The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 12, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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, &
j H
Eat Sowles' candy.
Dr. M. L. Wilson-office over Stale
Edith Catchpole was here fronii
Peru Sunday.
T. D. Davis came down from
Pawnee City Sunday.
Bertha Oleson of Pern spent
Sunday at this place.
"Ethel Kobb of Peru spent Sun
day with Falls City friends.
T. J. Kelly was here from
Bawson on Friday of last week.
J. E. Mettz made a business
trip to Vcrdon Monday morning.
A. G. Shubert was here in a
\business way from Shubert Fri
day last.
W. II. Nedrow of Verdon has
our thanks for favors of a finan
cial nature.
Airs. Kelly and Miss James
were among the Hiawatha people
here Friday.
Mrs. Frank Wolf and son Her
bert are the guests of friends at
Willis. Kansas.
Fred Xentner while down from
Shubert Monday afternoon was
a pleasant caller at these quarters.
Mrs. Ed Hammond and son ,
Ralph , of Stella are the gucstb of
her parents , John Norris and
Mrs. James Pickctt returned
the first of this week from an ex
tended visit with her parents at
J. P. Schilling of Hiawatha
was attending to affairs of a busi
ness nature in this city the past
Mrs. Julian Quiett who has
been visiting with friends in
Kansas City returned Monday to
"ser home at this place.
Henry Asendorf while up from
Reserve Monday was a pleasant
caller at this office and from this
oi > , will be one of The Tribune
Dowty Watson was up from
Reserve , Kansas on Monday of
this week and while here was a
pleasant caller on The Tribune
force. He will continue to road
this family weekl } ' .
J. J. Bauer came down from
Verdon Sunday.
A. Spccr and wife spent Mon
day in Omaha.
C. A. Olmstcnd and wife of
Liberty spent Sunday in this city.
S. A. Miles and wife were over
from Bethany the first of the
Chas. Xentner on route four is
one of our new subsc ribers this
Xetta Camblin and Charlotte
Gulp returned the first of the
week from Omaha.
Elder E. L. Yoder was a
pleasant caller on this office force
the fore part of the week.
Chas. Xoellers was here from
Preston Saturday attending to
various business intercrts.
John Xentner on route two call
ed Tuesday afternoon and re
newed his faith in The Tribune.
D. W. Reid and wife left Tues
day evening for Sioux City , la. ,
after spending several day in this
city. _
Charlie Rickards was down
from Omaha the first of this
week on a brief visit to his fath'
er , Chas. Rickards.
Ernest F. Vincent and wife re
turned Sunday from a week's
visit with relatives and friends
at Shenandoah , Iowa.
Geo. Lum , wife.and dau ghter
Gertrude , drove down from
Verdon Friday last and spent
the day with Falls City friends.
Elva Crook and family arrived
Tuesday evening from Tuttle. I.
T. and they will reside in this
locality , having rented the
Fisher farm three miles and a
half southeast of this city.
Government investigation of
Life Insurance recalls that the
guarantee on every can of Brad
ley & Vrooman Paint is an ab
solute insurance against loss.
It protects you. Sold by Dr.
James Bascom left Monday
evening for Pawnee City where
he will visit for a few days with
his parents. From there he will
go to Chicago where he will
spend a year of study at the In
land Printers school.
'WV '
I MEN-- '
We tnke this method of falling attention of parents and
others interested : n education , to the Nebraska Business
L'nivorsity , a high grnde business trail-in ' school , which
wns neenred throimh the inilnmeu of the undersigned mid
other prominent eitixens.
The purpose of the University is to fnrniHh the young
people of this nud surrounding counties with u thorough ,
nnd practical business education , thnt will enable them to
tnke hold of the ordinary ntiaire of life and meet the require
ments of business lueu in a satisfactory manner.
Mr. Toland , the manager of the Nebraska Business
University , has a national reputation us an educator , and is
the largest individual owner of business colleges in the
United States.
Eastern Nebraska , Western Iowa and Northwestern
Missouri h"ave ( long needed such an institution , and now
that \76 have established a school of business training ,
modern , practical nnd equal to the very best : where a
thorough education can be secured at a tuition rate as low
ae consistent with the high character of the work ; near
your home and where you can secure good homes with
private families , at reasonable rates ; we feel justified in
soliciting your patronage.
Prospejtus and full information can be had by address
ing Nebraka Business University , Nebraska City , Neb. , and
a perusal of same will satisfy anyone that our University
olVsrs more positive proof of superiority and greater induce
ments to young people desiring to prepare for high-grade
poBitious , than any similiar institution in Nebraska , or surrounding -
rounding states. Nearly" one hundred students are already
The O. L. Gregory Vinegar Co. Otoe County National Bank
by W. S. Conintt.Vice Pres. by.Ino. W. Steiuhart , Cdhr
Otoe Preserving Oo. UttorbackSargeant itKieeCo
Jones Grain Co by Win. P.Sargeant.Treas.
A. .1. Hen ton Grain Co E. M. Clmse Co
Bartling Grain Co. by E. M Chase
Dun" Grain Co Merchants National Bank
by N. A. Dull' by R. O. Mnruell , Cshr.
Nebraska City National Bank
by II. D. Wilson , Cshr.
Ifou want Ice Cream *
J Ice Cream Soda , 2
J [ Fruit or Nut Sundae , i
$ M
| We invite you here. \ \
* J :
| Always Good , None I
H Just as Good. ' [
| | SOWLES I !
u u
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * # * * * * * *
Miss Margaret Stcelc is rc-
overing from an illness of two
Mrs. Albert Maust left Sunday
or a visit with her parents at
lyron , Mo.
Guy Eversolc and sister , Miss
Roba , returned to Peru Sunday
o resume their duties at the
Frank Schaible was another
ictim of measles this week.
Its friends wish him a speedy
Mr. Douglas and wife of Savau-
ah , Mo. are the guests of her
ister Mrs. Frank Knickerbocker
f this city.
Miss May Maddox returned to
he Weslcyan University at
Lincoln Monday after a ten days
isit with her parents.
Mrs. Will Corn of Salem was
ailed to this city Sunday because
f the death of her uncle ,
Christian Dankcmeycr.
Mrs. Frank Yeoman returned
o her home in Kansas City ,
Saturday after a few days visit
vith Miss Neva Morris.
Mrs. F. A. Wylie came in from
Wyoming Thursday for a visit
with her many Falls City friends.
She is the guest of Mrs. Ada
Miss Etta Riechers returned
Friday from the University
School of music , Lincoln , and
s readv to take pupils on piano ,
or organ.
Miss Bessie Arnold returned
lome Monday from a visit of
everal months in California , she
ilso visited relatives in Colorado
on her way home.
Fresh air and sunshine prevent
lisease. Good paint prevents
lecay. It will pay you to pro-
cct your property with long
wearing Bradley & Vrooman
\iint. Sold by Dr. McMillan.
Mrs. J. A. Conner and son ,
Raymond , of Auburn returned
Sunday to their home in Auburn
ifter spending a f&w days with
Mrs. Conner's mother , Mrs. Sue
DeWald , and sister's , Mcsdaincs
Burton Sperry and Allie Watson.
The chautauqua will be held
icre the last week in July aiid an
nteresting and instructive ses
sion is being planned for. The
iromoters of the chautauqua have
been busy on the plans and ar
rangements and ten days of a
good attraction are assured for
? alls City people this summer
your tongue to
and look in the glass you will see the effect
You can't help puckering it makes you pucker
to think of tasting it
By the use o so called cheap Baking
Powders you-take th'is puckcring , injurious Alum
right , into your system you injure digestion
.anc ) uin your .stomach ,
Say plainly-
marJe 1from pure , refined Grape Cream of Tartar Costs more
thanAlunxbutyou have thep/ofitlof quality the profit of good health.
Bayard Greenwald has fallen a
victim to the measles.
William Carico is at home
again after an absence of scucral
months spent in Wyoming ,
Ed Bell and James Morris had
charge of the drug store of Dr.
W. II. Kerr during his absence
at St. Louis.
Earl Marts , wife and baby
were down from Wymore the
first of this week the guests of
his parents , Samuel Marts and
Miss Etta Reichers returned
Friday from Lincoln where she
has been taking a twelve weeks
course in music at the Conserva
George Morrison has resigned
his position as city electricion
and has accepted a position in
Basin , Wyoming. lie is prepar
ing to move his family there
Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Crooks
arrived in this city from Omaha
Saturday for a short visit with
Mrs- Crooks parents , Mr. and
Mrs. Hen Potect , 'Mr. Crooks
will soon begin traveling for the
Leo Vinegar Co. and Falls City
will likely be his head quarters.
Mrs J. E. Ford of St. Joseph ,
is the guest at the home of Rev.
and Mrs. Nelde. Mrs. Ford is
the wife ot Ed Ford who was one
of the editors of the Journal
some twenty years ago. Mr.
Ford will join his wife here in
about two weeks for a visit to
renew aquaintance with old
Buggy and Wagon Paint !
! *
If you have trouble to find a good Buggy or
C Wagon Paint , it is because you have not ,
: ' called at the right place. ; r
* ' * '
I We carry the Bradley & Vrooman Paints %
; "none better made , " and have a beautiful se- - vi
lection of colors. If ou have a buggy or a *
tot >
* . * * * * --j-v * that needs * -\t\ \ t < t i i it * * do t\ \f * fail 1 i- " \ t n/ * J
wagon painting , not to see '
> : : :
us , as we have the best and cheapest for the S
X :
quality , on the market.
Remember the place. ; j *
| DR. HcMILLAN , Prop. : | :
% :
J Falls City , = Nebraska J
I'rofessor Wilson attended u touchers
looting at Hculrlco lust Thursday and
Munnlo McNulty anil Kd O'Brian uro
t Muttlnnd , Mo. , working nt dredging
or the Gilllguns.
Klnier Ituhnors Is home from St.
jOtils wlioro ho huH'hucn studying tolc-
rnphy since lust fall.
Kit ICnupp lias been clerking for
"homos & Mnrtln this week , having
Ircd to them for a year.
W. U. Roberts of Duluth are epcnd-
ag u few weeks with relatives In the
rulrle Union neighborhood.
Mrs. B. M. Dcratinc and Mrs. Fred
Vlxon went to Willl ? , Kunsu ? , Monday
o attend the funeral of a friend.
Mrfl.Selmu Miller of Lincoln Ib spend- ,
nc the week at the homo of her par-1
tits Henry Stayers and wife , west of |
own. j
Maud Montgomery has been re-elect- ]
d teacher ol the grammar depart- j
iient of the school at a salary oj 855.00 '
ii-r month.
The Whist Clni ) met at thn homo of
'unnle ' Wood Monday evening and the
IViill club met at thd homo of .1 H.
.iln Tuesday c-vunlnj , ' .
Hey King of Sluibjrt has been se
cured for an Instructor for the Stella
) ind. I instruments have lieun ordered
ind the ban. ] will soon lii'U'ln active
I. l'Klohurt ' and wife are ijolng to
loiisokeeplnc In the Fruiter house on
31m Direct. Mr. Klehurt IH the new i
jjent who rccentlj moved here from
Slater , Mo.
Homer Murtin and wife of Abilene ,
vunsus visited relatives here Iho
if the week. They will go from heto
o Seattle Washington to visit a
The young ladles of the Mytturmrch
club and u few friends were entertained
it the home of Ona Moore Tuesday
evening. The evening wits spent
dancing and playing eardr.
Mi u. Mary Myber has sold her farm
ubt of town to Frank hitrlmoro of
Humholdtund has purchased u ( arm in
southern Illinois. She will not move
to that place until fall , however.
Almost fishing time.
Perry Germaine was down from
Speiser precinct on business this
Mesdames Chas. Prater and
Chas. Berkley were up from
Ilamlin on Monday of this week.
Mrs- WinDoty and son who
have been visiting with her
parents , Joseph McCormick and
wife , left Tuesday for her home
in South Omaha.
A baby daughter was born
Friday to Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Wartenslaben. Mrs. Warlen-
slaben is at the home of her
parents Mr. and Mrs. len ! Poteet.
Miss Fifer returned to Lincoln
Friday to resume her duties as
an instructor at Wesleyn un
iversity. She spent her Easter
vacation here the guest of Miss
Emma Schible.
Gehling Theatre
Wednesday April 17 , 1907
Artistic and Gorgeous Pro
duction of their Beautiful Ro
mantic Musical Drama
By Clarence Bennett , auth
or of "The Holy City. " Su
perbly Mounted , Beautifully
Costumed , Characteristic and
Divert ing Specialties. A
thrilling Story of Love , Hate ,
Passion , Intrigue , Revenge ,
Devotion and Heroic Daring.
Prices 75c. 5c ( ) , 35c
The same Everywhere.
_ _ - _ .
- - - - -
J MI J-t-
Poultry Wanted.
Twill pay you the following
prices for produce , good includ
ing Wednesday April 17th , and
should the market get better
will gladly give the rise.
HIMTS . 10Jc
Eggs . 13c
Butter fat . 28c
The above prices guaranteed.
Delivered to my poultry house
one block west of First National
E. 13. JAMES.
Phone No. 2 , )0. )
John Tighe of Dawson was a
business visitor at this place
In these days of Himsey , inflammable -
flammable scenery , it is a posi
tive pleasure to speak a good
word for the sumptuous scenic
investure of ' 'A Royal Slave"
which comes to the Gehling ,
Wednesday April 17th. In the <
first place every bit of scenery
carried is fire-proof. In the
second place it has all been ,
painted by skilled artists and
faithfully portrays some of
Nature's grandest spectacles. ,
notably the fiant volcano of '
Popocatapetla , the interior of
the Palace de Alverex. and a moonlight -
light view of the tropical coast
of the Island of El Toro , the
handsomest scenic wonders of