THE FALLS C1IY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , APRIL 19 , 190/ 5 LOCAL LORE , Eat Sowles' candy. lr. M. L. Wllson-ofllce over Stale Hani ; . Mrs. Sarah Minnick is in Paw- roe City visiting relatives. O. A. Cooper was down from Humboldt Monday evening. Charlotte Gulp left Tuesday afternoon for Hooper , Colorado. I I Mrs. Will Schnickel is spend ing the week with relatives here. Keith McMillan was home from Auburn the first of this week. H. E. Boyd of Ilumboldt was here in a business way Wednes day. Frank Schaible and Bert Baker ( , have both recovered from the measles. i Stella Carlisle of Salem was , the guest of Falls City friends Monday. Mrs. Ena Cooper-Seabury of | ! Chicago is the guest of Miss Kate Hcacock. . ! William Spear moved into his new home at second and Morton i streets last Friday. One year ago yesterday at.5.20 o'clock a. m. occnredthe San Francisco earthquake. i Hannah Gunn returned the first of the week from a visit 1 with friends at Ilumboldt. Mrs. Hazel Shcrdeman , nee Jellison , of- Lincoln is visiting with her mother in this city. Mrs. Dr. Kerr went to Omaha Wednesday morning to visit her daughter , Mrs. Bruno Hanson for a Couple weeks. Cleaver & Sebold this week sold the Miles property , occupied bv Dr. McMillan and family , to Dennis McCarthy. Dan Simmons of Independence , Kansas is here for a two weeks visit with old friends , having ar rived in this city Monday. Mrs. A. Graham went to Ash land ) Nebr. . Saturday afternoon i for a week's visit with the family j i of her brother , Sam Martin. i Frank Norris shipped his car of Household goods to Custer , Mont. , last Saturday. Mr. Norris and | ' -on , Hal , accompanied the car. Dr. Halm is greatly improving hs home by building a five room addition. When finished the h msu will contain nine large ro > ms. Mildred Whipple came down irjtn Omaha Monday evening be- ir.g quite ill. She is stopping at home of her sister , Mrs. John Gagnon. Will Minnick went to Norton. i Kansas , Friday where he will work for the Bohrcr Bros. , on the opera house they are building at ; hat place. Mrs. Sedelmycr and Mrs. Uuber returned from Vermillian , Kansas , Thursday , They will remain in this city for another WU& jrtf week before moving to Kansas City. jrtfI J.A.Hill and wife returned Pri I day last from an extended trip through Arkansas , Louisiana , Oklahoma and the Southwest. Both he and his wife enjoyed the ; trip immensely. ' he farmers hereabouts are in vesting some in Bradley & Vroo- man Paint. It gives a hundred 1 per cent protection to the build ing on which it is applied. Sold I by Dr. T. C. McMillan. Mrs. Frank Norris went to Wymorc Wednesday for a short t visit with her son , Joe , before starting1 to the new home in Glis ter , Mont. Mrs. I. C. Maust ac- kOinpanicd her for a short' visit .vith her brother. B. F. Norris and family left t Monday en route for their new home at Ft. Custer , Montana. Hal Norris came up from Louis ville , Kentucky and went with i them. We wish them success in their new home , although they will be greatly missed by their many friends at this place. ' ' „ * Mrs. Willis Yoder has been quite sick this week. ' II. C. bmith made a business trip to Salem Monday. Winter is now doing its part to become a permanent fixture. Frank Schaible is able to be out , again after a tussel with the measles. John Burk while up from Rule Saturday was a pleasant caller on The Tribune force. W. S. Frost of Kansas City was in the city Saturday looking after business interests. Dr. E. R. Hays of Dawson spent Sunday the Sunday the guest of friends at this place. Mrs. Jake Reed has been ill with malaria fever for the past week. She is slowly improving. Ike Heaston , who has been sick for some time is not improving. His conditions is now critical. * Dr. Scott of the Soldiers' Home at Grand Island spent a few days willi Falls City friends this week. Alice Paul of Fargo was the guest ol friends here Wednesday and attended The Royal Slavi'at the Gehling. Mrs. A. 12. Gantt was called to Ilumboldt Monday night be cause of the serious illness of her father , Mr. Unland. John Hershb&rger while up from Rule the past Saturday re membered The Tribune office with a pleasant call. Mrs. Melissa Sloanc returned the latter part of last week from a visit with her sister , Mrs. Emma Wachs , at Omaha. Tom Spence and wife came in off the road Monday. The Locke Concert Co. of which they were members closed its season Satur day. II. W. Smith will move his family to Rule this week. He is one of the workmen employed on the work of rebuilding the B. & JM. bridge at that place. A number of Dawson ladies were shopping in our city Tues- Ulay. i Among them , were Mesdames - ; ! dames Mike Rilcy , M. Burn. Dan Backctt , and Miss Mary Farrell. j j I W. L. Ttirman and family have 'given ' up the Beachel property land , will board with the family j I of T. J. Plumb while in Falls City. Mrs. Beachel is expected home soon. Verna Wilkinson of Verdon was the guest of Mrs . Watson on Saturday and on her return home she was accompanied by Master Otho Watson who spent a couple of days at Verdon. To convince a stubborn man , that good paint lasts longest show him a house painted , five years with Bradley & Vrooman 'Paint. ' Guaranteed to satisfy. ' i Sold by Dr. _ T. C. McMillan. , Just glance over the columns of this issue and see what our merchants have to say to you. i Their offerings and prices will interest yon , so give the adver tisements 3'our careful attention i it will pay you. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . i ! S. E. Marts more familiarly , here as Bert , writes us from Goedlaud , Kansas enclosing votes on the librao' which he instructs to be cast for the Elks. It is gratifying to know that although at home in a new place they all take an interest in the old home , Kails City. 1 Work will begin on the B. it M. bridge at Rule this week. The bridge was condemned some time ago and now the timbers and iron frame work are to be generally - ly strengthened. A large force of men are employed and the work will consume some time. Mrs. Scoby and children , and Miss Freda Senner went to Fa'ir- view. Kansas where they attended - tended a birthday party on their grandfather , Mr. Scoby. Forty guests were present to participate in the many pleasures of the day Miss Senner returned to this city Monday afternoon. j j I ICE CREAM i | If you want Ice Cream Ice Cream Soda , Fruit or Nut Sundae , * I We invite you here. 4 Always Good , None ) j | Just as Good. II SOWLES 1m 1 P. JHynck was here from iluniboldt Sunday. John Young1 and wife were Hiawatha visitors Sunday. B. P. Veach was here from Verdon the fore part of this week. J. Wagner of Stella was among the visitors that spent Sunday in Falls City. Win. P. Leslie of Shubert was among the Friday visitors in Palls Cily. J _ _ _ _ _ _ A. EUltncr came down from Stella Sunday und spent the day with friends. Ralph McDonald of Hiawatha attended the dance in this city Monday evening. Arlie Stumbo and Blanche Kapp were the guests ofStella friends Sunday. A. G. Shubert came down fro'tn s home at Shubert and spent last Priday at this place. Grace Jloppe and Estellc Stone returned Monday afternoon from a two days visit with friends at Stella. 0. Kadinsky was here from Sterling the first of this week for a brief visit with his daughter Mrs. James Pickett. A. E. Ovenden one of Pawnee City 's leading business men spent a brief time here Sunday while making connections. S. J. Hurst , a produce buyer who makes this territory quite often was here in a business way- the first of this week. A new store , The Pamous , under the management of R. E. Watxke , L. B. Kotouc and Frank Katouci Jr. , has been opened at Ilumboldt , their open ing being Saturday. April Oth. Their announcements were verv pretty souvenir books. The firm is an enterprising one and we wish them the most successful of business dealers. L. C. Edwards left Saturday evening for a days visit with his mother at Ilumboldt. At least that is where our worthy county Recorder said he was going but from the appearance of his suit case before the journey we think it is up to our count } * official to "explain. " The baggage in question was gaily bedecked with white ribbon and aged shoes which from all appearances and from the actions of Mr. Edwards can have but one meaning. Now Mr. Man who is the fortunate other party ? This is not curios ity , just a friends interest ! Articles of Incorporation. Antciulitirnt lei articles < t ( liH-orporalloii ( it tlio rat-morn Mutual 'iVIcptiutir Couipin > of Preston , Ncltr.iik.u The amount of nutlmrltrcl capita ! Mock of naltl comp.uu IH I'li'Ti'.HN I'tiursANii Dm. I I.AKS IS15.000.oO ) . to tie tllvUK-il Into Miaros | of Sixty Dollars oach. Whatever stock In miliscrilvil Khali bo | ialil nt such times ami lit stich auiountH as llio Jtoard of Dlicctom ma\ from 111110 to dimilctormlno. . In cn < < of tin. * fa I In ro of nnv Nlockholilci tn pa > any .Twssmriit of slock at nuh-rnt 1 > > the lUttril of Directors , the stock la-lil liy such Ntockholilor may lie soli ! for said nnsessment liv the salil corporation in HIICI in.itinor at the1 oy.ta\\s niloptotl t < v xalil iHianl may provtitr. In testimony thereof , \\v , the persons eomposlntr tlio present lluand of Director ! * lia\e hereunto xet our hands this 29th day of March. A. I ) . 1W7. II. T. DUNCAN JOHN WUNUNT II. J. Kuntri'Ki , Hoard of DlreotorH. AUO. DltUKINOHK C. II. WlLTHlt STATIC OK NKIIKAHKA. I KlchanUon County f * „ On this 2'HIi day of March , A. D. 1IW7 , before mo John Wlltsp , a notary public In anil for said county , personally cam" U. T. Duncan , John Wolncrt , II , J. Kloepfel and Auuust DcckhiKcr. to mo Utunui to tie the Identical persons \\hosi ! names are aDlxed to tlio atxito Itifltrnmont , a directors of The farmers Mutual Tolophumi Crfinpaiiy of Preston , Nebraska , and acknowlcilurd the same to Ixi their voluntary act and deed for ( lie tmrpoxu of Amending tlili Articles of Incorporatlo.i of s.tld company. In \ \ ltnesshereof , I lia\e heieiinto huh- scribed niv nnmu and alllxed m > olliolal seal nt Tails City , NehraxUa , on tlu < il.iv last aboeiltleii , JOHN Wii.rsu. Notary 1'nbllc. Mj commission cxplios July II , 11110. STATK or NIIIIKAAKA ( . „ , . RIclunKon County I On this anil ilaj of March. A. 1) . l"0" , befonmo , John \Vlltso , a nnl.tij p'nbllc In ami for ald county , personally eaiin0. . II , \Vlltse. to me Unoun to lie the person Mliose name In alllxed to the above Internment , as dlrectoi of The Tanueis Mutual Telephone. Company of 1'iosloii , No brasK.i. and aoUnouledu'ed the same to be his volunlai\ aft and deed for the purpose of Aineiidlnit tin' Articles of Incorporation of said company. In witness \\heieof , 1 hereunto subscribed niv ii.iine and atlixod niv oHicial Heat at Tails Cltj. Xobi.vsk.i , on the das last above \\iltten. JIHI.S WJI.IHI. . Xotaiy Public. Mj commission o\plres Jul > 11 , HUH , Tlrst publication April 10-1 times P. N , Kinton of Shubert was a Friday visitor a { this place- Card of Thanks. \Ve wish to sincerely thank the friends who so kindly assisted us ( luring the illness and death of our uncle , Christian Uankcmeycr. AND MKS. J. K. SlIAlM'KK. Poultry Waated Tuesday , April 23 , 1907 , n e a r the 13. & JYk depot , Falls City , Nebraska , for which we will pay in § cash Hens and Pullets lOc Young Roosters 8c Old Roosters 5c the highest market price. Horse hides , $2.50 each ; cow hides , pc. Clariiida Poultry , Butter & Egg Co ; x : . .x. . : x..x : x x t if * Buggy and Wagon Paint ! f < * > mm If you have trouble to find a good Muggy or | Wagon Paint , it is because you have not ' < ? called at the right place. ; : ; We canty the Mradley cc Vrooman Paints < "none better made , " and have a beautiful selection - A lection of colors. If you have a buggy or a * t wagon that needs painting , do not fail to see X ! ! us , as we have the best and cheapest for the ; j ; - : ' quality , on the market. ; ! ; : ' Remember the place. ! ; ! ' CITY PHARMACY- * f | . DR. flcMILLAN , Prop. | ! Falls City , . . , - : Nebraska 1 .1. ' AVQltf am \ wi VBBBP * taw > BV BU ( ov WRONGS ALUM Alum in food causes i stomach disorders Its con- ? JML rv = rfff tinned use means permanent JfljpSSl * \ tXlESi5 \ injury to health. _ _ Following the advice of medical scientists , England and France have OT'l ; j ysSsii HI passed laws prohibiting its use . , i v. . liiltifilSfess l in bread mL.ting. American housewives should protect their house holds against Alum's wrongs by always buying pure Grape Cream of Tartar Baking Powder. fij Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder is to be had for the asking Buy by name NEBRASKA CITY BUSINESSMEN MEN- TO CITIZENS OF OTOE AND SUR.KOUNDING COUNTIES We lake this method of c-nlling attention of pnronts und others inten'hted ' in c'dueatioii , to lln > Nebraska Business UuiveiHity , a liigh gnule business training school , which wnb fifeiired tlirongh the iiilhienvo of the undersigned iinil other proiiiiiit-nt eitixuns. The purpose of tliu University is to furnish the young people of this and surrounding comities with a thorough and practical business education , that will enable thorn to take hold of the ordinary all'airs of life a ml meet the require ments of business luon in a satisfactory manner. Mr. Tola'ml , the manager of the Nebraska Business University , has a national reputation as nn educator , and is the largest individual owner of business colleges in the United States. Eastern Nebraska , Western Towa and Northwestern Missouri have long needed such an institution , and now that wo have established a school of business training , modern , practical and equal to the very best : whore a thorough education can be secured at a tuition rate as low as consistent with the high character of the work ; near your homo and where you can secure good homes with private families , at reasonable rates ; wo feel justified in soliciting your patronage. ProspejtiiH and full information can be had by address ing Nebraka Business University , Nebraska Oily , Nob. , and a perusal of same will satisfy anyone that our University oilers more positive proof of superiority ami greater induce ments to young people desiring to prepare fo:1 : high-grado positions , than any similiar institution in Nebraska , or sur rounding states. Nearly one hundred students are already secured. The t ) . L. Gregory Vinegar Go. Otoe County National Bank by W. S. Cornutt.Vice Pres. by.I no. W. Stoinhart , Cslir Otoe Preserving Co. Uttorback.Sargeant & Kieo Co , Jonen Grain Co by Win , P.Sargeant/Preas. A. .1. Denton Grain Co B , M. Chase Co Bartling Grain Co. " by 13. M. Chase Dun" Grain Co Merchants National Bank by N. A. DuiVNeoraskit by K. O. Maruell , Cahr. Neoraskit Oitv National Bank by H. T ) . Wilson , Cahr. ALWAYS ADDRESS [ NEBRASKA BUSINESS UNIVERSITY NEBRASKA CITY , NEBRASKA . . . * - * - * * * * * - * * IT-A