T THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , APRIL i2 , 1907 Prepare The Soil. In the general course of fann ing there are certain things to do that are seasonable and on the whole formulate the routine of process that effects the production of crops. At this reason of the | year preparation is being niado for the sowing of small grain , j for the planting of corn which | will come along in a few weeks , and the meadows and fall sown grain arc or should be , receiving their quota of attention. In all of this work the disc harrow plays an important part , and as tillers of the soil become more cognizant of the need for a per fect physical condition of the soil ) this implement will receive greater attention. For several reasons it is important that the surface of the soil be kept in a state of fine tilth. In the sec tions of less rainfall a fine sur face mulch is necessary as a means to receiving and retaining soil moisture. The brcakingup of the surface crust makes way for thi : moisture to be rccived I in the largest quantities , whether it comes in volumes of smaller amounts , and at the same time the little capilaries by which the moistnr evaporates and escapes from the soil are broken up. And because of these functions thus performed it is highly important - portant that the surface is kept well pulverised- Just below this surface mulch \vliere\tlie inois- ture is held , and where the plant's roots are found. And as we have said that the moisture passes upward and downward in the soil by capillary attraction it is necessary that the root bed be hrm in order that the moisture will rise from the lower strata. In accomplishing this end the sub-surface packer is really the proper implement to use , but in absence of it the disc answers the purpose. Now t h e question arises : In order to accomplish the conditions above named , viz. , a fine surface tilth , and a firm under- Mirface , to what extent shall the plow be used. We would say to the extent that the sub-surface xvill not become overfirm , thus impeding a thorough root de velopment. For the sowing of spring grains , it is presumed that ground upon which corn was grown the previous season is utilized. And such ground hav ing been plowed' , probably , for the corn is properly packed in the sub-surface to insure ample moisture and yet , is not too packed to prevent a full and healthy root development. Hence the disc is the thing to use , wheth er the grain be sown broadcaster or with the press drill. 15ut many farmers make the mistake of using the disc principally prc- ceeding the sowing of the spring small grain crops. It should be used more freely on corn ground. As early as the ground is disced for small grain is none too early to disc it for corn , whether it is intended that the ground be plowed or listed , and whether it be corn or stubble ground , or Eall plowingIn saying this we make reference only to soil that is not too wet , for no work should be done in any soil at any time when there is enough moisture that the soil particles will not dissolve , thus preventing large openings through which the moisture may escape by means of drying winds or otherwise. AVe say that the first discing may be clone at any time after the frost is out of the ground and the soil is in the right physical con dition. Then it is to be handlec according to weather develop uient. If much rain tails am comes in heavy showers Urn packing the soil and affording op portuity for the crust to form , thi common harrow may be usei effectively. If , however tlr weather is reasonable , it is sooi enough to disc again before plow ing and after the weeds ha\ started. Recently one of our reader asked us why we urged dis cin ; Uefore plowing for corn. Simpl in order that the surface may b fined and when turned into th furrow slice will pack into a firm subsurface. At the same time , all trash and surface growth is cut up and made the more ready for becoming available through the different courses of turning into soil content and plant food. Meadowsi too , should be disced. If manure has been spread oiii so much the better , and if the disc be set straight and run over the meadow twice , once each way , it is good. Especially is this latter true as applied to alfalfa meadow. For Cuttirrh , lot mo scntl you free just to provo murlt , a trlul size box of Dr. slioops cutiirrti remedy. It is H Rnow whltu , creutny , hi'tillng nntl&apllo balm that tflvua Instant rulluf to Ciiturrh of tliu iiosi- and throat. Make the free fust and get ? . Addrss Dr. Sheep , Racine Wls. Larirc jura i > 0 cunts sold by nil dealors. . - Tlic Making of an Ambassador. Powell Olay'.on ' , a member of the Kepubliean National Committee - tee from Arkansas , and formerly AmbiiHBtulor to Mexico , called on flu1 Into Murk llnium at Atlantic Oily in tlm spring of 180(5 ( , when HiiniiaVIIH making his campaipn for the nomination of William MeKinloy for President by the Republicans. "Howdy. Clayton ? " naid llmina as Clayton camt1 info the room. "Howdy , Mark ? " haul Clnyton. "What can yon do ? " nuked 1 IIUIIIH. "Woll , " roplifd Clnyton. "I con trol the delegates from Arkaiihas , itnd Arkansas is a state that begins with A. " "Hum"said llanmi. "Wlmt doyen yon want ? " " 1 want to be Ambassador to Mexico. " 'All right , " said Ilanna. And that is all there was to it. FARGO. Jim Uandall WHS ill Uulo tin buainos Sutiirday. John Paul transacted business In [ lulo Friday. Horn to W. Thrallkil tintl wlfo last Friday , a girl. Mrs. Italic Shnuk had business In lulo Saturday. leorgo iitul Katlo Nlt/.scho wuro In lulo Thursday. .1. C. Wallrafl and wife were shop- ug 1" town Saturday. Halilii and Conrad Dannecker were lulo visitors Saturday. H. O. Dorsto had wino dental work one at Falls Cilj Tuesday. \V. Heahton and wife wore shopping t the county seat Tuesday. ( 'has Nlt/sobo and wife were visit- ng with Albert Santo Sumlay. .1. C. Wallratl and family wcro visit- ML' with Mrs. Fisohor Sunday. John Fnti'her and wlft > wore comity oat bu . | iu > s visitors WodiH'fidaj. lid Ilniisi'i'kt'i1 and family wcro the rursts of John t'litteher Sunday. F K. Nll/-oho and wife were busl- ie s vifltors at the comity s-eat Tues- my Mtirni'y Farley and wife of Sunny 'alloy were county scat visitors Satur- Iry Albert Santo and wife urn the proud mrunU of a baby boy that was born tc IHMII Sunday. Henry I'rlbbono and wlfo tire rejoice - o\ \ ; over a bubylrl } that arrived al their place Monday. Mary Wisman , who has been work K for O. P. Heck , Is visiting will r.cr parents this week. Gust and Emma Frlck of Morrlll Ivans. , worn the guests of Henry ant arrlo Hlrschborger Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Ivllnk of Savannah , Mo. , i visiting with her parents , John Helfen bien and Wlfo. Mr. Holfenboln i quite sick. In the treatment of piles It become necessary to have the remedy put u in such a form that it can bo applied t the parts alTected. Man /.an Pile ren cdy Is encased in a collapsible tub with noz/lc attached. It cannot hoi but reach the spot Relieves bllm blooding , itching and protruding pllei Fifty cents with noz/lo guarantoei Try it Sold by A C ! . Wanner. LIGHTNINC > " -NFETi.Y ANO FROPERL AnllEPViLL TROrLCi YOUR CUILDiNCS Rcjbiirn Hunter 4 Co.'s Roc arc Aclmmledged ( be ISei PUY OF YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED AGENT Max J. Hortman , HeaohoB the spo Stops pain. Th Great I'llo Ren oily. Put up I tubes wltlx rod nozzle , 50 cent / - I I SPF/-MA1 , 1 8 ' ' " < ' J' Stewarts Horse and Sheep cip ! = | ping machines. I Lowe Bros. Paints. | Majestic Ranges. I Jewel Gasoline Stoves. Alaska Refrigerators. Sure Hatch Incubators. Superior Axle Grease. Pittsburg Electric Weld Fenc- I ing. White Sewing Machines. I Stranksy Enameled Ware. Gar = I den , Field and Flower Seeds. Bee I * Supplies , Washing Machines and f all kinds of Lubricating Oil. J. C TANNER I Tuesday , April 9 , 1907 , near the B. & M. depot , Falls City , Nebraska , for which we will pay in cash Hens and Pullets 9 i-2c Young Roosters 8c Old Roosters 5c the highest market price. Horse hides , $2.50 each ; cow hides , 9C. larinda 1'onllry , Gutter & Hgg Co. SEE CALIFORNIA NOW Special to California Round trip rates to San Fran cisco and Los Angeles , about half rates , April 25th to May 18th. Bo euro to go one wny via the Shasta route and Puget Sound only $12.50 more. Stopovers , variable and attractive routes. Cheap , One Way West Daily during April one way rates to Utah , California , Oregon , Washington , Idaho , Montana and Big Horn Basin nearly 50 per cent reduction. Daily through standard and tourist sleepers. Homeseekers' Excursions Frequently each month from Eastern Nebraska to Eastern Col orado , Wyoming and Biu Horn Basin. Landseekers' Information Bureau Irrigated lands nlon the Noilli Platte TCiver , in the Big Hem Basin and Yellowstone Valley on terms cheaper than pnyuiK rent and. money paid on a wntei ri hl is money saved. Send for new descriptive folders. u E. G. WHITFORD , > o Local Ticl.ct Agent , JJ L. \ \VAHULCY , G. P. A. , s. Omaha , Neb. TurkO , the Imported Belgian Draft horse , owned by the Sunny Valley Horse company will make the season of 1007 as fol lows : Monday and Tuesday of each week at Henry Voegeles on the Coon Pritchard farm ten miles northeast of Falls City. The balance of the week at Barney Voegeles on the Chas. Gannon farm seven and one- quarter miles northeast of Falls City. Turko weighs 2,220 pounds and is a wonderful horse. His terms are : $15.00 to insure a colt to stand up and suck ; $12.50 tor the season ; ยง 10.00 for single service. Chunky Tom , Black Kentucky Jack white points will make the season with Turko. IIis terms are $10.00 to insure a colt to stand up and suck. Chun Icy Tom gets good colts. One of them , a sucking colt , sold this spring at the W. A. Schock sale for $130 00. The highest price ever paid in the state for a sucking colt. Owen's .he horse buyer , got him. If you want to raise colts that bring the money , go to these animals. Evangelical Lutheran Church Services at 2:30 : p. in on altc mite Sundays. Riv. O. H. ENGKI.IIKKCHT. Dr. Hannah C.Noran Former ! ) Or. riemms ) Physician and Surgeon Is now located one block West of th National hotel , where she will b pleased to sec her old friends and pa1 rons. Calls promptly answered nigh or da\ 'PHONE 102 UoOrlatcs. Ccnfonrsta aal Pure All conga syrups containing opiates consti pate the bowels , ilco's Laxative Coagh By top ' cures thj bowels ana contains no opiates. : Here We Shine I We lead in dainties for the table. You will find our j line complete. Choice- Beef , Pork , Veal and Mutton. 1 All leading brands of smoked and salt meats. Oysters , Celery , Cranberries , Fresh Msh , Salt Fish , c'hrimp , Jf * Clams , Lobsters , Rabbits , Pickles and fine home made * j * J Sausages. Poultry of all kinds. 1 CITY MEAT MARKET * * A. E. SCHMIDT. PROP. The Falls City Roller Mills I Docs a general milling business , and manufactures the following brands of flour I SUNFLOWER MAGNOLIA CROWN Ig II I The above brands arc gunrantccd to be of the highest pos sible quality. We also manufacture all mill products and g Conduct a general Grain , Live Stock and Coal Business C C and solicit a share of your patronage e P. S. Heacock & Son , Falls City , Neb. | The Great Paper of the Great West The Kansas City Star Jiverywhore rteoginxpd us the strongest nnd mo.-t ro uille newspaper in the most piosperous region of the United States. Wherein It Leads. ItS Unexcelled NeWS Service embrace- the continuous report of the Associated Pm.s , with dispatchcb every hour : the general and special service of the Now York Herald ; the Hearst transcontinental leased wire service and special correspondence from THE STAR'S own representati\e in Washington , D. U ; Jefferson City , Mo ; Topeka , Ks. , and Guthrie. Ok. , in addition to the large grint of news that comes dally from several hundred other alert representatlver- . Its Market Reports and Comments have an authoritative value that causes them to be telegraphed to all parts of the United States the moment THE STAR comes from the press. No western man even indirectly interested In the value of food products , stocks and securities can afford to be without TH 1C STAR'S dally record ol prices and conditions. ItS Special Features include The Chaperon's column , in which arc answered questions pertaining to beauty aids and social customs and affairs , a department for inqulr > rs on other subjects and a wide range of miscellaneous articles tnrowing side lights xipon the world's most in- torcbttnsr people and events these in addition to a vigorous editorial page , absolutely independent politically , and u Sunday itsue that is full of live special matter and luman interest. 13 Papers Each week for 10 cents The Kansas City Star was the first and is still the only newspupor to deliver n complete morning pnper , THE KAN SAS CITY TIMES to its subscribers without incrensp in the subscription piirf. LYN A new pattern in Decorated Eng lish Dinnerwase. See it. Chas. M. Wilson Rheumatism I Imvo found a tried nnd tested euro for Klieu- matlsm ! Not a remedy that vlll straighten the cllstorteil limbs ol chronic cripples , nor turn bony growths back to llcsh npaln. That Is impossible , iiut I can now surely kill the pains and panzs of this dcplorablo disease. In Germany with n Chemist In the City of , Darmstadt I found the last Ingredient with which Ur fihoop's llheumatlo Hemedy-wasmada n perfected , dependable prescription. Without that last Ingredient , I successfully treated many , many cases of Ithcumatism ; but now. at last. Itunl- lormly cures nil curublu rases of thl.-J heretofore much dreaded disease. ThoseMiuMIko uranular va trs , found in Uheumaticlllooil.soeintodiSNOlvo and lass nw.iy under the action of this n-niedy as freely ns docs sucar nhcn adde < l to purewater. . And then , u hen dissolved , thews poLonou3 wastes Jrecly pa s from the system , nnd the cnuse of KliPiimatiam lj cone forever Then * is now no real need no artiul rxou e to suffer longer with out help \ \ > soil , nnil in conflJenco rrcommend ( ALL DEALERS ) For Backache , Rheumatism and the Kid- neysandBladder R. F > . ROBRRTS OHIco over Kei-r's I'harmacy Onice PbcnnSfiO r pldcnco I'hor 271 Dr" M. CTwilson Physician and Surgeon Calls promptly attended day or night. Oftice over State Hank , Fall- , City , Nebraska. Office 'Phone House 'Phone 329 330 It Costs Nothing To find out for a certainty whether or not your heart is affected. One person in four has a weak heart ; it may be you. If so , you should know it now , and save serious con sequences. If you have short breath , fluttering' , palpitation , hungry spells , hot flushes ; if you cannot lie on left side ; if you have fainting or smother ing spells , pain around heart , in side and arms , your heart is weak , and perhaps diseased. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure will re lieve you. Try a bottle , and see how quickly your condition will improve. "About a year ago I wrote to the Jlllis Alrdieil Co. . asking advice , as I nu . f-ulfcrliiK v.Ith heart trouble , and had been for two years. I had jnln In my heait. back and left side , and had not been able to draw n. deep breath for two years. Any little exer tion would cause palpitation , and I could not lie on my left bide without sufferinif. Thi > y advised me to try Dr. Miles Heart Cure nnd Nervine , which I did with t ! - result that I am in better health than I ever was before , having gained 14 pounds since I com menced taking it. I took about thir teen bottles of the two in < dlcim's. and I'-non't bcin bothered wlt'i my neirt Bince. " MKS. 1.1LI.IB TIIOM KS Upper Sundusky , Ohio. Dr. Mi ! ' Heart Cure U sold by your clruggltt. who will guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. If It falls he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co. , Elkhart , Ind