The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 07, 1907, Image 1

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Historical Society
Remember the Falls City Chautauqua , July 21 to 31 inclusive. Arrange to be with us the entire Session ,
Vol. IV FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , JUNE 7 , 1907. Whole No. 176
Rev. French E. Oliver.
The great tabernacle meeting
will begin next Sunday morning
at 11. o'clock.
Three hundred singers are
wanted for the great chorus choir.
7 Choir rehearsal in the tabernacle
on Saturday night.
Mr. Samuel Wahl and MissGrace
Edna Gray were married Wednes
day June 5 th , in Indianapolis ,
Ind. at the home of the brides
uncle , Mr. Ross.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Wahl are
well and favorably known in
Falls City , Mr. Wahl having
been in business here for over
twenty-five years. He is a man
of par excellent business ability
and has a host of friends in both
the business and social world.
Mrs. Wahl , has grown to
womanhood in our city. She is
well known and highly esteemed
by a large circle of Iricnds. She
is a graduate of the Business
college and for the past three
years has been employed as a
book keeper.
A great many-friends join with
us in extending our congratula
tions and best wishes.
On Saturday June 1st. Mrs.
Willis Yodcr died at her home in
this city after a long period of
suffering. For almost a year
has been practically an invalid
but in all the time she had not
lost courage , she hoped and be
lieved each time she rallied from
a serious attack that the worst
was over and she was on the way
to recovery. Through all her
sickness and suffering she was
was cheerful , hopeful and un-
complaining. Her loving , aim-
able disposition remained un-
changed and the burden of sorrow
row for those who loved her best
was never made harder to bear
by her complaint or discourage
bhe has had the best care that
loving hearts and tender hands
could give but all to no avail and
the all wise Creator claimed her
in His own good time.
Mary Allen was born May 25th
1878 in Latnonia , la. After
the death of her mother when
she was two and a half years old
she lived with her annt Mrs. Van
Devort of Salem and was better
known as Maryt Van Devort.
She graclurted from the Salem
high school in 1897 and when 19
> ears of age she was converted
; md became a member of the
Gospel Union Church.
September 10th1902 , Mary
Allen and Willis Yoder were
united in marriage. One son ,
I'rancis was born to them May
26th. 1904.
Those who live to mourn her
death are her husband and little
son , her father , a sister , and
brother , the aunt with whom she
lived , beside other relatives and
a large circle of friends.
The funeral services were held
in the M. E. Church Sumlayi
June 2 nd. 1607 at 230 ; p , in. con
ducted by Rev. W. T. Cline Ph.
D. in the presence of a large Qon-
gregation of friends and the re
mains were laid at rest in Steele's
To those who mourn her death
is extended the sympathy of a
large circle of friends.
Card of Thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. William Landri
gan wish to express their ap
preciation and sincere thanks
to the manyBfriends who , with
their sympathy and kindnes
assisted them through the ill
ness at thejtime of the death and
of their little daughter , Edna.
Isham Reavis was a busines
visitor to Omaha Monday anc
Society News. |
On Tuesday of this week Missi
locum entertained a number of
fiends at cards in honor of Miss
essen whose marriage to Mr.
lorace Kennedy will take place'
ext Wednesday.
Guests lor four tables enjoyed
he game of whist until five
'clock when Miss Slocum served
nest delicious refreshments , as-
isted by her sister , Mrs. II. M.
en ne.
In awarding the prize for the
greatest number of games it was
ound that Misses Kate and Ruth
Icacock had the same number.
On the cut the immense boquct
f carnations fell to Miss Ruth.
The party was given by way of
. hoseo' shower which to Miss
essen was a complete surprise
s was shown when the hostess
) resented to her gifts of the
niests. The assortment was
eautifulincluding various colors
lack , lisle , embroidered aad
ilk , for which Miss Jessen ex-
rcssed her appreciation with a
ew yery witty little remarks.
. "Mie afternoon proved a delight-
ul one and the gut-stsare greatly
mlebted to their charming
The M. E. Kensington was
elightfully entertained by
Misses Emma and Rose Schiablc
Vednesday afternoon at their
ionic. Being guest day a large
rowd was in attendance and a
0ocl amount was realised financi-
Mrs. Katherine Wylie and
aughter Florence , Mrs. Will
Uhlig and babies visited Mrs.
Ulen May in Salem Wednesday.
Kaffee Klautch was royally en-
ertained at the home of Miss
lle Snyder on Wednesday
afternoon , the fine weather only
added to the general pleasure of
he guests. With busy fingers
and busier conversation the
afternoon passed all so quickly.
At five o'clock Miss Snyder
erved dalicious refreshments
vhich received inanycompliments
rom her friends. Several visit
ors were invited as guests of the
club. The afternoon was pro
nounced especially enjoyable.
The C. E. society of the
3sesbyterian church was cnter-
ained at the home of the Misses
Cleaver Tuesday evening and a
royal good time is reported.
Games and mussc were the
principal entertainment during
the evening. The young ladies
served dainty refreshments.
At the tea given at the home
of Mrs. J. W. Powell Wednesday
evening by St. Martha's Guide
$16.50 were realized.
Mrs Phil Hermes entertained a
lozen young ladies at dinner Sun-
lay evening in honor of her niece
Miss Cora Me Ilvain who left
Thursday for Coweta , I. T.
An elegant dinner was served
ind the event was a very happy
one. Miss Cora received the best
wishes of her friends as it was
itiown that she was to be mar
ried on Wednesday to Miles Ma-
cumber , formerly of _ this place
but who is now an industrious
young farmer near Coweta.
Petit Jurors.
The following is the list of
jurors drawn for the June term
of district court :
Fred Sennits , J. L. Hasenyager , E
A. Harding' , Win. Kishcr , Jos.Parsons
Liberty , Precinct.
El T. Ubbee , Geo. Smith , Thob. P
Murphy , Pat Clancy , Christ Wustcr
Grant , Precinct.
M. H.Vendcnventer , LevJ R. Chancj
II. D. wellcr , Barney Mullen , Die :
Walker. I , . M. Mowrer , West Muildy
J. M. Piercon , Wm. Corn , J.Corcoran
D. Brinniger , Salem , Nebr.
Murty Sullivan , Walter Saylor , D.C
Kirkpatrick , Louis Plege , Kails Citj
1 This is a complete statement of all money received and paid
I i out by City Treasurer Uhlig up to and including June Orel , 1007 ,
; and is published for your benefit , please read and study carefully.
j i At the beginning of this administration May 2nd , H)0(5 ) ( , there
| ' was outstanding warrants to the amount of § 3OOH.80 drawing 7
per cent interest ; these together with interest on same for § 1117.00
j ' j have been paid. Mr. Uhlig also p.aid claims lo the amount of
§ 1,909.-19 that were allowed by the old council. The expenses of
the city for each month is not paid until the following month.
The statement will show that he has taken up lour .Electric
Light Bonds , $2,000. and has paid interest on same $180.15 , also
paid interest on Water Bonds $1,800. There are still outstanding
Electric Light Bonds § 1,500 , drawing 5 per cent and Water
Bonds $30,000 , drawing 4 per cent interest.
This statement is made up from the books in my oflice and
the city council will please take notice that my cash balance is
5 less than the cash balance handed us by City Treasurer Uhlig
Monday night. This difference is caused by warrant No. 124 ,
rawn against the Electric Light Fund in favor of Mr. S. P.
Spence for $5 which he has not presented to the city treasurer for
Mr. Taxpayer , I want you to compare this statement to the
onditions as they existed in your city a little more than one year
go. The oity council found at the beginning of this adminis-
ration registered warrants to the amount of $8,008.80 drawing 7
r cent interest , and today , with your city tax about one half
vhat they were at that time , you lind eveiy ; thing paid and a
plendid cash balance 8.0-14.79 on hand.
from Water Commissioner Van Winkle $ 2212.03
" Whi taker 10042.34
" " FalLstead
" Occupation Tax 7022.SO
" County treaurer 13095.87
" Bode bondsmen * 4000.00
" Insurance companies 09.00
Dog tax 7.00
Librarian 103.72
" Secretary of Library Board 348.00
Total amount received by Uhlig $37091.43
Coal for Plant $8373.09
-lauling coal'to' Plant 404 70
Supplies for Plant ; 2914.40
Smployees and help at Plant 2895.08
Crossings 1200.15
anilor . . } .330.00
Court reporter . _ . * . , . 70.00
Phones and phoning f \ " \ 27.10
Vestern Union for clock 15.00
} ent 327JO
lavery hire t. 0.50
Expert accountants 501.33
tVater commissioner 400.1n
Supplies for poor 305.90
Salaries of city officials 1008 90
Police . ' 1334.45
Work on streets ' 990.40
Material for streets 403.13
Street grader 75.00
3rayage and express 104.15
est of city election 79,10
Printing and statione ry 292.31
Repairing street machinary 18.90
ew tools for street work 8.29
ancelling machine and stamp 5J0.22
Grading streets and crossings 389.45
Dog- tags 2.85
lauling and drying fire hose 18.75
loal for Library 30.00
Highways adjacent to Falls City 350.00
Dog tax refunded 7.00
Repairing engine 515.00
Repairing standpipe 30.00
Silling and removing dogs 1.00
Total expense of city for twelve months. . . $18057.58
Four electric bonds $2000.00
[ nterest on above bonds 180.15
Interest on water bonds 1800.00
Outstanding warrants May 2nd , 1900 3008.80
Interest on above warrants 137.00.
Out of Library iund , books , etc 1287.50
Claims for April , 1900 1909.49
Total . ' $10389.00
' '
Total paid out by Uhlig . 29040.01
Cash balance June 3rd , 1907 8044,79
I , Win. Uhlig , city treasurer of Falls City , Nebraska , do
here by certify that the foregoing statement agrees with the rec
ords of my oflice and the collections , disbusemente and balance
on hand shown herein , are true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
. WM. UULIG , City Treasurer.
Sworn and subscribed to in my presence this 3rd day of .June
1907. My commission expires June 13 , 1907.
J. M. WIIITAKEU , Notory Public.
1 hereby Certify that there was on deposit in the First Na
tional Bank of Falls City , Nebraska , to the credit of Wm. Uhlig
city tseasurer. at the close of business June 3rd , 1907 , the sum 01
eight thousand and forty-nine dollars and seventy-nine cents
(8049.79. (
P. H. JUSSEN. Vice President
Mr. Taxpayer , please cut this out and file it away for future
use as our next statement will contain no part of this one only
tlie cash balance ( $8014.79)
With kindest regards and best wishes to all , I beg to remain
your humble servant.
G. M. BARRETT , Mayor.
. ' > " if
City Council Preceding.
The Council met in regular scs-
ion on Monday night July 3 , rd.
n the councel chamber and being
he first meeting of the month
ills and colnmitties received a
good share of the attention of the
Bills to the amount of $1,37100
k'ere allowed Mayor Barrett then
lamed his committemen who
vcrc confirmed by the council.
The committees are as follows ;
Finance ; Fast , Windlc , Ilahn ;
vater and lights Windlc , Whita-
cer , Fast ; poor , Gehling , Maust ,
Vindle ; printing , Ilahn , Gehling ,
ast ; supplies , Whitaker , Fast ,
ehling ; fire dcpt. , Manst. Win-
ilc , Ilahn.
On motion of councilman
lahn , Martin Gehling was elect-
tl president of the council.
The bids were then opened of
Jhas. Ileineman and A. B. Evcr-
tts for the building- a concrete
vallc along the south of the
Mimping station. The Heine-
nan bid being 12c ! per sq ft and
he Everett bid 12c per sq ft. the
ontract was awarded to A. B.
It was then moved and carried
hat persons having- been notified
M'eviouslv to repair or construct
valks and had not complied
hotild be served with special
lotice to appear before the coun-
il Monday July Sth , to show
ause , if any , why same should
lot be repaired or constructed ,
Councel adjourned to meet
lomlay night , June 10th.
W. 0. W. Meeting.
Last Monday evening the W.
0. W. had quite a jolly surprise.
While the regular session was in
order a part of the members
slipped in an abundant supply of
refreshments to which all mem
bers were invited after the busi-
icss session. Sov. II. E. Lemon
vho has recently returned from
he National Council held at
Norfolk Va. had a most interest-
ng report of the National Coun
cil and manv items of interest
concerning his trip as he also
isited the Jamestown exposition.
( V general good time is reported
by' those who attended the
A Narrow Escape.
David Cain , infant son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. R. Cain , had a nar.
row escape from death last Sun
day. The little fellow , who is
i little more than a year old ,
was playing in a room in the
second story of the Cain resi
dence when in some manner he
unhooked the screen and fell
out the window. The distance
is about twenty leet and under
ordinary circumstances the fall
might have proved fatal , but it
was the young man's lucky day
and aside from a few minor
bruises and a bad shaking up he
suffered no injury.
Satisfy Yourself.
Some of the bridge material
purchased by McCray for the
DuBois bridge upon which he
was to make such a saving is
now in the court house yard for
inspection. The supervisors
who have been so cruelly as
saulted by McCray's newspaper
for refusing to stand for Bill's
bridge building have had this
metal brought in. It is old ,
rotten and rusty and has been
used in other structures many
years before William bought it
If you are interested just step
into the jail yard and satisfy
yourself by a personal Inspec
Here's something for 3011. Bes
peas 20c per can ; fine white fisl
only 58c ; 9 bars Lennox and Diamond
mend C soap at Stump's , Strauss
* !
After an illness of ten day ,
! Mrs. Louise Ilctining died at her
home in this city Tuesday morn
ing June 4th. at 1 ; 30 o'clock.
About two weeks ago she con-
ractcd blood poisoning and little
lope was entertained of her re-
overy. Her suffering was great
hrough her illness , but she beret
t patiently until the Maker she
lad served so faithfully for
hirty years bid all suffering end
ml summoned her Home.
Mrs. Heuning was known and
oved by all who knew her for
icr charity and true Christianity ,
though posessed of more than I
mple means for her support she
ics given many years of her life
o nursing , caring for the e who
vcrc unable to remunerate her
\l all with the same tender care
is those in better circumstances
or whom she labored. When
> he heard of illncbs or trouble
mong the poor she never failed
o go and offer her services freely.
In her manner she was modist ,
uict and retiring. In her chris-
iun charitableness she was one
f Gods noble women.
Louise Schlocdcr was born in
he city of Drier , Gcrmanyi Nov.
9th. 1848 and died in Falls City.
eb. June 4th. 1907 aged 5Syears
months and 15 days. When
bout five years of age she was . . a
rought to this country by her
arents who made their home in
Ohio until 1867 when they came
o Nebraska settling near Arago ,
Richardson Co.
In 1865 she was marriedto
Villinm Hcnning who proceeded
icr to the Eternal Home about
hreu years ago. ' * "H
About thirty years ago she 1
vas converted and united with
he Evangelical Association and
emained a faithful , steadfast
icinber till her death occurred.
After short services at the
ibuse at 1 o'clock the funeral
crviccs were held at the Methos-
st Church at i30 ; o'clock p. in.
n charge of Rev. Manshardt of
he Evangelical Church and the
nterment was made in Stcele's
' Mrs. Heiming leaves two sis-
ers , four brothers and many re-
atives to mourn her death and
o these many friends extend
sincere sympathy.
Parties owing us will please
come and settle at once and save
cost. M. SEKF.
For Sale.
A nice large 5 room cott ige
with closets to each bed r nt
\ \ \ doors and windows hav- '
sixed screens , all nicely pap d
and newly painted outside. t-
ting room and parlor 1 s
inished lor rugs jgood wood I
coal house and other out b
ings , on two nice lots , only
blocks from court house in n
part of town , price cut 1
$1,500 to $1,000 , as it is o\
by non-resident ; dent buy i
you see this. WUITAICER B
Gov. Sheldon In Town.
Gov. Sheldon spent a
hours i n Falls City lastThur
evening. He had been at
mage and came down on
stub to catch the Burlin ?
train lor Lincoln. A nui
of republicans spent Hie eve
with him at' the National I
until the departure of his ' , . , .
The Governor is enjo'yjng.
best of health and vyns IOQI
forward to his trip tq the c
with the Omaha Commei
club with great ranticipati
He reported that he had
perienced no difficulty in fin-
enough applicants to fill
positions at his disposal ,