The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 31, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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The Farmers State Bank *
Desires especially the accounts of all
Farmers tributary to that market ,
and guarantees the most careful at *
tention to all business entrusted to
it. Watch this space next week
for regular quarterly statement as *
rendered to the state banking board.
Preston , Nebraska
Will make the season of 1907 at my place i ' 2 miles east
and i Y miles south of Falls City.
St. Anthony is a high
grade Percheron , perfect
individual and admired by
all who see him.
Color Seal Brown.
Foaled April , ! < ; 03.
Weight at a 4 year old ,
1700 pounds.
Dam a high grade Percheron mare and a good indi
TERMS $10 to insure a living1 colt. Care will be taken
to avoid accidents but I will not be responsible should any
occur. J. W. CROOK.
OKU1 u 4 w/f k H uux H & 19 ( L !
Come in and let me tell you how you
I how you can get one Dollars worth of I
goods free.
C Plenty of all kinds of Salt. Cash paid G
for Butter , Eggs and Poultry.
K Yours for-Business , K
Look !
Never in your life have you seen a more complete
anci up-to-date stock of Fine Buggies , Surries and lri\-
ing Wagon as you will find on our Sample Floor today.
We have just received another carload of Moon Bros. ,
Buggies. We can fit you out in Moon Bros. , Henney
and Keys. Don't fail to see our Line , and our Prices
are from $35.00 up.
Remember we carry a big stock of Implements and
can fit you out in anything you need in our line , such as
Gasoline Engines We lead them all. See us when in
need of Windmills or Lightning Rods. We handle the
Pure Soft Copper Cable only.
And Don't forget us when in need of anything in
the Implement Line.
Yours Truly ,
Werner , Mosiman & Co ,
In novels , bridegrooms-tiled g °
to see their future brides carrying
bouquets of roses , violets , etc. , but
in real life , when they yo to their
Indy loves they carry ynrd sticks ,
tnpo measures , etc. , to measure how
ninny ynrdsof mntting it will take
or how large the nigs must be.
Every one knows that spring is the
season of the year when the system
needs cleansing. Rlnps Little Liver
Pills are hljjhly recommended. Try
them. Sold by A. G. Wanner.
SYRUP cures coughs and colds.
Miss Alice Cleaver returnee
Friday to her home in Falls City
having spent a couple of week
here. She had completed the portraits
traits of about u dozen Humbold
subjects , some of which will be
placed on exhibit in the nrt in
stitute in Chicago. Humbold
J. L. Slocum and wife ant
Harry .Tenne and wife of Falls City
and E. Wheeler and wife wer
guests at the home of G. L. Slocum
Sunday- Stella Preee.
G. A. R. Memorial Sermon.
Last Sunday morning , ut the
Methodist church , Presiding
Elder Wright of Nebraska City
preached one of the finest mem
orial sermons to the local G. A.
R. ever preached in this city.
For his text he chose a part of
the 13th verse from the 14th
chapter of Revelations ) ' 'They
rest from their labors. "
The sermon was full of fine
houg-hts and tributes to those
gfrautl heroes who so noblv offered
heir lives to their country in its
greatest need , whom all the
atiou at this especial time is
leased to honor.
Rev. Writrht is a line talker
ud his sermon abounded with
icnutiful thoughts and Christian
cvcrence. He held the unwaver-
ii attention of his congregation
hroughout his discourse.
One of the special musical
umbers of the service was the
ole , "O , dry those tears1 sung
by Mrs. Ralph Roberts , with
ioliu accompaniment by Anita
Vilson , with Ettn Rcichersat the
The G. A. R. and W. R. C. at-
ended the service in a body.
Being the regular quarterly
neeting , Holy Communion was
dministcrcd to a large number
itcr the sermon.
Spring Wind chitp , tan itntl
rpulile- appear. PinoMilve Carhol
.oil applied in nii'ht , will relluvi ; that
iiirnln < r pon-ittion. Nature' ? own rum
ily Acts like a poultic1'1 mid draws
ut inllaimimtion , Sold In A.G. Wan
cr ,
The harmony and peace of
nind which follow the undcr-
tanding , the realization of the
great truth of our being , that
d is all , that Tie made all , that
nere can be nothing real that is
inlike Him , and that hence all
Ise must be false because there
s no other Creator , are beyond
all computation. We shall some
ime find that life is a divine ,
eternal principle. If it is true
hat "we live , move , and have
our being in God , " the seeming
lissolution of the body cannot be
leath to the life principle , but
only to the falbe , the error part
of us , When we realize the all-
icss of the divine principle that
3od is life , then we shall know
that there can be no death except
to the false in us ; the reality un-
lerlying it all cannot die.
An open mind is the key to all
; iower. We cut off a great many
of the good things that we ought
: o enjoy , because we set such
narrow limits to everything by
our strangling thought. We do
not expect enough. We do not
claim our great broad , magnifi
cent birthright. We seem to
think that only little blessings.
little advantages , little opportu
nities will come 10 us ; and , while
we carry this limiting thought
we strangle the very source o
blessings. We do not open our
minds and hearts wide enough
We do not claim enough. People
do not get great things who do
not expect them , claim them as
their right. Constantly deny
the limitations which you have
been setting for yourself. Pusl
out your horizon of faith. Opet
wider the doors of yours mine
and heart. Keep all avenue
clear , so that the blessings ma )
fiow into your life instead o
being strangled.
There has been a change in tli
management of the XemaliaCotin
ty Herald. At a meeting of diree
tors recently , J. W. Barnhar
who for twenty year has beei
manager of the paper was letdowi
and out without warning. No
reason was giv < n. Mr. JBarnlmr
owns one-third of the stock , mor
than any otln one stockholder
It is that a coining
change in tne political policy o
of the paper is one reason for hi
dismissal ; another that there ar
those who want his stock. At an
rate they have turned down an al
around good man. Mr. Bnrnhar
was founder of the Herald twentj
years ago.
We are Headquarters for the Full and Complete line of * > >
St. Joseph Implements
This line needs no introduction in this community as these goods are /
conceded the best on the market. When in need of a Lister , Ctiltiva-
, tor , Harrow or anything in the line of Implements , call on us and get
prices before buying. We also carry a fine line of Wagons , Carriages
and Buggies.
In addition , we carry a full line of Flour and Feed from the following
mills : Preston , Falls City and White Cloud. When in town call on us
and look over our stock whether you want to buy or not , we will treat
you right.
The Tabernacle Alectinff.
Next week the building coin-
nittce expects to erect a tabcr-
lacle seventy-five by one hun-
Ircd feet for the Oliver meetings.
The city council has very grac-
ously vacated the street between
he county court house and the
Methodist church for thatpur -
> osc. There is no better 'loca
ion in the city.
The tablenaclc will be lighted
by electricity and seated with
olding seats secured from Kan-
as City. Everything will be
nade as comfortable .is possible
or the people who wish to at-
Any man who can drive a nail
s invited to help build the taber
No Witches Burned in Salem.
There were never any witches
burned in Salem , and Salem
people are getting tired of hear-
ng this historical innccuracy
.old and retold.
Ol course , no one denies that
witches were hanged there , but
landing- not burning. It is
ess barbarous for one thing.
Then again , this whole matter -
ter of designating Salem as the
'City of 'Witches" is getting
) layed out , too , the city's lead-
ng citizens say.
The board of trade is think
ing ol advertising the place as
'The City of Peace"as arefuta-
tion of the libel constantly ut
tered against history.
Accuracy of tradition is ven
erated in Salem above all things ,
[ n a city whose old families
regard the portraits of their an
cestors as the Incas did the rays
of the sun , a fren/y of indigna
tion has been aroused over
what they declared to be "an
impious calumny" cast upon the
memory of the early settlers.
Senator Albert J. Beveridge
of Indiana lias dared to pro
claim that the puritan of re-
fathers wantonly burned the
victims of witchcraft , and it is
so written in the shadowy his
tory of the colonies.
Indignant historical societies
and learned historians , who
have spent years in gathering
facts relating to the details o
the witchcraft obsession , de
clare that Senator Beveridge's
misstatement is the last straw
that the fair name of Salem has
been slandered long enough
and that a movement will no\\
be organized to give natioua
publicity to the truth about tha
lamentable chapter of witch
craft. Boston Herald.
Call at our store , please , for a free
sample of Dr. Shoop'o "Health ColTee. '
If real collec disturbs your Stomach
your Heart , or Kidneys , then try tin
Clover ColTee imitation. While Dr
Sheep has very closely matched OK
Java and Mocha ColTee In flavor and
taste , yet he has not even a eingl
praln of real ColTee In It. Dr. Shoop1
Health Co tie o Imitation is made from
pure toasted grains or cereals wltl
Malt , Nuts , etc. You will surely Hk
Health Coflee. Sold by Fred K
1'lles { , " > ! quick and certain rolluf
from Dr. Shoop's Miitfto Ointment.
Plouso note it is made uloiio for 1'llos ,
and its action Is positive and curtain.
Itching , painful , protruding or blind
disappear like magic M > y Its use.
Largo nickel-capped class jura 50 cunts
Sold by all dealer ? .
M. E. Church.
The following services next
Sabbath :
'J-15 : Sunday school.
10:45 : preaching.
2:00 : p. in. Junior league.
7:00 : p. in. Epworth league.
8:00 : p. in. , Preaching.
Prayer meeting 8:00 : p. in. on
Vednesday evening.
All cordially invited.
W. T. GUNK. Pastor.
Improper action of the kidneys
anscs backache , lumbui.'o.rhuuiimtlsin. .
Pincules'1 is a kidney remedy that
vlll relieve these diseases , Pleasant to
ako and guaranteed to give satlefac-
Ion or money refunded. "Relief in
very doe. " Sold bv A.G. Wanner.
For Rent.
Six room cottage recently
painted and papered through-
out. City water. Two blocks
rom postoilice. One block from
Stone street. Nice neighbor-
lood. C. P. EKAVIS ,
Let mumail you free , to prove merit
amples of my Dr. Snoop's Hustorativo
ind my Hook on either Dyspepsia ,
[ "he Heart , or The Kidneys. Address
nc , Dr. Sheep , Haelno , Wls. Troubles
of the Stomach , Heart or ICidnejH , arc
norely symptoms of a deeper ailment.
3on't make the common error of treat-
nir symptoms only , ymp'.om
reatment is treating the result
if voitr ailment , and not the cause
Weak Stomach nerves the Inside
nerves means Stomach weakness , al
ways. And the Heart , and Kidneys as
well , have their controlling or Inside
nerves. Weaken these nerves , and
you Inevitably have weak vital organs.
Here Is wnoro Dr. Shoop's Restorative
has made Its fame. No other remedy
even claims to treat the "Inside ner
ves. " Also for bloating , biliousness ,
bud breath or complexion , use Dr.
Shoot's Restorative. Write for m >
free Book now Dr. Shoop's Restora-
tlvu sold by all dealers.
Silas Chaliiii has resigned hie
position as city marshal , and wen
down to Fnlls City Wednesday
where ho will probably be em
ployed in one of the Imrdwnn
stores at that place. Huinhold
Coughs and colds contracted at till
season of the year ihould have I in
mediate attention. Bees Laxatlv
Cough Syrup , contains Honey and Tat
and is unequalled for hoarpcncss crou |
and coughs. Pleasant to take ; mother
endorse it ; children like to lulus it
Contain : ) no opiates. Moves the bowels
Sold by A. O. Wanner.
Miss Anna Meyer of Falls Oil )
visited at the home of her cousin
1. R. Maddox the lirstof the week
Auburn Herald.
Notice for Administration.
Notice is lirruli ) irUun that 1'ranCfH .N
r.iruitcloit > li < l on tht 27tlt ilay of May , l'X > 7
lllo petition in tile comity court of Kicliartlso
Countj , Nebraska , the object ami prajoro
uliicli is that Letters of Administration ma
tic K ranted to her as Administratrix of tli
entato of Mary Jane Maddox who It it. allviro'
died in am ) a resident of hald count ) , Decent be
ai , 1'iDO. intestate. It in ordered that the ham
t heard by tliu Court on the iTth ilayof Junt
1007 , at 10 o'clock a. MI. , In tliu county cour
room , at Tails City , in bald county , u lien am
vUicreall parties Interested may appear am
oppose the irrantlntr the prater thereof.
Ity order of the court , dated May 27 , KH)7.
JOHN ( ; . \ < ; NON ,
7W County
Lejful Notice.
n the ll > ttrlet Com t for Richardson Coimly.
'riioin.m Kyaii , ' ' *
John Uyan ,
Defendant ,
Thialtmi > named defendant John Kynn ,
oniesldentlll tnlfe notlco that tinplain -
IT tiled In tlio District court of KtchanUoit
omity , Xulirantc. ) , on Mas 18th , I0il7 , hln
etlllon airnlnst s.ild defemlnnt tin- object
ml pmVr of which aio to cjnlet tint title
the northeast quarter of heetlon 31 ,
nvnshlp 2 , north of rnnun II. cast Mil I * .
I. In Richardson county , Xehrnxlci , In this
lalntlfT , In foreclyi' Hald defemlnnt John
jail of an > title or Interest therein and
i conIInil thi- title of plaintiff In said land
ihi ! absolute owner thereof divested of
II ) claim of said defendant uliatsoevcr.
onltl plead to said petition on or be-
no July 1m , 1"07. or the nltuualloim thcu-of
111 t'O ( alien an true and a decree entered
ccordlnuly. . '
'I'llllMAH HVA.V.
Att'jo. for I'lff.
I'lrst publication M.iv 24 1 times.
Lc/fivl Notice. i
ii the District Court for Richardson County ;
Xeoraslci ,
Tliiint.iH , '
' ' I'l.ilntlff.
ohn Kyan and Daniel Kile ) ,
The abo\e named defendant , John R.\tn ,
on-resldenl , will take iiollcn that on thu
Kth day of May , 1W7 , the pl.ilntlff Illed In
lie district court of Richardson County.
i.isK.i , his petition against the ahovi :
anted defendanb. , the object and praer of
\hlcli arc to reform and correct a certain
ind for deed executed by defendant , Danlol
tilcy , to tills iilalntlff and defendant , John
< j.ui , jointly and recordeil In book 2 , pane
I , : f the deed recordu of Rlcliaidson
omit ) , Nebr.tsk.i , and to obtain a decree
omni.unliiikr defendant Daniel Riley to
xecnte .1 deed to plaintiff of the smith half
f the southwest quarter of the soiithuest
uarter of section i"i ; and the south half
f the Kotithe.iHl < | iiarter of section - ( > ; and
he northeast qtiarlei of section ' ' 5 , all In
ounshlp - , north of ranue ) ( , east 6th 1 * .
M. In Richardson count ) , Nebraska , upon
his plaintiff pa\lnn to Daniel
{ lley the sum found dm ; upon said bender
or deed ; and to decree that defendant
ohn Rjan be loreclosed of any rlk'ht ,
Itle or Interest In and to said land and
he plaintiff's title as absolute owner there *
if be decreed and confirmed. Von will
dead to said petition on or Ix'fore July
st , HHj" , or the alienations thereof ulll
> e taken .is true and a decree entered
KKAVIS A RKAVI.S. 1'lalntlff.
Att's. for 1'lalntiff.
Tirnt publication May 24 A llmeh.
Notice of Settlement and for an Order of
In the County Court of Richardson County ,
Nebraska. In the matter of tin' estate of
Rudolph Cook , deceased. To the Creditors ,
Heirs , Legatees and all others Interested In
said estate. Take notice that C. 1' . ReavlR lias
filed In said Court a report of his dolnirs an ad
ministrator of said estate for his llnal settle-
ffent thereof , also filed a petition for an order
of distribution of the residue of said estate In
his hands.
It Is ordered b ) the Court that the same t > e
heard In the Cout ) Court room In said County
on theStli day of June l'X > 7. at 10 o'clock a , in. ,
henml where all parties may appear and
opposu the samr. Ordered further , tlial upon
the approval of said report , a decree of distri
bution of said residue will be made tu llu- par
ties entitled thereto.
Ity order of tliu court da led May KJ , 1'WT.
JOHN C.AiiMi.v , County Judire ,
d'irst publication May 21 , K iT.-3 tlm . )
Le/ial Notice.
KlCIIAKI ) ! < CoL'KTKiailT. I
'riiealxnu aain l defendant \\lll tal < o notice
that mi At > ril Kill. I'XfJ ihe plalittlff HUM liar
iwlillon in tliu district court nf Klcliurdsoit
Countj , NtfbMxka , aualnst jou , tlio object aiul
liraIT of ulilcli uro to obtain nil at > elute
illMirce front j on ami to obtain tint cans con
trol ami custody n ( the inliicir chllil , K.iMnoiul
Hanks Cuiirlrluht , on tliu irroinuU that > ou are
an habitual ilrunkanl , lhat j on haulllfully
abandoned the plaintiff \\ltliout just cattle anil
havuillfully falleil and rofukt-d to Ktipport
her though ablu to do so. You uill plead to
said petition on or before Juno 11th , 1907. or the
allevatloiiH of said petition uill IHI taken as
trtio and a decree rendered accordingly.
TKACV K. CofKTKtiiitT.
KKAVIS & KBAVIS , Plaintiff.
Attj' for Plff.
U'lrst publication Mav 3.1W7 4 lime * . )
CURES catarrh of the stomach.