The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 31, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Every user of Typewriter
Kibbons knows what the
Partigon brand is. You fel
lows who send put of town
for your Ribbons , here is
your chance to buy the best
Ribbon made. Every Ribbon
guaranteed. Sent anywhere
for 75 cents. For any ma
Buy Your Supplies at Home
O\cr Klcliarclson County llanlt.
Eat Sowles' candy.
All kinds of fresh fruit at the
Candy Kitchen.
Good young team for sale.
72-4t W. II. MADDOX.
George Cleveland , went to St.
Joseph Tuesday on business.
Flowering and vegetable
plants. Simanton & Pence.
The best home made candy a
the Candy Kitchen.
Cut ilowers and funeral designs
at Simanton & Pence.
Carroll Pryor , visited her sister
in Shubert last Sunday.
Neva Morris , returned Friday ,
night from a short visit to Kan
sas. City friends.
Extra supply of cut ilowers or
dered for DecorationDay.
Harry Hughes , of Padonia ,
Kansas visited his uncle , George
Cleveland over Sunday.
Helen Martin attended the
dance at Stella last Friday which
was given for Gertrude Hays.
Martin Slater of Salem was in
town Tuesday owing to the seri
ous illness of his sister , Mrs.
Louise Henning.
Sallie Schoenheit visited in
Stella Friday and Saturday. She
also attended the dancing parti-
given for Miss Hays.
Burton Sperry and son , Will ,
moved the barn last week at the
City park , which is rapidly being
made ready for chautauqua.
John Ramel has completed the
barn on his new property and
now the work of remodeling the
the house is well under way.
Martha Stockman will retun ;
to this city Friday after a month' {
visit at her home in Iloldrege ,
She has spent the last week it :
Hastings and Lincoln.
Nell Cain went to Stella Friday
for a short visit with relatives
and to attend the party given foi
Gertrude Hays who will leave ir
a short time for Mexico.
John Slater and wife of Barad :
were called to this city Mondaj
to attend the sister of the former
Mrs. Louise Henning , who is
critically ill of blood poisoning
Mrs. Emery Clark , and daugh
ter , Waunita , left for their home
in Oakland , Cal. last week afte :
several months visit with th (
family of her father , John Ross
Beulah Greenwald and Alici
Yoder will represent the Presby
tcrian Sunday school at tin
county bunday school conventioi
to be held in Salem Thursday
June 0th.
The W. C. T. U. will meet a
the residence of Mrs. V. G. Ly
ford on Wednesday , June 5th. I
was decided at the last meetinj
that there is to be a quarterl ;
freewill offering , the first on <
to be taken at the coming meeting
The Plumb house which wa
recently purchased by Mrs. Pit
tock , was moved this week to he
lots north of her father , Mr. El
Tvell. The moving was in charg
of Burton Sperry and son. Mn
Pittock will remodel the nous
and in a short time will have
> ery cozy home.
Tomato plants at Simanton &
Silas Chaflin , of Ilumboldt was
in town Monday.
Our ice cream is the best in
town. Candy Kitchen.
Ed Koso and wife from Reserve
were trading here Tuesday.
The finest ice cream soda in
the city at the Candy Kitchen.
James Malone and Chas. Snyder -
der of Salem were in town Satur
M. J. Byron , of Dawson , was
a business visitor to our city
Herman Schinder came in Fri
day to renew his faith with the
Mrs. Emma Wilson , of Iltun-
boldt spent Monday with Iriends
in our city.
Ralph McDonald of Hiawatha
visited over Sunday with Falls
City friends.
T. Ilemmelreich , returned
to Lincoln Tuesday night after a
few days at home-
Kate McMahau , went to Peru
the first of the week to attend
the summer Normal.
Laura Naylor , left Tuesday
morning for Peru , where she will
attend the summer Normal.
Maude Yocam , returned Thurs
day from the Normal at Peril )
where she has been attending
Florence Wylie came home
Friday from Peru where she has
attended the Normal during the
school year.
Mrs. Frank Landis , and child
ren went to Nebraska City Mon
day to visit Mrs. Landis' parents ,
Mr. and Mrs. Miller.
Laura Scholl , returned from
the Peru Normal Thursday ,
where she has been studying for
the past school year.
Mrs. John Smith' and son
Gerald , of Hillsboro , Texas are
visiting the family of Mrs.
Smith's father , F. W. Miller.
Nedrow Beachel returned to
his home in Norcatur , Kansas
Monday accompanied by his
grandmother , Mrs. Harriett
W. W. Chinnock of Wymorc
made us a very pleasant call last
week and substantially showed
his faith in his old friend , the
Karl Ranch , of Stella was in
our city on business Friday. He
was not to busy , however , to cal !
and renew his subscription to the
A. N. Harris of Nemalia. Neb.
made us a very pleasant call last
Friday. He can't get along
without the Tribune so will rea <
it another year.
John SchatZ ) of Craig , Mo.
was in town last Saturday. He
made us a verv pleasant call ant
took that opportunity to rene\\
Iris subscription to the Tribune.
E , N. Rupert , of Shubert
visited friends in our city ovei
Sunday. While here he renewe <
his friendship with the Tribune
in a very substantial manner.
Homer Jinkins , and wife are
visiting relatives in Atchisor
this week. Mr. Jinkins is re
presenting the Dolan Grocery
Co. of Atchison , in this territorj
since Ed King's resignation.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark , with theii
son , Ranph and daughter , Cora
passed through here Thursdaj
enroute. for their home in Reserve
from Peru where the'latter twe
have been attending the Normal
We are in receipt of a lette
from Tom Palmer of Shickley
Nebr. , which seems very en
couraging for the young man
He is in charge of the Shicklej
Herald and says business is good
Tom is a fine young man and i
bound to succeed. We wish hin
all success possible in his ne\
enterprise and we feel sure h
v/ill make many friends in both
social and business way.
Ice cream and ices the cheapest
t the Candy Kitchen.
Ramona Wilcox left Monday
norning for Peru to enroll at the
lormal ,
Mrs. George Hall , of Verdon
vas in the city between trains
Fleming Robbs. of Verdon
pent Sunday here with Falls
City friends.
Clara Gagnon is among the
number who will attend the Peru
Normal this summer.
Vesta Lively , went to Peru
Monday where she will be a
student at the Normal.
Etta Rcichers went to Hum-
) oldt Tuesday to attend the
Gorton-Wolfe wedding.
Alice Rummel of Reserve vis-
ted her sister , Mrs. T. J. Spencer
and family last Saturday.
James Jaquct , went to Peru
Slonday where he will enter the
formal for the summer course.
Mrs. Anderson Miller was
luite ill the first of the week.
She is somewhat improved at
this time-
Mrs. Fred Specry , of Fargo
ntteuded the funeral here of her
licce , Mrs. Martin Gehling on
Mr. F. C. Ruegge and wife , of
Tilden , Nebr. , who have been
visiting relatives here left for
their home Monday night.
Miss Wirt left Saturday for
icr home in York , Nebraska ,
ifter a very successful term in
the high school of this city.
Mrs. Harriet Beachel left Mon
day night for Norcatur , Kansas
where she will make her home
with her son , Emerson Beachel.
Mrs. Will Sloon and son , Neal
returned to her home in Verdon
Sunday after a weeks visit at the
home of her father , John Ilos
There will be preaching at the
Presbyterian church next Sunday
at 11 a. m. , by Rev. Davis of
Pawnee City. All arc cordially
invited to attend.
Frank Neitzel , left for Rolands
Wy. Monday night to take up
: iis new work with the express
company. His place here is filled
by Bayard Greenwald.
E. K. Hurst , a graduate of the
Peru Normal , was a business
visitor here Monday. He came
in the interest of the school work
for next 3'ear having recently
been elected to a position in our
scho'ols ,
Earl Cline came home from
Peru last Friday to spend Sun
day. He returned Monday to
take the summer course at the
Normal. He will teach next
year in the school at Sidney ,
* * * )
I Satisfied ?
Well I Should Say So !
Try our Ice Cream and1
Ices , Nut Sundaes and
Sodas , and you will be
"The Taslc Tells"
Mrs , .William Moore of Preston
was in our city Monday.
Mrs. C. B. Viens of Reserve
was shopping here Monday.
Mrs. Nutting was a Reserve
shopper in this city Saturday.
V. G. Lyford went to Lincoln
on business Monday returning
Mrs. Rout. Cornclison was over
from Reserve Saturday to do
some shopping.
Ruth McMillan has charge of
the desk at the long distance
telephone office.
Edith DeMers is among the
Falls City students enrolled at
the Peru normal.
Rev. Beck and wife of Seward ,
Neb. , are visiting Falls City
friends this week.
Laura Naylor went to Peru
Tuesday to take the summer
course at the Normal.
Frank Boose was one of the
number who went to Peru on
Monday to attend the normal.
Rev. Teeter and family went
to Merrill , Kans. , Tuesday where
the Reverend held services in the
W. II. Maddox left Wednesday
for Sterling , Colo. Before re
turning he will visit his aunt ,
Mrs. Sarah Rhine , and other rel
atives at Govc , Kans.
Mrs. Neal Mulligan , nee Belle
Hossack , and baby , of Clay Cen
ter , Neb. , arrived 'in this city
Friday for a visit with the family
of her father , John Ilossack.
Sterling Falloon and J2dgar
Schock will leave tonight for Las
Animas , Colo. , where they will
work on the machinery that is
being put in the new beet sugar
Invitations were received in
this city last Sunday to the mar
riage of Grayce Edna Gray and
Samuel Wahl of this city to be
celebrated June 5th , at the home
of the bride's uncle , Mr. Ross
in Indianapolis , Ind. Both the
contracting parties are too well
known to need introduction or
recommendation. T h c y have
the best wishes and congratula
tions of a very large circle of
$1,800 Residence on 2 good east front corner lots , to be sold at a
great sacrifice. Excellent condition , no reasonable offer re-
jected. Will take good team or cows as part pay. Opportun
ity of a lifetime. Write P. 0. Box 180 , Falls City , Neb.
We Have What You Want
If your boy wants a Ball , Gloves or Bat , we
have it. If you want a Tablet or box of $
5 *
Paper to write to your best friends , we have
it. If your wife or children are sick , we j ;
have the Medicine that will make them well.
If you need Wall Paper , we have it. If your *
Buggy or Wagon needs painting , we have g
the Paint. If your floor needs Varnish or any * |
kind of Finish , we have it. X
- 1
DR. HcMILLAN , Prop. |
Falls City , - Nebraska $
it food that will not irritate or
GIVE the performance of its natural
functions , and it will reciprocate in away
agreeable and comforting.
No single ingredient contributes so
largely toward wholesome , nourishing ,
agreeable food as Royal Baking Powder.
Royal Baking Powder's active ingre
dient , Grape Cream of Tartar , is the
most healthful of the fruit products.
This is why Royal Baking Powder
makes the food finer , lighter , more appe
tizing and anti-dyspeptic , a friend to the
stomach and good health.
Imitation Baking Powders Contain Alum
"The use of alum and salts of alumina in
food should be PROHIBITED. The con
stant use of alum compounds exerts a
deleterious effect upon the digestive
organs and an irritation of the internal
organs after absorption.
"Professor of Chemistry
"Harvard Medical School , Boston. "
"Distinctive Table Wares for the Bride"
We have just received" many new goods'in
Silverware. All the newest designs are
found in our stock. We carry only goods
that we can guarantee fully. Call on us in
your search for gifts for the Summer Wed
dings. Prices plainly marked on each piece
of goods.
C. F. Reavis was a business
visitor in Lincoln and Omaha
this week.
Dick James is in Excelsior
Springs taking treatment for that
tired feeling.
Ye boss manager of Ye Trib
une has been on the sick list for
the past week.
Rev. F. R. Hollenbeck of Rocky
Ford , Colo. , who visited a few
days last week at the home of
his father-in-law. George Schock ,
left for his home Saturday.
If Simon' Davies , Alias Joe
Hunts , could see the strings of
fish being caught in the Nemaha
daily sve believe he would cancel
his building contract and come
i home.
From the state school fund for
May , l'J07 , Richardson county
school received S7,434.'JO. This
money has been apportioned to
the several districts of the county
and the directors arc well pleased.
District No. 5f ( Falls City ) re
ceives SJ77.7hich will be ap
plied principally o n teachers'
salary. This is the largest ap
portionment ever received in the
'county and is highly satisfactory
to the people.
Drat such a Spring. Cold ,
dreary and dry. The present is
abominable and the future very
u n p ro m i sing.
Stella Shock. John Dorrington
and Ralph Jenne were among
those who attended the gradua
tion festivities at the state un
iversity last week.
We have seen the pictures of
Mablc Gilman Corey with the
dresses low at the top and high
at the bottom , but she don't look
like three million plunks to us.
JusJ keep your eyes on our so
ciety columns. There will be so
many June weddings among the
smart set that it will probably
require a suppliment to speak of
Mayor Barrett visited Tecumseh -
seh , Omaha , Lincoln and Ne *
braska Cit ; during the pabt week
in an effort to inform himself as
to needed improvements in city
affairs ,
A letter received says " I
painted my house four years ago
with Uradley & Vrooman paint.
It looks tetter today than any
house around , " Buy some for
your house from Dr. T. C. Mc