May and son , Edgr
Wylle , wont to the county scat ono dn
this week.
Xdla McCool and Mary Russell n
turned home from a visit nt Lincoln c
Mcsdamcs Jake Nedrow and Mr
Hoover and Mablo left Wednesday fc
Maltlatul , Mo.
Mrs. Clinton Jones entertained Mr
John Linn and daughter , Katie , i
Buppor Tuesday.
Lola Powell , Louise Rule and Im
Wachtel of rails City visited hare tl
last of the week.
J. L. Musgrovo was over from S
botha Tuesday looking after his Sale
business interests.
Will Yodcr came up from Falls Cl
Tuesday and Mrs. Vandervort returm
with him that evening.
Mrs. Kathcrine Wyllo and Mrs. Wi
Uhlig and children came up from tl
couety seat Wednesday.
Ben Shrlmpton , wife and sonWort
arrived from Fremont Tuesday for
visit with friends and relatives.
Mrs. Llla Jennings and daughte
Ethel , of Lincoln arrived Saturday f
a visit with friends and relatives.
Muocl and Luverno Lesley ente
talncd n number of young people Tue
day evening. The time was spent
progressive llinch ,
The members of the Ninth Hour cl
drove to the homo of Mrs. S. Bronsi
near Shubert last Thursday and spc
the day , it being a very enjoyable c
caslon for all. At this time the form
announcement was made of the engag
mcnt of Miss Alvlrda Allen to W.
Hunt , the marriage to take place Ju
20th ,
A son was born to Willis Lytle a
wife on Monday June 3rd.
Mrs. M. Quintan is spending t
week with her mother In Missouri.
Carrie Young has gone to Oma
where she will take a course in t'
business college.
Messrs. O'Brien , Varln , Hasklns a
Fankell attended a dance in Daws
Wednesday night ,
Gertrude Robinson has been hlr
as teacher for the Vandeventer schc
for the coming year.
Will O'brkn went to Peru tnls week
where he will work at th'j carpentei
trade the rest ol the summer.
Esburn Wheeler was In Omaha the
first of the week attending a conven
tion of the Nebraska undertakers.
Louis Mii'ien , a merchant of GaFves
ton , Texas. Is hero for a month' . * vlsli
with h'.s parents , Bsrney Mullen ant
Mrs. Agnes Tlpton and twoehlldrcr
of Albany , Mo. , are spending the week
at thu home of W. C. Moore south o
Dr. Montgomery and J. II. Cain , jr.
spent a few days in Omaha lust weeli
attending a meeting of the Masonic
Mr. . Kittle Wilsey , a nurse in a sun
tiirium in Lincoln' , Is spending a twr
eekS vacation with her mother at
uls place.
IIov. Carries and John D. Shraugei
out to Omaha Monday as delegate !
rom Cottage to attend a mlnisterla
Mrs. Clifford Young and baby re
urncd to their home at Alliance Sat
rday after a month's visit with rcla
rVes here.
Olllo and Grace Bain , Maud Mont
emery , Mary O'Brien , loue Shiek ant
Mice and Lola McUray are in Pert :
ttendlng the summer normal.
Frank Wcllcr , a university student ,
uis been spending this week at homo ,
Ic expects to leave soon for Montanr
0 join a government surveying party
Norman Shraugcr and wife , win
mvo been living in Billings , Montana
or the past year , are here on a visit
vlth relatives. The former , who is r
barber , expects to locate again In thli
omraunlty ,
Clyde Baldwin and Ingram Cain , wh <
cccntly went to Mexico to take posi
ion in the clerical department of i
melter , have resigned , and purchase !
1 stationary and typo writer suppl ;
tore In Torrcon , Mexico.
Henry Corn was a Nebraska Cif
Isltor lust Friday.
Bower Bros , shipped cattle to Kan
as City Wednesday.
Guy Houston of Falls City is visitioi
n Vcrdon this week.
Dave Davies was up from the count ;
eat , Friday on business.
BOUN : On Thursday to Rober
Mlchlo and wife , a daughter.
Grace Bennett was n M. P. passen
jer to Lincoln Saturday morning.
Loren Corn went to Lincoln Satut
day for a few days visit to friends.
Rue Gates of Falls Ulty is visitin ;
her cousin , Nolle Weaver , this week.
Amret Hart went to Omaha Monda
to attend the Sunday School convei
Florence Judd and Ada Leonar
went to Peru , Saturday for a visit t
Frank Brldser came down from Shi
bert Monday night for a few days visi
to relatives.
( jharlay Helnzelman , wife and so
made a business trip to Falls City las
Will Hall and son of Canada are vis
ting his mother , Mrs. Julia Hall an
Other relatives.
Dr. Houston and family of Nebrask
City are visiting \V. A. Moran an
wife this week.
Mr. Adams and wife of Kentuck
arrived Wednesday on a visit to Fran
Veach and wife
Mrs. Dave Davles of the county sea
spent the latter part of the week vis
ting relatives here.
Neal Mulligan wife of Clay Cei
tor , Nebr. , are visiting W. C. Sloa
and wife this week.
Madge Bourne returned to her hoin
In Auburn Tuesday , after a few daj
visit with friends here.
O. P. Veal and daughter , Hazel wet
to Lincoln Saturday and remalnc
until Monday evening.
Verna and Chloe Wilkinson went i
Preston , Tuesday for a visit to the !
friends , the Misses Weddle.
The Ball Boys went to Nebraka Gil
Friday and played their game in th
evening. The score was 4 to 3 In fov <
of the N. C. team.
The little daughter of Mr , Johnsc
that swallowed some corn some tin
ago , died at Its home Thursday at
was burled Saturday.
Arthur Weaver returned Sui
day from a month's trip to Sea
tie. Wash. , and San Diego , Cal
where he visited his mother.
Willard Shubert was a business caller
or Tiii-day.
Ilcnrv Gcrdes was a Vdrdon vlsltoi
on Moml.iy.
Leo Shubert was seen on our street :
on Wednesday.
Day MeGath Is employed attht Wile
man fruit farm
Frank Houea was a visitor in Craig
Mo. , on Friday.
CHIT Hargcr spent Sunday nca
llilhdalo with her parents
Viola Boggs is assisting Mrs. Franl
Gllland with house cleaning.
Mrs. J. F. Kllgoro was the guest o
Mrs. Elmer Ruwell Sunday.
H. II. Woodrinu has re-opened hi
blacksmith shop at this place.
Gust l.uchholv. and Louis Hellraai
were Barada visitors Monday.
John Aharan of Shubert was a busl
ness visitor on Wednesday last.
Carl Mangold and family were visit
in Herman Heilman's Sunday.
Kd Davis and family were guests o
Lloyd Mitchell and wife Sunday.
Grant Shubert , Lee Pond .ind wlT
were visiting here on Wednesday.
John Hacker of Falls City Is assist
Ing Win. Kuhlman with farm work.
Mrs. Huldah Johnson visited Tucs
day with her sister , Mrs. Emma Par
Mrs. Irene Langdon and sister , Lei
tie , were visiting with Ida Bowers o
R. J. Dunn and L. II. Morehead wer
business visitors nt the county scat o
Frank Butler Is having a * new we'
dim at the farm. Walt Morehead I
doins : the work.
D. E. SplcUler and wife spent Sm :
day with the former's parents , Samue
Splckler and wife.
Otis Splckler had the misfortune t
lose ono of Ins fine driving horses la ;
Wednesday of lung fever.
John Walker moved his family ovc
from Shubert last week. They ar
now domicile . In thu Kuker cottage
Boon Buggsand family are over troi
Auburn visiting. Slnco coming her
the child''en were taken down with th
Leon Vassar who has been employe
by Mac Hendricks this spring , wi
work for James Graham the rest of th
Silvia Prino returned from a seven
months stay in Kansas City. She wr
accompanied home by her sister-in hi' '
Mrs. Leo Prine.
The dance at Otto Litz's prove
quite an attraction on Saturday nigh
a great number from Barada an
vicinity attending.
Dr. Strong was called to dress a si
veroly burned hand for George Cooi
George will be laid up for a few day
but is doing nicely at present wrltlnj
Nine year-old Joe Llppold receive
a badly burned face from playing wit
powder this week. Dr. Strong dressc
the injuries and reports Joe as doin
Mrs. Mound und daughter , ML
Lora Boggs , of Auburn , are visitln
with the family of Orange Moun
They sgent last Wednesday with Mrs
Wm. Raines.
Bennic Franklin went to Lie col
Sunday to spend commencement wee
with his brother , Rollle , who gradi
ates from the university. Both th
young men are expected home on Fr
Cnlldren's day exercises which hav
been postponed until June 10th will t
given in the evening of that day. Th
program promises to be a good on
and an invitation is extended to evei
ono to come and enjoy it.
The little daughter of George Pa
chen returned this week from Omat
where she underwent treatment h
tumor. She Is preatly Improved at
we are glad to report that am putatlc
of the atlilcted arm was unnecessary.
Mrs. Lucinda Bolejack , mother <
j E E , Bolejack , went to Shubert t
Monday. On Tuesday she started fro
j there to Omaha to bo with her daugl
, ter , Mrs. Joe Harper , who is not e.
pected to recover from an operatic
' performed some time ago for cance
'At first Mrs. Harper seemed to 1
gaining , but for nearly two weeks hi
condition has been critical.
The big rain on Friday evenli
brought disastrous results to gome
our farmers , although the greati
majority escaped without serious los
Mr. Severns , two miles east of tov
bad about fifty out of sixty-five acr
of corn washed out and It will have a
be replanted. A few others will have
parts of their crop to replant , but or
the whole the farmers are congratula
ting themselves on the few evil result ;
of the dorm.
While driving homo from town ot
Monday accompanied by her daughtci
and Halt grandson , Mis. A. J. Rum
baugh's horse became frightened anc
had It not been for the presence o
mind shown by Mrs. Rumbatigh thi
results might have proved serious. Thi
horse ran for some distance until Mrs
Rumbauqh succeeded In turning it inti
the fence fronting Samuel Spicklei
yard. lu so doing the horse broke ol
one of the pickets which Hew , striking
Mrs. Rumbaugh In the forehead am
cutting an ugly vound , There wen
no other Injuries recelvea. Dr. Stronj
was called and It was found nccessar ;
to take several stitches.
Magglo Stump spent Tuesday wltl
Pearl Shousc.
Edna and Vera Shafl'er visited will
Ida Burk recently.
Edith Peck spent Monday aflernoor
with Mrs. Llchty.
Mary Ellinger is visiting with rcla
lives in this vicinity.
Guy Stump visited Saturday nigh
with John Hutchison.
Claude Phlllipi was on the sick Us
the fore part of the wcnk.
Nellie Knisely spent Saturday nl h
with her uncle , Eph Peck.
Kate Shouse Is visiting with Edm
and Vorti Shafl'er this week.
George Shouse and family visltei
with Eph Peck and family Sunday
Lloyd and Paul Shouse spent Sutur
day afternoon with Willie Hutchison
Otto Hurttner and family vlsitei
with Will Huettner and famil ) Sunday
George Prlcnard and family spen
Sunday in Falls City \ylth Dr. Fast am
Mrs. Geo. Johnston went to Bcatric
recently to attend the wedding of he
O. A. Burk and wife visited with th
lattor's sister. Mrs. Will Bartlet
Chas. Stump and wile spent Satui
day night with the hitter's motherMr
Xeely Petry and family of Ohio wer
hero visiting relatives the latter par
of last week.
Judson Smith and wife of near Hair
lit ) , Kansas spent Sunday with Anso
Knisely and wife.
Mrs. P. E Shatter and daucrhtei
Donald , spent Monday afternoon wit' ,
George Shouso and family.
Children's exercises were given n
the Maple Grove church last Sunda ;
evening which were very nice.
Elmer , Charles and Mahlon Pec
came up Saturday night to see the !
father who was taken seriously 111.
Mrs Frank Stump had a carpet ra
sewing last Wednesday and abou
sixty ladles were present ; all reportei
a jolly time and carpet rag ? all rags.
Mrs. Noah Peck IB In Falls City thi
week at the home of her parents , Job
Yocam and wife , caring for her bus
band who was taken there after takln
so seriously 111 Saturday.
Noah Peck while In town last Satui
day attending the cattle sale ut Chat
man's Feed Yard was taken seriousl
sick with hemorrhage of the stomac
and fainted a-vay , but under the skll
f ul care of Dr. Fast who was near b
brought him to again und then he we
carried to Dr. Miner s office , where h
was kept until able to bo removed t
John Yocam's residence , parents (
Mrs. Peck , where ho lies in a very cr
tlcal condition1
At the present writing Mr. Plumb I
no better.
Harry Mann went to Lincoln Satui
day night.
F. E. Kulpof Wymore was in th :
city recently.
Mrs. Roy Hart was a Falls City vis !
tor Tuesday.
Ira Perry of Missouri was a Rule vis
tor last Saturday.
Homer Kirk came down from Prei
ton Monday evening.
John Larando was a visitor to th
Big Lake Sunday last.
Mr. Stanley of Atchison was here I
a business way Tuesday.
Conductor Hopkins has been on tb
sick list for the past week.
Ella Carpenter was a county sec
visitor the first of the week.
Phil Horan was a Falls City passen
ger Tuesday.
Frank Kleckinpcr of Big Lake was
in Rule Friday.
C. IJ. Rogers of Wjmore was In Rule
Tuesday morning.
S V. Brlnkcr of Missouri was In
Rule Tuesday evening.
Bessie Miller wont to Preston Tues
day for a few days visit.
Bob Dunn of Rushbottom was a Rule
visitor on Saturday last.
Sam Goolsby of Missouri was a Rule
visitor Saturday night.
Alice and Alta Gilbert spent Sunday
with home folks In Rulo. .
J. Chcatraan of Lincoln was a Rule
visitor the first of the week.
Clyde Adams had charge of the train
during MrHopkins' Illness.
Talbot Hinkle visited his grand
father at Fortcscue last week.
John Anderson and trrandson of Kan
sas were Rule visitors Monday.
Mr. and Mrs Kanaly returned from
Omaha Wednesday of last week.
May Schrader went to Falls City
Saturday to remain for some time.
Agnes and Nellie Schrader returned
home from Falls City Wednesday.
John Dunn of Missouri was trans
acting business In Rule last Friday.
Cecil Kanaly went to Auburn , Friday
for a visit with relatives at that place.
Mark Wet/.el and mother visited with
Robert Dunn and wife in Missouri Sun
George Ward has purchased the store
owned by the late J. W. Hosford &
A merry-sro-round came to Rule last
week and has since been taking in the
Mrs. George Davis returned from a
yisit with Preston friends Monday
James Tanuney's baby has been sick
for sevpnil days , but is improving at , *
thl tlm-
Ruth Suxton of Denver , Cole , visi
ted between trains with Edith and
Molva Kern.
A couple of junk men from St. Joe
are helping the citizens get rid of all
kind of Useless things.
Herman Kloepfel's baby has boon
quite sick for the past week , and is not
much better at this writing.
Lewis Swelnforth has opened up a
restaurant in the room lately occupied
by Henry Belpler's shoe store.
Mrs. Joe McVey departed for Have-
lock Tuesday from which place she
will return to her home In Crete.
Pearl Anderson and mother returned
Saturday after a week spent In Hia
watha and other points In Kansas.
J. A. Hinkleand wife departed Mon
day for Fayette , | MO. , where they ex
pect to spent the week visiting friends.
The M. E. people have purchased
the two lots of Mrs. Hasfordwhere the
hotel was burned about eleven years
ago , and will erect their new church
on the same.
Monday night a meeting was held
to talk over arrangements for celebra
ting the Fourth. No definite plans \
were made and they adjourned for
another meeting for Wednesday night.
Word has been received here that
Henry Bolpler who went to Colorado ,
some time ago , is very sick. His
mother will go to him In a few days.
Henry has many friends in Rule , who
wish him a speedy recovery.
A dog which was said to be mad
caused some excitement In Rule and
the country south of town ; it was fol
low into town by several men all bent
on Its destruction , but it succeeded in
biting half a dozen dogs In town before
it was killed.
Jennie Powell returned Friday ' '
from a visit with her aunt , Mrs.
McDermond in Kansas City.
Samuel Wahl and wife returned
from Indianapolis Saturday and
are now at home to their trieuds.
J. II. Cline of Philadelphia ar
rived Monday from Casey , la. , to
visit the family of Mrs , Kate
Grace VaaWinkle , Prudence
Davis and Mau < l Sperry were
Hiawatha visitors the latter part
of last week.
Maude Graham went to St. L
Louis Saturday for a three weeks
visit with the family of her
brother , Cecil Grahaui.