* I THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , APRIL 19 , 1907 FOR SAM ; 320 acres about milt's of Salem , upland. All fenced , new house rooine , well and \vnnlinill , 160 acres cultivated , 20 acred meadow. 8 ncres timber , b'llnuci ' * pasture Henry C. Smith $10 per acre. .Small payment down balance 10 years tiu.i5 per cent. A bargain. 110 In 120 acres nr-ar Salem , bottom land. Good terms. Alight rent for 1907. Huntly torlc pot and town. H0 ! iii-res 2 miles of Palls City. 1(50 ( acres 2i miles of Stella. 100 acres Nuckollf Co. , LANDS & LOANS Neb. About 50 acres winter wheat , $ -10 per acre. SO acres Brown county , Kns. . 7 miles southeast of Hiawatha. Will taki- small house in Palls City as part pny. Goocl terms , 200 acres 15 miles Falls City , fair hon . 100 , good e. acres -In inson county , oed terms. IIUMBOLDT. Dr. Arthur L. JJrlllhart , who has boon practicing dentistry In tiU ! city for tin' past .soar moved his olllce fixture * to lil- former homo in Tecum i-ch , whore ho wilt follow his profession Mrs. Frank Butterllehl and daughter Ml 8 Lillian , enjoyed u \i It with Mr ? . E. W. Klwell in Lincoln the last of the week. Mr * . M. K. Linn , who has been ' spending the past winter , with a daughter In California , returned to this city Friday. Cards arc out announci.ig the approaching preaching marriage of Miss .Jennie Gravattaml Mr. Frank lUst , the event to take place at the bride's homo Wed nesday , April 21. I KUon N'lms visited the last of the week with his mother , who Is taking medical treatment in Lincoln , tier condition wab slightly Improved at * last reports received . Mrs. Mace Atwood and llttlo daugh ter , arrived in the city the lint of the week for a visit with relatives in this city. Mrs. Atwood Is now making her home at Tonganoxlo , ICnnsar. Frank Uovonny of OmiiL : . returned Saturday to his homo in Omaha after a pleasant visit with his sister , Mrs. Koscoo Anderson. Ashford Hdlo la a Lincoln visitor this week. B. F. Onivalt has commenced thu erection of his residence on Grand avenue. Mrs. Minnie Unkofer , who was taken to Lincoln last week to receive medical ; treatment in ono of the banltarlumB la that city Is reported to bo recover ing. J The foundation Is being laid for the s erection of Art Wilson's cottage on i Nemaha street. The senior class of the high school accompanied by Miss Myrtle Stration , ) visited the Auburn school Tuesday. * . A miscellaneous shower was given \ Miss Jennie Gravatt by the Miss Lulu f lluuimol , Nora Staldor and Mrs. Guy Hummel at the homo of the former Friday evening. About twenty young * ladles enjoyed tlio occasion. | Fred Blumcr arrived here the pant | week from Midland , South Dakota , where ho has been looking after the if' interests of his claim for the pant year , tits mother , Mrs. Louisa Blumcr and Bister , Miss Anna , have also returned f , ' to Humboldt , and will make their homo hero in the future. The IlilHCnslow revival meetings closed the last of the week. About $210 were raised for ICvangollstlOnslow , Mie.Hill receiving a purl of the collec tions taken each evening. Mrs Agiic.s Garber ot Mulmska , Kansas ; is hero on a visit to her friend , Mrs. Will Power , east of town. The school board meets to-ulght for the purpose of electing teachers for the ensuing year. j MrsK II. Volts after a weeks visit with friends In this vicinity loft Friday t for her homo at Grant , this state. ' Mrs. Walter Unbind of Tecumseh is I . visiting Humboldt friends this week , I she expects to leave the last of the month for Peacock , Canada , where her { husband is now located. | Olive Petrashek and Lillian Bennett came over from Pawnee City Saturday and spent Sunday with the former's parents south of town. Mrs. H. A. Scott returned to her home in this city Monday , after a month's visit with her fen , Dr. A. R , . . Scott and wife , at Scuttle , Washington , i M. 0. Leo Is having a brick walk laid in front qf thU resdon ! < ; e property on Nomabti street. Carl Nfunn and wife , who have been epending the winter with friends in this vicinity , left Tuesday for their . ' claims near Midland , South Dakota , where they will remain during the summer. W. K. Dungan and wife were over from Auburn the first of the week iho guests of F. U. Butterflolci and wlfo. Mr. Dungau has recently disposed of the Avenue hotel In Auburn , ol which ho was proprietor and expects to travel for an eastern firm Mrs. Joy Mcltio and baby , after Spending the past four months with her mother , Mrs. Murphy in this city , left Monday for Mexico City , Mexico.where she will oo joined by her husband , who has u position in that olty. M. D. Cravatu and wife of Alliance , this state , were called here the first ol the week by the serious condition ol the letter's sister , Mrs. Harold Smith. Goldu Turner has returned home from a visit with Dawfon friends. j I The forty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. T. .1. Hardy was cole bratud at their home northeast of town Wednesday lust. About ono hundred gucsti ivuro present , who presented the host and hostess with a handsome- | dining room table. Cliurlt-s Norton after spending a couple of weeks with Humboldt friends returned Monday to his home In Lin coln. Clydo Lynch Is now landlord at the Central hotel. Mrs. Gcorire Scabury wont down to Falls City Tuesday for u visit with friends in that city. SALEM S. II. Baytio was up from Falls City Wednesday. Ray Huston was at the county scat Monday. Clydo Riuncl came up from Falls City Friday ami rulurnei1 Sunday. Mrs. Joe Wlndlo i on the sick li < U. Mrs. Gco. Ivimpp of Verdon spent Wednesday at this place. Mrs. Amanda Corn anil son , Henry , drove over from Vernon Wednesday. Mrs. Katharine Wylio and VoruLord drove up from the county seat Wednes day. Mrs. D. C. SwUogood visited last week tit Cass Moore's Mrs. G. II. Russell loft Tuesday for an extended vUlt with relatives at Plattsburg , Mo. Mrs. Wcstcnburg arrived from Oma ha last week for a visit at J , K. Tinker's. Gco. Wlttwdr and Mattlo Staid cr wore married last Thursday at the /.ion parsonage by Rev Ruhl. Mr. and Miv. S P. Gist spent Sunday iu Falls City. Dr. and Mrs. Waggoner and llttlo son spent Sunday in Dawson. .1. S. lioyd and wlfo cnmo down from Humboldt .Saturday foe a visit with relatives here. Ralph Moore and wife , Mrs. W. W. Wertv. and Mrs S. E. Smith took din ner at Roy Duggott's Sunday. Volta Clause spent Sunday with Sadyo Jones. Mrs. W. W. Wort/ . Mrs Balp Moore and Nollo Stowiirt spent Saturday at Charlie Stewart's. Grandma Moore came Monday from Preston for a visit at Cass Mooro's. Fran If Rantsmu loft Sunday for Kly ( Nevada to work for'the Consolidated Copper Company. Iva Meredith spent Sunday with Culla Pcvi-on. Ca&s Monro and Leo Sydncr went to Chicago Monday evening. Fred WIttwor wont to St. .Too Mon day. James Walhico died at the home of his daughter , Mra. J.O. Hoi-ton , about noon Thursday. The deceased was SO year sold. For the past few years he has mads his home with Mrs. Flor- ton who with Mrs. Hamilton and a son in Iowa are the surviving children. The funeral was held Friday afternoon at. 2 o'clock Irom the Ilorton Home. May , Ola and Ira Crook , Anna Hays , ' Mattlo Staid cr and Mary Freiburg- house returned to their school duties tit Peru lust week. i Thu Salem Social club was pleasant-1 entertained at the country homo of | Mrs. John Lelhn Wednesday after noon. noon.Will Will ( viM-shaw went to Verdon Mon day. diiib H. Fellder was n guest of II. A. Hurk ' Monday. " - * Mr ? . F S. Lichty and daughter , Mil dred , spent last Thursday afternoon with Mrs. c'hester stum ] ) . Mrs. P. E Shatter and daughters Vcru and Donald , were guests of Mr ? . Karl ShulTor lust Monday. Anson Knlsely and wife were guests of friends near Baradn last Sunday. Louise Ilurtman who is assisting Mrs. E. T. Peck with her work was visiting at her home , Sunday. Geo. Prieluird and family spent Sun- in Falls Oily the guests of onus whet- stlno and wife. John Jones and wife were guests of Link Allison and sister , Sunday. Gus Falskln and wife wore guestof Milt Strauss and wife Sunday. E ther ICimmel has the measles. Noah Peek and wife and two youngest - est ehildron were guests of wm. Illicit- tier Sunday. Kvorott Higginsiind wlfo worogueits of Frank Houtz and wlfo recently. Mannie and Nellie Fisher sjient one day recently with Lydia Doxvty. Bert Dmlds closed it very successful term of "t-hool in Dlst. 17 last Friday. A number of vMtot * were etiti-rtain' d iij a program given by the scholars. II. A. Murk and wlfo were sut sts of A. Medium's Sunday Tom Junnieon and wife were guests of Gee Shouse and wife recently. Gee Johnston and family spent one day hist week with P. Fisher and family ily- Frank L'chty ' and family and Chester Stump and family were guests of John Lichty and wife in Falls City Monday. Katie Welok visited at the home of Adolph Brackhaliu and wife recently. Claude Phillippi and wlf j of Strauss- villo were guests of his parents at Merrill , Knns- , one day this week. Win. Bartlctt and wife were guests of their daughter in Straussvllle last week. There was quarterly mcctingat the Maple Grove church Saturday night. ' Goldie Cook visited with her sister. Elnin , Sunday. Lydln and Rebecca Strauss and Vcra Voder spent Sunday with Loin Sturm's. Delia Kniscly was a guest of Daisy Peck recently. Wm. Hutchison was a guest of Guy Burk Sunday. Guy Lichty and wife were guests of Chtis Stump and wife Sunday. Frank and Daisy Peek spent Monday with the Kilter's parents. Albert and .lennlo Burk visited at A. McCann's. Edna shatVer and Kateshouse visited with Mrs. Chester Stump a part of last wool.- . Mrs. Gee Prlchard spent last Thurs- dan ) Falls City. Ida Burk hits returned home after a two weeks visit with relatives at Riilo. Al Fuller and Henry Horn were over to Fagro recently. Mrs N. Pock spent hist Thursday with Mrs. Gco. Peek. John wlltse nud family spent Sunday with Mrs Gee Peck , mother ot Mrs wiltse. Lewis McPherson and family spent Wednesday at Noah Pock's SHE07 Our superb array of Watches and Jewelry make * the selection of an article in our- store an easy matter. We are daily receiving1 nov elties for the summer season. We carry the latest styles in Parisian collarettes , La Val- liere necklaces , neck chainsgold beads , brace lets , hat pins , ยง \vastika brooches , fobs , etc. Silver hat pins at 25c each. Back combs , gem set and plain , from $1 up. Call and see our line of Jewelry which con tains the best and most up-to-date goods on the market. E. JAQUET THE OLD JELIABLE Wm. nuetncr and wife entertained some of their relatives Sunday socially and with music by his phonograph he recently purchased. Pearl and Marie Fields are on the sick ll t. Harvey Peek had n runaway last Thursday night on his way home Irom ttie entertainment given ut the Arnold school by Miss Lively , teai-her His horse became frichtened and upset the bugffy , threw him out and bttrail kick ing and running. No serious damages only u badly smashed hugcy. About seventy five invited guests as sembled ut the no.im of Frank Jireeht and wife Saturday night , as a birthday surprise for Mrs. Brecht It was a complete s urprise but she recovered herself so as to speak , and entertained in her charming way. At a late hour all departed for their homes , declaring of having a jolly need time. For Sale. Some choice Poland China broad sows , and 25 ton alfalfa hay all in the barn. Address. Christ Horn Falls City , Koute 2. Miss Rebecca Wilson cf-Monmi Citj * spent Sunday with Falls Citv friends. Frank Clark of Verdon spett Friday and Saturday of the pabj week in this city. Mrs. Allie Watson spent Sun day at Verdon the jjuest of her sister MrsMerritt Luiu. Harry Lum was down from Verdon Friday business interests being- the incentive for the visit. The Hit of the Season SKIRTS TO YOUR MEASURE Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed / Monday , April 22nd FOR ONE DAY ! Come Monday , April 22nd , pick your Goods and have a Man Tailored Skirt made to your measure , fit guaranteed , from our New Pannama , Veil , Serges , Mohair and Novelty = * ! ty Suitings , and at a cost no greater than a ready-made skirt , $5 , $6.50 , $7.50 and $9.00. THINK of the satisfaction of having a skirt that really fits you. Remember , for One Day Only , Monday , April 22nd. nave Just received a case of Nottingham curtains that we i will have on sale from this day , April 22nd , at less than one-half their regular price. Do not miss this sale. You will not get these prices again for along t long while. From 60c up to $4 a pair for this Sale ONLY. Samuel Wahl FALLS CJTY , NEBRASKA