The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 26, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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The New Pure Food Law
protects you
if you protect
by examining the label to see
that it says
He was a Gifted DOR.
Mrs. Gertrude Ijroadhursl of
2011 Ohio street , Oinnlia , read
recently in Tlie Star a story
about a dotf that chewed gum.
She sends the following account
of a dog- she once owned that not
only chewed g\\m but did many
other "human" things :
" 1 once had a little dotf that ,
1 think , surpassed anything I
ever heard of. lie was a little
fox terrier about iMjjht months
old and perfectly marked. lie
was raised with our two children
and his every action was a dupli
cate of theirs. When they ate
he had to have his piece and
would carry it around in his
mouth until they sat down , then
he would sit between them and
eat with them. He would refuse
to eat peanuts if they had candy ,
and yice versa ; he had to have
just the same as they. Raw meat
would insult him and even when
we { j-ivc him teed meat from the
table he would jo to the pantry
and bark for the food grimier
until 1 got it out and ground his
"He was as susceptible to little
ills as the children and would
take cold in his throat when he
played out in the cold for too
long at a time. Then I would
get the turpentine and lard and
rub his throat ; when I'finished he
would not move until I put a rag
around his neck. He knew a
piece of chewing gum and the
children had to stand on chair *
to stick theirs up so he would not
get it. I would always put a
piece under the table and it would
be hard to beat him to it when
the tots started for theirs. When
the children got a bath he would
sit by the tub until they were
through then he would get in
and have his bath , after whicl :
he would beg for the baby's higli
chair , to be put behind the stove ,
where he would He until he was
perfectly dry.
"He was perfectly devoted t <
me , following me around day am
night. I went to the hospita
for two weeks once and when
returned he was almost starvec
to death. They tried every wa ;
to make him eat , but he woul <
only nose around it , then go am
lie down on a wrapper whicii
had left on the bed. He kne\
my husband's voice over the tele
phone and would sit by me al
the time I was talking to hin :
but let me talk to anyone els
and he would pay no heed to il
He would play with dogs in th
yard , but let one try to come i
the house and he would almos
tear him up. If I petted a bab
he would go in another room an
refuse to come out as long as th
baby was in the house.
"lie was devoted to the child
ren , playing hide and seek with
them like a child , and always
taking his nap with them in the
afternoon. When I punished him
I would make him go to bed the
same as I did the children. He
would stay there about half an
hour , then he would come sneak
ing out as quiet as a mouse , almost
on his tip toes , with his head
down , and would lie down on my
dress. If I spoke cross to him he
would run back to bed , but if 1
spoke kindly to him he would be
so delighted , and look at me as
much as to say , ll will be a good
doggy , now. '
"Of course we loved him almost
as we did one of the children and
many times refused handsome
offers for him. but I would not
have sold him for any amount
of money. However , one day
we had the sad experience of
finding him on the car track ,
mangled and dead. That was a
long time ago , but there is no
relic in our home that we pmc
more highly than a little crushed ,
jeweled dog collar with a white
bow , that encircled the neck of
our little Teddy. "
Hopes For ills Recovery.
A young lady from Boston is
visiting down at Warsaw , Iml. ,
and went into a dry goods store
the other day and blushingly
asked the head clerk if he had any
of those elastic bands , capable of
being elongated and adjusted at
pleasure , and used by the femi
nine portion of mankind for put
ting around the lower extremities
of their locomotive members to
keep in the proper position and
the required altitude habilamenttj
of their tibias. The doctor thinks
he clerk will recover. Kobinson
Prcvcntlcs" will promptly check n
d or the Grippe when tukon early ot
it the " nee/.e stage" 1'reventics cure
icatetl colds well , '
us 1'reventle-
Utlo candy cold cure tablets , and Dp ,
Sheep , Uaclno. Wls , will gladly mal
you samples and a book on colds free
ifjou \\lll write him. The sample !
prove their merit. Check early cold ;
with prevention and stop Pneumonii
In f e and 25c ho.\e > . sold by all dealers
Kay Marts and Miss ISthel Me
Aninch were united in marriagi
at the court house in Auburn
Saturday , April 13 , l')07. Tin
former's brother Elmer Marts
1 accompanied them to Auburn
and was a witness to the cer
emony. The groom's parents
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marts , will
whom the couple will make thei
home for the present , gave i
family dinner in their honor Sun
day. The bride is a daughter o
Mrs. Maryetta McAninch.-Stell
It is astonishing the number
of vacant houses in L alls City ,
Two years ago there was
hardly a vacant in the
town , rents wore good and pro
perty well kept.
Palls City needs industries
from the out side to bring new
people here and keep those we
have. We have a Commercial
Club , but what can a handful of
willing men do if they have not
the co-operation to the town in
The merchants and trades
people can't do it all. Let our
retired farmers put their
shoulders to the wheel and help
the Commercial Club and by
, their united efforts good will
surely come. What is good for
the town increases the value of
'their ' and creates
holdings op
portunities for their children so
they will not have to seek em.
ploytncnt in other places.
Buy of your home merchants ;
you expected them to buy ol
you. What is done by the waj
of keeping up the town they
help to do , not the big mai
order establishments.
There is not a better locatec
town in the state nor a richer
rural country and if the private
citizen will join his efforts
with the business men inclus
tries can be induced to come tc
Falls City that will bring
people and money to our town
keep what is here and induct
our rural neighbors to spenc
their money here instead o
sending it to people they nevei
saw and who care nothing foi
them only their money and win
would never spend one cent fo
their comfort or pleasure a ;
they expect their home merch
ant to do. Lets all help fil
the empty houses.
The News No Pure drug cough cut-
laws would bo needed , if all cougl
cures were like Dr. Snoop's cough cur
Is and has been for 20 years. Th
National Law now requires thut if an
poisons enter into a cough mixture , i
must be printed on the label or package
FOP this reason mothers , and other :
should Insist on having Dr. Shoop'
cough cure. No poison marks ou Di
Shoop's lables and none in the mod
cine , else it must by law bo on the Inbe
And It's not only safe , but It Is said t
bo by those that know It best , a trul
remarkable cough remedy. Take n
chance particularly with your chlldrei
Insist on having Dr. Shoop's coug
cure. Compare carefully the Dp Shoo
package with others and see. No po
son marks there ! You can always I
on tlio safe side by demanding Di
Shoop's cough cure. Simply refuse \
accept any other. Sold by all dealer
Lcal [ Notice.
1'irsl jiiiMu.itiOH April I2tli.
To I larrne-e Carter , I liarlei A Carti r , Cjrll
Carter , 1'rank lartcr , jr. , Samuel Carter ,
AnirnM.i tarter. Kriist I' ( arlor , ( .oldlc
Carter and Trunk I'arlvr , * < r , Riim\inK
luislminl of Melllr Carter , mm rrMdcMl defendants -
fondants , jon artln > roby notilnit tliat on
tinfltli lint of April , A , I ) . 1IK)7 ) , I'orrj M ,
( ii-rnialn. Klr-n ! C. ( Wmaln , s.itnu < . | r i.r !
| maln.JIomfr 1) . doriiuiln , Artliur A. ( , i rinaln ,
0 tm-r A. ( ifrmnlii. Ji-nnli * A. Yonnir. Iil.i
' M. Nrn l nni , Xoah NTc sl > atim , AUin I1.
( irrmaln , John ( ' , t < rmaln , C'nrttand K. ( , cr-
main. William I.nand Jonnlc La Hied
a petition In tin- District imirt ot Klcli-
nrdmin oonntj , Xebr.iskn , airainst MHI said unit-
ri' ld Mit defiMidant i ami otlier ri-sidt-nt di-fond-
antf , the object and i > ra\rr of nlntli an to
olitnin pattitlon amone : and to ilic r willful
IIUIIITH thi'li'of , the follouhiB diM-nlicd real
ttsilc , consUtlne of ll.U acres of Kind , more
or les . Hittiatid In Spelter tduiislnp. Rich
a d on counts , Xelnaskn , touil Tlu- south
half of the northeast quarter < if section
numlM-r twent > (3V ( , ami the mirth half of
. tlte siiutiirafit unnrter of naid section niim-
I Mr tttenty0) ( ) , In tounsliip IIIIIIII..M , „ „ . |
lioith , ranice thirteen rant nf the ( tli 1 > M.
I lif Klrliarilmin i-citnity , Nebraska. \.iptntK
only llireo J ) acres of land which is l.n-atrd .
lit the mutlti'AHt coiner , of the miitlieast
nnarter. i I the Miiithe.i-t nuaiter t.i said
section number tucnU , and \ > hich - . more
liarticnktrlj describeil .is follows c.m.
menciitir at the vDutlteast corner .if the
northeast unarlur of the southeast .marter
Of Kilil section inimbiM tuenij , riinnlnir
thence due north t ent\.foui f-4) ) rods , thence
iluft went tnuntv (20) ( ) rods , thence due south
I \\cntvfour (24) ( ) rods , thence due east tuenlj
rods t the place of bctflnnlnir : and in lien
of the aboxe descrlbcil
tliivo acres ,
o e\-
cepltd. aru to ! > . Included in said action
/or I'aitltioii , tlnvo acies of land located In
Hie nortlnveii corner of the southwest
quart i of section nnmbei UU'iil > uno 21' ,
town one ( I ) , north , lanuc tlniteen , east of
the ( , th I' . M. In Klehardsnn counts , Ne
braska , and A\hlch Is mine particular ! \ de-
scrlbid as follous : Commenclnic % u the
northuest eornei of the sonthuest qttartur
of said section number twenu one 21) ) ,
rtinniin. thence due east t ent\ four (21) ( )
iod , thence due south twentj Jo ) rods ,
theme due \\est t\\ent\-four (24) ( ) rods , thence
line north to place of bcirliiiilnir.
rianitlff pia\s for judgment conllrminu
tin * sli.ires of the parties in intcient. and if said propcrtj can not be enult.iblj
dUlded that said premises maj be sold and
the proceeds thereof be dUlded amonif the
parlies acconllni : to their respecthe riulils
Yon and each of son are reqnlied to
answer said petition on or before Monday.
tlio 20tll dav ( if Mav. I'W7 ,
D.itul tills 'Jill il.n of API II , I'mT.
I'IKKV .M. CI.KMAI.V. PKiintirf.
1J > JOHN Wn.rsi , his Attorney ,
In iislni a eolith $ yHi | ) why not pol
the bestV Ono that comes hlehly
recomtnuii'led is Bees Luxtiitivo Coujih
Syrup , contains Honey and Tsir and is
periof to oilier cotish syrups in
many \\a\s. "Jliildn-n alwiiys Hko it
because it contains no opiate- a laxa
tive and is giiiiriintiUMl to nivo smi fm. .
tlon oroiir money refunded. Trv It.
Sold bv A. G. Wiinner.
The Star is Lincoln's Larg
est Daily , having now a
Circulation of More Than
It is liberal and indepen
Printing all the important
Issued euory dain the
The Full Associated Press
Poultry Wanted
Tuesday , April 30 ,
1907 , near the B.
& M. depot , Falls City ,
Nebraska , for which
we will pay in cash
Hens and Pullets iO (
Young Roosters 8c
Old Roosters 5 <
the highest market
Horse hides , $2.50
each ; cow hides , pc.
Clarinda Poultry , Butler & Egg &
Werner , Mosiman Sc Co.
Is lieadqimrtershcn in need of anything in
the Impliimiint line. We have the largest stock
ever carried in Falls City. We handle the Moline -
line and Canton Plow lines. A very Cultivators
314 ; walking1 $18. Newton , Weber , Hetlen-
dorf , and A very wagons.
We have the largest stock of Buggies and
Carriages ever carried in this city. We have the
Moon Bros , plugless bed } ' , Henne and Ke\s
lines. We will make special prices on carriages
for the next thirty days.
Now is the time for cream separators. We
have the Daisy Queen and cream 1 larves-
ter. We carry a full line of windmills , pumps
and gasoline engines from a 2 horse to a 20
horse power.
This is the time ot the year for Lightning rods
We handle the Shinn soft copper cable. When
in the city call on us and look over our stock
whether you want to buy or not , we will treat
you right
Werner , Mosiman & Co.
Articles of Incorporation.
Ann mlmi'iit to artlchs of incorporation ot
tlir r.umurs Ti I * phone Comp.uu
of I'reston , Nebraska.
Tlii > amount of authorized capital slock of
said compaiu is ln TI I.N TiiofsNi > Dot.-
I.VHS 115,000.00) ) , to be iliviilnl Into shares
of Si\U Dollars iacli.Vhateer stock is
subset ibeil shall be palil at such times anil
in such amounts as tin- Hoard of Directors
maj fiom tliiii * to time determine. In cAse
of the failure of .ui > stockholder to paj
anv assessment of stock as ordered bj the
Hoard of Directors , the stock held b > such
stockholdei mas l > o sold for said assessment
lij the s.iid corporation In such manner as
the. l > j-a ] s adopud bj bald board may
Ill tt'slimonj theteofe. . the poisons
composiiijf the present lloaad of Directors
ha\e hereunto set our hands this 29th da }
of March , A. 1) . 1 ! > 07.
II. J. Ki.or.riTi. i loard ! of Directors.
AUd. 1)1 CKINOl.K I
C. II. Witrsi :
&T\n. or
On this 20th day of Match. A. 1) . HOT.
beforeme John Wlltse , a notar\ public In
.uul foi said count } , personally came U. T.
Duncan , John Welneit , II. J. Kloepfel and
Anirust Decklnirer , to me known to be the
identical peisons whosu n.iines aio affixed
to tht abo\e Instrument , as directors of The
Partners Mutual Telephone Company ol
Preston , Nebraska , and acknowledged the
same to be their \ohint. u'act and deed
for the purpose of Amending the Article1'
ot Incorporation of said comp.ui } .
In witness \\hereof , I lime hereunto sub'
ribid mnamr and alVmd my official
seal at rails Cit } , Nebraska , on the da }
last above \\iitten.
Notary Public.
M\ commission expires July 11 , li'IO. '
Richardson County (
On this With d.iv of Match. A. 1) . l'X)7 ) ,
before me , John Wiltho , a notar } public In
and for said count } , petsoually came C. II ,
Wlltse , to me known to be the Identical
person whose namu is aflixed to the above
instrument , as ditector of The r.itmcr * >
Mutual Telephone Compan } of Preston , Ne ,
hraskn , and acknowledged the same to be
. voluntar } act and deed for the. purpose
of AniiMiiUnir the Articles of Incorporation
of said company.
In witness' whereof. I have heieunti
subscribed my name and allixed niv oflicial
heal at Tails Cit } . Nebraska , on the dav
last above vuillen.
Notarv Public.
M } commission expires July 11 , 1U10.
Tlrst publication April 10-4 times
Legal Notice ,
Notice Is here'b } K'ven ' that A. \Vannei
has filed his petition signed by the requlsltt
number of freeholders of the second vvardoi
Tails City , ahklne that a elrmrgist permit lx
granted him to sell malt , spirituous and \liiotn
liquors for medicinal , mechanical , scicntlfU
and sacromental purposes on lot 10 , block 4s
In the second ward of Tails City for tin
municipal vear Ix'ulnnlnir Ma } 7,1007 , to Mai
li , 1 < X)3. ) A. ( i. WANM K.
Attest Hi KT Hvui'.K. Cit } Clerk.
Letfal Notice.
Notice is hereb } iriven that Leslie K. Leed' '
has filed with the city clerk of Tails Cit } , Ne
braska , hi petition signed li > the re'iuslti
number of resident free holders of the. secom
ward of Tails Cit } , Nebraska , praylnir that :
license as saloonkeeper be granted him to sel
malt , spirituous and vinous liquors on lot 21
block IU. in the second ward of Tails City
Nebraska , for the municipal } ear beicinnini
Maj 7. HOT , and endinir.Mas b. 1003.
\ttest. rrsui : K. Li.i DS
II. K I\KKK. Cit } Clerk ,
Legal Notice.
Notice is hereby itiven that Peter Kaiser ha
filed with the city clerk of Tails Cit } . Ne
braska , lus petition sit'iu'd b } the requisiti
number of resident fre-e holders eif the seconi
ward of Tails Cit } . Nebraska , prajint' tha
a license-as saloon keej > cr be granted'him t <
sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors 01
lots sand din block 71 in the second ward o
Tails City. Nebraska , for the muncipal } ea
beeinnine May 7 , l' 07 , and ending May 0 , 1"0.
HPHT I ! IKLK , City Clerk.
ITIrst publication April 12.i
Lejal Notice.
Nonce i hereby given that I have hied will
tin ; village clerk of the village of Preston
Nebraska , a petition si trued by the requisit
number of fre-c holders of said village , prayini
that a saloon license IKS granted to me by th
village ; board to sail malt , spirituous and vinou
liquors on lot 3' in block 1 of said \lllage n
Preston , Nebraska , for the ensuing } ear.
Attest : J. K. SIU.LLY , Petitioner.
II. P. KihOtK. Village Clerk.
Tirst publication April 12.
Legal Notice.
Nolnie is lien In giviii that TredV. . He 'n
sler has filed with tincm clerk of Tails C \ ,
Nebraska , his petition siirne'd bv the ieitii- |
illimboi of le-sidenl free holdils of the seoi.mi
vvant of Tails Cit } , Nebraska , pr.i } Ing that a
license as saloon keeper be granted him to s ll
malt , spirituous and MIIOIIS li'iuois on part of
lots ,1 and Sand lot 4 in block < K ) III the second
ward ot Tails Citv , Nelnaska , tor the itlttn c-
Ipal } oar beginning May 7 , l"o , and uiielntu
May 6 , luos. Txi.n W. HuKiistrr.
Attest :
Hr.KT I\KI.K.CIIV : Cleik.
( Tirst publication Apt II 12.1
Legal Notice.
Notkv Is herebv given that Peter Tredeuelv
ir. , has filed with the city clerk of TaUgiC ty ,
Nebraska , his petition signed b > the .rciim-ite.
lumber of resident freeholder * e > f , tlie fejcp'ii ;
ward of the city of Tails Cit } . Nebraska , prA }
ing that a license as saloon keeper bo granted
liltti to sell mall , spirituous and vinous llitttor-
> n lots "and L * in block SS In the second wjtrd
> f Tails Cit } , Nebraska , foi the municipal } r
beginning Ma } 7 , 1W7 , and rnding May 6. Hi
Attest : PI.TI K Tiu MI.KICK , J.
HIKT 11 VKI n , City Cleik.
( Tlrst publication Apill 12.1
Notice ,
Notice is heieby given that Orvtllo Sell . n-
belt has filed with the citv clerk of Tails City ,
Nebraska , bis petition signed by the requU.te
number of i esident free holders of the secnn
vi .ml of the cit } of Tails City. Nebiaska , pry
ing that a license as saloon keeper be granted
him to sell malt , spirituous and vinous
on lots 4 and 5 in block 71 in the sucond ward
of Tails Cit } , Nebraska , for the mmilcl'pal've'ar
beginning Ma } 7 , 1WT. and ending May 0. l H
Attest : OKVII.I.I. ScnouNiinir.
lli : T HVKI-.K , Cit } Clerk.
[ Tlrst publication April 12. )
Legal Notice.
Tltst publication April 12th.
Notice Is hereby ( given tjti | > Joseph J.
I.ollman has filed with the cit } clerko. .
Tails City , Nebraska , his petition signed bv
the requisite * number of resident fre'o holders
of the stcoml ward of the cit } of Tails Cit >
Nebraska , praing that a license as saloon
keeper bo granted him to sell malt , spirituous
and vinous liquors on lots' and * > , in block 71 ,
In the second ward of Tails Cil } . Nebraska ,
for the municipal } ear beginning Mav 7 , l'W7 ,
and e'liding Ma } d , 1"OS.
Attest : JOSI.PII J. ] , ou.M * %
HI.KT HAKI K , Cit } Clerk.
Legal Notice.
Notice is hereb } given that I have lleevtth | |
the village clerk of the village of Harada.
Nebraska , a petition signed by the requisite
number of free holders of said villagepra } ins
that a saloon license be granted to mo by t'jo
village board to sell malt , spirituous aii'd '
vinous liquors on lot 12. In block l.onSmltu's
addition to said village of Harada. Nebraska ,
for the ensuing } oar.
Attest :
JOHN MKTIN , Village ClerU.
Tirst publication April l2lh.
L.e al Notice.
Tirst publication April 12th 4 times.
To William Karley , non-resident defendant ,
You are hercb } notified that on the I9lli
day of April , 1907 , Klla Katie } filed a peti
tion against } oti in the District court of
Richardson count } , Nebraska , the. object and
praer of which arc te > obtain a divorce )
from } ou on the ground of failure to sup
port said Hlla Karley , drunkenness anet
extreme cruelty , and to obtain the custody
of the children , who are the issues of slid
You are required to answer said petition
on or l > efore Mouda\ , the 20th da } of Ma } ,
1"07. \ \ u.KAKMA. . Plait-tilt.
Hy JOHN WILTSI . her Attorne } .
Tor flood Sales , Quod Service , Prompt .
Returns Ship Your Stock to '
Qeo. R. Barse i
' '
National Stock Yards , III. '
Kansas City , Mo. , <
We cue each shipment close , careful < 1
and personal attention. When we please iji
sou we makea friend and customer. Our <
salesmen can and do eel full market < ?
value on das of arrival for all stock < ; >
shipped to us. Our sard men eel son < ;
irood weights and itlve irood service In )
haudllne all stock Immediately on arrival - '
rival , ( live S'our next shipment to Oco. < } .
K. Ilar e. Write tis for market Infor- <
mation. oS-4
Reaches the spot.
Stops pain. Th }
ManZan Great Pile Rom ,
edy. Put vjp In
tubes \vlth rectal
nozzle , 50 cent * .