ItUlorlcal Sookts \ THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE. . . . , , , , . . Vol. IV FALLS CITY NEBRASKA FRIDAY HAY 3 1907. Whole No. 171 Coney Island's Tribute To The Dead. Coney Island stood still for half an hour yesterday afternoon as a mark of respect to the late 'Elmer S. Dundy oneof the found ers of Luna park and a pioneer in the building1 of new Coney Island. At 4 o'clock Mr. Dundy's body was removed from the re ceiving vault in the old Mora vian cemetery , Staten Island , tea a new vault prepared for it. Promptly on the strike of that hour all business was suspended. The music stopped and the res taurants ceased to serve their patrons. Thousands of visitors were wonder-struck by the sud den transformation , but when they learned the reason they joined in the silent honors ot the dead. Jeptba Dunn. Jeptha Dunn of Barada died in Lincoln on Sunday April 2Sth. 1907. Mr. Dunn has been a res ident of Richardson County for nearly twenty years , having made his home with his son R. J. Dunn in Barada and vicinity all ot that time. For some time the old < jen tie- man , who was vpast 74 years of age , has been suffering1 from a complication of ailments ; and in the hopes of benefiting his health he was removed to a sanitarium at Lincoln some three weeks ago. The deceased is survived by his widow and two children to whom the Tribune tenders its sympathy in the hour of their be'reavment. The funeral was held from the home of R. J. Dunn in Barada on Tuesday. Rev. Teeter of Falls City being officiating the clergy man. Union Tabernacle Meeting. The great union revival meet ing for Falls City will have to be postponed from May 12th. tc June 2nd. on account of the re markable success of evangelisl Oliver at East Liverpool , Ohio. It being impossible for him tc close the meetings there withoui great injustice to the cause. A second tabernacle has beer constructed in a suburb when the meetings are being continued From the latest report of the pro gress of the meeting the numbei of converts has now passed the 1000 mark. It will be a great day for Fall : Cit3 * when a man ofsuch not < and power opens a campaigt here. Now is the time to adver tise the good points of Palls City Falls City Clob Women. Falls City has a number o woman's clubs and such ones a different times have shown i desire to aid and promote th general welfare. Why wouldu' it be a good idea for each one o these clubs to plant and tend flower bed Jn the park ? Wi mean by this a real flower bed artistically arranged and laid out It would add greatly to th general appearance of the par and will assist in starting righ what is destined to be the pretties spot in Southeastern Nebrashn Now is the time to do this , so wh. not do it now. At the Band Concert. The following1 are some of th special numbers to be rendere at the Band Concert entertair ment at the Gehling theatr next Wednesday evening : Vocal solo Mrs. Geo. Wai Violin duet. .Alice Cleaver am Anita Wilson. Vocal solo Helen Marti Drum solo John Holt , ji Vocal solo Edna Croo Additional numbers will prol ably be added. " A. Stouffer spent Sunday wit his family at Salem. Obituary. Edward McWain was born in New York state , died at his lome in Rule , April 24th. 1007 , i ed 49 years , 0 months and 1 days. Mr. McWain had been a eng and patient sufferer , he was sick for a year and a half and luring all that time he never nurmered but was always pa- lent and cheerful. He told his friends before he tie- jarted on this long journey thai ic had made his peace with his rleavenly Father and that he vas glad to go. He was raised n this' neighborhood and all cnew him asj a good neighbor ind a true friend. The funeral was held at the amily home Wednesday after noon , at 3 o'clock , it being im. possible to keep the remains until another day. Rev. Thos , Arkinan preached the funeral sermon. He leaves an aged mother , his lather having gone before , one brother , a wife and five children , The only daughter , Mrs. Mark ) urfee , resides on a farm neat Falls City , the boys , Charlie ! Clarence , Olin and baby Roj are all at home with their nother. The stricken fatnilj lave the sympathy of a large circle of friends. May his resl be sweet. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank our neigh bors and friends for their helj and sympathy , during the sick ness and death of our belovee one. Mus. ED Me WAIN ANDCHILUUE > Shorthorn Cattle Sale. On Friday April 20th , Lev Hitchcock held one of the mosi successful Shorthorn cattle sales ever held in this vicinity at his iome seven miles northwest o town. In all thirty-four head thor oughbred Shorthorns were sold : he total sale amounting t ( $3,346.50. Of the twenty-tbrei cows sold the highest price paic was S2G5.00 for "Blanche" sole to Henry Kuper of Humboldt The average price paid fo cows was $114.02. The averagi price for the eleven bulls sol < was $65.82. The sale was well attended buyers from all over the count ] being present and from as fa west as Fairbury. A numbe Xf ladies from town and tin country were also present. The morning was given pnn cipally to inspecting1 the cattl and at noon a bountiful di'nne was served by Mrs. Hitchcock assisted by a number friends The table fairly groaned unde its weight of good things an the visitors did ample justice t the repast. At 1 o'clock the sale bega and the visitors were invited ou to a pavillion that had bee prepared for their comfort. Th bidding was lively and muc interest was manifested. Mr. Hitchcock has a repv tation of long standing as Shorthorn breeder and thos who were buying knew the were getting the best. The sal was in every way a fine one an not only adds to Mr. Hitchcock already wide reputation but t Richardson county also , as tine stock county. Have you given your share t the Chinese Famine Relief fund If you have delayed doing so yo will have another opportunit Friday ad Saturday , when number of ladies will solicit coi tributions on Main Stree Other communities are givin generously. Can not Falls Gil do the same ? Society News. Mrs. Kate Shock was the vie. titii of a surprise by a number of her neighbors and friends Tuesday night. A few neighbors just liappenecl to come in for a call and while they were visiting pleasantly the rest of the party having tnel at Aaron Loucks walked in taking Mrs. Shock completely by surprise. The evening was passed with games and refresh' ment ? prepared by the friends were served. That the evening was a most pleasant one was shown by the late hour at which the guests departed for theii omes. jf On Thursday of last week Mrs. William A. Crook was lostess to an afternoon whisl larty. She was assisted in re ceiving by Mrs. John A. Crook ind Miss Edna Crook. Eighl tables were played and at the close of the contest it was fount ! Mrs. Bert Whitaker had wor the greatest number of games and was awarded a beautiful landpainted plate , while Mrs , Orville Schoenheit was giver : he consolation prize , a cup and saucer. At 6 o'clock refresh ments of a most appetizing na ture were , served to which the guests did full justice. Mrs Crook is a charming hostess ant icr guests regretted the hour oi departure having spent a tie. ighttul afternoon. The C. E. Kensington of the Presbyterian church met witl Mrs. 0. N. Allison on Tuesdaj evening of this week. NeedU work , games and a social goot time were the order ot the even ing. Refreshments were servet and a good time was reported. On Friday evening of las' week Mrs. and Mrs. Edwin Fal loon enterained in honor of th class of 1J107 of which theii eldest son , Sterling , is a mem ber. The guests included th < members of the board of educa tion and their wives ; the1 teach ers of the various schools ant the class of 1907. The house was prettily decor ated for the occasion in thi school colors. In the receptioi room black and yellow wen used in the decorations and ii the parlor the same colors witl ferns and yellow roses , while ii the living room the cole scheme was red and white The class flowers red and whit carnations were used in profus ion' In the dining room red am white were used with stnila and cut flowers with pleasin effect. From this r.oom punc was served during the evening The evening was given over t various games and music , Mrs Falloon being assisted in er tertaining by Miss Maddo and Miss Jennie Keim. At 1 o'clock an elegant supper in tw courses was served by the hosi ess , assisted by her sons an Miss Keim. Mr. and Mrs. Falloon ar royal entertainers and the tirn passed so quickly the hour wa laterbefore the guests took thei reluctant depeparture , loud i their praises of the pleasar evening afforded them. The E. ATNeedTe club im Wednesday afternoon at th home of Miss Ida Hilgenfielt The afternoon 'vas spent in scv ing. After I'elicious refresl ments were served , friends di parted. Next meeting will b at the home of Mrs. Louise Bacl stein , on Wednesday alternooi May 8th , 1907. At the tea given by St. Mai tha's Guild at the home of Osct Maddox , Wednesday evening , j large crowd was in attendance j and the net receipts were about I SI2 50. i Miss Ethel Cade entertained [ about eight young ladies Saturday evening. The time , was pleasantly spent with music and games. Mrs. Cade assisted by Miss Ethel served very dain ty refreshments. The evening is reported a very pleasant one. Kall'eeKlautch will meet'with .liss . Slocuni this afternoon. Mrs. ,1. II. WilTiite gave n linner party Wednesday in hon or of the seventy-seventh birth , lay anniversary of her mother , Mrs. Jesse Crook. The guests ncluded the family of Mrs. Drook and a few friends. A splendid dinner was served n Mrs. Willhite's customary .jood style which the guests ; estitietl their approval by their ndulgance. The occasion was jolly one , each contributed lis share to the pleasure ol others with light heart and good .jrace. Mrs. Crook is enjoying he best of health and we wisli ler many happy returns of the Jay. . The Presbyterian kensingtor society members were the guests of Mesdames Jane Bohrer , E. F , Sharts , T. C. McMillan and S , 3. Harvey at the home of tlu bnner , on Thursday afternoor of this week The event was ar exceedingly pleasant one. At Work On Park. The work men have commenced operations on the new park ant will shortly have things in fin ( iliopp. A number of elm treei mve been planted and the drivei and walk's are soon to be laid out A number of Nebraska towm jnve purchased park sites thin spring and the papers tell of tin jreat interest their citizens an aking in the enterprise. For in stance , the citizens of Fairburyoi Arbor day went to their new parl and planted 1150 flue shade trees When Falls City's park getf carpeted in blue grass and tin wttlks and drives are laid out il will be a beautiful place. It i uoped that the several clubs wil put in flower beds and assist ii beautifying the grounds. To The Mayor And Council. Every city worthy of the naini lias one day set apart for a gen eral clean up. All the cans , th trash and rubbish are raked tc gether by property owners am put in piles along the streei The city furnishes teams to carr the debris to the garbage pile All the alleys are cleaned out'an the town , brushed up like a youn swain for his Sunday call. Th influence of such proclamation i contagious. If the mayor an council will select such a day an publicly announce it , you will se every lawn mowed , the tree trimmed and the hundred and on things done about Kails Cit houses that go to make for betk appearances and a beautiful citj Try it ouco and s-ee. Tue Village Knocker. The Gage county board c supervisors met at Beatrice las week to let the annual bridg contract. John A. Crook and Ike Lyons jr. , were present in the interes of the Gilligan company. John Martin was also in Bei trice distributing copies of hi paper attacking the companj The Gilligan company los the contract. Thus has the Journal agai demonstrated its great love fc the tax payers and shown ho false is the charge that it : actuated by personal spite an malice in its fight on the lion company. I W. C.T. U. ! There will be a regular meet ing held at the Brethren church Friday , May 3rd. We would like as many to come who possibly can to make arrangements for the coming convention on the 8th and 'Jth. The following is the supposed program to take place in the Brethren church Wednesday evening , May 8th : Music Congregation Dovotloniils. . . . Mr. . Haltio M auger Music Miifii ( Juurtottc Address of welcome Mrs. Tcetci Response.-.Mrs. Atkinson. Piiwncc Music ' . Mule Quartette Address Mrs. Annotttt Ncsbltt , Puwnco City. Collection tlublo Congregatlor Benediction THUltSDAY. ) : ! U ) u. in. IJovotlomils 0 n. in.- Paper History ofV. . C. T. U Mrs. C. A. roulton , Pawnci Question box tbo ubcnu subject 0:45 : u. tn. Conference 1st How make temperance work more ollce- tlvo In Jttbbath school..Mrs. E. E Linn , Table Rock. 2nd Medical temperance , .Mrs. Val cntlnc. Ird Nooutlao prajur THURSUAV AK'miNOON. 2 i ) in. Dovotlonals Open Parliament 1st Law enforce ment M r $ . Lena Muddo * ! nd--EIcretMty nnd environment which IF strongest..Mrs. Robertson Verdon. trd Humboldt Choose own subject ! 110 : Mothers meeting-lender Mrs. E. A. Fultot Paper Child training. . . Mrs. Jennie Tyner , sulem. Dawson Choose their own subjects Paper How can wo best handle the self-willed child. , Mrs/Laura ShnfToi discussion Thursday o\'e ' contest at M. K. church Instrumental solo Organ Prayer ' . .Mrs. Nesblt Music Male ouartetti Contestants are Mrs. Ellf Van Horn , Pawnee ; Mrs. H. R Knider , Table Rock ; Mrs. May Bcdoe , Table Rock ; Mrs. Alia Wood , Table Rock. Verdon ant Humboldt will also be represent ed by Mrs. Laura Saylor , Press Supt. 1.0. 0. F. Celebarte 88th Anni versary. On Pridary evening , April 26 the I. O. O. F. of this city cele brated the eighty-eighth anni versary of American Odd-fellow ship at Bode's hall. At eight o'clock the member of the lodge tiled in to a tnarcl played by Mr. Clarence Smitl and at the rap of the gavel b ; Noble Grand Knight all joined ii singing the opening ode whicl was followed by a prayer by Pre late A. Southard. The address of welcome de livered by Dr. J. C. Yutzy in hi usual good styled and pleasini manner. Mr. Wilson Turman sang solo to such good effect that h had to respond to a hearty er core. core.The trio by the Pruese childrc was well rendered after which A E. Gantt gave a concise "histor of the lodge since its orgatmatio in America. This was followed by a. violi solo by Miss Aneta Wilson a < companied by her mother. Th assembly was then favored wit a solo by Mrs. George Wahl , wh has a charming voice and her si lection , "Just a Wearin' for You , proved one of the most pleasin on the program. After the program the Hot was cleared for dancing whic was continued till a late hou Supper was served during tli evening by the members of tli order. Fully two hundred guests a tended , including visitors froi the different lodges in the count ; The entertainment was i every way a success and doi great credit to the Falls Gil lodge. Tom Palmer went to Shicklcy , Neb. , Tuesday. _ The best 25ccnt brooms in town arc found at Shields Variety Store. _ Garden hoes , rakes and spad ing forks cheap at Shield's Var iety Store. Mason Shurtlcff was here in a business way from Humboldt Saturday last. Bert Windle came up from Kansas City Tuesday to visit with friends. Mrs. E. Standiford of Kansas City Mo. is visiting at the home of Jno Ramel. WANTKDA few boarders. Inquire of Mrs. Hunt. Cor. 7th and Ilarlan St. W. D. Easley returned the last of the week to Kansas City after a brief visit in this city. J. II. Reed of Nemahai Neb. , shipped a car load of cattle to Kansas City the past week. T. S. Simpson of Chicago was i guest at the home of A. Gra- lam a few days this week. Will Schmclxel of Chadron spent a few days the latter part of the week with Falls City folks. Lettie Stewart went to Salem Saturdaj- afternoon to attend a large party at that place the same evening. Miss Kate Maddox went to Lincoln Wednesday to visit her sister , May , who is attending Weslyen University. Mrs. Mary Rowley returned Saturday afternoon from a weeks visit at the home of A. A. Tan ner and wife at Humboldt. Robe'rt Gantt was down from Lincoln a few days the latter part of the past week for a brief visit with A. E. Gantt and wife- Glen McMillan left Tuesday afternoon for DCS Moincs , Iowa where he will take a course in a large school of pharmacy at that place. Mrs. Glenn Bronson and baby came down from Venlon Satur day night for a short visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jno Ramcl. If all the houses in this town were painted with Bradlcv & Vrooman Paint , there would be no more painting for at least 5 years. Dr. McMillan is the agent. Henry Kuper of Humboldt and Mr. Locke of Pawnee City while in this city Friday were pleasant callers here. They were down to attend the Hitchcock sale. Experts agree that Bradley & Vrooman Paint is the longest wearing Paint. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction every can of it. A complete stock , all colors at Dr. Mrs. Allie Watson and son , Otha , are spending the week with friends and relatives at Auburn. Mrs. Watson has a weeks vacation from her work in the composing room at this office. Wednerday morning we re ceived a letter from Abe Moore formerly of Stella , with the re- ' I quest that we send ( he Tribune to him at Jess , Nebraska. They still are interested in the county news while in the new home. In our issue of March 15th we ask in our locals "what is nastier than a day in March ? " This week we received the local pasted on a slip of paper with the answer "April 20th , 1907" and we are not inclined to contradict the writer as we did not exactly en joy the climatic conditions last : \ Monday.