The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 26, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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15ntere < \ as sccond-ola s matter . ' '
Kails City. Nebraska , | i it ofhee , Jaiiu
ry 12 , 1904 , under tlir Act of I'
nf'Mnrch 3 , 1M7' > .
Published every Friday .it I'nlN City.
' Nebraska , by
The Tribune I'ulillsliinj ! Compitny
H. F. Slmrls , Manager
One ycnr ' 51.00
Six ii'onths . . . .00
Three months . .35
Another chapter ol the Miles
case has been completed. What
a long book it will make.
ilarriman h a s joined the
"Dear Maria1' class , which is
the class ol the also runs.
The sport now limits the
morning1 paper to loam how the
Dailies went the day before.
In the meantime please re
member that The Tribune is the
best and most inexpensive coun
ty paper.
If there is any brand of
weather yon haven't experi
enced in Hie last 'ten ' days , just
call for it.
The community is now discussing -
sing the question , "who is the
host I a w y i > r , Webster or
Mahony ? "
Soon the merry and joy in.
spiring thump , thump , thump
of the man and the carpet will
be heard in the. land.
Have you left your contribu
tion with the banks to aid the
starving millions in China.
Nearly every little town in the
state is doing its part. Lincoln
gave SliiOO last week.
Through the kindness of Nor
man Mussleman we have been
permitted to read a splendid
article in the New York Times
from the'pen of his relative who
was a member of the Thaw jury.
It seems that the jury paid no
attention to the unwritten law
but divided solely on the ques
tion of insanity. The article is
written in the most finished
style and makes a most reada
ble story.
The manner in which .Judge
Raper has tried the Miles case
has won for him the most uni
versal praise. With all the
property involved and the great
bitterness of the contest the
judge has shown such emminent
fairness and ability that the
very force of his example has
made the trial very peaceful
compared to what it formerly
has been. The writer of this
asked one of the counsel , who
by the way is one of the best
lawyers in the west , what he
thought of Judge Raper , he re
plied : "I think Raper the best
district judge in Nebraska. "
For once The Tribune feels like
saying we told you so. "
This is a pretty good old
world after all. One Anderson ,
a federal prisoner , escaped from
the Leavenworth penitentiary
nine years ago , and has lived in
Kansas City ever since. He
has been industrious , honest
and sober. He married shortly
after his escape and a little
baby girl was born. Nobody
knew of his having been a felon ,
not even his wife. However ,
one of the fellows who love
money above everything be
trayed him to the authorities
for SUO. Anderson was taken
back to the petv his home
ruined , his wife stricken with
grief and his baby disgraced.
The people of Kansas City arose
in wrath and are showering
petitions upon the president to
pardon him. All over the coun
try like petitions are being pre.
pared. Dave Sowles sent in a
long one from Falls City. Of
course , Anderson is unknown
here , but it doesn't tit in with
Falis'City's idea of the square
dfiil to see a man live a virtu ,
ous , upright lite for nine years
and then be sent back to con.
finement and disgrace.
invites you io call and see their New Styles in SPRING
They have the largest and most complete stock of SHOES
in Southeast Nebraska = = = not an old Shoe on the shelves.
Our prices are right and we will appreciate your pat
ronage. First door south Post Office
& , a
OF AM © ExE >
- Where Shall I do my Banking ?
REAP AN ACT To act upon the suggestions of
the Falls City State Bank and make
SOW AN ACT weekly deposits of a part of your
Continue the habit of saving your
SOW A HABIT money and doing your banking with
this institution.
REAP A DESTINY Prosperity , Contentment a n d
good Citizenship.
The Falls City State Bank
Cr'Ho Stewart is visiting in town this
C. H. Emmcrt spent Sunday near
Lorin Corn was over from Verdon
Celia Polrson spent Sunday with Iva
Jet.slo Jones camu up from Falla City
H. I. tluut came up from Falls City
Ed May went to Omaha on business
last week ,
Leonard Klnsoy visited In Falls City
ihIt * week.
Dude Com was over from Verdon
A. J. Helmlck of Stella was In town
Fred Wittw'jr wont to St. Joe Mon
day evening.
Mrs. Ed May visited last week in
Nebraska City. '
S. P. Gist and .vlfe drove to the
county scat Sunday.
Will O deu and Charlie Miller went
tost. Joe Monday.
Cass Moore and wife drove to the
county sent Wednesday.
Pearl Shelly of Falls City visited at
Gco. Shelly's last week.
Will Uhlig and family of Kails city
spent Sunday at Allan May's.
Mr. Kregar and wife of Merrill spent
Monday with Churllc Ayres'
Joe Wind ell and Fey French drove
to Falls t'ity Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Guy Daggott and children
came down from Dawson Wednesday.
J. L. Musgrovo and daughter , Bcr-
nice , drove over from Sabotha Monday.
Ed O'Donnell and wife of Stella visi
ted at the home of R. C. Brown last
Maynard StlUor came down from
Lincoln Saturday for a short visit with
Cecil Shelly came down from Peru
Friday evening and returned Monday
Mrs. Goo. Jennings and Nellie Slov
ens of Falls City spent Sunday at Jim
Mrs. Cora Meredith and daughters ,
Iva and Ruby , drove to the county saat
Mrs. Lou Shelly rulurned Uomii
Tuesday from an oxland8l vlsJi at
Grand Island , Nob.
Bessie Abbot visited Pearl Van Os-
del Sunday.
Alvin Cutlott shelled 12,000 bushels of
corn Monday.
W. T. Lily and wife of Shnbcrt wore
In town Thurtdiiy.
11. II. Woodring WHS In Shuhert on
business Thursday.
Miss Latimer Is visiting friends uml
relatives lit Worth , Mo
Malic Killer Is visiting with Mrs.
Geo. .I'orn near Salem.
Jo . Splckler of rihubert wasabuM-
ness caller on Thursday.
L. IT. Morohead and Win. Slaglo
shelled eonl on Tuesday.
Oslo SharrlnghaiHon and wife enter
tained Kred Ficnu mid family.
A. 0. Stclnbrink Is prepared to buy
cream for the Omaha Cold Storage Co.
Joe Walton is sulYerlng from a very
sere hand caused from a severe bruise.
Win. Nutter and Win. Moslman wore
buying cattle hereabouts on Monday.
Sam Edgar and wife of Falls City
were visiting friends in'Oarada Mon-
J. F. Mack anil wife visited with
Win. Huettner and wife in Ohio pre
cinct. *
Undo Dick Williamson is again able
to be aboul town after a rather severe
Mcsdumes T. C. Roe and Robert
Thompson visited at this place on
Herl Wolf anil wife and Mr. and Mrs.
Kennedy of Ncmahu were callers in
town Sunday.
.1. A. Sailors and family went to
Hrownvillo Sunday to visit Mr. Sailors
cousin , Frank Sailors.
R. S. Dunn shelled corn Tuesday at
the farm and on Thursday shelled cornet
ot his place In town.
Mofdames John and Charles Schul-
enborgof Shuberl visited with Mrs. n.
II Woodring on Tuesday.
Mesdames C. W. Allen and Monle
Allen visited Sunday in Shubort with
Mrs. Mlttle Gatesa sister of the laUer.
Jell' Kllgore , an oM resident of tills
section , has returned utter an absence
of several yours to make this ) is home.
Win. Bollinan and wife entertained
GQO. Fnueu and wife , James Stephenson -
son and wife and Mrs. Bollman's parents -
onts at tilunor Sunday.
James H. Slephonson and wife went
to the epunty seat Saturday to visit the
hitter's parents , T. ,1. Oliver and wife.
They returned the next day.
Dr. Gaud } and F. Eblnocher of Hum-
bnlilt were In this vicinity the fore
part of the week looking after business
El II. Woodring has closed his
blacksmith sluxj ) at this place and has
conu to Shubert to work with Frank
Lloyd Milonull , A. C. Stclnbrink ,
Matt Sehulenborg and Dr S. A. Van
Osdel were at the county seat on Wed
nesday of last week.
On Saturday evening about twenty-
five couples gavij Lulu Ilnnlku a sur
prise party Ice cream and cuke were
served. A royal good time was hud by
On Saturd'iy Anna Markt Invited a
number of her friends to help her cele
brate her seventeenth birthday. All
the quests report a very enjoyable
Rev. W. B. Williamson and wife re
turned to Falls City after a week's
visit with relatives hero. From there
they go to the hospital at St. Joseph
where Mr. Williamson will receive
treatmPnt forpahy.
Grandpa Dunn , who has been ill for
so long at the home of his son , R. JJ
Dunn , was on Wednesday of lust week
taken to the hospital in Lincoln where
he can receive more scientific treat
ment. Ho was accompanied by his
son , and Dr. J. F. Story.
Sustained Broken Leg.
Jake Johnson who is employed
by Malcom Anderson living four
miles west of Stella , had the
misfortune to sustain a broken
leg Tuesday. lie was engaged
in unloading bridge timber when
one fell on his leg making a very
bad fracture.
The struggle between Taft
and Foraker will be watched by
men of all parties during the
next six months. Ohio will be
the real battle ground for the
contest between the different
schools of politicians. Reese :
veil not only wants Taft nomi
nated lor president , but he
wants Senator Foraker beaten
for re-election. It is going tc
be a merry scrap and one well
worth watching.
On Wednesday May 8 , the Falls City Military Band will
.give a Bf'iiefit Concert at the ( iehling- Theatre , for the pur
pose of raising' money to build a band stand.
An excellent program will be given. The best singers and
players in Falls City will partake.
See pregram in next issue. Tickets will be sold by a
number of ladies. Prices 35 and 500.
Falls City needs a band stand so jump in and help. This
is for the people of Falls City , remember that.
Mrs. Randolph Is on the sick list this
John Mark was a Stella visitor Sat
Mrs. JJerry Jones was a Falls City
Mr. Wheeler was down from ] Stella
Jim Hossack was up from the county
seat Sunday.
Merrill Luui was a county seat visi
tor Saturday.
Wes Rose of Salem was in town one
day recenlly.
Lizzie Ncdrow spent Sunday 'with
the Misses Cook.
Mr. Boyd of Sulcm was in town a
short time Monday.
Dave Davics was up from Falls City
Tuesday on business.
Milhird Goodlow of Stella spent Sun
day with relatives here.
Revs. Brewer and Rowan were the
guests of Miss Hart Sunday.
Bruce Nedrow and wife drove to
Shubert Sunday afternoon.
Mesdatnos Jones and Grillith were
county seat vrsltors Saturday.
Geortre Slfian returned Thursday to
bis home at No'-catur , Kans.
Mesdames Oathout and Fishburn nr
Shubert were here Sunday.
Fred ( ilbson made a business trip to
the county scut Wednesday last.
Dewltt Vantlss of Long Island , Kas. ,
is vlb'.ting relatives here this week.
O.1J. . Veal and family were the
guests of Gco. Knapp and wife Sunday.
Emma Fasteneau of Nebraska City is
visillng her sister , M > s. John Lcefers.
X. B. Judd and wife of Dawson spent
Sunday with their neico , Florence
Dave D.ivioand family of Falls City
spent Sunday with relatives west of
Gee , Abbott and wife of Falls City
spent Sunday with Chas. Humphrey
and wife.
Moadames W. E. and Eliza Goolsby
were county seat vlsllore the first of
the week.
Stella Boatman of near Barada vis
ited with Wm. Boatman and wife on
Mrs. Sturms and daughter , Lola , of
Slraussvllle spcnl Sunday with Mrs.
Will Cook.
Josh Lord and daughter , VeraAt
tended the funeral of the late MiCc-ito
held Sunday. *
Ike Kroh and daughter of Baker ,
Kans. , attended the funeral of Mr.
Otto Sunday.
John Hossack and daughter , Nellie ,
of Fulls City spenl Sunday with W. C.
Sloan and wife.
Mrs. John Walker and children of
Shubert are visiting her mother , Mrs.
Hollar , this week.
Chris Jorn , John Mark and M. D.
Lum are building a barn for Will
Bruhn this week.
Will Hossack returned to Falls City
Monuay night after visiting his sister ,
Mrs. W. C. Sloan.
Kutio Mell/a cume up from Falls
City and spent' Suaday with her par
ents west of town.
John Kimmor of Lincoln spent the
latter part of the week visiting nls
daughlor , Mrs. Bob Taylor.
Mrs. M. D. Lum went to Falls Cily
Monday for a short vUil with' her
mother , Mr * . Sue DeWald.
Goldie Cook of Falls City and Elmo
Cook of Straussvilli > , spent Sunday
with their parents in this city.
A. D. Harris and lamily and Sam
Harris and wife of Shubert attended
the funeral of Sum Otto Sunday.
Marlon Ulllow closed his term of
school at the Cupola north of town and
returned to his home at Dawson.
John Hall , accompanied by Martha
King of Peru and Mrs.V , F. Veach
drove to Falls City Saturday. They
were accompanied home by Mrs. Geo.1
Samuel L. Otto was born in Harring
ton , Pa. , May 8 , 1732 , and died at his
home in Verdon April 19 , 1007 , aged
u I years , 11 months , 11 days. Ho was
married in 1874 tj Harriett Kroh. To
this union were born three children ,
two of whom have preceded him to the
spirit world. He leaves a wife , one
son , Wm. Otto of Verdon , three sisters
and a host of friends to mourn his de
parture. He moved from Pennsylvania
to Illinois when joung , where he was
married and in 1880 he moved to Rich
ardson county , ' "hero he has since re
sided. Hevas a faithful husband , : i
loving father a.iu kind neighbor , The
pall bearers were Ed Auxier , Elmer
Ray , Jerome Simpson , Will Nedro- ,
Ernst Brown and JotCullun The
' 'moral ' service ? were held ut the Ev-
'igelieal ' church , \prll 21 , at 10 a. in.
services were conducted by Rev. W.
10. Brewer , of York. NebA large
concourse of sympathetic relativesund
friends followed the remains , to their
last resting place in the Verdon ceme
tery. Service * werr > under the auspices
of the A. O. f W. lodg- > .
Profpssor French was absent last
week on account of sickness
A large number of students are en
gaging boarding places for the sum
Professor Oald well went to Norfolk
Saturday with an art exhibit prepared
by his pupils.
C. E. Benson of the Senior class ha *
been elected superintendent of the
Nelson schools.
Professor Cald well has accepted a
position in Brown's busin9ss college at
Lincoln where he will teach drawing ,
writing and book-keeping.
The tallowing persons from Verdon
visited the Normal last week : J. H.
Hall , Vashti Cornell , W. F. Veach ,
wife and daughter , Murjorle.
The last number of the lecture course
was given at the chapel Monday even
ing. Rabbi Leon Harrison gave hii
lecture. "A Plea for Shylock. "
The students were given a half holi
day Monday afternoon. The boys
spent the afternoon -working on the
cinder track at the athletic field ; the
girls serving refreshments at supper
Save Your Old Clothing
While you are cleaning house
this spring do not cast away all
of your old clothing which you
do not care to keep yourselves. .
Do them up in a bundle and no
tify Humane Ofticer Hershey ,
who will call for them at your
home. Thus tlfe city's poor
will be looked after and you
will not be losing much time by
tying them up in preterence to
burning them.