The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 19, 1907, Supplement, Image 6

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A Dollar For A Life.
The word from the starving1
millions of China is that the
poor sufferas are destroying the
growing crops for food. The
children are dying by the thou
sands before the eyes of their
parents. The cables tell a horrible
rible story of suffering and des
titution. Thp'abdomens of the
little ones are bloated to burst
ing and their limbs are but sldn
and bone through which * the
joints show like ugly knots.
Not many years ago the same
condition of the children of Cuba
started the jrreat American
heart to throbbing and the guns
to booming on the hills of Cuba
and over the waters of Manilla
bay. Think of it ! Chinese
mothers are trading their babies
for food purposes. Cunnabalim
has set in and mothers trade
babies to eat because they will
not eat their own. It is hard
to imagine such a condition , it
is too awful. Yet , could one
see it , how gladly contributions
would be made to relieve the
hunger and want. It is said
that a dollar will save a life
until harvest time. A dollar
that we spend for a theater , tor
a dinner , for cigars. What is
11 to you and me that their bodies
are yellow ! What is it to you
and me that the distance swal-
Inws the sound of moaning and
the sight of tears. They have
the same love of life , the same
capacity for suffering as you
and T. Why not invest in a
human lite. Why not purchase
of death the right to live for a
Chinese boy or girl ! Our banks
are receiving contributions for
this purpose , why not have
your name written there1 ; We
are sending money to save the
souls of heathens. At this
time the "heathens" is not ask.
ing tor prayers. The churches
should take this up at once.
JThe community in general
should assist in this charitable
G. W. Butler was in the city
Tuesday loading1 a car of pro
duce for Swift's. While here he
was the guest of John Hermes.
Geo. C. Coddington and wife of
Auburn spent Sunday with rela
tives in this city. Mrs. Codding-
ton was formerly Mamie Dixon.
Albert Watson severed his con
nection with Fred Schmit it Co.
last Saturday and will return to
St. Joe where he expects to en
gage in business.
Word was received Saturday
that Fred Graham had been seri
ously ill in Louisana , narrowlj
escaping typhoid fever. He is
improving rapidly now , however
Special Series of Stamps.
Postmaster E. R. Sr/.er has been
notified that n special series of
stamps in three denominations , to
commemorate the founding uf
Jamestown in 1(507 ( , and known as
the eommpmorntive series of 1907 ,
will be issued , beginning April 15 ,
for sale to the public during the
term of the.Tnmestown exposition ,
from April 2(5 ( to November 30 ,
1907. They must not be sold to
the public before or after this
period. The commemorative
series of 1907 stamps are rectangu
lar in shape , 49-(5i ( by 11M51 inches
infiixo , and of throp denominations ,
1 cent , 2 .cent and 5 cent. This
series of stamps will not be issued
in book form. There will bo no
commemorative issue of stamped
envelopes , newspaper wrappings ,
postal cards , special delivery or
due stamps , State Journal ,
An Exploded Theory.
' 'My dear1 , remarked Mr.
Grouch when the argument threat
ened to reach a climax , "it has
occurred to me that a single man
is a wise man. A woman to gain
knowledge must be married1
' I could readily support your
theory , " replied Mrs. Grouch"but
unfortunately I recall that Solo-
moil , the wisest man , had 700
wives. And perhaps , dear , you
might also have an inkling of the
fact that Minerva , the goddess of
wisdom , never married. " Brook
lyn Life.
John Branum is seriously ill
at his home in the east part of
James Armstrong and Mr ,
Watson of Auburn were down tc
the Elk's doings last Friday.
Go to W. H. Crook & Co. foi
best paint sold. Paint youi
house , bam , floors with B. P. S ,
Isaac Butler of Barada who
has been under the care of Dr.
Geo. Renekcr is improving
Ed Haner returned the lattei
part of the past week from Senecr
Kansas and is now employed a1
the Lyon bakery.
Ono more week in the Library
contest and if rumors hold true
there may be a surprise for tlu
knowing ones in the final result
1 J. S. Everts , formerly of Falls
City and now with the Join
Towle lumber and bridge com
pany of Omaha has been visit
ing friends here for several day !
this week.
Speaking of race suicide , it i :
about time for the President t
. get busy with Mr. and Mrs. Nicl
Lougwoth. A great principle i
> at stake and there seems to b
, nothing doing.
The Wiley Bell Boy.
A hotel man in Now Hampshire
was surprised to see one of his ]
women guests come downstairs <
several nights running , fill her '
pitcher from the water cooler in i
the hall and return quietly to her i
room again. At first he thought . '
the lady had some special reason i
for this queer performance. Then I
he thought he had better speak 1
toher. Accordingly on the fourth I
or fifth night he approached her <
politely , took the pitcher from her I
hands and filled it himself. <
"If would madam "
yon ring , ,
ho said , "this would always ne
clone for you. There is no occasion - i
casion for you ever to come down i
yourself for water. A rinii" i
' But I have no bell , " said the
"Oh , madam , of course you
have a bell. I'll show it to yon. "
And he carried the pitcher to
her room for her and pointed to
the boll beside her bed.
"That is the bell , " he said.
The lady started in surprise.
"That the bell ? " she exclaimed.
"Why , the bell boy told me that
WHS the fire alarm and I wasn't to
touch it on any account except in
case of fire. " Washington Star.
George Holt left Mondav night
for Argesia , Mexico. George is
very much enthused with the re
ports of the country and will
visit several places during the
two weeks he is to be absent.
Elizabeth Miller went to Lin
coln Wednesday for a visit with
relatives and friends. She has
accepted a position as book-keeper
i with one of the best retail stores
and will begin her work in a
short time.
W. II. Putnam came in from
Geneva Saturday to visit a day
or so with his son and wife who
are here from Wisconsin for a
brief visit. Mr. Putnam returned
. Monday to Geneva to complete
some improvements on his farm
near there.
L Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Fast returned -
: turned from their European trip
Wednesday evening. They' both
enjoyed the trip hugel } ' but were
very glad to get back among the
' home folks. The Doctor took a
: post graduate course in a Euro
pean hospital while abroad.
Frank Neitzel has resigned his
position with Hie Pacific Express
Co. He has accepted a position
as night expressman at Roland.
Wyoming. He will leave soon
to assume his new position and
> Roy Jenkins will take his place
3 with the express company here.
"Dry" Town.
For the first time in its incor
porated history Lincoln may be-
; ome a "dry" city the coming
iveek. Under the new charter
mloon licenses expired and the new
municipality will not begin until
May 13. Of the forty-one saloons
n the city only four were open
; oday , made possible because their
icenses were late in being granted
ast year. Of the four , two must
jlose tomorrow , the third a week
Tom today and the fourth a day
) r two after.
In the meantime leading pro-
liibitionists have filed suit in the
listrict court to enjoin the exer-
: ise board from issuing any li
censes whatever the coming year.
Dr. Randall of the Soldiers
home in Grand Island was tran
sacting business here Tuesday
and visiting with his many old
friends. The Doctor is held in
the highest regard by our people
who are always glad to learn of
his continued health and pros
Falls City was well represented
at the district convention held in
Verdon last week. The follow
ing delegates were present ;
Mesdames O. P. Heck , F. Keitn.
J. E. Leyda , Perrish , Nelson.
Evans. Oliver , Spencer , Paxton ,
Geo. Prater , C. H. Marion and
Miss Dottie Sage.
Maust & . Sons are erecting a
large new5 wood yard and a splen
did little office on the corner just
across the street east from the
Union house. The new buildings
make quite a showing on the
heretofore vacant corner and
when completed they will have a
modern office in every respect.
Sheriff Fenton took a lay oft'
from ofllcial duties a few days
last week to assist in caring for
his parents , both of whom were
for a while in feeble health.
It will be no drawback to the
manly qualities ot the popular
Sheriff that he permits no offi
cial honor or popular exaltation
to lesson in the slightest degree
the warm love of the true
hearted country boy for his
aged father and mother. Dawson -
son Newsboy.
Marriage Record
Floyd Salisbury , Hiawatha ; i2
Mae Rlley , Hiawatha ; ! 2
Married by Judge Gutrnoii April 11 tb.
Walter D. Guard , Aurora , Nehr 21
Cora May Waggoner , Humboldt Neb.17
Edward Simpson , Preston 2(5 (
Jessie Hopper , white Cloud Kas 22
Married by Judge Gagnon. Apr. 15th.
Albert Breeht , Palls City 24
Atnellii L. Bertram. Fulls City 21
Fred P. Smith , Omaha 37
Adaline Bowers. Falls City v. . .20
Fred Shulzer , Verdon 21
Ida Fischer , Verdon 10
Married by Judge Gagnon April 17th.