THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , APRIL 19 , 1907 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Kntcrcri an second-class matter at Kails City , Nebraska , post onicc , Jiimt- arv 12,1W4 , ttmlcr the Act of M'Murch 3,1S7' > . Published cvor.v 1'ritlny at Kails City , Nebraska , by The Tribune I'llbllshini ! Company K. K. Slmrls , One year . Sl.OO Six niaiitlis. . . . GO Three months . 35 TELEPHONE 226. IIow docs your coal bin look by this time ? Thaw thought the verdict of the jury a trost. The "Unwritten law" seems to have been repealed. "Dementia Americana " will now be withdrawn from circula tion. If this weather keeps up why not forget your troubles and go skating ? Harrunan is looking for the 'fellow that gave the President a peace prissc. Fulls City booxe and Hum- boldt females seem to make a bad combination. It used to be the "gold bug1' that knocked the starch out of wheat , now it's the green bug. Do your work better than the other fellow. If you are dig ging a ditch , be the best ditch digger in the trench. The prospect ol three days without saloons has produced a very worried look on the faces of some of our people. The boom has arrived ; we are going to have a band stand in the square and a closet in the basement of the court house. About the most disconsolate individual we ever saw was the fellow trying to sell ice cold pop a'tv a Kansas City ball game the other day. The President of Oalilornia University says that relormed 'spelling of the word Kist is too short. Sure , it should be spelled K-i-s-s-e-d. To the fellow that likes a trade we want to negotiate a lawn mower all sharpened and oiled and ready for the fray for a pair of mittens , or ear bobs era a muffler. John L. Webster used to have the reputation of the champion fancy vest wearer in the state. T. J. Mahuney of Omaha seems to have him beaten to a pulp it we are to judge from the ap. pearance during the last three weeks. To those who like oratory in its iinest garb the arguments ir the Miles case should provi very attractive. Not only tlu local talent will engage in tlu windjammiug , but Mahoney , Atwood and Webster , three ol the Iinest speakers in the west , will also participate. Sometime in the dim and dis. tant future , long after the hopes and fears , the ambitions , the struggles , the dissapointments o f the present generation have gone the way of all things vain , some old Palls Cityite will roll over in his grave , brush the mold from his eye winkers and ask the question ; "what has be come of the Miles will case" ; ' V7e sincerly hope that Mr , Long will not feel it necessary to answer Bill McCray's grand stand delense recently published in the Stella Press. Bill is in bad repute with the voters oi his district and is using tlu Fanners Institute 'matter tc leave the impression that Ju lia been standing for his honu Xeuple. The attempt is sc clicnp and disgusting that a man of Mr. LOUJJ'S standing car 'harcily afford to enter into a controversy with a man 'likt AlcOray on such a subject. MODERN APPLICATION ! OK AM THE THOUGHT SOW A THOUGHT Where Shall I do my Banking ? THE ACT REAP AN ACT To act upon the suggestions of the Falls City State Bank and make SOW AN ACT weekly deposits of a part of your earnings. i THE HABIT REAP A HABIT Continue the habit of saving your SOW A HABIT i money and doing your banking with I this institution. 1 THE DESTINY REAP A DESTINY Prosperity , Contentment a n d good Citizenship. JSJ I Ordinance No. 211. AN IHinlNAM I I'HOVIMM. lull Mil DKHI IIUll ION ( IK WU.HSI.IMI 1111 ! sriun.TM , VIU\H. : HIIIP.W M.K AMI < if > HTVt.OTS VN-II I.IMIS WIIIIIN Till ! lOltl'O- IIATI : MMiid m- Tin : i ITV OK 1 AI.I.S Cn v , NKllllAhkA , AM > . IMIOVIMMI THAT INl'XSK or inn or Tin : ou.M.utio no so Til VTTIIirOSYS : ( IK Till : IH'STItllcmON III ! AKHKsHHI > V * V l'A.ttlAINhT Till ! 1'HOI'- KUTV AMI cou.ruriui AH OTIIIJU TAXUS : AMI 'tn IIII'IAI. : : OIMIINANCI ; No. IN ; era 0 Mil CIT V. ! o It ordained bj the iiKi.Mii.uul Ilk'council nf tint city < i ( Tails Clij , Nobr.mka. Section 1. That It shall bo the dill ) of tin * luners of lolH ami Kinds \\tthlii thu corpo- r.iln lliultH of the cll > nl Tall * City to now , cut or otherwise dostro.ill units inil other noxious growths on their lots mil I.indK. anil between their lot line anil he- middle of thu streets .mil alleys abut- Ing on their said property In sahl cltj anil ipon failure to do MI It shall IK * thu dutj if the street commissioner to destroy the Minn ami report to the clt > council a schedule of the cost thereof , showing the lame of the owner anil a description of In- property , and upon tins appro > al of halil report * lit the Major .mil Clt > Council , the cllv clerk shall bo Instructed to certify H.ild , unonnts to this county clerk of Rich- udsnn iNinnU. giving .1 proper description if the. loll .mil l.uicls and thu streets and illu > N on uliicli th same nliitlH , and on which woods .mil other noxious growths uoio destrojed b } said Street Commissioner A ml the count } clerk Hlull Include such .unoiints In the fountl : > \ lists as .tn assessmcnlir.vlnst such lots .nut lands , which shall be collected as olhei taxes. Sections. That Ordinance No. I.SU entitlid. "An ordinance proxidlng foi the destruc tlon of weeds along the slieols , allo\s and sldew alks within the clu of Palls l'lt > , Nebraska , and pro\ldlntr pon.illios foi failure to conipllth Hie proxlslons of said ordi nance" IH hiMehlepealed , an well as all ordlnanccN or paits of ordinances in eon- Illct herewith. Sei-llon 3 Till * ordinance shall tal.e effect and U > III force from and after UK pa * ago , appunal and inilillcntlun , Passut and apurjued April " ' . 1"7. i ; . M. 1\KHI.I ! i. IA Item : M.uoi. l > . K. HAKKK. Cit > Clerk. Legal Notice , Notice i > heieliv gl\on that A. ( . . Wanner has tiled his petition slimed hi the nqmsiie iininlH-r of ficoholdors of the second ward of Tails Cily , asking that a dingglst permit Iv granted him to sell malt , spirituous and MIIOIIS liquors fin medicinal , nuchanlcal , scientific and purposes on lot 10 , Mod. 5 > , lit the second ward of Tails Cltj foi the municipal sear lightning Mas T , 1"OT , to Ma > 0,1'W. A. ( ! . WxNShK. Attest : Hi in H\KI K , CilCloik. . - * Legal Notice. Notice Is hvruh } gixcn that Leslie KI.eiils has tiled lth the clt > clerk of Tails Cit ) . Ne- lirasUa , _ his petition sUned t > > the reiiusite number of resident fren holders of this second ward of Tails Clu , Neliraska , praslmr that a license as saliHinkeeper IH ; uranted liltu to sell mall , spirituous and \lnoiiK lliitiors on lot 21. Mock Ul , in the second ward of Tails City , Nebraska , for thu municipal \ear IvKinnlni ; Maj 7. ll\)7. ) and endlnir Ma > o. Iftvs. Attest , I.rsiu K. I < 11 us 11. K. lUkl.K. CMt > Clerk. Mer.ibeis from the Kulo , Salem and Shubert lodges attended the meeting : of the I. O. O. K. order here the past Friday evening , when second decree work was the order of business. For Rent. Six room cottage recently painted and papered through , out. City water. Two blocks from ptistotlice. One block from Stone t-treet. Nice neighbor hood. C. l'KKAVIS. ' . Opened For Season. Sun Mineral Springs , is now open for the season l'J07For picnic's the park is more beautiful than ever. Thankiusr the people of FHlls City for past patronage would respectfully solicit a con tinuance , T.A. Gys , 69-21 Merrill , Kansas iive Poultry Wanted ! At Hermes Bros , mar ket first door , west of V. G. Lyford's store. Will pay the following- prices ; price will be good until April 27th Hens , per pound loj c liggs , per cloxen 130 Hen Turkeys , per pound IOG Old Gobblers , per pound 90 Ducks , per pound 8c Geese , per pound 6c Old Roosters , per pound 50 Unmarketable poultry not wanted. Craws must be empty. The highest market price paid for eg'g'S at all times. Call and see us when you have anything- our line to offer. We have plenty of little chick food for t.ile. ; Phone I ! . " ) Yours Truly , 'Phone 35 Hermes Bros. 4 \ < ! v a in VT T 0 4 Chas , M. Wilson Asks you to call and see the Green and Gold A new pattern in English Queens- ware , New Goods Best Quality. Chas. M. Wilson Poultry Wanted I will pay you the following prices for produce , good until Tuesday noon , April 2Jrd ; , and should the market get better will gladly give the rise. Ileus . 10k Eggs . I3c Uutter fat . L'V The above prices guaranteed. Delivered to my poultry house one block west of Pirst National bank. J3. E , JAMIS. : Phone Measure , Frauk Lnudis and Frank Martin spout Saturday awl Sunday nt tllt * Missouri Lake * . Lc al Notice. Nolico is herebj gncn that I ha\e hied with iln Milage clerk of the \illage of Prestjni , Nebraska , a petition signed hy the icqulsite number of free hohlets of s.iid Milage , pr.oing that a saloon license be granted to mo by the \ illagu board to sell malt , spirituous and \ hums Ihiuors on lot 32 in block 1 of said illlage ol Preston , Nebraska , for the ensuing seal. J ttest : J. K. SIII.LLPetitlonei. . II. P. Hiiin.K , Village Clerk. ( Thst publication April 12.1 Legal Notice. Nollco Is hereby gixen tliat Peter Kaiser has tiled \\lth the city clerk of Tails City. No. braska , his petition signed by the rcifulslU number of resident free holders of the second ward of Tails City. Nebraska , pra > Ing thai a license as saloon keeper be granted ! him ti sell malt , spirituous and \lnons liquors on lots 5 and 6 In block 71 In the second ward ol Kails City. Nebraska , for thu munclpal jeai beginning May 7 , l'K)7 ) , andiending May 0 , 190K Atlest : I'KThK KAISPK. HRKT H\KI.K , City Clerk. ( Tlrst publication April 12. ' John Oswald made a business trip to Salem Monday afternoon. Notice. 1'irnl publication April I2tli I time * . To William K.irle ) . non-reslilent defendant1 \ on are hercbj notified DM the lOlh day of April , l"i)7 ) , Kll.i Carlos Hied a peti tion airaltiftt > oii lit the District court of Kichardson county , Nebraska , the object and pr.orr of which are to obtain a divorce from 5011 on the irrouml o ( failure to sup port said IJtla Karlcy , drunkenness and extreme cruelty , and to obtain the c iiMod } of tint children , ulio are the issues of said parties , Yon are rviulred to answer said petition on or before Monilaj , the 20th da ) of Ma > , 1"07. ULI.KAKM.V. . IMalntlff. Hy JOHN WII.TSI : , her Attornej. Legal Notice. Tlrst publication April 12th. Notice Is hereby a I veil that Joseph J , 1. oilman has filed \ \ Mthe city ccrk | of Kails City , Nebraska , his petition sluncd by the requisite number of resident free holders ol the second ward of thu city of Vatls City , Nebraska , prajlntr that a license as saloon keeper be irranted him to sell nirxlt , spirituous and vinous llcjuorn on lots 7 and 8 , In block 71 , In the second \\.ird of Tails City , Nebraska , for the municipal > car Ix-ulnnlrnr May 7 , 1907 , and end 1 111 ; May 6 , 1 ° OS. Attest : JuBl.i'll J. I.DI.I.M.v , llt-KT llAKiiK , City Clerk. Legal Notice. Notice is hereby l\en that I liavc lUed uith the Ullage clerk of the tillage of ll.irada , Nebraska , a petition slutted by the reiiulsitu number of free holders of said \111aKt' , prajlnK that a saloon license be irr.intcd to me by the \liyiKi' board to sell mall , splritnuiis and \inotis liquors on lot 12 , In'block 1 , on Smith's addition to said \lllauc of Itar.ul.i , Nebraska for the ensuing M rT SLiu'i.i.Mirkc. , Petitioner. Attest- JOHN MARTIN. Village Clerk. Tirst inililicntlon April 12th , l.ejjal Notice Notice is herebs il\en that I'eler 1'rt'deriok , jr. , has Illcdltli the citj clerk of Kails City. Nebraska , his petition signed bthe requisite number of resilient freeholders of the second uard of the clt > of Tails Cil\ , Nebraska , pr.v- ing that a license as saloon keeper IK- granted him to sell malt , spirituous .nut MIIOIIS liquors on lots 7 .mil * in block St < in the second ward of Tails Clt > , Nebraska , for the municipal > beginning Mav 7 , l'H)7 , and ending May C , iW.s. Attest : IM TI.U Ti < ini-KH.k , Jr. Hi KT lUKi.N , City Clerk. ( Tirst publication April 12. ' Lejjtvl Notice. Notice is hereby irlteit that Or\ille Schoen- hell has Hied uith the cit ) clerk of Tails City , Nebraska , his petition signed by the requisite number of resident free holderx of the second \\ard of the city of Tails City. Nebraska , pray ing that a license as saloon keeper be uranted him to sell malt , spirituous and % inous liquors on lots -t and 5 In block 71 in thu second \\ard of Kails Clt > . Nebraska , for the municipal year beginning May 7. 1907 , and ending May < > , 1008. Attest : OHVILLL : SCIIOKNIIHIT. Ilr.KT HAKFK , City Clerk. ( Tlrst publication April 12. ) T. C. Edwards while down from Stella on a business the past Saturday was the guest of his daughter , Mrs. Jno. Oswald. Legal Notice. Kirst publication April 12th , To Clarence Carter. Charles A. Cartel' . Cyril Carter. Trank Carter , jr. , Samuel Carter , Aiuusta Carter , lirnst 1' . Carter , Ooldlc Carter and Trank Carter , r. , surrlvluir husband of Mellle Carter , non-resident de fendanlN , you arc hereby notified that on the 'Hli day of April. A. D. 1W7 , Tcrrj M. ( icrmaln , Kllen C. CeriiLiln , Sarr'M U. 'lifr * main , Homer 1) . ( icrmaln , ' 'inr A. ( ieruialn , Osmcr A , Ocrmaln , Jein.nA , Young , M.i M. Nousbanm , Noah Neusbattm , Al\ln 1' . Cerntain , John ( lermaln , Cnrttand H. ( lor main , William Law and Jennie ] < auflleil a petition In the District court of Rich ardson county , Nelir.isWn. against you said non resident defendants and other resident defend ants , thu object and prajcr of ulilch are tit obtain partition among and to the rightful icrs thereof , the folloxvluir descrlt > cil real estate , consisting of IbO acrcR of land , incrr or less , situated In Spelscr tovrnslilp , KFch- ardson county , Nebraska , lowlt : The noBtli half of thu northeast quarter of section ' number twenty (20) ( ) , and the north half of the southeast quarter of said section num ber twenty (20) ( ) , tn township iiiinilxr one Jl ) north , range thirteen cast of thu 11 th I' . M. In Hlchardson county , Nebraska , excepting only tlirre M ) acres of land which Is located In the southeast corner , of thu northeast quarter , of the southeast quarter of said section number twenty , and which U mora particularly described as follows : Com mencing at the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of lite southeast quarter .of said section number tuenty , runnlnjr 'thence due north tuontvfourJ4) ( ) rwls , thence duo \vest twenty (20) ( ) KKl.s , thence duo south t\\enl\-foui (24) ( ) rods , thtncu dtiu east twenty rods to the place of l > cglnnitig : and In lien of the abo\o described three acres , M > o\- ccptcd , are to In- Included In said action for pattitlon , thiee acres of laud located in the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of section number twentv-onu (21 ( } , v toun one ( I ) , north , range thirteen , east of the Gth 1' . M. in Rlch.iul-.on count ) . Nv braska , and uhlch Is more particular ! } de scribed a > follows : Commencing at ttii northwest couu-r o/ the southwest quail t of said section number t\v" tj one ,2i1. innnlng thence due east l\\i..i\-fnur ( I ) rods , thence duo south twenty (20) ( ) toils , thencu due uost twent\-fonr { 24) ) nxls , theiu-is due noith to place of beginning. Plaintiff pia\s foi judgment the shares of the- parties in Interest , and that if said property can not IH < equitably divided that said premises inju bo sold iiiJ the tiroceods thereof IH.diMiled among the parties according to their rospcctixu riglitH Yon and each of } on are required t i answer said petition on or before Monday , tne 20lh day of Ma > , l''U7. ' Dated this llth dav of April , 1907. PERKY M. Ur.nxiAJX. Plaintiff. I \ Jens WILTSI , his Attorney. Legal Notice. Notice is hereby ghen that Kred W.JlcrU- ster has hied with the city clerk of Kails City , Nebraska , his petition signed by the requisite number of resident free holders of the sccoml ward of Tails City , Nebraska , praying that a license as saloon keeper bo granted him to.sell malt , spirituous and \inons llanoroou part of lots U and Saud lot 4 In block 90 in the sccoud ward of Tails Cltv , Nebraska , for the munic ipal > car beginning May 7,1907 , and rndmir May fi , 1'W. TKI.II W. Hl.KHSTl'K. Attest. HI.HT } I\KKK , City Clerk. ( Tirst publication April 12. ) Y. G. LYF © Room Size Rugs Room si/e Rugs in all si/es from 4 feet b\ 7 leet up to 12 feet by 15 feet in In grain , Velvet. Axminster , Smyrna , Wil ton and Tapestry. We are showing- larger assortment than ever before and for the most part , without advance over last season. We offer you the great ad vantage of seeing- what you buy , of .hav inga splendid choice of desig-n , coloring- , and quality at the same time. We guar antee to be as low or lower in price , than city or catalogue houses. You are invit ed to look through this stock and we are glad to send o le or more of these rugs to your home , where you may make a little choice with reference to your other furn ishings , wall paper , etc. Rug ; Bargains 25-9x12ft. Ingrain Rugs , having quali- t\ and choice designs and colorings , bet ter to wear than mattings , handsomer than cheap carpets , one bargain price , $6. Linoleums IMVP excellent patterns in 12 foot Line leums now in stock. We are still selling these at the old price but finding that a great deal of time was required to lay Linoleum , we now charge 25c an hour for the- actual time required. This is the most economical , labor saving Jloor cover- in < > nou in use. Mattings We expect this week a large shipment of straw Mattin s. Nearlv even , carpet dealer has bec.i disappointed in getting orders filled for Mattings. Lace Curtains New Spring line of Ruffled , Ko\elt\ , Irish Point , Brussels Net , Cable Xet and Nottingham Lace Curtains , have just ar rived. We have now a superb assort ment of window and door hangings which we are always pleased to show at your convenience. You are not /forced to choose from half a dozen styles , but have many at any price you may wish to pay. * - ' " BM'M * MMBIHMHBHBH MH MMMMMMI M M MMM MM M * Curtain Materials From a 5c Scrim to artistic Novelties in colors at ( > oc , are many kinds , at cost to suit your fancy or need. Window Shades Shades of all qualities , colors and sixes Because we are a dry Goods house , do not get the impression that we are not in the Carpet and Curtain business. We carry , the largest stock in these lines in this part of Nebaska. ; All sorts of cur tain poles and other fixtures. Y C8TY , NEBRA < &WiW WWaWIMlY *