" 1 SoclotS THE FALLS GITY TRIBUNE. Vol. IV FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , APRIL 26 , 1907. Whole No. 170 Conference. The southern conference of the German Nebraska synod will be held in the Lutheran church southeast of Vcrdon , known as the Muddy church , from Thurs day , April 25 , to Sunday. April 28. , On Sunday services will be held morning * afternoon and eve ning , at which time the annual Mission feast will be observed. Evening services will be in the English language. Everybody is cordially invited to attend these these meetings. A Well Spent Evening. On last Thursday evening the Knights & Ladies of Security , council No. 010 , met in Wahl's 'hall in regular session , eleven candidates were initiated and several other applications re- ceived. Dr. Fast and wife were present on this occasion , this being their first opportunity of attending since returning from their extended eastern trip , the docter gave the council a most excellent talk in his usual pleas ing manner. Dr. Wilson was also present and gave a number of interesting remarks for the good of the order. Another pleasing teature was the presence of District Deputy Harrison , who gave to the coun cil words of encouragement and some helpful hints for future work. After the order of busi ness was completed a short musical program was rendered by the young people , and last but not least , was a bountiful supper served in the banquet hall to the satisfaction of all present. The Miles-Case. The trial of the Miles case was closed Wednesday noon and Judge Raper took it under ad visement. After Mr. llingolsky had testified in denial of the Harbaugh story the court struck all of the evidence relating to this scandalous matter from the record and declined to consider it at all. This ruling was in line with ruling of the Supreme court , which also refused to consider it. The arguments opened Monday morning and consumed all ol the time until Wednesday noon. John L. Webster , who was to close the case at the night session Tues day was taken suddenly ill just as he opened his argument and court adjourned until Wednes day morning , at which time Mr. Webster resumed. While prac tically all of the attorneys par ticipated in the discussion , the task of covering the entire case was given to Mahony ior the defendants and Webster for the plaintiffs. These two gen tlemen were listened to atten tively by the largest crowd that has attended the trial. Mr. Mahoney made a masterly pre sentation of his clients case , while the argument of Mr. Web ster in closing is generally ad mitted to be the greatest speech ever delivered in the court house. Judge Raper has come in for a world of praise for the fair and able manner in which he has presided during the most difficult and bitter trial. The people of the first district are to be congratulated upon having - ing Judge Raper , and no matter how he decides the case there is no one interested that will not be willing to concede that-the decision will be conscientiously made. James Hossack who has been spending the. past week with his parents , John Hossack and wife , left Wednesday for Hart- ington , Nebraska where he is foreman of the Western Bridge & Construction company. Elks Win. The library contest came toj an end this week , though for some lime but little interest was taken in it. When the Odd Fellows dropped out the strug- g e narrowed down to the Elks lodge and the Convent. The total vote cast was 182,228 three leading ' candidates receiving the following number : Ellis 55,510 Convent 65/M2 Library 10,058 This entitles the Elks to .the library and the boys are entitled to congratulations for the suc cessful termination of their ef forts to put this splendid set of books in the lodge room. Rev. Griffin Injured. Word was received here the first of the week that Rev. Grif fin , formerly of this city , was severely injured very recently , at his home at Colorado Springs. It seems that he was" in some manner struck by a street car and rendered unconscious for several hours. Et is thought that he will recover without permanent injuries. Ilis many friends at this place will be grieved to learn of the accident as at his age an injury such as the above so often turns out filially. At the same time we are glad that all indications point toward his speedy recov ery irom the shock. " W. C. T. U. Wiil Meet The W. C. T. U. will .hold H special meeting Friday May 4th. at the Brethern Church. There \\ill also be a count } ' convention of several of the surrounding towns Monday May 7th. We ask that all the members' who are either ( or botlO able to meet their co-laborers at the depot or entertain them while here will come to the front. If we all feel the responsibility as we should , say nothing of comitt- ing it a pleasure to meet in com pany with such friends there should be no trouble in finding room and entertainment for all. Hoping there will be no shirk ers we look for a large and en thusiastic attendance. Sudden Death. Mrs. Jacob Arnold died quite sud denly at the family residence near Barada on Tuesday of this week. Although quite old she was in apparent good health and on the morning of her demise was up and around as usual. She had been taking a nap and when her hired girl went to call her for dinner Mrs. Arnold was dead. The sudden death gave sorrow to many a home as Mrs. Arnold was well known and greatly esteemed by a large circle of Richarson county people. Following is the verdict of the coroner's jury. Tun STATK or NJHUASKA , ( Richardson County. i At tin Inquisition holder ) ut Jacob Arnold's , ! n Richardson County , on the 23rd day of April A. D. 1907 , before me , Dr. Geo. W. Reneker , coroner of said county , upon the body of Mrs. Jacob Arnold lying dead , by the jurors whose names are hereto subscribed , the said jurors upon their oath do say that death ensued in consequence of enlargement of the heart and unques tlonably from natural causes. . B. C. DuiuFii , T , MIKE KAKST , JACOB F. MACK , FHKD MIUT/ : , KAKL Moxoou > , D. D. RKAVIS. IN TESTIMONY WHEUKOK the sale jurors havs hereunto set their hands the day and year aforesaid. ATTEST : DH. GKO. W. RENKKEH. Harry Mann of Humboldt was a business visitor in these parts Wednedsay. He was here to erect a monument at the grave of E. K. Kentner in the Steele cemetery. Society News. St. Martha's guild will give a ; en cent tea at the residence of Dscar Maddox Wednesday ) May 1st. A cordial invitation is ox- ; ended to all. Mrs. George Holland enter- .ained the Kaffce Klatsch Tues- lay afternoon in honor of her laughter. Mrs. DcPutran. The adics carried their needle work , ilthough the most of the after- 10011 was given over to visiting iml a general good time. Mrs. [ lolland , assisted by MrsDc Putran , and Miss Gladys served a lainty two course luncheon. The ; iiembers of the club greatly re gret that Mrs. DePutran is leav ing the city. The Shakcspcar Club met with Mrs. John Gilligan Tuesday afternoon. Macbeth is still under study and this meeting proved unusually interesting and beneficial. Contrary to the cus tom of the club , Mrs. Gilligan nerved an elegant luncheon which proved aii agreeable sur prise to the members of the club. The meeting was ven enjoyable. The little pupils of the Ilarlan St. school celebrated Arbor da ) in a very pleasing manner In the Kindergarten presided over b } ' Miss Gehling and Miss Boose and the first grade in charge of Miss Pittock , interesting pro grams of music and recitations were given , after which both grades adjourned to the grounds where a tree was planted in honor of.Supl. Toby. The little folks acquitted themselves nicely. Mrs. Will Crook is entertaining a large party at whist Thursday afternoon. About sixty guests are expected. Mrs. Crook will be assisted b"y Mesdames W. II. Crook , John Crook and Miss Edna Crook. The members of the W. O. W. Lodge held a business meeting the past Monday night. The chair being vacant Sov. A. E- Stumbo being next in line took the head station and conducted the meeting. The speeches were short and to the point Sov. II. 1C. Lemon was elected to procure a speaker for the W. O. W. Mem orial and Unveihngs which will be held in the early part of June. Sov. Lemon will go to Omaha this week. Sorosis held a yery enjoyable meeting at the home of Mrs. Ren eker on Wednesday , April 24th , most members being present and responding to roll call with some interesting current event. "The Psychological Moment , " an orig inal short story written and read by Mrs. Heacock was much ap preciated by all present. Mrs. Hargrave also gave a very inter esting reading and Anita Wilson favored the club with a beautiful song. She also assisted the host ess in serving dainty refresh ments. Misses McCrosky and Wilson were visitors of the club The next meeting will be with Mrs. Korner , May 8th. The Presbyterian kensington will meet with Mrs. Jane Bohrer Thursday afternoon , May 2nd. She will be assisted by Mesdames E. F. Sharts. S. II. Harvey and T. C. McMillan. A cordial invi tation is extended the public to attended. On Saturday night of last week the members ol the W. R. C. am G. A. R. took the residence o : James McDowell and wife bj storm and ere she worthy couple were aware of what was happen ing the house was filled with a jolly crowd of friends who pro ceeded to make things lively the rest of the evening. The W. R C. had carried well filled baskets with them , the affair being a sur- ' jrisc in honor of Mr. McDowell's j sdvcnty-nin.th birthday. Needless j td say the company did full jus-1 ice to the refreshments * and de parted at a late 'hour wishing Fames McDowell many happy re turns of the day. The tournament whist club net in weekly session with Mr. ind Mrs. John W. Powell Thurs- lay night of last week. A most enjoyable evening was spunt _ not withstanding John had the bad aste to beat all of his guests and wfth Mrs. Ned Towle walked off with alljhe honors. The Odd Fellows will hold a celebration at Bode's Hall tonight n honor of the eighty eighth anni versary of American Odd Fellow ship. A short program will be given-including a history of the American lodge. A supper , a dance and a social time generally will follow. The lodges of the countyalsoof Hiawatha and Merrill - rill have been invited to attend. , Burning of the Wednesday evening of this week was one of the most impor tant and best attended meetings of the Knights of Pythias ever lieltl at this place. The lodge has been organised in this city for many years and has an excellent membership at this placemeeting on Wednesday evening of each week. When the new State bank building was erected the K. of P's- purchased the third story , being instrumental in its construction. However the finances of the lodge was not at that time in a condition to war- railt the payment of the entire cost and therefor a mortgage had to be given on the same. The liall is one of the best in Nebras ka. This week the treasury con tained a sufficient amount to liquidate the debt and invitations were sent out to neighboring : edges to visit lodge No. IS on Wednesday evening last. In re sponse to the same seventy-fiye from surrounding towns werq present. The lodge was called to order at S o'clock , and after an inter esting address by W. S. Lcyda , he proceeded to burn the mort gage in the presence of over two hundred members of the order , thus marking the complete own ership of the hall in which they were assembled. This was fol lowed by a brief address by F. J. Kelley of Lincoln , after which several extemporaneous speeches were delivered by visiting mem bers. Refreshments of the best of everything were served in the dining room. Cards were then indulged in until the early morn ing hours. Forty-seven members of Diamond lodge No. 236 , of Hiawatha , twenty-six of lodge Np. 25 of Humboldt , one from Lincoln lodge , No. 10 , one from Saracuse , New York lodge No. 215 and one from Red Cross. No. 129 , of Birmingham , Iowa , were present. Humboldt. Joseph Glasser. C 15 Stoltz , Harry Maim , Charles Gunzer- liausen , John Gunzerhausen , Jos Kay , Chris Hcutler , A L ShalVer , Jas H Davis , W S Power , DrG A Cooper , J A Heard , II F Guile , Edward , Wittwer , A S Thompson , L Wilson , Simon Hoffman , Louis Staldcr , Louis Burgess , J F Walsh , Oliver Hall , Roscoe Anderson , Jas Kozel and H McConnell. Hiawatha : K O Hrokaw , Kd Zim merman , P M Kelley , Gee W Kcllcy , Ted Brown' c : II McCutn , J V Lacroix , Gee M Davis. Chas Wolfe , W F Hittc , G II Norton , T U Sanal , T 15 Pautz , A G IJurdick L Meisanhimer , Grovcr Ilirtli , O A Zimmerman , N C Yost , R T Jacquet , Gee M Carey , S D Wonis , C1 O Guinn , Dr L 15 Rupert , Leon Wal ters , H Hirsh , II W Nerbett , Frank Ryan , Fred Hillycr , Will Castle , J D Weltiner , L Keelcr. J W Sparklin , T II Lawrie , J F Hey , H RcShoma , P F Hurt , S H Dock. W A Stradhanis , K A Frazer. 13 15 Rosenbattm , T A Pautz , MA Walker , S U Seaman , D W Nixon , Gee Maglott , S 15 Friend , Ray Hicks and John Morgaboyd. Lincoln , F J Kelley ; Birmiiiglmn , Iowa , lodge , Dr Gee W Rcneker ; Syra cuse , New York , c II noughton , Willie Sloan of Verdon was a ' visitor in this city Friday. j Merrill Lum of Verdon was a business visitor here Saturday last. Joseph Mediums of Daw.son was hero in a business way Tucs- dav. John Powell was transacting business alTairs in Kansas City this week. Carl Stine of Lincoln was the guest of Miss Floy Grinstcad last Sunday. Frank Titus of Nemaha was among the Monday visitors at : his place. Matt Moore of Humboldt has our thanks for subscription favors this week. A. J. Uurgnor on route one was a pleasant caller Saturday ifternoon. John Gilligan is having new cement walks laid at his home west of this city. Miss McCroskcy of Tccumseh is the guest of Mrs. Maude Davies this week. Ray Gist , wife and baby spent Tuesday of this week with friends at this place. Joseph Miles was a Burlington lasscngcr Thursday afternoon for Los Angeles , California. Jay Branam was called from Siox City by the serious illness of his father John S. Branam. Mrs. Eb. Goolsby and children of Verdon arc the guests of i rank Adams and wife this week. Chas. Rickards left Tuesday evening for Lund , Utah where he iias quite extensive mining inter ests. ests.Mrs.'T. Mrs.'T. J. Gist and daughter , Elixabeth , are spending a few lays the guests of friends at Lincoln. Mrs. E. A. Tucker and Mrs. Ray Gist and baby of Ilumboldt- visited Mrs. W. A. Greenwald this week. Grandma Downs will go to Glen wood , la. Monday for an extended visit with her daughter , Mrs. R. C. White. Mrs. Merritt Lum of Verdon spent Monday arid Tuesday with her mother Mrs. Sue DeWald at her home in this city. A litlle daughter was born on Saturday , April 19th , lo H. C. Barton and wife. Both mother and baby are doing nicely. Earl Marts of Wympre was a Falls City visitor the latter part of the past week on a brief visit to his parents , Samuel Marts and wife. Miss Julia Relgen of Kansas City , will arrive Friday night and remain several days as the guest of Mrs. GL. . Neide at the rectory. You are cordially invited to at tend the ten cent tea at the rcsi deuce of Oscar Maddox Wednes day , May 1st , given by the ladies of the Episcopal church. Mrs. barah Wylie oi Shoshone , Wyoming , who has been been visiting friends here for the past few weeks left the latter part of the week for a visit with friends in Missouri. John Gilligan and his son George went to Omaha Monday morning to consult a spccialisl regarding the latler's heallh. It was decided an operation for appendicitis was necessary am Thursday was set for the opera tion. Mrs. Gilligan went to Omaha Wednesday. It is sin cerely hoped the operation will be successful and thai George wil enjoy beller heallh than he has had recentlj" . , Take Notice. Those who are now owing for water and light , will please call : it my office and settle same , promptly. My term of oflice expires on May 1st , 1907) therefore I am cry desirous that all collections hould be in , not later than Maj st ' 07. We hope this notice will prove ufiicicnt and that you will omply al once. Ofiicc Hours 1:30 : p. in. to4p.m - WIUTAKUK , Water & Light Commissioner. Mr. Lively Injured. While carrying the mail on his route. Thursday of tlis ; week , Mr. Lively while at Barada was ticked by one of his horses and was so badly injured that Post- uaster Martin of that place Un shed his route for him. Mr. lively is being cared for at Jarada and it is to be hoped that le will soon recover. Severly Burned. Rudolph Voaglc and wife , who reside north of this city. tear Barada , were out Imrning stalks Tuesday evening and Mrs. Vocgal got too near the fire in ler work , causing her clothing to become ignited from the blase. In his efforts to extinguish the jlaxe , Mr. Voegle's hands were both burned so badly that the inger nails and part of the llesh on the lingers dropped off. Mrs. Voeglc was burned in a horrible nanner , her left side from feet o head being severely injured. Dr. Van Osdel dressed the in- uries and no fatal results are anticipated. ' . B ( shop William's Visitation. Bishop William , of the diocese cese of Nebraska , made his an. mal visitation to S\ . Thomas church Monday evening last , fhe solemn rite oi confirmation vas administered , after which le preached a splendid sermon , aking his text from St. Luke 1:4 : "Man shall not live by bread Uone. " The discourse was one > f the most viyid and practical the writer ever had the privi- ege of listening to. 'I.1 h e bishop is the fortunate pos sessor of clear enunciation , chaste diction , and dignified earnestness ; this , coupled with convincing logic held the alien lion of the congregation the entire - , tire forty minutes he was speak ing. Space prohibits even a brief abstract Irom the sermon , but we believe the people who heard it realised they had been looking through a glass darkly , but now they saw face to face < Attend the band concert at the Gehling theatre Wednesday even ing , May 8th , and thus help to insure band concerts for Falls City this summer. You will not miss the thirty-five or fifty cents and you will certainly enjoy the concert , in addition to which are the summer concerts. Now is your chance to help. Pearl Lawrence is at home again , having closed a most suc cessful term of school Tuesday in Dis. 27. The exercises were principally of Arborday order , Monday being Arbor day. The program was very interesting and in planting the tree each pupil took part. The parents of the pupils came early in the day with baskels well filled and a pic nic dinner was enjoyed at the noon hour by the pupils and patrons of Ihe school. The day was a genuine holiday , thor oughly enjoyed by all and a fit ting end to the school term that has been pleasing and satisfactory to the enlire district.