THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , MAY 31 , 1907 NOW AND THEN-s At the time of writing this there seems little need to speak of uootl roads. The absence of rain has left our highways in ex cellent condition , but there is an old saying that in time of peace prepare for war. If there is any thing in which Richardson County is behind the times it is in road making. Up in Iowa there is a county that lias the best roads in the state. Their method is unique but it produces { ยง - the reuults never tile less- Each precinct divides itself into four t U parts and cacli part selects a man to drag the roads with the King I drag. For this service fifty cents a mile for each dragging ; is paid. The first year the roads were dragged twelve times. The second year it was necessary to drag them nine times and last year but five times. The roads have been put in such excellent condition that a very little labor is necessary to keep them good. This county has the reputation of having the best roads in the state of Iowa. The farmers can and do haul bigger loads , the cost of overland transportation is greatly reduced and the comforts of traveling so greatly enhanced that no resident would go back- to tltc old condition for many times the sum invested. * * * . We really believe that better I days are in store for Kails City. The contentions and animosities heretofore existing seem to be growing less acute and a general = disposition to get together is 1 manifesting itself. The busi | ness interest are reporting excellent - | lent trade notwithstanding the 4 backwarness of the Spring. ' The committee soliciting for the commercial club stock have met with generous and cheerful receptions from practically all of our people. There seems a dis position to make things better and the presence of such dis position is the most encouraging sign of recent years. This town is just as good as the peojili make it. Its surroundings a tic opportunities are all that wi could desire and if it dosn't pro grcss the fault lies entirely witl its people. The local man- ufacturics are doing well and an receiving the earnest and active co-operation of all of our citix.ens with one rare exception. The one way to help in such a tnoyc' ment is to make it porular to bt a booster and unpopular to be ; knocker. All people like the ap probation of their neighbors am' ' if the sentiment favorable to acfc looking to the city's advance ment become general it will fol low as a matter of course tha the boosters band wagon will b < pretty well filled. * * With the greatest business in stitutions in the world makiiu their first and largest cxpensi appropriations for advertising purposes ; with the object lessoi given by the business of our loca firms that advertise as comparci with the business of those firm who do not advertise , we some times wonder why men of busi ness sagacity cherish the belie that printers ink is an cxpens rather than an investment. 1 newspaper receives so many re ports from its advertising patron concerning the returns froi judicious advertising that w probably understand and apprt ciate the true value of it moi than others less fauuliaY wit the subject. As a local instanc we would cite the fact that la ; week the firm of Reavis & Abbe announced through the columi of this paper that it had pu chased every phonograph recoi in the Edison catalogue and ca ried the entire list of sever thousand in stock. The papi containing this announcemei reached its readers on Frida On Saturday , the day followin the music room of this firm w ; filled with customers from ear morning until late at night at one man was kept busy the c lire da } ' waiting upon the wan vi people who had read the a nouncchicnt. Nine out of every ten of the farmers who make thrir purchases in Falls City read the Tribune. If you have some thing for sale that they want you can tell them about it through the columns of this paper at a very nomial expense. It is purely a business proposition. That it is a good proposition is attested by every sucessful firm in America. Commencement Exercises. On Thursday evening , May 25th , the twenty-fifth annual commencement of the Falls Oily high school was held at the Gehling Theatre. The class of twenty-two is the largest ever graduated from the schools of our city and it would be hard , indeed , to find a nicer looking class of young people. That they looked their best on this occasion goes without saying The stage had been tastefully decorated with the class colors , red and white , cut Mowers and potted plants and everything tended to make the scence attractive - tractive and pleasing , The music was furnished by the high school band and chorus , with a few selections by members of the class , After the opening music and invocation by Rev. 10. II. Jack son , "friendship" was sung by a double quartette composed of members of the class. Owing to the sine of the class the themes which were written and handed in were not read during at the commencement exercises , only the salutatory , class prophecy and valedictory being given. Miss Minnie Macomber deliv ered the. salutatory in a very pleasing manner ; she is a very bright young lady and received the merited approval of the au dience. Sterling Falloon has prophe- cied wonderful things for his classmates and should each ful fill his prophecy we will learn of startling developments and universal success in not a few years to come. His prophccj was witty and original and a source of amusement and pleasure - ure to all. The valedictor } ' by Miss Lucj Lemon , was delivered in very commendable style ; she showed thought and application in hei address and express the senti ment of the entire class in hei remarks on the pleasures o : their school day and the regrcl that , as a class , they were ended The piano duet , by Grace am 13d i th DcMers was executed it splendid style and fully appre ciated by the audience. ' Mr. Edwin Maxey of the Uui versity Law School delivcrec the address of the evening. 111 ! subject "Place ol Am eric : Among the Nations" showet what America had and coulc do and tended to raise the ambi tions and aspiration of gradu ales and all ambitious person ; to higher ideals. Mr. Maxey i a very able speaking and hi : address should profound though and research. The diplomas were presente ( with a few well chosen remark by Rev. R. R. Teeter. The exqrcises closed with class song composed by Misse Inez Wachlel 'and Minnie Mr comber which was heartily aj predated. The graduates have the sii cere congralulaliens and be * wishes of a hosl of friends an great credit is due Supt. Tobi t and his splendid corps of teacl ers for the efficient work dom The class roll is as follows : r.ilitlt Catherine DeMvri. I.illic I.cota Stumi ( ' .race DoMcrs Inez Atlclta Waclit Jc&bloriittc ) Dorothea White Hutli I'liironco Ik'acock Kamuiia Wiloox. 1 Lucy 1'ajo Iemmoii Harry N. Cain _ C.ertnuUMarian I < yford Sterlnie A. 1'alUHii Oracu ( icraldlno Lyfonl Itayartl T.C.rcomvn t Mliinlo MacotuU-r James K. Anna May Mason John K. Mason Dorothy Morclu-ail Harry J. Plttock , i Harriet llertlia Plumb Lculs V. KixluwaUl Hurried nicitls , lack o ( exercise n the main causes of dyspepsia. , A Rin Dyspepsia Tablet after each inealal s digestion , improves the appetite. So by A. G .Wanner. A Washer thai will Wash HHHD i i Quickly , thoroughly i and without tiring the operator or wearing the clothes. The following wash ers are displayed on i i our floors : The 1900 0 Washer , Acme , White Lily , White Rose , Diamond and American , all of which will give per fect satisfaction. Call and examine and see for yourself. J. C. TANNER Anniversary of Business Life. Last Monday marked the 2 th anniversarv of the business life of D. W. Sowlcs in Falls City. Kor twenty seven consecutive years he has been in the con fectioners business , starting with a little store of modsst proportions tions and adding something year by year , until his business has reached its present large pro portions. lie has one of the most attrac tive confictionaries and ice cream parlors in this section of the country. His candies are man ufactured in his own establish ment and at all times several kind of ices and ice cream are on * hand , or other delicacies accord ing to the season. At one time the firm was known by the name of Sowles & Mauler , LC. . Mauger the gro cer beinjr the partner. But for several years Mr. Sowles has been sole proprietor. His business record in Palls City regarding the number of years is probably exceeded by only one man , II. C. Smith ) who during the 3'ears of business here has never made a change of firm , always having conducted his business on his own behalf. There lire tunny kidney remedies but low that accomplish the result. "I'lnunles" lh u Uidnov remedy that contains no alcohol or opiates of any kind complies with the National Pure food and drug law guaranteed to give Mitisfuctlon. Thirty day treatment for $1.00. Inquire about "Plnculns" at A. CS. VVaniu'p' * drug storo. Several years ago this section de veloped a boom in coal , and lead prospects , now the interest centers in two oil prospects. One on the land of John Wagner twc miles south of town at the junc tion of the Ncniaha river am : Pony creek , where coal and shale outcrop. Here it is claimed thai very encouraging evidence of oi appears. Jackson , whose groc cry store is near the Burlingtoi depot , has claimed for more that a vear that his well produced oi that will burn. His well is adja cent to his store. At first hi was inclined to believe that sonu if one had salted his well but afte : i - he had made unsuccessful effort 31 to remove the oil when it firs ( appeared and at numerous time ! since , he was convinced that i i was no ordinary joke that hai been played on him by his friends t The water and oil combinatio 1 when turned into the gutter an e'allowed ' to How down the stree contained a sufficient film ot o i , to burn. Mr. Jackson has seale up his well and at present is saj ing nothing but is increasing hi ' holdings in that locality. Stat Journal. Peerless Stock Powder Go's An kl nual Meeting. At the annual meeting of Tli Peerless Stock Powder Co. held in this city last Monda 0 night , the following officers wer 's elected for the ensuing yeai 18 Jacob Marmet , president ; P. I (1 ( Martin , secretary ; and E. C Lewis , treasurer and managei Evangelical Lutheran Church. Services at 2:30 : p. inon alter nate Sundays. RKV. O. II. ENGKUIKKCHT. St. T homas Episcopal Church Services : Holy Bucharest , 7:30 : a m , Morning prayer and sermon , 10:45 : a in. Evening service and sermon , 7:45 : p in. Sunday school , 9:45 : a m. Evensong , Fridays , 7:45 : p m. Choir rehearsal every Friday night after the service. Rev. Geo. Neide. Rector at St. Thomas Episcopal church. Christian Church. Services next Sunday as fol- ows : 45 a. m. Bible School. 1:00 : a. in. Preaching :00 : p. m. Y. P. S. C E. Meeting. :00 : p.m. Preaching. Bro. T. J. Oliver will preach t both morning and evening icrvices. You are invited to attend. Burlington Go Somewhere ! Special to tiliforma : Low rate Summer tours to San Francisco and Los Angeles abotie half rates until Mag 18th , also June 8th to 15th ; June 22m to July 5th. Slightly higher daily commencing June 1st ; sinal extra cost via Portland and Seattle Dig Horn Basin : We run personally conductet homeseekers' excursions May 7tl and 21st , June 4th and 28th , uride : guidonce of D. Clem Deaver , Gen eral Agent Landseekers' Informa tion Bureau , to assist settlers to secure an early hold at cheapes rates of magnificent irrigatec lands in the Big Horn Basin write about these lands. Rounc trip $20100- Cheap Rates East. East.To To Jamestown Exposition dailj low rates : via New York slightlj higher. During the Summer lo\ excursion rates to Atlantic City Saratoga Springs , Philadelphia also to the Seashore and Moun tain resorts. RocHv Mountain Tours : To Colorado. Utah , Black Hills Cody , Sheridan , Yellowstone Park. Daily low rate tours after June 1st. E , G. WHITFORD , Local Ticket Agent. L. W. WAKELEY , G. P. H. , Omaha , Neb. The Falls City Roller Mills . Does a general milling- business , and manufactures the following brands of flonr r SUNFLOWER MAGNOLIA CROWN The above brands arc gmirantccd to be of tile higlics * os- siblc quality. We also manufacture all mill products und conduct a general Grain , Live Stock and Coal Business ami solicit a share of your patronage P. S. Heacock & Son , Falls City , Neb. The Great Paper of the Great West The Kansas Citv Star Everywhere recognized ns the strongest nnel most re * lle newspaper iu the most prosperous region of the United States. Wherein It Leads. ItS Unexcelled NeWS Service mbrace9 the continuous report of the Associated Press , with dispatches every hour : the general and special service of the New York Herald ; the Hearst transcontinental leased wiru service and special correspondence from THIS STAR'S own representatives In Washington , D. C ; .IelTerson City , Mo ; Topekti , Ks. , and Guthrle , Ok. , in addition to the largo grist of news that cornea daily from several hundred other alert representative- ' . Its Marvel Reports and Comments have an authoritative value that causes them to be telegraphed to all parts of the United States the moment THE STAR comes from the press. No western man even Indirectly interested in the value of food productsto - and securities can afl'ord to be without THK STAR'S daily recoi i ! ot price * and conditions. ItS Special Features include The Chaperon's column. In which arc answered questions pertaining to beauty aids and social customs and affairs , a department for inquirers on other subjects and a wide range of miscellaneous articles throwing side lights upon the world's most in teresting people and events these in addition to a vigorous editorial page , absolutely Independent politically , and a Sunday Issue that i full of live special matter and h .iman interest. 13 Papers Each week for 10 cents The Kansas City Star was the first and is still the only newspaper to deliver n complete morning paper , THE KAN SAS CITY TIMES , to its subscribers without increase in the subscription price. For Backache , Rheumatism Pineules and the Kid- neysinaBladder I Illl I I III III Mill Illl D. S. HcCarthy ANZ ) Prompt attention given to the removal of house hold goods. PHONE NO. 211 i M I I H 8 H t I I I I i I lit- ? CALL 'PHONE NO. 3 ! I I : For anything in the j | ME AT LINE ' ? and your order will X 2 * receive prompt attenj j ; , ; tion. j { ; | : Nicholas Meat Market ] ; : C. M. NICHOLAS , Prop ' . THE TRIBUNE . . . . $1.00 a Year. . . . PAIN Pain In the liead pain anywhere , has IU causa , rain Is congestion , pain is blood pressure nothlns else usually. At least , so fays Dr. Sheep , and tc prove it ho lias created a Hula pink tablet. That tablet called Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablet- coaxes blood pressure awny from pain centers , I tscflcctlscharmlng.plcaslnKlydelightful. Gently , thouch safely , it surely equalizes tha blood clrcu latlon. If you have n headache. It's blood pressure. If it's painful periods vrlth women , r imo cause Kyounro sleepless , restless , nervous , it's blood congestion blood pressure. That surely is n certainty , for Br. Shoop'3 Headache Tablets sto ; it in 20 minute. , and the tablets simply dUtrlbutt the unnatural blood pressure. lirulso your linger , and doesn't It itct red , am ! swell , and pain you ? Of course It does. It's con , Kestlon , blood pressure. You'll find it \ \ hero pali is always. It's simply Common Scu > e. \\o sell at 23 cents , and cheerfully recommend Dr. SHoop's Headache Tablets ( ALL DEALERS ) Reaches the spot Stops pain. The Great i'llo Rom. ManZan \JP In tubes with rectal nozzle , 50 cents. Office over Kerr's Pharmacy j Oftlce Phone200 Residence Phone 271 k Dr. M. L. Wilson Physician and Surgeon Calls promptly attended clay or night. Office over State Bank , Falls City , Nebraska. Office 'Phone House 'Phone 329 330 1 C. H. flARION r l AUCTIONEER , | ; Sales conducted in | ; scientific and businesslike - & nesslike manner | C. H. MARION * : Falls City , Nebraska Great Relief I During that trying period in which women so often suffer from nervousness , backache , sick headache , or other pains , there is nothing that can equal Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. They stop the pains , soothe the nerves , and give to Women the relief so much desired. If taken on first indication of pair jr misery , they will allay the irritable condition of the nerves , and save you further suffering. Those who use them at regular intervals have ceas ed to dread these periods. They contain no harmful drugs , and leave no effect upon the heart or stomach if taken as directed. They give prompt relief. "I have been an invalid for 9 years. I have neuralgia , rheumatism and pains around the heart. By using Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills I am relieved of the pain , and get sleep and rest. I think had I known of the Pain Pills when I was first taken sick , they would liavo cured me. I recommend them for periodic pains. " MKS. IIENUY FUNK. E , Akron.O. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills are sold by your druggist , who will guarantee that the first package will benefit. If It falls , he will return your money. 25 doses , 25 cents. Never sold In bulk. Miles Medical Co. , Elkhart , Ind