The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 17, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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    t p
Honest Paai\t
P . 1S. . Paint is not a
secret , patent or im ster-
ious compound. It is
simph an honest mixture
of those ingredients that
am good painter would
employ if he wanted to
make the best possible
paint. But even though
he used the highest grade
of materials throughout
his product would not be
quite as good as B. P. S.
Hand mixing cannot be
quite as thorough as ma
chine mixing and grind
ing. . P e r f ect formula ,
thorough m i x i n g and
grinding , gives P. B. S.
P aint greater covering
capacity and more dura
B. P. S. Mixed Paint
is honest in quality , hon
est in measure and hon
est in price.
Ask for B. P. S.
Sealed Evidence ( paint
costs , color curd , and
plates of colored houses )
Will Improve and
is not a room
in the house but. what
has sonic use Tor China-
On floors , wood work ,
furniture , ornaments , and
the thousand and one ar
ticles that show wear , it
gives a durable , glossy
A small c a n accom
plishes a great deal. Eas
ily applied. Stands se
vere usage splendidly.
Stains and varnishes at
one operation.
Ask for Oriental Book
let of suggestions and
color samples.
Do not take another
make thinking it just as
good , because there is
but one China-Lac the
original. Try it and you
will use no other.
iit _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * 3f
* Cut Glass
J | A New Line-Special Prices-See it
| Water Sets Berry Sets
4 * See them in the large window. Plenty *
* § * f good Groceries and Flour at * % f
J % * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * v
Phone 7'
PRICES as well as our meat. We
are good meat choppers and will
prove as good price choppers.
We don't have shelf warmers like
botne stores have. Every pound
of any kind of meat bought of vis
is the best the land alTords. ( Jet
our meat and you'll be contented
and well fed.
Palls Citv , Neb.
. . . „ . - < i _ i
If you have never attended a
high school field meet you don't
know what it means to win. If
your blood Hews sluggishly and
von feel that you are growing old
just take a day olT and go to one
of these events. If the school
yells and the noisiness of youth
grates on your nerves and you
are intollerant of their antics , it
is because you are growing old
and are so far from yoilr own
boyhood that you have forgotten.
I saw the field meet last Satur
day and I enjoyed it , every min
ute of it. I have seen horse
races and ball games and prize
fights and foot ball games , but I
never had more fun , I never got
more excited , I never became a
stronger partisan and I never
wore my voice out more than I
did last Saturday.
if *
Every event was bitterly con
tested. Every contestant strained
to his supreme efforts to win.
Falls City got off badly and lost
out in the first three events , but
with Yoder. Shock , Falloon , Mc
Dowell and Rodewald the game
s never out until it is played out.
Yoder won the mile race oompar-
itively easylie jumped in
front at the start and was never
lieaded Falloon ran fourth in
this event. The half mile race
came on with both Yoder and
Walloon pretty well exhausted
ind no ver } * great hopes were cn-
icrtaincd that cither would win.
Yet , it was ncccssar3' for Falls
itjT to get both first and second
to win the meet. There were
twelve starters in the race , some
of them fresh and eager. The
Palls City boys were dressed in
black , and it was by their cloth-
ug that we could distinguish
who they were for a t/ack suit is
an excellent disguise. Because
of Yoder's performance in the
mile some of the schools banded
together to see that he didn't get
in the lead. Consequently Au
burn agreed to pace Pawnee City.
That is , the Auburn man was to
take the lead and let the Pawnee
track trail him until the end and
remain comparatively fresh for a
gruelling finish. Yoder however ,
went to the front as soon as the
pistol cracked. He remained
there for several hundred yards
when the Auburn man shot by
him with the Pawnee man trail
ing. At the quarter mile one
man in a black suit was fourth
( Yoder ) and one was last ( Fal
loon i. The Falls City crowd in
the grand stand sat down and
talked about the windy weather.
Suddenly one girl who was cov
ered with old gold and black ribbons
bens screamed , "Look at Yoder. "
And look we did. The white
legs were moving faster and the
man in black went to third place
then to second and as they made
the last turn moved into first
place I don't know the local
yell and I don't know now what
I said , but I did my best with the
rest of the kids. All eyes were
on Yoder who was fighting it out
inch by inch with the Pawnee
man , when the girl with the
voice yelled again , "Look at
Falloon. ' ' He had swung wide
at the turn and was going by the
field like they were hitched. One
by one he passed them while the
crowd yelled in delirium. One
by one he forged ahead until he
was past Pawnee and at Yoder's
heels. Yoder thought Falloon
was the Pawnee man and his
efforts were redoubled. Falloon
didn't know that the man from
Pawnee was staggering like a
drunken man and was to pitch
forward on his face before reach
ing the tape , so he struggled on.
hack from the crowd came one
from Nebraska City and the three
with faces twisted in agony , with
their hearts throbbing to the
point of breaking and the lungs
pleading for air came to the fin
ish. They were running on
nerve , they had nothing else left.
Their faces were as white as
paper and the muscles were dis
torted. Yet the end was in front
of them and they battled on. A
foot from the tape Yoder hurdled
and his breast struck the line an
inch in front of Falloon , then
both boys fell to the ground ex
hausted and neither of them
heard the yells of their partisans
nor saw the crowds of anxious
friends who gathered about them ,
for they were all in. Back along
the track lay the rest of the field
for only three finished and Falls
ity had won.
* *
Now a word about our people.
The team is excellent and worked
like beavers to win , but the root
ers were a rank failure- All the
other schools were organized and
sat together. They knew the
school yells and in unison they
sang their songs , but not so with
Falls City. They wandered about
in scattered groups , there was no
unison in there rooting and their
yell was pitifully weak as com
pared with other schools. This
is not as it should be , especially
with such an occasion for rooting.
Another thing is this ; all the
teams want the meets to be held
in Falls City for it is the most
central point , but this cannot be
accomplished until we have a
race track. Of course a race
track could be made the source of
other amusements , and we all
know how little there is going on
here , but there would be nothing
that our people would so much
enjoy as an Interscholastic track
Spring wind clui ] ) , tun uiul cause
freckles to uppciir , Plncsiilve Curbol
d applied at night will relieve that
burning sensation. Nature's own rem
edy. Acts like u poultice and draws
out inllummtitlon. Sold by A. G. Wan
ner , druggist.
Another Old Soldiers.
Anderson L. Smith died at the
home of his niece , Mrs. J. II.
Goons , living southwest of Stella ,
Fridny morning , May U , 1907nged
08 years. He was born in Illinois
nnd during the civil wnr he en
listed in an lown regiment and
served over three years. Ho wns
at one time a member of the Me-
Kinley Post in Stella.
Mr. Smith hnd not been well
for three years , suH'oring from
dropsy , but his lust illness WHS not
of long duration. He was taken
siek in town , but nearly two weeks
before his death went to the Goons
home and was bedfast most of the
limo t Hereafter.
"Tiiy' ' Smith had been 'i famil
iar figure in Stella ever since HIP
early days of the town , lie wns
an excellent housekeeper , nnd had
a great reputation for neatness
and cleanliness. A year or so a o
he entered tin * Soldiers' Home fit
Leaven worth , but ofter a few
weeks' fatay returned to Stella giv
ing its his reason that the c-ooking
at the Home wasn't fit to cat.
The funeral was preached by
Rev. Tnylor tit the Baptist church
in Stella Sunday morning at 11
o'cloek. Burial was in the Stelln
cemetery. The pnll bearers were
the following old soldiers : Gap-
tain Evans , G. F. Ailer , Charles
S ha fur , J. W. Curtis , Norman
Smilie nnd Barney Mullen.
In using 11 cough syrup why not gel
the best ? One that comes highly
recommended is Bees Laxtative Cough
Syrup , contains Honey and Tar and is
superior to other cough syrups In
many ways. Children always like it
because it contains no opiatesis a laxa
tive and is guaranteed to give satisfac
tion or your money refunded. Try It.
Sold by A. G. Wanner.
Civil Service Commission''r ilohn
A. Mellhenny has decided to
make an extended tour of the
south at an early date to look into
the Vjansps of the indisposition of
hon'thern young men and women
lo enter the service of UIP govern
ment. Mr. Mcllhenney , himself
a Lonisianian and a demociat , has
IHVII btrnck with the disparity be
tween the mmibei of blacks and
whites in the south who apply for
the civil service examination re
quired for appointment to subor
dinate positions in the various
grades of federal government.
The north and west show no back
wardness of this kind , as a result
of which those sections have more
than their quota of positions in
the government service. Kansas
City Times.
mean in
yott >
Light , whole
some Biscuit
made with
Baking Powder ?
or unwholesome food made with an
alum baking powder ?
It is worth your white to inquire.
National Flowers.
Italy's emblem is the lily.
England's national llower is
the rose.
Germany's emblem is the corn
The United States has no na
tional llower.
The fleur-de-lis is the emblem
of gay France ,
The violet is the national
llower of Athens.
The linden is the national em
blem of Prussia.
The shamrock is emblematic
of the Emerald Isle.
The sugar maple is the na
tional emblem of Canada.
The leek is the emblem of
Wales and the thistle of Scot
In the treatment of piles It becomes
necessary to have the remedy put up
in such a form that It can be applied to
the parts allected. Man /an IMlo rem
edy IB cncabed in a collapsible tube
with no//.lc attached. It cannot help
but reach the spot. Itelleves blind ,
bleeding , itching and protruding piles.
Fifty cents with nox/.lo guaranteed.
Try it. Sold by A. G. Wanner.
Goes to Falls City.
ID. Iv. Hurst on Monday night
was elected principal of the
high school at Falls City at a
salary of $90 per month. This
is certainly a well merited honor
and adds another name to the
brilliant list of Neman a county
boys who have this year been
elected to principals hips
throughout the state.
Prof. Hurst assumed charge
of the Athens school in this city
in the spring of 1004 teaching-
till its close in May. He was
elected to the same position for
the school year of 1901-5 ; reelected
ted and taught through 1905-0 ,
attending the State Normal at
Peru from which he graduates
this month.
The Falls City school board
is to be congratulated on secur
ing the services of Mr. Hurst ,
and his hundreds of friends in
this city and among the leading
educators as well , will assure
our southern neighbor that she
has chosen wisely in his selec
tion. Netnaha County Herald.
Hurried uieaU , luck'of exercise arc
the main causes of dyspepsia. A Rings
Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal aids
digestion , improves the appetite. Sold
by A. G .Wanner.
_ . _
* lu ij4-bA. lJkJ
Things We Do Not See.
A man who had recently been
in Europe was entertaining his
friends with stories about Paris , . the course of his talk
mentioned several places which
were unknown to his listeners ,
although they had all frequent
ly visited the French capital.
"People go through the world
with their eyes shut , " was the
story teller's comment. A quiet
little man in the party then
said that even the most ob
serving people did not always
see , and , addressing the trav
eler , said'You : have read
the same paper daily for
thirty years. Do you know how
many columns it has on a page ? ' '
'No. " "You look at your watch
many times every day. Can you
tell me , is the six on its face a
Roman or an Arabic figure ? "
Why , Roman , of course. " And
he looked , and iouncl that there
was no "six" on his watch dial.
"All ot which demonstrates , ' '
said the little man , "that the
most observing do not always
see. " Ex.
Buy Tbe Park ,
The city should submit the
park proposition to the voters
without delay. The mass con
vention at which many of the
present officers were nominated
unanimosly passed a resolution
requesting the city authorities
to submit a bond issue for park
purposes. This mandate ex
presses the wish of the great
majority of our people and the
will of the majority should not
be defeated by a few knockers
and men afraid of tax.
Beatrice opened a fine Y. M.
G. A. building last week. The
dedication and opening were
marked by a three days celebra
tion. Each .evening a different
program was furnished and the
building thrown open to the in
spection of the public. Beatrice
is very proud of her Y. M. 0. A.
its new building and its work.
Yet Sitmmton and wife and Mrs.
Harry Pence and child of Falls
City were the guests of the Bald
win family Tuesday afternoon ,
Mr. Sinwnton , who is u painter
and paper hanger , is engaged to
do work for W. H. Wkeeler and
W. E. Pritts. Stella Press.