The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 26, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Do yon know that Falls City
could be the most sightly city in
the state. Situated as it is at the
crest of a hill rising from the
beautiful valley of the Nemaha ;
its streets lined with towering
trees , and its homes surrounded
by wide spreading lawns , there
is no reason why it should not be
known as Falls City the beauti
ful. A few days ago I visited a
little city in Kansas , and the I
picture I saw will remain a re
freshing memory for some time
to come. So struck was 1 with
the general neatness that I inquired -
quired the reason for it all. The
system employed , I was told by
the hotel man , was for each prop
erty owner on a given street to en
ter into a friendly contest to make
his home the best kept on that
street. The result was that the
entire city presented a picture of
delight. It required no more
than a few minutes each day on
the part of the owner to keep the
property clean , the lawns green
and even , the sidewalks kept , up
and the trees trimmed and tidy.
There is no belter way to im
press the stranger within the
gates than to keep clean. It is
well worth all the effort it costs
even if there were no other bene
fits conferred. Hut , the moral
inlluence on a community is the
most beneficent result. The
personal pride in the appearance
of your own home as well as that
of your neighbor counts far more
than you realize. Spring is just
here. The outdoor life has just
begun. Why not makcyourhomc
the prettiest on your street ? Why
not keep the lawn like a stretch
of green carpet , your trees
trimmed and tidy , your house be
comingly painted , your walks in
good repair ? If you do this your
neighbor will follow suit if he has
any pride. If your neighbor
does , so will his neighbor also.
Kesult , a pretty town.
* *
One philosopher said that lile
was acquisition , another Said life
is abandonment. I believe with
the latter. Hopes , ambitions and
desires that once were very pres
ent and insistent , gradually slip
away from us and are abandoned.
Those things we believe in while
young and which did their part
in the building of our individual
ity , remain with us no longer as
we grow older. Kvcry boy wants ,
yes and believes , he will some day
be rich. Kvery young father
wants to leave his children money
enough so that they will not
battle with the bread and butter
question as he has had to do.
But as the years go on and he
learns what the mere struggle
has done to devclope him and sees
the waste and disappointment of
the idle rich , he gradually
changes his ideas and hopes for
nothing better than to leave his
children a good education , a good
name and the incentive to labor
and to wait. One of the richest
of New York's men said the other
day : "Oh , that 1 could give my
son the advantages of the poor. "
bounds funny doesn't it ? But it
isn't funny , its tragic. Think
of a healthy young American
hampered and restricted by the
limitations of wealth. Satiated
with the pleasures money gives ,
tired of life before life has begun.
None of the democracy of the
poor for him. No playing blackman -
man on the village green "with
Jimmie and Butch and Shorty
and the rest of the kidsNo
fishing with a cotton string and
a willow pole. No wading in the
creek ; nothing , nothing but
money , lie learns without being
taught that it isn't necessary for
him to work. There is neither
opportunity nor occasion for him
to develops the capabilities God
lias given "him , for he is rich. 1
have seen the pampered child of
lortune with his line clothes and
pale face riding down the avenues
of a city in his motorcar , and I
have thanked God that with the
same eyes 1 have seen my little
bo nyith freckled face and bare
fcetrfjoing to the candy shop ,
surrounded by his playmates , to
spend the nickel he had earned
by ' selling old bottles , for I am
older now and have lost the envy
of the rich. Give your boy n good
education , give him the demo
cracy of the poor , give him a
pure , wholesome home , bequeath
to J him a good name and you have
done more for him than if you
had | left him millions.
# *
This lesson we have learnt at
home. j I remember a young man
of Kails City who was left a large
estate and I will never forget
how it ruined his life. I saw him
not long since and the wasted
years were stamped on his face.
Kor the past few weeks this com
munity has listened to the bitter
struggle between children for
their fathers's money. It would
have been better and the world
would have been happier if the
old gentleman who earned it had
burnt his money to ashes than to
leave it to add fuel to the flames
of hate and passion among those
where love alone should abide.
As I write this tonight , with my
children lying sleeping side by
side , it seems that I would rather
o out of the world without the
rice to pay the Kerryman to
arry me across the dark river ,
ban to leave anything that
vould make them spend their
ays hating each other alter I am
one- Sometimes I grow weary
f struggle and long for a time
o rest , but necessity keeps me at
vork. I may not want to work
omorrow , but I have never re
gretted that I worked yesterday ,
[ 'each your boy to labor , teach
lim that he must labor until the
inal rest. l\y \ so doing you arc
> reparing for the use of the tal
ents with which he has been en-
lowed , without which he will
lever attain his highest develop-
- * * *
Worth While.
A Scripture quotation nmy be n
Salnnie iirgumenlB when chosen
with a sinful motive.
There are w > et surprises await
ing many n humble soul fighting
'iiiiHt ' gr at odds in the buttle
of u seemingly commonplnei1 life.
Thorn are few feelings more sat-
isfaolory than , when misunder
stood , to fall back on one's own
sense of puio motives and right
Follow your ending diligently
for bt > assured , worlc , far from be
ing a hardship , is n blessing. . .am
you will find it a help , not a hin
Hud manners soil line elothes
from within worst' than contact
with the world does from without
and eourtesy and kindness win
whore force fails.
A man's "religion" consists not
of the many things he is in doubt
of and tries to believe , but uf the
few ho is assured , and has no need
of oll'ort for believing.
A man is sooner to be trusted
with another person's secret than
with his own ; a woman , on the
contrary , keeps her own secret t
though she keeps nobody's else.
Mueh of what n man tells you
in the hour of nfllietion , in sudden
anger or in nny outpouring of hie
heart , should be snored. In hie
craving for sympathy ho line
spoken to you us to his own soul.
The efforts wo nmke for any
worthy object may not seem sue-
eessful today or tomorrow , bul
they area part of the grand worli
that is going on slowly but surely
and no one of them enn we ail'ord
to lose.
I3e discreet. Remember thnl
the walls have ears , mul let those
words which , if repeated , wouU
cause trouble , remain unsaid. In
dulge not in scandal. Do nothing
in secret that you would bi
ashamed to have done publicly.
It always argues n base nut
cowardly temper to whisper secret
ly what you dare not speak to i
man's face. Therefore be verj
cautious in spexking of these threi
sorts of persons namely , the in
noeent , the dead and the absent.
SYRUP cures coughs nnd colds.
utMM KnnMl BB
Stewarts Horse and Sheep clip
ping machines.
, Lowe Bros. Paints. |
i i Majestic Ranges. f
Jewel Gasoline Stoves. i
Alaska Refrigerators.
Sure Hatch Incubators.
I Superior Axle Grease.
I Pittsburg Electric Weld Fenc-
I ing. White Sewing Machines.
I Stranksy Enameled Ware. Gar-
I den , Field and Flower Seeds. Bee
| Supplies , Washing Machines and
| all kinds of Lubricating Oil.
"If I were to yivc you an or-
aijjje , " said n well-known lawyer ,
' 'I would simply bay , ' 1 trive \ mi
an orange ; ' but should the trans-
iction be intrusted to a lawyer to
> ut in writing , lie would adopt
his form : 'I hereby jjivc , Kraut
uid convey to you all my interest ,
itfht , title , and advantage of and
.11 the said orange , together with
ts rind , skin , juice , pulp , pips
uid all rights and advantages
therein , with full power to bite. ' "
Fur Catarrh , I'-t mn'lul von free
just to prove merit , a trial # i/.e box of
Dr. shoops catarrh reined \ . It Is a
snow white , uieamy , hi'itllnj. antlM'iuic
balm that < ; lvod instant relief to Catarrh
of the nose and throat. Make the free
test and see. Addrss Dr. Sheep , Racine
Wis. Lai'iMjurs " > 0 cents sold by all
Burlington ,
Special to California
Round trip ratios to San Fran
risen and los Angeles , about ha ! !
, , April 25th to May 18th. Bo
euro to o ou wny via the Shasta
route and Puget Sound only
$112.50 more. Stopovers , variable
and attractive routes.
Cheap , One Way West
Daily during April one wnj
rates to Utah , California , Oregon ,
Washington , Idaho , Montana ami
Horn Basin nearly 50 per
, , cent reduction. Daily t
stamina ! and tourist sleepers.
Homeseekers' Excursions
Frequently ench month fron
Eastern Nebraska to Eastern Col
orndo , SVyoming nnd Big Hon
. Basin.
- Landseekers' Information
Irrigated lands nlong the Nortl
Plntte River , m the Big Hon
Bnsiu and Yellowstone Valley 01
terms cheaper than paying ren
and. money paid on n water righ
is motiey saved. Send fur i\o\
deseriptivo folders.
Local Tichct Aflciif.
L.NX' . VC'AKliLliY , G. P. A. .
Onuiliu , Neb.
{ There arc many kiduej s iv , , jt- . ' , t
jfow that accomplish tin ris.i
s" Is H klduev miuiu that
'contains uo alcohol or opiate c' urj
' kind complies with th Natlona , Pjr
food uad drugr IHW guarantee. ' , „ (
gHtUfcotiou. Thirty day treatr..f > n' ror
$1.00. Inqutr * alwut "Pineule * ' a ; \
G. Waunar's drug 5 lor a.
B % * g/ 1 I
TurkO , the Imported Belgian
) raft horse , owned by the Sunny
Valley Horse company will
nake the season of 1907 as fol-
ows :
Monday and Tuesday of each
week at Henry Voegeles on the
Coon Pritchard farm ten miles
northeast of Palls City.
The balance of the week at
Barne } ' Voegeles on the Chas.
Gngnon farm seven and one-
quarter miles northeast of Falls
Turko weighs 2,220 pound
and is a wonderful horse. His
terms are : $15.00 to insure
colt to stand up and suck ; $12 50
lor the season ; $10.00 for single
Chunky Tom , Black Kentucky
ack white points will make the
season with Turko. Ilis terms
are $10.00 to insure a colt to
stand up and suck.
Chunky Tom gets good colts ,
of them , a. sucking colt ,
sold this spring at theV. . A.
Schock sale for SiaO.OO. The
highest price ever paid in the
state for a sucking colt. Owen's
the horse buyer , got him.
If you want to raise colts that
bring the money , go to these
Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Services at 2:30 : p. in on alter
nate Sundays.
Dr. Hannah C.Noran
1'orinerl ) Ur. I'luinmL' !
Physician and Surgeon
Is now located one block West of the
National hotel , where she will be
pleased tosee her old friend * and pat
ron * . CalU promptly answered night
or day.
'PHONE 102
Oett for
Couch * .
Cole * , Croup ,
Cough , etc.
No Oplitcj ,
Conforms to
National Pure
rood and
Drue Law.
All cough eyrapi containing opUtts consti
pate the bowel ) . Bee' Laxative Couth Syrup
morei the baweli aai c nuln no oplatei.
The Falls City Roller Mills
Does a general milling business , .iml manufacture * the C
following brands of flour C
The above brands arc gmirantccd to be of the highcs * os-
siblc quality. We also manufacture all tuijl products .nd c
conduct a general
Grain , Live Stock and Coal Business
at and solicit a share of your patronage
I P. S. Heacock & Son , Falls City , Neb. _
The Great Paper of the Great West
The Kansas Citv Star
Everywhere recognized ns the strongest and most r * > \ le
newspaper in the most prosperous region of the United Stales.
Wherein It Leads.
ItS UnCXCellCCl NeWS Service .unbraces the continuous report
of thu Associated Press , with dispatches every hour ; the cenerA1 ! and
special service of the New York Herald ; the Hearst transcontinental
leased wire service and special correspondence from THE STAR'S own
representatives in Washington , D. C ; , IelTersqn City , Mo : Topeka , Kg. ,
and Guthrle , Ok. , in addition to the larpe grist of newt tbat comes
daily from --everal hundred other alert representatives.
Its Market Reports and Comments have an authoritative
value that causes , them to be telegraphed to all parts of the United
States the moment THE STAR comes from the press. No w.stn man
even Indirectly interested in the value of food productstuvKs and
securities can alYord to bo without THE UTAH'S daily record ol prices
and conditions.
ItS Special Features include The Chaperon's column. In which
arc answered questions pertainlni : to beauty aids and social customs and
alTalr ? , a department for inqulnrs on other "ubjccts and a wide range
of miscellaneous articles throwing side lights upon the world'- most In
teresting people and events these In addition in a vigorous editorial
page , absolutely independent politically , and a Sunday l ? uc that i
full of live special matter and h Jinan Interest.
13 Papers Each week for 10 cents
subscription price.
For Backache ,
Pineules Rheumatism
and the Kid-
I Ml I I II I I I II ii ill III III
D. S. HcCarthy J
Prompt attention jriven
to the removal of
hold -rood ? .
H 1 t t I I I . ' I M 8 I M M ) M H t
. . . . $1.00 a Year. . . .
Weak Kidneys
NYcnlc Kidney- ' , surely point to weak IJdney
Nerves. The Kidneys , llko thoIUeart , and the
Stomach , nnd their weakness , not in the organ
Itself , but in the nerves that control and srulda
and strengthen them. lr. Show's Hestoratlvo it
a Qcdlclno specifically prepared tn roach tliess
controlling nerves. To doctor the Kidneys alone ,
is futile. It is a waste ol time , and ol money at
It'your back aches or IB weak , if the urln
tcald * . or Is dark and strong , if you have symptoms
of Drlshts or other distressing or dangerous 1.
ney disease , try Ur. Snoop's Kostoratlve a monti.
Tablets or Liquid and eeo what it ran and Mill
do for you. Drugclst recommend and sell
Dr. Shoop's
Reylurn Hunter 4 Co.'s Rods t
are Acknowledged ( be Best
Max J. Hartmarx , Agf.
Onice nt Metts' Barn. Office ! 18J . Residence Phone
Office over Kcrr's Pharmacy
Dfllco Phone 2CO Residence Phone 371
Dr. ] M. L. Wilson
Physician and Surgeon
Calls promptly attended clay or
night. Ollice over State Hank ,
l-'alU City , Nebraska.
Office 'Phone House 'Phone
Sales conducted in
scientific and businesslike
nesslike ni a n n e r
Falls City , Nebraska
It Costs
Nothing If
To find out for a certainty ,
whether or not your heart is
affected. One person in four
has a weak heart ; it may be
you. If so , you should know
it now , and save serious con
sequences. If you have short
breath , fluttering' , palpitation ,
hungry spells , hot flushes ; if
you cannot lie on left side ; if
you have fainting or smother
ing spells , pain around heart ,
in side and arms , your heart is
weak , and perhaps diseased.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure will re
lieve you. Try a bottle , and
sec how quickly your condition
will improve.
"About a j'enr ago I wrote to thJ (
Miles Medical Co. . asking ndvlcc , as I
naa suffer-in with heart trouble , and
had been for two years. 1 had palu
in rny heart , back anU Mt side , anil
had not been nble to draw a deep
lircnth for two years. Any llttlo exertion -
tion would cause palpitation , and I
could not llo on my left skla without
Btifrerlnjr. They advised me to try Dr.
Miles Uenrt Cure and Nervine , which
I did with the result that I am In
better health than I over was before ,
having gained it pounds elnce I com
menced taking it. I took about thir
teen bottles of the two medicines , and
haven't b en bothered with my heart
L'pper Sumlu ky , Ohio.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Is sold by
your druggist , who will guarantee that
the first bottle will benefit. If It falls
he will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co. , Elkhart , Ind