THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , MAY 3 , 1907 To keep Imme faaking and healthful y&u must DiPRICE'S Cream S&king Powtlee * Keep In Tune. Mental discord is fatal to quality in work. The destruc tive emotions worry , anxiety , hatred , jealousy , anger , greed , selfishness , arc all deadly ene mies of efficiency , A man can no more do his best work when possessed by any of these emotions than a watch can keep good time when there is friction in the bearings of Its delicate mechanism. In order to keep perfect time the watch must be exquisitely adjusted. Every wheel , every , coff , every bear , ing , every jewel must be me chanically perfect , lor a n y defect , any trouble , any friction anywhere will make absolutely correct time impossible. The human machinery is infinitely more delicate than the mechan ism of the finest chronometer and it needs regulating , needs to be put in perlect tune , ad justed to a nicety every morn , ing before it starts on the day's run , just as a violin needs tuning - ing before the concert begins. It is strange that men , who are very shrewd in other mat. ters , should be so shortsighted , so ignorant , so utterly foolish ir regard to the importance ol keeping their marvelous , intri cate and delicate mental ma chinery every day in tune ; foi harmony means e ffi c i e u c y , power. Many a business mar drags himself wearily througl a discordant day and finds him selt completely exhausted ai night , who would have accom plished a great deal more , witl infinitely less effort , and hav < one home at night in a mud fresher condition if had takei time to put himself in tune be fore going to his oflice in tin morning. The man who goes to work ii the morning feeling out of sort with everybody , in an antagc nistic attidude of mind towar life , especially toward thos with whom he has to deal , is i no condition to bring the max : mum of his power to his tasl A large percentage ot his mer tal forces will not be available "When will we learn that it i not the number of hours w work but the efficiency of tli work done that counts ? Man ot us wotfld accomplish muc more in two or three hours ( vigorous , effective work , whe the mind is fresh and resourcefu than we could accomplish in a entire day with the whole syi 4em out of tune. It is won possible kind of economy to tr to force good work out of a discord - cord a n t instrument tired nerves , a jaded or worried brain. Forcing the brain to work when it out of tune is a very shortsighted policy. It takes too mucti out of the human in strument. Multitudes commit suicide on many years of their lives by not keeping themselves in harmony.Success. . HUMBOLDT. Rarnh KtHc lias been elected to a position In the unsiucss department of ilic Pawnee City Academy. Chsen Downing recently purchased the property occupied by Art Wilson and wife , the latter will move in with Ike Reid and family , until their new home is completed on Nemaha street. Kicld day for the schools of Richard son county is to be held in lluni- boldt , May Ith. The young men of the Christian church have orgnnired base ball team. A game with the Tecumseh boys is to be played in the near future. Mrs. S , H. Uobst has been quite sick this week. The Humboldt brick plant is proving all that could be desired , the company is employing a large force of workmen but is unable at present to supply all the demands for brick. Mrs. K. 1-J. Miller came up from Ad rian , Missouri , Sunday , to attend the wedding of her sister , Jennie , Wednes day. day.The The young people of the Methodist Episcopal church , held a social at the parsonage Tuesday evening- Ed Unland of Lincoln was a gttesl , of his parents , Hev. and Mrs , Fred Un land , over Sunday. | .T. J. Prey and wife have returned from a pleasant visit with Nebraska City friends. L. M. Hillings and wife came down from Table Wednesday to attend tin Kist-Gravatt wedding. The following corps of teachers havi been elected for the ensuing year Superintendent , K. I < . Hoff ; principal \lbert Vogclin , of Salem ; assistan principal , Lillian ncnnctt , Pawnci City ; seventh and sixth grades , Patricl Walsh ; fifth grade , Jessie Drapcv fourth grade , Nellie Rccd ; third grade Daisy Morris ; second grade. Berth I Frank ; first grade , Ksther Maxwell. At eight o'clock Wednesday evenini at the home of 11. F. CJravatt and wife occurred the marriage of their eldcs daughter , Miss Jennie , to Frank Kist son of Christ Kist and \\ife , Rev. llei Wilson , pastor of the Chri > tianchurcl performing the ceremony , in the j > cnce of a large number of relatives , an friends of the contracting parties. Mi and Mrs. Kist will commence houst keeping at once on the Ontzmer farn southeast of town. Claude , the three year old son , c flC'has. Shurtleff and wife , residin II north of town , died Saturday , of di ] thcria. Funeral services conducted b Rev. John Culvert , burial being maii in the Hratton cemetery. Over thirty-two dollars were raise at the high school entertainment give Friday evening. It is quite probabl the program will be repeated in the near future , Alice Cleaver of Falls City was the guest of Mrs. K. L. IloiV , a part of the week. Wm. Cooper and family moved their household effects from Hit Dots to thie city the first of the week , and will again become residents of Humboldt. Sam and Henry Scitcs were recently summoned to Dccatur , Illinois , by the death of a brother. Mrs S. R. Gist and Mrs. 13. A Tucket- visited Mrs. W. A. Greenwald in Falls City the middle of the week. We notice that Sarah Edee of [ Iiunboldt , who has been attend ing the State Normal at Peru this year , has been elected to the principalship of the business de partmcnt of the Pawnee City academy and college. Miss Edee is in ever- way qualified for the undertaking and has the congrat ulations of her numerous friends in this count } ' . Reports are coming in from surrounding towns that Bradley & Vroonmn Paint gives entire satisfaction. Every can is guar anteed. For sale by Dr. T. C. McMillan. A citizen from one of out neighboring towns who came to Falls City last baturdav to have a good time and having found numerous friend he went the rounds and then wen { to the Walter amusement hall and be gan taking part in all games. Mr. Walter spoke to him in a gentlemanly manner till his patience gave away then he showed him the door and helped him out of it. A drive through the countr } shows that there are more house ; painted with Bradley & Vroomat Paint than with any other , li satisfies everyone who uses it For sale by Dr.McMillan. A patient in a New York hos pital was to have a lim b ampu tatcd. It was found his hear : action was too weak to permi the use of an anesthetic and co caine was injected into the spina colums producing is knowi in surgery as spinal analsthesi ; of the lower extremities am deprives the patient of all feelini in his limbs. A patient may cha with the surgeon while the opera tion is on. What a powerfu drug. Yet many people en danger their lives by its con tinned use because they hav made themselves too weak t know the difference b e t w e e i pleasure and injury. TUB BOWSLS AN MOVE WORK OFF A COL WITH TUB ORIC5IM4 MOVECOUGh COUGH 8TRUP. COUGh BEST FOR A Legal Notice. 1'irwl publication April 12th. To I Inrciice l.utrr. Charles A. Carter , Cyril Carter , I'rank Carter , ir , , S.tmm-1 Carter , Auuiist.t Carter , I > n t 1' . Carter. Oolitic ' Carter and TranK Carter , sr , , * ur\ivinit liiisbaiul of Mcllie Carlrr , unit-resident defendant I fendant * . MMI an- hereby iioilfifd that on the 'Mlt d.ij of April , A. 1 > . IW ; , Perry M. ( icrmam , ni > > n C. ( ti-rmaln , Samuel K. Her- | main , Itnmcr I ) . ( , i-riii.ilii. Arthur A. ( n-rmaln , ( Mimr A. liermalii , Jennie A. Votinir , Ida .M. Si uthaunt , Noah NVusb.ium , Alvln 1' . | ( ii-rm.lin , John ( iermaln , Curtlnml 1' . Ccr- mam , William l.uv ami Jennie Law HUM a pililloit In the District coiirl of Rich- ' iriloon iiiiinty , X l'msba. acaltnl you said nan . rcsuli'iit di'femlniiNaml other re i.lent id f.-ml- antH , the objc-ct and proper of which , ueto i obtnut partition .iinonir ami to tlir nulitful .iMii.'rs th-ri'of. the folloulntr ( leB.-rib.Hl feal i tale , coiislntluir of lf,0 acres of hind , more or Iris , Hltiiatcit In SpcKi-r to\\nslili | , Klch- anl-ini enmity , Xnbrailta , limit : The mitith half nf Hie mirtlic--nt iiuarler of section inimbi-r tuiit(2il ( ) , and the north half of tin uthcast quarter of said section mini- In r uu-titv (20In ( township nnmlicr one ( li iliirtll. l.iilife thlrlri-ll i-.Ht nf the ( ill ! 1' . M. MI Kirh.irdwon count ) , NtbrasK.i , e.\ci-pilni ; OIIH Hir.i , f acios of land which l located in tin' s.nitlii-ast corner , nf tin- northeast marti r. < f the > onlhe.isl uiiarter nl said si'iiinii iiumbet U\'iit > , and which is more partu-ulurlv describi-d as follows : Com- nn IICIIIB at the southeast corner of the iirriheasi quarter of ( he southeast quarter of s.iul section iinmber twenty , runttlne thi-iu-e dm- north twenly-four (24) ( ) rods , thence due- west twcnt > WO ) rods , thcnco due south Iwiim-fnnr (24) ( ) rods , thence due east twent.\ rods to the- place of K-trlnnlnir : and in lieu of i Inaboe described three acres , so e < c- C'-pti-d. are to IMliultided In said .ictlon fur iiartitlon. three acis of land located In tin- northwest corner , of tin- southwest miart r of section numbc'r twentj-one (21) ( ) , town inn- ( I ) , north , riiiine thirteen , east of tindth P. M. In Richardson county , Ne- br.isK.i. anil whlcli U inori- particular ! * de- M-nbi-d .is follows : Ccihmeiiclng .it tile nortliwest corner of the Miuthwest quarter of said section number (21) ( ) . riinmiiir llienci- due cast twentj-four (24) ( ) roils , thence dmMiutli twenty (20) ( ) rods , tin ni-e din- west twenu-four [ 14) ) rods , thence dtii' noitli to place of beKlnninV. Plaintiff prajs for judgment conllrnilni ; tin- shares of tin- parties in Interest , ami if s.iid propeity can not biiqtiltablv dmib-d tint said premisi's m.iy be sold and tin proceeds thereof be dhlded amonir the parties accordlnif to theli u.pectiirights % on and each of jon are required to answer said petition on or before Monday. tin20th ilaj of Maj , l'K)7. Dated this llth day of April. 1'KlT. PKKHY M. UI.KMAIN , Plaintiff. Ih Jens \Vii T.4U , his Attorney. In ninijr n ooiit.rli syrup \vhv _ riot aut the be > ty OHM thnt cnmphlcrhly rccommended U Bt'ea Luxtiitive Coujrh Svrun , contuiiii Flonuy anil 'Pur and is superior lo oihi'f oou 'h syrups in mimy nys. Children always like it bi'i'ati'c it oontaitiB no opiatesis a laxa tive anil jruiirantced to ( , 'lve satisfac tion or unir inniii'y i-i-funded. Try it. S ) ld liv A. G W.tniH r. Notice To Colt Raisers. I am now located al the Salem fair grounds with two good Stallions , one trotter and one pacer. You are cordially in vited to call and see them and get acquainted. No trouble to show horses. While I am owner of these Stallions I will pay one hundred dollars to the first ten of their get taking standard records. To be divided , live colts from each stallion. Money divided $50.00 to breeder and $50.00 to owner , at time standard record is taken. Colts broken and track horses handled. Incase of my death , this con tract shall be void. GGtf CLAUKNCU DINCSLK. LINCOLN DAILY STAR The Star is Lincoln's Larg est Daily , having now a Circulation of More Than 19,000 It is liberal and indepen dent. Printing all the important news , Issued every da in the year. The Full Associated Press Reports. Price Werner , Mosiman Sc Co. Is headquarters \\hen in nt'od of anything in the Implement line. We have the largt t stock ever curried in Falls City.Vc handle the Moline - line and Canton Plow lines. A very Cultivators sLwalking \ \ - $18. Newton , Weber , Betten- dorf , and Avery wagons. We have the largest stock of Buggies and Carriages ever carried in this city. We have the Moon Bros , plugless body , Henne and Keys lines. We will make special prices on carriages for the next thirty days. Now is the time for cream separators. We have the Daisy Queen and cream Harves- UT. We carry a full line of windmills , pumps and gasoline engines from a 2 horse to a 20 horse power. This is the time of the year for Lightning rods We handle the Shinn soft copper cable. When in the city call on us and look over our stock whether you want to buy or not , we will treat you right Werner , Mosiman & Co Articles of Incorporation. Amendment tit articles of Incorporation C tlie ranneis Teloplioiii1 Company of Preston , Nebraska. Tin- amount nf authorized capital stock of aid compaio is I'n-Tr.r.N THOUSAND loi.- I.\KS ( Slf.OOO.oOI. to IMdMded Into shares of Si\t > Dollars r.ich. Whatever stock is subscribed ! be paid at such times and In such amounts .is the Ito.trd of Directors may from tlmr to time determine. In case of the failure of any stockholder to pay any assessment of stock as ordered by the Hoard of Directors , the stork held by such stockholder may bo sold for said assessment by the said corporation in such manner as the bj-laws adopted b > said board may provide. In U'stlmou.thereof . , we , the persons composing1 the present Iloaail of Directors lia\p hereunto set our hands this 20th day of March. A. D. 1IV)7. ) U. T. Dt-.scAS ] JOHN WIINKKT : I H. J. Ki.oii'Hi-i , i loanl ! of Directors. Aui ; . II.CKINC.IK : I C. H. Wn/rsr. J STAH : or NKIIHASKA. ' Kichardson County I * On this 39th day of March. A. D. HOT. iHiforo. me John Wlltse , a notao public In and foi said count ) , personally came U. T. Duncan , John Weinert , H. J. Klocpfel and Auirust Deckintrer , to me knoun to be the identical persons whose names aie affixed to the above instrument , as directors of The Tanners Mutual Telephone Company of Preston , Nebraska , and acknowledged the same to be their \oliintan act and deed for the purpose of Amending the Articles of Incorpcralio.t of said company. In witness whereof , I ha\e hereunto sub scribed my name and aflixt-d my official beal at Tails City , Nebraska , on the day last above written. JOHN WILTSI : , Xotarj Public. Mj commission expires July 11.11)10. ) TATl. 01' XiniKASKA ' Richardson County t On this Iloth day of March. A. D. 190T. iefore me , John Wiltse , a notary public in ind for said county , personally came C. II , Wlltse , to me known to be the identical icrson whose name is affixed to the above nstrument , as director of The Tanners Mutual Telephone Company of Preston , Ne braska , and acknowledged the same to tie Ills \oluntao act and deed for the purpose > f Amending the Articles of Incorporation if said companj. In witness whereof , I have hereunto subscribed my name and aflixed my ofllclal seal at' Tails City , Nebraska , on the day last above written. JOHN WJLTM : . Notary Public. Mj commission expires July ll , 1WO. Tlrst publication April 11 > 4 times Legal Notice , Notice Is hereby given that A. G. Wanner has filed his petition signed by the requisite number of freeholders of the second ward of Falls City , asking that a druggist permit bo granted him to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors for medicinal ! mechanical , scientific and sacremental purposes on lot 10. block SS , In the second ward of Tails City for the municipal vear beginning May 7,190" , to May tl. I 08. A. ( I. WAN.NKX. Attest : HI.KT HAKKK. Cit > Clerk. Lega.1 Notice. Notice is hereby ghen that Leslie ll. Leeds has filed with the city clerk of Tails City , Ne braska , his petition signed b ) the rcquslu number of resident free holders of the second ward of Tails Cit > , Nebraska , praying that a license as saloonkeeper be granted him to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors on lot 21 block Hi. in the second ward of Tall- . City , Nebiaska , for the municipal jcar l > eginnlnii Mai 7.1'lOT , and ending May 6. 10CW. Attest ; LiRSUl ! K. liEKDS II. K. llvKi K.Citi Clerk. Legal Notice. Notice is luruby given that Peter Kaiser liai filed with the city clerk of Tails Cltj.Ne braska , his petition signed by the reqnisiu iiumlwr of resident free holders of the secom' ' ward of Tails City. Nebraska , praying tha1 a license as saloon keeper tw granted * him ti sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors 01 lots 5 and o in block 71 in the second ward o Tails Clt > . Nebraska , for the yeai beginning Ma > 7,1"07 , and ending May 0. l'X Attest : PKTKK KISHK. . HKKT HAKKK , City Clerk. iTirt publication April 12. ) Le al Notice. Notice is hereby given that I have filed will the village clerk of the village of Preston Nebraska , a petition signed by the requisiti number of free holders of said \illage. prayins that a saloon license be granted to mo by thi village board to sell malt , spirituous and vinou liquors on lot 32 in block 1 of said vjllage o Preston , Nebraska , for the ensuing year , /.ttest : J. R. SHELLY. Petitioner. H. P. RiuctK , Village Clerk. , Tlrst publication April 12. ) Legal Notice. Notice is hereby given that Tred W. Herli- ster IMS tiled vv Ith the clt > clerk of Tails City , Nebraska , his petition signed b.the . requisite mtmlKir of resident free holders of the second ward of Tails City. Nebraska , pr.u Ing that .1 license as saloon keeper be gianted him to sull malt , spirituous and vinous liquors on part of lots IIand Sand lot 4 in block-0 in the second ward of Tails Cltv , Nebraska , for the nniiiio- pal . \ear beginning May 7 , l'X)7 ) , and umllitv May ( . , IW. THKD w. HKHIISTKIJ. Attest : llr.KT 11 VKCK , City Clerk. ( Tlrst publication April 12. ) Legal Notice. Notice Is hereby given that Peter Tredenclr. jr. , has filed with the city clerk of Tails City , Nebraska , his petition signed by the requisite number of resident freeholders of the second ward of the city of Tails City. Nebiaska. pray , ing that a license as saloon keeper be granted lilm to sell malt , spirituous and ilnous liquor * on lots "and S in block SH in the second wacd of Falls City , Nebraska , for the municipal beginning May 7. I'M ? , and ending May 6 , l"WiJ Attest : I'ITI.R TKKIII.KICK , .tr. HIUT : HAKIK : , City Clerk. ( Tirst publication April 12. ) Le n.1 Notice. Notice is hereby given that Orville. Sclux.-- ; hell has Illed with the city clerk of Tails City. Nebraska , his petition signed by the requls.tu number of resident free holders of the second ward of the cltj of Tails City. Nebraska , pray ing that a license as saloon keeper bo granled him to sell malt , spirituous and vinous Hquurs on lots 4 and 5 in block 71 in the second warJ of Tails City , Nebraska , for the municipal beginning May 7 , 1907 , and ending May ( > , ItKH , Attest : OKVIM.K SciinuMiKir. HKKT HAKKK , City Clerk. ( Tirst publication April 12. ) Legal Notice. Tlrst publication April 12th. Notice Is hereby given that Joseph J. I.ollman lias tiled with the citj clerk ot Tails City , Nebraska , his petition signed < iy the requisite number of resident free holders of the second ward of the city of Tails City , Nebraska , prajlng that a license as salooe keeper be granted him to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors on lots 7 and 8. in block 71 , in the second ward of Tails Clt > , Nebraska , for the municipal > ear beginning May 7 , li > 7 , and ending Maj 6. 190 $ . Attest : Josii'ii J. I.OM.MA- . . HKHT HAKI-.K , City Clerk. Legal Notice. Notice is hereby given that I have Illed vvillt HID village clerk of the village of llarad-i. Nebraska , a petition signed by the requisite number of free holders of said village , prayin i that a saloon license granted to me by tOu village board to sell malt , spirituous an * vinous liquors on lot 12 , In block 1 , on Sniilii' . . addition to said village of Harada , Nebraska , for the cnsulng > ear. MATT SCHL-LKMII no. Petltloni"- . Attest : JOHN MAKTIN. Village Clerk. First publication April 12th. i Lerfal Notice. First publication April 12th > time * . To William Earley , non-rcMilent defendant : You are hereby notified that on the lottt day of April , 1907 , Klla Earley liied a peti tion against sou In the District court of Kichardson county , Nebraska , the object auj prajer of which are to obtain a divorce from jou on the ground of failure to sup port said Ulla Earley , drunkenness and extreme cruelty , and to obtain the custody of the children , who are the issues of sa > d parties. You are required to answer said petition on or before Moudai , the 20th day of May , 1 < X > 7. ELLA E\KLIY. Plaintiff. Hy JOHN WiLTsr. . her Altornej. ' l-or ( loud Sales , Good Service , Prompt Returns Ship \nur Stock to Qeo. R. Barse I.IVISTOCK COMMISSION CO. . National Stock Yards. 111. Kansas CltMo. , WE SELL CATTLE AND HOGS We give each shipment close , careful and personal attention. When v > o please jou we make a friend and customer. Our salesmen can and do get full market \aluo on das of arrival for all stock shipped to us. Our yardmen get you good weights and L'ivu good service in handling all stock immediately on arrival - rival , ( live your next shipment to Oeo. K. Harse. Write us for market infor- mation. b5-4 Reaches the spot. Stops pain. The ManZan Great Pile Rem edy. Put up in tubes with rectftl nozzle , 50 cent * .