The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 24, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Will make the season of 1907 at my place 114 miles east
and i y miles south of Falls City.
St. Anthony is a high
grade Percheron , perfect
individual and admired by
all who see him.
Color Seal Brown.
Foaled April , Ip03.
Weight at a 4 year old ,
1700 pounds.
Dam a high grade Percheron mare and a good indi
TERA1S $10 to insure a livingcolt. . Care will be taken
to avoid accidents but I will not be responsible should any
s occur. J. W. CROOK.
Look ! Look ! Look !
Never in your life have you seen a more complete
and up-to-date stock of Fine Buggies , Surries and Dri\-
ing Wagon as you will find on our Sample Floor today.
We have just received another carload of Moon Bros. ,
Buggies. We can fit you out in Moon Bros. , Henney
and Keys. Don't fail to see our Line , and our Prices
are from $35.00 up.
Remember we carry a big * stock of Implements and
can fit you out in anything you need in our line , such as
Gasoline Engines We lead them all. ' See us when in
need of Windmills or Lightning Rods. We"rhandle the
Pure Soft Copper Cable only.
And Don't forget us when in need of anything in
the Implement Line.
Yours Truly ,
Werner , Mosiman & Co.
Cussed and Discussed by Everybody. Add your
name to the list. $1.00 per year.
One of the World's Noble Women.
Miss Helen M. Gould is the
hitherto unknown philanthropist
who purchased" 100,000 acres of
land near Greeley , Col. , at a cost
of $350,000 to be subdivided for
homes for poor persons from New
York tenements. Another $100-
000 will be spent for farm imple
ments , seed and fencing. Bene
ficiaries will be allowed to make
easy payments , if they are' dili
gent , but the shiftless will be
weeded out. There will be a
corps of agricultural and sanitary
instructors , a library and reading
room and pleasure grounds.
There will be no requirements
as to religion. Dairying and
poultry raising will receive most
attention at the start , and gen
eral farming and fruit will fol
CURES catarrh of the stomach.
Knickerbocker made an ex
amination of his wheat field this
morning and found that the
green bugs were present in , large
numbers. From one bunch he
claims to have shaken several
hundred. His field is on the Ne-
maha bottoms close to the Bur
lington depot. At Heacock's mill
are several samples showing
plainly the presence of the bug.
Farmers are complaining that the
alfalfa sown last fall appears yel
low and not in good condition. At
first they thought that it was the
cold weather , but now some of
them blame the green bug for
this also. State Journal. "
Spring wind ciiap , tan and cause
freckles to appear , Plnesalve Carbol
ized applied at night will relieve that
burning sensation. Nature's own rem
edy. Acts like a poultice and draws
out inflammation. Sold by A. G. Wan
ner , druggist.
Neck ruffs for summer wear
are short , edged with ribbon or
ribbon velvet of the same shade ,
and finished with long loops ar.d
ends of velvet ribbon.
Hand embroidered linen hand
kerchief bags , change purses and
chatelaine bags , will be carried
with tub frocks.
Black suede hand bags with
gun metal clasps and trimmings
and used by women in half morn
Cretonne enters into summer
accessories of dress , for there are
cretonne parasols and cretonne
belts , bound and appliqued with
Gold bracelets inlaid with
black have been revived and link
bracelets showing , crystals and
semi-precious stones come to
match every tint of gloves.
Some of the prettiest parasols
are of plain silk with scalloped
and button-hole stitched edges
set off by embroidered dots all in
self tone , while other plain taffeta
parasols show insets of fine ba
tiste embroider } ' with edging to
The all-white hat for the sum
mer da } s due to arrive finally
is to be of the dead white type ,
it is predicted , but with dark fac
ings to relieve the unbecoming
tone of the outer coloring or lack
of it.
A new rose is indicative of the
queer conceits that find favor
with women seeking distinctive
effect. The center of the ilower
is pale pink and the color deepens
until the edges of the outer petals
are quite black. Flowers of this
sort , or in fact , of any , arc used
yery sparingly this season , which
is a veritable feather season ,
witli ostrich plumage still in the
Some of the smartest of the
summer waists are made of Cluny
alone or combined with other
laces. The Cluii- and Irish arc
combined , Cluny a n d Valen
ciennes , Cluny.and English em
broidery , Cluny and net , Cluny
and lawn , and so on.
Wide llouncings of embroidery
are being extensively used both
for the shirt waists and entire
costumes , and this use gives both
to the lingerie costume and waist
an entirely new appearance.
Flouncings of eyelet embroidery
are the most effective for this
purpose. Allover embroidery is
also greatly used for shirt waists
and entire costumes.
The advantage claimed for the
cotton yoile dress is that it laun
ders without starch , therefore is
not susceptible- dampness and
does not crush when worn under
a wrap.
A marked feature in the sum
mer styles is the increased full
ness shown in the new models.
The waists haye considerable ful
ness , both back and front , and
the sleeves are noticeabb * larger ,
as well as somewhat longer , the
three-quarter models appearing
in larger proportion than at the
spring openings.
The best thing to whiten red
hands is lemon juice. Rub a
little in every time after washing.
Some people soak their hands in
a weak solution of chloride of
lime and water to whiten them.
Only a very little of the lime
must be used , or it will burn the
Widows' weeds have an origin
actually repulsive. These heavy ,
clinging garments are undoubted
ly a relic of the once almost uni
versal custom of burning a widow
alive on the pyre which consumed
her husband's corpse. The flow
ing robes and veil were then
worn as a sort of grave-clothes ,
acting both to bind her limbs
and to feed the flames. It is
enl } ' in out-of the-way corners of
the East that the terrible prac
tice still prevails , but the widows'
weeds are still worn in countries
which might be supposed suffi
ciently civilized for their people
to know better.
Reaches the spot ,
Stops pain. The
ManZan Great Pile Rem-
edy. Put up In
tubes with rectal
nozzle , 50 cents.
- - - . . . . . . o. . . . .
We are Headquarters for the Full and Complete line of
St. Joseph Implements
This line needs no introduction in this community as these goods are
conceded the best on the market. When in need of a Lister , Cultiva
tor , Harrow or anything in the line of Implements , call on us and get
' 1 prices before buying. We also carry a fine line of Wagons , Carriages
and Buggies.
In addition , we carry a full line of Flour and Feed from the following
mills : Preston , Falls City and White Cloud. When in town call on us
1 and look over our stock whether you want to buy or not , we will treat
you right.
Mortgage Lifted on K. of P. Honie
Falls City.
There was a fine bunch of very
happy men in No. IS at Falls
City on the night of the 34th of
April , and the Grand Chancellor
seemed to be about the happiest
of the lot. They are all a pretty
cheerful bunch , but their good
humor was a little more conspic
uous on this occasion than Usual.
They had forty-eight visitors
from Hiawatha , across the line
in the Jayhawker state , and sev
eral delegations from neighbor
ing lodges in Nebraska. They
had been invited to witness a cer
emony. It was a celebration.
No. 18 owns its own lodge room
and is free from debt. They
have cause for celebrating.
Wilber Leyda had an ambition to
see the lodge debt canceled be
fore his term as Grand Chancellor
would expire. Through the loy
alty and energy of his brother
members the ambition was grati
fied. Of course he was happy.
It was difficult to tell whether he
or George Falstead , the Chancel
lor Commander , wore the broad
est smile. George had trouble
with the Grand Chancellor just
the same. Brother Leyda had
Buffalo Bill's Memory of Faces.
A face once seen is forever
photographed upon Colonel Cody's
memory. In London a few sea
sons ago , where the Wild West
was performing with a number
of royalty in the boxes , he came
forward to give the usual an
nouncement and caught sight of ,
in the immense sea of faces , a
somewhat familiar countenance.
The name he could not recall ,
but he was sure the man was
from North Platte , and pointing
to the party in question , said :
"And you North Platte , Ne
braska , man , come to mv tent
when the show is over. " The
Nebraska-fellow , a stranger in a
strange land , who had but slight
acquaintance with the Wild West
showman , considerer it a kindly
complement to be singled out of
the multitude , both to his section
and to himself , and a remarkable
proof of the colonel's loyalty to
his home people.
so man } ' things to say he wanted
to talk all the time. Brother
Falstead wanted to hear from
the visitors , and he did. It was
a treat to hear those visitors talk ,
especially the Jayhawkers. They
seemed to be as pleased to see
Brother Leyda burn that mort
gage as were the members of No.
IS. After the bonfire there was
a feast and thattoo , was enjoyed.
The primary or paramount
thought in this whole business is
that a lodge ol seventy-nine mem
bers should undertake such an
enterprise , and that at its con
clusion there are less than a
hundred ; but they have built as
line a temple as there is in the
West , outside of some large city ,
and they did it without any out
side help. There are five other
lodges in the Domain larger than
No. 18 and only one of the five
owns it lodge room. There is no
doubt but a lodge which owns its
castle hall is a more permanent
institution than one that is a
tenant. It behooves some of
these larger lodges to bestir
themselves. What No. 18 has
done others can do , and the soon
er they do it the better. The
I'Pythian Sunbeam.
Let mo mall you free , to prove merit
samples or my Dr. Snoop's Restorative
and my Hook on cither Dyspepsia ,
The Heart , or The Kidneys. Address
me , Dr. Snoop , Ilacino , Wls. Troubles
of the Stomach , Heart or Kldnojs , are
merely symptoms of a deeper ailment.
Don't make the common error of treat
ing symptoms o n 1 y. ? y in p' o m
treatment is treating the result
of your ailment , and not the cause.
Weak Stomach nerves the Inslilu
nerves means Stomach weakliest , al-
waj > . And the Heart , and Kidneyn as
well , have their controlling or inbido
nerves. Weaken these nerved , and
you Inevitably have weak vital organs.
Hero is wnerc Dr. Snoop's Hcstoratlvo
has made Its fame. No other remedy
even claims to treat the "Inside ner
ves. " Also for bloatin ? , biliousness ,
bad breath or complexion , use Dr.
Shoot's Restorative. Write for my
free Book now Dr. Shoop's llestora-
live sold by all dealers.
Coughs and colds contracted at this
season of the year should have Im
mediate attention. Bees Laxative
Cough Syrup , contains Honey and Tav
and is unequalled for hoarseness croup
and coughs. PJeasant to take ; mothers
endorse it ; children like to take it.
Contains no opiates. Moves the bowels.
Sold by A. G. Wanner.
SYRUP cures coughs and colds.
1 Mies gat quick and certain relief
from Dr. Shoop'o Magic Ointment.
Please note it Is mndo alone for Piles ,
and Ps action Is positive and certain.
Itching , painful , protruding or blind
disappear like magic by Us use.
Largo nickel-capped glass jnrs GO cent *
Sold by all dealers.
M. E. Church.
The following services next
Sabbath :
( J:45 : Sunday school.
10:45 : preaching.
2:00 : p. in. Junior league.
7:00 : [ > . m. Epworth league.
8:00 : p. m. , Preaching.
Prayer meeting 8:00 : p. in. on
Wednesday evening.
All cordially invited.
W. T. CLINIC. Pastor.
Improper action of the kidneys
causes backache , Imnbaporheumatism.
"Plnculos1' is a kidney remedy that
will relieve these diseases. Pleasant to
take and guaranteed to give eutlefac-
lion or money refunded. "Relief in
every dose. " Sold by A. 0. Wanner. J
For Rent.
Six room cottage recently
painted and papered through ,
out. Oity water. Two blocks
from postoflice. One block from
Stone street. Nice neighbor
hood. C. F. KHAVIS.
Notice of Sclllement and for an Order of
In ( he County Court of KiclianlKon County ,
Nebraska. In ( lie matter of | | u- estate of
iliii'.olplt Cool. , To ( lie Creditors ,
Ilelrn , r.eiralees ami all others inten-Med lit
said iHtatiTake notice that C. P. Ke.i\ls lias
tiled In said Court a report of his dolnirs as ad
ministrator of said estate for his dual settle-
ini-nt Ihi-rcof , also filed a petition for an order
of distribution of the'residue of said estnta in
Ills hands.
It IK ordered by the Court that the sairiu lie
heard In the Gouty Court room In said County
fin tlio 8tli day of June 1907 , at 10 o'clock a. in. ,
when and H hens all parties may appear and
oppose tliu sainr. Ordered further , that upon
tliuapproxat of said report , a decree of distri
bution of said residue u ill t > u inadu to the par
ties-entitled thereto.
lly order of the court dated May Ui. l'X)7.
JOHN C.AC.MIN. County Judire.
( Plrnt publication May 24. 1907. 3 limes. )
Letftl Notice.
Notice is lierehy ulveii that A. J. Ilclmick
on May U. 1907. Tiled his petition signed by
tliu requisite number of free holders ullli the
\lllaire clerk of the \lllaKu of Stella , Ne
braska , praylnir that a license as saloon keeper
be ibsued to him In sell malt , spirituous and
\himis liquors on tot 15. block 11 , In said
village for the municipal > ear commencing-
June 1 , 11107 , and end 111 if May 31 , 1WS.
Attest :
JOHN KPiMKKh , Village Clerk ,
Lejial Notice.
The ahme named defendant \\lll take notice
that on April 27th , IW7 the plaintiff filed her
petition in the district court of Richardson
Conntj , Nebraska , aualnst jou. tlio object and
prajer of uhlcli are to obtain an absolute
d Iurcu I from jou and to obtain tliu care , con
trol and cuslodj of the minor child , Kajmond
Hanks CourtrlKht , on the grounds that jou arc
an habitual drunkard , that J on haelllfully
abandoned the plaintiff \vllhonl juslcausu and
have willfully failed and refused to support
her thoueh able to do so. Yon uill plead to
said petition on or Iwfore June llth , 1'W , or the
allegations of said petition uill be taken as
true and n decree rendered accordlnulj * .
THAC11. . CoUKTKKillT.
Hr.AVis & Ki\vis , IMalntiff.
Ally's for 1'lff.
( Plr l publication Mav 3.1907-4 times. )
Legal Notice.
Notice Is hereby uUen that I ha\e filed \\lth
lite village clerk of the \illace of Darada.
Nebraska , a petition siirned by the requisite
number of free holders of said \lllaie. praylne
that a saloon license be granted lo mo by the
\lllairo board to sell mall , spirituous and
vinous liquors on lot 4 , In block 1 , to said vil
lage of liarada , Nebraska , for the eiisulni. year.
Kn , SuuiiEKT.I'etltloncr.
Attesl :
JOHN MAKTJ.V , Village ClerU.
1'lrst publication May 3rd.