The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 10, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Meet Requirements
I fa pure clothes law should be passed and pure
clothes inspectors appointed by the government ,
special honorable mention would be given to the
XTRAGQOD brand we sell. The reputation of
our goods would be immensely increased , livery-
oiu- would want to buy of us.
JVLoreover , if such laws required the strictest
$ $ & -sanitaiT precautions on the part of the makers , and
j2l * i
B" ' prescribed a high standard of quality for linings
and cloths , and called for a certain grade of tailoring
for garments at each price , from the lowest to the
highest , we would be found to exceed requirements
in every particular.
LJoyproof Suits Novelty Suits
r Will wear like iron , made of For the little fellows , ages 2"2
the best inatciialsin the market , to 10 years. The neatest and
seams doubly sewed and taped. best made 3'oti ever saw , all the
1'rctty ] ) .ittcriist\vo piece double- new Spring1 Ktihsian , Sailor and
breasted and Norfolk Junior styles in the
suits , a es 1 to 17 most pretty patterns
$9.50 $6.50
. out. Prices S3.50 to
year * , : it $5.00 to
Hargrave & Hargrave
Opposite Postofficc
For Boys Who Kill Birds.
Some boys were seen the other
day near the park not far from
town killingbirds. When asked
by a local bird lover what kind
ther were killing the replied
that they were killing sparrows.
They thought , no doubt , the
birds were the imported birds.
But the english sparrows do not
dwell about the woods outside
of cities. They live near build
ings. The boys were , without
doubt , killing song sparrows ,
which are among our sweetest
If singers and most useful birds.
Every year these birds destroy
uncounted numbers of injurious
insect in onr lowlands.
The English sparrows may be
known in this way : The male
is rather a bulky brownish gray
bird , with a black choker or bib
on his throat and chest ; the ,
female is slightly smaller , andj
her breast is soiled white or |
dirty gray without any black ;
markings. They stay about
towns , conntry residences and
and large bridges. They are
seldom found far from hunmn
habitations. Therefore the
chances are that little brown
birds if ] out-of-the-way places
hre American spuT ° ws , and
ought to be spared.
Two of our native species of
sparrows are often found in
town the song sparrow and the
chipping sparrows. The song
sparrow is slightly smaller and
more lithe than the English
sparrow , is more brownish in
color and has a pretty speckled
breast , with a larger spot in
the center. The chipping spar
row is much smaller than his
English cousin , and his breast
is white , without any marks ;
his crowu is chestnut brown.
Out in the upland fields may
be found the vesper and grass
hopper sparrows , and near the
bushy borders of the woods and
field sparrows.
i * ! * ii
Died at llumboldt.
The following account of the
death ol Mrs. Harold Sjnith of
University Place is taken from
the State Journal of May JJrd :
Mrs. Harold Smith of Univer
sity Place , died yesterday at
the home of her parents , Mr.
and Airs. Joseph Snethen of
this city , after an illness of
about a year , during which time
she has been steadily failing in
spite of trips to the south and
various health resorts in the
hope of arresting the progress
of the disease which had fasten
ed itself upon her. Deceased
was brought back from El Paso ,
Texas , four weeks ago , her case
being pronounced hopeless , and
immediately after arriving in
this city her year-old baby died ,
the event no doubt hastening
her own death. She leaves a
husband , one of the business
men of University Place , and a
brother and sister , all of whom
were with her to the end. The
former , Frank Snethen , is presi
dent of the First National bank
of this city , and the sister is
Mrs. Minnie Oravath , wife of a
ranchman of Lakeside , Neb.
Mrs , Smith was born at the
family home , southeast of Hum-
uoMt , January 6 , 1677 and resided -
sided in this section most of her
life. She was united in mar
riage February 28 , 1900 , to
Harold J. Smith , and they lived
since at Elk Creek , Table Rock
and University Place , at which
towns the husband was engaged
in the lumber business. Fun
eral services will be held Satur
day at 10 o'clock from the
Snethen home , conducted by
Rev. John Calvert , of the Metho
dist church , to which organiza
tion deceased belonged.
Hurried meals , lack of exercise are
the mult ) causes of dyspepsia , A Rings
Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal aids
digestion , Improves the appetite. Sold
by A. G .Wanner.
i'b. Sue DeWald is spending
the week with her daughter ,
Mrs. M. D. Ltim at Vcrdon.
Riley Shaffer and wife were
Burlington passengers Sunday
afternoon for Salem where they
spent a portion of this week the
guests of his sister at that place.
Every one knows that spring Is the
season of the year when the system
needs cleansing. Rings Little Liver
Pills arc highly recommended. Try
thorn. Sold by A. G. Wanner ,
Don't forget thnt Falls Oity ie
to Imvo a chautnqnn in July Unit
will permit our people to enjoy
n program of rnre excellence.
Among the uttrnctions will bo the
Kilties bnnd which is not only
one of the finest bands in the
country but was considered the
beat band playing at the St.Lonis.
Exposition. In addition to line
attraction the lecture program
will introduce ) such eminent men
as Rev. D wight Newell Hillis of
Brooklyn , Senator Dolliver , Rev.
Gunsallus and others of like
In the treatment of piles It becomes
necessary to have the remedy put up
in such a form that it can bo applied to
the parts affected. Man Zan Pllo rem
edy Is encased in a collapsible tube
with no&jsle attached. H cannot help
jut reach tlio spot. Relieves blind ,
Bleeding , itching and protruding piles.
Fifty cents with nozzle guaranteed.
Try It. Sold by A. G. Wanner.
The following want ad in the
nniottior base ball column of the
Kansas City Star is indicative oi
the interest taken in the groal
American game : "John Cockrell
would like to sign with some 0 01
7-year-old team as pigtail. Ii
satisfactory answer through Tin
Star. "
In using u cough syrup why not ge
the best ? One that comes hlghl ;
recommended is Bees Laxtativo Cougl
Syrup , contains Honey and Tar and 1
superior to other cough syrups ii
many ways. Children always like I
because it contains no opiatesIs alaxu
tlvo and Is guaranteed to give satisfac
tlon or your money refunded. Try It
Sold by A. G. Wanner.
Mayor Barrett.
Mayor Barrett of Falls City ,
was in Hiawatha , Tuesday , get
ting pointers as regards our
.vatcrworks s y s t e in. Mayor
GriiiK'S cheerfully gave him what
information he could along the
lines of most value to the mayor
and showed him around the city
and to the cemetery' . Mayor Bar
rett expressed his astonishment
it the advancement Hiawatha
had made ; at her miles of cement
nnd brick walks , and in finding
itch a large number of large and
elegant residences and no saloons
either. lie seemcd-at a loss to sec
: iow all this could be done and
10 saloon license money to pay
'or it with. "How did you get
these cement walks built away
out to the limits and even to the
cemetery ? " "Why , " said Mayor
Cirinms , ' 'we ordered them built ;
there was some kicking at first ,
tnit when the owners of the
property studied over the matter ,
they came to the conclusion that
lie walks would add more to the
value of their property than they
cost , so they began to ask for
walks , " "But how about the
sewers ? " inquired Mayor Barrett.
aine as the walks , " said Mayor
Grimes. "There were kicks and
aw suits at first , but now we
: annot build them as fust as they
ire petitioned for. " It seems that
ralls City has one endless time
of it , in trying to secure an ade
quate suppl ; of good water ,
' nick-sand benig now the foe to
> rogrcss in that direction. Hia
watha World.
- _
Let mo mull you free , to prove merit
samples of my Dr. Shoop' Ilestoriitive
uul my Uoolc on either Dyspepsia ,
The Heart , or The Kidneys. Address
in , Dr. Snoop , lluulno , Wis Troubles
of the Stomach , Heart or Kidnejs , are
nerely symptoms of a deeper ailment.
Don't mttko the common error of treat-
ng symptoms o n I y. c y m p , o in
treatment Is treating the result
> f \oiir ailment , and not the cause.
Weak Stomach ni-rves the inside
nerves means Stomach weakness , al-
ijs. And the Heart , and Kidneys as
well , have their controlling or Inside
nerves. Weaken thcau nerve- * , and
you inevitably Imvo weak vital organs.
[ lore is where Dr. Shoop's lloetorutlvu
has made Its fame No othi-r irmedy
claims to treat the " iUo
oven "in m r-
ves. " Al-o for bloatin. . inliousiu-ss ,
bad bioath or complexion , use Dr.
Shoot's Ji-'storuttvp. Wrlti * for my
free Uo'jK now Dr a i i.ip's Restora
tive sold li. till dealers
Miss Florence Allen gave a
"heart" party Thursday night
for Miss NellieCain , of Falls City ,
who returned homeSunday. Hia
watha World.
L. C. Edwards spent the past
Sunday with his mother at llum
237 Acres good land three \ \
miles east of Verdun. * *
Will sell 157 acres where { [
house stands , and remaining
80 acres , separately or ad a
For ftither particulars see
II Joseph Strohmeyer | |
| Verdon - - Neb
The Star is Lincoln's Larg *
est Daily , having now a
Circulation of More Than
It is liberal and indepen *
Printing all the important
news ,
Issued every day in the
The Full Associated Press
( $4.00' fS j
price \ J.o02r/ r
( $ /.oo'xn < &a
Werner , Mosiman & Co.
Is headquarters \\hen in nt-c-d of anything-
the Implement line. We have the largest stock
ever carried in Falls City. We handle the Moline -
line and Canton Plow lines. A very Cultivators
Siij ; walking1 $18. Newton , Weber , Hetten-
clorf , and A very wagons.
We have the-largest stock of Buggies and
Carriages ever carried in this city. We have the
Moon Bros , plug-less body , llenne and Keys
lines. We will make special prices on carriages
for the next thirty days.
Now is the time for cream separators. We
have the Daisy Queen and cream Harves
ter. We carry a full line of uindmills , pumps
and gasoline engines from a 2 horse to a 20
horse power.
This is the time of the year for Lightning- rods
We handle the Shinn soft copper cable. When
in the city call on us and look over our stock
whether you want to buy or not , we will treat
you right
Werner , Mosiman & Co.
Articles of Incorporation.
Amendment In articles of Incorporation of
the Tanners Mutual Telephone Coinpanj
of I'roston , Xrtirntkit.
The amount of anthorl/eil capital stock of
said compaio Is I'll Tl is TIIUITS\MI Doi-
I.AKS [ $15,000001 , to bo ilixiileil Into shares
of Sixty Dollars rach.Vh.itecr stock Is
subscribed shall IK : p.ilil at such times and
In Bitch aiiuiucits as the Hoard of Directors
may from time to time determine. lit case
of the failure of am stockholder to paj
any assessment of stock as ordered 1 > ) the
Hoard of Directors , the stock held l j such
stockholder may lie sold for said assessmenr
by the said corporation in such manner as
tin * bj-laws adopted 1 > > said board may
In testimony thereof , we , the persons
composing the present lioaad of Directors
ha\e hereunto st.t our hands this 29th day
of March , A. D. 1V ! > 7.
J01IS Wl.lNI'.KT I
II. J. KI.OIM'II , ( Hoard of Directors.
AUG. Di cKiMiii <
Richardson County I
On this 20th day of March. A. I ) . 1'W ' ,
before me John Wlltse , a notaty public in
and for said county , personally came U. T.
Duncan , John Wi'lnurt. II. J. Klocpfcl and
August Iecl < lii BIT , to me known to be the
Identical persons \\hose names aie affixed
to the abo\e Instiument , us directors of The
Tanners Mutual Telephone Compaio oV
Preston. Nebraska , and acknowledged the
same to be their \oluntar > act and deed
for the purpose of Amending the Articles
of Incorporation of said company.
In witness whereof , I have hereunto sub
set ibed no name and affixed my
seal at Tails City , Nebraska , on the day
last abo\e written.
Jolts WILTSI : ,
Notary Public.
My commission expires July II , 1010.
Richardson Countj I M
On this L'Oth day of March , A. D. 190T ,
before me , John \Vlltse , a notarj public in
and for said county , personally came C. II.
Wiltse , to me known to be the identical
person whose name is affixed to the alwve
instrument , as director of The Tanners
Mutual Telephone Compnii } of Preston , Ne
braska , and acknowledged the same to be
his \oluntar\ act and deed for the purpose
of Amending the Articles of Incorporation
of said company.
In witness wheioof , I ha\e hereunto
subscribed my name and affixed my official
seal at Tails Citj. Nebraska , on the daj
last above written.
Jens WILTSI : .
Notary Public.
My commission expires July It , 11)10. )
Tirst publication April 1U-4 times
Le/al Notice.
Tlie above named defendant will take notice
that on April 27th , 1907 the plaintiff filed her
IH'Ution in the district court of Richardson
County , Nebraska , against you , the object and
prayer of which arc to obtain an absolute
divorce from yon and to obtain the care , con *
trol and custodj of the minor child , Raymond
Hanks Courtrlifht , on the grounds that you arc
an habitual drunkard , that you have willfully
abandoned the plaintiff without just cause and
have willfully failed and refused to support
her though able to do so. You will plead to
said petition on or before June llth , 1 ° 07. or the
allegations of said petition will be taken as
true and a decree rendered accordingly.
TKACV I" . CouKTKir.iiT.
RBWIS X Rivis. : . Plaintiff.
Att > ' for Plff.
( Tkht publication Max 3. 1107- times. )
Legal Notice.
Notice is Iiercbj given that I have filed with
the village clerk of the village of Harada.
Nebraska , a petition signed by the requisite
number of free holders of said v iltage , praj ing
that a saloon license bo granted to me by the
Milage board to tell malt , spirituous , and
vinous liquors , on lot 4 , In block I , to said vil
lage of Harada , Nebraska , for the ensuing j oar.
Un. SiiuniiKT.Petltloner.
Attest :
Jens MAKTI.N , Village Clerk.
Tirst publication May 3rd.
For Rent.
Six room cottage recently
painted and papered through ,
out. Oity water. Two blocks
from postoftice. One block from
Stone street. Nice neighbor
hood. C. P. REAVIS.
SYRUP cures coughs and colds.
Notice To Colt Raisers.
I am now located at the Salem
fair grounds with two good
Stallions , one trotter and one
pacer. Yon are cordially in
vited to call and see them and
get acquainted. No trouble to
show horses. While I am owner
of these Stallions I will pay
one hundred dollars to the first
ten of ' . - get taking standard
records. To be divided , live
colts fro n each stallion. Money
divided $30.00 to breeder and
$50.00 to owner , at time standard
record is taken. Colts broken
and track horses handled.
In case of my death , this con
tract shall be void.
Phone 2 8 OverRIolwrdron County
Phonos- , $ Residence , 160
-j 0llc | ( 55
Oflice atjtfetts' Barn. Office
Phone 139. Residence Phone
For flood Sales , Good Service , Prompt
Returns Ship Your Stock to
Geo. R. Barse
National Stock Yards , III.
Kansas City , Mo. ,
wo ui\e each shipment close , careful
ami personal attention. When \\e JIIIKIMS
> \\cmakeafrlend and customer. Our
salesmen can and do iret full market
\alue on dai of arrival for all stock
shipped to us. Our yardmen get jou
food \\eiirlus and BIMJ peed senice. In
handling all stock Immediately on ar-
mal. ( iive your next shipment to C.eo.
It. llarse- . Write cs for market infer
mation. C5-4
M. E. Church.
The following- services next
Sabbath :
9:45 : Sunday school.
10:45 : preaching : . x
2:00 : p. m. Junior league.
7:00 : p. in. Epworth league.
8:00 : p. in. , Preaching1. 7- .
Prayer meeting 8:00 : p. m. on
Wednesday evening.
All cordially invited.
W. T. CLINE , Pastor.