The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 19, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Bargains in Real Estate in ( he great Arkansas Valley , the home of Alfalfa , the Sugar Beet and
the famous Rodcy Ford Cantaloupe. In 1906 Bent county. Colorado , shipped 750,000 pounds of
woo ! and fattened 137,000 head of sheep at an average profit of $1 per head. Nearly five hundred
acres ol cantaloupes and melons were grown , that will average from one year to another about $75
an acre net , some growers realizing $300 per acre.
Hundreds of acres of sti ar beets brought a net profit of $80 and in extreme cases over $200. Alfalfa
produces an average of 3 1-4 tons per season , wheat from thirty-five to fifty-five bushels , and oats fifty to
eighty. Can you afford to pay $100 per acre for land that under proper treatment , will produce its purch
ase price in one year ? Come and see for yourself. Government authorities settled Las Animas as the loca
tion for the only Naval Sanitarium in the United States , because of the climate , Can you take a tip from
Uncle Sam ?
145 acres 3 miles from Las Animas , with 160 shares of water under the Ft
Lyon canal , three room house , hard and soft water wells , windmill , sheep
feeding corrals , eighty acres in alfalfa , $90 per acre.
180 acres one mile from the Amenian Beet Sugar company's million dollar
factory and three-fourths of a mile from town. Will sell in forty acre tracts
at from $ iootoiso an acre.
80 acres of land with 60 acres of water , two wells , windmill and
tanks , good barn , five room house and small orchard , thirty acres in alfalfa
within half mile of new U. S. Naval Sanitnrium$8ooo.
So acres three miles from town , bordering on railroad , full water right ,
five room house and fair barn , fifty acres in alfalfa , $8,000.
160 acres , two miles from town , with full water right. This place is
equipped with sheds , corrals and a private pumping plant sufficient for the
feeding of 5,000 head of sheep , A money making proposition.
184 acres , seven miles out , with sufficient water , eighty acres in alfalfa
and forty in pasture. $50 an acre.
Write for Illustrated Circular with description of the country and statistics. Your correspondence is so =
licited RIGDON 6c SOHOOK
What tbc Other Fellow Thinks.
The News stilted last week
that it was intending to accept
foreign advertising if the local
merchants did not respond more
liberally. Well , brother , if you
are interested in what The Trib
une thinks about foreign adver
tising yon can satisfy your curi
osity by looking over our columns.
Time was when we were so patri
otic as to turn down foreign ad
vertisements , but we arc older
and have learned. It costs money
to run a newspaper and the' '
money it costs usually puts the
editor up against the bread and
butter question pretty hard. We
were patriotic , then we quit. No
newspaper can pay expenses on
subscription alone. Its most val
uable asset is its advertising col
umns. If the local man doesn't
value advertising enough to pur
chase space of the newspaper , can
you suggest any good reason \ \ h y
the space to which the local mer
chant is indifferent .should . not be
sold to the other fellow who
thinks it worth his while and
money ?
A newspaper is'not a charitable
institution. The merchant who
advertises is not a philantrophist ,
he is merely a business man with
good horse sense. If you doubt
this just compare the business of
the local merchant who adver
tises with the merchant who does
not. The results arc the true
criterion. What is true of Falls
City is true of eyery other local
ity in America. The writer of
this crossed the continent twice
last year. Nearly every mile
from Omaha to Seattle showed a
Sign board advertising a certain
brand of tobacco that is controlled
fiy Jhe tobacco trust. It has been
estimated that these sign boards
csst about twenty five dollar :
each. Now just figure a moment
and see what the Tobacco trust
the most highly systematise !
. tilt , "i
business institution in America
pays along a single line of road
for sign boards alone. iCvcry
great business institution , whole
sale and retail , recognixcs adver
tising as its most valuable asset.
Hundreds , thousands and millions
of dollars are invested in adver
tising every year by the most
conservative and carefully man
aged business institutions in the
country. Some of these concerns
occasionally write the Tribune
asking for advertising space , for
a time we turned them down , but
we are older now and have learn
ed , now they get what they seek.
Many of our local merchants do
not think newspaper space is
worth the price , the other fellow
thinks it is , hence the foreign
advertisements in this paper.
The question "does advertising
pay" is no longer debatable.
Did you ever hear of Harry Thaw
being tried in New York for mur-
ler ? Advertising pure and sim
ile. Did you read about Scotty
ireaking the time record between
s Angeles and Chicago some
time ago , how much he paid fet
train , how many bottles of booze
he drank , etc. ? Advertising ,
nothing but advertising. Scotty
paid not a cent for his train. The
cheme that secured columns in
the daily press was nothing but
the creations of the fertile brain
of the Santa Fe's advertising
man. The merchant who wins
in the fierce struggle and cotnpe-
tion is the merchant who makes
the other fellow think by adver
tising. You have something to
sell , we can help you sell it if it
is saleable. We talk every week
in the year to the families who
are in the market for the things
to sell. If we speak for you and
your business you must furnisl
us with the copy and pay us for
the space. If you have no mes
sage for this market you maj
see by the columns of this paper
L\\at \ the other fellow has. We
neither plead nor threaten. It is
a business proposition , not a pe
tition for charity. You may take
it or let it alone. It is up to you
in the last analysis and that , so
far as we arc concerned , closes
the argument.
In uslnsi u cough syrup why not pet
the best ? Ono tlmt comes highly
recommended Is Uoos Luxtutivo Cough
Syrup , contains Ilouoy iind Tnr nnd Is
superior to other cough syrups In
miiny ways. Children alxviiys like It
because It contains no opiates , Is n laxa
tive and is guaranteed to give satisfac
tion or your money refunded. Try It.
Sold by A. G. Wanner.
Buy It To The Nebraska Line.
If you haye in mind a journey
to a point any great distance in
Nebraska don't buy a ticket to
destination. Buy a ticket to the
irst station the other side of the
tate line and get the advantage
of the two-cent maximum passen
ger rate now in effect in Nebras-
ba. The first station on the
Burlington is Kulo , and on the
Missouri Pacific is Falls City ,
"It's astonishing how quick the
; ravcling public learns how to
save money on railroad tickets , "
a railroad man said this morning.
"There has been a good demand
for tickets to Rule and Falls City
since the Nebraska rate law went
into effect March 6 , and the sale
of tickets to these points is in
creasing right along. " Kansas
City Star.
Fruit Injured.
It seems to be generally con
ceded that our fruit crop is to be
very short this year. The warn :
weather early in the seasor
brought the buds out in hurrj
up time , and this followed by the
cold snap has resulted in greal
damage. The Missouri fruii
growers say not only the pears
strawberries and peaches an
ruined but the apple crop will b <
practically nothing.
A Mistake.
From all appearances there will
be no chatttauqua held at Falls
City this year. The lack of suit
able grounds was apparently too
great a diffculty to ove'r come.
Salem Sentinel.
Guess again , brother. Falls
City not only has not abandoned
the idea of giving a chautauqua ,
but to the contrary is making
preparations for the best chau
tauqua program ever given in the
west. The grounds have been
secured and every essential to a
satisfactory and complete assem
bly is being provided. In this
connection we will say that the
Tribune expects , to be able to
announce an attraction for the
chautauqua in the near future
that will insure the biggest day
Falls City ever had.
Second Lieutenant , E. B. Mc-
abeof the sixtieth calvary is to
ride from the Pacific to the Atlan
tic coast having left Silverton ,
Ore. , this week. The govern
ment has authorized a test be
tween the Arabian horse and the
\tnerican Army horse. McCabe
will ride Nedgran , the famous
Arabian stallion owned by Homer
Davenport , the cartoonist. He
will carry the regular trooper's
equipment when in service. Quar
termaster Sergeant , Sam Peterson
will accompany McCabe , his
mount being the regular army
horse , he will carry the same
equipment as McCabe. Should
the American horse fail a fresh
mount will be taken from one of
the army stations visited. This
is the first test of the kind this
government has made and it is
expected to be thorough in as
much as accurate account is to be
kept of distance traveled , condi
tion of road , nature of country
length of rest , ford , weather and
general health.
SYRUP cures coughs nnd cold * .
Werner , Mosiman Sc Co.
Is headquarters \\hen in need of anything in
the Implement line. We have the largest stock
ever carried in Falls City. We handle the Moline -
line and Canton Plow lines. A very Cultivators
$14 ; walking$18. . Newton , Weber , Hetten-
dorf , and A very wagons.
We have the largest stock of Buggies and
Carriages ever carried in this city. We have the
Moon Bros , phigless body , Henne and Keys
lines. We will make special prices on carriages
for the next thirty days.
Now is the time for cream separators. We
have the Daisy Queen and cream Harves
ter. We carry a full line of windmills , pumps
and gasoline engines from a 2 horse to a 20
horse power.
This is the time of the year for Lightning rods
We handle the Shinn soft copper cable. When
in the city call on us and look over our stock
whether you want to buy or not , we will treat
YOU right
Werner , Mosiman & Co ,
D. S. McCarthy
Prompt attention { riven
to the removal of house
hold goods.
i ii ii mi mi i in i mi
. . . $1.00 a Year. . .
For flood Salts , flood Service , Prompt
Returns Ship Your Stock to
Qeo. R. Barse >
National Stock Yards. III. SJ
Kansas City , Mo. , S !
We irl > e each shipment close , careful <
.mil personal attention. When MO please y
> on wu make a friend and customer. Our y
salesmen can ami do eel full market y
valnu on da > of arrival for all Htock y
shipped to us. Our yardmen net you < {
iroodelklits and si\e jjood service hi f
ha ml II it tr all stock immediately on ar- < ?
rnal. ( .he sour next shipment tti Ceo. y
R. Harse. Write us for market infor9
matlon. 65-1 y
< *
Reaches the spot.
Stops pain. The
ManZan Great Pile Rem
edy. Put up In
tubes with rectal
nozzle , 50 cents.